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Denguevirusescausedenguefever(DF),denguehaemorrhagicfever(DHF)anddengueshocksyndrome(DSS).DFisoneofthemostimportantarthropod-bornehumandiseasesintropicalandsubtropicalareas.Severallarge-scaledenguefeverepidemicsinSouthChinahavetakenplaceinSouthChinaeveryfewyearssince1978andmorethan1000casesofdenguefeverwerereportedinFuzhouofChinainAugust1999[1].However,nodenguevaccinesarecommerciallyavailableatpresent.Onemajordifficultyhinderingthedevelopmentofadenguevaccinehasbeenthelackofasuitableanim…  相似文献   

Genetic determinants of dengue type 4 virus neurovirulence for mice.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
H Kawano  V Rostapshov  L Rosen    C J Lai 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6567-6575
Mouse-adapted dengue type 4 virus (DEN4) strain H241 is highly neurovirulent for mice, whereas its non-mouse-adapted parent is rarely neurovirulent. The genetic basis for the neurovirulence of the mouse-adapted mutant was studied by comparing intratypic chimeric viruses that contained the three structural protein genes from the parental virus or the neurovirulent mutant in the background sequence of nonneurovirulent DEN4 strain 814669. The chimera that contained the three structural protein genes from mouse neurovirulent DEN4 strain H241 proved to be highly neurovirulent in mice, whereas the chimera that contained the corresponding genes from its non-mouse-adapted parent was not neurovirulent. This finding indicates that most of the genetic loci for the neurovirulence of the DEN4 mutant lie within the structural protein genes. A comparison of the amino acid sequences of the parent and its mouse neurovirulent mutant proteins revealed that there were only five amino acid differences in the structural protein region, and three of these were located in the envelope (E) glycoprotein. Analysis of chimeras which contained one or two of the variant amino acids of the mutant E sequence substituting for the corresponding sequence of the parental virus identified two of these amino acid changes as important determinants of mouse neurovirulence. First, the single substitution of Ile for Thr-155 which ablated one of the two conserved glycosylation sites in parental E yielded a virus that was almost as neurovirulent as the mouse-adapted mutant. Thus, the loss of an E glycosylation site appears to play a role in DEN4 neurovirulence. Second, the substitution of Leu for Phe-401 also yielded a neurovirulent virus, but it was less neurovirulent than the glycosylation mutant. These findings indicate that at least two of the genetic loci responsible for DEN4 mouse neurovirulence map within the structural protein genes.  相似文献   

登革Ⅱ型病毒在白纹伊蚊体内分布的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用蚊虫连续石蜡切片免疫组织化学技术,对登革Ⅱ型病毒(DEN-2)感染白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus后的散播时间、程度及组织器官的感染顺序进行监测,以了解DEN-2在媒介白纹伊蚊体内的分布规律。结果表明:大剂量感染登革Ⅱ型病毒后,在蚊虫消化道的主要部位以及大多数组织器官包括神经及内分泌系统在内,如涎腺、脑、神经节等亦检测到病毒抗原。登革Ⅱ型病毒一旦感染并逸出中肠会迅速侵染其它组织。从各组织感染率的高低推断,病毒逸出中肠后通过血淋巴传播到其它组织的顺序通常为:前肠、涎腺、咽部神经节、脑及食管下神经节、后肠及复眼的小眼等。  相似文献   

目的 研究灭活贝氏柯克斯体增强小鼠非特异性抗登革病毒感染的免疫效能。方法 用灭活贝氏柯克斯体全细胞疫苗(WCV)免疫BALB/c小鼠,每只小鼠皮下注射50μg WCV,初次免疫后第5周及第7周分别腹腔注射20μg WCV加强免疫。1周后,用10~5 TCID_(50)剂量的登革病毒2型经尾静脉注入感染小鼠,于感染后48、72h分别解剖小鼠.自血和脑组织提取RNA样本,用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测样本。结果 用登革病毒特异的定量PCR检测感染小鼠血RNA样本,结果显示感染72h血样本中病毒含量显著低于48h样本,但免疫小鼠与未免疫小鼠之间无显著差异。检测脑组织RNA样本,未免疫小鼠和免疫小鼠的感染48h样本检出病毒均为少量;但未免疫小鼠感染96h样本检出病毒量明显增加,显著高于免疫小鼠。结论 灭活贝氏柯克斯体可诱导机体产生非特异的免疫应答,具有一定增强小鼠抗登革病毒感染的能力,但具体机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的构建以乙型脑炎病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus,JEV)疫苗株SA14-14-2为基因骨架的乙脑/登革4型嵌合病毒,并分析该嵌合病毒对小鼠的神经毒力。方法通过重叠PCR方法扩增含有登革病毒4型(DENV-4)H241株pr ME基因序列和乙型脑炎病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2的NS1蛋白前177个核苷酸的融合片段,用Nar I和Bgl II双酶切后替换乙型脑炎病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2全长克隆中的相应区域,构建成乙脑/登革4型嵌合全长克隆,通过体外转录和转染BHK21细胞获得嵌合病毒(JEV/DENV-4 chimeric virus,JD4)。通过测定嵌合病毒JD4和2个母本株JEV SA14-14-2株及DENV-4 H241株蚀斑大小、小鼠脑内神经毒力和皮下感染入脑能力、乳鼠脑内神经毒力,比较JD4和母本株之间的差异。通过将JD4在原代地鼠肾(primary hamster kidney,PHK)细胞传代30次,分析传代后嵌合病毒的神经毒力是否减弱及减弱的程度。结果测序结果表明,构建的嵌合病毒JD4基因组序列和预期一致,没有产生新的位点突变。JD4蚀斑较SA14-14-2明显偏小,但和DENV-4 H241株没有明显区别。JD4对3周龄小鼠具有较强的脑内神经毒力,和母本株DENV-4 H241没有差异,对小鼠没有神经侵袭力。乳鼠实验结果表明,嵌合病毒JD4脑内神经毒力虽然略低于母本株DENV-4 H241,但两者之间没有明显差异,都明显强于乙脑疫苗株SA14-14-2。在PHK细胞传代30次后,小鼠神经毒力虽然有所减低,但并不明显。结论成功构建了嵌合病毒JD4,通过测定并比较JD4与母本株的蚀斑特征、小鼠及乳鼠神经毒力等试验,为分析登革疫苗候选株安全性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Dengue has been well recognized as a global public health threat,but only sporadic epidemics and imported cases were reported in recent decades in China.Since July 2014,an unexpected large dengue outbreak has occurred in Guangdong province,China,resulting in more than 40000 patients including six deaths.To clarify and characterize the causative agent of this outbreak,the acute phase serum from a patient diagnosed with severe dengue was subjected to virus isolation and high-throughput sequencing(HTS).Traditional real-time RT-PCR and HTS with Ion Torrent PGM detected the presence of dengue virus serotype 2(DENV-2).A clinical DENV-2 isolate GZ05/2014 was obtained by culturing the patient serum in mosquito C6/36 cells.The complete genome of GZ05/2014 was determined and deposited in Gen Bank under the access number KP012546.Phylogenetic analysis based on the complete envelope gene showed that the newly DENV-2 isolate belonged to Cosmopolitan genotype and clustered closely with other Guangdong strains isolated in the past decade.No amino acid mutations that are obviously known to increase virulence or replication were identified throughout the genome of GZ05/2014.The high homology of Guangdong DENV-2 strains indicated the possibility of establishment of local DENV-2 circulation in Guangdong,China.These results help clarify the origin of this epidemic and predict the future status of dengue in China.  相似文献   

We developed a Drosophila model in which the dengue virus NS3 protein is expressed in a tissue specific and inducible manner. Dengue virus NS3 is a multifunctional protein playing a major role during viral replication. Both protease and helicase domains of NS3 are interacting with human and insect host proteins including innate immune components of the host machinery. We characterized the NS3 transgenic flies showing that NS3 expression did not affect fly development. To further study the links between NS3 and the innate immune response, we challenge the flies with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Interestingly, the Drosophila transgenic flies expressing NS3 were more susceptible to bacterial infections than control flies. However ubiquitous or immune-specific NS3 expression affected neither the life span nor the response to a non-infectious stress of the flies. In conclusion, we generated a new in vivo system to study the functional impact of DENV NS3 protein on the innate immune response.  相似文献   

A dengue vaccine must induce protective immunity against the four serotypes of the virus. Our group has developed chimeric proteins consisting of the protein P64k from Neisseria meningitidis and the domain III from the four viral envelope proteins. In this study, the immunogenicity of a tetravalent vaccine formulation using aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant was evaluated in mice. After three doses, neutralizing antibody titers were detected against the four viral serotypes, the lowest seroconversion rate being against dengue virus serotype 4. One month after the last dose, immunized animals were challenged with infective virus, and partial but statistically significant protection was found to have been achieved. Based on these results, further studies in mice and non‐human primates using this tetravalent formulation in a prime‐boost strategy with attenuated viruses are strongly recommended.  相似文献   

In the study of vaccines for dengue viruses,which are multivalent immunization,genetically and antigenically distinct,we should have more sophisticated understanding of viral immune physiology.Because the immune response to dengue and its role in the pathophysiology of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are multifaceted,several different efforts have been made to engineer a protective vaccine.Because of space limitations,this review is focused only on vaccines that have emerged from preclinical studies into clinical trial.  相似文献   

In the study of vaccines for dengue viruses, which are multivalent immunization, genetically and antigenically distinct, we should have more sophisticated understanding of viral immune physiology. Because the immune response to dengue and its role in the pathophysiology of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are multifaceted, several different efforts have been made to engineer a protective vaccine. Because of space limitations, this review is focused only on vaccines that have emerged from preclinical studies into clinical trial.  相似文献   

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