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柱形虫草及其紫色野村菌无性型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道安徽省滁州市琅琊山林场引起蜘蛛流行病的虫草真菌,经鉴定为柱形虫草Cordycepscylindrica,属中国首次报道。在子座柄部可见一小块灰紫色的分生孢子层,镜检表明:由此组织分离菌株的形态学特征与后来通过子囊孢子分离获得的菌株是一致的。柱形虫草无性型为紫色野村菌Nomuraeaatypicola,其培养特征也为国内首次描述。另外,在同一生境的地上叶背面,可见许多蜘蛛被紫色野村菌感染致死,虫尸被覆淡紫色菌膜,但未见孢梗束或子座。  相似文献   

侯瑞  王晨芳 《菌物学报》2018,37(4):476-485
细胞分裂是真核细胞生长发育的重要环节。本研究利用生物信息学的方法,通过使用酵母菌Cdc15蛋白激酶序列比对,发现禾谷镰孢菌中只存在一个Cdc15蛋白激酶。基因缺失的功能研究表明FgCDC15(FGSG_10381)基因敲除后,突变体菌落生长速度减慢,对小麦和玉米无致病力。FgCDC15基因敲除突变体产生的分生孢子外观形态正常,但隔膜数量变少,同时发现该基因在分生孢子阶段表达量最高。在有性生殖阶段,FgCDC15基因敲除突变体可产生极少量的子囊壳,但不产生子囊和子囊孢子。本文研究表明,禾谷镰孢菌蛋白激酶FgCdc15可能参与了有性和无性阶段的细胞分裂和生长,同时影响禾谷镰刀菌的致病毒力。  相似文献   

根足虫草琅琊山变种新变种及其无性型被毛孢新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道采自安徽省滁州市琅琊山林场的一种虫草及其无性型,经鉴定为根足虫草琅琊山变种Cordycepsheteropodavar.langyashanensis新变种。多批次收集弹射的子囊孢子分离得到其无性型,经鉴定为一被毛孢新种,命名为根足被毛孢Hirsutellaheteropoda。模式标本及其无性型菌株干培养物保存在安徽农业大学虫生菌研究中心(RCEFAAU)。  相似文献   

从西藏新鲜冬虫夏草不同部位分离菌株,并进行固体培养,比较菌丝生长、分生孢子产生情况及不同传代次数菌株的固体培养特性,以获得产生分生孢子数量最多的菌株用于蝙蝠蛾幼虫的侵染。结果表明:单子囊孢子、双子囊孢子和多子囊孢子菌株在斜面上出草能力较好,固体发酵时菌丝生长旺盛,分生孢子产生较多,显著高于组织分离菌株;组织分离菌株中,子座来源的菌株在谷壳和泥炭土培养基中,其产孢能力高于虫体来源的菌株;多次传代(5次传代)菌株在固体斜面上有较明显的退化现象,但在液体及固体发酵方面有着较好的生长以及分生孢子产量。  相似文献   

散囊菌属的两个新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道两个新种,肋状散囊菌和少疣散囊菌。前者的主要特征是子囊孢子的凸面有许多网结的肋状突起;在查氏琼脂上产生大量的闭囊壳,但分生孢子结构极少。后者在查氏琼脂上生长很局限;子囊孢子大,凸面近于平滑或有少量小疣等主要特点。  相似文献   

两种虫草无性型的微循环产孢确证   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘爱英  梁宗琦 《菌物系统》1997,16(4):297-299
从贵阳地区采得两种虫草,古尼虫划Berk.和布氏虫草Cordyceps brongniartii Shimazu。经诱发它们子囊孢子的微循环产孢再次确证了古尼虫草无性型是经拟青霉Paecilomyces gunnii Liang,布氏虫草的无性型是布氏白僵菌BeauveriabrongniartiiPetch。  相似文献   

高雄山虫草及其细脚拟青霉无性型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道采自安徽省天堂寨自然保护区的高雄山虫草Cordyceps takaomontana及其无性型细脚拟青霉Paecilomyces tenuipes ,应用单子囊孢子分离鉴定和微循环产孢的方法确证了两者的对应关系,并修订了高雄山虫草的原始描述。双梭孢虫草C.bifusispora可能为高雄山虫草的同物异名。同时采集的具数个红色子座且有双梭形子囊孢子的虫草不是同一个种。  相似文献   

虫壳属一新种大别山虫壳(Torrubieladabieshanensis)及其同时在蛛体上并存的无性型大别山球束梗孢(Gibeluladabieshanensis)。子囊壳表生至浅埋生,孔口黄色,子囊孢子弹射后呈波浪形弯曲。次生子囊孢子长柱形,9.4~15.1×0.7~1.2μm。孢梗束单个或两个,白色,在其2/3处仍有分生孢子梗。分生孢子梗长27~44μm,光滑。分生孢子纺锤形,3.2~4.0×1.1~1.8μm。具糙梗孢式的共无性型方式,分生孢子线形,11.0~20.0×0.7~1.1μm。列出了该属已知种的检索表,并分别命以中名  相似文献   

报道采自安徽省天堂寨自然保护区的高雄山虫草Cordyceps takaomontana及其无性型细脚拟青霉Paecilomyces tenuipes,应用单子囊孢子分离鉴定和微循环产孢的方法确证了两者的对应关系,并修订了高雄山虫草的原始描述。双梭孢虫草C.Bifusispora可能为高雄山虫草的同物异名。同时采集的具数个红色子座且有双梭形子囊孢子的虫草不是同一个种。  相似文献   

采用形态学和分子生物学鉴定的方法,对1株产生酸碱指示剂的真菌进行鉴定.结果表明,该菌株的子囊壳呈球形或卵形,单生或聚生,子囊孢子双胞,无色,椭圆形,分隔处稍缢缩,无性态为串珠镶孢.通过该菌株rDNA ITS的PCR扩增和序列测定,与NCBI网站进行同源性比对分析,结果表明待测菌株与藤仓赤霉菌(Gibberella fujikuroi)同源性为100%,确定该菌株为蘑仓赤霉菌.  相似文献   

Sugar beet leaves covered by sexual (cleistothecia) and asexual forms (mycelia and conidia) of Erysiphe betae were gathered at harvest time and maintained under natural outdoor conditions. In order to determine the function of cleistothecia and also conidia in the overwintering of E. betae some experiments were performed. The results showed that ascospores were unable to be released in petri dishes but their release under natural conditions occurred after 4 months. Under In vitro conditions ascospores did not germinate but on the leaves germination was rarely possible, however these ascospores were degraded after 7 days and didn't have pathogenicity. Conidia could induce pathogenicity after 3 but not 4 months. The period after inoculation until appearance of disease symptoms increased with aging of conidia. The results for conidial germination showed that fresh conidia had 80 percent germination on glass slides but it decreased sharply after 2 weeks and reached to 0 percent after 4 weeks. Although their germination on the leaves was not more than 46 percent of fresh conidia but they had good germination after 2 and 4 weeks. The results for the experiment to observe the first appearance of the disease in the field suggested that the first conidia were trapped by spore-trap in early June and the first symptoms appeared 20 days later. The conclusive results showed that ascospores had no function in the survival of the fungus and air-borne conidia are the main source of primary infections.  相似文献   

The origin of the male and female gametes involved in fertilization events within a local population of the postfire wood decay ascomycete Daldinia loculata was investigated by genotyping the mycelia growing in the wood and the sexual ascospores, using three highly variable nuclear gene loci. The study was conducted in a geographically isolated burned forest site in southern Sweden. An intensive sampling was performed by collecting stromata containing ascospores and wood samples containing mycelia. In total, from 32 mapped burned birches, cultures of 22 haploid genets from decayed wood and six ascospores from each of 19 stromata were isolated and analysed. In 80% of the investigated burned branches, only one genet was found. From the analysis of the ascospore genotypes, we detected 30 fertilization events and 60% of them were the result of mating between conidia (clonal propagules) acting as male gametes and the genets in the branches representing the female gametes. The male parents producing the conidia were detected within the same local population as the female parents in 27% of the fertilization events and originated either from the same branch or from different trees located at 0.5-36 m away from the female parents. In 33% of the fertilization events, conidia originated from three male parents that were not found within the local population sampled. These parents could be anywhere inside or outside the sampled area. For the remaining fertilization events, we could not rule out the ascospores or the conidia as fertilizing propagules. No strong evidence for fertilization by recombinant propagules (ascospores) was detected in this study. The pyrophilous insect species associated with conidia of D. loculata are suggested to be essential vectors for the realization of the sexual cycle of this fungal species. By feeding on the conidia and flying between nearby trees inhabiting wood decay mycelia, these insects allow the transfer of conidia and therefore the opposite mating types to meet within a localized burned forest site.  相似文献   

The ascomycete fungus, Fusarium graminearum (teleomorph Gibberella zeae), is the most common causal agent of Fusarium head blight (FHB), a devastating disease for cereal crops worldwide. F. graminearum produces ascospores (sexual spores) and conidia (asexual spores), which can serve as disease inocula of FHB. Meanwhile, Fusarium-infected grains are often contaminated with mycotoxins such as trichothecenes (TRIs), fumonisins, and zearalenones, among which TRIs are related to the pathogenicity of F. graminearum, and these toxins are hazardous to humans and livestock. In recent years, with the complete genome sequencing of F. graminearum, an increasing number of functional genes involved in the production of secondary metabolites, hyphal differentiation, sexual and asexual reproduction, virulence and pathogenicity have been identified from F. graminearum. In this review, the secondary metabolite synthesis, hyphal development and pathogenicity related genes in F. graminearum were thoroughly summarized, and the genes associated with secondary metabolites, sexual reproduction, energy metabolism, and pathogenicity were highlighted.  相似文献   

Fungi exhibit some of the greatest reproductive diversity across Eukaryotes. In addition to sexual and asexual reproduction, fungi engage in parasexual (mitotic recombinatorial) processes to acquire new genetic variation. Reproduction has been studied extensively in numerous free-living fungi but comparatively less knowledge exists for lichenized fungi, which are assumed to reproduce only through sexual spores, asexual conidia, and specialized asexual lichen propagules. We present a new conceptual framework describing reproductive modes in lichens that includes sexual and asexual processes as well as accommodating the possibility of parasexual reproduction. To support the plausibility of some of these modes of reproduction, we reviewed data spanning more than 200 years of anatomical investigation. We recovered evidence supporting the possibility of 22 of 27 possible modes of reproduction and found no counter-evidence to suggest the remaining five do not occur in nature. This conceptual framework allows for a greater plurality of reproductive processes than previously acknowledged in lichens, exceeding that of their non-lichenized relatives.  相似文献   

A community ecology approach using an association of species test and a principal component analysis resulted in the recognition of two major and two minor foliicolous lichen communities in a neotropical rainforest. The major communities are governed by microclimatic factors, one characteristic of the shady understorey and the other confined to light gaps. The minor communities are due to subtle phorophyte preferences towards palm and dicot leaves. The shady understorey community is dominated by the families Arthoniaceae , Opegraphaceae , Trichotheliaceae and Pilocarpaceae , which predominantly have Phycopeltis as their phycobiont, thin thalli, abundant sexual reproduction, small ascospores produced in high numbers, and pycnidial conidiomata. The light-gap community is mainly composed of the families Gomphillaceae and Ectolechiaceae , with Trebouxia as their phycobiont, thickly crystalline or whitish, dispersed thalli, frequent asexual reproduction, large ascospores produced in low numbers, and specialized campylidia and hyphophores as conidiomata. Phycobiont, thallus structure, and the mode of reproduction are considered as adaptations to different microsites, whereas the shape and size of ascospores and conidia seem to be of less importance. The foliicolous lichen communities reflect the spatial and temporal structure of the forest, in particular the continuity of the shady understorey in comparison to the discontinuity of the light gaps. While the formation of the shady understorey community follows more deterministic patterns, the light-gap community exhibits high stochasticity.  相似文献   

In the Ascomycete fungus Aspergillus nidulans, the ratio of conidia (asexual spores) to ascospores (sexual spores) is affected by linoleic acid moieties including endogenous sporogenic factors called psi factors. Deletion of odeA (Delta odeA), encoding a Delta-12 desaturase that converts oleic acid to linoleic acid, resulted in a strain depleted of polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2 and 18:3) but increased in oleic acid (18:1) and total percent fatty acid content. Linoleic acid-derived psi factors were absent in this strain but oleic acid-derived psi factors were increased relative to wild type. The Delta odeA strain was reduced in conidial production and mycelial growth; these effects were most noticeable when cultures were grown at 26 degrees C in the dark. Under these environmental conditions, the Delta odeA strain was delayed in ascospore production but produced more ascospores than wild type over time. This suggests a role for oleic acid-derived psi factors in affecting the asexual to sexual spore ratio in A. nidulans. Fatty acid composition and spore development were also affected by veA, a gene previously shown to control light driven conidial and ascospore development. Taken together our results indicate an interaction between veA and odeA alleles for fatty acid metabolism and spore development in A. nidulans.  相似文献   

Glomerella cingulata f.sp. phaseoli and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum are the teleomorph and anamorph, respectively, of the pathogen causing anthracnose in common bean. The mechanisms relating to the sexual reproduction of this plant pathogen are still unclear, as are the infection structures involved and the symptoms produced. In the present study, bean plants were inoculated with ascospores and conidia, and the events taking place within the following 120 h were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The symptoms exhibited by plants inoculated with the ascospores were milder than in those inoculated with conidia. Microscopy revealed that most of ascospores produced germ tubes and appressoria at an early stage (24 h after inoculation). From 48 h onwards, the formation of hyphae and the production of germ tubes and appressoria were great. In contrast, infections originating from conidia developed more slowly, and at 24 and 48 h, many non‐germinated conidia were present, whereas only few conidia developed germ tubes and appressoria. Ascospore germination and appressorium formation were similar on both resistant and susceptible cultivars. Hence, the symptoms and the temporal sequence of events associated with the infection of bean plants by the two fungal forms differed, although the structures produced were similar. This is the fist report comparing symptoms and prepenetration events between anamorph and teleomorph of G. cingulata f.sp. phaseoli in common bean.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of sexual reproduction remains as an unsolved problem in evolutionary biology. One promising hypothesis is that frequency‐dependent selection by parasites selects for sexual reproduction in hosts, but it is unclear whether such selection on hosts would feed back to select for sexual reproduction in parasites. Here we used individual‐based computer simulations to explore this possibility. Specifically, we tracked the dynamics of asexual parasites following their introduction into sexual parasite populations for different combinations of parasite virulence and transmission. Our results suggest that coevolutionary interactions with hosts would generally lead to a stable coexistence between sexual parasites and a single parasite clone. However, if multiple mutations to asexual reproduction were allowed, we found that the interaction led to the accumulation of clonal diversity in the asexual parasite population, which led to the eventual extinction of the sexual parasites. Thus, coevolution with sexual hosts may not be generally sufficient to select for sex in parasites. We then allowed for the stochastic accumulation of mutations in the finite parasite populations (Muller's Ratchet). We found that, for higher levels of parasite virulence and transmission, the population bottlenecks resulting from host–parasite coevolution led to the rapid accumulation of mutations in the clonal parasites and their elimination from the population. This result may explain the observation that sexual reproduction is more common in parasitic animals than in their free‐living relatives.  相似文献   

Considerable work in evolutionary biology has focused on the question of why sex persists. Both advantages to sex and constraints limiting a return to asexual reproduction are hypothesized to maintain sex once it evolves. Developmental constraints would limit asexual reproduction from a sexual species if it were difficult for females to switch from making eggs that do not develop without fertilization to making zygotes that are capable of developing in the absence of fertilization. Nauphoeta cinerea is an ovoviviparous cockroach in which some females are capable of switching from a sexual mode of reproduction to an asexual mode when isolated from males. Yet, while facultative parthenogenesis can occur in individuals, few females make the switch. Thus, this cockroach provides an ideal system for examining the potential role of developmental constraints in maintaining sex. Here we compare the cytogenetics and embryonic development of sexual and parthenogenetic offspring in N. cinerea. We find that deviations from normal ploidy levels are associated with abnormal development. All viable N. cinerea embryos exhibit typically hemimetabolous insect embryogenesis. Although there is no variation among embryos in development within a sexually produced clutch, we see extreme variation in asexually derived clutches. These results suggest that developmental constraints limit the success of asexual reproduction in this facultatively parthenogenetic cockroach. Our data further suggest that the specific constraint occurs in the switch from a meiotic mode of reproduction requiring fertilization to diploid zygotes that develop in the absence of fertilization.  相似文献   

Important questions remain about the long-term survival and adaptive significance of eukaryotic asexual lineages. Numerous papers dealing with sex advantages still continued to compare parthenogenetic populations versus sexual populations arguing that sex demonstrates a better fitness. Because asexual lineages do not possess any recombination mechanisms favoring rapid changes in the face of severe environmental conditions, they should be considered as an evolutionary dead-end. Nevertheless, reviewing literature dealing with asexual reproduction, it is possible to draw three stimulating conclusions. (1) Asexual reproduction in eukaryotes considerably differs from prokaryotes which experience recombination but neither meiosis nor syngamy. Recombination and meiosis would be a driving force for sexual reproduction. Eukaryotes should therefore be considered as a continuum of sexual organisms that are more or less capable (and sometimes incapable) of sexual reproduction. (2) Rather than revealing ancestral eukaryotic forms, most known lineages of asexual eukaryotes have lost sex due to a genomic conflict affecting their sexual capacity. Thus, it could be argued that hybridization is a major cause of their asexuality. Asexuality may have evolved as a reproductive mechanism reducing conflict within organisms. (3) It could be proposed that, rather than being generalists, parthenogenetic hybrid lineages could be favored when exploiting peculiar restricted ecological niches, following the “frozen niche variation” model. Although hybrid events may result in sex loss, probably caused by genomic conflict, asexual hybrids could display new original adaptive traits, and the rapid colonization of environments through clonal reproduction could favor their long-term survival, leading to evolutionary changes and hybrid speciation. Examination of the evolutionary history of asexual lineages reveals that evolutionary processes act through transitional stages in which even very small temporary benefits may be enough to counter the expected selective disadvantages.  相似文献   

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