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番茄的抗病基因Tm22与番茄花叶病毒(ToMV)的移动蛋白MP基因是一对互作的基因,Tm22基因和ToMVMP基因同时在烟草中表达, 并分别获得单一基因整合的纯合转化体植株。病毒接种试验表明,Tm22基因转化体与Tm22番茄对Tobamavirus病毒的特异抗性结果一致;Tm22转基因植株和ToMVMP转基因植株杂交试验及其农杆菌注射试验均证明: (1)Tm22基因与ToMVMP在转基因烟草上保持“基因对基因"的互作关系; (2)在外源乙烯的参与下,ToMV的移动蛋白与Tm22基因编码蛋白的互作能够诱导转化体程序性细胞死亡。这一结果为今后研究Tm22与MP互作的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

番茄Tm-22基因是一个受外源乙烯调节的抗病基因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姜国勇  杨仁崔 《病毒学报》2004,20(4):359-363
Tm-22基因编码一CC-NBS-LRR抗病蛋白,Tm-22植株的抗病毒反应表现为系统性坏死症状.试验结果表明,Tm-22基因转化体种胚下胚轴的伸长受到外源乙烯的抑制,乙烯的持续性刺激能够诱导H2O2的产生和氧离子自由基(ROS)的猝发,以及PR-1a基因mRNA的转录.可以初步认为Tm-22转化体的抗ToMV反应是一个与乙烯信号转导途径有关的反应.  相似文献   

姜国勇  杨仁崔 《病毒学报》2003,19(4):365-370
Tm-2^2基因在烟草上的转化和表达表明,Tm-2^2基因在同科不同属植物体上的功能没有改变。在两种类型的纯合转化体上,Tm-2^2基因编码蛋白能够抗Tobamovirus属5种不同的毒株,并能被ToMV-2a毒株感染而失去抗病性。这个结果表明:移动蛋白上的氨基酸变异能够影响R蛋白对ToMV的应答反应。Tm-2^2基因转化体在不同启动子的调控下,对ToMV-2a毒株感染所表现的症状不同,说明启动子在Tm-2^2基因的抗病反应中具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

我国占番茄面积最大的春季露地和保护地栽培的番茄,近些年由于烟草花叶病毒(TMV)引致的病毒病发生为害,每年都程度不同地造成损失,全国番茄抗病育种协作组在确定TMV为抗病育种主攻目标的同时,以Pelham,J(1968)提出的基因对基因的相关性概念为TMV株系分类的原则,进行了全国番茄TMV株系鉴定的联合试验,鉴定结果:我国为害番茄的TMV存在着株系分化,其中只侵染感病品种(+/+)的0株系占有TMV自然群体的绝大数量,这一株系普遍存在于我国南北各地的番茄产区(重庆、兰州、西安、南京、上海、北京、吉林、哈尔滨、广州);少数地区(西安、南京、北京)出现了侵染Tm型抗病品种的1株系;能侵染Tm-2/Tm-2纯合基因品种的2侏系(南京、吉林)和能侵染Tm/Tm、Tm-2/Tm-2两个纯台基因及Tm/Tm·Tm-2~(nv)/Tm-2~(nv)复合基因品种的1.2株系(北京)仅在局部田块里分离出。随着这些TMV株系的出现,育种工作者可采取相应的对策,利用有关的抗源材料,源源不断地培育出新的抗病品种和后备材料,从而掌握了控制病害的主动权。同时,摸清病毒株系也为抗病品种的推广、合理布局提供了依据。再则,我国自国外引进大量抗TMV基因的番茄品种仅短短十乡年历史,却分离有2和1.2株系,这对我国各地近几年大面积推广种植含Tm-2抗病基因的番茄品种会带来潜在的危险。其分化原因,究竟是通过引种传入的或是株系分化现象,有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

局部枯斑法测定结果表明,番茄GCR—267品系叶片内ToMV的含量仅为番茄GCR-26品系叶片内病毒含量的1/40—1/50;GCR-267品系含有的Tm-2~(?)基因对ToMV增殖的抑制作用不受温度变化的影响;而ToMV在GCR-26体内的增殖却依赖于环境温度,高温对它有部分的抑制作用。用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和SDS—聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析上述两个品系在常温和高温下接种ToMV后其叶片可溶性蛋白的变化,结果发现在GCR-26品系中,ToMV的增殖与寄主体内新产生的14.2KD蛋白呈正相关,而在GCR—267品系中未检测到这种蛋白。我们推测14.2KD蛋白可能是一种能参与或促进ToMV增殖过程的温度敏感因子,称之为番茄“S”蛋白。  相似文献   

烟草花叶病毒(TMV)和番茄花叶病毒(ToMV)是烟草花叶病毒属中关系最为密切的病毒, 但它们在含N基因烟草上产生的枯斑大小有明显的差异. 比较了TMV, ToMV及用ToMV运动蛋白基因(MP)精确置换TMV MP后获得的重组病毒T/OMP在不同寄主上的症状差异, 发现T/OMP在含N基因烟草上产生的枯斑大小与ToMV相似. 分析比较TMV, ToMV和T/OMP外壳蛋白和MP在植物体内的积累水平, 发现三者之间没有明显的差异, 而TMV和T/OMP在原生质体中的复制水平也没有差异. 比较TMV, ToMV和T/OMP接种后烟草体内防御相关酶(PAL, POD和PPO)的活性变化, 结果T/OMP和TMV所诱导酶的变化趋势基本一致, 而与ToMV有所差异, 因此认为MP基因功能的差异决定了TMV和ToMV在N基因烟草上枯斑的大小.  相似文献   

构建了O型口蹄疫病毒China99株结构蛋白P1-2A、非结构蛋白3C以及部分2B基因(P1-2X3C)的植物双元表达载体pBin438/P1-2X3C,通过农杆菌介导法转化番茄子叶,经卡那霉素抗性筛选,获得40余株抗性植株,对得到的抗性植株进行分子生物学检测,65%的再生植株PCR检测阳性;RT-PCR结果证实P1-2X3C基因在转基因番茄中能够有效转录;ELISA和Western blot检测表明转基因植株中表达的目的蛋白具有免疫反应性。转基因番茄叶片蛋白粗提液经肌肉途径免疫豚鼠,于第3次免疫后28d用100ID50/0.2mL的同源强毒攻击,结果表明口蹄疫病毒P1-2X3C基因的转基因番茄表达产物具有良好的免疫原性,豚鼠3免后血清效价可达1:64~1:128,攻毒后两组免疫豚鼠保护率分别达3/5和5/5。  相似文献   

从酵母(Saccharamyces cerevisiae SUP-6-1温度突变株,含SUPt RNATyr,SUFtRNAleo,SUPtRNAHis)和菠菜提取了总tRNA,经过BD-纤维素柱层析,得到部份纯化的amber终止密码校正tRNA,它们在兔网织细胞裂解液翻译体系中能促进番茄花叶病毒(ToMV)RNA183k抄读蛋白的合成。研究了酵母SUP6-l校正tRNA对ToMV在烟草中增殖的影响。在用酵母SUP6-l校正tRNA处理的植株顶部新生叶中病毒滴度接种3、5、11、15和20天后,分别是对照的3%、12%、3 8%、42%和67%。用校正tRNA处理的烟草植株中层叶片,在接种后11—20天明显低于对照。下层接种叶中的病毒滴度无显著差异。讨论了校正tRNA对ToMV增殖抑制的机理。  相似文献   

构建了含有目的基因(LeIRT2)的双元载体pYF840,并成功地将植物性内含子构建到筛选标记基因新霉素磷酸转移酶基因(nptⅡ)和gus报告基因中。利用农杆菌介导法,将铁载体蛋白(LeIRT2)基因导入革新一号烟草,PCR、PCR-Southern blotting及Southern blottlng检测结果显示,有3个烟草株系的基因组中整合了完整的铁载体基因(LeIRT2)。水培试验结果显示转基因株系1、3不但提高了植株的铁吸收能力,而且还促进了植株的生长,但转基因株系2却与对照无明显区别。  相似文献   

转双价水解酶基因番茄植株对枯萎病抗性的提高   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导,首次将莱豆几丁质酶和烟草β-1,3-葡聚糖酶双价水解酶基因导入番茄品种A53(Lycopersicon esculentum cv.A53)中,获得批量转基因再生植株。对外源基因的PCR和Southern杂交结果表明,外源基因已经整合到番茄基因组中,其拷贝数1-8个不等。Northern杂交和卡那霉素喷施表明目的基因和标记基因均已得到表达,抗病性鉴定初步表明转基因植株对枯萎病的抗性显著提高。  相似文献   

H Weber  S Schultze    A J Pfitzner 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6432-6438
The Tm-2(2) resistance gene is used in most commercial tomato cultivars for protection against infection with tobacco mosaic virus and its close relative tomato mosaic virus (ToMV). To study the mechanism of this resistance gene, cDNA clones encompassing the complete genome of a ToMV strain (ToMV-2(2)) that was able to break the Tm-2(2) resistance were generated. Chimeric full-length viral cDNA clones were constructed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA promoter, combining parts of the wild-type virus and ToMV-2(2). Using these clones in cDNA infection experiments, we showed that the 30-kDa movement protein of ToMV-2(2) is responsible for overcoming the Tm-2(2) resistance gene in the tomato. DNA sequence analysis revealed four amino acid exchanges between the 30-kDa proteins from wild-type ToMV and ToMV-2(2), Lys-130 to Glu, Gly-184 to Glu, Ser-238 to Arg, and Lys-244 to Glu. To clarify the involvement of the altered amino acid residues in the resistance-breaking properties of the ToMV-2(2) movement protein, different combinations of these amino acid exchanges were introduced in the genome of wild-type ToMV. Only one mutant strain which contained two amino acid substitutions, Arg-238 and Glu-244, was able to multiply in Tm-2(2) tomato plants. Both amino acid exchanges are found within the carboxy-terminal region of the movement protein, which displays a high variability among different tobamoviruses and has been shown to be dispensable for virus transport in tobacco plants. These observations suggest that the resistance conferred by the Tm-2(2) gene against ToMV depends on specific recognition events in this host-pathogen interaction rather than interfering with fundamental functions of the 30-kDa protein.  相似文献   

To gain an insight into the processes underlying disease resistance and its durability, the durable Tm-2(2) resistance gene was compared with the broken Tm-2 resistance gene. The Tm-2 gene of tomato could be isolated via PCR with primers based on the Tm-2(2) sequence. The Tm-2 gene, like the Tm-2(2) gene, encodes an 861 amino acid polypeptide, which belongs to the coiled coil/nucleotide binding site/leucine-rich repeat class of resistance proteins. The functionality and the nature of the isolated Tm-2 gene were confirmed by introducing the gene under the control of the 35S promoter into tomato mosaic virus-susceptible tobacco. This transgenic tobacco was crossed with transgenic tobacco plants producing the movement protein (MP)-authenticated MP as the Avr protein of the Tm-2 resistance. The Tm-2(2) and Tm-2 open reading frames only differ in seven nucleotides, which on a protein level results in four amino acid differences, of which two are located in the nucleotide binding site and two are located in the leucine-rich repeat domain. The small difference between the two proteins suggests a highly similar interaction of these proteins with the MP, which has major implications for the concept of durability. Comparison of the two resistance-conferring alleles (Tm-2 and Tm-2(2)) with two susceptible alleles (tm-2 and lptm-2) allowed discussion of the structure-function relationship in the Tm-2 proteins. It is proposed that the Tm-2 proteins display a partitioning of the leucine-rich repeat domain, in which the N-terminal and C-terminal parts function in signal transduction and MP recognition, respectively.  相似文献   

The tomato Tm-22 gene was considered to be one of the most durable resistance genes in agriculture, protecting against viruses of the Tobamovirus genus, such as tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). However, an emerging tobamovirus, tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), has overcome Tm-22, damaging tomato production worldwide. Tm-22 encodes a nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) class immune receptor that recognizes its effector, the tobamovirus movement protein (MP). Previously, we found that ToBRFV MP (MPToBRFV) enabled the virus to overcome Tm-22-mediated resistance. Yet, it was unknown how Tm-22 remained durable against other tobamoviruses, such as TMV and ToMV, for over 60 years. Here, we show that a conserved cysteine (C68) in the MP of TMV (MPTMV) plays a dual role in Tm-22 activation and viral movement. Substitution of MPToBRFV amino acid H67 with the corresponding amino acid in MPTMV (C68) activated Tm-22-mediated resistance. However, replacement of C68 in TMV and ToMV disabled the infectivity of both viruses. Phylogenetic and structural prediction analysis revealed that C68 is conserved among all Solanaceae-infecting tobamoviruses except ToBRFV and localizes to a predicted jelly-roll fold common to various MPs. Cell-to-cell and subcellular movement analysis showed that C68 is required for the movement of TMV by regulating the MP interaction with the endoplasmic reticulum and targeting it to plasmodesmata. The dual role of C68 in viral movement and Tm-22 immune activation could explain how TMV was unable to overcome this resistance for such a long period.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Tomato mosaicvirus (ToMV) are members of the genus Tobamoviruswith a world-wide distribution, and cause severe dis-eases on many economically important crops. TMVand ToMV have very close relationship and both havessRNA genome with a length of about 6400 nucleo-tides, encoding at least three nonstructural proteinsand a 17.6 kD coat protein (CP). Both 126 kD and 183kD proteins function as components of replicase, andthe 30 kD protein is involved in viral ce…  相似文献   

The Tm-1 gene of tomato confers resistance to Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV). Tm-1 encodes a protein that binds ToMV replication proteins and inhibits the RNA-dependent RNA replication of ToMV. The replication proteins of resistance-breaking mutants of ToMV do not bind Tm-1, indicating that the binding is important for inhibition. In this study, we analyzed how Tm-1 inhibits ToMV RNA replication in a cell-free system using evacuolated tobacco protoplast extracts. In this system, ToMV RNA replication is catalyzed by replication proteins bound to membranes, and the RNA polymerase activity is unaffected by treatment with 0.5 M NaCl-containing buffer and remains associated with membranes. We show that in the presence of Tm-1, negative-strand RNA synthesis is inhibited; the replication proteins associate with membranes with binding that is sensitive to 0.5 M NaCl; the viral genomic RNA used as a translation template is not protected from nuclease digestion; and host membrane proteins TOM1, TOM2A, and ARL8 are not copurified with the membrane-bound 130K replication protein. Deletion of the polymerase read-through domain or of the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of the genome did not prevent the formation of complexes between the 130K protein and the host membrane proteins, the 0.5 M NaCl-resistant binding of the replication proteins to membranes, and the protection of the genomic RNA from nucleases. These results indicate that Tm-1 binds ToMV replication proteins to inhibit key events in replication complex formation on membranes that precede negative-strand RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Tm-22 is a coiled coil-nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat resistance protein that confers durable extreme resistance against Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) by recognizing the viral movement protein (MP). Here we report that the Nicotiana benthamiana J-domain MIP1 proteins (NbMIP1s) associate with tobamovirus MP, Tm-22 and SGT1. Silencing of NbMIP1s reduced TMV movement and compromised Tm-22-mediated resistance against TMV and ToMV. Furthermore, silencing of NbMIP1s reduced the steady-state protein levels of ToMV MP and Tm-22. Moreover, NbMIP1s are required for plant resistance induced by other R genes and the nonhost pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000. In addition, we found that SGT1 associates with Tm-22 and is required for Tm-22-mediated resistance against TMV. These results suggest that NbMIP1s function as co-chaperones during virus infection and plant immunity.  相似文献   

Interaction of tomato mosaic virus movement protein with tobacco RIO kinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) has a regulatory gene encoding a movement protein (MP) that is involved in the cell-to-cell movement of viral RNA through plasmodesmata. To identify the host cell factors interacting with ToMV MP, we used a recombinant MP probe to isolate cDNA clones from a phage expression library of Nicotiana tabacum by a far-Western screening method. One of the cDNA clones encoded an MP-interacting protein, MIP-T7, homologous to the yeast novel protein kinase, Rio1p. We isolated a full-length cDNA by RT-PCR. The putative gene product was designated NtRIO, and shared 33 and 73% amino acid identity with yeast and Arabidopsis RIO kinases, respectively. In vitro analyses using recombinant proteins showed that NtRIO also interacted with a different MP derived from Cucumber mosaic virus. NtRIO had autophosphorylation activity and phosphorylated ToMV MP. Addition of recombinant tobacco casein kinase 2 resulted in a marked increase in the phosphorylation of NtRIO. The interaction between NtRIO and ToMV MP was inhibited by phosphorylation of NtRIO.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) are two closely related viruses in the genus Tobamovirus, but they induce obviously different sizes of necrotic lesions in tobacco plants containing the N gene. Comparison of the symptoms produced by TMV, ToMV and a chimaeric virus (T/OMP), in which the TMV movement protein (MP) gene was replaced by the ToMV MP gene, showed T/OMP caused necrotic lesions that were similar in size to those of ToMV in tobacco plants containing the N gene. The coat protein and MP of the three viruses accumulated in planta with similar levels, and the replication level of TMV and T/OMP in protoplasts also had no difference. Comparison of the activities of defense-related enzymes (PAL, POD and PPO) induced by the three viruses also showed that the variability of enzyme activity induced by T/OMP was similar to that induced by TMV, but different from that induced by ToMV. The results indicate that the size difference of necrotic lesions induced by TMV and ToMV in tobacco plants containing the N gene results from the functional difference of their MP genes.  相似文献   

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