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Gene therapy for hemoglobinopathies requires efficient gene transfer into hematopoietic stem cells and high-level erythroid-specific gene expression. Toward this goal, we constructed a helper-dependent adenovirus vector carrying the beta-globin locus control region (LCR) to drive green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression, whereby the LCR-GFP cassette is flanked by adeno-associated virus (AAV) inverted terminal repeats (Ad.LCR-beta-GFP). This vector possesses the adenovirus type 35 fiber knob that allows efficient infection of hematopoietic cells. Transduction and vector integration studies were performed in MO7e cells, a growth factor-dependent CD34(+) erythroleukemic cell line, and in cord blood-derived human CD34(+) cells. Stable transduction of MO7e cells with Ad.LCR-beta-GFP was more efficient and less subject to position effects and silencing than transduction with a vector that did not contain the beta-globin LCR. Analysis of integration sites indicated that Ad.LCR-beta-GFP integration in MO7e cells was not random but tethered to chromosome 11, specifically to the globin LCR. More than 10% of analyzed integration sites were within the chromosomal beta-globin LCR. None of the Ad.LCR-beta-GFP integrations occurred in exons. The integration pattern of a helper-dependent vector that contained X-chromosomal stuffer DNA was different from that of the beta-globin LCR-containing vector. Infection of primary CD34(+) cells with Ad.LCR-beta-GFP did not affect the clonogenic capacity of CD34(+) cells. Transduction of CD34(+) cells with Ad.LCR-beta-GFP resulted in vector integration and erythroid lineage-specific GFP expression.  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein patterns in two mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cdc25-20(ts) and cdc25-20(ts) bcy1, were analysed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Comparison with the phosphoprotein patterns of the mutants cyr1-2(ts) and bcy1, analysed in a previous study, demonstrated not only that the CDC25 gene product is a positive element in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity, as suggested by recent studies, but that it is also a negative element in the phosphorylation of a 31 kDa protein (p31c and p31d), a protein whose phosphorylation is correlated with cell cycle arrest, and dephosphorylation with cell cycle initiation, respectively. Moreover, the phosphorylation phenotype of p31c and p31d suggests that the activity of the CDC25 protein is subject to feedback regulation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and that the CDC25 protein is a key element in an ammonium (NH+4) signal-response system.  相似文献   

We have characterized the induction of mRNA and protein products of the human IFI 16 gene in response to IFN-γ, IFN-α, and IFN-β2 (IL-6). We demonstrate that the IFI 16 gene product is a novel nucleoprotein expressed in association with the differentiation of myeloid precursor cell lines. In Northern blots, IFI 16 mRNA was increased ~25-fold above barely detectable levels in unstimulated promyelocytic HL-60 cells, in response to IFN-γ. Other myeloid cell lines, U937 and K562, also demonstrated a marked IFN-γ-inducibility of IFI 16 mRNA. However, all three cell lines were far less responsive to IFN-α, and there was no response to IL-6. By comparison, a panel of T and B cell lines demonstrated high constitutive expression of IFI 16 mRNA that was not regulated by these cytokines. Culture of HL-60 cells in medium containing dimethylsulfoxide, retinoic acid, and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3, agents that stimulate the differentiation of HL-60 along myeloid pathways, also caused the induction of IFI 16 mRNA. To characterize the protein product of IFI 16, a monoclonal antibody was raised against a recombinant bacterial protein comprising the amino terminal 159 amino acids of IFI 16 fused to glutathione S-transferase. The antibody, designated 1G7, was used in Western blotting to demonstrate the strong induction of a cluster of proteins of 85–95 kDa in the nuclear extracts of IFN-γ-treated HL-60. The nuclear localization of IFI 16 antigen was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of HL-60 cells treated with IFN-γ, dimethylsulfoxide, and retinoic acid. IFI 16 was also detected in the nuclei of monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes in normal peripheral blood. Database comparisons of the IFI 16 amino acid sequence revealed 51% identity with the recently cloned myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA), and extensive similarity to protein products of the Gene 200 cluster of IFN-inducible genes, Ifi 202 and Ifi 204. The amino terminal domain of IFI 16 encodes a putative nuclear localization signal, 124PGAQKRKK, which is strongly conserved in MNDA and 204. Nuclear IFI 16 was able to bind double-stranded DNA in vitro and exhibited a similar elution profile from DNA-cellulose as previously observed for MNDA and 204. Therefore, IFI 16 and MNDA are members of a novel family of human DNA-binding proteins whose expression is associated with myeloid cell differentiation induced by cytokines and chemical agents.  相似文献   

J R Young  J S Shah  G Matthyssens  R O Williams 《Cell》1983,32(4):1149-1159
Unlike many other T. brucei variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) genes, the IITat 1.3 gene is not duplicated when it is expressed. Analysis of the multiple copies of this gene present in all IITaR 1 trypanosome clones by restriction enzyme mapping and sequencing shows that the expressed copy may have arisen by duplication and transposition to a telomeric site, as is observed for those VSG genes whose expression is linked to duplication. The existence of a mechanism selecting between a number of complete telomeric VSG gene copies for expression is implied by these results. Comparisons of the nontelomeric copies of the IITat 1.3 gene are consistent with involvement of gene duplication and mutational drift in the evolution of new VSG genes.  相似文献   

We describe the cloning and expression of the mouse gene interferon-inducible-protein 15 (IP15), whose activation is related to the acute phase of experimental pancreatitis. Analysis of its structure indicates that it encodes a putative transmembrane protein of 137 amino acids. This gene contains a predicted IFN-stimulable-response element. In vivo studies showed that IP15 is strongly activated in pancreas early during caerulein-induced pancreatitis. In situ hybridization of IP15 mRNA showed that its expression is restricted to acinar cells. IP15 was also induced in pancreas under systemic-lipopolysaccharide treatment and in intestine under Salmonella infection. In vitro studies using NIH3T3 fibroblasts showed that IP15 is induced by IFN-alpha. Growth rate was significantly lower in cells transfected with pcDNA4/IP15 plasmid. In addition, cells expressing IP15 showed less capacity to develop colonies after antibiotic selection. In conclusion, we identified a new interferon-inducible gene that is activated early in pancreas with pancreatitis and whose expression inhibits cell growth.  相似文献   

In many species of actinomycetes, carotenogenesis can be photoinduced. The capacity to respond to photoinduction is, however unstable and, in various strains of Streptomyces, is lost at a relatively high frequency. In Streptomyces setonii ISP5395, which normally produces no carotenoids, carotenoid-producing mutants can be obtained following protoplast regeneration. We report here the characterization of a gene, crtS, which was isolated from one such mutant and can confer on wild-type S. setonii ISP5395 cells the capacity to synthesize carotenoids. Sequence analysis of crtS reveals an open reading frame, which shows homology to genes that encode alternative sigma factors in Bacillus subtilis. We propose that crtS encodes a sigma factor which is necessary for the expression of a cryptic gene(s) for carotenoid biosynthesis in S. setonii ISP5395.  相似文献   

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