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温度对褐飞虱发育、存活和产卵影响的关系模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石保坤  胡朝兴  黄建利  侯茂林 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5868-5874
设置系列恒温19、22、25、28、31、34℃,测定了温度对褐飞虱发育、存活和产卵的影响,建立了温度对褐飞虱生物学参数影响的关系模型。试验结果表明:(1)褐飞虱卵和若虫的发育历期在28℃下最短。除22℃以外,短翅型雌若虫的发育历期长于雄若虫的发育历期。(2)34℃下,褐飞虱卵未成功孵化,推测34℃是褐飞虱发育的限制性高温。不同温度下若虫的存活率为:25℃22℃28℃19℃31℃;低温主要导致低龄若虫死亡,而高温则主要导致高龄若虫死亡。(3)不同温度下产卵前期为19℃31℃22℃25℃28℃。产卵期22℃时最长。短翅型雌虫寿命随着温度降低而延长,产卵量在28℃时最大(256粒),19℃时最低(108粒)。(4)采用温度(x)与褐飞虱各生物学参数(y)间进行回归分析,获得一系列关系模型;其中,卵历期(y=0.079 x2-4.462 x+70.536),若虫历期(y=0.233 x2-12.886 x+189.878),产卵前期(y=0.068 x2-3.614 x+49.88)和短翅型雌成虫寿命(y=-0.622 x+35.03)与温度间具有显著的回归关系。  相似文献   

温度和氮肥对褐飞虱存活、生长发育和繁殖的交互作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实验室条件下,研究了不同温度(20 ℃、23 ℃、26 ℃、29 ℃和32 ℃)和氮肥水平(不施氮:0 kg·hm-2;高氮:250 kg·hm-2)对褐飞虱存活、发育和繁殖的影响和交互作用.结果表明:在20 ℃~29 ℃范围内,随着温度的升高,褐飞虱的卵孵化率和若虫存活率提高,卵和若虫历期缩短,成虫寿命缩短,同时产卵量增加;32 ℃时, 褐飞虱卵孵化率和若虫存活率降低、卵和若虫历期延长、成虫生殖力降低;在不同温度下,高氮植株上的褐飞虱卵孵化率和若虫存活率、成虫生殖力均明显高于低氮稻株上的褐飞虱,同时高氮植株上褐飞虱的卵和若虫历期明显短于低氮稻株上的褐飞虱,说明施用高水平氮肥提高了褐飞虱对逆境条件的生态适应性;温度和氮肥对褐飞虱卵存活率、若虫历期和产卵量的交互作用显著,表明全球气候变暖和长期施用高水平氮肥很可能是近年来褐飞虱猖獗暴发的重要原因.  相似文献   

在室内20℃、26℃和30℃三个设定温度条件下,研究了CF-965、NC-89和NC-82三个烟草品种对B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱生长发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明:26℃时两种粉虱在CF-965、NC-89和NC-82三个烟草品种上的发育历期没有明显差异,但温室白粉虱卵期和若虫期的发育历期较烟粉虱依次分别延长了1.32d、2.81d和 2.04d.在CF-965上,B型烟粉虱卵期和若虫期的总存活率和平均单雌产卵量分别为54.19%和55.17粒,温室白粉虱仅分别为31.99%和39.17粒;在NC-89上,B型烟粉虱卵期和若虫期的总存活率和平均单雌产卵量分别为23.47%和37.50粒,温室白粉虱仅分别为15.75%和17.25粒;两种粉虱在NC-82上卵期和若虫期的总存活率和平均单雌产卵量差异不大,表明B型烟粉虱对CF-965和NC-89的适应能力较温室白粉虱强.两种粉虱在20℃时的发育历期最长,32℃时最短,26℃时居中.20°C时烟粉虱卵期和若虫期的存活率20.96%为最低,26℃和32℃时分别达54.19% 和53.29%;而温室白粉虱在32℃条件下存活率11.66%为最低,20℃和 26℃时分别达31 34% 和31.99%.温室白粉虱在20℃时产卵量大于烟粉虱, 在26℃时的产卵量小于烟粉虱,30℃时则不能产卵,但烟粉虱成虫30℃时的产卵量仍可达21.06粒.由此说明烟粉虱在较高温度条件下的适应能力显著强于温室白粉虱.山东烟区烟草生长中期的田间平均温度多在22~30℃,适合B型烟粉虱的发生,应引起高度重视.  相似文献   

小黑瓢虫新猎物--高氏瘤粉虱发育速率模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
高氏瘤粉虱Aleurotuberculatus takahashi David et Subramaniam是小黑瓢虫Delphastus catalinae的新猎物寄主,本测定了不同温度下高氏瘤粉虱的发育速率,得出高氏瘤粉虱各虫态的发育起点温度为:卵期8.30℃、一龄若虫6.46℃、二龄若虫7.71℃、三龄若虫7.12℃、四龄若虫一拟蛹7.68℃、产卵前期7.90℃、世代7.64℃。另外还得出发育速率与温度关系的线性日度模型、Logistic模型。  相似文献   

锈褐原花蝽在不同温度下的发育与积温必需条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿月浑子树木虱Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (半翅目: 木虱总科)是伊朗园林树木阿月浑子树上常见的最具破坏性的害虫,其捕食性天敌锈褐原花蝽Anthocoris minki pistaciae Wagner在伊朗阿月浑子树种植区为该害虫的生防因子。本研究在17.5~35℃的8个恒温以及相对湿度55%±5%,光照周期16L∶8D的控制条件下,在A. pistaciae若虫上饲养这种捕食性花蝽的同时,调查温度对其发育的影响。结果表明:这种捕食性花蝽在17.5~32℃下可成功发育;然而在35℃下,卵不能孵化,且只有10%的若虫进入成虫阶段。30℃下从卵至成虫羽化的发育历期最短。据测算估计,这种捕食性花蝽的卵、若虫发育以及整个发育(卵至成虫)的积温分别为77,200和263度·日;卵、若虫和整个发育的低温度阈值分别为8.53, 9.2 和9.47℃。这些结果为建立阿月浑子树木虱的综合防治计划提供了宝贵的信息。  相似文献   

观察了捕虱管蓟马的多种行为,认为该虫的日常行为为取食、行走、搜索、休息、交配和产卵;对所试验的5种害虫的喜好程度依次为椭圆蚧卵,柑桔木虱卵、褐圆蚧卵、柑桔粉虱卵、桔全爪螨若虫,褐圆蚧若虫、桔全爪螨卵、椭圆蚧若虫、柑桔木虱一龄 若虫,除柑桔木虱一龄若虫外,取食差异不显;捕虱管蓟马取食卵的量比若虫多,经T-检验分析,两无明显差异;室内饲养蓟马和田间采获蓟马的行为,及各行行为间差异,通过二因素方差分析显示不显;不同虫态蓟马取食时间长短依次为雌成虫、雄成虫、若虫、在食物充足的情况下,不同虫态之间几乎没有竞争,偶有成虫捕食幼虫现象发生。对该虫的交配行为及产卵行为作了详细的观察,发现雌蓟马成虫和雄蓟马成虫都多次交配;雄虫之间的性竞争十分激烈,而雌虫之间几乎没有竞争。  相似文献   

王柳风  傅淑  肖亮  陈超  薛芳森 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1430-1439
为了探明灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén)在南昌地区的生物学特性, 本研究在实验室和自然条件下系统调查了该虫的年生活史, 温度对其生长发育、 繁殖、 性比及翅型分化的影响, 及其越冬生物学。结果表明, 灰飞虱在南昌一年发生4~7代。在18~32℃, 卵的发育历期随温度升高逐渐缩短。若虫的发育历期在18~28℃随温度升高逐渐缩短, 但若虫的发育历期在30和32℃时显著长于28℃的发育历期(P=0.000﹤0.05)。越冬个体的若虫期为143~187 d。卵和若虫的发育起点温度分别为10.17℃和7.51℃。在室外, 7月中旬高温下孵化的第4代若虫的发育历期也明显延长, 显示了高温诱导的夏季休眠现象。在18~28℃, 产卵前期随温度升高而逐渐缩短, 当温度上升到30℃时, 其产卵前期比26和28℃下有所延长。产卵期在22℃最长, 30℃下最短。成虫在20~24℃下的寿命最长。在28℃下, 平均每雌产若虫量最大。不论在室内还是在室外, 雌雄比均接近1∶1。在18~32℃, 羽化的成虫均以长翅型占绝对优势。在自然条件下, 越冬代和第6代羽化的成虫以短翅型占优势, 其他各代仍以长翅型占优势。在自然条件下, 9月中旬孵化的若虫就有少量个体滞育越冬, 10月中旬后孵化的若虫全部进入越冬。越冬若虫的龄期为1-5龄。本研究为该虫发生的预测及有效防控提供基础资料。  相似文献   

温度对黄褐新圆蛛(Neoscona doenitzi)历期和繁殖力的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
赵敬钊  余克庆 《生态学报》1988,8(2):140-146
在20—35℃温度范围内,随着温度升高黄褐新圆蛛发育历期逐渐缩短。其发育速率随温度增加的拐点约为25℃。雌蛛历期长于雄蛛历期,相差1—3天。发育历期随温度升高而缩短的极限值:雌蛛为24天,雄蛛为22天。幼蛛的死亡率随龄期的增长而逐渐减少。全代的发育起点温度为10.35℃,有效积温为738.19日度。 25—30℃为繁殖的最适温度。在该温度条件下,产卵袋致多、产卵总量多、孵化率也高。产的卵袋效与卵粒致总量成正比关系。  相似文献   

通过高温处理及交配产卵实验,探讨了高温对稻褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)发育与生殖的影响。研究了不同高温条件对褐飞虱若虫发育历期、产卵量、产卵前期、寿命等生物学特性的影响。34℃以上高温导致褐飞虱若虫发育历期延长。高温处理4龄若虫使羽化后的雌成虫产卵量减少。高温处理不同日龄雌成虫也致使其产卵量减少,其中以1日龄短翅型、3日龄长翅型的产卵量影响最大。高温处理后褐飞虱寿命缩短。高温恒温处理,对短翅型雌成虫的产卵前期影响不大,但能延长长翅型雌成虫的产卵前期;而高温变温处理致使短、长翅型雌成虫的产卵前期均延长。高温变温对褐飞虱生殖的影响程度大于高温恒温。高温处理组雌、雄成虫与对照组相应的成虫交配试验表明,高温对雌性的影响大于雄性。实验初步确定34℃为对褐飞虱发育与生殖产生影响的临界温度。  相似文献   

光照强度对筛豆龟蝽生长发育及繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许喆  崔娟  毕锐  高宇  史树森 《昆虫学报》2019,62(5):645-652
【目的】为明确光照强度对筛豆龟蝽 Megacopta cribraria 种群生长发育及生殖力的影响,进一步探索筛豆龟蝽对光环境的适应规律。【方法】在温度24±1℃,相对湿度60%±10%,光周期 16L ∶8D 条件下,通过测定寄主植物大豆上筛豆龟蝽在不同光照强度(500, 2 500, 4 500, 6 500, 8 500 和10 500 lx)下的生长发育及繁殖指标,包括各虫态发育历期、成虫寿命、存活率、若虫期营养积累效率等;利用生命表方法进一步分析光照强度对种群趋势变化的影响。【结果】光照强度对筛豆龟蝽各虫态发育历期、存活率以及成虫生殖力等均产生显著影响。各阶段的发育历期有随光照强度增加而缩短的趋势,其发育速率和若虫期营养积累效率均与光照强度呈显著正相关。各阶段发育速率与光照强度的关系模型分别为:卵期 V 1= 0.129968exp(0.011310 L I)(R^2=0.610, P <0.0001),若虫期 V 2=0.000767LI^0.014182 ( R^2 =0.980, P <0.0001),雌虫产卵前期 V 3=0.019000 L 0.418000 I ( R^2 =0.837, P <0.0001);若虫期营养积累效率与光照强度之间符合三次函数模型 y =0.0004 x^3-0.0064 x^2+0.0361 x +0.0660 ( R^2 =0.983, P <0.0001);筛豆龟蝽种群趋势指数 I 随光照强度增加而显著增大,光照强度低于2 500 lx时,其种群不能完成生殖过程。【结论】光照强度可显著影响筛豆龟蝽种群生长发育及生殖力。较高的光照强度(10 500 lx)更有利于其种群数量增长,而较低的光照强度(≤2 500 lx)将导致种群逐渐消亡。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics and chloroplast ultrastructure of Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. were quantified while the organism was simultaneously adjusting to light and nutrient stress. Cells were grown in batch culture at either low or high light intensity on medium with a nitrogen/phosphorus molar ratio of 2:1 as a control, or with nitrogen or phosphorus deleted from the medium to create nutrient deficiencies. Analysis of variance indicated that light intensity, nutrient deficiency and duration of nutrient deficiency all had significant effects on cell growth, chlorophyll (Chl) concentration/cell, cellular fluorescence capacity (CFC), chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density. Because interactions existed among nutrient deficiency, extent of nutrient deficiency, and light intensity, all three must be considered together in order to describe accurately the physiology and chloroplast ultrastructure of the diatom. Significant correlations were found between the Chl/cell or CFC/cell and chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density. Through an increase in Chi concentration, chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density, the cells successfully adapted to the conditions of low light intensity even while under nutrient stress. In contrast, less Chl/cell, smaller chloroplast volume and less thylakoid surface density were found at high light intensity.  相似文献   

北方粳稻光合速率、气孔导度对光强和CO2浓度的响应   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
 以东北地区主栽的粳稻(Oryza sativa var. japonica)品种为对象,用美国LI-cor公司生产的Li 6400光合作用测定仪控制光强、CO2浓度和温度等环境条件,阐述了光合作用和气孔导度对光和CO2浓度的响应特征及其耦合关系。结果表明,光合速率随光强或CO2浓度的提高而增大,均遵循米氏响应;在不同CO2浓度下,表观量子效率随CO2浓度的提高而增大,但CO2浓度达到800 μmol•mol-1以上时,表观量子效率有所减小;在不同光强下,表观羧化效率也随光的增强而增大,但光强达到1 600 μmol•m-2•s-1以上时,表观羧化效率也有所减小;在光强和CO2浓度协同作用下,光合速率的响应遵循双底物的米氏方程,在光强和CO2浓度均趋于饱和时,北方粳稻(品种:辽粳294)剑叶的潜在最大光合速率为71.737 8 μmol•m-2•s-1,表观量子效率为0.056 0 μmolCO2•μmol-1 photons,表观羧化效率为0.103 1 μmol•m-2•s-1/μmol•mol-1。气孔导度也随光的增强而增大,对光强的响应规律也可以用Michaelis-Menten曲线模拟,而叶面CO2浓度的提高会使气孔导度减小,气孔导度(Gs)对叶面CO2浓度(Cs)的响应可以用Gs=Gmax,c/(1+Cs/Cs0)的双曲线方程模拟。在光强(PFD)和CO2浓度协同作用下,气孔导度可以用式Gs=Gmax(PFD/PFDc)/[(1+PFD/PFDc)(1+Cs/Cs0)]+Gct估算,当CO2浓度趋于0而光强趋于饱和时,北方粳稻的潜在最大气孔导度(Gmax)为0.670 9 mol•m-2•s-1。在光强和CO2浓度协同作用下,Ball-Berry模型及其修正形式依然能很好地表达气孔导度-光合速率的耦合关系,并且用叶面饱和水汽压差(Ds)修正耦合关系中的相对湿度可以提高模拟精度。  相似文献   

In 1990, Kronauer proposed a mathematical model of the effects of light on the human circadian pacemaker. This study presents several refinements to Kronauer's original model of the pacemaker that enable it to predict more accurately the experimental results from a number of different studies of the effects of the intensity, timing, and duration of light stimuli on the human circadian pacemaker. These refinements include the following: The van der Pol oscillator from Kronauer's model has been replaced with a higher order limit cycle oscillator so that the system's amplitude recovery is slower near the singularity and faster near the limit cycle; the phase and amplitude of the circadian rhythm in sensitivity to light from Kronauer's model has been refined so that the peak sensitivity to light on the limit cycle now occurs approximately 4 h before the core body temperature minimum (CBTmin) and is three times as great as the minimum sensitivity on the limit cycle; the critical phase (at which type 1 phase response curves [PRCs] can be distinguished from type 0 PRCs) that occurs at CBT,n now corresponds to 0.8 h after the minimum of x (x(min) in this refined model rather than to the exact timing of x(min) as in Kronauer's model; a direct effect of light on circadian period was incorporated into the model such that as light intensity increases, the period decreases, which is in accordance with Aschoff's rule.  相似文献   

温、光、盐对硅藻STR01生长、总脂、脂肪酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化新分离STR01的生态培养条件, 采用单因子试验和正交试验研究了不同温度、光照强度、盐度和温、光、盐三因素三水平对该藻的生长、总脂和脂肪酸组成影响。结果表明: 温、光、盐对STR01的生长、总脂和脂肪酸组成影响显著(P<0.05)。生长的适宜温度为15—35℃, 最适25—30℃(K值达0.679—0.682), 总脂含量积累的最适温度是25℃(总脂可达17.23%), 温度20℃时有利于该藻PUFA的积累, 可达34.23%。STR01生长的适宜光照强度为40—120 μmol/(m2·s), 最适光强为60 μmol/(m2·s), 光照强度40 μmol/(m2·s)有利于该藻的PUFA积累, 可达34.29%。STR01生长的适宜盐度为10—35, 最适盐度25, 盐度25时PUFA含量较高(43.42%)。正交试验结果表明温度对STR01的平均相对生长速率和总脂含量影响显著, 生长的最优组合: 温度30℃、光照强度60 μmol/(m2·s)、盐度25, 该组合下的生长速率达0.756; 总脂含量积累的最优组合: 温度30℃、光照强度60 μmol/(m2·s)、盐度20, 该组合下的总脂含量为20.00%。PUFA的最优组合: 温度25℃、光照强度60 μmol/(m2·s)、盐度20, 该组合下PUFA的含量为35.37%。综上所述: 该藻生长迅速, 总脂含量较高, PUFA丰富, 是一种可开发利用的耐高温浮游硅藻。  相似文献   

An inverse linear relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence yield (R) and light intensity was recorded in the near-surface waters of six lakes (New Zealand, England) of greatly different trophic status and phytoplankton species composition. This surface depression of R values could be removed by incubation of samples in dim light or darkness and was not observed in situ below a threshold irradiance (146 μEin ·m?2·s?1 for Lake Taupo, New Zealand). The time course of chlorophyll fluorescence depression and recovery in response to light treatment was measured in samples from Lake Windermere (England). Fluorescence exponentially decreased upon exposure to bright light and the response was 100% (5 m samples) or 83% (dim light-adapted 0 m samples) complete within 2 min. An increase in R values in the dim light occurred after a lag of 60 s and the rate of increase decreased exponentially with time. Full recovery took 15 min or more. Deep (6.5 m) populations from Lake Windermere exhibited large, time-dependent variations in chlorophyll fluorescence over the first 25 s of exposure to 450 nm light, whereas surface populations did not. These data were interpreted in terms of decreased spillover from PSII to PSI with increasing depth, to a minimum at the threshold light intensity below which cells are in light state 1.  相似文献   

The kinetics of population growth and death were investigated in Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb grown at light intensities ranging from limitation to photoinhibition (5 W·m−2 to 160 W·m−2) in a nutrient-replete turbidostat. Steady-state growth rate (μ, or dilution rate, D) increased with light intensity from 0.44·day−1 at a light intensity of 5 W·m−2 to 0.99·day−1 at 20 W·m−2 and started to decrease above about 22 W·m−2, reaching 0.56·day−1 at 160 W·m−2. The Haldane function of enzyme inhibition fit the growth data poorly, largely because of the unusually narrow range of saturation intensity. However, it produced a good fit (P < 0.001) for growth under photoinhibition. Anabaena flos-aquae died at different specific death rates (γ) below and above the saturation intensity. When calculated as the slope of a vx−1 and D−1 plot, where vx and D are cell viability (or live cell fraction) and dilution rate, respectively; γ was 0.047·day−1 in the range of light limitation and 0.103·day−1 under photoinhibition. Live vegetative cells and heterocysts, either in numbers or as a percentage of the total cells, showed a peak at the saturation intensity and decreased at lower and higher intensities. The ratio of live heterocysts to live vegetative cells increased with intensity when light was limiting but decreased when light was supersaturating. In cells growing at the same growth rate, the ratio was significantly lower under light inhibition than under subsaturation and the cell N:C ratio was also lower under inhibition. The steady-state rate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production increased with light intensity. However, its production as a percentage of the total C fixation was lowest at the optimum intensity and increased as the irradiance decreased or increased. The rate and percentage was significantly higher under photoinhibition than limitation in cells growing at the same growth rate. About 22% of the total fixed carbon was released as DOC at the highest light intensity. No correlation was found between the number of dead cells and DOC.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mammals, where melatonin plays the role of a ROS scavenger. The melatonin synthetic enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) is a significant element in a possible ROS removal system. Changes in NAT activity and melatonin content were determined in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae by irradiating it with monochromatic light using the Okazaki Large Spectrograph at the National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan. The NAT activity and melatonin content were suppressed by blue light (450nm). No effects of red light (650nm) on the NAT activity and melatonin content were observed. UV radiation had intensity-dependent dual effects on the NAT activity and melatonin content. In the UV-B (300nm) treatment, the NAT activity and melatonin content were suppressed at the intensity below 1mumolm(-2)s(-1) but elevated when the intensity was as high as 10mumolm(-2)s(-1). In the UV-A (350nm) treatment, the melatonin content was elevated when the intensity was as high as 10mumolm(-2)s(-1), though the NAT activity and melatonin content were suppressed at the intensity below 10 and 1mumolm(-2)s(-1), respectively. Elevation of the NAT activity and melatonin content by high intensity UV irradiation may indicate that the UV signals initiate melatonin synthesis for ROS removal in mites.  相似文献   

The effects of light, darkness, and changes in light intensityon the phase and period of the endogenous rhythm in the rateof CO2 output of excised leaves of Bryophyllum fedtschenkoihave been examined. The duration, intensity, and wavelength of a short light treatment,and the point in the cycle at which it is administered, determinethe degree of phase shift induced in a rhythm persisting indarkness. When light treatments of 3 and 6 hours' duration,at an intensity of 3,000 lux, are applied between the peaksthe phase is completely reset, the first post-treatment peakoccurring 18–19 hours after the end of the treatment.The degree of phase shift is therefore determined not by theduration of the treatment but by the time at which the treatmentterminates. One hour's illumination has little or no effect.The phase is unaffected when light treatments of up to 5 hours'duration at an intensity of 3,000 lux are applied at the crestof a peak. Over the range 8-3,000 lux the intensity of lightduring a 6-hour treatment applied between the peaks does notaffect the efficiency with which that treatment completely resetsthe phase. At an intensity of 2 lux, however, the phase delayis equal to the duration of the treatment. A 6-hour red-light treatment (850 ergs/cm.2/sec.) applied betweenthe peaks completely resets the phase whereas blue light (10,860ergs/cm.2/sec.) has no effect on the phase but induces a slightprotraction of the period. Moreover, continuous red light inhibitsthe rhythm, which recommences in blue light. A rhythm is induced in illuminated leaves when the light intensityis either gradually or suddenly reduced by at least 80 per cent.Whether a given intensity of illumination inhibits or permitsthe persistence of a rhythm depends upon the light intensityby which it is immediately preceded. A rhythm will persist in illuminated leaves for approximatelyas long as in leaves in darkness and the phase shows no correlationwith time of day. The period is unaffected by the intensityof white light (from 0-500 lux) to which the leaves are subjected.The duration of a short dark treatment, and the point in thecycle at which it is applied, determine the degree of phaseshift induced in a rhythm in illuminated leaves. The phase isreset when 3-, 6-, and 9-hour dark treatments are applied atthe crest of a peak, the amount of phase shift increasing toa maximum with 9 hours' darkness. The phase shift is not equalto the duration of the treatment. The phase is unaffected when3- and 6-hour dark treatments are applied between the peaks. The variation in the sensitivity of the phase of a rhythm persistingin darkness to short light treatments is in the opposite senseto that of a rhythm persisting in light to short dark treatments.The phase of a rhythm in illuminated leaves is completely resetwhen the leaves are transferred to continuous darkness commencingeither at the crest of, or between, the peaks. The results are discussed and compared with those of other authors.  相似文献   

光照强度对中华鳖稚鳖摄食和生长的影响   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26  
在3000,1000,300和101x的光照强度下,测定了中华鳖稚鳖的最大日摄食量和特定生长率。结果表明,光照强度对中华鳖稚瞥珠最大日摄食量影响显著,随着光照强度的减弱,中华鳖稚鳖的最大日摄食量逐渐增加,二者之间呈线性负相关。  相似文献   

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