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我国12种无尾类的鸣叫特征参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了1 2种无尾类的求偶鸣叫特征参数,包括角蟾科(Megophryidae) 2种:峨眉角蟾(Megophrysomeimontis)、高山掌突蟾(Leptolalaxalpinus) ;雨蛙科(Hylidae) 2种:华西雨蛙(Hylaannectans)、秦岭雨蛙(H .tsinlingensis) ;树蛙科(Rhacophoridae) 5种:斑腿树蛙(Rhacophorusmegacephalus)、无声囊树蛙(R .mutus) ,宝兴树蛙(R .dugritei)、经甫树蛙(R .chenfui)、锯腿小树蛙(Philautusodontotarsus) ;蛙科(Ranidae)2种:弹琴水蛙(Hylaranaadenopleura)、沼水蛙(H .guentheri) ;姬蛙科(Microhylidae) 1种:花姬蛙(Microhylapulchra)。特征参数包括:(时域)时长和(频域)基频、主能峰、共振峰等9个。与已有的描述作了对比,发现差别较小,并简单讨论了差别出现的原因。此外,对同域分布且繁殖时间重叠的两个近缘种———宝兴树蛙和经甫树蛙的鸣叫比较发现,二者声音的9个参数除了音节间隔之外,差异都极其显著(P <0 0 0 1 ,α=0 0 5 ,two tailedtest) ,它们的鸣叫有显著差异。  相似文献   

2017年末,我国的两栖动物已记录3目14科466种,其中,无尾目Anura 10科386种。蝌蚪是无尾两栖类物种的幼体,具有一系列适应水生生活的形态特征和一个特别的变态过程,是无尾目的主要标志之一。我国蝌蚪的形态特征散见于各个物种的形态描述,而对蝌蚪科级分类的系统研究却阙如。本文基于蝌蚪的8个形态学分类性状,概述了我国除亚洲角蛙科Ceratobatrachidae外9个科(铃蟾科Bombinatoridae、角蟾科Megophryidae、蟾蜍科Bufonidae、雨蛙科Hylidae、蛙科Ranidae、叉舌蛙科Dicroglossidae、浮蛙科Occidozygidae、树蛙科Rhacophoridae、姬蛙科Microhylidae)的蝌蚪分类特征,系统阐述了蝌蚪科级分类特征的分类和适应意义。  相似文献   

重庆四面山两栖动物物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年至2007年对重庆四面山的两栖动物进行了野外调查采集,共有两栖动物1目5科11属18种,其中无尾目弧胸类(蟾类)2种、固胸类(蛙类) 16种.建议加强对该地区两栖动物物种多样性及其生境的保护.  相似文献   

田婉淑  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2000,19(3):105-107
本文介绍刘承钊教授生前本人或与合作者描述发表的两栖动物66个新种,分隶2目9科,计有尾目2科9种,无尾目7科57种(名单见附表)。其中,刘承钊和胡淑琴(1961)《中国无尾两栖类》将以下4种列为同物异名:108页:AelurophrynebrevipesLiu=胸腺猫眼蟾AglandulatusLiu[后改属名,称为胸腺齿突蟾Scutigerglandulatus(Liu)]。265页:胡氏树蛙RhacophorushuiLiu=杜氏树蛙RhacophorusdugriteiDavid[后改属名,称为杜氏泛树蛙Polypedatesd…  相似文献   

秦岭及大巴山地区两栖爬行动物调查报告   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
1.1961—1962年在秦巴地区共获两栖纲动物23种,隶11属、8科、2目;爬行纲21种,隶15属、6科、2目。 2.发现五个两栖纲新种:秦巴北鲵Ranodon tsinpaensis Liu et Hu,sp.nov.,南江角蟾Megophrys nankiangensis Liu et Hu,sp.nov.,秦岭雨蛙Hyla tsinlingensis Liu et Hu,sp.nov.,光雾臭蛙Rana kuangwuensis Liu et Hu,sp.nov.,合征姬蛙Microhyla mixturaLiu et Hu,sp.nov.;一个爬行纲新种:秦岭滑蜥Leiolopisma tsinlingensis Hu et Djao,sp.nov.。增加陕西省新纪录两栖纲5种,爬行纲11种。修订原纪录分布于秦岭的中国雨蛙为新种秦岭雨蛙,棘腹蛙为隆肛蛙。在秦岭采到中国林蛙的地模标本。 3.秦岭作为古北界与东洋界的区系分界线,在两栖纲方面表现为在秦岭北坡种类少(8种),缺少东洋界的代表类型,如泽蛙、树蛙等;秦岭南坡至大巴山种类逐渐增加(共23种);东洋界的代表类型逐渐繁多;但树蛙种类少,数量亦少。在爬行纲方面北坡周至附近获无蹼壁虎,丽斑麻蜥及黄脊游蛇古北界代表动物。白眉蝮不同垂直分布区有明显的差异。 4.秦巴区的四种两栖纲优势种(隆肛蛙、秦巴北鲵、秦岭雨蛙及合征姬蛙)的分布特征,可初步说明秦巴区具有独特的区系组成。  相似文献   

湖南宜章发现两栖动物侏树蛙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年4月和2017年5月,在湖南省莽山国家级自然保护区相思坑(24°56′57.51″N,112°59′18.21″E,海拔1 342 m)采集到小型蛙类6只,均为雄性成体,经鉴定为无尾目(Anura)树蛙科(Rhacophoridae)树蛙属(Rhacophorus)的侏树蛙(R.minimus),属于湖南省两栖动物分布新记录。测量了6只个体的14项外形特征量度数据,并描述了其形态特征。PCR扩增16S rRNA基因并测序,与同属另外8种的16S rRNA基因进行分子系统进化分析,结果支持形态鉴定结果。目前标本保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院脊椎动物学实验室。  相似文献   

海南鹦哥岭自然保护区两栖动物区系及属种海南新纪录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003~2008年,多次对海南省中部山区鹦哥岭自然保护区及其周边进行两栖爬行动物多样性调查,共记录到39种两栖动物(有尾类1种,无尾类38种),隶属于2目7科23属。其中,包括海南属种新纪录小姬蛙属的德力小姬蛙(Micryletta inornata)和新纪录种马来棱皮树蛙(Theloderma asperum)。另外,还采集到2个待定种,分别为小蟾属物种(Parapelophryne sp.)和一种大型的棱皮树蛙属物种(Theloderma sp.),但需要进一步研究鉴定。鹦哥岭调查中共记录到39种(88.6%)已知在海南有分布的两栖动物,包括11个海南特有种,占海南13种特有两栖动物的84.6%,这说明鹦哥岭自然保护区在海南岛两栖动物多样性的保护中具有不可替代的地位。  相似文献   

上海地区的两栖类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言 上海地区两栖类的种类,尚未见到前人作过专门的报导,只在某些论文中附带提到过。根据过去所发表的文献统计,上海应有两栖类6科6属12种,其中有尾目有1科1属1种,无尾目有5科5属11种。关于上海两栖类的分布,文献中更极少提到,又由于行政区划的改变,对现在的上海地区两栖类的记载,几乎是  相似文献   

十一种无尾两栖类分带核型的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭超文  董永文 《遗传》1992,14(4):29-32
本文比较研究11种无尾两栖类的c带型和人Ag-NORs,并报道三种核型(淡肩角蟾,秦岭雨蛙和湖北金线蛙),结果:(1) 弹琴蛙仅大型染色体着丝点区C带正染,其余10个物种的所有染色体均有明显的着丝点C带,并分别具有数目不等的端部C带或插入型C带。其中天台蛙的C带尤为发达。(2) 中华大蟾蛛有3对Ag-NORs,大树蛙两对,其余9个种均显示1对。(3)新报三种核型中,淡肩角蟾租湖北金线蛙2n=26,N.F=52。淡肩角蟾由6对大型的和7对小型的染色休组成,湖北金线蛙大小型染色体分别为5对和8对。秦岭雨蛙2n=24,含大小型染色休各6对,其N.F=48。三个物种均未见有异型性染色体。  相似文献   

江西桃红岭梅花鹿国家级自然保护区自成立以来,一直未进行过两栖动物资源调查。为掌握两栖动物本底资源现状,评价当地的生物多样性,作者于2005年4月下旬至5月上旬、8月中旬、2006年7月下旬,前后3次对该保护区两栖动物资源进行了实地调查。保护区现已记录两栖动物19种,隶属2目7科,占江西省39种两栖动物的48.72%。其中以16种东洋界物种为主,广布种3种,无古北界物种。东洋界物种包括10种华中区与华南区共有种及6种华中区物种。这种动物区系组成特点与保护区在动物地理区划上属东洋界华中区东部丘陵平原亚区一致。此次考察增加赣北(鄱阳湖)平原省两栖动物新纪录6种,分别是中国雨蛙(Hyla chinensis)、弹琴蛙(Hylarana adenopleura)、阔褶水蛙(H.latouchii)、花臭蛙(Odorrana schmackeri)、斑腿树蛙(Rhacophorus megacephalus)和小弧斑姬蛙(Microhyla heymonsi)。最后,结合调查结果对保护区内两栖动物的分布和资源现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

广州市花地湾市场龟鳖类调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过对广州市花地湾花鸟鱼虫市场贸易龟鳖类进行为期3年27次调查,共记录了9科29属41种或亚种,包括鳖科(Trionychidae)2属2种,两爪鳖科(Carettochelyidae)1属1种,龟科(Emydidae)4属5种,淡水龟科(Geoemydidae)10属18种,侧颈龟科(Chelidae)3属3种,动胸龟科(Kinosternidae)2属3种,鳄龟科(Chelydridae)2属2种,陆龟科(Testudinidae)4属6种,海龟科(Cheloniidae)1属1种。其中,国内龟鳖类共13种,外来物种共28种。受保护种类30种,所占比例达73.17%,部分龟类来源为野外捕捉。大量实体商家转入互联网进行精确营销,尤其是针对高价值的濒危种类,未来将着重对该隐蔽领域进行深入调查。  相似文献   

The international amphibian trade is implicated in the emergence and spread of the amphibian fungal disease chytridiomycosis, which has resulted in amphibian declines and extinctions globally. The establishment of the causal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), in the UK could negatively affect the survival of native amphibian populations. In recognition of the ongoing threat that it poses to amphibians, Bd was recently included in the World Organisation for Animal Health Aquatic Animal Health Code, and therefore is in the list of international notifiable diseases. Using standardised risk analysis guidelines, we investigated the likelihood that Bd would be introduced to and become established in wild amphibians in the UK through the importation of live amphibians. We obtained data on the volume and origin of the amphibian trade entering the UK and detected Bd infection in amphibians being imported for the pet and private collection trade and also in amphibians already held in captive pet, laboratory and zoological collections. We found that current systems for recording amphibian trade into the UK underestimate the volume of non-European Union trade by almost 10-fold. We identified high likelihoods of entry, establishment and spread of Bd in the UK and the resulting major overall impact. Despite uncertainties, we determined that the overall risk estimation for the introduction of Bd to the UK through the importation of live amphibians is high and that risk management measures are required, whilst ensuring that negative effects on legal trade are minimised.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the global spread of the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has been facilitated by the international trade in amphibians. Bd was first detected in the UK in 2004, and has since been detected in multiple wild amphibian populations. Most amphibians imported into the UK for the pet trade from outside the European Union enter the country via Heathrow Animal Reception Centre (HARC), where Bd-positive animals have been previously detected. Data on the volume, diversity and origin of imported amphibians were collected for 59 consignments arriving at HARC between November 2009 and June 2012, along with a surveillance study to investigate the prevalence of Bd in these animals. Forty-three amphibian genera were recorded, originating from 12 countries. It was estimated that 5000–7000 amphibians are imported through HARC into the UK annually for the pet trade. Bd was detected in consignments from the USA and Tanzania, in six genera, resulting in an overall prevalence of 3.6%. This suggests that imported amphibians are a source of Bd within the international pet trade.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) infects amphibians on every continent where they occur and is linked to the decline of over 200 amphibian species worldwide. At present, only three published Bd surveys exist for mainland Asia, and Bd has been detected in South Korea alone. In this article, we report the first survey for Bd in Peninsular Malaysia. We swabbed 127 individuals from the six amphibian families that occur on Peninsular Malaysia, including two orders, 27 genera, and 47 species. We detected Bd on 10 out of 127 individuals from four of five states and five of 11 localities, placing the 95% confidence interval for overall prevalence at 4–14%. We detected no variation in Bd prevalence among regions, elevations, or taxonomic groups. The infection intensity ranged from 1 to 157,000 genome equivalents. The presence of Bd infections in native species without clinical signs of disease suggests that Bd may be endemic to the region. Alternately, Bd may have been introduced from non-native amphibians because of the substantial amphibian food trade in Peninsular Malaysia. Under both scenarios, management efforts should be implemented to limit the spread of non-native Bd and protect the tremendous amphibian diversity in Peninsular Malaysia.  相似文献   

We performed a rapid response investigation to evaluate the presence and distribution of amphibian pathogens in Madagascar following our identification of amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Bd) and ranavirus in commercially exported amphibians. This targeted risk-based field surveillance program was conducted from February to April 2014 encompassing 12 regions and 47 survey sites. We simultaneously collected amphibian and environmental samples to increase survey sensitivity and performed sampling both in wilderness areas and commercial amphibian trade facilities. Bd was not detected in any of 508 amphibian skin swabs or 68 water filter samples, suggesting pathogen prevalence was below 0.8%, with 95% confidence during our visit. Ranavirus was detected in 5 of 97 amphibians, including one adult Mantidactylus cowanii and three unidentified larvae from Ranomafana National Park, and one adult Mantidactylus mocquardi from Ankaratra. Ranavirus was also detected in water samples collected from two commercial amphibian export facilities. We also provide the first report of an amphibian mass-mortality event observed in wild amphibians in Madagascar. Although neither Bd nor ranavirus appeared widespread in Madagascar during this investigation, additional health surveys are required to disentangle potential seasonal variations in pathogen abundance and detectability from actual changes in pathogen distribution and rates of spread. Accordingly, our results should be conservatively interpreted until a comparable survey effort during winter months has been performed. It is imperative that biosecurity practices be immediately adopted to limit the unintentional increased spread of disease through the movement of contaminated equipment or direct disposal of contaminated material from wildlife trade facilities. The presence of potentially introduced strains of ranaviruses suggests that Madagascar''s reptile species might also be threatened by disease. Standardized population monitoring of key amphibian and reptile species should be established with urgency to enable early detection of potential impacts of disease emergence in this global biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

The pet trade has grown in recent years and become the most important pathway for the introduction of non-indigenous species of amphibians and reptiles worldwide. Amphibians traded on the pet market have been widely overlooked in systematic invasion studies, so their establishment potential and invasion dynamics remain poorly understood, despite the fact that the impact of invaders from this taxonomic group on native biota may be considerable. The determination of the most common species of amphibians traded as pets was based on a survey of the market in the Czech Republic, which is an export hub for ornamental aquatic animals into the European Union (EU). Subsequently, the establishment potential of the most common species for EU was determined using a proven risk assessment model. Amphibians that scored higher than the established species Xenopus laevis were additionally evaluated for their invasion potential using the Amphibian Invasiveness Screening Kit (AmphISK).Sixteen species of amphibians in pet market (14 Anura, 2Caudata) have an establishment potential in the EU. However, none of these species have reached the invasion potential score of already spreading species X. laevis and Lithobates catesbeianus. The species closest to the threshold value were Lithobates pipiens and Pelophylax saharicus. Amphibians represent a rather small group within all traded animals but this fact should not lead us to an underestimation of their potential invasiveness.  相似文献   

Although the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the etiological agent of amphibian chytridiomycosis, has been implicated in mass mortality and population declines on several continents around the world, there have been no reports on the presence of Bd infections in amphibians in China. We employed quantitative PCR and histological techniques to investigate the presence of Bd in introduced North American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) (referred to hereafter as bullfrog) and native amphibians in bullfrog-invaded areas of the Yunnan Province, China. A total of 259 samples at five wild sites were collected between June and September in 2007 and 2008, including bullfrogs and four native amphibian species (Rana pleuraden, Rana chaochiaoensis, Odorrana andersonii, and Bombina maxima). In addition, 37 samples of adult bullfrogs were obtained from a food market. Bd infections were discovered in bullfrogs and three native amphibian species from all of the surveyed sites. Of the 39 Bd-positive samples, 35 were from wild-caught bullfrog tadpoles, postmetamorphic bullfrogs, R. pleuraden, R. chaochiaoensis, and O. andersonii, and four were from adult bullfrogs from the market. Our results provide the first evidence of the presence of Bd in Chinese amphibians, suggesting that native amphibian diversity in China is at risk from Bd. There is an urgent need to monitor the distribution of Bd in amphibians in China and understand the susceptibility of native amphibian species to chytridiomycosis. Strict regulations on the transportation of bullfrogs and the breeding of bullfrogs in markets and farms should be drafted in order to stop the spread of Bd by bullfrogs.  相似文献   

Murid rodents are considered globally important invasive species, yet they are still sold in the pet trade. Little is known about the genetic diversity of traded rodents, and many species are incorrectly identified in the pet trade. We used mitochondrial gene regions to assess the taxonomy and genetic diversity of 149 rodents sold in pet shops across eight South African provinces. We identified a total of 112 specimens as Mus musculus, while 31 were Rattus norvegicus, and six were identified as the southern African endemic, southern multimammate mouse Mastomys coucha. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the three species were monophyletic. Mus musculus and R. norvegicus showed higher levels of genetic diversity, with 19 unique mtDNA haplotypes recovered for M. musculus and eight haplotypes for R. norvegicus. KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape and Gauteng Provinces had the most unique haplotypes than other provinces. Our findings showed that non-native species are widely distributed in the South African pet trade industry, while M. coucha was not widely traded, although recorded in three provinces. This suggests that most provinces comply with the trade regulations on native species, but the threat of invasive rodents to South Africa's unique biodiversity is highlighted.  相似文献   

A serious disease of amphibians caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis was first found in Japan in December 2006 in imported pet frogs. This was the first report of chytridiomycosis in Asia. To assess the risk of pandemic chytridiomycosis to Japanese frogs, we surveyed the distribution of the fungus among captive and wild frog populations. We established a nested PCR assay that uses two pairs of PCR primers to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of a ribosomal RNA cassette to detect mild fungal infections from as little as 0.001 pg (1 fg) of B. dendrobatidis DNA. We collected swab samples from 265 amphibians sold at pet shops, 294 bred at institutes and 2103 collected at field sites from northern to southwestern Japan. We detected infections in native and exotic species, both in captivity and in the field. Sequencing of PCR products revealed 26 haplotypes of the B. dendrobatidis ITS region. Phylogenetic analysis showed that three of these haplotypes were specific to the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) and appeared to have established a commensal relationship with this native amphibian. Many other haplotypes were carried by alien amphibians. The highest genetic diversity of B. dendrobatidis was found in the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Some strains of B. dendrobatidis appeared to be endemic to Japanese native amphibians, but many alien strains are being introduced into Japan via imported amphibians. To improve chytridiomycosis risk management, we must consider the risk of B. dendrobatidis changing hosts as a result of anthropogenic disturbance of the host‐specific distribution of the fungus.  相似文献   

全球范围内两栖类的种类和数量急剧下降,栖息地面积减少和质量下降为重要原因之一.修复和重建两栖类栖息地是恢复两栖类种类和数量的重要手段.在城市化进程中,构建适宜的两栖类栖息地对两栖类的保护尤为关键.本研究选取上海市闵行区浦江镇的鲁汇苗木基地,于2014年5月-2016年9月开展两栖类栖息地的构建技术及效果评估研究.针对上海市常见的5种两栖类的生境需求,经过地形地貌改造、水系沟通调整和植被恢复等生态工程措施,构建了19 hm2两栖类栖息地.为评估两栖类栖息地的保护效果,采取样线法,选取5条100 m×5 m的调查样线,于多数两栖类的繁殖期(5-6月)和非繁殖期(8-9月)各调查1次,对比分析改造前(2014年)和改造后(2016年)两栖类的种类和数量.调查发现,改造前的繁殖期记录到两栖类4种,密度为(164.0±63.7) ind·hm-2;非繁殖期4种,密度为(160.0±29.7) ind·hm-2;改造后的繁殖期5种,密度为(560.0±159.3) ind·hm-2;非繁殖期5种,密度为(628.0±186.2) ind·hm-2.结果表明,通过构建适宜的两栖类栖息地,能够显著增加两栖类的种类和数量,具有较好的两栖类保护效果.本研究提出的两栖类栖息地的构建技术,为受损的两栖类栖息地的生态修复和重建以及城市林绿地的优化改造提供了参考案例.  相似文献   

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