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中国喙蚤蝇属一种记述:双翅目:蚤蝇科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

喙蚤蝇属Trophithauma Schmitz是一形态特异的类群。其雌性种类口上片延长,喙长,腹部第4—6背板特化成腺体。目前全世界仅记载6种。我国只记载1种(刘广纯等,1993)。本文描述1新种。模式标本存于沈阳农业大学植保系昆虫标本室。黄腰喙蚤蝇Trophithauma gastroflavidum Liu,新种。雌:体长2 mm。额黑色,有光泽。触角第3节黑色,球形;芒0.6 mm,具较长绒毛。下颚须黑色,具短鬃。胸背板和侧板下半部黑色;侧板下半部浅黄色。小盾片鬃1对,短毛1对。腹部第1节浅黄,其它节黑色。第Ⅳ—Ⅵ背板高度特化。翅长1.8 mm;前缘脉指数0.58,各段比2:1.6:1,前缘脉纤毛0.04 mm。腋区鬃3根,平衡棒浅黄。前、中足浅褐,后足深褐。中足栅毛列达胫节2/3;后足胫节栅毛列完整,具后背纤毛列。正模:♀,云南勐养,1991-Ⅵ-8,刘广纯采。  相似文献   

中国蚤蝇属记述:双翅目:蚤蝇科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国蚤蝇属记述(双翅目:蚤蝇科)刘广纯,周尧(西北农业大学昆虫博物馆,陕西省杨陵区712100)关键词双翅目,蚤蝇科,蚤蝇属,新种,分类学,中国蚤蝇属(PhoraLatreille,1796)是蚤蝇科中较大的类群;其身体绒黑(♂)或暗黑(♀),中足胫...  相似文献   

本文记述采于陕西秦岭的1蚤蝇新记录属Borophaga Enderlein及1新种B.tibialis sp.nov.。模式标本存于西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

记述了中国栓蚤蝇属Dohrniphora Dahl 1新种,即微刺栓蚤蝇D.microspinosa Liu et Shen,sp.nov.模式标本保存于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院.  相似文献   

喙蚤蝇属TrophithaumaSchmitz是一形态特异的类群。其雌性种类口上片延长,喙长,腹部第4-6背板特化成腺体。目前全世界仅记载6种。我国只记载1种(刘广纯等,1993)。本文描述1新种。模式标本存于沈阳农业大学植保系昆虫标本室。黄腰喙蚤蝇TrophithaumagastroflavidumLiu,新种雌:体长2mm。额黑色,有光泽。触角第3节黑色,球形;芒0.6mm,具较长绒毛。下颚须黑色,具短鬃。胸背板和侧板下半部黑色;侧板下半部浅黄色。小盾片鬃l对,短毛1对。腹部第1节浅黄,其它节黑色。第Ⅳ-Ⅵ背板高度特化。翅长1.8mm;前缘脉指数0.58,各段比2:1.6:1,前缘脉纤毛0.04mm。腋区鬃3根,平衡棒浅黄。前、中足浅褐,后足深褐。中足栅毛列达胫节2/3;后足胫节栅毛列完整,具后背纤毛列。正模:♀,云南勐养,1991-Ⅵ-8,刘广纯采。  相似文献   

记述异蚤蝇属1新种:双鬃异蚤蝇Megaselia bisetalis sp.nov..模式标本存放于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院.双鬃异蚤蝇,新种Megaselia bisetalis sp.nov.(图1~3)雄性额红褐至黑褐;额宽稍大于侧高;密布细毛;纵沟明显.触角上鬃4根,不等.前额间鬃几与触角上鬃同高.后额间鬃略低于后额框鬃,4根鬃等距排列.颊鬃2根,侧颜鬃5根.触角第3节黄褐色,端部褐;球形;芒具微毛.下颚须浅黄,具较长鬃.胸黄褐色,侧板略浅;小盾片 鬃1对,短毛1对;中侧片光裸.腹部腹面黄色;背板大部分黄褐色,尾器黑褐,生殖背板两侧各具长鬃1根.肛管黄色,端毛粗大.翅长1.04~1.10mm,前缘脉指数0.41 mm,各段比3.75∶1.75∶1.00.平衡棒黄褐.足黄色,前足胫节具前背刺1列;基跗节细长.中足胫节栅毛列达端部1/4,后背纤毛6根.后足胫节栅毛列完整,后背纤毛10根,缺前背纤毛.体长1.2mm.雌性体长1.2~1.6 mm.翅长1.3~1.4mm.前缘脉指数0.43,平衡棒褐色.腹背板褐色,腹面黄色.正模♂,广东顶湖,1992-04-24,刘广纯、王敏采;副模3♂♂,5♀♀,采集记录同正模.词源:新种种名据其尾器特点而拟.  相似文献   

记述采自海南的栓蚤蝇属Dohrniphora Dahl 1新种:密齿栓蚤蝇Dohrniphora densilinearis sp. nov.。新种与D. eilogoensis Disney相似,但后足腿节基部栓状感器大小相等且呈直线排列,可以区分。模式标本藏于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

记述中国寒蚤蝇属Triphleba Rondani 1新种:壳叶寒蚤蝇Triphleba conchiformis sp. nov.。本新种缺R2+3,其贝壳状侧尾叶区别于本属其它种。模式标本存放于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

本文首次较系统地报道了中国弧蚤蝇属StichillusEnderlein种类,共描述蚤蝇7种,其中包括5新种,毛尾弧蚤蝇S.polychaetous,尖突弧蚤蝇S.acuminatus,疣尾弧蚤蝇S.tuberculosus,刺鞘弧蚤蝇S.spinosus和圆尾弧蚤蝇,S.orbiculatus和1个中国新记录种,日本弧蚤蝇S.japonicus(Matsumura)文中应用了雄外生殖器特征,编制  相似文献   

记述采自江西和海南省的异蚤蝇属2新种,1中国新纪录种:胫距异蚤蝇Megaselia tibisetalis Fang,sp.nov.,叉刺异蚤蝇M.setifurcana Liu,sp.nov.和阔唇异蚤蝇M.labialis Brues.模式标本存放于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院.  相似文献   

记述中国异蚤蝇属2新种:羽鬃异蚤蝇Megaselia pennisetalis sp.nov.和膨跗异蚤蝇Megaselia tarsocrassa sp.nov.。羽鬃异蚤蝇的体色和尾器的羽状鬃与M.rufipes(Meigen)相似,但后者的中侧片光裸无毛。膨跗异蚤蝇与M.turbidipennis Borgmeier相似,但后者翅较暗、Rs脉基部具1微毛、前缘脉比3.80:1.60:1.00。模式标本存放于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

五指异蚤蝇Megaselia wuzhiensis,新种(图1~3) 雄性:额宽0.42mm,黑色,稀布细毛,纵沟细。触角上鬃4根,下对稍短;上对和下对间距分别是额宽的1/4和1/6。前额间鬃低于前额眶鬃及上触角上鬃,距眼缘和纵沟的距离比为1:3~1:2。后额间鬃低于后额眶鬃,四根鬃等距排列。触角第三节黑褐:芒亚端生,具微毛。下颚须黄色,具鬃5~7根。胸黑色。背中鬃2根;小盾片鬃2根,小毛2根:中侧片具毛,缺单鬃。翅长2.6mm。前缘脉指数0.53,各段比2.6:2.9:1,纤毛(最长)0.:24mm。腋区鬃3~6根。平衡棒黄褐色。足褐色,前足胫节0.68mm,跗节细长,各节长大于宽。中足胫节栅毛列伸达胫节端部1/5;后背纤毛7~9根。前背纤毛弱。后足股节1.2mm,腹缘细毛8~12根。胫节栅毛列完整,后背纤毛9~11根,强大:缺前背纤毛。腹部暗黑。背板Ⅱ和Ⅵ较长,其余背板近等长。背板稀被毛,两侧和后缘较多。尾器黑褐色,生殖背板两侧中部具鬃状毛;端部具小毛。肛管黄褐色。体长2.13~2.38mm。 正模:♂,海南五指山,1992—Ⅳ-16,刘广纯、王敏采:副模:5♂♂,同正模。 本种与缅甸产的M.atricornis Beyer相似,但后者前缘脉第二段短于第一段,额前侧鬃低于上触角上鬃。新种模式标本存于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院标本室。  相似文献   

Scuttle fly communities of pine plantations were investigated in 1986 and 1987 in two sites, Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest and Tuchola Forest. Flies were collected using yellow plastic bowls placed on the ground. Up to now 108 species were identifined, and 46 occurred on both sites. Although the number of species was very similar in Tuchola Forest (77) and Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest (75) species diversity was considerably lower on the former site (p<0.05). Ten dominant species were common: Megaselia brevicostalis, M. giraudii, M. manicata, M. nigriceps, M. pleuralis, M. pulicaria-complex, M. pumila, M. verralli, Metopina oligoneura and Triphleba opaca. Five of these were characteristic of both communities (Megaselia verrali , M. brevicostalis, M. pumila, Metopina oligoneura and Triphleba opaca). Similarity of qualitative composition for dominants was rather high (Sø = 0.67), but the quantitative similarity was low (Mo = 0.26). During two study seasons in the community of the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest the dominance structure did not change markedly and Megaselia verralli was the dominant (over 20%). M. verralli was also the dominant (ca. 30%) in the communities in the Tuchola Forest in 1986, but next year M. pulicaria-complex (ca.50%) dominated. Most of the dominant species are multivoltines and generalists. In Tuchola Forest the disturbances caused by the chemical treatment against Neodiprion sertifer might be the main factor changing the dominance structure in the phorid community in 1987 (extremely high dominance of Megaselia pulicaria-complex).  相似文献   

R. H. L. Disney 《ZooKeys》2013,(342):45-74
64 species of Phoridae, in 6 genera, are reported from the Kola Peninsula, north of the Arctic Circle. The new species Megaselia elenae and Megaselia kozlovi are described. 33 species of Megaselia, only known from females, are given code numbers. Keys to the species of all the females of Megaselia and Phora are provided; and also a key to the males European Megaselia species with a notopleural cleft.  相似文献   

Two new species of Megaselia Rondani, M. dinwrphica Disney and M. praedafura Disney, are described from South America. Their larvae crawl around on the bodies and exuviae of Theraphosidae. Larvae of M. praedafura were observed moving on to the spider's prey while it was engaged in feeding from the same prey.  相似文献   

We identified three species of fungivorous scuttle fly –Megaselia flava, M. kanekoi and M. gotoi– from eight fruit bodies of a fungus, Amanita ibotengutake, which has not previously been recorded as the host of these flies.  相似文献   

Non-aquatic reproductive modes have evolved among frogs possibly favored by some advantages such as the avoidance of aquatic predators. These reproductive modes, however, make the egg clutches susceptible to terrestrial predators, among which Diptera larvae are some of the most harmful. The present work reports the predation by phorid flies of 22 egg clutches of Phyllomedusa iheringii Boulenger in the South of Brazil. Phorid specimens were identified as Megaselia bruchiana (Borgmeier & Schmitz) and Megaselia necrophaga (Enderlein), species that were reported previously to be associated with ants and dead beetles, respectively. Frog-feeding in these species is hypothesized to be use of an alternative seasonal food source. We amend the diagnoses of both Megaselia species and provide new illustrations to facilitate their identification. We also describe the male of M. bruchiana for the first time and associate males with females of both species.  相似文献   

Flies attracted to human remains during death investigations were surveyed in north Peninsular Malaysia. Six families, eight genera, and 16 species were identified from human remains, with the greatest fly diversity occurring on remains recovered indoors. The total relative frequency of species was led by Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) (46%), followed by Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart, 1842) (22%), Sarcophaga (Liopygia) ruficornis (Fabricius, 1974) (5%), Sarcophaga spp. (4%), Synthesiomyia nudiseta Wulp, 1883 (6%), Megaselia spp. (3%), Megaselia scalaris (Loew, 1866), (2%), Megaselia spiracularis Schmitz, 1938 (2%), and Chrysomya villeneuvi Patton, 1922 (2%). Hemipyrellia tagaliana (Bigot, 1877), Desmometopa sp., Megaselia curtineura (Brues, 1909), Hemipyrellia ligurriens Wiedemann 1830, Ophyra sp., Sarcophaga princeps Wiedemann 1830, Piophila casei (Linnaeus, 1758), and unidentified pupae each represented 1%, respectively.  相似文献   

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