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首次对我国几种腹属蛇类的12S rRNA和Cyt b 基因的部分序列进行了测定。12S rRNA基因片段序列结果揭示:中介蝮有较大的种下分化。本文为蝮属蛇类的分子系统学研究提供了一些资料。  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用线粒体DNA上的12S rRNA基因、COI基因分子标记鉴定少棘巨蜈蚣(Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch)干燥体。通过提取少棘巨蜈蚣干燥体样本DNA,PCR扩增线粒体DNA上的12S r RNA基因、COI基因片段,对PCR产物进行电泳检测及测序分析,测序结果在GenBank上进行BLAST搜索,同源性分析,并用MEGA7.0软件对所有实验样品及少棘巨蜈蚣的近缘物种进行遗传距离分析、构建邻接(NJ)树以验证序列比对结果。结果表明,从少棘巨蜈蚣(Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch)干燥体中成功地提取到了基因组总DNA,并成功扩增出了用于动物种属鉴定的12S rRNA、COI基因片段。但所得蜈蚣样本12S rRNA基因片段序列与NCBI的GenBank中的物种的同源性无90%以上的。通过文献调研发现尚无蜈蚣12S rRNA基因片段的相关报道,将该序列作为新的基因序列注册到NCBI基因数据库中,该基因片段序列的GenBank登录号为JN558832.1。这说明利用线粒体DNA上的12S rRNA、COI基因DNA分子标记皆可准确鉴定动物种属。本研究得到的12S rRNA基因片段序列可作为后续准确鉴定少棘巨蜈蚣药材的分子标记参考。  相似文献   

黄娅琳  黄群  周用武 《四川动物》2006,25(3):478-480
目的利用mtDNA 12S rRNA基因序列测定法对西藏自治区森林公安局送检的三件毛发物证进行种属鉴定,并探讨该方法在无毛囊毛发样本鉴定中的应用价值。方法用酚/氯仿法从毛发样本中提取出基因组总DNA,再用一通用引物通过PCR技术扩增mtDNA上12S rRNA基因的部分片段并进行序列测定。测序结果在GenBank上进行BLAST搜索,再利用DNAMAN软件进行同源性分析。结果1号样和3号样扩增产物序列与藏原羚的线粒体DNA的12S rRNA基因序列的部分片段的同源性均高达99%;2号样的序列与盘羊的线粒体DNA的12S rRNA基因序列的部分片段的同源性高达98%。结论1号和3号样为藏原羚,2号样为盘羊。本研究所用方法在野生动物案件的样本鉴定中有极高的应用价值。  相似文献   

鹦鹉是具有超凡魅力的鸟类,其羽毛和学习能力使它们成为备受追捧的宠物.近年来,大量的非法贸易对鹦鹉原生种群的生存造成了严重威胁.为了减少贩运活禽的运输困难,走私者经常选择鸟蛋来运输,这也给物种的形态学鉴定带来了困难.本研究以北京海关缉私局查获的97枚鹦鹉蛋为材料,探讨了基于线粒体基因Cyt b,CO Ⅰ,12S rRNA和16S rRNA四种条形码的鹦鹉物种识别率,根据现有的参考数据库,81%的鹦鹉蛋能鉴定到物种水平,19%的蛋只能鉴定到科或属的水平.本研究同时对GenBank中鹦形目现有的线粒体基因条形码序列及其全基因组数据进行了全面统计与分析,发现目前GenBank中只有77.33%的物种具有线粒体基因Cyt b,CO Ⅰ,12S rRNA和16S rRNA的相关序列信息,参考数据库中mtDNA序列的缺失,为其物种的准确识别造成了很大阻碍.本研究以期通过对参考数据库中鹦形目鸟类mtDNA条形码的统计与评估,为相关执法部门以及检验鉴定机构提供一定参考.  相似文献   

利用韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和细胞色素b (Cyt b)序列,并将其与GenBank 中的豹猫及西表猫的上述基因进行比较,以此来重新分析韩国豹猫和其它豹猫及西表猫之间的遗传分化情况。首先,我们从18 只韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和Cyt b 序列分析中分别检测到6 个等位基因、1 个单倍型和3 个单倍型,推测曾经发生 在豹猫种群的瓶颈事件可能是本文发现的不同分子标记之间存在基因型丢失差异的原因。基于Cyt b 序列分析,证实东亚的豹猫形成一个单独的进化枝,本文得到的Cyt b 序列和之前发布结果支持一个分类理论,即认为东亚的豹猫就是东北森林猫。我们发现在IRBP、12S rRNA 基因上,韩国豹猫和西表猫存在相同的序列,支持将西表猫和豹猫视为同一物种。  相似文献   

mtDNA标记在几种海关进出口动物产品鉴定中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨光  蔡垚  刘海 《动物学杂志》2004,39(5):40-43
从海关查获的动物及其制品中提取基因组DNA,通过PCR技术扩增mtDNA细胞色素b(cytochrome b,cyt b)和12S rRNA基因并测定其序列。利用互联网上丰富的基因数据库进行BIAST。搜索,准确地鉴定了动物的种类,从而为海关查获的走私珍稀野生动物的鉴定提供了一条灵敏和可靠的途径。  相似文献   

穿山甲标本和甲片的DNA提取及PCR扩增   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证经处理后的穿山甲(Manis spp.)标本和甲片是否可以用于种间分子鉴定标记的开发及个体识别工作,本文在样品的预处理、消化、提取后纯化等方面对传统提取方法进行了改进,分别从穿山甲剥制标本、干皮标本及甲片中提取总DNA;然后用Cyt b基因扩增通用引物、12S rRNA基因全序列扩增引物、RAPD引物及微卫星引物进行了PCR扩增,并对部分扩增结果进行了序列测定.结果表明,除剥制标本的脚底皮张组织外,其他样品基本都可以提取出DNA.以此为模板的PCR扩增中,2种线粒体基因引物扩增出明显目的条带,RAPD引物扩增出种间特异条带,测序结果可用于种间特异性引物及SCAR引物的开发;微卫星引物在甲片样品中扩增稳定,可用于个体识别工作.  相似文献   

基于线粒体DNA序列探讨斑头鱼分类地位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定了斑头鱼Agrammus agrammus和大泷六线鱼Hexagrammos otakii的线粒体COⅠ、Cyt b和16S rRNA基因的部分序列,结合从GenBank中获得的六线鱼属3种的同源序列,以单鳍多线鱼Pleurogrammus monopterygius为外群,运用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法(BI)构建了分子系统树。同时联合了3个基因片段序列,运用贝叶斯联合模型综合探讨了六线鱼类的系统发育关系。结果显示:除16S rRNA基因外,其余2个基因片段以及联合模型所构建的系统树拓扑结构完全一致,即斑头鱼与大泷六线鱼亲缘关系最近,应归为六线鱼属,拉丁学名应为Hexagrammos agrammus。Cyt b基因片段序列分析结果显示,斑头鱼和大泷六线鱼分歧时间约为175万年。结合形态学研究资料,支持将斑头鱼归为六线鱼属的观点,斑头鱼和大泷六线鱼亲缘关系最近,属于六线鱼科中分化较晚的种类。  相似文献   

孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组序列结构及其进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Long-PCR扩增线粒体全基因组方法得到了孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组全序列.序列分析结果表明,孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组序列全长16 511 bp,共有13个编码蛋白质基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和1个D-loop区.在编码蛋白质基因中,除COⅠ是以GTG作为起始密码子外,其它均是以ATG起始,NDⅠ、COⅡ、ND3以TAG作为终止密码子,而ND4、Cyt b则以不完全的T为终止密码子,其余8个蛋白质基因的终止密码子均为TAA.孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组各基因长度、位置与典型的脊椎动物相似,其编码蛋白质基因和rRNA基因与其它硬骨鱼类具有很高的同源性.基于14种笛鲷线粒体区段COⅠ、COⅡ和Cyt b基因的全序列合并成的一个组合数据集构建系统进化树,显示孟加拉笛鲷与四带笛鲷关系最为密切.  相似文献   

对GaneBank中登录的部分骆驼科动物线粒体12 srRNA/tRNA-Val/16 rRNA基因序列进行同源性比较,并借助DNAstar软件设计引物,扩增并进行序列分析,旨在揭示其遗传变异的规律。PCR条件优化后成功扩增出长度为1 014 bp的DNA片段,b lastn分析显示,该片断与骆驼科动物的同源性高于95%,所获得片断包括30bp的12 srRNA基因部分序列,71 bp的tRNA-Val基因全序列和913 bp的16 srRNA基因部分序列。利用RNA-structure 4.2 RNA分析软件绘制了部分骆驼科动物的线粒体tRNA-Val推导性二级结构图,比较结果显示,羊驼线粒体tRNA-Val氨基酸臂和反密码子环呈属间特异性遗传。  相似文献   

大多数脊椎动物的线粒体基因组(约16—18kb)的组成是相对较稳定的,但在不同类群中,线粒体基因组在基因结构和基因排列方式等方面均显示了极大的多样性,这种多样性可能反映了真核细胞不同的进化路线(Saccone et al.,1999)。就目前的研究而言,线粒体基因组是惟一一个能够从基因组水平上来分析动物系统发生的分子标记,可以从线粒体基因组序列信息、基因组成及基因排列方式等进行多方位的分子进化研究,因而线粒体基因组全序列将成为动物分子系统发生最有力的证据(Saccone et al.,1999)。  相似文献   

PCR has been extensively used for amplification of DNA sequences. We conducted a study to obtain the best amplification conditions for cytochrome b (Cyt b), cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and 12S rRNA (12S) gene fragments of Malayan gaur mtDNA. DNA from seven Malayan gaur samples were extracted for PCR amplification. Various trials and combinations were tested to determine the best conditions of PCR mixture and profile to obtain the best PCR products for sequencing purposes. Four selected target factors for enhancing PCR, annealing temperature, concentration of primer pairs, amount of Taq polymerase, and PCR cycle duration, were optimized by keeping the amount of DNA template (50 ng/μL) and concentration of PCR buffer (1X), MgCl(2) (2.5 mM) and dNTP mixture (200 μM each) constant. All genes were successfully amplified, giving the correct fragment lengths, as assigned for both forward and reverse primers. The optimal conditions were determined to be: 0.1 μM primers for Cyt b and COI, 0.3 μM primers for 12S, 1 U Taq polymerase for all genes, 30 s of both denaturation and annealing cycles for Cyt b, 1 min of both stages for 12S and COI and annealing temperature of 58.4 ° C for Cyt b, 56.1 ° C for 12S and 51.3 ° C for COI. PCR products obtained under these conditions produced excellent DNA sequences.  相似文献   

通过对线粒体16S rRNA基因、D-loop区和Cyt b基因部分片段测定,探讨我国鲤鱼C.carpio野生群体和云南大头鲤C.pellegrini的遗传变异和亲缘关系.数据和并后用于分析的序列共1 492 bp,变异位点221个,含简约信息位点217个,其中新疆群体用于分析的序列长度为1 478 bp.以云南大头鲤为外群,推测鲤鱼群体问的系统发育关系和分化时间,MP法和NJ法得到相似的系统树,新疆群体与其他群体的差异较大,遗传距离较远,单独聚为一支,其他群体间相似性较高聚在一起,新疆群体与其他群体间的分化时间约为2.42×106~2.45×106年前.  相似文献   

Automated DNA sequencing of a fragment of the relatively slowly evolving mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene was used to distinguish primate species, and the method was compared with species determination based upon classical taxonomy. DNA from blood from 53 monkeys housed at the Stichting AAP Shelter for Exotic Animals, all Old World monkeys, was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with a primer set spanning approximately 390 nucleotides of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. The products were directly sequenced and compared with our database of primate 12S sequences. Many individuals were found to harbor a 12S sequence identical to one of the reference sequences. For others, phylogenetic methods were used for species estimation, which was especially informative in Cercopithecus species.  相似文献   

对六种灵猫科物种线粒体12 S rRNA基因及其中四种的Cytb基因部分序列进行了测定,并从Gen-Bank获得斑林狸(Prionodon pardicolor)、熊狸(Arctictis binturong)的Cytb基因同源序列。两基因整合序列比对后长755 bp,12 S rRNA基因序列中有70个变异位点,31个简约信息位点,在Cytb基因序列中,共有120个位点呈现变异,60个简约信息位点,Cytb基因的碱基变异百分比高于12 S rRNA基因的碱基变异百分比。使用邻接法(NJ)、最大似然法(ML)重建的分子系统树显示:斑林狸从灵猫亚科中分离出来,支持灵猫亚科的多系起源,而且斑林狸可能是中国起源最早且最特化的灵猫科动物。另外,同属于灵猫亚科的大灵猫(Viverra zibe-tha)、小灵猫(Viverricula indica)聚为一支,同属于棕榈狸亚科的果子狸(Viverricula indica)、熊狸聚为姐妹群,这些与传统形态学分类观点一致。  相似文献   

Little is known about the classification and phylogenetic relationships of the leaf monkeys (Presbytis). We analyzed mitochondrial DNA sequences of cytochrome b (Cyt b) and 12S rRNA to determine the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Presbytis. Gene fragments of 388 and 371 bp of Cyt b and 12S rRNA, respectively, were sequenced from samples of Presbytis melalophos (subspecies femoralis, siamensis, robinsoni, and chrysomelas), P. rubicunda and P. hosei. The genus Trachypithecus (Cercopithecidae) was used as an outgroup. The Cyt b NJ and MP phylogeny trees showed P. m. chrysomelas to be the most primitive, followed by P. hosei, whereas 12S rRNA tree topology only indicated that these two species have close relationships with the other members of the genus. In our analysis, chrysomelas, previously classified as a subspecies of P. melalophos, was not included in either the P. m. femoralis clade or the P. m. siamensis clade. Whether or not there should be a separation at the species level remains to be clarified. The tree topologies also showed that P. m. siamensis is paraphyletic with P. m. robinsoni, and P. m. femoralis with P. rubicunda, in two different clades. Cyt b and 12S rRNA are good gene candidates for the study of phylogenetic relationships at the species level. However, the systematic relationships of some subspecies in this genus remain unclear.  相似文献   

Monkey mummy bones and teeth originating from the North Saqqara Baboon Galleries (Egypt), soft tissue from a mummified baboon in a museum collection, and nineteenth/twentieth-century skin fragments from mangabeys were used for DNA extraction and PCR amplification of part of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. Sequences aligning with the 12S rRNA gene were recovered but were only distantly related to contemporary monkey mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences. However, many of these sequences were identical or closely related to human nuclear DNA sequences resembling mitochondrial 12S rRNA (isolated from a cell line depleted in mitochondria) and therefore have to be considered contamination. Subsequently in a separate study we were able to recover genuine mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences from many extant species of nonhuman Old World primates and sequences closely resembling the human nuclear integrations. Analysis of all sequences by the neighbor-joining (NJ) method indicated that mitochondrial DNA sequences and their nuclear counterparts can be divided into two distinct clusters. One cluster contained all temporary cytoplasmic mitochondrial DNA sequences and approximately half of the monkey nuclear mitochondriallike sequences. A second cluster contained most human nuclear sequences and the other half of monkey nuclear sequences with a separate branch leading to human and gorilla mitochondrial and nuclear sequences. Sequences recovered from ancient materials were equally divided between the two clusters. These results constitute a warning for when working with ancient DNA or performing phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial DNA as a target sequence: Nuclear counterparts of mitochondrial genes may lead to faulty interpretation of results.Correspondence to: A.C. van der Kuyl  相似文献   

Non-coding copies of fragments of the mitochondrial genome translocated to the nucleus or pseudogenes are being found with increasing frequency in a diversity of organisms. As part of a study to evaluate the utility of a range of mitochondrial gene regions for population genetic and systematic studies of the Australian freshwater crayfish, Cherax destructor (the yabby), we report the first detection of Cytochrome b (Cyt b) pseudogenes in crustaceans. We amplified and sequenced fragments of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene from 14 individuals of C. destructor using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers designed from conserved regions of Penaeus monodon and Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial genomes. The phylogenetic tree produced from the amplified fragments using these primers showed a very different topology to the trees obtained from sequences from three other mitochondrial genes, suggesting one or more nuclear pseudogenes have been amplified. Supporting this conclusion, two highly divergent sequences were isolated from each of two single individuals, and a 2 base pair (bp) deletion in one sequence was observed. There was no evidence to support inadvertent amplification of parasite DNA or contamination of samples from other sources. These results add to other recent observations of pseudogenes suggesting the frequent transfer of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes to the nucleus and reinforces the necessity of great care in interpreting PCR-generated Cyt b sequences used in population or evolutionary studies in freshwater crayfish and crustaceans more generally.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the nine spiral-horn antelope species of the African bovid tribe Tragelaphini are controversial. In particular, mitochondrial DNA sequencing studies are not congruent with previous morphological investigations. To test the utility of nuclear DNA intron markers at lower taxonomic levels and to provide additional data pertinent to tragelaphid evolution, we sequenced four nuclear DNA segments (MGF, PRKCI, SPTBN, and THY) and combined these data with mitochondrial DNA sequences from three genes (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA). Our molecular supermatrix comprised 4682 characters which were analyzed independently and in combination. Parsimony and model based phylogenetic analyses of the combined nuclear DNA data are congruent with those derived from the analysis of mitochondrial gene sequences. The corroboration between nuclear and mtDNA gene trees reject the possibility that genetic processes such as lineage sorting, gene duplication/deletion and hybrid speciation account for the conflict evident in the previously published phylogenies. It suggests rather that the morphological characters used to delimit the Tragelaphid species are subject to convergent evolution. Divergence times among species, calculated using a relaxed Bayesian molecular clock, are consistent with hypotheses proposing that climatic oscillations and their impact on habitats were the major forces driving speciation in the tribe Tragelaphini.  相似文献   

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