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地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库的异质性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用自然萌发法和物理筛选法相结合的方法,调查了地中海沿岸沙丘三种微生境土壤总种子库和永久种子库特征,用功能群的方法分析了微生境之间的土壤总种子库和永久土壤种子库的组成和结构差异,也分析了主要物种土壤种子库的微生境分布格局,分析了种子大小和土壤种子库中的种子永久性关系。发现地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,即使在相同的微生境内,土壤种子库的分布也不是均匀的,甚至具有很大的差异;微生境对总的土壤种子库和各功能群的土壤种子库的分布格局具有显著的影响,开阔地区域具有最大的种子密度,而灌丛下和路径具有较小的种子密度;在永久土壤种子库中,豆科类植物种子在休眠种子中占有最大的比例,约为76%,而一年生和多年生禾草未发现休眠种子,豆类、伞形科类、多年生阔草、菊科类、一年生阔叶草和十字花科类等种子在土壤中的永久性比例依次下降,分别为50%、46%、41%、6%、6%和1%,微生境影响各功能群种子在土壤中的永久性。微生境显著影响大部分主要物种的土壤种子库分布;种子大小与其在土壤中的永久性为正相关,即大种子具有较高的永久性,小种子具有较低的永久性。  相似文献   

沙坡头人工固沙区的种子库动态   总被引:77,自引:0,他引:77  
沙坡头人工固沙区的土壤种子库中共有46种植物的种子,属于17个科。其中菊科植物最多,达11种;其次为藜科,7种;禾本科7种;豆科4种。既是现有植被组分种,其种子又存在于种子库中的,占总种数的33.3% 。油蒿(Artem isia ordosica)、花棒(Hedysarum scoparium )和柠条(Caragana korshinskii)的种子产量为545±676.73粒/m 2、6.67±13.74粒/m 2、0.032±2.43×10- 3粒/m 2。油蒿在植株上成熟时不受虫害,而花棒、柠条的种子受害比例分别为31.92% 和83.29% 。在最适埋藏深度下,油蒿、柠条、花棒种子的累积发芽率分别可达78.3% 、85.0% 和66.7% ;萌发速度:油蒿> 柠条> 花棒。根据种子库动态分析和植被调查结果可初步预测:沙坡头人工固沙植被的演替趋向将是灌木以油蒿为主,草本以雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)、小画眉草(Eragrostispoaeoides)为主的群落  相似文献   

梁子湖优势沉水植物冬季种子库的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
初步研究了梁子湖6种优势沉水植物如黄丝草、金鱼藻、菹草、黑藻、苦草和穗状狐尾藻等在冬季的广义种子库(种子、芽苞、断枝等),包括它们的繁殖特性、种子在小、结构及萌发时的衰减曲线等问题,主要结果为:(1)在梁子湖不同区域内,种子库大小不相同,满江湖、前江大湖、中湖和管理局网围内种子库分别为714.4粒/m^2、107.5粒/m^2、331.9粒/m^2和159.3粒/m^2。种子库的大小受到现实的种群数量、投鱼强度、人类干扰等因素的影响。(2)黄丝草、金鱼藻、菹草种九的种子库占有明显优势,全湖平均分别为198.8粒/m^2、91.7粒/m^2和21.4粒/m^2。(3)每一种植物种群广义种子库的构成和比例具有差异,金鱼藻、菹草、苦草、黑藻四种植物种子库中,无性繁殖体占有主要的地位;黄丝草、穗状狐尾藻两种植物种子库中,种子占有很大的比例,上述六种植物均可用种子和无性繁殖体来产生幼苗,补充到肿群中去。(4)种子库一般存在冬季休眠(菹草为夏眠),春季种子库萌发,尤其在3月和4月是种子库萌发的高峰期。  相似文献   

南亚热带森林不同演替阶段土壤种子库的初步研究   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
本文对鼎湖山不同演替阶段的森林(马尾松林、针阔叶混交林、季风常绿阔叶林)的土壤种子库进行了初步研究.分别从各个阶段的样地内抽取4或8个1×1m的小样地,分三层(共10cm厚)采集土样,带回实验室,通过萌发法观察记录其土壤种子库状况.通过统计分析,其结果如下:1.种子数量和物种多样性一般随演替发展而减少,种子数目以3—5cm厚土层为最多.2.各演替阶段土壤种子库的种类组成均以草本植物为主.3.在光照和湿度基本一致的情况下,萌发种子数与温度成正相关.4.雨季取的种子数目较旱季多,且种类组成有所不同.这是因为南亚热带森林内植物种子的休眠期短,在旱季采集土样时许多种的种子尚未下落.5.种子库组成与地上植物相关性不明显,但演替早期阶段的相关性比演替后期更密切。  相似文献   

放牧和围封条件下克氏针茅草原土壤种子库的比较   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
应用幼苗萌发法对比研究了我国北方农牧交错区克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)草原在放牧和围封条件下土壤种子库的差异。围封样地的土壤种子库中记录有16个物种,其中禾草类6种,非禾草类10种;若以生活型划分,则全部为多年生植物;若以单子叶或双子叶植物划分,则单子叶植物9种,双子叶植物7种。放牧样地的土壤种子库中记录有13个物种,其中禾草类4种,非禾草类9种;多年生植物12种,一二年生植物1种;单子叶植物5种,双子叶植物8种。放牧样地土壤种子库的密度为(3 664±1 087)粒·m-2,围封样地土壤种子库的密度是(5 139±1 848)粒·m-2,差异显著。采用Sorensen指数计算土壤种子库与地上植被的物种相似性,围封样地和放牧样地分别是0.711 1和0.611 1。两个地点的全部种子中, 81.0%属于冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、克氏针茅、星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)和砂韭(Allium bidentatum)5种优势植物,16.2% 属于二裂委陵菜(P. bifurca)、菊叶委陵菜(P. tanacetifolia)、猪毛蒿(A. scoparia)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)5种常见植物,而其余9种植物的种子数只占2.8%。此外,通常作为优良牧草的豆科植物的种子数仅占0.6%。上述结果表明,在放牧条件下由于土壤种子库中一些重要物种的缺失或数量很少以及极不均匀的分布,可能会降低退化克氏针茅草原的自然恢复速度。我们建议采取补播这些重要物种并结合其它恢复措施来加快退化克氏针茅草原的恢复进程。  相似文献   

应用自然萌发法和物理筛选法相结合的方法,调查了地中海沿岸沙丘三种微生境土壤总种子库和永久种子库特征,用功能群的方法分析了微生境之间的土壤总种子库和永久土壤种子库的组成和结构差异,也分析了主要物种土壤种子库的微生境分布格局,分析了种子大小和土壤种子库中的种子永久性关系.发现地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,即使在相同的微生境内,土壤种子库的分布也不是均匀的,甚至具有很大的差异;微生境对总的土壤种子库和各功能群的土壤种子库的分布格局具有显著的影响,开阔地区域具有最大的种子密度,而灌丛下和路径具有较小的种子密度;在永久土壤种子库中,豆科类植物种子在休眠种子中占有最大的比例,约为76%,而一年生和多年生禾草未发现休眠种子,豆类、伞形科类、多年生阔草、菊科类、一年生阔叶草和十字花科类等种子在土壤中的永久性比例依次下降,分别为50%、46%、41%、6%、6%和1%,微生境影响各功能群种子在土壤中的永久性.微生境显著影响大部分主要物种的土壤种子库分布;种子大小与其在土壤中的永久性为正相关,即大种子具有较高的永久性,小种子具有较低的永久性.  相似文献   

昆明西山滇青冈林内滇青冈种子库动态的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对昆明西山滇青冈林内滇青冈种子库的跟踪取样调查和种子埋藏试验,对滇青冈种子库的动态进行了研究。昆虫在种子成熟前侵入种子,经种子雨进入种子库时已有71.8%的种子失去萌发能力。种子雨输入种子库的绝大部分种子停留在表面种子库,其中48.55%的种子被虫害,25.36%被某些非生物或生物搬运,17.39%的腐烂,8.7%的被动物当场取食,没有种子萌发,影响种子库动态的各种因子的作用大小在时间上是变化。被搬运的种子中,有4.9%的由表面种子库转移到埋藏加。土层是滇青冈种子的安全生境,土壤种子库的存在时间超过250天。埋入土壤的试验种子一直处于静止状态,到6月雨季后有80%种子萌发,20%的腐烂。萌发种子数是当年产种子的0.26%。滇青冈林内的滇青冈种子库是季节性的,种子库对种群个体的补充作用是有限的。  相似文献   

非洲菊的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1植物名称非洲菊(Gerberajamesonii),又名扶郎花。2材料类别无菌种子萌发的幼苗。3培养条件(1)种子萌发培养基:1/2MS+0.7%琼脂(或脱脂棉);(2)诱导分化培养基:MS+6-BA1.5mp·L-1(单位下同)+IBA0.2;(3)芽增殖培养基:MS+6-BA0.5;(4)生根培养基:MS+NAA2。上述(2)、(3)、(4)培养基内琼脂均为0.7%,蔗糖3%,pH5.8~6.0。培养条件为室温和自然光照,种子萌发前为暗培养。4生长与分化情况4.1萌发种子用纱布袋包装,无菌…  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草原退化机理的研究   总被引:58,自引:9,他引:49  
在内蒙古冷蒿小禾草退化草原上,经过6年围栏定量的放牧,分别对9种主要植物种群的形态学特征对放牧的响应进行了研究.结果表明,不同生活型和营养繁殖方式的牧草对放牧率的响应策略是不同的,从而构成了不同放牧率下群落演替的基础.匍匐以不定根行营养繁殖生长或分蘖性强的种群是较适应于重牧的,如冷蒿(Artemisiafrigida)和星毛委陵菜(Potentilaauculis);以根茎和分蘖行营养繁殖的羊草(Leymuschinense)和冰草(Agropyroncristatum)及丛生禾草克氏针茅(Stipakrylovi)属宜轻牧植物;以根茎和分蘖行营养繁殖的寸草苔(Carexduriuscula)和小丛生禾草糙隐子草(Cleistogenessquarrosa)属宜中牧植物;而以分枝行营养繁殖的扁蓿豆(Melisitusruthenica)和木地肤(Kochiaprostata)则宜轻牧.随着放牧率的增大,群落发生明显的变化,小禾草的比例逐渐减少,冷蒿小禾草退化草原最终进一步趋同于星毛委陵菜退化草原;而轻牧可以维持草原现状或使其发生恢复演替,禾草比例增加,即可达到利用式改良的目的  相似文献   

四种植物种子萌发及苗期抗旱性差异的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
对四种豆科植物种子萌发及苗期抗旱性作了比较研究,结果表示:种子萌发期抗旱笥强的植物其苗期抗旱性亦强。干旱引起组织脱水,植株生长受到抑制,幼苗出现衩始萎蔫时间与细胞膜受害时间一致。四种植物显示萎蔫时土壤含水量明显不同,红豆草为4.80%、羊柴2.2%、花棒1.74%、柠条1.51%.据种子相对发芽率、膜透性变化等生理指标综合评定四种植物种子萌发及苗期抗旱能力次序为:柠条>花棒>羊柴>红豆草。  相似文献   

Species composition, number of emerging seedlings, species diversity and functional group of the soil seed banks, and the influence of grazing on the similarity between the soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation, were studied in 2008 and 2009 in a semi‐arid savanna of Ethiopia. We tested whether the availability of persistent seeds in the soil could drive the transition from a degraded system under heavy grazing to healthy vegetation with ample perennial grasses. A total of 77 species emerged from the soil seed bank samples: 21 annual grasses, 12 perennial grasses, 4 herbaceous legumes, 39 forbs, and 1 woody species. Perennial grass species dominated the lightly grazed sites, whereas the heavily grazed sites were dominated by annual forbs. Heavy grazing reduced the number of seeds that can germinate in the seed bank. Species richness in the seed bank was, however, not affected by grazing. With increasing soil depth, the seed density and its species richness declined. There was a higher similarity in species composition between the soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation at the lightly grazed sites compared with the heavily grazed sites. The mean similarity between the seed banks and aboveground vegetation was relatively low, indicating the effect of heavy grazing. Moreover, seeds of perennial grasses were less abundant in the soil seed banks under heavy grazing. We concluded that restoration of grass and woody species from the soil seed banks in the heavily grazed areas could not be successful in semi‐arid savannas of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Abstract The germinable soil seed bank of a tropical eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia was found to be dominated by grasses and forbs, with seed bank density ranging from 58 to 792 seeds per square metre, from a total of 53 species. Late dry season fires and the fire‐related cues, heat shock and smoke, broke the seed dormancy of a range of tropical savanna species. Heat shock promoted the germination of the species groups natives, exotics, subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and the common species Indigofera hirsuta, Pycnospora lutescens and Triumfetta rhomboidea. Exposure to smoke at ambient temperature promoted germination from the soil seed bank of the species groups combined natives, upright perennial forbs and grasses, as well as the common grasses Digitaria breviglumis and Heteropogon triticeus. The germinable soil seed bank varied seasonally, increasing from the mid wet season (February) and early dry season (May) to a maximum in the late dry season (October). The effect of recent fire history on soil seed bank dynamics was limited to the immediate release of some seed from dormancy; a reduction in seed densities of subshrubs and monocots, other than grasses, in recently burnt savanna; and enhanced seed density of the ephemeral I. hirsuta in the year following fire. The seed banks of most savanna species were replenished in the year following burning.  相似文献   

Abstract. The germinable seed bank of Festuca spp., Carex patagonica, and other annuals and perennials in a semiarid Patagonian grassland was analyzed every three months. The effects of grazing, topography and microsites with respect to established grass tussocks on the germinable-seed bank were also analyzed. The total germinable-seed bank was larger in summer after seed rain. At this time of the year most of the seeds were from annuals and perennial dicots. Seeds of the dominant Festuca spp. were the main components of the graminoid seed bank, which was homogeneously distributed in patches of bare soil. In spring, i.e. some months after the seed rain, the germinable-seed bank of most of the species was greatly reduced, while the seed bank of Carex patagonica did not change significantly. At this time of the year, the graminoid seed bank was heterogeneously distributed in space, with the seeds accumulating in wind-protected microsites. In the grazing treatments, the seed bank of the perennial grasses was reduced proportionally to the decrease of the plant cover. On the other hand, the germinable-seed bank of C. patagonica increased with the grazing treatments, in relation to the increase of vegetation cover. Topographical position had two types of effect on the seed bank of perennial grasses. One was the increase of the germinable-seed bank, after the seed rain, on the relatively warmer northeast facing slopes, which was related to a higher seed rain in these places. The other was an increased seed loss on slopes. The different seed-bank strategies observed in this grassland are compared and discussed in relation to strategies described for other grasslands.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship between intensity and timing of cattle grazing on changes in the size and composition of the soil seed bank were investigated in a 3‐yr study in a Mediterranean grassland in northeastern Israel. Treatments included manipulations of stocking rates and of grazing regimes, in a factorial design. The retrieved soil seed bank community was rich in species, with 133 species accounting for 80% of the 166 species recorded at the site. Within the seed bank, 89% of the species were annuals. Seed bank dynamics was analysed in terms of plant functional groups and germination strategies. In terms of total seed bank density and including all functional groups, 42% of the seeds present in the soil did not germinate under watering conditions. The dormancy level differed greatly among functional groups. The seed bank of annual legumes, crucifers, annual thistles and annual forbs had a large fraction of non‐germinated seeds and characterized areas grazed early in the growing season under high and very high grazing intensity. These functional groups were considered to have a higher potential for persistent seed banks production. In contrast, short and tall annual grasses and tall perennial grasses, that were dominant in ungrazed or moderately grazed paddocks, generally had seed banks with a very small fraction of non‐germinated seeds. Seed bank densities varied widely between grazing treatments and years. Under continuous grazing, heavy grazing pressure reduced seed bank densities of grasses and crucifers in comparison to moderate grazing. The greatest reduction on the seed bank densities resulted from heavy grazing concentrated during the seed‐set stages.  相似文献   

Abstract Patch formation is common in grazed grasslands but the mechanisms involved in the formation and maintenance of patches are not clear. To increase our knowledge on this subject we examined possible reasons for patch formation and the influence of management on changes between patch states in three experiments in native pasture communities in the Crows Nest district, south‐east Queensland. In these communities, small‐scale patches (tall grassland (dominated by large and medium tussock grasses), short swards (dominated by short tussock grasses and sedges), and lawns (dominated by stoloniferous and/or rhizomatous grasses)) are readily apparent. We hypothesized that the formation of short sward and lawn patches in areas of tall grassland was due to combinations of grazing and soil fertility effects. This was tested in Experiment 1 by applying a factorial combination of defoliation, nutrient application and transplants of short tussock and stoloniferous species to a uniform area of tall grassland. Total species density declined during the experiment, was lower with high nutrient applications, but was not affected by defoliation. There were significant changes in abundance of species that provided support for our hypotheses. With light defoliation and low nutrients, the tall grassland remained dominated by large tussock grasses and contained considerable amounts of forbs. With heavy defoliation, the pastures were dominated by medium tussock grasses and there were significant decreases in forbs and increases in sedges (mainly with low nutrients) and stoloniferous grasses (mainly with high nutrients). Total germinable seed densities and those of most species groups were significantly lower in the heavy defoliation than the light defoliation plots. Total soil seed numbers were not affected by nutrient application but there were fewer seeds of the erect forbs and more sedge seeds in plots with high nutrients. The use of resting from grazing and fire to manage transitions between patches was tested. In Experiment 2 , changes in species density and abundance were measured for 5 years in the three patch types with and without grazing. Experiment 3 examined the effects of fire, grazing and resting on short sward patches over 4 years. In Experiment 2 , total species density was lower in lawn than short sward or tall grassland patches, and there were more species of erect forbs than other plant groups in all patch types. The lawn patches were originally dominated by Cynodon spp. This dominance continued with grazing but in ungrazed patches the abundance of Cynodon spp. declined and that of forbs increased. In the short sward patches, dominance of short tussock grasses continued with grazing but in ungrazed plots their abundance declined while that of large tussock grasses increased. The tall grassland patches remained dominated by large and medium tussock species. In Experiment 3 , fire had no effect on species abundance. On the grazed plots the short tussock grasses remained dominant but where the plots were rested from grazing the small tussock grasses declined and the large tussock grasses increased in abundance. The slow and relatively small changes in these experiments over 4 or 5 years showed how stable the composition of these pastures is, and that rapid changes between patch types are unlikely.  相似文献   

1. This paper explores soil seed bank composition and its contribution to the vegetation dynamics of a hydrologically variable desert floodplain in central Australia: the Cooper Creek floodplain. We investigated patterns in soil seed bank composition both temporally, in response to flooding (and drying), and spatially, with relation to flood frequency. Correlations between extant vegetation and soil seed bank composition are explored with respect to flooding. 2. A large and diverse germinable soil seed bank was detected comprising predominantly annual monocot and annual forb species. Soil seed bank composition did not change significantly in response to a major flood event but some spatial patterns were detected along a broad flood frequency gradient. Soil seed bank samples from frequently flooded sites had higher total germinable seed abundance and a greater abundance of annual monocots than less frequently flooded sites. In contrast, germinable seeds of perennial species belonging to the Poaceae family were most abundant in soil seed bank samples from rarely flooded sites. 3. Similarity between the composition of the soil seed bank and extant vegetation increased following flooding and was greatest in more frequently flooded areas of the floodplain, reflecting the establishment of annual species. The results indicate that persistent soil seed banks enable vegetation in this arid floodplain to respond to unpredictable patterns of flooding and drying.  相似文献   

Abstract Field experiments examined herbaceous seedling emergence and survival in temperate grassy woodlands on the New England Tablelands of New South Wales. Effects of intensity of previous grazing, removal of ground cover by fire or clearing, burial of seeds, grazing and seed theft by ants on seedling emergence and survival were studied in two field experiments. Thirteen species with a range of traits were used in the experiments and their cumulative emergence was compared with laboratory germination studies. Field emergence correlated to laboratory germination but all species had lower emergence in the field. Little natural emergence of native species was observed in the field in unsown treatments. Short‐lived forbs had the highest emergence, followed by perennial grasses; rhizomatous graminoids and perennial forbs had the lowest emergence. Soil surface and cover treatments did not markedly enhance emergence suggesting that intertussock spaces were not prerequisites for forb emergence. No consistent pattern of enhanced emergence was found for any treatment combination across all species. Seedling survival varied among species, with perennial grasses and short‐lived forbs having the highest seedling mortality. Low mortality rates in the graminoids and rhizomatous forbs appeared partially to compensate for lower seedling emergence. All perennial grasses and some short‐lived forbs showed increased risk of mortality with grazing. Differences in emergence and survival of species were related to ground cover heterogeneity, soil surfaces and, to some extent, herbivory. The complexity of these patterns when superimposed on temporal variability suggests that no generalizations can be made about the regeneration niche of herbaceous species groups. Strong recruitment limitation and partitioning of resources in the regeneration niche may reduce competition among native species and explain the high species richness of the herbaceous layer in the temperate grassy communities of eastern Australia.  相似文献   

Although studies of seed banks in arid ecosystems are commonplace, they are lacking for the large arid zone of Western Australia. Across the six major plant communities fringing a large salt lake within this zone, topsoil (0–5 cm depth) was collected from 12 to 36 sites per community. Samples were dried, spread out on a bed of vermiculite in seedling trays and placed in a well‐watered glasshouse to determine the readily germinable component of the soil seed bank. Subsamples of topsoil were treated with smoke water, hot water or flooding to help determine seed bank of species with dormancy mechanisms. As with other studies of arid seed banks, large numbers of grasses and forbs emerged from the topsoil, with relatively small numbers of woody perennial species and hummock grasses (Triodia spp.) present, even in communities where such species were dominant. There were, however, a few exceptions where a reasonable density of dominant trees/shrub seed was present in topsoil. Soil treatment generally had limited effect on composition and density of emergent seedlings. Although floristic similarity between soil seed banks and corresponding above‐ground vegetation was modest, there were clear differences in soil seed bank composition between communities. The implications of the results for using topsoils to restore landforms of the study area after mining or other disturbance are discussed.  相似文献   

The extreme species richness of native shrubland vegetation (kwongan) near Eneabba, Western Australia, presents a major problem in the restoration of sites following mineral sand mining. Seed sources available for post-mining restoration and those present in the native kwongan vegetation were quantified and compared. Canopy-borne seeds held in persistent woody fruits were the largest seed source of perennial species in the undisturbed native vegetation and also provided the most seeds for restoration. In undisturbed vegetation, the germinable soil seed store (140–174 seeds · m?2) was only slightly less than the canopy-borne seed store (234–494 seeds · m?2), but stockpiled topsoil provided only 9% of the germinable seeds applied to the post-mining habitat. The age of stockpiled soil was also important. In the three-year-old stockpiled topsoil, the seed bank was only 10.5 seeds · m?2 in the surface 2.5 cm, compared to 56.1 to 127.6 seeds · m?2 in fresh topsoil from undisturbed vegetation sites. In the stockpiled topsoil, most seeds were of annual species and 15–40% of the seeds were of non-native species. In the topsoil from undisturbed vegetation, over 80% of the seeds were of perennial species, and non-native species comprised only 2.7% of the seed bank. Additional seeds of native species were broadcast on restoration areas, and although this represented only 1% of the seed resources applied, the broadcast seed mix was an important resource for increasing post-mining species richness. Knowledge of the life-history characteristics of plant species may relate to seed germination patterns and assist in more accurate restoration where information on germination percentages of all species is not available.  相似文献   

How do effects from perturbations such as irrigation and grazing that have an impact at one stage of the recruitment process (e.g., seedling) affect performance at later stages (e.g., adult)? Such effects may be transferred to later stages without any further change (transferred effects), reinforced by a similar effect so that their importance increases (accumulative effect), or counteracted at later stages by an opposite effect (counteractive effect). We analysed the predominance of transferred, accumulative, and counteractive effects depending on (1) organization level (community, functional group, and species levels), (2) life cycle stage (seeds, seedlings, and adults), (3) grass/forb functional group (forbs versus grasses), and (4) seed mass (small-seeded species, medium-seeded species, and large-seeded species). The study was conducted in Alcalá de Henares, central Spain. During one annual cycle, we counted the number of readily germinable seeds (3,909 seeds: 2,156 forbs and 1,753 grasses), emerged seedlings (2,126 seedlings: 1,238 forbs and 888 grasses), and surviving seedlings up to reproductive adult status (917 adults: 217 forbs and 700 grasses) of all species (74 species) in a factorial field experiment under three different simulated rainfall and three seasonal sheep grazing regimes in a natural Mediterranean annual plant community composed of forbs (dicotyledonous herbs) and grasses (monocotyledonous herbs). Our main results were: (1) the proportion of transferred and counteractive effects was similar between the three studied organization levels (community, functional group, and species levels); (2) we detected many more counteractive effects in the seedling stage than in the adult stage; (3) we did not find more counteractive effects in forbs versus grasses, but transferred effects were more frequent in grasses; and (4) we found more counteractive effects with decreasing seed mass and more transferred effects with increasing seed mass. Our main conclusions were that the prevalence of counteractive effects reduces the sensitivity of the whole recruitment process and enhances the relative importance of the final stage (adults). The prevalence of transferred effects makes the recruitment process more predictable and more dependent on the early stages (seeds and seedlings).  相似文献   

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