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湖北星斗山自然保护区国家重点保护野生植物调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
据调查统计,湖北星斗山自然保护区共有国家级保护植物33种,其中I级保护植物8种,II级保护植物25种。本文分析这些植物的分布现状及特点,提出相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

植物的交配系统与濒危植物的保护繁育策略   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王崇云 《生物多样性》1998,6(4):298-303
植物的交配系统在理论上被视为影响种群遗传结构最为显著的因素之一。在具体实践中,指导着遗传育种和濒危植物的保护。本文首先剖析了交配系统及其相关的概念,并简要回顾交配系统研究的历史、重要的理论模型和方法。然后说明交配系统与种群遗传结构的具体关系,进而讨论交配系统在濒危植物进化与适应中的作用。最后说明交配系统的信息在就地与迁地保护中的重要性。  相似文献   

湖南省小溪国家级自然保护区杀虫植物资源调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实地调查了小溪国家级自然保护区内的杀虫植物资源的种类、生境、利用价值及现状。结果表明,小溪自然保护区的杀虫植物资源十分丰富,有87科171属242种及变种。菊科等11科植物含有6种以上的植物,为该区的优势类群。简要介绍了保护区内重要的杀虫植物28科40种的杀虫作用及部位、植物类型、繁殖方式和药用部位。针对保护区内的杀虫植物资源的开发利用现状提出了建议。  相似文献   

广西国家级珍稀濒危保护植物种质资源调查研究   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
王才明  黄仕训  王燕   《广西植物》1994,14(3):277-288
本文报道广西国家级珍稀濒危保护植物的种质资源及其地理分布。通过重点分布区的实地考察和资料研究整理,广西有分布的第一批国家保护植物共123种,占该批保护植物总数的31.62%,仅次于云南,居全国的第二位。  相似文献   

中国国家重点保护野生植物的就地保护现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
就地保护即建立自然保护区是保护珍稀濒危野生植物的最佳手段。本研究以文献资料为基础, 分析了截至2008年我国建立的国家级自然保护区对已正式颁布的《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》中所列物种的就地保护状况。在全国尺度上, 国家级自然保护区共保护国家重点保护野生植物237种(含变种), 占总数的80.07%。其中I级保护植物56种。在省级尺度上, 云南、广西、四川、贵州、湖南5省区国家级自然保护区内分布的国家重点保护野生植物数量最多。通过分析各省区未受到国家级自然保护区保护的重点保护野生植物分布状况, 提出了国家重点保护野生植物就地保护的热点地区。  相似文献   

药用植物野生资源的保护正受到学界乃至全社会的广泛关注。本研究通过收集华中地区(包括湖南、湖北和河南三省)的49个国家级自然保护区的科学考察报告、多样性研究报告以及其他相关文献资料, 结合第四次全国中药资源普查数据, 建立了华中地区国家级自然保护区内药用维管植物数据库, 并评估了这些保护区对华中地区药用维管植物的保护成效。研究发现: 华中地区国家级自然保护区内分布有6,071种药用维管植物, 就地保护比例为81.93%; 其中特有、受威胁和常用药用植物物种数分别为1,479种、224种和448种, 三者受保护比例分别为87.98%、78.87%和91.80%。有32.16%的药用维管植物(2,383种, 特有、受威胁和常用药用植物物种数分别为644种、119种和69种)仅分布于1-5个自然保护区中。森林生态系统类型的自然保护区对不同类群药用植物的保护效果均最好。神农架、金童山、莽山、星斗山及湖南舜皇山5个保护区是所有、特有以及受威胁药用植物物种多样性的热点地区, 是华中地区药用植物保护的重要区域。总体上, 华中地区现有国家级自然保护区较好地覆盖了该地区的药用维管植物, 但药用维管植物的就地保护仍不容懈怠。建议加强对该区域保护空缺物种的野外动态监测和保护。  相似文献   

自然保护区在生物多样性保护中起着关键作用,然而也面临外来物种入侵等诸多压力。基于72个已调查国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物数据,重点分析生态环境部发布的四批外来入侵物种名单中已有分布的35种外来入侵植物分布格局及其影响因素。研究发现72个国家级自然保护区平均记录有(7.78±0.47)种外来入侵植物,MaxEnt模型预测结果表明98.69%的国家级自然保护区面临外来植物入侵风险。低纬度地区(8.07±0.73)和中纬度地区(9.64±0.56)国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物数量显著高于高纬度地区(4.53±0.88),且不同类型国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物差异不显著。温度和降雨量是影响外来入侵植物在自然保护区分布的关键因素,且影响不同生活型外来入侵植物分布格局的关键因素不同:温度对一年生草本、藤本和灌木的分布解释量极为显著,保护区建立时间、温度、降雨量和海拔共同影响多年生草本植物在国家级自然保护区的分布。研究结果表明国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物调查与监测还存在很大的空白,未来需要进一步加强自然保护区外来入侵植物研究,并提升外来入侵植物的监管能力。  相似文献   

我国东北三省自然保护区物种保护价值评估   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
樊简  彭杨靖  邢韶华  崔国发 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6473-6483
自然保护区作为保护生物多样性最主要的手段之一,得到了世界各国的重视。如何科学客观地评价自然保护区的保护价值,并依据保护价值对其进行分类管理是当前我国自然保护区建设与管理的重要课题之一。以我国东北地区40个国家级自然保护区为研究对象,分别对其物种多样性保护价值和遗传种质资源保护价值进行了评估。通过选取物种的濒危性、特有性和保护等级等指标来计算野生动植物的多样性保护价值;选取分类独特性、近缘程度和濒危性等指标来计算遗传种质资源保护价值,进而计算出各自然保护区的综合物种保护价值。研究结果显示:该评价方法能够很好的反映自然保护区生物多样性及其各个层次和类群的保护价值,能够较准确地识别其物种保护优先性。不同自然保护区其保护价值存在一定差异;同一自然保护区中野生动物与植物之间的物种多样性保护价值没有显著差异,但其野生动物与植物之间的遗传种质资源保护价值存在一定差异性;绝大多数自然保护区其植物遗传种质资源保护价值大于动物遗传种质资源保护价值;虽同为国家级自然保护区,其综合物种多样性保护价值差异很大。吉林长白山国家级自然保护区、吉林珲春东北虎国家级自然保护区、吉林松花江三湖国家级自然保护区的综合保护价值显著高于同类型的其他自然保护区,而辽宁章古台国家级自然保护区、黑龙江双河国家级自然保护区和黑龙江三环泡国家级自然保护区的综合物种保护价值较低,不同类型自然保护区之间其综合保护价值则没有明显差异。该评价方法能较好地进行自然保护区物种保护价值评价,并用于进行自然保护区之间的比较,并不会因自然保护区所处生境、所分布物种不同而产生评价结果上的偏差;该方法在对自然保护区遗传种质资源部分的计算方面需要进一步完善;总体上来说该评价方法不会因自然保护区类型的不同产生差异;今后在对东北地区自然保护区管理分类研究中可将此评价结果作为参考,并作为评价该地区自然保护区能否晋升为国家级自然保护区的辅助工具。这在一定程度上减少了人为主观性,具有较大可行性。  相似文献   

开展已有就地保护体系对生物多样性的保护现状评估有利于科学指导下一步保护规划工作.本研究收集华北地区46个国家级自然保护区的科学考察报告、多样性研究报告及其他相关文献资料,整理构建了华北地区药用维管植物保护名录数据库,并利用此数据库分析了该地区药用维管植物的就地保护状况.结果发现:华北地区国家级自然保护区不同程度保护了2 364种药用维管植物,隶属于165科800属;其中,1710个物种(占总数的72.34%)受保护程度一般,分布的保护区数量少于10个,仅62个物种(占总数的2.62%)受到有效保护,分布的保护区数量大于30个;不同保护类型的保护区对药用维管植物所发挥的保护作用不同,森林生态类型保护区发挥的保护作用最大,保护了华北地区89.04%(2 105/2 364种)的药用维管植物.研究认为华北地区国家级自然保护区对该地区药用维管植物的就地保护发挥了重要作用,但现有保护状况可进一步完善,尤其应该重视森林生态类型保护区的建设工作以及珍稀濒危药用植物的保护规划.  相似文献   

金佛山药用植物资源调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经调查重庆金佛山国家级自然保护区共有药用植物211科1001属2 896种.其中蕨类植物30科70属165种,裸子植物10科23属42种,双子叶植物148科802属2 308种,单子叶植物23科106属381种,.对其中珍稀和资源多的以及地方常用的一些药材作了重点介绍,并提出合理开发利用和保护建议.  相似文献   

张淑梅  李微  李丁男 《生物多样性》2022,30(6):22038-192
为给辽宁植物多样性保护提供本底数据, 更准确地评价植物濒危及保护等级, 以及更好地给农学、林学、生态学、系统学等研究提供可靠的基础性数据, 本文首次将几代人在辽宁境内发现的高等植物进行汇总、编目, 包括苔藓植物和维管束植物。苔藓植物根据正式发表的文献和中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所东北生物标本馆(IFP)馆藏采自辽宁省全域的苔藓植物标本编制。维管束植物主要根据5个方面的信息整理: 作者多年野外调查的一手资料、文献、同行交流、公众提供信息、标本等。编目内容包括辽宁省高等植物总名录、辽宁省栽培植物名录、辽宁省外来植物名录、辽宁省仅有栽培植物的科属目录、辽宁省仅有外来植物的科属目录; 编目中涉及的物种均有科属地位、中文名、拉丁名、生境、产地(县级), 总名录中附有每个物种的信息凭证, 包括标本信息、文献信息或照片依据。本编目共计收录植物254科1,176属3,241种73亚种447变种119变型。其中, 苔藓植物为辽宁地区首次披露名录信息, 计83科205属491种4亚种7变种(含藓类52科156属373种1亚种5变种, 苔类29科46属114种3亚种2变种, 角苔类2科3属4种)。维管束植物虽非首次披露名录信息, 但与以往发布的维管束植物名录相比, 本次收录的种类数最多, 计171科971属2,750种69亚种440变种119变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科19属47种1亚种13变种2变型, 被子植物147科910属2,607种66亚种420变种117变型)。经统计, 辽宁省所有苔藓植物均为本土野生植物。维管束植物中, 野生植物计149科741属2,077种62亚种378变种93变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物4科8属12种6变种1变型, 被子植物145科133属1,969种60亚种365变种92变型), 栽培植物计104科390属673种7亚种62变种26变型(含裸子植物5科17属35种1亚种7变种1变型, 被子植物99科373属638种6亚种55变种25变型); 本土植物计158科796属2,235种65亚种421变种116变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科14属29种12变种2变型, 被子植物134科740属2,110种63亚种402变种114变型), 外来植物计88科316属515种4亚种19变种3变型(含裸子植物3科10属18种1亚种1变种, 被子植物85科306属497种3亚种18变种3变型)。本编目仅是辽宁省高等植物的阶段性汇总, 尚需要根据野外工作的拓展和研究工作的深入不断完善。  相似文献   

Endogenous opiates: 2000   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Anthony L. Vaccarino  Abba J. Kastin   《Peptides》2001,22(12):2257-2328
This paper is the twenty-third installment of the annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It summarizes papers published during 2000 that studied the behavioral effects of the opiate peptides and antagonists, excluding the purely analgesic effects, although stress-induced analgesia is included. The specific topics covered this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; learning, memory, and reward; eating and drinking; alcohol and other drugs of abuse; sexual activity, pregnancy, and development; mental illness and mood; seizures and other neurological disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic function; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; and immunological responses.  相似文献   

This paper is the twentieth installment of our annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It summarizes papers published during 1997 that studied the behavioral effects of the opiate peptides and antagonists, excluding the purely analgesic effects, although stress-induced analgesia is included. The specific topics covered this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating and drinking; alcohol; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic function; mental illness and mood; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurologic disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; sex, pregnancy, and development; immunologic responses; and other behaviors.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

Thirty-four species of ostracodes are collected in the platform series of the Southern Corbières; two biostratigraphical assemblages, with 13 and 29 species, are respectively recognized in Cenomanian and Upper Turonian; palaeoecology is specified. At that time, the ostracode sub-province of South-West France, established on Southern Corbières, Aquitaine, Touraine-Poitou-Charentes region and Provence, is connected with Eastern and Northern regions and countries: Sub-alpines ranges, Paris Basin, Great Britain, Switzerland and Bohemia, and with the Iberian Peninsula, sub-province of North-Central Spain and Western Portuguese Basin. The crossing of the Tethys and the Atlantic Ocean is realized, in Turonian, by some rare species.  相似文献   

Log floating in the 19th to mid 20th centuries has profoundly changed the environmental conditions in many northern river systems of the world. Regulation of flow by dams, straightening and narrowing of channels by various piers and wing dams, and homogenization of bed structure are some of the major impacts. As a result, the conditions for many riverine organisms have been altered. Removing physical constructions and returning boulders to the channels can potentially restore conditions for these organisms. Here we describe the history of log driving, review its impact on physical and biological conditions and processes, and predict the responses to restoration. Reviewing the literature on comparable restoration efforts and building upon this knowledge, using boreal Swedish rivers as an example, we address the last point. We hypothesize that restoration measures will make rivers wider and more sinuous, and provide rougher bottoms, thus improving land-water interactions and increasing the retention capacity of water, sediment, organic matter and nutrients. The geomorphic and hydraulic/hydrologic alterations are supposed to favor production, diversity, migration and reproduction of riparian and aquatic organisms. The response rates are likely to vary according to the types of processes and organisms. Some habitat components, such as beds of very large boulders and bedrock outcrops, and availability of sediment and large woody debris are believed to be extremely difficult to restore. Monitoring and evaluation at several scales are needed to test our predictions.  相似文献   

Vast amounts of research have been done that have attempted to delineate the pharmacological and physiological effects of the endogenous opiate peptides. A great deal of knowledge has also been accumulated in a limited time span concerning the types and locations of the opiate receptors and peptides, as well as their functions. In 1980, reports were made concerning the effects of these peptides on analgesia, on tolerance and dependence, on activity, on learning and memory, on schizophrenia and other types of emotional disturbances, and on physiological responses such as eating and drinking, cardiovascular responses, and sexual function. Additional understanding was also gained concerning their interactions with neurotransmitters, other neuropeptides, and hormones. These and other studies published only in 1980 are reviewed in this paper, which is the third of an annual series.  相似文献   

This is the ninth installment of our annual review of research involving the endogenous opiate peptides. It is restricted to the non-analgesic and behavioral studies of the opiate peptides published in 1986. The specific topics this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating; drinking; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic processes; mental illness; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurological disorders; activity; sex, pregnancy, and development; and some other behaviors.  相似文献   

After the strong climatic shocks which happened over and over again, which made the hands free and which started the biological and cultural development of Hominoids, everything depended on the brains of the species concerned and their ability to correlate and invent, because of the constant pressure of their natural and social environment. We are less interested in describing 15 steps here, than in specifying, for each reference mark in a non-stop process, the level reached by mental ability as much cognizantly as affectingly and the neurological bases, which allowed them to occur. This progression was based on the complexification (through epigenesis) of intracerebral connections at different levels allowing us to have large conscience and language, which are the bases of our freedom (via feelings, re-entries and mental pictures). Consequently, men could progressively have control of natural powers, inert ones first (tools), then moving ones (fire), living (hunting) and social ones (slavery); at last, men could free himself from them and perceive them objectively, dominate them, and conceive them in time and abstraction. Writing, then philosophy, then counting and logic have only recently crowned the progress towards the conquest of abstract and humanism through reversive action. The whole show phyletical gradualism, which is still progressing.  相似文献   

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