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T细胞受体介导的T细胞活化在胸腺T细胞发育、T细胞亚群分化以及效应T细胞功能发挥过程中均起着至关重要的作用。TCR能特异性识别抗原提呈细胞表面MHC提呈的抗原肽(peptide),并将胞外识别转化成可向细胞内部传递的信号,通过诱导TCR邻近酪氨酸激酶活化,促进信号传递复合物组装,活化下游MAPK、PKC以及钙离子等信号途径,最终活化相应的转录因子,调控效应蛋白分子的表达,完成T细胞的活化。TCR信号传递过程受到不同类型调控分子的调控,这些具有调控功能的分子形成了一个复杂的调控网络来精细调控TCR信号的起始、强度及终止。  相似文献   

B细胞抗原受体(BCR)信号传导起始于持续的钙离子向细胞内流动,这种钙离子的内流对于B细胞的生长、分化、活化是必需的。CD20是B细胞膜上特有的4次跨膜蛋白,参与了BCR活化的钙离子流入。最近的研究提供了直接的证据,证明CD20形成的同源寡聚体是四聚体。CD20单抗诱导的钙信号也得到研究,研究表明只有Ⅰ型CD20单抗能引起钙离子内流。CD20还通过钙池调控钙离子进入(SOCE)参与了细胞信号传导。我们就CD20形成同源寡聚体、与BCR的相互作用、参与调节B淋巴细胞钙离子的流动等进行简要综述。  相似文献   

花粉管钙信号特性及其调控研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花粉管在花柱中生长受多个信号分子的协同调控,钙离子在其中发挥着重要作用.钙是一种重要的第二信使,它将外界的多种生物或非生物信息转化为对细胞内基因表达以及细胞生理反应的调控.钙信号表达方式是胞内自由钙浓度的特异性变化.该文对国内外近年来有关花粉管生长中钙信号特性及其调控的研究进展,如花粉管尖端自由钙离子浓度梯度与胞内钙振荡、花粉管质膜钙转运体的鉴定及其调控特性、花粉管钙信号与微丝和ROP蛋白的关系以及花粉管钙信号与植物自交不亲和性反应的关系等进行综述,为深入开展相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

细胞内自由钙离子浓度的测定方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钙离子不仅是植物生长发育所必需的 1种大量元素 ,而且在植物的信号传导中起重要作用。钙离子作为一种第二信使把外源信号 (激素、光、重力、温度等 )转变成胞内信号 ,导致一系列胞内事件的发生。大量的研究表明 ,Ca2 +的信使功能是通过调控细胞内游离 Ca2 +浓度来实现的。 Ca2 + 信号的产生和终止是细胞内 Ca2 + 增减、波动的结果。因此测定细胞溶质中的 Ca2 +浓度是十分重要的。从理论上讲 ,测定细胞内 Ca2 + 浓度的方法应符合如下要求 :首先 ,所使用的 Ca2 +指示剂必须对 Ca2 +有很强的专一性 ;其次 ,是灵敏度高 ,能够测定低浓度的Ca…  相似文献   

利用细胞内的钙离子成像技术,研究了多巴胺对鲫鱼视网膜H1型水平细胞上L型电压门控钙离子通道的调控特性。研究发现,在不同胞外pH(6.8、7.4、8.0)条件下,不同浓度多巴胺(50和500μmol/L、1 mmol/L)对L型电压门控钙离子通道均具有上调作用。50μmol/L多巴胺在不同pH下的上调程度没有显著性差异;高浓度多巴胺(500μmol/L和1 mmol/L)在pH8.0条件下比pH6.8和7.4条件下具有更显著的上调作用。这些结果表明,在鲫鱼视网膜H1型水平细胞上,多巴胺对电压门控钙离子通道的调控与胞外pH环境密切相关。在光照情况下,L型电压门控钙离子通道活性被相对高浓度多巴胺上调,并被胞外碱性环境协同增强。这种协同增强效应有助于阐明视网膜对光反应的信息传递机制。  相似文献   

线粒体对于细胞钙信号和活性氧信号转导有重要的调控作用.超氧炫是新近发现的单个线粒体超氧阴离子短时程爆发现象,反映了活性氧生成动力学的一种新形式.线粒体钙信号作为重要的细胞功能调控信号,能否及如何调控超氧炫尚待深入研究.本研究对HeLa细胞进行高胞外钙和离子霉素刺激,或用皂苷穿孔细胞质膜后置于高钙细胞内液中,两种方法均显著增加了超氧炫发生的频率.其中,穿孔细胞胞浆高钙诱导的超氧炫依赖于线粒体钙单向转运体,表明超氧炫由线粒体基质内高钙信号所诱发.重要的是,离子霉素诱导的超氧炫发生频率与线粒体稳态钙水平线性相关,而与瞬态线粒体钙无相关性,提示钙离子对超氧炫的调控是一个多步骤、相对缓慢的过程.综上,线粒体基质的稳态高钙是超氧炫的重要调控因子.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin蛋白的基本机制及在细胞分泌中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
囊泡的转运和融合涉及多个步骤和复杂的蛋白质相互作用.而其中突触结合蛋白(Syrmptotagmin,Syt)是一个广泛存在于神经和内分泌细胞内的分泌囊泡上的蛋白质家族.作为钙离子依赖性神经递质和激素释放过程中的钙离子感受器,Syt触发和调节囊泡与靶膜的融合过程,参与对神经递质和激素释放过程的严格调控,也可能参与对细胞的蛋白质与膜转运的调节.该家族在哺乳动物中有16种以上的亚型,它们在细胞内有各自不同的定位,并发挥不同的调节功能.通过亚型问以及亚型和效应物分子闻的相互作用,特别是对钙离子的结合,Syt对胞吐过程进行着有效地调控.在膜融合的事件中,大部分是需要钙离子的存在的.Syt可能是一种在较为宽广范围的膜融合事件中广泛分布的钙离子敏感的融合机制中的调控蛋白.本文主要对Syt蛋白质家族的分类以及各种亚型在细胞分泌中的功能和定位进行综合性阐述.  相似文献   

钙离子、吗啡和内啡肽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸦片类生物硷的药理学研究已有约200年历史,累积了丰富的资料。从1800~1943年已发表论文9700篇。近年来鸦片受体在脑内的分布已被鉴定,它们的若干内源性肽配体也相应得到分离。可以预期,随着方法学的不断改进和创新,吗啡药理学必将有新的进展。钙离子在递质释放中的作用已有介绍。大量证据表明,吗啡能抑制神经递质释放,因此,钙离子与吗啡的相互关系日益受到研究者重视。本文扼要介绍这方面研究的进展。钙——细胞功能的调节剂钙离子(Ca~(2 ))在调节细胞内信号发放中起重要作用。细胞内信号的主要功能在于调节细胞对各种外来  相似文献   

为评估小鼠巨噬细胞吞噬死亡细胞时胞质内游离钙离子的变化。实验使用F luo-3标记巨噬细胞内钙离子和碘化丙碇对死亡细胞核染色,观察吞噬过程中细胞内钙离子的变化和显示巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,检测含死亡细胞的巨噬细胞内荧光密度图像。利用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜检测钙离子的释放。在缺钙的溶液中,可见巨噬细胞接触死细胞时细胞内钙离子快速地聚集和增高。在吞噬体形成时,巨噬细胞内钙离子上升到较高的水平。快速上升后,当吞噬小泡消化时,细胞内游离钙下降,随后钙离子恢复到低水平。研究显示伴随着吞噬小泡中红色荧光的死细胞的出现和消失,巨噬细胞内出现一系列钙离子变化的图像。提示巨噬细胞内钙离子改变在细胞吞噬作用中具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

<正>钙离子(Ca2+)是重要的第二信使,通过与效应蛋白的结合和解离,以及在不同细胞器之间的穿梭运动而精确调控细胞活动,参与多种重要生命过程。细胞内具有精确调节Ca2+时空分布的调控系统。在静息状态下,细胞内的游离Ca2+浓度约为100 nmol/L;而当细胞受到信号刺激后,胞内的Ca2+浓度可上升至1000 nmol/L甚至更  相似文献   

The importance of voltage-gated calcium channels is underscored by the multitude of intracellular processes that depend on calcium, notably gene regulation and neurotransmission. Given their pivotal roles in calcium (and hence, cellular) homeostasis, voltage-gated calcium channels have been the subject of intense research, much of which has focused on channel regulation. While ongoing research continues to delineate the myriad of interactions that govern calcium channel regulation, an increasing amount of work has focused on the trafficking of voltage-gated calcium channels. This includes the mechanisms by which calcium channels are targeted to the plasma membrane, and, more specifically, to their appropriate loci within a given cell. In addition, we are beginning to gain some insights into the mechanisms by which calcium channels can be removed from the plasma membrane for recycling and/or degradation. Here we highlight recent advances in our understanding of these fundamentally important mechanisms.  相似文献   

Since the involvement of calcium ions in the regulation of cell division and differentiation has been proposed, in this study we have examined the effect of extracellular calcium and of calcium-modulating agents on the DMSO-induced differentiation of murine erythroleukaemia cells. Neither proliferation nor differentiation of these cells was affected by calcium deprivation in the culture medium. Moreover, calcium-chelating agents or agents blocking intracellular calcium uptake induced a marked inhibition of cell differentiation. Intracellular calcium antagonists induced inhibition when cells were grown in a calcium-deprived medium. In contrast, murine erythroleukaemia cell differentiation was unaffected by agents that increased intracellular concentration of calcium. Our results indicate that a mobilization of calcium is indispensable for eliciting full cellular response, but the increase in intracellular level of this cation is not sufficient for complete signal transduction. It is likely that a marked alteration of the intracellular calcium system and availability could be responsible for the independence of our cell system from calcium modulation.  相似文献   

The appropriate regulation of intracellular calcium is a requirement for proper cell function and survival. This review focuses on the effects of proinflammatory cytokines on calcium regulation in the insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cell and how normal stimulus-secretion coupling, organelle function, and overall beta-cell viability are impacted. Proinflammatory cytokines are increasingly thought to contribute to beta-cell dysfunction not only in type 1 diabetes (T1D), but also in the progression of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Cytokine-induced disruptions in calcium handling result in reduced insulin release in response to glucose stimulation. Cytokines can alter intracellular calcium levels by depleting calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and by increasing calcium influx from the extracellular space. Depleting ER calcium leads to protein misfolding and activation of the ER stress response. Disrupting intracellular calcium may also affect organelles, including the mitochondria and the nucleus. As a chronic condition, cytokine-induced calcium disruptions may lead to beta-cell death in T1D and T2D, although possible protective effects are also discussed. Calcium is thus central to both normal and pathological cell processes. Because the tight regulation of intracellular calcium is crucial to homeostasis, measuring the dynamics of calcium may serve as a good indicator of overall beta-cell function.  相似文献   

Neuronal calcium acts as a charge carrier during information processing and as a ubiquitous intracellular messenger. Calcium signals are fundamental to numerous aspects of neuronal development and plasticity. Specific and independent regulation of these vital cellular processes is achieved by a rich bouquet of different calcium signaling mechanisms within the neuron, which either can operate independently or may act in concert. This study demonstrates the existence of a novel calcium signaling mechanism by simultaneous patch clamping and calcium imaging from acutely isolated central neurons. These neurons possess a membrane voltage sensor that, independent of calcium influx, causes G-protein activation, which subsequently leads to calcium release from intracellular stores via phospholipase C and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor activation. This allows neurons to monitor activity by intracellular calcium release without relying on calcium as the input signal and opens up new insights into intracellular signaling, developmental regulation, and information processing in neuronal compartments lacking calcium channels.  相似文献   

Neuronal calcium acts as a charge carrier during information processing and as a ubiquitous intracellular messenger. Calcium signals are fundamental to numerous aspects of neuronal development and plasticity. Specific and independent regulation of these vital cellular processes is achieved by a rich bouquet of different calcium signaling mechanisms within the neuron, which either can operate independently or may act in concert. This study demonstrates the existence of a novel calcium signaling mechanism by simultaneous patch clamping and calcium imaging from acutely isolated central neurons. These neurons possess a membrane voltage sensor that, independent of calcium influx, causes G-protein activation, which subsequently leads to calcium release from intracellular stores via phospholipase C and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor activation. This allows neurons to monitor activity by intracellular calcium release without relying on calcium as the input signal and opens up new insights into intracellular signaling, developmental regulation, and information processing in neuronal compartments lacking calcium channels.  相似文献   

To maintain activity in a functional range, neurons constantly adjust membrane excitability to changing intra- and extracellular conditions. Such activity-dependent homeostatic regulation (ADHR) is critical for normal processing of the nervous system and avoiding pathological conditions. Here, we posed a homeostatic regulation problem for the classical Morris-Lecar (ML) model. The problem was motivated by the phenomenon of the functional recovery of stomatogastric neurons in crustaceans in the absence of neuromodulation. In our study, the regulation of the ionic conductances in the ML model depended on the calcium current or the intracellular calcium concentration. We found an asymptotic solution to the problem under the assumption of slow regulation. The solution provides a full account of the regulation in the case of correlated or anticorrelated changes of the maximal conductances of the calcium and potassium currents. In particular, the solution shows how the target and parameters of the regulation determine which perturbations of the conductances can be compensated by the ADHR. In some cases, the sets of compensated initial perturbations are not convex. On the basis of our analysis we formulated specific questions for subsequent experimental and theoretical studies of ADHR.  相似文献   

Involvement of protein kinase C in the regulation of Ca2+ exit from intracellular stores of pig oocytes activated by prolactin was investigated, using the fluorescent dye chlortetracycline. In the presence of extracellular calcium, the inhibitor of protein kinase C Ro 31-8220 increased calcium exit from intracellular stores in pig oocytes after prolactin treatment. In calcium-free medium, Ro 31-8220 exerted effect on calcium release from intracellular stores. In calcium-free medium, prolactin did not stimulate calcium release from intracellular stores of oocytes in the presence of thimerosal, while in the presence of protein kinase C inhibitor, prolactin increased Ca2+ content from intracellular stores in such oocytes. These data suggest a direct involvement of protein kinase C in the processes of regulation of Ca2+ exit from intracellular stores of pig oocytes stimulated by prolactin.  相似文献   

Bone resorption is closely dependent on osteoclastic survival and osteoclast apoptotic cell death could represent a key step at the end of this process. In order to precise the possible role of calcium movement in osteoclastic cell death, we investigated whether intracellular calcium store replenishment and capacitive calcium entry (CCE) are involved in osteoclastic survival and bone resorption. We demonstrate that (i). thapsigargin, a sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase pump (SERCA) blocker, decreases both osteoclastic survival and bone resorption process, (ii). 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) and SKF-96365, two store-operated channel (SOC) blockers, dramatically decrease osteoclastic survival and bone resorption and (iii). culture in calcium-free medium and thapsigargin exposure synergically inhibit osteoclastic survival which falls dramatically to a value close to 0% (P<0.001). Inversely, osteoclastic survival increases significantly when thapsigargin-treated cells are cultured in the presence of 20mM calcium, suggesting that increasing extracellular calcium concentration stimulates osteoclasts survival when the filling of intracellular stores is prevented. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that in osteoclasts, calcium movements between cellular compartments involved in the regulation of calcium signalling, such as calcium stores refilling and CCE, are closely associated to the regulation of osteoclast survival and bone resorption.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory has shown that both cyclic AMP and calcium/calmodulin appear to be involved in the regulation of melanogenesis in murine B16 melanoma cells. In these cells as in murine Cloudman S91 cells, melanogenic responsiveness to melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) varies with cell density in culture. Our objective in this study was to learn more about the intracellular systems involved in the control of melanogenesis, particularly the role played by calcium. The melanogenic response to alpha MSH was compared to the response to drugs affecting intracellular free calcium and calmodulin over a range of cell densities in B16F1 cells. alpha MSH-stimulated melanin production was extremely density-dependent but alpha MSH-stimulated cyclic AMP production was independent of cell density. The melanogenic response to agents that increased intracellular calcium (A23187) or inhibited intracellular calmodulin varied with cell density. A drug (TMB8) that lowered intracellular free calcium, however, increased melanogenesis independently of cell density. At high cell density it was found that an elevation in calcium decreased melanogenesis, whereas agents that reduced calcium or inhibited calmodulin activity increased melanogenesis. At low cell density, however, the inhibitory response to A23187 was lost and in some experiments even stimulated melanogenesis. These data suggest that the calcium/calmodulin signalling system has an inhibitory influence on melanogenesis, and its expression, which depends upon cell density, may also modulate the response to stimulatory agents such as alpha MSH.  相似文献   

Shmygol A  Wray S 《Cell calcium》2004,35(6):501-508
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is abundant in uterine smooth muscle cells. The functional role of this organelle in the regulation of uterine myocytes is not fully understood. The data available in the literature suggest that SR plays a dual role: as a source of calcium and as a calcium sink shaping calcium transients produced by membrane depolarisation and uterotonic agonists. Advances in digital imaging techniques including confocal microscopy of isolated living cells, and the development of methods for direct measurement of intraluminal calcium, has triggered a substantial increase in the number of publications elucidating the role of intracellular stores in calcium signalling. In this paper we review the literature and our own work on the SR calcium store in uterine smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

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