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烟草是富镉耐镉作物,降低烟叶镉含量对人体健康十分重要。从烟草镉含量、烟草镉富集及其影响因素、烟草镉防控措施三方面进行了综述,系统分析了该研究领域的成果、现状和存在问题,并对未来烟叶控镉的工作方向进行了展望,以期为低镉烟叶生产提供参考。  相似文献   

木本植物对Cd~(115+115m)的吸收及其在体内的分配   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、前言 近年来,随着采矿、冶炼以及镉处理等工业的发展,不仅有大量废水中的镉通过土壤——植物进入食物链,给人造成危害,而且还有大量含镉粉尘污染大气环境,通过呼吸及消化道进入人体,直接给人以危害。因此,镉污染及其防治问题引起了人们极大的关注。国内外对水稻、小麦、玉米及蔬菜、牧草中镉的吸收积累规律作了不少研究(董克虞等,1981;陈铨荣等,1978:陈涛等,1980:Reddy等,1977)。  相似文献   

烟草是耐镉富镉植物,降低烟叶镉含量对环境质量和人体健康具有重要意义.本文系统地从烟草镉的吸收转运分布规律、健康风险评价和消减技术3方面进行综述,系统分析了该领域的研究成果、现状和存在问题.阐述了烟草耐镉机制,分析了烟草吸收镉的影响因素,并总结了烟草镉分布的一般规律.从健康风险评估角度分析了制定烟草镉限量标准的重要性,根据大气镉呼吸限量和肠胃镉吸收限量,结合烟草镉限量建议计算公式,推导出了烟草镉限量建议值.最后,总结出一些简单有效的烟草镉消减技术,为低镉烟叶生产提供技术指导.  相似文献   

王姗姗  王颜红  张红 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1761-1765
采用盆栽试验,研究了重金属镉(Cd)对花生籽实品质安全性的影响及花生籽实对镉胁迫的响应机制。结果表明:在供试镉处理范围内(≤10mg.kg-1),镉胁迫对花生籽实脂肪和蛋白质含量均有显著影响,但品种间存在差异;花生籽实中的镉含量随外源镉含量的增加而显著增加(P<0.05),且在土壤低镉浓度(≤1mg.kg-1)下籽实更易富集镉;受镉污染的花生籽实,其蛋白质是络合镉的主要营养部位,且其镉含量远高于食品中镉的限量值,而脂肪中镉的含量甚微,因此供试花生籽实不能作为人体植物蛋白来源,但可以作为人体食用油脂来源。  相似文献   

镉与磷、锌、铁、钙等元素的交互作用及其生态学效应   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
镉是动物和植物的非必需元素 ,也是毒性最大的重金属之一。环境镉污染对植物、动物和人体均产生毒害作用。镉与许多生命必需营养元素存在着交互影响关系 ,相互影响着对方的功能发挥。镉污染胁迫可影响动植物和人体对营养元素的吸收 ,相反补充营养元素可减轻镉的毒害。但是 ,由于每个元素的性质和功能不一样 ,因此不同元素与镉的交互作用存在着差异性。镉与营养元素的交互作用研究可为生物镉污染防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

张敏  谢运球 《生态科学》2007,26(4):367-373
硼和镉两种元素是影响油菜产量和品质的两个重要因素.硼是植物生长所必需的微量元素,施硼是油菜种植的必需环节;镉是植物生长的非必要元素,易在油菜体内富集,可能通过食物链危害人体健康.本文主要从镉含量与油菜食品安全品质角度考虑,阐述了油菜对镉的积累和耐受机制;同时,概括了前人总结的硼对油菜的产量和品质的影响.最后,结合本人研究区广西地区土壤有效硼含量低,全镉含量高的现状,提出运用硼镉交互作用机理,通过施加适量硼肥,提高油菜的产量和品质,消除土壤镉的潜在危害,从本质上改善该地区土壤存在的低硼高镉现状.  相似文献   

镉在土壤-植物-人体系统中迁移积累及其影响因子   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
环境镉(Cd)污染对微生物、植物、动物和人体均可产生较大的危害。食物链是镉对普通人群造成健康危害的主要途径之一。污染土壤中的镉通过植物根系吸收与体内转运最终在植物可食部分中积累。Cd通过食物链进人人体并在体内蓄积受许多因素的影响,这些影响因素主要有3个方面:土壤性质(土壤含镉量、pH、有机质、粘土矿物和土壤养分状况),植物特性(包括基因型差异、根际过程和植物生理机制)和人体微量元素营养状况等因素。本文就镉在食物链中迁移积累及其调控机理的研究进展进行简要的综述。  相似文献   

重金属镉的转运蛋白研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重金属镉(Cadmium,Cd)是一种工业和环境污染物,长期接触可对人体及其他动植物造成毒害。镉作为机体的非必需金属,需要借助必需金属的转运蛋白进入细胞。文章总结了机体中参与镉运输的关键转运蛋白,包括金属硫蛋白、谷胱甘肽、植物螯合素等富含半胱氨酸的蛋白质以及必需金属离子的转运蛋白等,以期为后续镉中毒防治靶点的研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Cd2+对绿球藻生长及生理特性的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
重金属对水环境的危害是人们日益关注的问题。随着经济的迅猛发展,工农业生产过程中排出的有害重金属离子日益增加,如:汞、镉、铅、铜、锌、铬、镍等,造成水体受到不同程度的污染。过量的重金属离子如铜、锌、镉等对生物体具有毒性,并可通过食物链进入人体而引起各种疾病。这些污染物不仅直接危害人体健康,破坏自然环境,而且还会给国民经济造成重大损失。  相似文献   

通过对青岛市距工业区不同距离的几个点的监测,分析了不同土层及8种植物中汞、镉、铅、砷的含量,并与之相关比较。结果表明:汞、镉、砷在土壤的含量距工业区近的是较远地区的1.5-2.3倍,而在植物中的含量为1.5-3倍。地处交能要道区的土壤和植物中含铅量明显高于其它监测点。还简述了4种重金属的污染源。并从生化角度概述了其作用机制,及对人体健康的危害。.  相似文献   

沈阳张士灌区重金属污染再评价及镉的形态分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
评价了沈阳张士灌区土壤及稻田的重金属污染状况.结果表明,研究区镉污染仍很严重,样品糙米含镉量为0.435~0.855mg.kg-1,均超过国家食品卫生标准,该浓度与20年前相比有上升的趋势,增加了335%~755%.回归分析表明,土壤的pH值与糙米含镉量呈显著负相关,生物有效态镉与糙米含镉量呈显著正相关.土壤pH值下降使土壤酸化,导致土壤中的镉更多地转变为生物有效态镉,占总量的22.8%~52.0%,易被作物吸收,导致水稻含镉量超标.重金属污染物随着地表径流、地下水及飘尘等移动方式发生迁移转化,使污染范围逐渐扩大.  相似文献   

The issue of heavy metal pollution is of high concern due to its potential health risks and detrimental effects on human beings, animals, and plants. In this study, farmland soil samples from 79 sampling sites were collected in Karashahar–Baghrash oasis, northwest China, and the contents of eight heavy metal elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined by standard methods. The spatial distribution, pollution, and ecological risks of heavy metals were analyzed based on Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI), and potential ecological risk index (RI). Results indicated that: (1) The average contents of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn exceeded the background values of irrigation soils of Xinjiang by 54.0, 1.34, 1.39, 3.44, and 5.01 times, respectively. The average contents of Cd exceeded the national standard of China by 10.80 times; (2) The pollution order of CF was ranked as Cd > Zn > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cu > As > Mn, and the ecological risk order of Eri was ranked as Cd > Ni > As > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cr > Zn. The average PLI of the study area showed heavy pollution level, and the average RI of the study area fell into considerable risk; (3) The moderately polluted areas with moderate potential ecological risks distributed in the northern parts, whereas heavily polluted areas with considerable potential ecological risks distributed in the southern parts of the study area; (4) Cr, Cu, and Mn of farmland soils were mainly originated from natural factors. Cd, Ni, and Pb were mainly originated from anthropogenic factors. As and Zn may be associated with both natural and anthropogenic factors. Cd contributed most to the PLI and RI of the farmland soils in the study area.  相似文献   

A total of 195 farmland soil samples were collected in Yanqi Basin, Xinjiang, northwest China, and the concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were analyzed for their concentrations and pollution levels using the Nemerow comprehensive index. The health risk assessment model introduced by USEPA was utilized to evaluate the human health risks of heavy metals. Results indicated that the average concentrations of these seven metals were lower than the allowed soil environmental quality standards of China, while the average concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn exceeded the background values of irrigation soils in Xinjiang. The average contamination factor (CF) for Pb indicated the heavy pollution, whereas the CF for Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu and Cr indicated the moderate pollution. The average PLI of heavy metals indicated the low pollution. The non-carcinogenic hazard index were below the threshold values, and the total carcinogenic risks due to As and Cr were within the acceptable range for both children and adults. As and Pb were the main non-carcinogenic factors, while As was the main carcinogenic factor in the study area. Special attentions should be paid to these priority control metals in order to target the lowest threats to human health.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) pollution in the suburbs of Tianjin, China, was monitored over a period of several years. During this period, 193 soil, 120 vegetable, and 71 rice samples from four suburban districts were analyzed. The Cd content of the soil samples was considerably higher than the background level. Some soil samples from the Dongli and Xiqing districts were even in the S5 (Heavy) and S6 (Severe) pollution levels, with a maximum concentration of 5.20 mg kg?1. The Cd contents of vegetable and rice samples were found to be in the F3 (Intermediate) and F4 (Heavy) pollution levels. Vegetables showed differing abilities to accumulate Cd and can be ranked in the following order: leaf vegetables > rootstalk vegetables > fruit vegetables. The average Cd level in different vegetables ranged from 0.0064 to 0.132 mg kg?1, and a positive relationship (p < 0.05) was found between soil and plant Cd contents. Chinese cabbage and celery were more likely to pose risks to human health, as shown by their higher hazardous quotient (HQ) values. The soil Cd pollution in Tianjin seemed primarily to be caused by wastewater irrigation and the application of sewage sludge to farmlands. Other possible sources include the use of phosphate fertilizer and atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Impact of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution on Food Safety in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Food safety is a major concern for the Chinese public. This study collected 465 published papers on heavy metal pollution rates (the ratio of the samples exceeding the Grade II limits for Chinese soils, the Soil Environmental Quality Standard-1995) in farmland soil throughout China. The results showed that Cd had the highest pollution rate of 7.75%, followed by Hg, Cu, Ni and Zn, Pb and Cr had the lowest pollution rates at lower than 1%. The total pollution rate in Chinese farmland soil was 10.18%, mainly from Cd, Hg, Cu, and Ni. The human activities of mining and smelting, industry, irrigation by sewage, urban development, and fertilizer application released certain amounts of heavy metals into soil, which resulted in the farmland soil being polluted. Considering the spatial variations of grain production, about 13.86% of grain production was affected due to the heavy metal pollution in farmland soil. These results many provide valuable information for agricultural soil management and protection in China.  相似文献   

新疆焉耆盆地辣椒地土壤重金属污染及生态风险预警   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从新疆加工辣椒主产地(焉耆盆地)采集105个辣椒地典型土壤样品,测定其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn等8种重金属元素的含量。采用污染负荷指数(Pollution load index,PLI)、潜在生态风险指数(Potential ecological risk index,RI)和生态风险预警指数(Ecological risk warning index,I_(ER))对辣椒地土壤重金属污染及生态风险进行评价。结果表明:(1)焉耆盆地辣椒地土壤Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb和Zn含量的平均值分别超出新疆灌耕土背景值的1.65、1.40、1.32、3.21、6.42倍。辣椒地土壤Pb和Zn呈现重度污染,Cd、Cr和Ni轻度污染,As、Mn和Cu无污染。(2)土壤PLI平均值为1.40,呈现轻度污染。各重金属元素单项生态风险指数从大到小依次为:Cd、Ni、As、Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn。土壤RI平均值为18.40,属于轻微生态风险态势,IER平均值为-4.78,属于无警态势;博湖县辣椒地污染水平、潜在生态风险程度与生态风险预警等级最高,焉耆县污染水平、潜在生态风险程度与生态风险预警等级最低。(3)辣椒地土壤As、Cd、Pb与Zn主要受到人类活动的影响,Cr、Cu、Mn和Ni主要受到土壤地球化学作用的控制。Cd是焉耆盆地辣椒地生态风险等级最高的重金属元素,研究区农业生产过程中要防范Cd的污染风险。  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the potential health risk of heavy metals (HMs) through consumption of market food crops (MFCs) in the Sialkot and Gujranwala districts, Pakistan. Both study areas are located in industrialized regions of the country, where atmospheric pollution is a problem and irrigation of food crops is mostly practiced on the use of wastewater/contaminated water. For the purpose of this study, MFCs samples were collected and assessed for HMs (Cr, Ni, Cd, Pb, Mn, Cu, Zn, and Fe) by using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Concentration of HMs such as Pb and Cd exceeded the Food and Agriculture/World Health Organization's recommended limits in all MFCs, while Cr in most of the vegetables of the Sialkot and Gujranwala districts also exceeded that limit. The health risk index was >1 in Triticum aestivum for Pb and Cd intake in the Sialkot district and only Pb in the Gujranwala district. Therefore, this study suggests pretreatment of wastewater and its utilization for lawns and green belts irrigation, rather than for food crops. This study also suggests a regular monitoring of HMs in the irrigation water, subsequent soil, air, and MFCs in order to prevent or reduce health hazards.  相似文献   

为了解华南地区典型燃煤电厂周边表层土壤重金属空间分布特征,对韶关市燃煤电厂周边20处农田表层土壤中7种重金属(镍(Ni)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)、铬(Cr)及砷(As))的总量进行检测,并分析了其相应的空间分布规律,同时评估了周边土壤重金属的生态风险并分析其来源。结果表明:该燃煤电厂周边土壤中重金属Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、Cr及As的平均含量分别是17.79、19.59、159.08、3.14、111.01、96.61 mg/kg和21.48 mg/kg,Cd、Pb污染情况突出,重金属Zn、Cd、Pb、Cr的分布与盛行风向密切相关。综合污染指数法表明,Cd、Pb及Zn处于重污染状态;潜在生态风险指数法表明,Cd处于严重潜在生态风险状态;地累积指数法表明,Ni、Cu整体处于无污染状态,Cd整体处于高污染状态。多种统计方法表明,Zn、Cd、Pb及Cr受燃煤电厂影响明显,Cu、As的来源不仅受燃煤电厂等工业的影响,还与该地区农业灌溉用水密切相关,Ni的分布最为均匀,受自然因素影响明显。  相似文献   


Due to the location of manufacturing in north Hangzhou, many residential areas are close to trunk roads and factory areas. This potentially exposes citizens to pollution sources such as industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust. Because pollution by cadmium (Cd) is of great concern, an extensive survey was conducted in north Hangzhou city to study the current condition of Cd contamination and any resulting hazard. Environmental materials including water, bottom mud, urban green-land soil, street dust and moss were collected. Cd concentration and chemical partitioning in the samples were determined. The results indicate that all the media in north Hangzhou have elevated Cd concentrations, the Cd conten trend being: factory area >traffic area > residential area. The chemical partitioning results show that Cc in topsoil and street dust presents are mobile (9–61% Cd are bound in acetic acid extractable phase) which suggests a high ecological hazard potential. Environmental bioindicator moss samples were found to be loaded with Cd revealing high bioavailability of Cd in various media in north Hangzhou This confirms the possibility of Cd being a potential biohazard in this location.  相似文献   

洞庭湖湿地8种优势植物对镉的富集特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对洞庭湖湿地土壤Cd污染严重的现状,对湖区滨岸带8种优势植物的Cd富集特征及其修复效果进行了分析.结果表明,蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis)对Cd表现出显著的富集特征,对Cd污染的修复效果好,是洞庭湖土壤Cd污染的理想修复材料;南艾蒿(Artemisia verlotorum)对Cd污染具有较好的修复效果,可作为湿地土壤Cd污染修复的备选材料;芦苇(Phragmites australis)和南荻(Miscanthus lutarioriparius)植株的根部对Cd的积累量较高,具有良好的稳定修复效果,且由于二者地上部生物量大、能被连续刈割的特点,对洞庭湖湿地Cd污染治理起到一定的促进作用.  相似文献   

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