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太湖入湖河道污染物控制生态工程模拟研究   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:29  
于1993年采用水培经济植物对太湖入湖河道污染物的控制作了生态工程动态模拟试验,结果表明,生态工程对TN、TP、NH4^+-N,COD和浊度的平均除率分别为84.17、83.75、87.99、86和86.53%,这为有效地控制太湖入湖河道污染物提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

湖南省大通湖百余年环境演化历史及营养物基准的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学有效地治理退化湖泊需要知晓湖泊的演化历史, 并设立合理的参照目标(即环境基准)来及时评判治理效果。湖南省大通湖位于经济发达的长江中下游地区, 发挥着重要的湖泊水生态系统服务功能。在强烈的人类活动干扰下, 该湖近年来生态系统退化严重, 但其水环境演变的历史缺少详细的记录。研究对大通湖沉积钻孔的年代、烧失量、化学元素、沉积物总磷(TP)和沉积硅藻等沉积指标进行了分析, 重建了大通湖百余年来的环境变化历史。结果表明: 在人类干扰加强和气候变化的共同作用下, 大通湖生态系统及环境发生了显著的变化, 硅藻群落由中营养属种Aulacoseira granulata占优过渡到以富营养浮游类型Stephanodiscus hantzschii、S. minutulus占优的过程, 揭示了该湖自1980s以来显著的富营养化过程; 对应的, 其他沉积指标亦发生了显著的变化。冗余分析揭示出沉积物总磷(TP)和铅(Pb)含量是影响湖泊环境演化的2个显著变量, 这表明工农业发展带来的营养和重金属输入对大通湖环境演化影响巨大。利用区域-总磷转换函数重建了大通湖过去百余年湖水总磷变化历史, 选择1850s人类活动相对较弱时期的湖水总磷(50—60 μg/L)及沉积物磷的浓度(600 mg/kg)值作为该湖的基准环境, 为湖泊的富营养化治理提供修复目标。  相似文献   

生态工程中食物链组合的环分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭中伟  李典谟 《生态学报》1993,13(4):342-347
本文研究了一个用于治理水体生态系统富营养化的生态工程,应用环分析方法对工程中的食物链的组合进行了分析。在这里,贝类被用于清除过量的藻类;种植水生植物改变营养的流转途径并且放养食植性鱼类,通过捕捞鱼和贝,使水体中的有机物和无机盐沿着从藻类到贝类和从水生植物到食植性鱼类两条途径由水体生态系统中输出,应用环分析的手段,可以调整生态工程中食物链的组合结构,使整个生态工程具有某种特定的功能。  相似文献   

肇庆星湖水质现状与变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在2002年对星湖四个子湖进行采样调查,运用相关加权综合营养状态指数来评价水质营养状态,结果富营养化程度由高到低依次为波海湖、中心湖、青莲湖、仙女湖。与1996~1997年的调查结果比较,波海湖仍处于富营养化状态,中心湖富营养化程度加剧,其富营养化程度超过了青莲湖和仙女湖,由中营养型过渡到了中富营养型。营养盐与叶绿素a的相关分析表明,硝态氮与叶绿素有正相关关系,与磷盐没有明显相关性,说明了硝态氮是星湖初级生产力的主要限制因子之一,而磷的含量充足,对初级生产力没有明显的限制作用。与1996~1997年比较,星湖总氮负荷增加46.5%,总磷负荷下降40.8%,而叶绿素a由6.0mg·m-3升高到16.9mg·m-3,说明星湖的富营养化仍在进一步加剧。  相似文献   

太湖藻型富营养化对水生高等植物的影响及植被的恢复   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
太湖的五里湖是典型的藻型富营养化湖泊,水质污染严重,水生高等植物消失。在该湖的物理生态工程围区内外,用盆吊繁殖试验、壮芽直播试验及人工水生植物群落套种栽培试验,研究藻型富营养化湖泊中影响水生高等植物生长、繁殖的主要水环境因子。结果表明,水体透明度是制约沉水植物和浮叶植物幼苗成活及生长的主要因子。在水体透明度较低、水下光照不足时,沉水植物生长受水下光照的影响大于浮叶植物,水下光照严重不足时,沉水植物的幼苗大量死亡。1995~1997年,在围区内成功地组建了包括漂浮植物、浮叶植物及沉水植物的15个不同的水生高等植物群落。恢复和重建的水生高等植物群落能够有效地净化富营养化水体。  相似文献   

钟诗群  陈荣坤  周杰  邢艳 《生态科学》2014,33(3):586-593
2009年5月至2012年4月对大通湖水体中的总氮、总磷、浮游生物进行了调查和分析。数据显示: 大通湖水体已中度富营养化。三年内, 总氮富营养化评价指数平均升高了15, 总磷富营养化评价指数平均升了13, 浮游植物的Sannon-Weiner指数平均下降了0.08, Margalef指数平均下降了1.65, Simpson’s指数平均下降了0.09, McNaughton指数平均上升了0.01, Pielou指数平均上升了0.05。一年中, 富营养化最严重的时期是8、9月份, 最轻的是1月份。大量施肥和不科学的放养模式是导致大通湖水体富营养化迅速加重、蓝藻比例逐年增大和浮游生物多样性下降的主要原因, 螺、蚌、蚬过多是导致大通湖水域生产力下降的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

于2016年3—8月,研究了江西省南昌市军山湖、青山湖和瑶湖的春夏季节浮游甲壳动物的群落结构。结果表明:3个湖泊共鉴定出浮游甲壳动物14种,其中枝角类8种、桡足类6种;军山湖、青山湖和瑶湖的浮游甲壳动物密度变动范围分别为0.8~24.9、0.3~18.7和5.9~47.9 ind·L-1;瑶湖的浮游甲壳动物密度显著大于军山湖(P=0.003)和青山湖(P0.001);秀体溞、微型裸腹溞和象鼻溞等富营养化种类是3个湖泊浮游甲壳动物的夏季优势种,而盔形溞是军山湖的春季优势种。冗余分析表明,水温、叶绿素a和pH是决定3个湖泊浮游甲壳动物群落结构的相同环境因子,位于城市近郊的青山湖和瑶湖的浮游甲壳动物群落结构还与氮、磷等营养盐密切相关。  相似文献   

张旭 《生物学通报》2012,47(5):22-25
以北京什刹海的水体治理为案例,引导学生通过分析水域生态恢复的相关资料,揭示生态工程原理和生成生态工程概念,尝试设计具体的生态工程案例而实现知识迁移.  相似文献   

西涧湖(原名城西水库)是安徽省滁州市唯一的地表水源,非点源污染已成为其水质恶化的重要原因。基于土地覆被格局,在GIS平台上建立分布式非点源污染运移截留过程模型。以磷素作为指示污染物,模拟了2010年及5种不同土地覆被情景下入库磷素量及截留量的响应。结果表明:2010年,流域向西涧湖的总磷输送量达到2461.20 kg,湖体西北部的市农科所、城郊居委会、水产研究所等地对水质危害最大。多数磷素在向湖体的运移过程中被各类土地覆被有效截留,总量达到5422.36 kg,占当年流域磷素总负荷的68.8%。5种情景下模拟入库磷素量总体符合农田建城区草地林地的规律。在入湖河道周边布设不同宽度植被缓冲带的情景4、5收到了很好的减污效果;而退耕还林政策单纯以坡度作为指标,指导土地覆被的转化,对减轻水环境非点源污染功效较差。  相似文献   

香根草对富营养化水体净化效果研究   总被引:67,自引:4,他引:63  
采用浮床种植香根草技术研究丁香根草对富营养化水体的净化能力.结果表明,香根草对富营养化水体中的氮、磷、COPD、BOD等具有明显的去除效果,能显著改善富营养化水体的水质.研究结果为发展利用陆生植物治理富营养化水域提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

武汉东湖的磷-浮游植物动态模型   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
本文报道了东湖的一个富营养化模型。这个模型按照1年的时间标度描述东湖藻类的生长和磷循环,其状态变量包括浮游植物磷、藻类生物量、正磷酸盐、碎屑磷和沉积物磷。模型校准和检验结果表明,模型对于系统给定状态的描述是令人满意的,并且对于系统的强制函数的改变能给予合理的响应。根据东湖富营养化工程治理的初步设想,利用模型进行了东湖污水截流前后的水质预报,同时考查了截流后移出沉积物或引灌江水对于改善其水质的效果。模型所提供的各种预报可供拟定东湖治理方案时参考。  相似文献   

太湖浮游植物优势种长期演化与富营养化进程的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用1991年至2002年每月一次的监测资料,系统分析了浮游植物优势种和生物量的周年变化情况。同时,总氮、总磷和浮游植物叶绿素a含量等相关资料也被用于解释太湖富营养化演化与浮游植物的关系。结果显示,太湖总氮、总磷、叶绿素a和生物量均呈自梅梁湾底至湖心的逐步递减趋势。在20世纪80年代末太湖刚开始富营养化时,浮游植物优势种群从硅藻转变为蓝藻。之后,浮游植物优势种群一直是蓝藻,但各年的浮游植物总生物量有变化。总氮、总磷、叶绿素a和生物量的年均值持续增长至1996年,其后有逐步下降的趋势,究其原因可能和当地政府在太湖流域的控制排污行动有关。微囊藻在太湖的占优是太湖富营养化的标志之一。研究结果说明浮游植物在大型浅水湖泊中可以作为反映富营养化进程的生态指标。  相似文献   

Lake phytoplankton are adopted world-wide as a sensitive indicator of water quality. European environmental legislation, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), formalises this, requiring the use of phytoplankton to assess the ecological status of lakes and coastal waters. Here we provide a rigorous assessment of a number of proposed phytoplankton metrics for assessing the ecological quality of European lakes, specifically in response to nutrient enrichment, or eutrophication, the most widespread pressure affecting lakes. To be useful indicators, metrics must have a small measurement error relative to the eutrophication signal we want them to represent among lakes of different nutrient status. An understanding of variability in metric scores among different locations around a lake, or due to sampling and analytical variability can also identify how best this measurement error is minimised.To quantify metric variability, we analyse data from a multi-scale field campaign of 32 European lakes, resolving the extent to which seven phytoplankton metrics (including chlorophyll a, the most widely used metric of lake quality) vary among lakes, among sampling locations within a lake and through sample replication and processing. We also relate these metrics to environmental variables, including total phosphorus concentration as an indicator of eutrophication.For all seven metrics, 65–96% of the variance in metric scores was among lakes, much higher than variability occurring due to sampling/sample processing. Using multi-model inference, there was strong support for relationships between among-lake variation in three metrics and differences in total phosphorus concentrations. Three of the metrics were also related to mean lake depth. Variability among locations within a lake was minimal (<4%), with sub-samples and analysts accounting for much of the within-lake metric variance. This indicates that a single sampling location is representative and suggests that sub-sample replication and standardisation of analyst procedures should result in increased precision of ecological assessments based upon these metrics.For three phytoplankton metrics being used in the WFD: chlorophyll a concentration, the Phytoplankton Trophic Index (PTI) and cyanobacterial biovolume, >85% of the variance in metric scores was among-lakes and total phosphorus concentration was well supported as a predictor of this variation. Based upon this study, we can recommend that these three proposed metrics can be considered sufficiently robust for the ecological status assessment of European lakes in WFD monitoring schemes.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化模型研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
自多湖泊富营养化引起人类注意以来,科学家们就设法通过使用数学模型来模拟湖泊富营养化的发生,预测湖泊对不同管理措施的响应,以便批出合理的治理措施。总的来说,湖泊富营养化模型大概经历了以下三个发展阶段:(1)单限制因子模型,如磷模型;(2)多限制因子模型,如浮游植物初级生产力估测模型;(3)生态-动力学模型,它是目前也是以后发展的主不充。随着人们对湖泊生态系统认识的提高和计算机技术的发展,生态与水动力耦合模型、面向对象模型和神经网络模型等具有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

This study demonstrated how the impact of eutrophication in a deep lake at the southern border of the Alps (Lake Garda) was regulated by specific modes of atmospheric circulation relevant for the Mediterranean area. At the decadal scale, nutrients and phytoplankton increased concurrently since the 1970s. At the annual scale, year-to-year fluctuations in nutrients and phytoplankton were controlled through a chain of causal factors centred on deeply penetrative mixing events determining an upward transport of phosphorus from the hypolimnion to the trophogenic layers. The extent of mixing was in turn controlled by lake and air winter temperature, which were ultimately regulated by the winter fluctuations of the East Atlantic pattern (EA). In its negative state, the EA shows an intense high pressure over the West Atlantic, causing a north-easterly air flow bringing cold air from continental Europe to Mediterranean, thus favouring greater lake mixing and nutrient fertilisation. Cyanobacteria (mostly Planktothrix rubescens) were the organisms which greatly benefitted from the long-term increase in phosphorus concentrations and the year-to-year fluctuations in surface phosphorus availability controlled by the EA. Given the same availability of phosphorus in the water column, positive winter EA phases weakened the eutrophication effects and phytoplankton development.  相似文献   

The question of nutrients responsible for eutrophication of freshwater lakes is reviewed, and recent additions to the literature on nutrient limitation are discussed. The paper by Lange is criticized on several grounds, including the facts that utilization of HCO3? by phytoplankton and the invasion of lake waters by atmospheric CO2 are ignored as sources of photosynthetic carbon. The phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations used in Lange's experiments are far higher than values published by others for Lakes Erie and Ontario. Preliminary results of fertilizing a small oligotrophic lake with nitrogen and phosphorus are described. The standing crop of phytoplankton increased by 30–50 ×, while the P:N:C ratio in seston did not change from ratios found in unfertilized lakes. Other experiments done in water columns isolated with polyethylene film showed that addition of carbon did not increase the phytoplankton standing crop. Since the fertilized lake was initially lower in total CO2 than any other recorded in the literature, it is concluded that carbon is unlikely to limit the standing crop of phytoplankton in almost any situation. Measurements of invasion of atmospheric gases to the fertilized lake by the Rn222 technique were compared with phytoplankton production measurements, revealing that atmospheric invasion of CO2 is sufficient to support the high phytoplankton standing crop in the epilimnion of the lake. Possible errors in interpretation of culture and bottle-bioassay experiments with respect to eutrophication are discussed.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化治理: 集中控磷, 或氮磷皆控?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于湖泊富营养化的治理, 有充足的全生态系统实验和湖泊治理实践表明, 只控磷(P)就可使湖泊贫营养化。但也有不少人认为需要氮(N)和P皆控。由于N和P皆控的成本可达只控P的4—15倍, 故确定富营养化治理是否必须既控P又控N是一个重大而现实的科学问题。针对这个问题, 文章对所有相关观点及其证据的科学性进行了系统辨析。首先, 系统总结了关于富营养化营养驱动与控制的研究历史。其次, 对判定营养控制的主要依据——限制因子的概念发展及判定方法进行了全面回顾与分析, 明确指出该概念的目的是确定促进生物生长的因子。第三, 介绍了新概念——减控因子, 其定义是: 在生态系统管理中, 能够抑制生物个体、种群和群落过度繁盛的必需环境因子, 或直接减灭生物本身的物理(机械)、化学和生物因子, 且成本效益最大。随后, 举例说明了确定减控因子的五个步骤, 即必需性、可控性、可行性、成本分析及实验和应用验证, 证明非限制因子也可成为减控因子, 而限制因子不一定是减控因子。第四, 基于减控因子分析, 指出湖泊富营养化的减控因子是P; 进而, 总结了加拿大和中国的全生态系统实验及大量湖泊治理实践的系统证据。这些充分证明: 仅控P就可控制富营养化, 而减N无助于控制浮游藻类总量, 反而会诱导固氮蓝藻大量生长。第五, 对控N观点的逻辑和实验依据逐一批驳, 指出这些争论或将限制因子混同于减控因子, 或缺乏大尺度的实验证据。第六, 系统辨析了高N的生态效应, 初步确定: 只有总氮和氨氮>5 mg/L时, N才对水生植物等有一定的负面影响且可促进沉积物P的释放。建议先把地表水Ⅰ—Ⅴ类的总氮和氨氮标准限值均放宽至2 mg/L, 后逐步放宽至5 mg/L左右。最后, 指出富营养化治理必须采取系统对策, 以修复物理、化学、水文和生物完整性。在维护湖盆物理完整性的基础上, 最根本的措施是控制外源P负荷总量; 若内源P负荷较大, 则可采取钝化等方法。次之, 应开展水位调控, 以修复水生植被, 实现浊-清稳态转换。综上所述, 湖泊富营养化治理应采取“放宽控N、集中控P的策略”, 以大幅度降低治理成本。  相似文献   

The water quality of Lake Geneva has declined steadily since the 1960s, due to a continuous increase of external phosphorus loading. Average P level in the lake increased steadily to a peak in 1979, and even 1981 in the case of P content in the trophogenic layer. Since then, reduced external inputs related to the delayed effects of phosphorus removal from waste waters initiated many years previously has led to a decrease in P level, and resulted in present stabilization and even improvement in water quality. Long-term changes in zooplankton abundance correspond quite closely to eutrophication level changes. After increasing since the 1960s, maximum zooplankton biomass was recorded for the first time in 1971; a second main peak appeared in 1981 together with the highest eutrophication level. Over the last seven years, zooplankton abundance has decreased continuously, while water transparency has decreased and phytoplankton production has remained at a high level.  相似文献   

筑坝河流磷素的迁移转化及其富营养化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鲍林林  李叙勇  苏静君 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4663-4670
人类活动过量营养物质输入是导致河流富营养化的主要原因,而河道过度的人为调控则进一步复杂化了河流的营养状态变化。闸坝是河流人为调控的重要工程措施之一,提高水资源利用效率的同时严重干扰了河流自然的生物地球化学循环,产生诸多负面生态环境效应。磷素的迁移转化对河流的营养限制作用受到越来越多的关注,国内外已有研究在筑坝河流磷的富营养化特征方面,已经取得了较为深刻的认识:水库闸坝建设滞留大量磷素,导致河流水体磷含量升高、营养物质比例变化,沉积物储存过量磷素形成的内源释放威胁,以及进一步浮游植物和有害藻类的生长响应等,使得筑坝河流的富营养化生态风险升高;在此基础上,也提出了根据降雨分配和闸控库区储水,合理设置闸坝泄流方式,以改善筑坝河流富营养化生态风险的重要管理思路。对于闸坝调控作用与水体富营养化的定量关系还有待进一步的探讨,而且随着河流资源开发和人为调控力度的增强,河流闸坝建设所产生的系列生态环境问题日益严峻,对此提出还需要系统研究的方向:闸坝调控作用下河流磷素的富营养化机制及其与氮、碳等元素的耦合作用,筑坝河流沉积物内源污染的综合管理,以及闸控景观河流的生态建设和修复等。  相似文献   

An increase in nutrient levels due to eutrophication has considerable effects on lake ecosystems. Cladocerans are intermediate consumers in lake ecosystems; thus, they are influenced by both the bottom‐up and top‐down effects that occur as eutrophication progresses. The long‐term community succession of cladocerans and the effects cladocerans experience through the various eutrophication stages have rarely been investigated from the perspective of the early‐stage cladoceran community assemblage during lake formation. In our research, long‐term cladoceran community succession was examined via paleolimnological analysis in the currently eutrophic Lake Fukami‐ike, Japan. We measured the concentration of total phosphorus and phytoplankton pigments and counted cladoceran and other invertebrate subfossils in all layers of collected sediment cores, and then assessed changes in the factors controlling the cladoceran community over a 354‐year period from lake formation to the present. The cladoceran community consisted only of benthic taxa at the time of lake formation. When rapid eutrophication occurred and phytoplankton increased, the benthic community was replaced by a pelagic community. After further eutrophication, large Daphnia and high‐order consumers became established. The statistical analysis suggested that bottom‐up effects mainly controlled the cladoceran community in the lake''s early stages, and the importance of top‐down effects increased after eutrophication occurred. Total phosphorus and phytoplankton pigments had positive effects on pelagic Bosmina, leading to the replacement of the benthic cladoceran community by the pelagic one. In contrast, the taxa established posteutrophication were affected more by predators than by nutrient levels. A decrease in planktivorous fish possibly allowed large Daphnia to establish, and the subsequent increase in planktivorous fish reduced the body size of the cladoceran community.  相似文献   

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