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甜瓜属植物种间杂交研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在甜瓜属野生种Cucumis hystrix Chakr.和栽培黄瓜之间的种间杂交取得成功的基础上,简要回顾了甜瓜属植物种质资源和系统学的研究情况,然后从甜瓜属植物种间杂交的概况、种间杂交的障碍及其解决途径等三个方面,回顾和讨论了甜瓜属植物的种间杂交的研究进展,并对进一步通过种间杂交研究利用甜瓜属野生植物资源的前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

在甜瓜属野生种Cucumis hystrix Chakr. 和栽培黄瓜之间的种间杂交取得成功的基础上,简要回顾了甜瓜属植物种质资源和系统学的研究情况,然后从甜瓜属植物种间杂交的概况、种间杂交的障碍及其解决途径等三个方面,回顾和讨论了甜瓜属植物的种间杂交的研究进展,并对进一步通过种间杂交研究利用甜瓜属野生植物资源的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】从蛹虫草线粒体DNA中寻找适于遗传多样性研究的分子标记。【方法】通过PCR扩增和序列分析,比较了20个蛹虫草菌株在12个线粒体DNA片段和3个细胞核DNA片段上的序列变异。【结果】蛹虫草在线粒体DNA上的变异水平高于核DNA,主要表现为线粒体基因内含子的插入缺失多样性和较多的碱基变异位点。不同线粒体DNA片段的变异水平也有差异,而且内含子蛋白比外显子编码的蛋白质更易发生氨基酸的改变。增加使用的分子标记数目,其所揭示的遗传多样性程度也在逐渐提高。【结论】我们依 次推荐nad3-cox2、cox2-nad5、cox2、cox3、cob和cox1这6个线粒体DNA位点用于今后蛹虫草遗传多样性或群体遗传结构的分析。  相似文献   

弱光条件下甜瓜属种间杂交新种的某些光合特性   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
甜瓜属种间杂交新种Cucumis hytivus Chen & Kirkbride的光补偿点为11.25 μE*m-2 *s-1,低于以往报道的耐弱光品种长春密刺.弱光处理2周后,新种的叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量增加,叶绿素a/b的值大幅度降低,形态学耐弱光隶属值高达0.946,说明杂交新种耐弱光能力很强.  相似文献   

植物线粒体nad6基因编码NADH(还原型辅酶Ⅰ)脱氢酶第6亚基,前期研究发现,该基因可能与棉花细胞质雄性不育相关,但该基因的转录情况尚不清楚.本研究利用PCR测序、Southern印迹方法发现,陆地棉线粒体基因组(mtDNA)中nad6基因长621 bp,且为单拷贝. RT-PCR及环化RT-PCR分析发现,其mRNA在终止密码子前-14或-15 nt处提前终止|虽然该基因mRNA编码区存在12处RNA编辑(C-U)位点,但并未产生新的替代的终止密码子|基因mRNAs尾端poly(A)处含有0、1、2或4个“A”,也并未与前方相邻碱基凑成新的终止密码子,即:该基因mRNA无常规终止密码子(UGA,UAG,UAA).本研究结果提示,棉花线粒体nad6基因mRNA很可能有其它的终止密码子.针对这种情况对植物线粒体如何翻译无常规终止密码子的mRNA进行了讨论.  相似文献   

红景天线粒体nad7基因内含子2序列测定及其系统发育意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓科君  杨足君  刘成  赵为  刘畅  冯娟  任正隆 《遗传》2007,29(3):371-375
开展濒危藏药红景天的分子生物学研究, 可以为红景天遗传资源鉴定与保护提供指导。利用线粒体中nad7基因的保守序列设计的引物, 对分布于四川的大花红景天、长鞭红景天和吉林的高山红景天等9份材料进行PCR分析, 发现在所有的红景天材料中均获得约800 bp的扩增产物。进一步对扩增片段进行序列测定, 结果表明该片段除具有53 bp的外显子区外, 其内含子长度均为738 bp, 有9个核苷酸变异位点。将测定序列进行比对和聚类分析表明, 红景天线粒体nad7内含子2序列被单独聚类。而且测定的红景天的nad7 内含子 2序列, 其长度均小于其他高等植物的同源序列, 体现了红景天属植物的该基因区域的特异性, 可能与特殊的生态环境有关。  相似文献   

以3个类群73个二倍体蔷薇属(Rosa)植物为材料,克隆获得其FLOWERING LOCUS T(FT)同源基因,并对该基因的编码区序列进行多态性分析以及多维尺度(MDS)聚类分析。结果显示,73个二倍体蔷薇植物的FT基因共检测到215个核苷酸多态性位点,其中包括214个SNP和1个缺失突变,平均185个碱基发生1次突变;氨基酸多态性分析结果显示共有35个氨基酸发生变异,平均379.6个氨基酸残基发生1次突变;突变位点统计分析结果发现39、258、426 bp位点是高频突变位点,其碱基由A或C突变为T。MDS聚类分析结果表明,3个类群FT基因编码区序列的碱基组内差异依次排序为:野生种月季组中国古老月季,氨基酸组内差异依次排序为:中国古老月季月季组野生种,推测中国古老月季在长期栽培驯化过程中,其FT基因可能经历了较强的人工选择压力,月季组的种和变种可能是古老月季的重要亲本来源。  相似文献   

七种蝽mtDNA-16S rRNA基因序列多态性的研究(半翅目:蝽科)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
测定蝽亚科2族4属7个种(宽碧蝽,辉蝽,凹肩辉蝽,角肩真蝽,褐真蝽,斑真蝽,全蝽)9个个体线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的16SrRNA基因片段,分析了其遗传多态性。通过测定该基因片段的序列发现,不同种群存在丰富的DNA序列多态性,同一种的不同个体差异较小,9个个体具有9种基因型。在扩增的长为400bp的基因片段中,通过排序,有338个碱基可用于这9个个体的比较。在这一基因片段中,共检测到122个多态性核苷酸位点(约36.1%)。NJ法构建的分子系统树表明碧蝽属归于短中片族,全蝽属的分化较其它属要早。  相似文献   

采用核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(nrDNA ITS)序列比较分析了甘薯及其近缘野生种的遗传多样性及系统进化关系,首次报道了栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(Ipomoea batatas‘Xushu18’)及其近缘野生种I.triloba(DOM),I.cordatotriloba(MEX),I.nil(PER),I.nil(JPN),I.hederacea Jacq.(USA),I.hederacea Jacq.(HK)和种间杂交种67-1(I.batatas‘Xushu18’×I.hederacea Jacq.)及回交种(67-1×I.batatas‘Xushu18’)的nrDNA ITS序列。序列分析表明,栽培种甘薯及其近缘野生种nrDNA ITS序列长度为570~600bp。其中,ITS1序列为185~209 bp,GC含量为53.11%~61.83%;ITS2序列为214~226 bp,GC含量为61.21%~72.89%;5.8S序列均为165 bp,GC含量为54.55%~55.76%。此外,栽培种甘薯及其近缘野生种ITS序列信息位点均集中在ITS1和ITS2区;与其他甘薯属植物相比,I.wrightii ITS2的末端缺失了6~8个碱基。系统进化分析表明,栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(I.batatas‘Xushu18’)和野生种I.triloba、I.cordatotriloba、I.lacunosa、I.trifida的亲缘关系较近,与I.wrightii、I.pes-tigridis、I.grandifolia、I.nil、I.hederacea Jacq.、I.purpurea的亲缘关系较远;杂交后代与栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(I.batatas‘Xushu18’)亲缘关系较近,与野生种父本I.hederacea Jacq.的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

甘蔗杂种的染色体和RAPD鉴定研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用体细胞染色体计数和RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA) 分子标记的方法鉴定甘蔗与蔗茅属间杂交种F1的真实性.结果表明,杂种F1材料01/47、01/85、01/120的2n=80~82,染色体遗传方式为n 2n.用110个随机引物进行RAPD扩增,63个引物可获得双亲的RAPD多态性,其中3个引物OPC-19、OPE-2、OPF-4可在杂种F1材料01/64和01/120的RAPD扩增标记中显示出双亲的特征谱带,分别为父本3500bp和母本1300bp、父本1350bp和母本900bp、父本550bp和母本900bp.  相似文献   

The complete arrangement of genes in the mitochondrial (mt) genome is known for 12 species of insects, and part of the gene arrangement in the mt genome is known for over 300 other species of insects. The arrangement of genes in the mt genome is very conserved in insects studied, since all of the protein-coding and rRNA genes and most of the tRNA genes are arranged in the same way. We sequenced the entire mt genome of the wallaby louse, Heterodoxus macropus, which is 14,670 bp long and has the 37 genes typical of animals and some noncoding regions. The largest noncoding region is 73 bp long (93% A+T), and the second largest is 47 bp long (92% A+T). Both of these noncoding regions seem to be able to form stem-loop structures. The arrangement of genes in the mt genome of this louse is unlike that of any other animal studied. All tRNA genes have moved and/or inverted relative to the ancestral gene arrangement of insects, which is present in the fruit fly Drosophila yakuba. At least nine protein-coding genes (atp6, atp8, cox2, cob, nad1-nad3, nad5, and nad6) have moved; moreover, four of these genes (atp6, atp8, nad1, and nad3) have inverted. The large number of gene rearrangements in the mt genome of H. macropus is unprecedented for an arthropod.  相似文献   

The DNA barcoding initiative has advocated the use of the 5'-end (~658bp) of mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) to genetically distinguish species. However, this has proven difficult within the subclass Octocorallia due to extraordinarily low substitution rates within mt protein-coding genes. Intergenic regions (IGRs), which have been little examined among octocorals, may be subject to high mutation rates and have proven useful target regions at both the interspecific and population levels of metazoans. Herein we examine a mt IGR (igr4) between the cytochrome b (cob) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 (nad6) genes among species of the bamboo coral subfamily Keratoisidinae to evaluate its utility for barcoding and phylogenetic studies. Among 77 keratoisidin specimens, we found igr4 to vary in length between either 42bp (Acanella Gray, 1870 and Orstomisis Bayer, 1990) or 302-605bp (Isidella Gray, 1857, Lepidisis Verrill, 1883, Keratoisis Wright, 1869, and two undescribed genera). We interpreted the short igr4 sequence of Acanella eburnea (Pourtalès, 1868) as potentially indicative of additional mt genome-related novelties and thus sequenced its entire mt genome; gene content and gene order were the same as in a previously-sequenced bamboo coral mt genome. Alignment of the longer igr4 sequences included 108 parsimony-informative characters, as well as numerous indels ranging from 2-262bp in length. Uncorrected pairwise 'p' distances indicated sequence variation of 0-27.2%, as compared to 0-4.8% among the same specimens for the MutS homolog (msh1), currently the most widely sequenced octocorallian mt gene, and <0.4% for cox1 for a subset of the taxa. Despite the greater levels of variation, fewer unique haplotypes were observed at igr4 compared to msh1; however, in combination, the two gene regions revealed increased mt haplotype diversity relative to either gene region on their own.  相似文献   

An increasing number of complete sequences of mitochondrial (mt) genomes provides the opportunity to optimise the choice of molecular markers for phylogenetic and ecological studies. This is particularly the case where mt genomes from closely related taxa have been sequenced; e.g., within Schistosoma. These blood flukes include species that are the causative agents of schistosomiasis, where there has been a need to optimise markers for species and strain recognition. For many phylogenetic and population genetic studies, the choice of nucleotide sequences depends primarily on suitable PCR primers. Complete mt genomes allow individual gene or other mt markers to be assessed relative to one another for potential information content, prior to broad-scale sampling. We assess the phylogenetic utility of individual genes and identify regions that contain the greatest interspecific variation for molecular ecological and diagnostic markers. We show that variable characters are not randomly distributed along the genome and there is a positive correlation between polymorphism and divergence. The mt genomes of African and Asian schistosomes were compared with the available intraspecific dataset of Schistosoma mansoni through sliding window analyses, in order to assess whether the observed polymorphism was at a level predicted from interspecific comparisons. We found a positive correlation except for the two genes (cox1 and nad1) adjoining the putative control region in S. mansoni. The genes nad1, nad4, nad5, cox1 and cox3 resolved phylogenies that were consistent with a benchmark phylogeny and in general, longer genes performed better in phylogenetic reconstruction. Considering the information content of entire mt genome sequences, partial cox1 would not be the ideal marker for either species identification (barcoding) or population studies with Schistosoma species. Instead, we suggest the use of cox3 and nad5 for both phylogenetic and population studies. Five primer pairs designed against Schistosoma mekongi and Schistosoma malayensis were tested successfully against Schistosoma japonicum. In combination, these fragments encompass 20-27% of the variation amongst the genomes (average total length approximately 14,000bp), thus providing an efficient means of encapsulating the greatest amount of variation within the shortest sequence. Comparative mitogenomics provides the basis of a rational approach to molecular marker selection and optimisation.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the evolutionary dynamics and phylogenetic implications of gene order rearrangements in five newly sequenced mitochondrial (mt) genomes and four published mt genomes of isopod crustaceans. The sequence coverage is nearly complete for four of the five newly sequenced species, with only the control region and some tRNA genes missing, while in Janira maculosa only two thirds of the genome could be determined. Mitochondrial gene order in isopods seems to be more plastic than that in other crustacean lineages, making all nine known mt gene orders different. Especially the asellote Janira is characterized by many autapomorphies. The following inferred ancestral isopod mt gene order exists slightly modified in modern isopods: nad1, tnrL1, rrnS, control region, trnS1, cob, trnT, nad5, trnF. We consider the inferred gene translocation events leading to gene rearrangements as valuable characters in phylogenetic analyses. In this first study covering major isopod lineages, potential apomorphies were identified, e.g., a shared relative position of trnR in Valvifera. We also report one of the first findings of homoplasy in mitochondrial gene order, namely a shared relative position of trnV in unrelated isopod lineages. In addition to increased taxon sampling secondary structure, modification in tRNAs and GC-skew inversion may be potentially fruitful subjects for future mt genome studies in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

The bryozoan Celleporella has been shown to be composed of multiple, often cryptic, lineages. We sequenced two complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of the Celleporella hyalina species complex from Wales, UK and Norway (i) to determine genetic divergence at the complete mt genome level, and (ii) to design new molecular markers for examining the interrelationships amongst the major lineages. In addressing (i), we estimated genetic divergence at three levels: (a) nucleotide diversity (π), (b) genome size, and (c) gene order. Genes nad4L, nad6, and atp8 showed the highest levels of divergence, and rrnL, rrnS, and cox1 showed the lowest levels. Inter-genome nucleotide divergence of protein-coding and ribosomal RNA genes, measured as π, was 0.21. The two genomes differed substantially in size, with the Norwegian genome being 2,573 base pairs (bp) longer than the Welsh genome, 17,265 and 14,692 bp, respectively. This difference in size is attributable to long non-coding regions present in the Norwegian genome. Both genomes exhibit similar gene orders, except for the translocation of one transfer RNA (trnA). Considering the high nucleotide diversity, genome size difference and change in gene order, these mt genomes are considered sufficiently divergent to have originated from two distinct species. In addressing (ii) we designed PCR primers that flank the most conserved regions of the genome: 1,300 bp of cox1 and a contiguous 2,000 bp fragment of rrnL + rrnS. The primers have yielded products for tissue from Wales, Norway, New Zealand, Alaska and Chile and should provide useful tools in establishing species- and population-level diversity within the Celleporella complex.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) and chloroplast (ct) genome inheritance was studied in barley-wheat hybrids, as were their progenies obtained from backcrosses with different common wheat cultivars, by monitoring the composition of 4 mtDNA (coxI, a 5'-flanking region of cob, nad3-orf156, and 5'-upstream region of 18S/5S) and 2 ctDNA (simple-sequence repeat locus downstream of trnS and a 3'-flanking region of rbcL) loci. In male sterile F1 and BC1 plants, maternal barley mtDNA fragments were mainly detected and very low levels of paternal wheat fragments were occasionally detected by PCR in coxI, a 5'-flanking region of cob and nad3-orf156, whereas a 5'-upstream region of 18S/5S showed clear heteroplasmy, containing both maternal and paternal copies, with maternal copies prevailing. Plants showing such heteroplasmic mtDNA composition remained either semisterile or became completely sterile in the later backcross generations. Only maternal ctDNA copies were detected in these plants. In 3 stable, self-fertile, and vigourous lines obtained in the advanced backcross generations and possessing recombinant wheat nuclear genome, however, only mt- and ctDNA copies of wheat parents were detected; thus, the original alloplasmic condition appeared to be lost. Our results suggest that transmission followed by selective replication of the paternal wheat organellar DNA leads to a paternally oriented shift of the organellar DNA composition in barley-wheat hybrids, which correlates with the restoration of fertility and plant vigour. These 2 processes seem to be related to nucleocytoplasmic compatibility and to be under the control of the nuclear genome composition.  相似文献   

Octocoral mitochondrial (mt) DNA is subject to an exceptionally low rate of substitution, and it has been suggested that mt genome content and structure are conserved across the subclass, an observation that has been supported for most octocorallian families by phylogenetic analyses using PCR products spanning gene boundaries. However, failure to recover amplification products spanning the nad4L-msh1 gene junction in species from the family Isididae (bamboo corals) prompted us to sequence the complete mt genome of a deep-sea bamboo coral (undescribed species). Compared to the "typical" octocoral mt genome, which has 12 genes transcribed on one strand and 5 genes on the opposite (cox2, atp8, atp6, cox3, trnM), in the bamboo coral genome a contiguous string of 5 genes (msh1, rnl, nad2, nad5, nad4) has undergone an inversion, likely in a single event. Analyses of strand-specific compositional asymmetry suggest that (i) the light-strand origin of replication was also inverted and is adjacent to nad4, and (ii) the orientation of the heavy-strand origin of replication (OriH) has reversed relative to that of previously known octocoral mt genomes. Comparative analyses suggest that intramitochondrial recombination and errors in replication at OriH may be responsible for changes in gene order in octocorals and hexacorals, respectively. Using primers flanking the regions at either end of the inverted set of five genes, we examined closely related taxa and determined that the novel gene order is restricted to the deep-sea subfamily Keratoisidinae; however, we found no evidence for strand-specific mutational biases that may influence phylogenetic analyses that include this subfamily of bamboo corals.  相似文献   

红麻不育系和保持系中cob基因的克隆与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展红麻的CMS机理的研究有利于更好地利用其杂种优势。分别提取红麻CMS系和保持系线粒体DNA,Southern blot分析表明,cob基因的组织形式存在差异。根据不同物种cob基因的保守序列设计引物,在红麻CMS系和保持系中克隆到了cob基因,GenBank序列号分别为HM535786和HM535787。基因长度均为1179bp,编码392个氨基酸残基,分子量约为43kD。序列比较发现cob基因在CMS系和保持系同源性达99.8%,和其他物种中cob基因的同源性大于92.3%。研究结果为下一步克隆cob基因的侧翼序列,进而揭示红麻的CMS机理提供了很好的研究基础。  相似文献   

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