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一、引言近年来关于糖尿病病因的研究已深入到胰岛素与其受体相互作用的分子水平。对胰岛素具有抗性的成年型糖尿病可能是由于胰岛素的受体减少而产生。肥胖的小白鼠糖耐量不正常,血液中的胰岛素增加,对胰岛素的敏感性下降,这些都和上述类型的糖尿病人很相似。因此肥胖型小白鼠是研究糖尿病的一种较好的实验动物模型。形成这种动物模型可以应用金硫代葡萄糖(Gold thioglucose,简称GTG),它能使下丘脑的饱中枢产生坏死性病变,结果动物无控制地摄食而肥胖。引起病变的是金与硫代葡萄糖相结合,是为了使金易于通过血脑屏障而发挥其作用。由于金硫代葡萄糖在国内外市场上均不易获得,我们在实验室中通过两条途径(图1)进  相似文献   

下丘脑腹内侧核(传统上称为饱中枢)受损后,可以发生丧失饱感,摄食过度,形成增剧性肥胖。它在制作实验性肥胖动物模型中占有一定位置。本文是用金硫葡萄糖(一种特异损伤下丘脑腹内侧核的药物)和谷氢酸一钠(一种特异损伤下丘脑弓状核的药物)分别制做实验性肥胖动物模型的结果。  相似文献   

传统上认为下丘脑腹内侧核饱食中枢与腹外侧区摄食中枢呈现交互抑制的学说,迄今仍有人支持。但也有人提出该学说的实验证据尚嫌不足。本文主要介绍下丘脑损伤性肥胖机制的新进展,分别概述了过食学说、植物神经(迷走神经-高胰岛素血症)学说以及小肠对葡萄糖吸收能力增强等。  相似文献   

下丘脑葡萄糖反应神经原表面ATP敏感的钾离子(KATP)通道对于血糖浓度调节发挥着重要的作用.胰岛素、长链脂肪酸、葡萄糖及其代谢物等均可以激活KATP通道,通过迷走神经而限制肝脏的葡萄糖生成,以保持血糖浓度的相对恒定.KATP通道调节异常可能导致Ⅱ型糖尿病等的发生,因此下丘脑KATP通道与糖代谢关系的研究为相关疾病的治疗带来新的希望.  相似文献   

本试验选择离体犊牛小肠上皮细胞,以细胞增殖率和葡萄糖吸收率作为细胞生长发育与功能成熟的指标,研究了胰岛素与胰岛素样生长因子-I(IGF-)对细胞生长发育的影响。结果表明,胰岛素浓度为10μg/ml时,明显促进小肠上皮细胞的增殖和对葡萄糖的吸收,浓度达到50μg/ml时则抑制细胞的增殖和吸收(P<0.01)。IGF-I浓度为100ng/ml时,对促进小肠上皮细胞增殖和吸收葡萄糖的作用最强(P<0.01),但100ng/ml、500ng/ml和1000ng/ml三种不同浓度的IGF-I对刺激细胞增殖和提高吸收功能无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性低血糖应激对大鼠下丘脑增食欲素-A(orexin—A)的表达影响。方法:胰岛素皮下注射建立急性低血糖大鼠模型,检测外周血中葡萄糖和胰岛素水平的变化。采用免疫组织化学染色观察下丘脑orexin-A表达的改变和灰度值测量,观察其染色强度。结果:低血糖禁食组大鼠下丘脑orexin-A的表达明显增加(P〈0.05),而低血糖进食组orexin-A表达无明显改变。灰度分析显示低血糖禁食组染色强度最高,与对照组比较有明显统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论:急性血糖的降低可以增强大鼠下丘脑orexin-A的表达,而摄食行为可抑制此效应。  相似文献   

目的:探讨同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,HCY)摄入后对孕鼠糖代谢的影响以及生物学机制分析。方法:孕鼠妊娠10 d后,将实验动物随机分为3组,每组12只,妊娠对照组(Ctrl)腹腔注射生理盐水,同型半胱氨酸高剂量组(HCYH)和同型半胱氨酸低剂量组(HCYL)腹腔注射HCY溶液,注射浓度分别为200 mg/kg·d和100 mg/kg·d,持续20 d(即为HCY20 d)后,利用血糖含量检测试剂盒和胰岛素试剂盒分别检测孕鼠空腹血糖水平、胰岛素水平;葡萄糖检测试剂盒对孕鼠葡萄糖耐量和胰岛素抵抗进行检测;蛋白免疫印迹法检测孕鼠目的蛋白过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(PPARγ)、葡萄糖转运蛋白4(GLUT4)、蛋白激酶B(AKT)、磷酸化AKT蛋白(P-AKT)的表达。结果:与Ctrl组比较,在孕鼠注射HCY后,空腹血糖水平升高、血清中胰岛素浓度下降、HOMA-β指数下降、HOMA-IR指数升高(P<0.05);摄入葡萄糖后,孕鼠血糖随时间的变化而下降,葡萄糖曲线下面积升高(P<0.05);摄入胰岛素后,孕鼠血糖随时间的变化而升高,胰岛素曲线下面积升高(P<0.05);PPARγ、P-AKT、GLUT4蛋白表达水平下降,HCYH组降低水平更为显著(P<0.05)。结论:孕鼠HCY摄入后,生物体糖代谢紊乱,AKT磷酸化表达水平抑制,HCY可能通过降低PPARγ的表达减少AKT磷酸化,导致胰岛素受体的活化,进而激活了PI3K/AKT通路,减少了脂肪组织中的GLUT4表达,增加了对于葡萄糖的摄取能力。  相似文献   

一般认为小肠内含有“感觉器”,可“品尝”肠内容物(例如葡萄糖或脂肪酸)的性质。此感觉器可通过激素或激活神经而影响远距靶器官。口服葡萄糖引起胰岛素分泌加强即归因于抑胃肽(GIP)的释放,就是此机制的一个实例。有报道胃肠道/肝可通过未知途径感觉到钠的摄入而影响钠的排泄,当改变钠摄入量时,尿钠排泄量可有相应的改变。  相似文献   

人源FGF-21在脂肪细胞糖代谢中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来研究发现,成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)-21是一种新的代谢调节因子.为了深入研究人源FGF-21(hFGF-21)的生物活性,本实验利用SUMO高效表达载体,高效表达成熟的hFGF-21,并利用小鼠3T3-L1脂肪细胞检测hFGF-21的糖代谢活性.实验结果表明,hFGF-21可促进脂肪细胞的葡萄糖吸收,且葡萄糖吸收效率呈剂量依赖性.hFGF-21作用4 h即可促进脂肪细胞糖吸收,其活性可持续24 h以上.hFGF-21与胰岛素共同作用的葡萄糖吸收效果,明显优于它们的单独作用结果,说明hFGF-21与胰岛素发挥协同作用.脂肪细胞经hFGF-21预处理后,显著增加了胰岛素促进脂肪细胞吸收葡萄糖的效率,说明hFGF-21可以增加胰岛素的敏感性.本实验为临床应用hFGF-21治疗糖尿病,增加胰岛素敏感性提供了依据.  相似文献   

许多实验已证明,肾上腺切除的动物小肠对葡萄糖(G)的吸收能力明显降低。CapelliTscconi(1959)且提出,小肠对G的吸收能力可作为评价肾上腺机能的一项指标。然而有关其作用机制解释尚极不一致(Wilson,1962;王复周,1965)。 以往研究激素对小肠G吸收的影响多在整体动物进行。本实验除在整体进行观察外,还观察了肾上腺切除动物的离体小肠对G的吸收能力,以便在排除整体因素的影响下分析肾上腺切除后各有关因素与小肠G吸收变化的关系。  相似文献   

An obesity‐induced diabetes model using genetically normal mouse strains would be invaluable but remains to be established. One reason is that several normal mouse strains are resistant to high‐fat diet‐induced obesity. In the present study, we show the effectiveness of gold thioglucose (GTG) in inducing hyperphagia and severe obesity in mice, and demonstrate the development of obesity‐induced diabetes in genetically normal mouse strains. GTG treated DBA/2, C57BLKs, and BDF1 mice gained weight rapidly and exhibited significant increases in nonfasting plasma glucose levels 8–12 weeks after GTG treatment. These mice showed significantly impaired insulin secretion, particularly in the early phase after glucose load, and reduced insulin content in pancreatic islets. Interestingly, GTG treated C57BL/6 mice did not become diabetic and retained normal early insulin secretion and islet insulin content despite being as severely obese and insulin resistant as the other mice. These results suggest that the pathogenesis of obesity‐induced diabetes in GTG‐treated mice is attributable to the inability of their pancreatic β‐cells to secrete enough insulin to compensate for insulin resistance. Mice developing obesity‐induced diabetes after GTG treatment might be a valuable tool for investigating obesity‐induced diabetes. Furthermore, comparing the genetic backgrounds of mice with different susceptibilities to diabetes may lead to the identification of novel genetic factors influencing the ability of pancreatic β‐cells to secrete insulin.  相似文献   

The responses of hepatic glycogen synthase and phosphorylase to fasting and refeeding were assessed as part of an investigation into possible sites of insulin resistance in gold thioglucose (GTG) obese mice. The active forms glycogen synthase and phosphorylase (synthase I and phosphorylase a) and the total activity of these enzymes were estimated in lean and GTG mice over 48 h of food deprivation, and for 120 min after glucose gavage (1 g/kg wt). In lean mice there was a maximal reduction in hepatic glycogen content after 12 h of starvation and the activity of phosphorylase a decreased from 23.8 +/- 1.9 to 6.8 +/- 0.7 mumol/g protein/min. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the activity of synthase I (from 0.14 +/- 0.01 to 0.46 +/- 0.04 mumol/g protein/min). In obese mice, similar changes in enzyme activity occurred after 48 h of starvation. These changes were accompanied by a significant reduction in the hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia of the GTG mice. After glucose gavage in both lean and obese mice, the activity of synthase I further increased over the first 30 min and declined thereafter. The activity of phosphorylase a increased progressively after refeeding. Results from this study suggest that despite increased hepatic glycogen deposition, the responses of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase, in livers of obese mice, to fasting and refeeding are similar to those of control mice even in the presence of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Lipogenic response to feeding was measured in vivo in liver, epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT) and interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT), during the development of obesity in gold-thioglucose (GTG)-injected mice. The fatty acid synthesis after a meal was higher in all tissues of GTG-treated mice on a total-tissue basis, but the magnitude of this increase varied, depending on the tissue and the time after the initiation of obesity. Lipogenesis in BAT from GTG mice was double that of control mice for the first 2 weeks, but subsequently decreased to near control values. In WAT, lipogenesis after feeding was highest 2-4 weeks after GTG injection, and in liver, lipid synthesis in fed obese mice was greatest at 7-12 weeks after the induction of obesity. The post-prandial insulin concentration was increased after 2 weeks of obesity, and serum glucose concentration was higher in fed obese mice after 4 weeks. These results indicate that increased lipogenesis in GTG-injected mice may be due to an increase in insulin concentration after feeding and that insulin resistance (assessed by lipogenic response to insulin release) is apparent in BAT before WAT and liver.  相似文献   

The activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex and PDH kinase were measured in brown adipose tissue (BAT) of 4-week-gold thioglucose (GTG)-obese mice. The proportion of PDH complex in the active dephosphorylated form was 2-fold higher in BAT of post-absorptive obese mice compared with lean controls. This result was consistent with the higher circulating insulin concentration observed in GTG-obese mice. In both obese and lean mice the PDH-complex activity in BAT decreased after 24 h starvation and increased in response to supraphysiological insulin injection, indicating that the PDH complex is insulin-responsive in BAT of GTG-obese mice. There was no difference in the PDH kinase activity of BAT in post-absorptive or insulin-injected lean and obese mice, suggesting that the higher PDH-complex activity in obese mice was not due to decreased PDH kinase activity. There is no evidence for a decreased activity of PDH complex contributing to insulin resistance in BAT of 4-week-GTG-obese mice.  相似文献   

Adrenalectomy (ADX) lowers circulating glucose levels in animal models of non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) and obesity. To investigate the role of hepatic glucose production (HGP) and tissue glucose oxidation in the improvement in glucose tolerance, hepatocyte gluconeogenesis and the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) were examined in different tissues of gold thioglucose (GTG) obese mice 2 weeks after ADX or sham ADX. GTG-obese mice which had undergone ADX weighed significantly less than their adrenal intact counterparts (GTG ADX: 37.5 ± 0.7g; GTG: 44.1 ± 0.4g; p<0.05), and demonstrated lower serum glucose (GTG ADX: 22.5 ± 1.6 mmol/L; GTG: 29.4 ± 1.9 mmol/L; p<0.05) and serum insulin levels (GTG ADX: 76 ± 10μ.U/mL; GTG: 470 ± 63μU/mL; p<0.05). Lactate conversion to glucose by hepatocytes isolated from ADX GTG mice was significantly reduced compared with that of hepatocytes from GTG mice (GTG ADX: 125 ± 10 nmol glucose/106 cells; GTG: 403 ± 65 nmol glucose/106 cells; p<0.05). ADX also significantly reduced both the glycogen (GTG ADX: 165 ± 27 μmol/liver; GTG: 614 ± 60 pmol/Iiver; p<0.05) and fatty acid content (GTG ADX: 101 ± 9 mg fatty acid/g liver; GTG: 404 ± 40 mg fatty acid/g liver; p<0.05) of the liver of GTG-obese mice. ADX of GTG-obese mice reduced PDH activity by varying degrees in all tissues, except quadriceps muscle. These observations are consistent with an ADX induced decrease in hepatic lipid stores removing fatty acid-induced increases in gluconeogenesis and increased peripheral availability of fatty acids inhibiting PDH activity via the glucose/fatty acid cycle. It is also evident that the improvement in glucose tolerance which accompanies ADX of GTG-obese mice is not due to increased PDH activity resulting in enhanced peripheral glucose oxidation. Instead, it is more likely that reduced blood glucose levels after ADX of GTG-obese mice are the result of decreased gluconeogenesis in the liver.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that oxidative stress might cause and aggravate the inflammatory state associated with obesity and could be the link between excessive weight gain and its related disorders such as insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases. Thus, antioxidant treatment has been proposed as a therapy to prevent and manage obesity and associated complications. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of supplementation of a standard or high fat diet with the antioxidant lipoic acid (LA) during 56 days, on body weight gain, adiposity, feed efficiency and intestinal sugar absorption, in male Wistar rats. LA supplementation induced a lower body weight gain and adipose tissue size in both control or high fat fed rats accompanied by a reduction in food intake. The group fed on a high fat diet and treated with LA (OLIP group) showed a lower body weight gain than its corresponding Pair-Fed (PF) group (P<0.05), which received the same amount of food than LA-treated animals but with no LA. In fact, LA induced a reduction on feed efficiency and also significantly decreased intestinal α-methylglucoside (α-MG) absorption both in lean and obese rats. These results suggest that the beneficial effects of dietary supplementation with LA on body weight gain are mediated, at least in part, by the reduction observed in food intake and feed efficiency. Furthemore, the inhibitory action of LA on intestinal sugar transport could explain in part the lower feed efficiency observed in LA-treated animals and therefore, highlighting the beneficial effects of LA on obesity.  相似文献   

Lipogenesis was measured in 2 and 5 week gold-thioglucose (GTG) obese mice after a single meal of 0.5 g of standard chow. Compared to control mice the rate of lipogenesis in GTG obese mice, was 4-fold higher in liver and 10-fold higher in white adipose tissue (WAT). In brown adipose tissue (BAT) of GTG-injected mice the lipogenic rate was only 50% of that of controls. These results indicate that the increased lipid synthesis observed in GTG-injected mice is not due solely to hyperphagia and that some other stimuli, such as increased basal insulin levels and/or decreased thermogenesis and insulin resistance in BAT, contribute to the high rates of fat synthesis in this animal model of obesity.  相似文献   

Extrahepatic fatty acid synthesis from a 250 mg meal of [U-(14)C]-glucose was measured in epidymal fat pads and the remaining carcass of hyperglycemic obese (obob), gold thioglucose obese, and nonobese controls under conditions of maximum and minimum lipogenesis. Also assessed was the effect of Delta(22)-5beta-taurocholenic acid, previously shown to inhibit hepatic fatty acid synthesis. Both types of obese and nonobese mice were fed for 6 weeks glucose-based diets containing either 1% corn oil or 40% lard with or without the addition of 0.05% taurocholenic acid. In mice fed 1% corn oil, incorporation of labeled glucose into carcass fatty acids was 25% greater in nonobese than obese mice of either type of obesity. On this diet incorporation of labeled glucose into epididymal fatty acids was reduced 83% in hyperglycemic obese mice compared with nonobese littermates. The corresponding reduction in lipogenesis in gold thioglucose obese mice was only 23% compared with nonobese controls. Feeding 40% lard reduced incorporation of labeled glucose into epididymal and carcass fatty acid 67 to 95% compared with mice fed 1% corn oil in both types of obese and nonobese mice whether or not taurocholenic acid had been fed. Both types of obesity or feeding 40% lard reduced lipogenesis in fat pads to a greater extent than glucose uptake by the pads with the reductions additive. Feeding taurocholenic acid reduced pad weight 30% across strain and obesity status, increased uptake of labeled glucose into epididymal fat pads and increased the percentage of the labeled glucose in the pad recovered as fatty acid in both types of obese and nonobese mice when the diet was 1% corn oil. Similarities and differences between the two obesity models are discussed.  相似文献   

Insulin plays a major role in the control of pancreatic amylase biosynthesis. In this study we determined glucose metabolism by pancreatic acini as well as the pancreatic content of both amylase protein and amylase mRNA during development of insulin resistance in the obese Zucker rat. At age 4 weeks there were no abnormalities detected in the above parameters, although the obese animals were already hyperinsulinaemic. At 6 weeks glucose metabolism was decreased by 50% in acini from obese rats, whereas pancreatic amylase-gene expression was only slightly impaired. At 22 weeks glucose metabolism was decreased by 50%, amylase content by 55% and amylase mRNA by 60% in acinar tissue of obese rats. As expected, hyperinsulinaemia increased markedly with age. Thus development of severe insulin resistance was associated with impairment of amylase-gene expression. To decrease insulin resistance, one group of adult obese rats was treated with Ciglitazone for 4 weeks. A lowered plasma insulin concentration without alteration of food intake was taken as evidence of decreased insulin resistance. This was associated with normalization of glucose metabolism and a marked increase of both amylase content of pancreatic tissue and amylase mRNA. In conclusion, both the increase of insulin resistance with age and its partial reversal by Ciglitazone treatment appear to modulate pancreatic amylase-gene expression in the obese Zucker rat.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the role of adrenal hormones in the development of hyperinsulinaemia and impaired glucose homeostasis in genetically obese hyperglycaemic C57BL/6J ob/ob mice. Lean (+/?) and obese mice were bilaterally adrenalectomised or sham operated at 5 weeks of age, and glucose tolerance was examined after 7 and 14 days. Adrenalectomy temporarily reduced food intake and body weight gain in lean mice, and improved glucose tolerance without a significant change in plasma insulin concentrations at both intervals studied. In obese mice adrenalectomy permanently reduced body weight gain and food intake to values comparable with lean mice. Glucose tolerance was improved in adrenalectomised obese mice at both intervals studied, resulting in plasma glucose concentrations similar to adrenalectomised lean mice. Plasma insulin concentrations during the tolerance tests were reduced in adrenalectomised obese mice, but remained higher than in lean mice. Adrenalectomy did not improve the poor insulin response to parenteral glucose in obese mice. The results indicate that adrenal hormones play an important role in the development of glucose intolerance and contribute to the hyperinsulinaemia in obese (ob/ob) mice, in part by promoting hyperphagia.  相似文献   

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