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四川裂腹鱼乌江种群mtDNA控制区序列的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR扩增和直接测序法分析了四川裂腹鱼乌江种群32个个体mtDNA控制区的序列差异和遗传多样性.在该种群mtDNA控制区长度为464 bp的同源序列中,共计有9个变异位点,占总位点数的1.94%.32个个体共定义了9种单倍型,单倍型间平均遗传距离(P)为0.0060,单倍型多样度(Hd)为0.768.核苷酸多样性(π)为0.00324,平均核苷酸差异数(K)为1.500.用单倍型间遗传距离构建的NJ分子系统树聚为两个分支.结果提示四川裂腹鱼乌江种群遗传多样性匮乏,保护四川裂腹鱼乌江种群刻不容缓.  相似文献   

怒江三种裂腹鱼属鱼类种群遗传结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2007年4月到2008年8月,在怒江收集116尾光唇裂腹鱼,76尾保山裂腹鱼,35尾贡山裂腹鱼,测定其线粒体cytb基因序列以评估其遗传多样性。结果显示,光唇裂腹鱼116个cytb序列中定义了9个单倍型,14个多态位点,种群平均单倍型多样性Hd=0.8399±0.0124,核苷酸多样性pi=0.0025±0.0015。保山裂腹鱼76个cytb序列中定义3个单倍型,23个多态位点,种群平均单倍型多样性Hd=0.5544±0.0449,核苷酸多样性pi=0.0080±0.0041。35尾贡山裂腹鱼样本的cytb序列中定义8个单倍型,13个多态位点,种群平均单倍型多样性Hd=0.7664±0.0556,核苷酸多样性pi=0.0017±0.0011。由于近期的环境污染、水工建设、捕捞压力等使3种鱼各自在怒江下游形成隔离的、遗传结构简单的小种群。光唇裂腹鱼和贡山裂腹鱼历史上都经历过种群扩张,近期种群萎缩。约在(1.11±0.22)MaBP,保山裂腹鱼的烂渣河和保山东河2个种群分离,因此应当做2个进化显著单元进行管理。  相似文献   

采集黄河上游厚唇裸重唇鱼(Gymnodiptychus pachycheilus)甘肃玛曲群体,测定其线粒体DNA控制区序列,并从GenBank中下载青海玛多和贵德等3地2个群体的同源序列,分析该物种的遗传多样性、遗传结构及其演化历史.从81条729 bp序列中,检测到26个变异位点(占3.57%),碱基序列总的单倍型多样性为0.844,核苷酸多样性为0.0054,界定了34个单倍型,有1个广布单倍型H2,占所有样品的38.27%.单倍型网络图图显示单倍型没有明显的亲缘地理格局,H2处于中心,呈星状发散,系统发育分析没有显示出单倍型与地理位置的对应关系.AMOVA分析显示变异主要来自地理区内群体间,歧点分布和中性检测显示厚唇裸重唇鱼近期经历了种群扩张.分析表明黄河上游3地种厚唇裸重唇鱼种群未出现分化,建议应作为一个整体进行保护.  相似文献   

基于mtDNA Cyt b序列分析齐口裂腹鱼群体遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究测定了长江上游4个齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)野生群体(重庆巫溪、重庆城口、四川雅安、四川阿坝)共104个个体的线粒体Cyt b基因部分序列, 以探讨齐口裂腹鱼野生群体的遗传多样性和遗传结构。结果表明: 在104个个体Cyt b序列中共检测到43个多态性位点, 25个单倍型。4个齐口裂腹鱼群体的单倍型多样性介于0.704—0.884, 核苷酸多样性介于0.007—0.012。群体间Kimura双参数遗传距离介于0.008—0.017, 其中四川雅安群体与四川阿坝群体间遗传距离最近, 基因交流频繁。重庆城口群体与四川雅安群体间遗传距离最远, 基因交流受阻。AMOVA分析表明, 齐口裂腹鱼的遗传分化主要来自群体内部, 且组群间、组群内群体间和群体内存在显著的遗传分化。中性检验得到Tajima’s D和 Fu’s Fs的值不显著, 且歧点分布图呈多峰, 表明长江上游4个齐口裂腹鱼野生群体未经历过种群扩张。研究旨为齐口裂腹鱼野生资源保护提供必要参考意见, 同时为齐口裂腹鱼种质资源合理开发和利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为探讨周公河中齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)的遗传多样性和遗传结构, 沿周公河连续设定6个采样点进行齐口裂腹鱼采集, 在进行基因组DNA提取后以线粒体控制区(D-loop)为分子标记进行种群遗传多样性和遗传结构的评估。结果从63尾齐口裂腹鱼中共检测到32个单倍型, 核苷酸多样性(π)为0.013, 单倍型多样性(h)为0.966。遗传多样性最高的为张家湾种群(PopF, π=0.018, h=1.000), 核苷酸多样性最低的为罗坝种群(PopC, π=0.010, h=0.970), 单倍型多样性最低的为瓦屋山大坝下游种群(PopB, π=0.015, h=0.867)。种群间共享13个单倍型, 多数齐口裂腹鱼种群间的遗传分化水平中等或较低, 仅Pop C和Pop F (Fst=0.195, P<0.01), 种群Pop A 和PopE (Fst=0.158, P<0.01)分化程度较高, 显示各种群间较密切的遗传关系。周公河不同河段齐口裂腹鱼群体的遗传多样性处于较高的水平, 各种群间具有较近的遗传关系。  相似文献   

软刺裸裂尻鱼Schizopygopsis malacanthus是青藏高原特有鱼类。本研究测定了青海省玉树藏族自治州3个软刺裸裂尻鱼野生群体(隆宝滩国家级自然保护区、巴塘河上游、巴塘河下游)共72尾的mtDNA D-loop的部分序列(610 bp),分析了其遗传多样性和种群遗传结构,旨在为玉树软刺裸裂尻鱼野生资源保护和合理开发提供理论依据。共发现29个多态位点,定义了16个单倍型。3个种群的单倍型多样性为0.438±0.121~0.676±0.076,核苷酸多样性为0.003 4±0.000 5~0.008 6±0.001 3。群体遗传分化指数统计检验表明,两两群体之间的差异均极显著。基因流分析结果表明,巴塘河上、下游种群之间的基因流水平较高,个体交流频繁。AMOVA分析结果显示,79.49%的遗传变异来自于种群间,20.51%的遗传变异来自于种群内,群体间遗传分化极显著。系统发育树和单倍型进化网络结果显示,3个种群的单倍型按照隆宝滩国家级自然保护区和巴塘河水系形成2大类群。中性检验结果表明,软刺裸裂尻鱼近期未出现显著的种群扩张事件。建议将分布在隆宝滩国家级自然保护区和巴塘河水系的软...  相似文献   

铜鱼线粒体控制区的序列变异和遗传多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用PCR和DNA测序技术研究长江中上游野生铜鱼的遗传多样性和群体遗传学特征,从9个采样点共获得100尾铜鱼,用于分析的线粒体DNA控制区的片段序列为946bp。在100个序列中,共检测出变异位点47个(其中增添/缺失位点8个),单倍型41种。9个地理群体的平均单倍型多样性(Hd)和平均核苷酸多样性(Pi)分别为0.9257±0.0162和0.004178±0.002337,表现出较贫乏的遗传多样性。群体间的分化指数(FST值)、平均基因流(Nm)、分子方差分析(AMOVA)和平均K2-P遗传距离均表明9个铜鱼地理群体间存在广泛的基因交流,未明显发生群体遗传分化。另外,共享单倍型比例较高,约为34%(14/41)。单倍型的UPGMA分子系统树和简约网络图显示单倍型的聚类与地理分群没有相关性。上述结果表明9个铜鱼地理群体属于同一种群。    相似文献   

嘉陵裸裂尻鱼为青藏高原特有鱼类,近年来随自然地理气候的变迁和人类活动的影响,种群数量急剧减少。为了解嘉陵裸裂尻鱼的遗传背景以便更好的保护其遗传资源,本研究采用线粒体控制区部分序列变异,分析了嘉陵裸裂尻鱼6个地理种群的遗传结构和分布动态。在147尾个体中共发现17个变异位点,定义了14种单倍型,群体总的单倍型多样性较高为0.810,核苷酸多样性低为0.00698。AMOVA分析显示,44.29%的分子差异源于群体间,55.71%的分子差异源于群体内,群体间遗传分化极显著。Fst值统计检验表明,除宕昌群体和舟曲群体之间差异不显著外,其余两两群体之间Fst值统计检验均显著。基因流估计显示各群体间的基因流水平较高,遗传交流较频繁。Mantel test检验表明,嘉陵裸裂尻鱼种群之间遗传分化程度与地理距离存在显著相关。系统树和单倍型网络进化图显示,6个地理群体的单倍型按照嘉陵江水系和渭河水系形成两个大的类群。错配分布和中性检验表明嘉陵裸裂尻鱼群体在近期历史上群体大小保持稳定,未出现显著的种群扩张。根据本文所揭示的嘉陵裸裂尻鱼种群遗传结构特征,建议将分布在嘉陵江水系的嘉陵裸裂尻鱼作为一个整体进行保护,嘉陵裸裂尻鱼渭河种群属高度分化的单倍型类群,且遗传多样性极低,需对该种群进行优先保护。  相似文献   

研究以海南陵水、马来西亚、西沙、南沙4个海域共101尾波纹唇鱼作为研究对象, 通过线粒体DNA的COⅠ和Cytb基因序列分析方法对波纹唇鱼进行了遗传多样性研究。经PCR扩增、克隆与序列测定, 分别获得1560 bp COⅠ基因和1141 bp Cytb基因序列。两者多态性遗传参数统计显示, 101尾个体分别存在23 (COⅠ)和30 (Cytb)个变异位点, 分别检测出20 (COⅠ)和27 (Cytb)个单倍型, 总群体单倍型多样性(Hd)分别为0.629 (COⅠ)和0.755 (Cytb), 平均核苷酸差异数(K)分别为1.195 (COⅠ)和1.424 (Cytb), 核苷酸多样性指数(Pi)分别为0.00077 (COⅠ)和0.00126 (Cytb)。分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果分别为26.26% (COⅠ)和4.22% (Cytb)的变异来自群体间, 73.74% (COⅠ)和95.78% (Cytb)的变异来自群体内。同时, 两个基因的单倍型网络图呈星状放射结构, 不同地理来源的单倍型无明显分支, 呈交错分布, 没有体现地理差异性。研究初步认为, 波纹唇鱼的遗传多样性处于较低水平, 遗传分化存在但不显著, 该结果可为今后波纹唇鱼的种质资源保护工作提供必要的科学依据。    相似文献   

塔里木裂腹鱼群体遗传结构及遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
塔里木裂腹鱼为塔里木河水系特有濒危裂腹鱼类。研究采集5个群体(多浪渠首、喀拉喀什河、木扎提河、塔什库尔干、玉龙喀什河)塔里木裂腹鱼,扩增线粒体控制区第一高变区,共获得长度456 bp序列95条。塔里木裂腹鱼单倍型多样度和核苷酸多样度分别为0.7118、0.0024。AMOVA分析显示,群体间遗传分化显著。FST值统计检验表明,除喀拉喀什河群体与玉龙喀什河群体之间差异不显著外,其他两两群体之间都是显著的。分子系统树和单倍型网络图分析表明,塔里木裂腹鱼单倍型间关系较近。中性检验和mismatch分析显示,塔里木裂腹鱼群体经历过近期群体扩张事件。根据核苷酸不配对分布τ值计算其群体扩张时间为20万年前。天山、昆仑山的运动以及第四纪冰期-间冰期的变化可能影响了塔里木裂腹鱼的群体历史动态。  相似文献   

新疆裂腹鱼类的系统发生关系及物种分化时间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章采用线粒体COI、ND4、16S rRNA基因联合数据分析了新疆分布的裂腹鱼类4属10个种或亚种的分子系统发育,并通过鲤亚科的分化时间、黄河上游和青海湖隔离的地质时间来校正分子钟,进而探讨了裂腹鱼类分化时间与塔里木盆地周边地区主要地质事件和气候变化的关系。结果发现,扁吻鱼属未能形成独立的分支,与塔里木裂腹鱼、厚唇裂腹鱼聚在一起。进一步基于COI基因序列,利用Kimura双参数模型计算遗传距离,发现扁吻鱼属和裂腹鱼属间的遗传距离未达到属间区别,扁吻鱼可能是裂腹鱼属内特化的物种;聚类分析结果不同于裂腹鱼属的形态学分类方法,不支持裂腹鱼属鱼类的亚属划分;原始等级裂腹鱼类(包括裂腹鱼属和扁吻鱼属)两个族群的分化时间(8.18 Ma)与新疆裸重唇鱼和斑重唇鱼的分化时间(7.67 Ma)均发生于晚中新世,这可能与8Ma左右青藏高原北缘和北天山抬升、塔里木盆地气候干旱化等重大地质事件和气候转型导致青藏高原北缘(昆仑山)和北天山水系间出现分离相关。而塔里木盆地裂腹鱼属鱼类现今的分布格局可能与第四纪喜马拉雅运动使盆地形成西高东低的地势、罗布泊成为塔里木盆地周边高山发源河流的汇水中心相关。  相似文献   

黑石顶南亚热带常绿阔叶林优势种群黄果厚壳桂的AFLP分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
以扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)分析了黑石顶南亚热带常绿阔叶林优势种群黄果厚壳桂(Cryptocarya concinna)在三个不同群落类型中的遗传多态性及遗传结构,并比较了该3个种群间的遗传分,以4对AFLP选择引物组合产生了大量扩增表型带,用AMOVA、PHYLIP等软件分析计算了种群的遗传结构。结果表明黑石顶黄果厚0壳桂种群具有高的种群内遗传多态性、低的种群间遗传分析。并讨论了种群遗传变化与生境的关系。  相似文献   

Analyses of the microbial diversity across the human microbiome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li K  Bihan M  Yooseph S  Methé BA 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e32118
Analysis of human body microbial diversity is fundamental to understanding community structure, biology and ecology. The National Institutes of Health Human Microbiome Project (HMP) has provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine microbial diversity within and across body habitats and individuals through pyrosequencing-based profiling of 16 S rRNA gene sequences (16 S) from habits of the oral, skin, distal gut, and vaginal body regions from over 200 healthy individuals enabling the application of statistical techniques. In this study, two approaches were applied to elucidate the nature and extent of human microbiome diversity. First, bootstrap and parametric curve fitting techniques were evaluated to estimate the maximum number of unique taxa, S(max), and taxa discovery rate for habitats across individuals. Next, our results demonstrated that the variation of diversity within low abundant taxa across habitats and individuals was not sufficiently quantified with standard ecological diversity indices. This impact from low abundant taxa motivated us to introduce a novel rank-based diversity measure, the Tail statistic, ("τ"), based on the standard deviation of the rank abundance curve if made symmetric by reflection around the most abundant taxon. Due to τ's greater sensitivity to low abundant taxa, its application to diversity estimation of taxonomic units using taxonomic dependent and independent methods revealed a greater range of values recovered between individuals versus body habitats, and different patterns of diversity within habitats. The greatest range of τ values within and across individuals was found in stool, which also exhibited the most undiscovered taxa. Oral and skin habitats revealed variable diversity patterns, while vaginal habitats were consistently the least diverse. Collectively, these results demonstrate the importance, and motivate the introduction, of several visualization and analysis methods tuned specifically for next-generation sequence data, further revealing that low abundant taxa serve as an important reservoir of genetic diversity in the human microbiome.  相似文献   

We investigated the short‐term impact of disturbance on genetic diversity and structure of the tropical butterfly Drupadia theda Felder (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Populations were sampled from five landscapes in East Kalimantan (Borneo, Indonesia) which were differentially disturbed by selective logging and the 1997/1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)‐induced drought and fires. Sampling occurred before (in 1997) and after the forest fires (in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2004). Drupadia theda populations underwent serious population size reductions following the 1997/1998 ENSO event. For a total of 208 individuals, we sequenced a 509‐bp segment of mtDNA containing the control region plus the 5’ end of the 12S rDNA gene. Haplotype diversity in D. theda populations ranged from 0.468 to 0.953. Just after the 1997/1998 ENSO event, number of recorded individuals and genetic diversity were very low in D. theda populations sampled in the two severely burned areas and in a small pristine forest fragment that was surrounded by burned forest and thereby affected by drought. Interestingly, higher levels of genetic diversity were observed in logged forest compared to proximate pristine forest. After 1998, the genetic composition within the three ENSO‐disturbed areas diverged. In the twice‐burned forest, the genetic diversity in 1999 already approached pre‐fire levels, while it remained nearly unchanged in proximate once‐burned forest. Our data suggest that the 1997/1998 ENSO‐induced drought and fires caused massive reductions in the genetic diversity of D. theda and that population recoveries were linked to their geographical position relative to patches of unburned forest (and thus to source populations).  相似文献   

We sampled litter frogs in an 1800-ha mid-elevation seasonal forest in southeastern Brazil. One hundred 8 * 8-m plots were sampled during the dry/cold season and wet/warm season (unburned areas); we also examined the effects of fire in recently burned areas. A total of 267 frogs (305 g), belonging to 16 species (4 families) were caught. A single species comprised 78.5 percent of the individuals in the dry/cold season and 54.3 percent in the wet/warm season. The density of individuals did not change significantly with season, biomass did. Density and biomass of frogs were positively correlated with altitude. A Mantel test indicated that biological data (species and their abundance) were significantly associated with environmental parameters. The burned areas showed low values in richness, density and biomass of frogs. Harsh seasonal climate and a history of human disturbance may produce the low observed diversity values. The greater densities of frogs in sites of higher elevation may primarily result from mist-generated humidity, which diminishes the harshness of the dry/cold season in relation to lower sites.  相似文献   

Surveying the diversity of stinging wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) provides an important information base to assist in biodiversity conservation and the management of forest reserves, as wasps depend on and maintain the population balance of several other groups of insects. In accordance, this paper presents an altitudinal survey of wasps (Hymenoptera, Aculeata, Vespidae) in Itatiaia National Park, Brazil, which is a protected area covered by Atlantic Forest in a mountainous landscape, with altitudes ranging between 540 and 2791 metres above sea level. Six altitudinal zones were sampled with entomological net, and the abundance and diversity of the species were indicated by zones. Field sampling took 288 h of discontinuous activity, which was randomly conducted from December 2012 to December 2013. A total of 398 individuals belonging to 29 species and two subfamilies (Eumeninae and Polistinae) were sampled. Eight species are new records for the state of Rio de Janeiro. We found a monotonic decrease in wasp diversity in relation to altitude, and the number of captured individuals differed significantly between the low and high altitudes.  相似文献   

Intraorganism genetic stability is assumed in most organisms. However, here we show for the first time intraorganism genetic heterogeneity in natural populations of marine sponges. A total of 36 different multilocus genotypes (MLGs) were detected in 13 individuals of Scopalina lophyropoda sampled at 4 distant points within each sponge. All genotypes (showing a mosaic distribution), were transmitted to the progeny, thus contributing to the high genetic diversity and low clonality reported for this species, although its populations are small and structured and show high fission rates. There did not seem to be intraindividual genotype conflicts; on the contrary, chimeric individuals are expected to show low mortality thanks to the differential mortality of their different MLGs. This novel mechanism may also counterbalance genetic constraints in other benthic invertebrate species. The presence of sponge chimerism also suggests that results from previous population genetics studies could have been misinterpreted.  相似文献   

Genetic variability within and among two karyotypic groups and five chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in Poland was assayed by sequencing a 1023 bp part of the cytochrome b gene (mtDNA) from 28 individuals. Thirty-four variable positions defined 21 distinct haplotypes with a maximum sequence divergence of 0.88%. No significant differentiation in the cytochrome b gene between Western and Eastern Karyotypic groups was found. Haplotype diversity estimates within the races and groups sampled were high (h = 0.800-0.928), while nucleotide diversity estimates were low (pi = 0.0034-0.0053). The distribution of pairwise nucleotide differences fits well with expectations of a "sudden expansion" model. High haplotype diversity was accompanied by relatively high expected heterozygosity (H(E)) values in nuclear genes (calculated over 47 enzyme loci: H(E) = 0.031 - 0.049), giving no evidence for a recent bottleneck after the process of post-Pleistocene recolonization of Poland by the shrews. Thus, for S. araneus chromosome races in Poland, the data on the cytochrome b gene variability support the hypothesis assuming the Robertsonian fusions having spread into an ancestral acrocentric distribution.  相似文献   

1. The empirical relationships among body size, species richness and number of individuals may give insight into the factors controlling species diversity and the relative abundances of species. To determine these relationships, we sampled the arthropods of grasslands and savannahs at Cedar Creek, MN using sweep nets (90 525 individuals of 1225 species) and pitfall traps (12 721 individuals of 92 species). Specimens were identified, enumerated and measured to determine body size.
2. Both overall and within abundant taxonomic orders, species richness and numbers of individuals peaked at body sizes intermediate for each group. Evolution could create unimodal diversity patterns by random diversification around an ancestral body size or from size-dependent fitness differences. Local processes such as competition or predation could also create unimodal diversity distributions.
3. The average body size of a species depended significantly on its taxonomic order, but on contemporary trophic role only within the context of taxonomic order.
4. Species richness ( S i) within size classes was related to the number of individuals ( I i) as S i =  I i0·5. This relationship held across a 100 000-fold range of body sizes. Within size classes, abundance distributions of size classes were all similar power functions. A general rule of resource division, together with similar minimum population sizes, is sufficient to generate the relationship between species richness and number of individuals.
5. Smaller bodied species had slightly shallower abundance distributions and may, in general, persist at lower densities than larger species.
6. Our results suggest there may be fewer undescribed small arthropod species than previously thought and that most undescribed species will be smaller than arthropods.  相似文献   

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