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复方避孕药物(EP-1) 对雄性大仓鼠繁殖器官的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
鉴于传统化学灭杀方法存在的不足和缺陷,各国都在致力于研究无公害、可持续的鼠害防治技术与策略,其中不育控制是当前研究的一个热点:近年来我国在鼠类不育控制方面也开展了一些研究(张知彬等,1997a,1997b,2001;Shi et a1..2002;Li et a1.,2006)。  相似文献   

Two polypores from Yunnan new to China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 INTRODUCTION Wood-rotting fungi have been intensively studied in China (Dai & Niemela 2002; Dai et al. 2003, 2004a, 2004b; Dai & Penttil/i 2006), and some new species and new records were found from tropical and subtropical forests in southern part of the Country (Cui et al. 2006b; Cui et al. 2007; Dai 2004; Dai & Cui 2005; Dai & Yuan 2005; Yuan et al. 2004). Some species are new forest pathogens (Cui et al. 2006a; Dai et al. 2001, 2002, 2004).  相似文献   

Dear Editor, The pathways of ethylene biosynthesis and signaling have been studied in detail (Ji and Guo, 2013). Arabidopsis REVERSION-TO-ETHYLENE SENSITIVITY1 (RTE1), interacting with ETR1, and its homologs tomato GREEN RIPE (SlGR) and SlGRL1, and rice OsRTH1 negatively regulate the ethylene signaling (Barry and Giovannoni, 2006, Resnick et al., 2006; Dong et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2012). A newly published study suggested that a cytochrome b5 and RTE1 are functional partners in promoting ETRl-mediated repression of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis (Chang et al., 2014). However, AtRTH, RTE1 homolog in Arabidopsis, and its closest homolog in the tomato, SlGRL2 (GR-like2), do not play a role in ethylene signaling (Dong et al., 2010), and the function of the homologs of these members is not well known.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Protein phosphorylation is essential for multiple cellular processes. This post- translational modification is regulated by kinase-mediated phosphorylation and phosphatase-mediated dephosphorylation. Drosophila protein phosphatase V (PpV) and Saccheromyces cerevisiae Sit4 are homologs of mammalian PP6, which belongs to the PP2A subfamily of serine/threonine phosphatases (Mann et al., 1993; Wang et al., 2012). In addition to the catalytic subunit, PP6 holoenzyme also contains a regulatory subunit (PP6R1-, PP6R2, or PP6R3 in human; Sap4, Sap1-55, Sap1_85, or Sap190 in yeast; CG10289 in fly) and a scaffold subunit (Morales-lohansson et al., 2009). Studies in 5. cerevisiee showed that 5it4 knockout strain had reduced lipid droplet content and increased phosphoryl- ation of SNF1- (a homolog of mammalian and Drosophila AMPK) at an evolutionally conserved activation site (BozaqueI-Morais et al., 2010; Ruiz et a[., 2011). However, its function in metazoan has not been well explored.  相似文献   

对中国转刺蛛属Eriophora进行了修订,共记述8种,其中含3个新组合:宝天曼转刺蛛Eriophora baotianmanensis(Hu,Wang&Wang,1991)和喜马拉稚转刺蛛Ehimalayaensis(Tikader,1975)从园蛛属Araneus移人,杂斑转刺蛛E.poecila(Zhu&Wang,1994)从扇蛛属历肛n移人;3个新异名:王氏转刺蛛E.wangi Zhu et Song,1994和陕西转刺蛛E.shaanxiensis Zhu et Wang,1994均为宝天曼转刺蛛Ebaotianmanensis(Hu.Wang&Wang,1991)的异名,松林园蛛A.pineus Yin et a1.,1990为萨哈林转刺蛛E.sachalinensis(Saito.1934)的异名。  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Cyclophilins (CYP) are a class of highly conserved pepti- dyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPlases) that play important roles in various biological processes in eukaryotes (reviewed in Romano et al. (2004)). In higher plants, a conserved sin- gle domain cyclophilin has been identified as a novel com- ponent of the auxin signaling pathway by analyzing the tomato diageotropica (dgt) mutant (Ivanchenko et al., 2006; Oh et al., 2006). The dgt mutant displays a lateral-rootless and auxin-resistant phenotype (Ivanchenko et aL, 2006). Further studies revealed that mutations in the DGT-like genes of Physcomitrella patens also exhibited an auxin-resistant phenotype, suggesting a conserved role of DGT-like proteins in auxin signaling. Moreover,  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC islocated at an important branch point in the carbohydratemetabolism of plants. The enzyme is a homotetramer andcatalyzes the addition of bicarbonate to phosphoenolpyru-vate (PEP) to form oxaloacetate and phosphate. PEPC isregulated by metabolites and phosphorylation. AIIostericfeedback inhibition is mainly regulated by L-malate andL-aspartate which bind to a site separated from the activecenter (Kai et al., 1999; Paulus et al., 2013). Structure analy-sis of PEPC from Escherichia coli (Kai et al., 1999; Matsumuraet al., 2002), Zea rnays (Matsumura et al., 2002), Flaveria trin-ervia, and F. pringlei (Paulus et al., 2013) revealed that thesubstrate PEP and the feedback inhibitors bind to separatesites within each monomer.  相似文献   

Plant cells differ from their animal counterparts such that they are encased in a complex wall structure, crucial for cell growth through a dynamic equilibrium of rigidity and flexibility. Cell wall extensibility can be greatly influenced by apoplastic pH and reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Duan et al., 2014; Haruta et al., 2014). Several recent works demonstrated that the receptor-like kinase (RLK) FERONIA (FER) is critical to fine-tune cell growth in a spatiotemporal and context-dependent manner by controlling apoplastic pH (Haruta et al., 2014) and ROS (Duan et al., 2010, 2014), likely balancing wall rigidity for cell integrity and flexibility for cell expansion.  相似文献   

目前我国印太江豚 (Neophocaena phocaenoides) 的基础信息十分有限,2018—2020年对北部湾离岸较近的广西壮族自治区合浦儒艮国家级自然保护区及离岸较远的涠洲岛水域进行了截线抽样法船只考察。应用DISTANCE估算出儒艮国家级自然保护区印太江豚密度约为每平方千米0.273 (0.133 ~ 0.561) 头,数量约88头 (95%CI:43 ~ 181);涠洲岛水域印太江豚密度约为每平方千米0.100 (0.048 ~ 0.210) 头,数量约137头 (95%CI:65 ~ 286)。利用最大熵模型 (MaxEnt) 分析北部湾水域印太江豚的适宜栖息地分布及面积。MaxEnt模型训练集和测试集AUC值分别为0.980和0.927,模型拟合度较好,结果表明离岸距离和海洋深度是影响印太江豚栖息地分布的主要因子,印太江豚的适宜栖息地在北部湾东北部近岸区和海南西侧,适宜度超过0.5的栖息地面积达14 630.62 km2。2018—2020年印太江豚适宜栖息地面积较2013年大幅度下降,0.5适宜度的栖息地面积减少了40%。参考印太江豚2个群体的平均密度和北部湾适宜栖息地面积,粗略估计北部湾水域印太江豚约1 463 ~ 3 994头。由此可见,北部湾水域内印太江豚密度比较高,应引起足够的重视。建议首先进行区域性海洋环境的整体保护,重点关注鱼类资源的恢复及对人类活动尤其渔船的管控,并尽快建立新的自然保护区。  相似文献   

长江江豚主要栖居在近岸浅水水域,喜好泥沙质类型的河岸。但在长江干流,有很多自然河岸被固化,河岸固化给长江江豚分布和栖息活动造的影响仍不甚清楚。2016年3月—2017年1月,对长江干流2个自然河段江豚的数量和分布做了12次考察,并收集了这2个河段岸型的相关数据,来分析固化河岸对江豚栖息活动的影响。12次考察累计发现江豚215头次,平均每次考察观察到江豚(17.92±7.09)头次。研究区域的固化河岸约占岸线总长的59%,分析发现,仅约13.9%的江豚分布在固化河岸水域,86.1%的江豚均分布在自然河岸水域。江豚在单位河岸长度的分布数量与该段固化河岸长度所占的比例呈显著负相关(r=-0.639,P0.01)。在自然河岸,分布在近岸50 m水域的江豚占31.8%,而在固化河岸,仅观察到2头江豚活动在近岸50 m水域内。由此可见,固化河岸对江豚的近岸分布有明显影响。调查还发现,安庆城区建设带约10 km江段12次考察均未发现江豚分布,城区建设带可能对江豚栖息已造成严重影响。长江干流的固化河岸所占比例非常高,研究结果提示这可能导致长江干流江豚栖息地的丧失和破碎化加剧,在制定长江江豚保护措施必需慎重考虑此因素的影响,并据此提出相应的栖息地保护和恢复方案。  相似文献   

铜陵长江大桥对豚类栖息地的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于道平  唐海滨  汪克来 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2079-2084
根据1987-2001年在铜陵江段所进行的18次豚类生态考察,统计历年考察记录中,在成德洲-梅埂段(以下称大桥河段)工作的天数及观察到的白Ji豚和长江江豚数量,分别计算其SPUE值(Sightings per unit of effort,以头/d计)。并于1989,2001年,在长江水位8.5m左右(吴淞 高程)测定了大桥河段断面A,B,C,D的深度(m)及流速(m/s)。根据汉道最大河宽(B),转折角(α),曲折率(S/L),以及汊道宽长比(B/S)的变化,分析河道与沙洲的变动对白Ji豚和长江江豚栖息地的影响。研究结果表明大桥建成后,河段平面变形小,汊道分流比稳定,滩槽很少变动,流态稳定,水势复杂多样,仍具备豚类栖息活动必要的水文条件,但铜陵大桥对其上下河道,沙洲也产生了一定的影响,主要表现为近期和悦洲与成德洲附近的滩槽冲淤明显,汇,分流区主流摆动不确定,不能形成稳定的水区,导致成德洲附近的白Ji豚和长江江豚活动次数明显减少,特别是白Ji豚的活动路线中(太阳洲→梅埂)的羊山矶,历次考察中未观察到白Ji豚,总而言之,白Ji豚在大桥河段的SPUE值降低与其种群急剧下降是一致的,但在梅埂活动的次数下降不明显;长江江豚在局部水域(梅埂,横港)的SPUE值有上升趋势,这些现象可能与近期的河床演变及桥墩挑流有关。  相似文献   

长江江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)是生活在中国长江的珍稀濒危鲸类动物, 自然栖息地破坏是造成其种群衰退的重要原因。目前中国已经在长江中下游流域建立了8个长江江豚自然保护区。然而, 早期保护区的功能区划随经济发展和生态保护的现实矛盾日渐突出, 按照现行法规对保护区难以实行有效管理, 迫切需要进行优化调整。文章基于国家政策、长江江豚生物学特点及分布规律, 兼顾航运等重大经济发展需求, 提出了长江豚类自然保护区调整的原则和建议: (1)将长江江豚喜好的近岸水域及一定范围的重要江滩和洲滩湿地, 及江心洲汊江一侧水域划入核心保护区; (2)将中间主航道水域以及长江大堤至核心区边界之间的水域划入一般控制区; (3)兼顾历史遗留问题, 细化不同区域的管控措施。该调整方案一方面使保护区功能区划更加符合长江江豚的分布特征和偏好生境, 有利于对其自然种群和重要栖息地的有效保护。另一方面也有助于理顺自然保护区管理上存在的法律障碍, 为长江江豚自然保护区建设、规划和管理提供新的思路和模式。  相似文献   

Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China and flows into the Yangtze River. It is a traditional habitat for the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise, which has not been well investigated. To reveal the distribution of the porpoise in Poyang Lake, 12 passive acoustic surveys were conducted along 123 km of the main channel of the lake during different seasons (spring transition season, wet season, autumn transition season, and dry season) from 2008 to 2012. We counted the number of phonating porpoises encountered and calculated the detection rate (encountered individuals detected per kilometer). The median porpoise detection rates ranged from 0 to 0.65 individuals per kilometer during the different surveys. The highest median detection rate of 0.50 was detected in the autumn transition season. The seasonal shrinking of the lake during the dry season may cause a concentration of porpoises in the narrow channels and a high incidence of collisions with cargo ships and fishing boats. Conservation actions should be focused on the main channel of the lake during the dry and transition seasons. In addition, the expansion of the existing reserve to include areas with high porpoise detection rates is necessary.  相似文献   

江西鄱阳湖是长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)的重要栖息地, 湖中栖息着约400 头江豚。多年的观察表明, 船舶交通是鄱阳湖中江豚面临的重要威胁之一。为了评估船舶通行对长江江豚发声行为的影响,尤其是了解船舶通行期间及其前后江豚的发声和行为特征, 作者于2007 年6 月27 日—7 月1 日在江西鄱阳湖湖口水域采用固定被动声学系统, 即安装在监测点(29°42′38″ N, 116°11′11″ E)的一套水下声学数据记录系统, 对周边通行船舶的水下噪声及江豚声纳信号脉冲事件进行了定点监测和记录, 并对所记录的数据进行了定量和统计分析。在整个监测的109h 中, 声学记录仪共记录到船舶494 艘, 江豚声纳脉冲串信号13413个。船舶出现与江豚出现存在弱的负相关关系(r = -0.029, N = 6550, P Z = -0.370, P> 0.05); 当有船舶经过时, 江豚的发声频次显著降低(Z = -10.050, P Z = -0.275, P> 0.05; Z = -0.119, P> 0.05); 船舶通行之前和之后, 江豚的发声频次、脉冲串持续时间、脉冲间间隔的差异性均不显著(χ2= 5.255, P> 0.05; χ2= 3.511, P> 0.05; χ2= 5.155, P>0.05); 在船舶经过时, 江豚对游动方向没有明显的选择性(χ2= 0.861, P> 0.05)。基于分析结果推测, 在狭窄水域中江豚躲避船舶干扰通常采取“临时性”策略, 而非长距离逃避。由于鄱阳湖湖口水域水道相对狭窄, 尽管研究的结果表明江豚对船舶有一定的敏感反应, 但是在相对狭窄的水域中, 江豚躲避船舶的行为难以充分表现。另外, 江豚对该水域中高密度航行船舶的噪声可能存在一定的“适应性”, 导致当遭遇船舶时, 江豚的声行为反应不十分强烈。因此, 建议有必要在不同尺度的水体中采用声学数据记录仪继续开展类似的观察,以进一步了解江豚对船舶的行为响应, 尤其是观察江豚躲避船舶的行为及发声特征    相似文献   

Information on the habitat use of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) is critical for its conservation. The diel biosonar behavior of the porpoise in the port areas of the Yangtze River was examined along with simultaneous observations of fish density and boat traffic. Biosonar pulses from the porpoises were detected for 1233 min (5.77%) over a 21,380 min duration of effective observations. In total, 190 (5.63%) buzzes (an indication of prey capture attempts) were recorded among the 3372 identified click trains. Of the 168 echolocation encounters (bouts of click trains less than eight min apart), 150 (89.3%) involved single animals, indicating that solitary porpoises were frequently present and feeding in the port areas. Significant diel patterns were evident involving the biosonar behavior of the porpoises (including click trains and buzzes), fish density and boat traffic. The frequencies of the click trains and buzzes were significantly lower during the day than in the evening and at night, which suggests that porpoises in this region are primarily engaged in crepuscular and nocturnal foraging. The lack of a significant diel pattern in the echolocation encounters indicates the importance of the port in porpoise conservation. A forced feeding schedule may be associated with the lack of a significant correlation between porpoise acoustics and boat traffic. Overall, prey availability appears to be the primary factor that attracts porpoises. Additionally, porpoises tend to migrate or remain downstream in the morning and migrate or remain upstream in the evening, most likely to follow their prey. The findings of this study can be used to improve the conservation of the Yangtze finless porpoise.  相似文献   

BaijiLipotes vexillifer (Miller, 1918) and the Yangtze finless porpoiseNeophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis (Pilleri and Gihr, 1972) are two sympatric small cetaceans inhabiting the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In this study, a fragment (420–428 bp) of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced to provide the first comparative survey of genetic variability and population structure in these two endangered species, with samples of finless porpoises from the Yellow/Bohai Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea also included. Low values of haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were found for both species, especially for the baiji and the Yangtze River and South China Sea populations of finless porpoises. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) supported a high level of overall genetic structure among three porpoise populations in Chinese waters, with greatest differences found between either the Yangtze River population or the Yellow Sea population and the South China Sea population. The differentiation between the Yangtze and Yellow Sea populations was not significant, and the males have higher genetic differentiation than the females, suggesting a significant female-biased dispersal between these two populations. This study showed that the Yangtze finless porpoise, unlike the sympatric baiji, was not a genetically isolated population. The Yangtze and Yellow Sea porpoises should be included in the same management unit, but further studies using more samples and especially based on more molecular markers are urgently needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

陈敏敏  张康  张平  严燕  张四刚  王康伟  于道平 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4242-4249
栖息地丧失和破碎化是威胁长江江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)种群长期发展的主要因素之一。航道整治工程是导致江豚栖息地丧失和破碎化的一个主要原因,研究工程施工和运行对江豚数量和分布的影响可为江豚栖息地管护提供有益信息。通过对湖口-吉阳矶水域江豚数量和分布的持续调查,分析了安庆段航道整治工程施工和运行对江豚的影响。12次目视调查共在研究水域发现江豚258群次613头次,工程施工前、施工期和初步运行期单次考察分别平均观察到江豚(67.0±24.3)头次、(35.6±22.2)头次和(50.0±2.8)头次。在主要施工区共发现江豚79群次185头次,施工前、施工期和初步运行期单次考察分别平均观察到江豚(18.60±12.03)头次、(10.4±7.3)头次和(20.0±4.2)头次。工程不同时期主要施工区江豚的数量及占比在统计学上没有显著差异。主要施工区S2和S3工程段施工期江豚平均分布密度((0.18±0.17)头/km、(0.04±0.08)头/km)较施工前((0.62±0.16)头/km、(0.40±0.29)头/km)显著下降,S5和S6工程段施工期平均...  相似文献   

The acclimation process of Yangtze finless porpoises to a limited holding pool after their introduction to this new captive environment is presented. One male (#1) and two female (#2, #3) finless porpoises, newly captured from two different sections of China’s Yangtze River, were observed in an indoor holding pool with an area of 155 m2 from January 1997 to January 1998 (animal #3 was removed from the pool in mid-February 1997). Three separate areas in the pool were predefined. Time spent in each of the areas was individually monitored two or three sessions a week using the focal sampling method. In total, 71.3 h of observations (316 sessions) were recorded, with an average observation time each month of about 2.4 h (10 sessions) for each porpoise. The percentage of time spent in each area per month was calculated for each porpoise, and the variations in the percentage of time spent in each area was compared. Results indicated that independent areas of activity existed among porpoises during the early stages of captivity. However, over time, the frequent approaches of the female to the male caused these areas to fade away, resulting in almost equal use of the entire pool area by the newly formed group. The existence of the independent areas of activity during the early months of captivity indicates that newly introduced individuals from different wild subgroups may need separate areas for activities. However, further studies with more animals are needed to draw more general conclusions about the individual areas of activity of this subspecies when in captivity.  相似文献   

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