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贡嘎蝠蛾幼虫肠道细菌多样性分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
[目的]对实验室养殖条件下的重要经济昆虫冬虫夏草寄主-贡嘎蝠蛾(Hepialus gonggaensis,Hg)幼虫肠道微生物群落的多样性进行了研究.[方法]采用常规分离培养与分子鉴定的方法和基于16S rRNA作为分子标记的变性梯度凝胶电泳(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,DGGE)的方法.[结果]用常规分离与分子鉴定方法获得8个属的细菌类群,其中肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)是优势菌群,肉食杆菌属(Carnobacterium)是次优势菌群.对通过DGGE方法得到的11条16S rRNA优势条带序列进行了比对和系统进化树分析,结果表明肉食杆菌属(Carnobacterium)的丰度最高,是肠道细菌中主要的优势菌群,芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)是次优势菌群.DGGE图谱还显示Hg幼虫不同虫龄肠道细菌菌群的结构存在差异,推测可能与其发育生理状态的差异有关系.[结论]结合常规分离法与DGGE法能够更有效的分析肠道微生物的多样性,获得更多更全面的微生物多样性信息.  相似文献   

首发抑郁症患者肠道菌群多样性与抑郁症状的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【背景】脑-肠轴理论提示着肠道菌群和抑郁症之间存在着潜在的联系,但目前的研究争议较多,具体联系尚无定论。【目的】研究首发抑郁症患者肠道菌群多样性与抑郁症状的相关性,分析肠道菌群多样性及脱硫弧菌等菌群与抑郁症之间的潜在关系,为后续的纵向研究提供一定的理论支持。【方法】对抑郁组(n=23)和对照组(n=31)粪便中16S rRNA基因V4-V5区域片段进行测序,使用汉密尔顿抑郁量表对两组研究对象进行评估。使用α多样性检验、β多样性检验、t检验、皮尔逊相关性检验及斯皮尔曼相关性检验进行统计分析。【结果】抑郁组与对照组的肠道菌群多样性无明显差异(P>0.05)。两组肠道菌群在结构组成上有差异,属水平和种水平上,分别有28个菌属和40个菌种的相对丰度呈显著性差异(P<0.05)。抑郁组肠道菌群多样性(Shannon、Chao1指数)与抑郁症状间存在显著的正相关(P<0.05)。属水平和种水平上菌群相对丰度和抑郁症状的相关性检验中,脱硫弧菌等与抑郁症状存在显著相关性(P<0.05)。【结论】首发抑郁症患者与健康人群肠道菌群在菌群结构组成上存在差异。抑郁组肠道菌群多样性与抑郁...  相似文献   

目的将血液恶性肿瘤患者肠道菌群与健康个体进行比较,观察血液肿瘤患者肠道菌群结构的变化,探讨肠道菌群与血液恶性肿瘤发生发展的联系。方法收集血液恶性肿瘤患者与健康志愿者粪便样品,提取样品中菌群总DNA,然后通过变性凝胶梯度电泳(DGGE)技术分析肠道菌群多样性和差异性。结果血液恶性肿瘤组与健康组肠道菌群的DGGE指纹图谱有明显差异。与正常组相比,患者组肠道大肠埃希菌呈现过度增长趋势,有益菌柔嫩梭菌减少或缺失,某些患者肠道内一些细菌呈现特异性增长,如粪肠球菌、硫磺肠球菌、约氏不动杆菌等。结论与健康对照组相比,血液恶性肿瘤患者肠道菌群结构与多样性发生改变,这可能为血液恶性肿瘤早期抗感染提供实验依据。  相似文献   

目的:检测新疆维吾尔族结肠癌人群肠道菌群结构,探讨维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群结构差异,以求找到肠内与结肠癌有关系的菌群。方法:使用16Sr DNA-PCR-DGGE技术对维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群分布情况制作肠道菌群指纹图谱,从图谱中的条带进行切胶回收、进行克隆、测序,与Genebank数据库提供的序列进行比对做树状图分析,对新疆维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道细菌种群多样性进行探讨。结果:通过实验得到了维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群结构特征的DNA指纹图谱、基因序列及树状图。测序结果显示,维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群中主要分布乳酸杆菌属,拟杆菌属和梭杆菌属以及很多差异性细菌的分布情况。从维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群的分布情况来看,优势菌乳酸杆菌量甚少,拟杆菌属,梭杆菌属数量较多。结论:肠道乳酸杆菌优势菌量的减少及拟杆菌属,梭杆菌属比例的改变可能与结肠癌患者发病有一定的关系。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨土家药三颗针对葡聚糖硫酸钠(dextran sodium sulfate,DSS)诱导的溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)小鼠肠道菌群的影响,为其开发利用提供科学依据。60只c57BL/6J小鼠随机分为空白组、模型组、美沙拉嗪组以及三颗针低、中、高剂量组,自由饮用7 d 2.5%的葡聚糖硫酸钠溶液构建小鼠UC模型,同时给予药物干预,连续10 d,记录小鼠体重变化、疾病活动指数(disease activity index,DAI)。采用苏木精-伊红染色观察小鼠结肠病理变化,基于16S rRNA基因测序技术分析三颗针对UC小鼠肠道菌群的组成和多样性的影响。结果显示,与模型组相比,三颗针组DAI评分显著降低(P<0.05),结肠病理损伤减轻,肠黏膜结构较完整,炎性细胞浸润减少。三颗针改善了溃疡性结肠炎小鼠肠道菌群结构和多样性,且趋近于正常组。本实验揭示了调节肠道菌群多样性及菌群结构可能是三颗针干预UC的重要途径之一,通过肠道菌群的角度为三颗针的临床用药提供理论依据。  相似文献   

海拔高度对青藏高原放牧牦牛肠道菌群多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[背景]肠道菌群与宿主健康及环境适应性密切相关,牦牛为青藏高原特有的草食性反刍动物,不同海拔高度如何影响牦牛肠道菌群组成及肠道菌群在牦牛适应高海拔生境中的作用尚不清楚.[目的]探究青藏高原放牧牦牛肠道菌群多样性及其与海拔高度间的关系.[方法]采集青海省玛沁县(海拔4220 m)和乐都县(2745 m)2个海拔高度放牧牦...  相似文献   

目的 探讨孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD)儿童肠道菌群组成与功能性便秘之间的关系,为该类患者的治疗提供参考。方法 选择101例2~7岁ASD儿童和82例年龄、性别相匹配健康儿童为研究对象,采用罗马Ⅳ标准评估便秘,将所有儿童分为ASD便秘组(ASD constipated,AD-C)、ASD非便秘组(ASD non-constipated,AD-NC)、正常便秘组(neurotypical constipated,NT-C)、正常非便秘组(neurotypical non-constipated,NT-NC)。对所有粪便样本中细菌16S rRNA基因V3-V4高变区进行测序,检测肠道菌群。结果 与NT组相比,AD组儿童肠道菌群α多样性指数(Chao1)显著升高(t=2.258,P=0.006),组间β多样性差异有统计学意义(R=0.210,P<0.001)。AD组儿童肠道优势菌群为双歧杆菌属、柯林斯菌属、脱硫弧菌属等。与NT-NC组相比,AD-NC组患儿肠道菌群Chao1指数显著升高(t=2.170,P=0.021),组间β多样性差异有统计...  相似文献   

目的通过比较甘肃省武威市胃癌患者和健康对照人群肠道菌群的分布,探讨胃癌患者肠道菌群的变化与胃癌发生发展的关系,并寻找可能作为该地区胃癌患者的潜在生物标志物。方法收集24例胃癌患者和24例健康对照人群的粪便样本,提取DNA,采用16S rRNA基因高通量测序进行肠道菌群分析。结果分析2组研究对象肠道菌群的Alpha多样性,发现胃癌患者组和健康对照组肠道菌群的Chao1指数差异无统计学意义(Z=-0.907,P=0.364),胃癌患者组的Simpson指数升高且差异具有统计学意义(Z=-3.258,P=0.001),表明武威市胃癌患者肠道菌群多样性增加;物种差异分析表明,2组人群在门水平上,Fusobacteria、Patescibacteria、Synergistetes的相对丰度变化差异具有统计学意义(均P0.05),在属水平上,Bacteroides(拟杆菌属)、Lachnospiraceae_UCG-008、Lachnoclostridium、Blautia、Roseburia等34个菌属的相对丰度变化差异具有统计学意义(均P0.05)。通过菌属微生物关联网络图发现,在34个差异菌属中,Streptococcus、Erysipelotrichaceae_UCG-003等菌属的节性重要性较高;通过LEfSe分析和组间秩和检验分析发现,Lac_Lachnospira、Lachnospiraceae_UCG-004在健康对照组和胃癌患者组之间是显著差异的菌属。结论与健康对照组人群的肠道菌群比较,胃癌患者组的菌群多样性增加,胃癌患者肠道菌群的改变主要以Lachnospiraceae等益生菌属的相对丰度减少和Alloprevotella、Desulfovibrio等致病菌属的相对丰度增加为主。Lac_Lachnospira、Lachnospiraceae_UCG-004可能为武威市胃癌患者潜在生物标志物。  相似文献   

目的 探讨溃疡性结肠炎患者血清白细胞介素(IL)-1β、C反应蛋白(CRP)及髓过氧化物酶(MPO)水平与肠道菌群的关系,为该类患者的治疗提供参考。方法 选取2022年2月至2023年2月我院100例溃疡性结肠炎患者作为研究组,以同期50例健康体检者作为对照组。两组对象均行IL-1β、CRP、MPO水平检测及肠道菌群检测。比较研究组与对照组,研究组中活动期与缓解期患者IL-1β、CRP、MPO水平及肠道菌群变化,以Pearson相关分析法分析溃疡性结肠炎患者IL-1β、CRP、MPO水平与肠道菌群的关系。结果 与对照组比较,研究组患者IL-1β、CRP、MPO水平均升高,肠道乳杆菌、双歧杆菌数量均减少,肠球菌、肠杆菌数量均增多(均P<0.05)。研究组中,与缓解期患者比较,活动期患者IL-1β、CRP、MPO水平均升高,肠道乳杆菌、双歧杆菌数量均减少,肠球菌、肠杆菌数量均增多(均P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析显示,溃疡性结肠炎患者血清IL-1β、CRP、MPO水平与肠道双歧杆菌、乳杆菌数量均呈负相关,与肠杆菌、肠球菌数量均呈正相关(均P<0.05)。结论 溃疡性结肠炎患者血清IL-1β、CRP、MPO水平与肠道菌群变化密切相关。  相似文献   

目的分析长江河口捕获的8种野生鱼类的肠道菌群多样性的差异并观察这种差异与食性的联系。方法采用PCR-DGGE(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)技术,DGGE图谱用PCA(principal component analy-sis)方法进行分析。结果建立了长江口8种鱼野生条件下肠道菌群的DGGE指纹图谱,观察到它们在野生条件下的肠道菌群的差异。其中,营底栖生活的舌鰕虎鱼的肠道菌群和其他7种野生鱼有着明显的差异,其他7种鱼的肠道菌群多样性的差异与它们的食性差异相关。结论PCR-DGGE技术是一种能够快速有效地分析研究鱼类肠道菌群结构的技术。8种野生鱼的肠道菌群的结构有明显的差别,并且食性差异大的鱼类之间肠道菌群差异也  相似文献   

The production of hydrogen sulphide, an end product of metabolism by the sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) has been cited as a potential aetiological agent in gastrointestinal disease. Quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) assays to enumerate desulfovibrios from two gastrointestinal disease groups: colorectal cancer (CRC) n =27 and polypectomized individuals (PP) n =27, and two healthy control groups, elderly (H1) n =8 and young adults (H2) n =30 was performed. Analysis of Desulfovibrio sp. diversity using the dissimilarity sulphite reductase ( dsrAB ) gene as a molecular marker was also undertaken. Q-PCR detected Desulfovibrio sp. in all samples and no significant difference was observed for PP, H1, H2 with gene copy numbers of Desulfovibrio sp. averaging at 106 g−1 of faeces. Significantly reduced numbers of Desulfovibrio sp. were observed for CRC (105 g−1) compared with both PP and H2 groups ( P <0.05). Diversity analysis indicated that a low Desulfovibrio sp. diversity and the predominance of Desulfovibrio piger was a feature of both healthy and disease groups. In addition, a dsrAB gene sequence distantly related to a Gram-positive SRB was also recovered, highlighting the importance of cultivation-independent techniques for furthering our understanding of the diversity of the human gastrointestinal ecosystem.  相似文献   

目的炎症性肠病(IBD)包括克罗恩病(CD)和溃疡性结肠炎(UC),以持续性肠道非特异性炎症为特征,通常反复发作、迁延不愈,临床上仍无特效性的治疗手段。IBD确切的发病机制尚不清楚,涉及免疫、环境及遗传等因素,这些因素共同诱导肠道炎症、黏膜损伤和修复。肠道微生物群落及其代谢产物、宿主基因易感性及肠道黏膜免疫三方面共同参与了IBD的发病机制。本文从消化道微生态角度出发,对目前IBD相关的肠道微生物群落研究现状、宿主-微生物间免疫应答及益生菌治疗等内容进行探讨。  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common gastrointestinal malignancies. The occurrence and development of CRC are complicated processes. Obesity and dysbacteriosis have been increasingly regarded as the main risk factors for CRC. Understanding the etiology of CRC from multiple perspectives is conducive to screening for some potential drugs or new treatment strategies to limit the serious side effects of conventional treatment and prolong the survival of CRC patients. Melatonin, a natural indoleamine, is mainly produced by the pineal gland, but it is also abundant in other tissues, including the gastrointestinal tract, retina, testes, lymphocytes, and Harder's glands. Melatonin could participate in lipid metabolism by regulating adipogenesis and lipolysis. Additionally, many studies have focused on the potential beneficial effects of melatonin in CRC, such as promotion of apoptosis; inhibition of cell proliferation, migration, and invasion; antioxidant activity; and immune regulation. Meaningfully, gut microbiota is the main determinant of all aspects of health and disease (including obesity and tumorigenesis). The gut microbiota is of great significance for understanding the relationship between obesity and increased risk of CRC. Although the current understanding of how the melatonin-mediated gut microbiota coordinates a variety of physiological and pathological activities is fairly comprehensive, there are still many unknown topics to be explored in the face of a complex nutritional status and a changeable microbiota. This review summarizes the potential links among melatonin, lipid metabolism, gut microbiota, and CRC to promote the development of melatonin as a preventive and therapeutic agent for CRC.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common disease worldwide that is strongly associated with the gut microbiota. However, little is known regarding the gut microbiota after surgical treatment. 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used to evaluate differences in gut microbiota among colorectal adenoma patients, CRC patients, CRC postoperative patients and healthy controls by comparing gut microbiota diversity, overall composition and taxonomic signature abundance. The gut microbiota of CRC patients, adenoma patients and healthy controls developed in accordance with the adenoma-carcinoma sequence, with impressive shifts in the gut microbiota before or during the development of CRC. The gut microbiota of postoperative patients and CRC patients differed significantly. Subdividing CRC postoperative patients according to the presence or absence of newly developed adenoma which based on the colonoscopy findings revealed that the gut microbiota of newly developed adenoma patients differed significantly from that of clean intestine patients and was more similar to the gut microbiota of carcinoma patients than to the gut microbiota of healthy controls. The alterations of the gut microbiota between the two groups of postoperative patients corresponded to CRC prognosis. More importantly, we used the different gut microbiota as biomarkers to distinguish postoperative patients with or without newly developed adenoma, achieving an AUC value of 0.72. These insights on the changes in the gut microbiota of CRC patients after surgical treatment may allow the use of the microbiota as non-invasive biomarkers for the diagnosis of newly developed adenomas and to help prevent cancer recurrence in postoperative patients.  相似文献   

鸡的胃肠道具有复杂的微生物菌群,该微生物菌群与宿主的肠道和整体健康密切相关,为了全面揭示鸡肠道微生物菌群的组成及其功能,本文对鸡肠道微生物菌群的建立发育、各肠段群落的分布及其生理学意义进行综述,从而为鸡肠道功能菌株的分离及有效利用,合理调控微生物菌群-宿主相互作用,提高饲料转化率和改善肠道健康提供理论依据。  相似文献   

(1)H NMR spectroscopy of aqueous fecal extracts has been used to investigate differences in metabolic activity of gut microbiota in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) (n = 13), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (n = 10), and healthy controls (C) (n = 22). Up to four samples per individual were collected over 2 years giving a total of 124 samples. Multivariate discriminant analysis, based on NMR data from all three groups, was able to predict UC and C group membership with good sensitivity and specificity; classification of IBS samples was less successful and could not be used for diagnosis. Trends were detected toward increased taurine and cadaverine levels in UC with increased bile acid and decreased branched chain fatty acids in IBS relative to controls; changes in short chain fatty acids and amino acids were not significant. Previous PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) analysis of the same fecal material had shown alterations of the gut microbiota when comparing UC and IBS groups with controls. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed that DGGE profiles from the same individual were stable over time, but NMR spectra were more variable; canonical correlation analysis of NMR and DGGE data partly separated the three groups and revealed a correlation between the gut microbiota profile and metabolite composition.  相似文献   

Chen W  Liu F  Ling Z  Tong X  Xiang C 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39743
Recent reports have suggested the involvement of gut microbiota in the progression of colorectal cancer (CRC). We utilized pyrosequencing based analysis of 16S rRNA genes to determine the overall structure of microbiota in patients with colorectal cancer and healthy controls; we investigated microbiota of the intestinal lumen, the cancerous tissue and matched noncancerous normal tissue. Moreover, we investigated the mucosa-adherent microbial composition using rectal swab samples because the structure of the tissue-adherent bacterial community is potentially altered following bowel cleansing. Our findings indicated that the microbial structure of the intestinal lumen and cancerous tissue differed significantly. Phylotypes that enhance energy harvest from diets or perform metabolic exchange with the host were more abundant in the lumen. There were more abundant Firmicutes and less abundant Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria in lumen. The overall microbial structures of cancerous tissue and noncancerous tissue were similar; however the tumor microbiota exhibited lower diversity. The structures of the intestinal lumen microbiota and mucosa-adherent microbiota were different in CRC patients compared to matched microbiota in healthy individuals. Lactobacillales was enriched in cancerous tissue, whereas Faecalibacterium was reduced. In the mucosa-adherent microbiota, Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium, and Blautia were reduced in CRC patients, whereas Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas, Peptostreptococcus, and Mogibacterium were enriched. In the lumen, predominant phylotypes related to metabolic disorders or metabolic exchange with the host, Erysipelotrichaceae, Prevotellaceae, and Coriobacteriaceae were increased in cancer patients. Coupled with previous reports, these results suggest that the intestinal microbiota is associated with CRC risk and that intestinal lumen microflora potentially influence CRC risk via cometabolism or metabolic exchange with the host. However, mucosa-associated microbiota potentially affects CRC risk primarily through direct interaction with the host.  相似文献   

The human gastrointestinal tract microbiota, despite its key roles in health and disease, remains a diverse, variable and poorly understood entity. Current surveys reveal a multitude of undefined bacterial taxa and a low diversity of methanogenic archaea. In an analysis of the microbiota in colonic mucosal biopsies from patients with inflammatory bowel disease we found 16S rDNA sequences representing a phylogenetically rich diversity of halophilic archaea from the Halobacteriaceae (haloarchaea), including novel phylotypes. As the human colon is not considered a salty environment and haloarchaea are described as extreme halophiles, we evaluated and further discarded the possibility that these sequences originated from pre‐colonoscopy saline lavage solutions. Furthermore, aerobic enrichment cultures prepared from a patient biopsy at low salinity (2.5% NaCl) yielded haloarchaeal sequence types. Microscopic observation after fluorescence in situ hybridization provided evidence of the presence of viable archaeal cells in these cultures. These results prove the survival of haloarchaea in the digestive system and suggest that they may be members of the mucosal microbiota, even if present in low numbers in comparison with methanogenic archaea. Investigation of a potential physiological basis of this association may lead to new insights into gastrointestinal health and disease.  相似文献   

An intricate relationship exists and interactions occur between gut microbiota and colorectal cancer(CRC). Radical surgery combined with adjuvant chemotherapy(AC) serves as the mainstream therapeutic scheme for most CRC patients. The current research was conducted to assess the effect of surgery or chemotherapy on gut microbiota. Forty-three CRC patients who received radical surgery and AC were enrolled. Fecal samples were collected preoperatively, postoperatively, and after the first to fifth cycles of postoperative chemotherapy. The microbial community of each sample was analyzed using high throughput 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Compared with preoperative samples, fecal samples collected postoperatively exhibited a significant decrease of obligate anaerobes, tumor-related bacteria, and butyric acid-producing bacteria. However, a significant increase of some conditional pathogens was observed. In addition, the AC regimen(CapeOx) was found to alter intestinal microbiota dramatically. In particular, several changes were observed after chemotherapy including an increase of pathogenic bacteria, the "rebound effect" of chemotherapy-adapted bacteria, the shift of lactate-utilizing microbiota from Veillonella to Butyricimonas and Butyricicoccus, as well as the decrease of probiotics. Both radical surgery and CapeOx chemotherapy exert a non-negligible effect on the gut microbiota of CRC patients. Microbiota-based intervention may be beneficial for patients during postoperative clinical management.  相似文献   

结肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)是常见的消化道恶性肿瘤,其发病率和病死率都极高。从结肠息肉发展到结肠癌一般需要10~15年,且大多遵循息肉-腺瘤-癌症的发展过程,结肠腺瘤性息肉(colorectal adenomatous polyps,CAP)被认为是结肠癌的癌前病变。有研究显示肠道菌群的改变与肠道腺瘤性息肉样变及癌症的发生发展有密切的相关性。根据肠道菌群在不同病理状态下的富集程度,可以进一步分析其与结肠病变之间的关系。本文就肠道菌群的构成,CAP患者粪便和腺瘤组织中肠道菌群富集的改变,以及肠道菌群代谢产物对CAP患者的影响等内容进行综述,为结肠腺瘤性息肉的早期诊断和治疗提供依据。  相似文献   

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