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对肠道病毒71型(enterovirus 71,EV71)中国(深圳)分离株SHZH03进行了全基因组(未包括多聚腺苷尾)7406个碱基的核苷酸序列测定.结果表明,SHZH03株与其它肠道病毒71型毒株相比,在编码区没有核苷酸的缺失和插入,其5′UTR和3′UTR区的长度和序列有一定的差异.核苷酸同源性比较结果表明,在P1区SHZH03株与SHZH98株、中国台湾流行株(TW2086、TW2272)的同源性较高(分别为92.5%,90.1%和87.9%),与新加坡流行株SIN5666、SIN5865及标准株MS、BrCr的同源性则在81%左右,而与Coxsackievirus A16(Cox.A16)的同源性最低(63.6%).氨基酸同源性比较结果表明,在P1区SHZH03株与Cox. A16的同源性最低,但在P2和P3区SHZH03株与Cox.A16的同源性最高.P1区的遗传进化分析表明,SHZH03株和中国台湾1998年流行的EV71毒株的亲缘关系较近,属于同一型(genogroup),而与标准株BrCr和MS的亲缘关系较远.上述结果有助于肠道病毒71型的基础研究和中国对于EV71所致疾病的预防.  相似文献   

为研究贵州省肠道病毒71型(EV71)的基因型和分子流行特征,监测了全省报告的手足口病病例,选择2008年以来贵州全省部分EV71阳性标本进行病毒分离及VP1全基因测序(含重症病例、死亡病例和轻症病例),与国内外近年流行毒株及各亚型代表株进行基因比对,分析同源性及基因亚型。2008年、2009年及2011年贵州省流行的主要病原为EV71,获得109株参比序列毒株的同源性为95.3%~99.7%,贵州省毒株与邻省及山东省、上海市、南京市、吉林省和宁波市代表株的同源性最高,轻症与重死病例的核苷酸及氨基酸序列无明显的特征性差异,未出现不同基因亚型病毒的输入或改变,仍属C4a亚型。同地区、同年度内的核苷酸序列差异小于跨地区、跨年度差异。  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型中国分离株全基因组核苷酸序列分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
对肠道病毒71型(enterovirus71,EV71)中国(深圳)分离株SHZH98基因组建立了覆盖全基因组的5个首尾重叠的克隆,并在此基础上进行了全基因组(未包括多聚腺苷酸尾)7408个碱基的核苷酸序列测定.数据分析表明,SHZH98株与其他EV71毒株相比,5′UTR和3′UTR的长度和序列有一定的差异.同源性分析发现,与免疫源性密切相关的P1结构蛋白基因与台湾流行株的同源性最高,与欧美流行株的同源性较低,P2,P3区非结构蛋白基因的同源性与Coxsakievirus A16及MS,BrCr株较高,而与台湾流行株相比则较低.遗传进化分析发现,SHZH98株结构蛋白基因与台湾流行株亲缘关系较近,而非结构蛋白基因与Coxsakievirus A16及MS,BrCr株的亲缘关系较近.上述结果在分子水平上对肠道病毒71型中国分离株进行分析,并探索了中国分离株的可能进化途径,有助于肠道病毒71型及整个肠道病毒的基础研究和我国对于EV71所致疾病的预防.  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型安徽、河南株的分离与VP1序列进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在研究手足口病患者中肠道病毒71型分离株的病毒基因型特征。采集手足口病患者的粪便标本,进行病毒分离和逆转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)特异性扩增进行鉴定,同时选取其中9株EV71分离株,对其抗原决定簇部位VP1区进行核酸序列测定,并参考EV71 A、B、C各基因型的参考株和以往中国EV71的分离株进行同源分析和构建系统发生树。结果显示,所分析的9株病毒株均为C4亚型,3株安徽株H7、H8和H9的VP1序列相似度很高(≥98.8%,其中H7、H9的相似度为100.0%),4株河南株H3、H4、H5和H6相似度较高(≥98.4%,H3、H4和H5≥99.6%,其中H3、H4的相似度为100.0%),它们同河南株H1、H5的相似度也较高(≥97.2%),河南株H2虽然与其他河南株具有较高的序列相似度,但进化分析表明,其与安徽株同源性较高。结果表明,安徽株H7、H8和H9株变异速率明显加快,这可能导致了手足口病在安徽省的率先爆发与大流行,河南株H2最初可能由安徽传入河南。  相似文献   

中国EV71病毒VP1蛋白生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus71,EV71)VP1蛋白基因序列为基础,利用生物软件对EV71病毒中国分离株VP1蛋白进行进化树、N-糖基化位点、二级结构及抗原位点的预测和分析。结果显示国内分离株多为C4亚型,有3株湖南分离株为A型,提示疫苗的研发应着重于预防C4b亚型EV71疫苗的研发。  相似文献   

为了解2007 ― 2008 年北京地区流行的肠道病毒71 型( EV71) 是否存在基因序列变异及其与病毒毒力的关系, 我们选择2007 年分离的3 株EV71( 其中1 株分离自重症手足口病患儿的咽拭子标本, 其余2 株分离自普通手足口病患儿咽拭子标本) 和2008 年分离的5 株EV71( 其中3 株分离自重症手足口病患儿的咽拭子或鼻拭子标本, 2 株分离自普通手足口病患儿的疱疹液标本) , 提取基因组RNA, 经反转录-聚合酶链反应( RT-PCR) 扩增得到VP4 基因片段, 并进行核苷酸序列测定, 使用生物信息软件与GenBank 中的EV71 VP4 基因进行序列及病毒型别分析。结果表明, 所测得的8 株EV71 VP4 基因全长均为207 bp, 编码69 个氨基酸, 理论相对分子质量( Mr) 为7 ×103。8 株EV71 病毒VP4 基因的核苷酸同源性在94% ~100% , 与GenBank 中其他EV71 病毒株VP4 的核苷酸同源性为82% ~100% , 与阜阳、深圳和台湾等地区流行的EV71 VP4 的核苷酸同源性比其他地区高。除了与印度报道的VP4 编码的氨基酸在第7 和54 位不同外( 印度株: 7 位蛋氨酸, 54位苏氨酸; 其余株7 位苏氨酸,54 位丙氨酸) , 这8 株EV71 VP4 编码的氨基酸序列之间以及与其他EV71 VP4编码的氨基酸同源性均为100%。8 株EV71 病毒VP4 与文献报道的3 株重症感染病毒株VP4 ( BrCr、MS 和NCKU9822) 核苷酸有较大差别, 而8 株病毒株中从重症感染( BJ97、BJ110B、BJ110Y 和BJ4243) 与轻症感染( BJ25、BJ47、BJ65 和BJ67) 分离到的毒株之间VP4 基因序列未见明显改变, 只有几个核苷酸存在差别。VP4 核苷酸序列的进化树分析表明, 这8 株EV71 均属于C4 亚型, 显示2007 ― 2008 年北京地区流行的EV71的VP4 基因相当保守, 分离自伴有神经系统感染的重症手足口病和普通手足口病患儿的EV71 的VP4 基因之间在核苷酸水平未出现同样的变异。结果提示, 近2 年来北京地区所流行的EV71 属C4 亚型。  相似文献   

对2009年云南省肠道病毒71型分离株KMM09和KM186-09进行全基因组序列测序,并与我国及其它国家流行的EV71基因型进行比较和进化分析。KMM09和KM186-09基因组长为7 409bp,编码2 193个氨基酸,VP1系统进化分析显示2009年云南分离株属于C4基因型的C4a亚型。在结构区,与其它基因型相比较,C基因型之间的核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性高于其它基因型;而在非结构区,C4与B基因型和CA16原型株G10同源性高于其它C基因亚型。通过RDP3重组软件和blast比对分析,发现EV71C4基因型与B3基因型,与CA16原型株G10的基因组在非结构区存在重组。EV71全基因组序列的比较和分析,对了解引起我国手足口病暴发或流行C4基因亚型EV71毒株的遗传特性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了解辽宁省地区手足口病患者中分离到的柯萨奇病毒(Coxsackievirus)A10型VP1区基因特征,收集了2013年至2018年辽宁省14个市送检的手足口病患者非EV-A71和非CV-A16肠道病毒的阳性标本,通过细胞培养法分离肠道病毒,提取病毒RNA;通过RT-PCR法进行肠道病毒VP1区基因扩增和序列测定;利用BLAST对测序结果比对后确定病毒基因型;对鉴定为CV-A10的分离株进行VP1区同源性分析,并构建系统进化树。2013年至2018年辽宁省共收到非EV-A71和非CV-A16其他肠道病毒的阳性标本9 431份,用人横纹肌瘤细胞(rhabdomyosarcoma cells, RD)分离出CV-A10 165株。CV-A10分离株间的VP1区基因核苷酸同源性为91.3%~100%,氨基酸同源性为93.9%~100%,和A、B、C、D各基因型之间的VP1区同源性比较,与C基因型代表株的同源性最高,核苷酸同源性为92%~100%,氨基酸同源性为93.9%~100%。系统进化树分析表明,辽宁省CV-A10分离株为C基因型。CV-A10是引起辽宁省手足口病的重要病原体,CV-A10分离株与C基因型代表株处于同一分支上均属C基因型,有C1和C2两个进化分支共同流行,其中C2分支是优势流行株。  相似文献   

研究2010年中国内蒙古自治区引起手足口病(Hand foot and mouth disease,HFMD)的病原谱及人肠道病毒71型(Human enterovirus,HEV71)的分子特征。采集内蒙古自治区12个盟市门诊就诊的HFMD患者粪便和咽拭子标本共921份,进行病毒分离,然后利用三通道实时荧光定量PCR法[同时检测HEV71,柯萨奇病毒A16型(CVA16)和人肠道病毒(HEV)]对阳性分离物进行鉴定,对鉴定为其它HEV的阳性分离物进行VP4和VP1编码区扩增及核苷酸序列测定和分析。921份标本共分离出153株病毒,阳性率为16.61%,其中61株为HEV71,占39.87%,82株为CVA16,占53.59%,7株为其它HEV(分别为6株CVB4和1株Ⅱ型脊髓灰质炎疫苗病毒株),占6.53%,3株为腺病毒。重症病例中分离到9株病毒,其中6株为HEV71,3株为CVA16。选取从临床诊断分别为普通型病例、重型病例的HFMD患者临床标本中分离到的32株HEV71代表株进行VP1编码区基因扩增及核苷酸序列测定和分析,与HEV71其它各基因型和基因亚型的代表株构建亲缘性进化树。32株内蒙古HEV71代表株与1998年以来中国大陆HEV71分离株的VP1区核苷酸和氨基酸水平上的同源性都较高,尤其与2008年的北京代表株同源性最高,与C4基因亚型代表株聚为一支,属于C4基因亚型C4a进化分支,但它们之间的核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性略有差异,分别为96.4%~100%和98.14%~100%,与2007年的内蒙古代表株存在一定的差异,核苷酸同源性为96.95%~97.87%。亲缘进化关系树显示,这些HEV71处于不同的簇中,属于多个病毒传播链。2010年内蒙古HFMD的病原谱以CVA16和HEV71为主,重症病例中以HEV71居多。内蒙古流行的HEV71属于C4基因亚型C4a进化分支,并且存在多个传播链,与2008年北京代表株亲缘关系比2007年内蒙古代表株亲缘关系近,说明内蒙古流行的HEV71不是独立进化的,而是与中国流行的HEV71在共同进化。  相似文献   

【目的】为对当前爆发的手足口病进行快速准确的检测, 【方法】本研究建立了含内标的同时检测EV71和CA16的多重荧光RT-PCR方法,对该方法的特异性、灵敏度等进行评估,并对400多份临床样品进行了检测。【结果】实验结果表明,该检测方法特异性强,对10株EV71病毒、8株CA16病毒和25株其他人类病毒进行了检测,特异性为100%;该检测方法对EV71和CA16的检测灵敏度分别达到0.1 TCID50和1 TCID50;将0.1-104TCID50/ml EV71和CA16样本进行重复性实验,其变异系数分别为0.9-2.0%和0.9-2.3%。对400多份临床样品分别进行荧光RT-PCR检测和传统方法检测,结果显示,荧光RT-PCR对EV71和CA16的阳性检出率平均为46.1%和14.2%,比传统方法(34.5%和12.8%)的阳性检测率高。另外,实验数据显示,在粪便、直肠拭子、咽喉拭子样本中,PCR抑制物存在的比例为1.8%-3.4%,表明内标对监控PCR抑制物的存在具有重要作用。【结论】本方法能同时对EV71和CA16进行快速检测,并且灵敏度高,特异性好,由于加入了内标,能有效地监控假阴性的出现,适合于手足口病的临床检测。  相似文献   

Cao  Jiaming  Qu  Meng  Liu  Hongtao  Wan  Xuan  Li  Fang  Hou  Ali  Zhou  Yan  Sun  Bo  Cai  Linjun  Su  Weiheng  Jiang  Chunlai 《中国病毒学》2020,35(5):599-613
Virologica Sinica - The Enterovirus 71 (EV71) VP4 is co-translationally linked to myristic acid at its amino-terminal glycine residue. However, the role of this myristoylation in the EV71 life...  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is a common cause of Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) and may also cause severe neurological diseases, such as encephalitis and poliomyelitis-like paralysis. To examine the genetic diversity of EV71, we determined and analyzed the complete VP1 sequences (891 nucleotides) from nine EV71 strains isolated in Fuyang, China. We found that nine EV71 strains isolated were over 98% homologous at the nucleotide level and 93%-100% homologous to members of the C4 subgenogroup. At the amino acid level, these Fuyang strains were 99% -100% homologous to one another, 97%-100% homologous to members of the C4 subgenogroup, and the histidine(H) at amino acid position 22 was conserved among the Fuyang strains. The results indicate that Fuyang isolates belong to genotype C4, and an H at position 22 appears to be a marker for the Fuyang strains.  相似文献   

Enterovirus A71 (EV‐A71), one of the most important causative agents of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in children, can lead to severe clinical outcomes, even death. However, the infection spectrum of EV‐A71 in different cell lines remains unknown. Therefore, in this study, the biological characteristics of EV‐A71 Subgroup C4 in different cell lines were investigated. To this end, the infectivity of EV‐A71Jinan1002 isolated from children with severe HFMD was assessed in 18 different host cell lines. It was found that the MA104 cell line displayed biological characteristics suitable for EV‐A71 Subgroup C4 strain isolation and proliferation; indeed, it was found that a broad spectrum of cell lines can be infected by EV‐A71Jinan1002. Among the screened cells, four cell lines (HEK293, RD, MA104 and Marc145) produced high 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) values calculated in viral proliferations (ranged from 107.6 to 107.8); the TCID50 being negatively associated with the time to appearance of CPE. Proliferation curves demonstrated that EV‐A71Jinan1002 amplifies more efficiently in MA104, Hep‐2 and RD cells. Remarkably, the virus isolation rate was much higher in MA104 cells than in RD cells. Thus this study, to our knowledge, is for the first to explore the infection spectrum of EV‐A71 subgroup C4 in such a large number of different cell lines. Our data provide useful reference data for facilitating further study of EV‐A71.  相似文献   



Clinical manifestations of enterovirus 71 (EV71) range from herpangina, hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD), to severe neurological complications. Unlike the situation of switching genotypes seen in EV71 outbreaks during 1998–2008 in Taiwan, genotype B5 was responsible for two large outbreaks in 2008 and 2012, respectively. In China, by contrast, EV71 often persists as a single genotype in the population and causes frequent outbreaks. To investigate genetic changes in viral evolution, complete EV71 genome sequences were used to analyze the intra-genotypic evolution pattern in Taiwan, China, and the Netherlands.


Genotype B5 was predominant in Taiwan’s 2008 outbreak and was re-emergent in 2012. EV71 strains from both outbreaks were phylogenetically segregated into two lineages containing fourteen non-synonymous substitutions predominantly in the non-structural protein coding region. In China, genotype C4 was first seen in 1998 and caused the latest large outbreak in 2008. Unlike shifting genotypes in Taiwan, genotype C4 persisted with progressive drift through time. A majority of non-synonymous mutations occurred in residues located in the non-structural coding region, showing annual increases. Interestingly, genotype B1/B2 in the Netherlands showed another stepwise evolution with dramatic EV71 activity increase in 1986. Phylogeny of the VP1 coding region in 1971–1986 exhibited similar lineage turnover with genotype C4 in China; however, phylogeny of the 3D-encoding region indicated separate lineage appearing after 1983, suggesting that the 3D-encoding region of genotype B2 was derived from an unidentified ancestor that contributed to intra-genotypic evolution in the Netherlands.


Unlike VP1 coding sequences long used for phylogenetic study of enteroviruses due to expected host immune escape, our study emphasizes a dominant role of non-synonymous mutations in non-structural protein regions that contribute to (re-)emergent genotypes in continuous stepwise evolution. Dozens of amino acid substitutions, especially in non-structural proteins, were identified via genetic changes driven through intra-genotypic evolution worldwide. These identified substitutions appeared to increase viral fitness in the population, affording valuable insights not only for viral evolution but also for prevention, control, and vaccine against EV71 infection.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) has led to recent outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in China, resulting in high mortality. In this study, several monoclonal antibodies were generated by immunizing mice with two synthetic peptides, SP55 and SP70, containing amino acids 163-177 and 208-222 of VP1. The specificities of the anti-EV71 peptide monoclonal antibodies were confirmed by Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry against EV71 virus. Most importantly, we have identified a monoclonal antibody, clone 22A12, which shows strong neutralizing activity against EV71 in an in vitro neutralization assay. Because there is no vaccine available and treatment is very limited, mouse anti-EV71 monoclonal antibody, clone 22A12, could be a promising candidate to be humanized and used for treatment of EV71 infection.  相似文献   

目的用1日龄ICR小鼠传代制备EV71小鼠适应株,研究EV71亲代株与小鼠适应株的体内外感染特点,建立EV71感染ICR小鼠动物模型,为病毒疫苗和抗病毒药物的研究提供实用的动物评价工具。方法用1日龄ICR小鼠进行EV71病毒(Fuyang-0805)的传代,得到小鼠传代株。以一定浓度亲代株和传代株病毒分别接种RD、Vero、SY5Y、Caco-2四种细胞,定量方法检测各时间点不同毒株在四种细胞上的复制数量,CCK8方法测定各时间点细胞的存活率;同时,两毒株分别腹腔注射感染1日龄小鼠,定期安乐死动物,采集肺、小肠、骨骼肌、大脑四种器官组织,进行动物体内病毒半定量和定量分析,同时进行各器官组织病理学观察、免疫组织化学鉴定。结果与亲代毒株相比较,小鼠传代株(EV71-MMP4)表现出更强的肌肉来源细胞嗜性与毒性;同时,两毒株腹腔注射感染1日龄小鼠后,EV71-MMP4感染的小鼠体重增长较正常小鼠体重增长缓慢;半定量和定量RT-PCR显示,在小鼠肌肉中的病毒载量于感染后1d和5d达到高峰。EV71-MMP4感染组感染率较高、病毒组织分布较广、感染持续性较好、病毒载量较高,高剂量病毒感染后小鼠小肠、心肌和骨骼肌可观察到细胞空泡变性、淋巴细胞浸润等病理变化。免疫组织化学显示感染后小鼠骨骼肌有EV71病毒特异分布。结论阜阳EV71小鼠适应株表现出较亲代毒株更好的小鼠易感性、细胞毒性,所建立的动物模型可用于EV71病毒致病机制、感染特点的研究和病毒疫苗及药物的评价。  相似文献   

In recent years, hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD), which is caused by Enteroviruses, has emerged as a serious illness. It affects mainly children under the age of five and results in high fatality rates. Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is the main causative agent of HFMD in China and currently there are no effective anti-viral drugs available to treat HFMD. In the present study, we screened compounds for inhibition of proliferation of EV71. Compound YZ-LY-0 stalled the life cycle of EV71. The inhibitor exhibited EC50 value of 0.29 μm against SK-EV006 strain of EV71. Notably, YZ-LY-0 had low cytotoxicity (CC50 > 100 μM) and a high selectivity index (over 300) in Vero and RD cells. YZ-LY-0 in combination with an EV71 RdRp inhibitor or an entry inhibitor showed an antagonistic effect at very low concentrations. However, at higher concentrations the inhibitors exhibited a synergistic effect in inhibiting viral replication. Preliminary results on investigation of the mechanism of inhibition indicate that YZ-LY-0 does not block the entry of the virus in the host cell, but instead inhibits an early stage of EV71 replication. Our studies provide a potential clinical therapeutic option against EV71 infections and suggest that a combined application of YZ-LY-0 with other inhibitors could be more effective in the treatment of HFMD.  相似文献   

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