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【目的】白星花金龟Protaetia (Liocola) brevitarsis (Lewis)幼虫取食农作物秸秆、畜禽粪便等农业废弃物,在自然界中发挥着净化环境、变废为宝的作用。【方法】本文选用8种农牧业有机废弃物,包括腐熟沼渣、平菇菌糠、猪粪、牛粪、玉米秸秆、25%玉米秸秆+牛粪、50%玉米秸秆+牛粪、75%玉米秸秆+牛粪作为饲料,研究不同农业有机废弃物对白星花金龟生物学特性的影响。【结果】沼渣组和平菇菌糠组单雌产卵量较高,分别为130.17粒和117.00粒,显著高于猪粪、牛粪和玉米秸秆处理;在牛粪与玉米秸秆混配组,各处理单雌产卵量为101.50-108.67粒,不同混合比例间无显著差异。从幼虫孵化率比较,平菇菌糠组和猪粪组幼虫孵化率较高,分别为87.78%和82.22%;玉米秸秆及其与牛粪不同比例混合处理的幼虫孵化率均很低,仅为46.67%-57.78%。从幼虫化蛹率、羽化率比较,玉米秸秆添加不同比例牛粪处理组的化蛹率和羽化率均较高,分别达到90.00%-95.56%和88.89%-91.11%;沼渣、猪粪等单一物质处理的化蛹率和羽化率均较低,分别低于90%和70%。单一物质处理中,沼渣、平菇菌糠、牛粪、玉米秸秆处理组羽化后均为雌虫比例大于雄虫比例。玉米秸秆与牛粪混配组中,仅50%玉米秸秆+牛粪处理组为雌虫比例大于雄虫比例;雌、雄成虫的体长及体宽均在(17-19)mm、(10-11)mm之间,沼渣、猪粪和牛粪处理组体长略小。以不同农业有机废弃物饲喂的白星花金龟全世代发育历期中,牛粪饲喂组白星花金龟历期最短,为(315.29±0.55)d;沼渣饲喂组白星花金龟历期最长,为(330.75±1.76)d。【结论】不同农业有机废弃物均可作为白星花金龟繁育基质,并可为其幼虫转化处理农业有机废弃物提供理论依据。  相似文献   

四列藻被认为是介导广盐性轮虫有性生殖的优质饵料。然而,新鲜的四列藻培养成本高且营养单一难以维持轮虫的高密度、高质量培养。因此,寻找一种营养素含量高、经济效益好,且能提高轮虫增殖效率的商业化饵料对水产养殖业的发展有重要意义。本研究通过比较四列藻和富硒小球藻对褶皱臂尾轮虫复合品系(日本品系和澳大利亚品系)的生殖及休眠卵孵化率的影响,探究了富硒小球藻饵料在轮虫高密度培养中的可用性。研究发现,日本品系轮虫,富硒小球藻组的休眠卵孵化率(70.0±11.1)%显著高于四列藻组(24.0±10.8)%(p0.05);而澳大利亚品系,虽然休眠卵孵化率在两种饵料间无显著性差异,但小球藻组的种群生长率(0.28±0.02)高于四列藻组(0.23±0.00)(p0.05)。由此可见,富硒小球藻有利于褶皱臂尾轮虫复合品系的种群增长和有性繁殖。此外,富硒小球藻饵料组轮虫的体长和体宽均小于四列藻组,这一结果也证明了轮虫种群密度越大,体型越小的理论。本研究结果显示在褶皱臂尾轮虫复合品系的高密度培养中,商业化的富硒小球藻有望替代四列藻成为一种有效的提高轮虫有性生殖效率的饵料。  相似文献   

大型海藻富含多种活性物质,具有抗衰老等生物活性;轮虫是良好的潜在抗衰老研究模式生物。本研究以褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)作为实验对象,研究了不同浓度的大型海藻龙须菜抽提液(0,250,500,750,1000 mg/L)和不同浓度的食物(蛋白核小球藻和普通小球藻)对褶皱臂尾轮虫生命表参数的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,食物浓度为1.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻时,不同浓度龙须菜抽提液对轮虫产卵数、平均寿命、净生长率以及世代时间有显著促进效应(P0.05);轮虫平均产卵数及寿命在龙须菜抽提液浓度750 mg/L处达到最高,分别为16只和13.9d(P0.05)。食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL普通小球藻时,轮虫平均产卵数和寿命在抽提液浓度为500 mg/L处达到最高,分别为16只和13.6d(P0.05),轮虫平均寿命和净生长率均有显著提高(P0.05)。相同龙须菜抽提液浓度下,食物浓度为1.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻下轮虫的净生长率、世代时间均显著高于食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻培养的轮虫(P0.05);食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL时,普通小球藻培养轮虫的净生长率和世代时间均显著高于蛋白核小球藻实验组(P0.05)。交互作用分析显示,龙须菜抽提液与小球藻的交互作用对褶皱臂尾轮虫的内禀增长率有显著影响(P0.05)。研究结果表明,大型海藻龙须菜抽提液对褶皱臂尾轮虫的生长与生殖有促进作用,延长轮虫寿命。  相似文献   

在温度(29±1)℃、盐度28.5±0.5条件下,研究了卤虫、蟹类、虾类、贝类4种饵料单独及混合投喂20d后对方斑东风螺稚螺(壳高1.5~2.0 mm)生长及存活的影响。结果表明:单独投喂卤虫组(62.65%)存活率显著高于其它各组(p0.05),卤虫+贝类组(40.09%)存活率高于单独投喂贝类组(34.36%),但无显著性差异(p0.05)。单独投喂卤虫组壳高、壳宽最低,单独投喂贝类组壳宽、壳高特定生长率最高(6.02%/d,6.67%/d),但与卤虫+贝类组差异不显著。卤虫组壳高、壳宽变异系数低于其它各组,其中壳高变异系数显著低于其它各组,壳宽变异系数与其它各组无显著性差异(p0.05)。试验结果说明投喂卤虫有利于提高方斑东风螺稚螺存活率及个体大小整齐度。  相似文献   

不同饵料对卤虫生长、总脂含量及脂肪酸组成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高养殖卤虫的饵料营养价值,了解其不同生长阶段营养成分变化情况,采用单因子试验研究了8种饵料(三角褐指藻、小球藻、微绿球藻、酵母液、三角褐指藻+小球藻+微绿球藻、三角褐指藻+酵母液、小球藻+酵母液和微绿球藻+酵母液)对卤虫生长、总脂含量及脂肪酸组成的影响,结果表明:不同饵料种类对卤虫生长、总脂含量及脂肪酸组成的影响显著(P<0.05),增长率,以三角褐指藻+酵母液最优;总脂含量、以三角褐指藻最优(19.67%),除酵母液外,与其它饵料相差不显著(P>0.05);脂肪酸组成效果,以微绿球藻组最优(EPA:18.01%,DNA:0.55%,(n-3)HUFA:19.08%),与三角褐指藻组相差不大(P>0.05),显著高于其它各组(P>0.05).同时以三角褐指藻为饵料,研究了卤虫不同生长阶段(体长2、4、6、8、10 mm)总脂含量、脂肪酸组成变化,结果表明:卤虫体长2~10 mm总脂含量为14.27%~20.93%,随体长的增长降低;EPA、DHA及(n-3)HUFA的含量,均随体长的增长降低,EPA含量为:10.47%~20.77%,DNA含量为:0~0.70%,(n-3)HUFA含量为:10.85%~22.01%.结论认为,卤虫以三角褐指藻或三角褐指藻+酵母液为饵料培养营养价值最佳,其体长小于6 mm营养价值较佳.  相似文献   

为探索低盐驯化褶皱臂尾轮虫规模化培育的可行性,本实验以小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为饵料,在饵料密度1.0×104、1.0×105、1.0×106、1.0×107和1.0×108 cells·mL-1下,采用单个体培养法,研究了盐度23及盐度6的褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)的生活史特征。结果表明:随着饵料密度的升高,两组盐度轮虫的生殖期、平均寿命、产卵量、生命期望、净生殖率、世代时间和种群内禀增长率均呈现出先升高再降低(P<0.05);盐度6的轮虫在饵料密度1.0×106、1.0×107和1.0×108 cells·mL-1下的生殖前期显著小于饵料密度1.0×104和1.0×105 cells·mL-1下的生殖前期(P<0.05);盐度23的轮虫...  相似文献   

不同蛋白质水平的饵料对黄喉拟水龟生长影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据单因子梯度设计原理,采用进口鱼粉、豆粕为主要蛋白源制成蛋白质含量分别为50.2%、47.3%、44.3%和41.4%共4种试验饵料,研究不同蛋白质水平饵料对黄喉拟水龟生长的影响.结果 表明,经过120 d对80只黄喉拟水龟幼龟的饲养,当饵料的蛋白质含量为47.3%时,黄喉拟水龟的生长速度最快,均显著高于其他3个组(P<0.05);蛋白质效率最高,极显著高于50.2%组(P<0.01),也分别显著高于44.3%组和41.4%组(P<0.05);耗料增重比最低,分别极显著低于44.3%组和50.2%组(P<0.01),也显著低于41.4%组(P<0.05).但不同蛋白质水平的饵料对黄喉拟水龟龟体蛋白质含量没有明显的影响(P>0.05).  相似文献   

食物种类和浓度对壶状臂尾轮虫实验种群动态的影响   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
使用浓度为0.3mg/mL的椭圆小球藻、尖细栅藻和两者以1:1(湿重比)组成的混合藻在26±1℃下对壶状臂尾轮虫进行单个体培养研究。结果表明,虽然三类食物对轮虫的胚胎发育时间和平均寿命无显著影响,但投喂小球藻时轮虫的生殖前期明显比投喂栅藻或混合藻时短,投喂小球藻时轮虫的生殖期明显比投喂栅藻时长;轮虫的生殖后期历时以栅藻组最长,混合藻组次之,小球藻组最短,三者间具显著差异。轮虫的繁殖率、产卵量和种群内禀增长率均以小球藻组最高,混合藻组次之,栅藻组最低。由此可见,小球藻是该种轮虫培养的最适饵料。以浓度为0.375、0.75、1.5、3.0和5.0×106cells/mL的椭圆小球藻为食物在23±1℃下对壶状臂尾轮虫进行单个体培养研究发现,0.75×106cells/mL是其生存和繁殖的最低浓度阈值;食物浓度对轮虫的胚胎发育时间和生殖后期历时无显著影响;食物浓度为1.5×106cells/mL和3.0×106cells/mL时,轮虫各主要发育阶段的历时和产卵量间也无显著差异;食物浓度高于3.0×106cells/mL或低于1.5×106cells/mL对轮虫的生殖前期无显著影响,但使轮虫的平均寿命和产卵量显著减小;食物浓度高于3.0×106cells/mL时,轮虫的生殖期显著缩短。轮虫种群的繁殖率、净生殖率和内禀增长率皆以3.0×106cells/mL组最高,1.5×106cells/mL组次之,0.75×106 cells/mL和5.0×106cells/mL组较低。因此,轮虫种群增长的适宜食物浓度范围为1.5-3.0×106cells/mL,最适食物浓度是3.0×106cells/mL。    相似文献   

为明确寄主植物对桃蛀螟生长发育及产卵选择行为的影响,利用实验种群生命表和二项产卵选择试验,研究了玉米、大豆、棉花和桃等4种寄主植物对桃蛀螟种群生长发育及产卵选择性的影响。结果表明:取食棉花的桃蛀螟幼虫存活率最低、幼虫历期最长,取食玉米的幼虫存活率最高、幼虫历期最短,取食桃和大豆的幼虫存活率和历期居于棉花处理组和玉米处理组之间;玉米处理组的桃蛀螟化蛹率、蛹重和蛹历期均为最高,棉花处理组为最低,大豆和桃处理组的这些参数均显著小于玉米处理组而大于棉花处理组;发育至成虫后,取食玉米的桃蛀螟羽化率显著高于其他3个处理组;取食桃的桃蛀螟成虫寿命(雌虫和雄虫)及个体发育历期均显著高于其他3种处理组;同时取食桃的桃蛀螟单雌产卵量最高,其次是玉米处理组,两者均显著高于大豆和棉花处理组。二项产卵选择试验结果显示,桃蛀螟雌蛾在棉花和玉米处理组、玉米和大豆处理组或棉花和大豆处理组间的落卵量差异不显著;但在包含桃的处理组中,桃蛀螟在棉花、玉米或大豆处理区的落卵量均显著高于桃处理区。上述结果表明,供试4种寄主植物中,桃蛀螟偏好在棉花、玉米和大豆上产卵,其中玉米对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较高,棉花对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较低。  相似文献   

李香  张清靖  李凯 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1739-1744
在28℃下,采用群体累积培养法,探讨了不同浓度的蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenodeosa)、水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flas-aquae)和沙角衣藻(Chlamyclomoras sajao),以及在等生物量条件下,以上3种藻类两两配比饵料(3:1、1:1和1:3)对萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)的培养效果。结果表明,不同浓度的蛋白核小球藻、水华鱼腥藻和沙角衣藻对萼花臂尾轮虫增殖效果的影响分别表现为差异极显著(P〈0.01)、显著(P〈0.05)和不显著(P〉0.05);蛋白核小球藻与水华鱼腥藻组成的混合饵料对萼花臂尾轮虫的增殖效果均优于其中的单一种类(P〈0.05);沙角衣藻无论是单独投喂,还是与其它藻类混合投喂,轮虫的培养效果均不理想。因此,该种类不宜用作轮虫饵料开发。该研究还表明,蛋白核小球藻是培养萼花臂尾轮虫的最适单一种类,它与水华鱼腥藻组成的混合饵料培养萼花臂尾轮虫效果更好。  相似文献   

A completely randomized design study with a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement was conducted to evaluate the effects of three different fat sources (soybean oil, tallow, and poultry fat) with or without emulsifier supplementation on performance, coefficient of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of fatty acids, and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) content in broiler chickens. Two hundred and fifty-two one-day-old male Arbor Acres broiler chickens were randomly divided into 6 different treatments: (T1) basal diet containing soybean oil without lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) supplementation, (T2) basal diet containing soybean oil with LPC supplementation, (T3) basal diet containing tallow without LPC supplementation, (T4) basal diet containing tallow with LPC supplementation, (T5) basal diet containing poultry fat without LPC supplementation, and (T6) basal diet containing poultry fat with LPC supplementation. Body weight gains from broiler chicks fed diets containing tallow were lower (P<0.05) than the body weight gains from chicks that were fed diets containing soybean oil or poultry fat in both the starter and grower periods. Birds fed diets containing tallow had the highest FCR (P<0.05), followed by the birds that were fed diets containing poultry fat, and soybean oil. The CTTAD of C16:0, C18:2, and C18:3n3 was greater (P<0.05) for broilers fed diets containing soybean oil than for those fed diets containing tallow or poultry fat in the starter period. The addition of LPC increased (P<0.05) body weight gain of broiler chickens in the starter period and the AME of the diets in the grower period, and tended to reduce FCR (P=0.072) in the starter period. LPC supplementation increased (P<0.05) the CTTAD of C16:0, C18:1n7 and C18:1n9 in the starter period, and of C18:2, and C18:3n3 in the grower period (P<0.05). There were no significant interactions between fat sources and the addition of LPC. These data indicated that LPC supplementation can improve body weight gain of broiler chickens in the starter period. This effect may be associated with an increase of CTTAD of FA due to LPC activity.  相似文献   

Some grain processing by-products rich in digestible fiber are good feed resources for ruminants. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of replacing a portion of corn and corn stover with the combinations of corn bran and soybean hulls in the diet of fattening lambs on nutrient digestion, rumen microbial protein synthesis, and growth performance. A total of 36 Dorper × Small Thin-Tailed crossbred ram lambs (BW = 22.2 ± 0.92 kg; mean ± SD) were randomly divided into three groups, and each group was fed 1 of 3 treatment diets: 1) 0% corn bran and soybean hulls (control); 2) 9% corn bran and 9% soybean hulls (18MIX); and 3) 17% corn bran and 17% soybean hulls (34MIX). The feeding experiment was conducted for 70 days, with the first 10 days for adaption. The DM intake was higher for 34MIX (1635.3 g/d) than for control diet (1434.7 g/d; P = 0.001). Lambs fed 18MIX and 34MIX diets (230.2 and 263.6 g/d, respectively) had higher average daily gain and feed efficiency than those fed control diet (194.8 g/d; P < 0.01). Dry matter and NDF digestibility for 34MIX group (60.9 and 49.5%) were higher than for control (55.2 and 41.3%; P < 0.01). No difference was observed in nitrogen digestibility among treatment diets (P = 0.778). The lambs fed 34MIX diet excreted more urinary purine derivatives, indicating that more microbial protein was yielded than those fed control diet (P < 0.01), while 18MIX was not different from the other two diets (P > 0.05). The metabolizable protein supplies were improved with increasing co-products inclusion rate. The results indicated that corn bran and soybean hulls in combination can effectively replace a portion of corn and corn stover in the ration of finishing lambs with positive effect on nutrient digestion and growth performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment on 180 weaned piglets (8.9 kg body weight) was to investigate the influence of high fibre diets formulated with different fibrous ingredients on performance, nutrient digestibility, diarrhoea incidence and numbers of faecal microbiota. The dietary treatments included a Control diet and five high fibre diets formulated with different fibre sources including wheat bran, soybean hulls, naked oat hulls, palm kernel expeller and bamboo fibre. The high fibre diets averaged 14.6% neutral detergent fibre with different non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) components and were fed ad libitum for 28 d. Faecal samples were collected during the last 3 d of the experiment and the apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients and fibre components were determined. Pigs fed the Control and wheat bran diets had a higher (≤ 0.05) average daily gain (ADG) than pigs fed the palm kernel expeller and bamboo meal diets. The reduced ADG for pigs appeared to be related to reductions in the digestibility of gross energy and dry matter, respectively. The feed-to-gain ratio was significantly higher (≤ 0.05) for pigs fed the fibre diets. The digestibility of NSP components was different among the treatments. The diarrhoea incidence was not affected by treatments. The abundance of faecal bifidobacteria was significantly higher (≤ 0.05) for pigs fed the wheat bran diet than for pigs fed the bamboo meal diet. It was concluded that the diets formulated with different fibre sources when fed to weaned piglets have different effects on pig performance, nutrient digestibility and numbers of faecal microbiota. The wheat bran diet rich in arabinoxylans enabled a better performance than the other tested diets with fibre addition.  相似文献   

A 2 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of partial substitution of dietary fish meal with soybean meal and citric acid (CA) supplementation on growth, food utilization, muscle composition and nutrient digestibility of Beluga, Huso huso. Three isonitrogenic and isoenergetic diets, as SBM1 (soybean meal protein (SBP):fishmeal protein (FP) = 1:3), SBM2 (SBP:FP = 2:3) and SBM3 (SBP:FP = 1:1) containing two levels of CA (0 and 30 g kg−1) were fed to triplicate groups of fish for 8 weeks. The results revealed that adding CA increased (P<0.05) the weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) and decreased (P<0.05) food conversion rate (FCR) whereas partial substitution of fishmeal with soybean meal decreased (P<0.05) growth performance. Partial replacement of fishmeal with SBM (P=0.021) as well as CA supplementation (P=0.019) and their interaction (P<0.001) affected hepatosomatic index (HSI). No differences (P>0.05) were observed for viscerosomatic index (VSI) among treatments (P>0.05). No differences (P>0.05) were detected in moisture, protein of muscle sample among treatments, but lipid content was reduced (P<0.05) while ash content increased (P=0.035) by CA. Soybean meal decreased (P<0.05) nutrient digestibility, whereas CA improved apparent protein and phosphorus (P) digestibility (P=0.011 and P<0.001 respectively). No interaction (P<0.05) between levels of SBM and CA was found on these parameters. Results of the present study indicate that Beluga has a limited ability to utilize SBM as a protein source in practical diets whereas CA can improve growth and nutrient utilization in Beluga.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究用部分麦麸替代基础日粮中的玉米对蛋鸡生产性能的影响。选取24周龄的海兰褐蛋鸡600只,随机分为5组,每组6个重复,每个重复20只。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组分别饲喂麦麸替代基础日粮中玉米的5%,10%,15%,20%的试验日粮,预饲期7 d,正式试验期35 d。结果表明:麦麸替代玉米提高了平均日采食量、平均蛋重、产蛋率、料蛋比、蛋比重和哈夫单位(P<0.05)。试验表明,麦麸替代玉米,可以提高蛋鸡生产性能,改善蛋品质,且替代10%的玉米效果最佳。  相似文献   

The effects of a mixture of organisms on cecal fermentation and cholesterol metabolism in sham-operated and cecectomized rats were investigated. Male F344 rats, allocated into four groups: cecectomized rats fed a mixture of organisms (CEMO), cecectomized rats fed rice bran (CERB), sham-operated rats fed a mixture of organisms (SHMO), and sham-operated rats fed rice bran (SHRB) for 4 weeks. The diets had 0.5% cholesterol and 0.125% sodium cholate added. There were no significant differences in the body weight gain and food intake among the groups. The cecal pH in the SHMO group was significantly lower than that in the other groups. The total cholesterol and (VLDL + IDL + LDL)-cholesterol concentrations in serum were significantly lower in the SHMO group than that in the SHRB group, and the triacylglycerol concentration in the sham-operated rats tended to decrease compared to the cecectomized rats. The fecal cholesterol excretion in the CERB group was higher than that in the other groups, and that in the SHMO group was significantly higher than in the SHRB group. The acetic acid, propionic acid, n-butyric acid, and total short-chain fatty acid concentrations in the cecum contents were significantly higher in the SHMO group than those in the other groups. Streptococcus, Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus in the SHMO group tended to be higher than the other groups and Bacteroidaceae in the CEMO and CERB groups were significantly higher than that in the SHMO group. The results demonstrate that the mixture of organisms was fermented with the cecal contents and that the metabolites such as short-chain fatty acid lowered the serum total cholesterol and liver cholesterol concentrations in the rats fed a cholesterol-containing diet.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate effects of fish oil replacement by sesame oil in combination with other vegetable oils in diets with regard to growth performance, feed utilization, desaturation and elongation, whole fish and liver fatty acid profiles of juvenile rainbow trout. Sesame oil (SO) used in the feeds was a mixture of linseed (LO), sunflower (SFO) and fish oil (FO), whereas the control diet contained only FO. Duplicate groups of 60 rainbow trout (~7 g) held under similar culture conditions were fed 2% of their body weight per day for 75 days. At the end of feeding trials, there was no difference in feed utilization efficiency or growth performance between the control group and the groups with added sesame oil (P > 0.05). However, viscerosomatic and hepatosomatic index values were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in fish fed with FO30/SO35/SFO35 diets. Results showed that total body lipid levels of fish fed diets containing sunflower oil were higher than in the other experimental groups (P < 0.05). However, crude lipid levels were similar in fish fed the control diet and the diet with sesame oil (FO30/LO35/SO35), which is sunflower oil‐free. Crude lipid levels of fish livers were not influenced by the diets (P > 0.05). Diets with sesame oil increased desaturation and elongation of 18 : 3n‐3 towards n‐3 HUFA. The conclusion was that the diet addition of sesame oil in combination with other vegetable oils increased the nutritional quality of the whole fish and liver of juvenile rainbow trout, in particular the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) level. Therefore, sesame oil may be of interest for use in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Partially purified enzymes: amylase of Macrophomina phaseolina, cellulase of Trichoderma sp. and pectinase of Fusarium trincitum were produced, purified and mixed together to form a three-enzyme system. A similar mixture was produced for the crude forms of the three enzymes. The two forms of the enzyme mixture were then applied to diets containing wheat bran, rice bran, palm kernel meal, corn bran or coconut meal and were fed to 784 1-day-old broiler chicks of both sexes. Results after six weeks showed the live weight, the body weight gain and the feed conversion ratio to be significantly affected by enzyme supplementation for all fibre types included in the diets. Over the feeding interval, the plucked weight, carcass weight, edible meat and the total bone weight also increased in amount for both crude and partially purified forms of the enzyme applied directly or in water, compared with the unsupplemented diet. Statistically significant differences P(0.05) also existed in the percentage protein and ash content of the carcass of both the unsupplemented and supplemented diets.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the growth of Corbicula fluminea Müller (1774) fed mixed diets of the green alga Ankistrodesmus and five artificial foods (nine-grain cereal, rice flour, rye bran, denatured brewer's yeast and Ralston Purina trout chow). Clams lost weight after 30 days on each artificial diet; however, weight losses were significantly less than those of control clams which were not fed (p < 0.05). In contrast, clam growth was positive in each treatment which included Ankistrodesmus. There was no significant difference in the tissue growth of clams fed on an Ankistrodesmus monoculture and Ankistrodesmus supplemented with each artificial diet (p > 0.2). Therefore, we conclude that all of the artificial diets evaluated were of nutritional value. However, the alga Ankistrodesmus appears to be a superior food item. In subsequent experiments, clams were fed on diets consisting of various combinations of six genera of green algae (Pedinomonas, Ankistrodesmus, Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, and Selenastrum). All trialgal combinations of Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, and Ankistrodesmus and a dialgal culture of Chlamydomonas and Chlorella resulted in strong positive tissue growth. No other dialgal or monoalgal culture resulted in similar growth. Cultures of Selenastrum were found to be toxic, and their filtrate was determined to inhibit Corbicula filtration.  相似文献   

The current experiment with 3 trials aimed to study the effect of two levels of dietary fibre – high fibre (HF; 323 g aNDFom/kg) and low fibre (LF; 248 g aNDFom/kg) – and the effect of mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) addition (1 g/kg) to the LF diet (LFM) on the performances and health status of growing rabbits, digestibility and caecal fermentative characteristics. In the growth trial 132 rabbits of both sexes were used (11 cages with 4 rabbits per treatment) from weaning (32 days of age) to slaughter (67 days of age). Rabbits fed HF diet showed a significantly higher weight gain and live weight at 67 days than rabbits fed LF diet (2032 g vs. 1935 g) (P<0.05). Feed and digestible energy intake increased with dietary fibre level (P<0.05). During the growing period rabbits fed HF diet had a feed intake 26% higher than those fed LF diet. Feed efficiency ratio was worse in HF animals (0.334 vs. 0.385; P<0.05). Addition of MOS to LF diet did not affect growth performance parameters (P>0.05). Mortality and morbidity rate were not affected by treatments. In the digestibility 24 rabbits from 46 to 51 days of age trial were used. The HF diet resulted in a significant (P<0.05) decrease in digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and protein while the aNDFom digestibility was not significantly different between diets (P>0.05). Supplementation with MOS had no effects on digestibility (P>0.05). In the 3rd trial the caecal traits were measured in 30 rabbits with 46 days of age that received the experimental diets in the previous 14 days. Caecal production of total volatile fatty acids (VFA), acetate and propionate were significantly higher (P>0.05) on rabbits fed HF diets than on rabbits fed LF diets. The total VFA concentration increased 64% (from 5.01 to 8.20 mmol/100 ml) and acetate increased 73% (from 3.73 to 6.44 mmol/100 ml). Butyrate production was not different between diets (P>0.05). Fibre level did not affect proportions of VFA and caecal contents and caecal weights. Addition of MOS to LF diet did not affect any caecal trait (P>0.05). It was concluded that the reduction of dietary fibre level increases feed digestibility but worsens rabbit growth performances. Supplementation of low fibre diet with 1 g MOS/kg is not enough to reduce its negative effects on growth performances.  相似文献   

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