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黄雪奎  覃营  谢高  刘演 《广西植物》2023,43(6):1006-1015
广西壮族自治区位于我国南部,气候湿润,生境复杂,具有丰富的物种多样性。该文报道广西兰科植物13个新记录种,即旗唇兰[Kuhlhasseltia yakushimensis(Yamamoto) Ormerod]、紫茎兰(Risleya atropurpurea King&Pantl.)、指柱兰(Stigmatodactylus sikokianus Maxim. ex Makino)、二尾兰(Vrydagzynea nuda Bl.)、深圳拟兰(Apostasia shenzhenica Z. J. Liu&L. J. Chen)、拟泰国卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum nipondhii Seidenf.)、南岭叠鞘兰(Chamaegastrodia nanlingensis H. Z. Tian&F. W. Xing)、垂叶斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula Maxim.)、四腺翻唇兰(Hetaeria anomala Lindl.)、褐花羊耳蒜(Liparis brunnea Ormerod)、聚叶钗子股(Luisia appressifolia Av...  相似文献   

盂兰属(Lecanorchis)是兰科,腐生兰。全属现知有10余种,分布于热带亚洲至日本和我国(台湾),近年在福建(武夷山)和云南(西双版纳)也曾发现此属植物的分布,而原产日本的盂兰(Lecanorchis japonica Bl.)在我国过去未发现、记载过。但通道县林业局的杨通沂和赵运林于1993年12月在湖南省通道县黄土乡海拔450—470米的,以甜槠(Gastanopsis eyrei)、木荷(Schima superba)、枫香(Liguidamber formosana)等树种组成的次生阔叶林下采集到此种带果的标本。杨通沂为了弄清它是兰科的何属何种植物又于1994年7月中旬去产地,因去的时间偏晚,  相似文献   

基于野外实地调查和文献记录,分析广东惠东莲花山白盆珠自然保护区的野生兰科植物物种多样性、属种地理分布特点及其种群结构。结果表明,白盆珠保护区野生兰科植物有40种,隶属于27属,包括地生兰26种、附生兰13种和腐生兰1种;以人为干扰较少的山林和溪谷沟边较为丰富。白盆珠保护区兰科植物属和种的地理成分均以热带亚洲分布成分为主,与邻近地区七目嶂保护区最为相似,两地的属种相似性系数分别达71.11%和61.11%。此外,调查中发现1个广东省兰科植物新记录种全唇盂兰Lecanorchis nigricans,及深圳拟兰Apostasia shenzhenica 1个新分布点。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科2个新记录属及5个新记录种:固唇兰属(Plocoglottis)、栖林兰属(Drymoda)、滇南固唇兰(Plocoglottis bokorensis)、栖林兰(Drymoda siamensis)、泰国牛角兰(Ceratostylis siamensis)、景洪白蝶兰(Pecteilis hawkesiana)、三脉贝母兰(Coelogyne trinervis)、浮萍毛兰(Eria spirodela).对2个属及5个种进行了特征描述,并对比了近似种.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科2个新记录属及5个新记录种:固唇兰属(Plocoglottis)、栖林兰属(Drymoda)、滇南固唇兰(Plocoglottis bokorensis)、栖林兰(Drymoda siamensis)、泰国牛角兰(Ceratostylis siamensis)、景洪白蝶兰(Pecteilis hawkesiana)、三脉贝母兰(Coelogyne trinervis)、浮萍毛兰(Eria spirodela)。对2个属及5个种进行了特征描述,并对比了近似种。  相似文献   

报道了福建兰科2新记录属——钳唇兰属(Erythrodes Bl.)和异型兰属(Chiloschista Lindl.),及2个新记录种——钳唇兰[Erythrodes blumei(Lindl.)Schitr.]和广东异型兰(Chiloschista guangdongensis Z.H.Tsi),并提供了形态描述及其图片。凭证标本保存于福建师范大学生命科学学院植物标本馆(FNU)。  相似文献   

通过野外实地调查,结合标本和文献查阅,对深圳地区野生兰科植物种质资源、区系特征等进行研究。结果表明:(1) 深圳野生兰科植物资源共43属75种,以深圳东南部的梧桐山和东部的七娘山较为丰富。其中地生兰28属49种,附生兰13属24种,腐生兰2属2种。(2) 本次调查共发现9个深圳新记录种,其中叉柱兰Cheirostylis clibborndyeri、黄花线柱兰Zeuxine flava为广东省新记录种,二尾兰属Vrydagzynea、地宝兰属Geodorum为深圳新记录属。(3) 深圳野生兰科植物区系以热带成分为主,占非世界属总数的87.5%,温带成分仅占12.5%。(4) 与邻近地区比较,与香港共同属最丰富,有41属,占深圳总属数的95.3%;共有种70种,占深圳总种数的93.3%,具有明显的相似性。  相似文献   

报道了海南兰科(Orchidaceae)植物1新记录属:球柄兰属(Mischobulbum);4新记录种:中华叉柱兰(Cheirostylis chinensis)、长柄球柄兰(Mischobulbum longiscapum)、带唇兰(Tainia dunnii)、南方带唇兰(Tainia ruy barrettoi).凭证标本均保存在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC).  相似文献   

本文报道了分布于西藏的4个中国新记录种, 即须弥四带芹(Tetrataenium wallichii)、巴洛特栎(Quercus baloot)、尼泊尔姜味草(Clinopodium nepalense)和喜马拉雅耳稃草(Garnotia emodi); 以及24个西藏新记录种, 即翼叶棱子芹(Pleurospermum decurrens)、线叶球兰(Hoya linearis)、尼泊尔菊三七(Gynura nepalensis)、一枝黄花(Solidago decurrens)、拟游藤卫矛(Euonymus vaganoides)、云南木鳖(Momordica subangulata subsp. renigera)、马㼎儿(Zehneria japonica)、攀援胡颓子(Elaeagnus sarmentosa)、四棱猪屎豆(Crotalaria tetragona)、大叶千斤拔(Flemingia macrophylla)、毛喉鞘蕊花(Coleus forskohlii)、独龙木姜子(Litsea taronensis)、长序大苞兰(Bulbophyllum purpureofuscum)、球花石豆兰(B. repens)、黄兰(Cephalantheropsis obcordata)、双角厚唇兰(Dendrobium forrestii)、密花兰(Diglyphosa latifolia)、云南盆距兰(Gastrochilus yunnanensis)、扁茎羊耳蒜(Liparis assamica)、耳唇兰(Otochilus porrectus)、疏花无叶莲(Petrosavia sakuraii)、长序羊角藤(Gynochthodes lacunosa)、黑蒴(Alectra avensis)和赤杨叶(Alniphyllum fortunei), 其中无叶莲科为西藏新记录科, 一枝黄花属(Solidago)、马㼎儿属(Zehneria)、千斤拔属(Flemingia)、鞘蕊花属(Coleus)、密花兰属(Diglyphosa)、无叶莲属(Petrosavia)、羊角藤属(Gynochthodes)、黑蒴属(Alectra)和赤杨叶属(Alniphyllum)等9个属为西藏新记录属。凭证标本均存放于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)。  相似文献   

中国兰科植物研究杂记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了中国兰科植物一个新记录属和三个新记录种,短距兰属(Penkimia)、短距兰(P.na-galandensis)、长序大苞兰(Sunipia cirrhata)、白花叉喙兰(Uncifera thailandica).短距兰属(Penkimia)区别与鸟舌兰属(Ascocentrum)在于侧萼片合抱蕊柱,唇瓣没有任何附属物以及锥形的距;长序大苞兰的花序长于叶,唇瓣基部具一个胼胝体;白花叉喙兰唇瓣的距后弯并朝向子房.  相似文献   

基于对标本和文献的比较研究,确认豆科香槐属(Cladrastis Raf.)中小叶香槐(C.parvifolia C.Y.Ma)、藤香槐(C.scandens C.Y.Ma)、秦氏香槐(C.chingii DuleyVincent)与本属分布最广的翅荚香槐[C.platycarpa(Maxim.)Makino]为同种植物。其中,小叶香槐被处理为翅荚香槐的一变种,即C.platycarpa var.parvifolia(C.Y.Ma)Z.Q.Song,D.X.XuS.J.Li,藤香槐与秦氏香槐被处理为翅荚香槐原变种的两个新异名。同时讨论了翅荚香槐的分类地位及其散布。  相似文献   

报道了中国广东省阳西县沟谷雨林内1新变种——阳西静容卫矛(Euonymus chengii var.yangxiensis Y.S.Ye&L.F.Wu),并提供简要描述和照片。阳西静容卫矛隶属于卫矛科(Celastraceae)浅裂卫矛组(Euonymus),蒴果顶端浅裂,与原变种静容卫矛(E.chengii J.S.Ma)和中华卫矛(E.nitidus Benth.)相似,主要区别是该变种叶缘顶部2/3以上具锯齿,侧脉明显,花少且大,蒴果大,萼片伸展。  相似文献   

基于近年来分子系统学研究结果,石竹科无心菜属(Arenaria L.)齿瓣亚属[subgen.Odontostemma(G.Don)Williams]在属水平的地位得以恢复,该亚属中相关物种名也因此被组合至齿瓣无心菜属(Odontostemma Benth.ex G.Don)之中。然而,中国所产道孚无心菜(A.dawuensis A.J.LiQ.Ban)与神农架无心菜(A.shennongjiaensis Z.E.ZhaoZ.H.Shen)在相关处理中被遗漏,故在此给予其新的组合名称:O.dawuense(A.J.LiQ.Ban)G.Yao和O.shennongjiaense(Z.E.ZhaoZ.H.Shen)G.Yao。  相似文献   

本文报道第一作者1990年采自河北小五台山的腔孢菌10属46种。其中有一个新种:杠柳生壳针孢(Septoria periplocicola Y.L. Guo, G.Z. Lu&J.K. Bai, sp. nov.),一个新组合:蒙栋盘柱长孢[Cylindrogloeum quercum (Miura) Y.L. Guo, G.Z. Lu & J.K. Bai, comb.nov.]和11个中国新记录种:蓟壳二孢(Ascochyta cirsii Dide.),唐松草壳二孢(Ascochytaclematidina Thum.),小孢星壳孢[Asteroma microspermum (PK) Sutton],卵孢小星壳孢(Asteromella ovata Thum.),胡枝子茎点霉(Phoma lespedezicola P. Henn.),糙苏茎点霉[Phoma phlomidis (Lev.) Cooke],绣线菊叶点霉[Phyllosticta filipendulae Sace.],六道木壳针孢(Septoria abeliae Byzova),糙苏壳针孢(Septoria phlomidis Moesz.),山箩卜壳针孢(Septoria scabiocola Desm.),黎芦壳针孢(Septoria veratri Saw.)。新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述并附图。新记录种进行了简要描述。研究的标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Thomas Mione 《Brittonia》1999,51(1):31-33
The following species, originally described in the genusSaracha Ruiz & Pav., are transferred toJaltomata, in accordance with contemporary generic boundaries.Jaltomata auriculata (Miers) Mione is distributed from Venezuela to Peru;J. contorta (Ruiz & Pav.) Mione andJ. diversa (J. F. Macbr.) Mione both occur in Peru;J. herrerae (C. V. Morton) Mione is distributed in Peru and Bolivia;J. nitida (Bitter) Mione occurs in Venezuela.  相似文献   

As part of a study carried out for detecting Arcobacter spp. in shellfish, three mussel isolates that were Gram-negative slightly curved rods, non-spore forming, showed a new 16S rDNA-RFLP pattern with a specific identification method for the species of this genus. Sequences of the 16S rRNA gene and those of the housekeeping genes rpoB, gyrB and hsp60 provided evidence that these mussel strains belonged to an unknown genetic lineage within the genus Arcobacter. The similarity between the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the representative strain (F79-6T) and type strains of the other Arcobacter species ranged between 94.1% with A. halophilus and 99.1% with the recently proposed species A. defluvii (CECT 7697T). DDH results between strain F79-6T and the type strain of the latter species were below 70% (53 ± 3.0%). Phenotypic characteristics together with MALDITOF mass spectra differentiated the new mussel strains from all other Arcobacter species. All the results indicate that these strains represent a new species, for which the name Arcobacter ellisii sp. nov. with the type strain F79-6T (=CECT 7837T = LMG 26155T) is proposed.  相似文献   

该文报道了发现于北京市密云区的1种被子植物新记录——荨麻叶龙头草[Meehania urticifolia(Miq.)Makino],其所隶属的龙头草属(Meehania Britton)为北京分布新记录。描述了荨麻叶龙头草的形态特征与生境,凭证标本藏于浙江大学标本馆(HZU)。荨麻叶龙头草于1899年首次发现于日本,是东北亚分布植物,此前在中国仅分布于东北。北京云蒙山发现的分布点,显然是该种目前在中国分布最西的分布点,可能于冰川期从东北亚迁移而来。  相似文献   

The lichen-forming order Lichinales, generally characterized by prototunicate asci and the development of thalli with cyanobacteria, has recently been recognized as a separate class of ascomycetes, Lichinomycetes, as a result of molecular phylogenetic studies. As alkali and water-soluble (F1SS) polysaccharides reflect phylogeny in other ascomycetes, a polysaccharide from Lichina pygmaea and L. confinis was purified and characterized to investigate whether these F1SS compounds in the Lichinomycetes were distinctive. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and chemical analyses revealed this as a galactomannan comprising a repeating unit consisting of an α-(1→6)-mannan backbone, mainly substituted by single α-galactofuranose residues at the O-2- or the O-2,4- positions linked to a small mannan core. With the exception of the trisubstituted mannopyranose residues previously described in polysaccharides from other lichens belonging to orders now placed in Lecanoromycetes, the structure of this galactomannan most closely resembles those found in several members of the Onygenales in Eurotiomycetes. Our polysaccharide data support molecular studies showing that Lichina species are remote from Lecanoromycetes as the galactofuranose residues are in the α-configuration. That the Lichinomycetes were part of an ancestral lichenized group can not be established from the present data because the extracted polysaccharide does not have the galactofuranose residue in the β configuration; however, the data does suggest that an ancestor of the Lichinomycetes contained a mannan and was part of an early radiation in the ascomycetes.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to develop microsatellite markers for the wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana, to evaluate segregation patterns of microsatellite alleles in this octoploid species, and assess genetic variability at microsatellite loci in a wild population. A genomic library was screened for microsatellite repeats and several PCR primers were designed and tested. We also tested the use of heterologous primers and found that F. virginiana primers amplified products in cultivated strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa Duch. and Fragaria chiloensis. Similarly, microsatellite loci developed from cultivated strawberry also successfully amplified F. virginiana loci. We investigated four microsatellite loci in detail, three developed from F. virginiana and one from cultivated strawberry. A survey of 100 individuals from a population of F. virginiana in Pennsylvania demonstrated high heterozygosities (He or gene diversity ranged from 0.80 to 0.88 per locus) and allelic diversity (12–17 alleles per locus), but individual plants had no more than two alleles per locus. Segregation patterns in parents and progeny of two controlled crosses at these four loci were consistent with disomic Mendelian inheritance. Together these findings suggest that the genome of F. virginiana is "highly diploidized" and at least a subset of microsatellite loci can be treated as codominant, diploid markers. Significant heterozygote deficiencies were found at three of the four loci for hermaphroditic individuals but for only one locus among females in this gynodioecious species.Communicated by J. Dvorak  相似文献   

One year ago, we discovered a new family of insect RYamide neuropeptides, which has the C-terminal consensus sequence FFXXXRYamide, and which is widely occurring in most insects, including the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster and the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (F. Hauser et al., J. Proteome Res. 9 (2010) 5296–5310). Here, we identify a Drosophila G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) coded for by gene CG5811 and its Tribolium GPCR ortholog as insect RYamide receptors. The Drosophila RYamide receptor is equally well activated (EC50, 1 × 10−9 M) by the two Drosophila RYamide neuropeptides: RYamide-1 (PVFFVASRYamide) and RYamide-2 (NEHFFLGSRYamide), both contained in a preprohormone coded for by gene CG40733. The Tribolium receptor shows a somewhat higher affinity to Tribolium RYamide-2 (ADAFFLGPRYamide; EC50, 5 × 10−9 M) than to Tribolium RYamide-1 (VQNLATFKTMMRYamide; EC50, 7 × 10−8 M), which might be due to the fact that the last peptide does not completely follow the RYamide consensus sequence rule. There are other neuropeptides in insects that have similar C-terminal sequences (RWamide or RFamide), such as the FMRFamides, sulfakinins, myosuppressins, neuropeptides F, and the various short neuropeptides F. Amazingly, these neuropeptides show no cross-reactivity to the Tribolium RYamide receptor, while the Drosophila RYamide receptor is only very slightly activated by high concentrations (>10−6 M) of neuropeptide F and short neuropeptide F-1, showing that the two RYamide receptors are quite specific for activation by insect RYamides, and that the sequence FFXXXRYamide is needed for effective insect RYamide receptor activation. Phylogenetic tree analyses and other amino acid sequence comparisons show that the insect RYamide receptors are not closely related to any other known insect or invertebrate/vertebrate receptors, including mammalian neuropeptide Y and insect neuropeptide F and short neuropeptide F receptors. Gene expression data published in Flybase (www.flybase.org) show that the Drosophila CG5811 gene is significantly expressed in the hindgut of adult flies, suggesting a role of insect RYamides in digestion or water reabsorption.  相似文献   

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