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云南怒族利用的农业生物资源及其传统知识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对云南省怒江僳傈族自治州兰坪、贡山、福贡3县4个乡怒族村寨的农业生物资源及其传统知识或经验进行了较系统地调查、收集和整理。结果表明:在调查区怒族利用的农业生物资源共有24科、49种、121份,包括粮食、蔬菜、果树、药用4类,分别占收集样品的58.68%、19.83%、15.70%和5.79%;怒族利用这些农业生物资源的传统知识主要涉及食用、药用、文化宗教等方面,其中以食用和药用为主,在用途、用法上具有独到的地方,有非常明显的民族和地方特色。这说明农业生物资源不仅为怒族的基本生存提供了食物和药品来源,也在他们的宗教活动中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

采用民族植物学和人类生态学的方法,初步研究了云南高黎贡山北部独龙江流域内独龙族的农业生态系统和采集利用植物的传统知识。处于近乎封闭的自然与社会环境中,独龙族与植物及植物环境的关系十分密切。独龙族的农业生态系统是典型的山地轮歇农业生态系统,系统中存在不少有价值的传统品种和地方品种,并以种植桤木(Alnus nepalensis)来促进轮歇地的休闲管理为特色,对保护当地的森林、生态系统和生物多样性起到了积极的作用。独龙族人人参与野生食用植物的采集活动,它是独龙族社会中仅次于农业生产而位居第二的重要经济活动,共采集100余种野生食用植物,其中有很大一部分是能代替粮食的产淀粉类植物。独龙族采集利用100多种药用植物,云黄连(Coptis teeta)和贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa)等草药储量丰富,是独龙族用于同外界进行物资交换的主要物品。在其它植物资源的利用方面,独龙族也积累了丰富的传统知识,包括对纤维植物、染料植物等的认识和利用。桤木和董棕(Caryota urens)两个树种是体现独龙族传统植物学和生态学知识的代表种类。独龙族对植物的传统知识,有必要进行深入研究。  相似文献   

国家科技基础性工作专项"贵州农业生物资源调查"项目完成了对贵州42个县的普查和21个县的系统调查。调查的农业生物资源包括粮食作物、经济作物、蔬菜作物、果树作物和药用植物等。通过调查基本查清了贵州现有栽培的农业生物资源207类,采集了4800多份种质资源,其中3500多份是国家尚未编目、入库(圃)保存的新种质资源,并且这些种质资源呈现出丰富的物种多样性和遗传多样性。这充分说明我国少数民族的偏远地区农业生物资源还有很大的收集潜力,应继续调查收集。  相似文献   

"云南及周边地区生物资源调查"项目于2006-2011年,对云南省31个县、四川省8个县和西藏自治区2个县的农业生物资源进行了系统调查。系统调查的41个县的地形、地貌十分多样,气候类型很多,有"一山有四季,十里不同天"的说法。加之,这些县份都集居有少数民族,少数民族有各自的传统文化和生活习俗,从而赋予了农业生物资源丰富的民族文化内涵。正因为这里的多样性气候和各异的民族文化,造就了丰富的农业生物资源。通过调查获得了大量基础数据和信息,收集到5300多份农业生物种质资源,其中有一批稀有种质资源,这些稀有种质资源对相应农业生物的起源进化和系统分类研究,以及新品种选育都具有重要利用价值。  相似文献   

阿根廷是南美洲第二大国家,是世界重要的粮食生产大国之一。主要种植作物有大豆、玉米、小麦、水稻、向日葵、花生、棉花等。阿根廷作物种质资源统一由阿根廷国家农业技术研究院(INTA)进行管理,全国生物资源设有首席项目协调员, 统一管理和协调全国的生物资源收集、保存、评价鉴定、研究与交换等项目工作。下设动物资源协调员、植物资源协调员和微生物资源协调员。阿根廷有作物种质资源保存长期库1个,中期库9个,收集品库8个。长期库设在INTA生物资源所,中期库和收集品库分别设在INTA所属的全国各地的研究所和试验站。保存有玉米、牧草、向日葵、花生、高粱等29040份作物种质资源。  相似文献   

阿根廷作物种质资源考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿根廷是南美洲第二大国家,是世界重要的粮食生产大国之一。主要种植作物有大豆、玉米、小麦、水稻、向日葵、花生、棉花等。阿根延作物种质资源统一由阿根廷国家农业技术研究院(INTA)进行管理,全国生物资源设有首席项目协调员,统一管理和协调全国的生物资源收集、保存、评价鉴定、研究与交换等项目工作。下设动物资源协调员、植物资源协调员和微生物资源协调员。阿根廷有作物种质资源保存长期库1个,中期库9个,收集品库8个。长期库设在INTA生物资源所,中期库和收集品库分别设在INTA所属的全国各地的研究所和试验站。保存有玉米、牧草、向日葵、花生、高粱等29040份作物种质资源。  相似文献   

通过"贵州农业生物资源调查"项目的调查,获得了大批农业生物种质资源,这些种质资源具有丰富的物种多样性和遗传多样性,它们是贵州少数民族世代相传的物质遗产,也是贵州少数民族生活和生产的物质基础。与此同时,通过调查说明,贵州少数民族地区农业生物资源还有很大的调查收集潜力。由此不难看出,有效保护和可持续利用贵州农业生物资源,不论对贵州还是对中国都具有重要的现实和长远意义。  相似文献   

2014年9—10月对贵州省赫章县7个乡镇18个村分布的与苗族、彝族、白族和回族等少数民族生产、生活密切相关的农业生物资源进行了调查、收集与整理,共收集到农业生物资源239份,其中特有、特优以及特用资源共计97份。本文对当地农业生物资源现状、消长情况及调查、收集到资源种类、利用价值进行了分析,并对赫章县农业生物资源的利用、保护和开发进行了讨论。  相似文献   

云南省屏边县民族农业生物资源调查   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  
2007年11月对云南省屏边县3个乡9个村分布的与彝族生产、生活密切相关的农业生物资源进行了调查、收集与整理,共收集到农业生物资源249份。本文对当地农业生物资源现状和消长情况及原因和调查、收集到的资源种类及其利用价值进行了分析,并对屏边县农业生物资源的利用、保护和开发进行了讨论。  相似文献   

论传统知识的概念与保护   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
近年来, 传统知识受到国际国内的广泛关注, 特别是与生物资源相关的传统知识保护问题在《生物多样性公约》等国际论坛已成为焦点议题。然而, 传统知识尚没有统一的定义。本文在分析相关国际公约有关传统知识的概念的基础上, 结合作者过去几年在中国民族地区的相关研究工作, 提出与生物资源保护与持续利用相关的传统知识可分为以下5类: (1)传统利用农业生物及遗传资源的知识; (2)传统利用药用生物资源的知识; (3)生物资源利用的传统技术创新与传统生产生活方式; (4)与生物资源保护与利用相关的传统文化与习惯法; (5)传统地理标志产品。本文还针对目前传统知识保护中存在的问题, 探讨了开展传统知识调查、整理、编目、继承、发展、保护和推广应用的各项措施, 并提出建立国家法规制度, 以确保公平公正地与地方社区和土著居民分享因利用传统知识而产生的惠益。  相似文献   

Objectives of the present study were to use oocyte transfer: 1) to compare the developmental ability of oocytes collected from ovaries of live mares with those collected from slaughterhouse ovaries; and 2) to compare the viability of oocytes matured in vivo, in vitro, or within the oviduct. Oocytes were collected by transvaginal, ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration (TVA) from live mares or from slicing slaughterhouse ovaries. Four groups of oocytes were transferred into the oviducts of recipients that were inseminated: 1) oocytes matured in vivo and collected by TVA from preovulatory follicles of estrous mares 32 to 36 h after administration of hCG; 2) immature oocytes collected from diestrous mares between 5 and 10 d after aspiration/ovulation by TVA and matured in vitro for 36 to 38 h; 3) immature oocytes collected from diestrous mares between 5 and 10 d after aspiration/ovulation by TVA and transferred into a recipient's oviduct <1 h after collection; and 4) im mature oocytes collected from slaughterhouse ovaries containing a corpus luteum and matured in vitro for 36 to 38 hours. Embryo development rates were higher (P < 0.001) for oocytes matured in vivo (82%) than for oocytes matured in vitro (9%) or within the oviduct (0%). However, neither the method of maturation nor the source of oocytes affected (P > 0.1) embryo development rates after the transfer of immature oocytes.  相似文献   

From 2000 to 2002 bobcat blood samples were collected, in association with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, during the recently reactivated bobcat hunting and trapping season. Sex, age, and county/township data were recorded for each animal. Blood was tested for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii using the modified agglutination test. In the 2-yr study, 131 bobcat samples were collected in 14 Pennsylvania counties and 109 (83%) of these had antibodies to T. gondii (titer>or=25). A two-way Chi-Square test (95% confidence interval) yielded no significance differences in antibody prevalence between males (83%) and females (88%) or adults (83%) and juveniles (77%). All 14 counties had at least one bobcat with antibodies to T. gondii.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the in vitro developmental competence of buffalo oocytes collected from abattoir-derived ovaries at various stages of the estrous cycle and follicular status. In Experiment 1, ovaries (n=476 pairs) were collected and divided into the following five groups: (a) ovaries with a corpus hemorragicum and no dominant follicle (CH-NO-DF); (b) ovaries with a mature functional corpus luteum (CL) and a dominant follicle (CL-DF); (c) ovaries with a mature functional CL and no dominant follicle (CL-NO-DF); (d) ovaries with a regressing CL and a dominant follicle (RCL-DF); and (e) ovaries without any luteal structures and only small follicles (ANEST). In Experiment 2, 144 pairs of ovaries with a CL (or regressing CL) and a dominant follicle were collected and follicles were classified as dominant, largest subordinate, and subordinate. In both experiments, the dominant follicle was defined as any follicle >10mm in diameter that exceeded the diameter of all other (subordinate) follicles. Although oocytes were collected from each group of ovaries, only Grades A or B oocytes were used for in vitro embryo production. Cleavage rates were higher (P<0.05) from oocytes collected from ovaries in the CH-NO-DF (59.6%) and CL-NO-DF (59.2%) groups than those collected from CL-DF (52.2%) and ANEST (43.6%) groups. The yield of transferable embryos was higher (P<0.05) from oocytes collected from CH-NO-DF (27.4%) and CL-NO-DF (24.0%) ovaries than from CL-DF (16.2%), RCL-DF (15.4%), and lowest (P<0.05) from ANEST (8.8%). In Experiment 2, oocytes from the dominant follicle had a higher (P<0.05) cleavage rate (65.2 %) and transferable embryo yield (30.2%) than those collected from the largest subordinate and subordinate follicles. In conclusion, oocyte competence depended on the morphofunctional state of ovaries. Oocyte development was maximal in pairs of ovaries with a corpus hemorragicum or CL and no dominant follicle; in paired ovaries with a CL and a dominant follicle, development was maximal in oocytes derived from the dominant follicle.  相似文献   

温带半干旱地区一年生植物种子的萌发特性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在实验室条件下研究了中国温带半干旱地区科尔沁沙地的23种1年生植物的种子萌发特性(新采集种子、冷藏和干藏种子).大籽蒿、虎尾草、冠芒草、沙蓬和地锦的新种子萌发率达90%左右,11种植物新种子萌发率均低于70%,说明这些植物的新种子具有或多或少的休眠属性.经过150d的冷干藏后,大籽蒿、虎尾草萌发率保持在90%以上,说明这两种植物完全没有休眠机制;冠芒草、沙蓬和地锦的种子萌发率下降较多,可能是储藏的环境条件导致的2次休眠现象;冷藏和干藏处理均能使绿珠藜、毛马唐、细叶益母草、雾冰藜、金狗尾草、苋菜、马齿苋、碱地肤和水稗草的种子在生长季开始时完成生理后熟,萌发率达到80%以上;干藏有利于促进毛马唐、细叶益母草、马齿苋和鹤虱的种子成熟,冷藏有利于促进绿珠藜和金狗尾草的种子成熟;黄蒿、灰绿藜、画眉草和烛台虫实在不同处理下的萌发率都比较低,说明种子内在生理休眠作用较强,具有减少种子一次性萌发数量的风险分摊策略.大多数1年生植物均能在较短时间内达到最终萌发率的90%,表现出迅速萌发的特性;黄蒿、灰绿藜、碱地肤和沙蓬种子则在不同处理中表现出延长萌发时间的策略来适应半干旱地区不确定的环境条件.最后,探讨了几种主要1年生植物的种子萌发对策与其对环境适应机制之间的关系.  相似文献   

Serum samples (n = 204) from 124 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in northeastern Minnesota (USA) were collected from 1984 through 1989 and tested for antibodies to six serovars of Leptospira interrogans (bratislava, canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohemorrhagiae, and pomona) using a microtiter agglutination test. Eighty-eight (43%) sera were positive at greater than or equal to 1:100 for antibodies against serovars pomona and/or bratislava; none was positive for any of the other four serovars. None of the 31 sera collected in 1984-85 was positive, whereas all 54 sera collected from 1986 through 1988 had titers of greater than or equal to 1:100. During 1989, only 34 (29%) of 119 sera had titers of greater than or equal to 1:100. Based on these results, we believe there to be wide variability in exposure of Minnesota deer to Leptospira interrogans.  相似文献   

Material for endometrial cytology can be collected by veterinarians using guarded or unguarded swabs, or digitally with a gloved hand, and is an important diagnostic tool in establishing the endometrial health of mares prior to breeding. The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of unguarded endometrial samples is a reliable indicator of the presence of neutrophils in the uterus. Duplicate endometrial smears were collected from 41 genitally normal, non-pregnant fertile mares by both double-guarded swabs (DGS) and in an unguarded manner by digital scraping (DS) of the endometrium. In 17 of the 41 mares, smears were also collected from the cranial vagina by DS. Cytological samples were collected from a further seven non-pregnant mares at different reproductive stages, and tissues (vestibule, vagina and cervix) from four reproductively normal mares were examined histologically after slaughter to detect the presence of neutrophils. Only 3/41 (7.3%) of the DGS endometrial smears had neutrophils present compared to 36/41 (87.8%) of the DS endometrial smears. The percentage of neutrophils in DGS endometrial smears ranged from 0 to 6% (mean = 0.41%), whereas those in the DS smears ranged from 2 to 90% (mean = 22.02%). Neutrophils were present in all vaginal smears (17/17, range=3-56% (mean = 22.18%)). There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.84; P < 0.001) between the percentage of neutrophils in the vagina and in the DS endometrial smears. More neutrophils were found in the cervix, vagina and vestibule than in endometrial smears during the cycle (P<0.05). Neutrophils were also observed in tissue collected from the cervix, vagina and vestibule from reproductively normal mares at post-mortem. In conclusion, endometrial smears collected using unguarded techniques are very likely to be contaminated with neutrophils transferred from the vagina potentially leading to incorrect diagnosis of endometritis. When collecting samples for endometrial cytology it is important to use guarded techniques to ensure that only the endometrium is sampled to avoid contamination with cells carried over from other areas of the reproductive tract.  相似文献   

The results of transfer of frozen-thawed caprine embryos that were collected either as blastocysts or morulae and cultured to the blastocyst stage prior to freezing were compared. After thawing, the embryos collected as blastocysts appeared to be of marginally better quality than those that had been cultured from morulae (89 vs 72% rated as good; P > 0.05). The transfer of 24 frozen-thawed embryos collected as blastocysts to 12 recipients resulted in a pregnancy rate of 83% (10/12) and an embryo survival rate of 67%. Corresponding results for frozen-thawed blastocysts that had been cultured from morulae and were transferred to 11 recipients were 54% (6/11) and 41%, respectively. Since an earlier investigation had shown that the transfer of frozen caprine morulae yields very poor results, in our laboratory all morulae are now cultured to the blastocyst stage before being cryopreserved.  相似文献   

Lee HS  Yin XJ  Kong IK 《Theriogenology》2006,66(6-7):1468-1470
This study compared the viability of canine oocytes after storage for 5 h at 4 or 38 degrees C. The ovaries were collected after ovariohysterectomy of bitches and transported to the laboratory within 5 h at 4 or 38 degrees C. The collected oocytes were matured in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, 0.6 mM/mL cysteine, 0.2 mM pyruvic acid, 20 ng/mL E2 and 1 microg/mL rbST, and incubated for 0, 24 and 48 h, at 38 degrees C and in 95% air with 5% CO2. The viability of the oocytes after 0 h did not differ significantly between 4 and 38 degrees C group (79.6% versus 83.9%), but after 24 and 48 h, significant differences were apparent (13.2% versus 77.8% after 24 h and 0.0% versus 72.9% after 48 h; P < 0.05). Therefore, canine oocytes were remarkably sensitive to low temperatures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether oocytes obtained from bovine ovaries collected at commercial abattoirs for use in in vitro fertilization programs would be contaminated with bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) and/or bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). In total, of 85 samples tested containing 759 embryos produced by in vitro fertilization, 2 (2.4%) were positive for BHV-1 while none were positive for BVDV. The follicular fluid collected during oocyte aspiration tested positive in 11.8% for BVH-1 and in 4.7% for BVDV. Oviductal cells used to co-culture zygotes/embryos tested positive for BHV-1 and BVDV in 6.2% and 1.2% samples respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish whether the quantity or quality of embryos collected is affected by 1) the reproductive status of donors (nulliparous gilts vs parous sows); 2) pretreatment of donors with Oxolven. Embryos were collected from gilts (n=38) and from weaned sows (n=35). Approximately half of each group (gilts and sows) had been subjected to oral treatment with the progestogenic 19-nortestosterone derivative Oxolven for 14 to 21 days. After induction of estrus with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and following artificial insemination, the embryos were recovered surgically. The ovulation rate of donors averaged 21.6, with no significant difference among groups. Most of the ova and embryos collected were at the 4-cell stage (53%). There was a high incidence of uncleaved ova (28%) in both groups of animals. This was particularly so in gilts, both the Oxolven-treated and controls (35 and 32%). The incidence of uncleaved ova was lower, however, in Oxolven-treated (29%) and control sows (14%). Embryos at the 4- to 8-cell stage were transferred to synchronous recipient gilts. Transfer results, expressed by the survival of transferred embryos, were not significantly affected by the progestogen treatment (30% for Oxolven treatment vs 34% for the controls) or by the reproductive status of the donors (33% for gilts vs 28% for sows).  相似文献   

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