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高血压病是临床常见病和多发病,由于教学条件的限制,在教授高血压病时,学生无法将医学理与临床实践有机地结合,因而缺乏对高血压病的综合分析、缜密思考和解决实际问题的能力,严重影响了高血压病学的教学质量和学生学习效果。本文分为四部分,一、传统教学模式存在的问题;二、病例式教学法的含义;三、病例式教学法在高血压病教学中的应用;四、案例式教学法的教学效果。最后部分对病例式教学法在高血压病教学中存在的问题及对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

浅议高中生物学课堂教学中“支架式教学法”的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了支架式教学的定义及其理论基础.初步探讨了高中生物学教学中支架式教学的形式,并用高中生物学课堂教学中的具体案例进一步阐释了支架式教学法。最后,提出了应用支架式教学法运用中应该注意的2个问题。  相似文献   

以往的教师主体,学生被动的教学模式正在慢慢被教师所摒弃,但是如何使学生为主体的教学模式得到升华也一直困扰着一线教师,本人分析了程序启发教学法之后,颇有一番感触,将其改进并应用于生物教学中后效果很好。本文主要从程序启发教学法的原理和过程为出发点,以"DNA分子结构和特点"一节为例介绍了程序启发教学法在具体教学中的应用。  相似文献   

目的:研究病例导入式教学与PBL(以问题为中心的教学法)相结合在留学生急诊教学中的应用效果.方法:在我科实习的留学生33名分成2组,分别采用传统教学模式和病例导入式教学与PBL相结合教学法进行教学,出科时比较2组理论和技能成绩的区别;调查观察组学生对这种教学方法的认可程度.结果:应用病例导入式教学与PBL相结合教学法的留学生理论成绩和技能成绩均高于对照组(P<0.05);94.1%的学生喜欢这种教学方法.结论:病例导入式教学与PBL相结合的教学方法能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的理论学习成绩和技能操作成绩,不断提高学生学习的主动性.  相似文献   

传统的生物教学法主要是强调教学的说教,即便是引入了新的教学手段以后,也未能把一些重要的教学方法穿插于教学中,所以使得教学效果难以达到最优。所以,在本文中,笔者想要做对一种新的教学方法-阶段式循环智能教学法的各阶段进行分析,其目的通过各阶段的分析,从而让我们得到阶段式循环智能教学法在生物教学中的优劣及其可行性.从我们了解到的情况来看,阶段式循环智能教学法教学效果比较明显,是一种新的中学教学法,可以在生物教学中加以广范使用,并逐步推广到全疆。  相似文献   

目的:PBL是"基于问题式学习"的教学法,本文以PBL教学法内涵为理论基础,剖析了在临床医学教学过程中实施PBL教学法的必要性。PBL教学法可以顺应时代发展的要求提高学生的综合能力提升教师的教学水平增进和改善师生关系,并总结归纳出PBL教学法的一般模式和实施过程中常见的主要问题,主观上传统的教育观念根深蒂固,客观上存在师资力量不足、现有教学体系不科学的问题。提出了解决问题的策略:转变教学理念,不断完善教学环境;提高教师队伍素质建设,发挥教师导向作用;逐步建立科学的教育体系。PBL教学法有助于全面培养学习者的学习能力,提高学习者的综合素质,全面推行切合自身实际的PBL教学模式,逐步建立具有中国特色的临床医学教学模式,培养高素质临床医学人才,与现代社会对人才培养的要求基本一致,值得推广和应用。  相似文献   

数学教学要充满活力,把握学生的知识基础,采取探究、合作、自主的学习方法,调动学生的积极主动性,让学生参与教学过程,把教学过程当做是师生交流、互动的过程,当成是师生共同进步和发展的过程。但是,我国数学教学现状不容乐观,仍以传统的被动接受式教学为主,阻碍了素质教育的发展。如何在数学教学过程中调动学生的主动性,真正实现以学生为中心,已经成为当今教育界的一个重要课题。在这样的背景下,我们提出了导学式教学法,它的教学模式是:情境引入一导学新知一实践应用一课后小结,教学理念是教服务于学,学生是教学的主体,教师仅是组织者,从而激发学生学习的兴趣,提高学生通过自主探究、合作交流的方式,获取知识的能力。本文首先介绍了小学数学导学式教学法的概念、特点及价值,阐述了小学数学导学式教学法的实施步骤,最后论述了小学数学导学式教学法的实践效果。  相似文献   

《生物化学》是一门十分重要却难以掌握的基础课程。在教学实践中,高校教师一直在探索并应用各种教学方法来提高教学质量。传统的教学方法有讲授法、多媒体结合板书法、直观式教学法、案例式教学法等。近年来被不断探索和尝试的新兴教学方法和教学形式有PBL教学法、微课、翻转课堂、Sandwich教学法、Seminar式教学法等。本文将对以上教学方法及其在《生物化学》课程中的应用加以综述。  相似文献   

在医学微生物学教学中采用案例式教学法要注重教材的选取、多媒体课件的制备、备课及课堂组织教学等方面。案例式教学法可以激发学生学习的积极性,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,同时促进教师专业水平的提高。教学过程中重视相关问题的出现并积极加以解决。  相似文献   

近年来,我们在高中生物教学中坚持开展单元教学法和程序教学法相结合的试验,命名为"单元程序教学法".一、试验的指导思想为了探索生物教学如何使"主导"与"主体"最佳结合,以加强双基,发展智能,培养方法.整个教学过程中贯穿质疑、读论、精讲、练习等环节.试验的基本原则是:1、根据教材体系,按知识结构划分单元,按学生认识规律编制教学程序.2、坚持教为主导,学为主体,教材为主要内容.3、把质疑与释疑,讲与练,知识与能力高度统一于整个单元教学过程中.  相似文献   

目的:由于传统的英语教学无法满足全球化对于双语医学教育的新要求,ESP特殊用途英语如何在中国医学教育中得以实践并取得有效成果成了医学教育者的新课题。方法:为了解决这一课题,在上海交通大学医学院进行医学双语教学的试点培训,以学士,硕士和博士三种学历组成人数为3-5人的小型试点班级,目的在跟踪不同阶段的医学生在培训期间的专业素质水平与英语水平的成效,并参照语言学家Pauline Robinson的ESP方法论,归纳总结出适应我国不同阶段学生的教学方法。Pauline Robinson的ESP方法分别为:角色扮演和模仿,案例学习法,项目教学法和演讲。结果:培训教师从三组不同学生的实际情况出发,结合上述四种教学方法,经过三个学期的培训分别得出了博士生组的口语能力,硕士生组听力能力以及本科生的写作阅读能力进步比较突出的结果。结论:中国教育体制所导致的被动接受的学习习惯是中国的特殊情况,而角色扮演和模仿,案例学习法,项目教学法和演讲是紧密相扣的四环相连的教学方法,每一种教学方法都是对彼此的补充和丰富,符合我国当代学生的个性特点和医学教育的方向,从而需要更多的医学教育工作者更好地利用四种教学方法以不断提升医学英语教学的教育事业以更好地帮助医学工作者融入国际舞台。  相似文献   

A human lymphokine, eosinophil stimulation promoter (ESP), was shown to be produced by mononuclear leukocytes in response to non-helminthic antigens. Supernatants of tuberculin-stimulated cultures of mononuclear leukocytes from tuberculinskin test reactive humans contained non-dialyzable ESP activity; ESP could not be demonstrated in the supernatants of tuberculin stimulated cultures from skin test negative donors. Thus, human ESP, like murine ESP, is a soluble lymphokine product of sensitized mononuclear cells. ESP activity was also demonstrated in supernatants of mononuclear leukocyte cultures stimulated with streptococcal antigens. ESP selectively enhanced migration of eosinophils. ESP production could be blocked by puromycin, and its activity was diminished by prior incubation with eosinophil-rich granulocytes. Correlation of antigen stimulated ESP activity with skin test reactivity establishes ESP as another in vitro correlate of delayed hypersensitivity in man. A video method of data collection and analysis is described which greatly facilitates in vitro studies of ESP activity. The method is applicable to the study of other lymphokines which effect cellular migration.  相似文献   

The lymphoid cell population responsible for production of eosinophil stimulation promoter (ESP), a lymphokine which increases migration of eosinophils, was investigated in murine Schistosoma mansoni infection. Con A challenge induced ESP production, whereas LPS did not. Prior treatment with anti-thetaC3H alloantiserum plus complement in vitro eliminated ESP production; in vivo treatment with rabbit anti-mouse thymocyte serum consistently reduced ESP production by splenic lymphoid cells, but affected lymph node cell ESP production only after exceptionally large doses. Thymocytes did not produce significant amounts of ESP; nor did lymphoid cells from congenitally athymic mice. Depletion of B lymphocytes and macrophages by nylon fiber adherence eliminated antigen-induced ESP production; this was partially restored by addition of non-immune, 72-hr peritoneal exudate cells. Con A-induced ESP production was not affected by nylon fiber treatment. These results demonstrate that ESP is produced by an ATS-sensitive, peripheralized T lymphocyte population, and suggest a macrophage requirement for antigen-induced production of this lymphokine.  相似文献   

R. D. Laura 《Plant and Soil》1976,44(3):587-596
Summary In an incubation experiment the mineralization of gulmohur leaves (Delonix regia L.) added to soil was studied at increased levels of exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). CO2 evolution, total mineralization of carbon and humic/fulvic acid carbon ratio increased with increased ESP and the process of nitrification was inhibited completely between 70–92 ESP. The mineralization and losses of nitrogen were equal to control up to 70 ESP but were very high at 92 ESP. The extractable carbon varied from 26% in case of control to 31% at 48.6 ESP.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel omega-hydroxy-alkanedicarboxylic acid, ESP 55016, that favorably alters serum lipid variables in obese female Zucker (fa/fa) rats. ESP 55016 reduced serum non-HDL-cholesterol (non-HDL-C), triglyceride, and nonesterified fatty acid levels while increasing serum HDL-C and beta-hydroxybutyrate levels in a dose-dependent manner. ESP 55016 reduced fasting serum insulin and glucose levels while also suppressing weight gain. In primary rat hepatocytes, ESP 55016 increased the oxidation of [(14)C]palmitate in a dose- and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-I (CPT-I)-dependent manner. Furthermore, in primary rat hepatocytes and in vivo, ESP 55016 inhibited fatty acid and sterol synthesis. The "dual inhibitor" activity of ESP 55016 was unlikely attributable to the activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway because AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation states as well as ACC activity were not altered by ESP 55016. Further studies indicated the conversion of ESP 55016 to a CoA derivative in vivo. ESP 55016-CoA markedly inhibited the activity of partially purified ACC. The activity of partially purified HMG-CoA reductase was not altered by the xenobiotic-CoA. These data suggest that ESP 55016-CoA favorably alters lipid metabolism in a model of diabetic dyslipidemia in part by initially inhibiting fatty acid and sterol synthesis plus enhancing the oxidation of fatty acids through the ACC/malonyl-CoA/CPT-I regulatory axis.  相似文献   

Epithiospecifier protein (ESP), a ferrous ion dependent protein, has a potential role in regulating the release of elemental sulphur, nitriles, isothiocyanates and cyanoepithioalkanes from glucosinolates. Two classes of ESP polypeptides were purified with molecular masses of 39 and 35 kDa, and we show that the previously reported instability was conditionally dependent. The 39 kDa polypeptide was made up of two distinct isozymes (5.00, 5.14) whilst several were present for the 35 kDa form of ESP (5.40-5.66). An anti-ESP antibody reacted with both the 39 and 35 kDa ESP forms in Brassica napus and strongly with a polypeptide corresponding to the 35 kDa ESP form in Crambe abyssinica, but did not detect any ESP in Sinapis alba or Raphanus sativus. A cytochrome P-450 mediated iron dependent epoxidation type mechanism is suggested for ESP.  相似文献   

In this study we have reported the detailed characterization of a 58 kDa excretory-secretory product (ESP) of Giardia lamblia. The method of purification has been simplified which has improved the purification fold as well as the yield of the ESP. The binding efficacy of disialoganglioside (GD2) to the purified ESP was found to be maximum among all other gangliosides used. The N-terminal sequence of the immunoreactive 29 kDa peptide obtained from partial tryptic digest of the ESP was found to be AD-FVPQVST. The IgG against the purified ESP (IgGES) showed cross-reactivity with the binding subunit of the commercially available cholera toxin and also with two protein bands of western cottonmouth moccasin snake toxin. The ESP could accumulate fluid in the intestine of sealed adult mice and also induce morphological changes in HEp-2 cells. The crude extract of G. lamblia trophozoites preincubated with Escherichia coli revealed 8-fold augmentation in the cytopathic activity on HEp-2 cells as compared to that of crude preparation from trophozoites only.  相似文献   

Eosinophil stimulation promoter (ESP) is a lymphokine activity that stimulates eosinophil migration and is produced by mitogen or specific Ag stimulation of spleen cells from mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. It is also produced by intact, schistosome egg-induced granulomas isolated from the livers of such mice without additional antigenic exposure. The production of ESP activity is decreased during chronic infection in a time course coordinate with granuloma modulation. Characterization of ESP was pursued to determine its relationship to other cytokines and to identify factors that may play a role in granuloma formation and modulation. Chromatographic separations, assays of recombinant cytokines, and cytokine-specific immunodepletions were used in the characterization. ESP+ supernatant fluids contain both granulocyte-macrophage CSF and IL-5. The removal of both granulocyte-macrophage CSF and IL-5 is required to eliminate ESP activity, and together they act synergistically to constitute ESP.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was the assessment of the parameters of pulse waves in the carotid artery and their relationships with baroreflex-controlled heart rate variability. The early systolic peak (ESP) is closely connected with the filling of the carotid artery, whereas the late systolic peak (LSP) shows the amplitude of the wave reflected from the periphery and affects arterial pressure oscillations activating baroreceptors and changing the heart rate (HR). A cardiac rhythmogram and pulse pressure waves in the carotid artery were continuously recorded for 5 min. ESP and LSP amplitudes (in ml/l) were evaluated in each wave. Patients with coronary artery disease and healthy subjects were examined. Spectrum analysis and assessment of the coherent function between RR intervals, the ESP, and the LSP in the middle frequency band were performed. In healthy subjects, the amplitude of the ESP was higher than that of the LSP, whereas, in patients, the LSP amplitude surpassed that of the ESP. The LSP/ESP ratio was significantly higher in patients, indicating that artery dilation depended more on the reflected wave than on the primary wave. The study revealed that age had the most pronounced effect on the LSP/ESP ratio. Healthy subjects showed the highest age-dependent coherence between the RR interval and the ESP amplitude, whereas in patients this coherence was significantly lower. Measurement of the ESP and LSP amplitudes and their ratio allowed evaluation of vasomotor artery tone. Age and disease produced the maximum effects on the artery tone and decreased the correlation between the changes in the artery tone and the HR in the baroreflex range of frequency regulation.  相似文献   

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