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测定池栽条件下灰潮土、水稻土、砂姜黑土上种植的强筋小麦‘郑麦9023’籽粒灌浆过程中腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)、尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UGPP)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、淀粉粒结合淀粉合成酶(GBSS)、淀粉分支酶(SBE)5个与淀粉合成有关的酶活性变化的结果表明,不同类型土壤上种植的小麦籽粒中AGPP、UGPP、SSS、GBSS、SBE活性均呈单峰曲线变化,花后18d,AGPP、UGPP、SSS和SBE活性达到峰值,而GBSS则在花后24d达到峰值。AGPP、SSS、SBE活性峰值表现为灰潮土〉水稻土〉砂姜黑土,UGPP峰值表现为灰潮土〉砂姜黑土〉水稻土,GBSS峰值则表现为水稻土〉灰潮土〉砂姜黑土。  相似文献   

不同类型玉米发育籽粒中淀粉合成及相关酶活性比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以普通玉米、爆裂玉米、甜玉米和糯玉米为试材,分析和比较不同类型的玉米品种之间籽粒发育过程中淀粉合成及相关酶活性的变化。结果表明,淀粉合成速率和蔗糖合成酶(SS)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、束缚态淀粉合成酶(GBSS)、淀粉分支酶(SBE)、去分支酶(DBE)活性都呈单峰曲线变化。30~40 DAP,普通玉米的SS活性显著高于其他3种类型;类型间平均和最大SSS活性水平的顺序为普通玉米>糯玉米>爆裂玉米>甜玉米;30~40 DAP,普通玉米GBSS活性最高,糯玉米GBSS活性最低;20~40 DAP,糯玉米SBE活性最高;甜玉米的DBE活性很低,并且在40 DAP完全丧失。淀粉合成速率与SS、SSS、GBSS和SBE活性相关程度比较高,与腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGP酶)和DBE活性相关不显著。推测AGP酶虽然为淀粉合成提供直接前体ADPG,但可能SS活性过低致使其限速作用比AGP酶的还强,AGP酶潜在的限速作用无法表现,SS成为玉米籽粒淀粉合成的限速因子。GBSS对直链淀粉积累起重要的促进作用;SSS和SBE对支链淀粉积累起重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

小麦籽粒灌浆过程中,淀粉合成关键酶腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(ADPG-PPase)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、淀粉分支酶(SBE)和束缚态淀粉合成酶(GBSS)均随着灌浆进程呈单峰曲线变化,峰值出现在花后25d;不同氮肥施用量对灌浆前期酶活性的影响较小,而在花后20d之后影响较大;随着氮肥施用量的增加,4种酶活性均呈增加趋势,但氮肥过量时酶活性下降,表明适当增加施氮量有利于淀粉合成关键酶活性的提高。  相似文献   

灌浆期间的豫麦66和豫麦49旗叶中蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)和籽粒中蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性均呈单峰曲线变化,峰值分别出现在花后20和15 d,整个灌浆期内豫麦66 SPS与SS活性均高于豫麦49;豫麦66籽粒中腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)和淀粉分支酶(SBE)活性均呈单峰曲线变化,峰值出现在花后20 d,而可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)活性则呈双峰曲线变化,峰值分别出现在花后10和20 d,且第二个峰值显著高于第一个.  相似文献   

两种穗型冬小麦籽粒淀粉积累动态及其有关酶活性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花后25d内,大穗型品种豫麦66籽粒中淀粉积累比多穗型品种豫麦49慢,但花后25d后情况则相反。2个品种籽粒中淀粉积累速率的变化均呈单峰曲线,豫麦49峰值出现在花后15~20d,而豫麦66峰值则出现在花后20~25d。灌浆期豫麦66和豫麦49籽粒中蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性变化呈单峰曲线,峰值分别出现在花后20d和15d,整个灌浆期内豫麦66籽粒中SS活性高于豫麦49;2个品种籽粒中腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)和淀粉分支酶(SBE)活性变化均呈单峰曲线,峰值出现在花后20d,而可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)活性变化则呈双峰曲线,峰值分别出现在花后10d和20d,且第二个峰值显著高于第一个。相关分析表明,SS、AGPP、SSS和SBE是影响小麦籽粒淀粉积累的关键酶。  相似文献   

以2个高淀粉和2个低淀粉玉米自交系为材料,分析了玉米籽粒淀粉的动态积累规律,同时对高低淀粉玉米籽粒灌浆过程中淀粉生物合成关键酶活性的动态变化及其与淀粉积累动态的相关性进行讨论分析。研究结果表明:灌浆过程中4个自交系淀粉含量变化趋势均呈sigmoid型曲线。灌浆过程中ADPG-PPase(腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶)、SSS(可溶性淀粉合成酶)、GBSS(颗粒结合淀粉合成酶)活性均呈单峰曲线变化,峰值都出现在20~30DAP(授粉后天数)。2个高淀粉自交系的Q酶(淀粉分支酶)活性也呈单峰曲线变化,峰值也出现在20DAP,而2个低淀粉自交系的Q酶活性则呈双峰曲线变化,2个峰值分别出现在15~20DAP和30~35DAP。4个自交系籽粒淀粉的积累速率与各自交系ADPG-PPase、SSS和GBSS的活性变化呈极显著正相关。各自交系关键酶活性之间,ADPG-PPase、SSS和GBSS三者间活性变化呈极显著正相关,这3种酶活性变化与Q酶活性变化也呈不同程度的正相关。  相似文献   

作物淀粉生物合成与转基因修饰研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
淀粉是高等植物中碳水化合物的主要贮藏形式 ,也是粮食作物产品的最主要成分。淀粉虽然都由直链淀粉和枝链淀粉组成 ,但在不同作物中两者的比例和枝链淀粉结构的存在很大差异。现已明确 ,直链淀粉是在颗粒结合淀粉合成酶 (granule boundstarchsynthase,GBSS)催化下合成的 ,而枝链淀粉是四种酶共同作用的结果 ,它们分别是腺嘌呤 -葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶 (ADP glucosepyrophosphorylase ,AGP) ,可溶性淀粉合成酶 (solublestarchsynthase ,SSS) ,淀粉分枝酶 (starchbranchingenzyme ,SBE)和脱分枝酶 (starchdebranchingenzyme ,DBE)。一方面 ,在不同作物中 ,这些酶本身存在多种形式 ,如在玉米胚乳中 ,AGP有大亚基和小亚基之分 ,SBE又可分BE1,BEIIa ,BEIIb 3种 ,SSS也可分为SSI和SSIII(或SSIIa)两种 ,而DBE也有异淀粉酶 (isoamylase)和限制性糊精酶 (pullu lanase)两种。另一方面 ,控制特定酶的基因 ,在不同作物甚至在同一种作物的不同品种中也可能存在不同的复等位基因 ,如籼稻和粳稻的GBSS分别由蜡质基因Wxa 和Wxb 控制 ,两者编码的GBSS活性差异显著。此外 ,环境条件也可通过影响基因的转录使酶的含量或催化性能发生变化。迄今 ,国内外已获得多种马铃薯和水稻的转基因材料 ,对淀粉合成进行修饰 ,试图培育优质品  相似文献   

选用3份糯性和2份非糯性小麦材料,通过田间试验在灌浆过程中分别检测了各材料的籽粒直链和支链淀粉积累量、淀粉积累速率及淀粉合成关键酶活性的动态变化过程,探讨籽粒淀粉累积与相关酶活性的关系.结果表明:(1)非糯小麦在花后7 d前均未检测到直链淀粉存在,而此时已经检测到支链淀粉含量,并且糯小麦仅含有支链淀粉,支链淀粉早于直链淀粉合成.(2)糯性和非糯性小麦灌浆期籽粒的直、支链淀粉积累速率均呈先增加后降低的趋势,且直、支链淀粉最终积累量取决于最大积累速率和平均积累速率的大小,而积累活跃期的调节作用较小;糯性和非糯性小麦在淀粉合成过程中的腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、颗粒结合型淀粉合成酶(GBSS)和淀粉分支酶(SEB)活性均呈单峰曲线变化,活性峰值基本上都出现在花后20~25 d左右.(3)直链淀粉积累速率与AGPP、SSS、GBSS和SBE活性变化显著或极显著正相关,而支链淀粉积累速率仅与SSS活性变化极显著正相关,总淀粉积累速率与AGPP和SSS活性变化显著或极显著正相关.  相似文献   

花后高温对不同耐热性小麦品种籽粒淀粉形成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以耐热性不同的2个小麦品种济麦20和鲁麦21为材料,分别于花后5~9d(T1)和15~19d(T2)进行高温处理,研究了小麦花后不同阶段高温对籽粒淀粉积累、淀粉粒分布及相关酶活性的影响。结果表明,花后高温显著降低籽粒淀粉积累量;显著降低籽粒淀粉及支链淀粉含量,但提高直链淀粉含量、直/支链淀粉比例。处理间比较,他处理对籽粒淀粉积累的影响程度较T1处理大。品种间比较,高温对济麦20的影响程度较鲁麦21大。高温使A型淀粉粒的体积、数量和表面积比例显著增加,B型淀粉粒的体积、数量和表面积比例显著降低。T1处理后,两品种籽粒蔗糖含量、蔗糖合酶(SS)和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)、可溶性淀粉合酶(SSS)、束缚态淀粉合酶(GBSS)和淀粉分支酶(SBE)活性均略高于对照;但济麦20、鲁麦21上述指标分别于花后15、20d开始低于对照。他处理后,两品种籽粒蔗糖含量、SS、AGPP、SSS、GBSS和SBE活性显著低于对照,济麦20上述指标的降幅较鲁麦21大。与其它淀粉合成相关酶相比,高温对籽粒GBSS活性的影响程度较小。两品种处理间籽粒蔗糖含量、SS、AGPP、SSS、GBSS及SBE活性的变化趋势,与淀粉积累量的变化趋势基本一致。说明灌浆期高温使籽粒淀粉积累量降低,一方面是由于籽粒蔗糖供应较低引起糖源不足;另一方面则是由于灌浆中后期淀粉合成相关酶活性下降使淀粉合成受抑所致。  相似文献   

利用普通玉米(Zay mays)‘掖单22’和高油玉米‘高油115’,研究了灌浆期水分差异供应对籽粒淀粉及其组分积累、相关酶活性动态变化的影响。结果表明,两种类型玉米淀粉积累和酶活性动态变化趋势基本一致,但对水分的反应有差异。缺水提高了‘掖单22’籽粒中淀粉、支链淀粉含量,而直链淀粉含量下降,‘高油115’则是籽粒中的淀粉含量、支链淀粉和直链淀粉含量提高;充分供水使淀粉及其组分产量提高;叶片中蔗糖合成酶(SS)、磷酸蔗糖合成酶(SPS)活性随水分供应水平而提高,尤其在授粉后10~30 d增幅更加明显。充分供水明显提高籽粒中腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(ADPG-PPase)、尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UDPG-PPase)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)和淀粉粒结合淀粉合成酶(GBSS)活性,缺水使籽粒中酶活性下降较早且迅速;SPS、ADPG-PPase、SSS酶活性对缺水反应比较敏感。  相似文献   

Weight of individual grains is a major yield component in wheat. The non-uniform distribution of single grain weight on a wheat spike is assumed to be closely associated with starch synthesis in grains. The present study was undertaken to determine if the enzymes involved in starch synthesis cause the differences in single grain weight between superior and inferior grains on a wheat spike. Using two high-yield winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties differing in grain weight and three nitrogen rates for one variety, the contents of amylose and amylopectin, and activities of enzymes involved in starch synthesis in both superior and inferior grains were investigated during the entire period of grain filling. Superior grains showed generally higher starch accumulation rates and activities of enzymes including SS (sucrose synthase), UDPGPPase (UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase), ADPGPPase (ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase), SSS (soluble starch synthase) and GBSS (starch granule bound starch synthase) and subsequently produced much higher single grain weight than inferior grains. Nitrogen increased enzyme activities and starch accumulation rates, and thus improved individual grain weight, especially for inferior grains. The SS, ADPGPPase and SSS were significantly correlated to amylopectin accumulation, while SS, ADPGPPase, SSS and GBSS were significantly correlated to amylose accumulation. This infers that SS, ADPGPPase and starch synthase play key roles in regulating starch accumulation and grain weight in superior and inferior grains on a wheat spike.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on starch and amylose accumulation, fine structure of amylopectin and activities of some enzymes related to starch synthesis in developing rice endosperms was examined. Two early indica rice varieties were used, differing in amylose concentration (AC, %), namely Jia 935 (low AC) and Jia 353 (high AC). The results showed that the effects of high temperature on AC and amylopectin fine structure were variety-dependent. High temperature caused a reduction in amylose concentration and an increase in the short chain (CL<22) proportion of amylopectin for Jia 935; while opposite was true for Jia 353. High temperature also reduced and increased the activity of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) in Jia 935 and in Jia 353, respectively. This suggests that a change in the ratio of amylose/starch due to temperature was attributable to a change in GBSS activity. Moreover, obvious differences between the two rice varieties were detected in the activities of sucrose synthase (SuSy), ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPG-Ppase), soluble starch synthase (SSS), starch branching enzyme (SBE), starch de-branching enzyme (SDBE) and starch phosphorylase (SPase) to high temperature. Accumulation rate of amylose was significantly and positively correlated with GBSS for Jia 935, but not for Jia 353. Amylose accumulation was also significantly and positively correlated with the activities of SDBE, SBE, ADPG-Ppase and SuSy for both varieties. The results suggest that the ratio of amylose to starch in rice endosperm is not only related to GBSS, but also affected by the activities of SDBE, SBE, ADPG-Ppase and SuSy.  相似文献   

The dynamic changes of the activities of enzymes involving in starch biosynthesis, including ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), soluble starch synthases (SSS), starch branching enzyme (SBE) and starch debranching enzymes (DBE) were studied, and changes of fine structure of amy- lopectin were characterized by isoamylase treatment during rice grain development, using trans anti-waxy gene rice plants. The relationships between the activities of those key enzymes were also analyzed. The amylose synthesis was significantly inhibited in transgenic Wanjing 9522, but the total starch content and final grain weight were less affected as compared with those of non-transgenic Wanjing 9522 rice cultivar. Analyses on the changes of activities of enzymes involving in starch bio- synthesis showed that different enzyme activities were expressed differently during rice endosperm development. Soluble starch synthase is relatively highly expressed in earlier stage of endosperm de- velopment, whilst maximal expression of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) occurred in mid-stage of endosperm development. No obvious differences in changes of the activities of AGPase and SBE between two rice cultivars investigated, except the DBEs. Distribution patterns of branches of amy- lopectin changed continually during the development of rice grains and varied between two rice culti- vars. It was suggested that amylopectin synthesis be prior to the synthesis of amylose and different enzymes have different roles in controlling syntheses of branches of amylopectin.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that sucrose synthase (SuSy), ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), soluble starch synthase (SSS), granule-bound starch synthases (GBSS) and starch branching enzyme (SBE) play a key role in starch synthesis in wheat grains. Starch synthesis in wheat grains is influenced by genotype and environment. However, what is not known is the degree of variation in enzyme activity during starch accumulation of wheat cultivars differing in kernel types. The present study was carried out to characterize the changing activities of key enzymes during grain filling in two kernel type winter wheat cultivars. Results showed that starch accumulation rate (SAR) and activities of SuSy, AGPase, SSS, GBSS and SBE in large kernel types were significantly higher than those in small kernel types. The soil water deficit experienced during the course of the experiment led to an increase at early grain-filling period and decrease during late grain-filling, respectively, in SAR and activities of key enzymes involved in starch synthesis, especially SuSy, AGPase, SSS, and SBE. Water deficit enhanced grain starch accumulation in small kernel types. It suggests that rainfed treatment increase physiological activities during early grain-filling and promote starch accumulation in small kernel types. The simulation with Richards’ equation showed that it was accumulation duration and SAR that determined the starch accumulation in large kernel types. Compared with small kernel types, plants of large kernel types maintained longer filling duration, higher SAR and greater activities of related enzymes during mid and late grain-filling. These observations suggest stronger sink activities in large kernel types at a later stage of development. Consequently, large kernel types have advantages over the small kernel types in terms of the amount of starch accumulation at mid and late stage, but are sensitive to water deficit.  相似文献   

Sun MM  Abdula SE  Lee HJ  Cho YC  Han LZ  Koh HJ  Cho YG 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18385
The composition of amylopectin is the determinant of rice eating quality under certain threshold of protein content and the ratio of amylose and amylopectin. In molecular biology level, the fine structure of amylopectin is determined by relative activities of starch branching enzyme (SBE), granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), and soluble starch synthase (SSS) in rice grain under the same ADP-Glucose level. But the underlying mechanism of eating quality in molecular biology level remains unclear. This paper reports the differences on major parameters such as SNP and insertion-deletion sites, RNA expressions, and enzyme activities associated with eating quality of japonica varieties. Eight japonica rice varieties with significant differences in various eating quality parameters such as palatability and protein content were used in this experiment. Association analysis between nucleotide polymorphism and eating quality showed that S12 and S13 loci in SBE1, S55 in SSS1, S58 in SSS2A were significantly associated with apparent amylose content, alkali digestion value, setback viscosity, consistency viscosity, pasting temperature, which explained most of the variation in apparent amylose content, setback viscosity, and consistency viscosity; and explained almost all variations in alkali digestion value and pasting temperature. Thirty-five SNPs and insertion-deletions from SBE1, SBE3, GBSS1, SSS1, and SSS2A differentiated high or intermediate palatability rice varieties from low palatability rice varieties. Correlation analysis between enzyme activities and eating quality properties revealed that SBE25 and SSS15/W15 were positively correlated with palatability, whereas GBSS10 and GBSS15 were negatively correlated. Gene expressions showed that SBE1 and SBE3 expressions in high palatability varieties tended to be higher than middle and low palatability varieties. Collectively, SBE1, SBE3, SSS1, and SSS2A, especially SBE1 and SBE3 could improve eating quality, but GBSS1 decreased eating quality. The results indicated the possibility of developing high palatability cultivars through modification of key genes related to japonica rice eating quality formation in starch biosynthesis.  相似文献   

苏旺  谢蕊蕊  王舰 《生态学杂志》2020,39(5):1566-1574
为探讨秸秆还田下旱作马铃薯块茎形成过程中淀粉合成关键酶活性及基因表达特性,以马铃薯栽培品种"青薯9号"为材料,以露地栽培为对照,设置秸秆还田处理,研究了马铃薯块茎形成过程中淀粉合成关键酶活性、基因表达、淀粉糊化及累积指标。结果表明:秸秆还田显著提高了旱作马铃薯SSS酶活性,降低了AGPP、GBSS酶活性,而对SBE酶活性没有显著影响;显著提高了SSⅡ、SSⅢ基因表达量,降低了AGPase、GBSSⅠ、SBEⅠ、SBEⅡ基因表达量;显著增加了淀粉崩解值,减少了淀粉各阶段粘度、回生值,而对淀粉糊化温度没有显著影响;显著增加了直链淀粉含量及直/支链淀粉比,减少了总淀粉含量;GBSS酶活性与AGPase、SBEⅠ基因表达量呈显著正相关,与直链淀粉含量、直/支链淀粉比呈显著负相关;SBE酶活性与SSⅡ基因表达量、峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度、总淀粉含量呈显著正相关,与崩解值、糊化温度呈显著负相关;AGPase基因表达量与直链淀粉含量呈显著负相关;GBSSⅠ基因表达量与最终粘度、回生值呈显著正相关,与糊化温度呈显著负相关;淀粉糊化与累积无显著相关性。  相似文献   

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