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以少根根霉 (Rhizopusarrhizus)脂肪酶为催化剂 ,有机溶剂为反应介质 ,合成了 3种短链脂肪酸酯 .研究了反应温度、溶剂、底物浓度、底物摩尔比、吸水剂用量等因素对酯化反应的影响 .确定了3种酯的最佳合成条件 :(1)己酸乙酯 :反应温度为 4 0℃ ,环己烷为溶剂 ,0 2 5mol L底物浓度 ,酸醇摩尔比为 1∶1 2 ;(2 )乙酸异丙酯 :5 0℃ ,环己烷为溶剂 ,0 15mol L底物浓度 ,摩尔比为 1∶1;(3)乙酸异戊酯 :5 0℃ ,异辛烷为溶剂 ,0 2 0mol L底物浓度 ,摩尔比为 1∶1.三种酯合成时均需 0 12 5g ml的0 5nm分子筛为吸水剂 ,在 8h后 ,合成酯转化率达到 97%~ 99% .  相似文献   

目的:比较不同摩尔比Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物与Aβ单体诱导神经元H_2O_2释放作用的差异。方法:制备不同摩尔比(0.1-5)的Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物,通过检测硫磺素T(Thioflavin T,Th T)荧光强度考察Cu~(2+)对Aβ纤丝形成的影响。利用原代培养的大鼠海马神经元细胞,分别以不同摩尔比Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物,不同浓度Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物(摩尔比为1),以及Aβ单体和Cu~(2+)处理细胞,检测培养上清中的H_2O_2含量;分离线粒体,分别检测不同浓度Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物(摩尔比为1),以及Aβ单体和Cu~(2+)处理后H_2O_2的释放;观察不同摩尔比Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物,不同浓度Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物(摩尔比为1),以及Aβ单体和Cu~(2+)对神经元细胞活力的影响。结果:(1)Th T荧光试验结果表明,Cu~(2+)与Aβ(10μM)摩尔比为1~5范围内可明显抑制Aβ纤丝形成。(2)Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物(摩尔比为1~5;Aβ浓度为10μM)以及摩尔比为1的Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物(Aβ浓度分别为5,10μM)可显著诱导神经元释放H_2O_2;另外,摩尔比为1时,Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物还可诱导神经元线粒体内H_2O_2释放;上述作用均强于Aβ单体或Cu~(2+)。(3)Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物(摩尔比为1~5)可显著降低神经元细胞活力,该作用强于Aβ单体或Cu~(2+)。结论:与Aβ单体相比,Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物诱发神经元细胞及其线粒体释放H_2O_2作用更强,并诱发更为明显的神经元毒性。提示Cu~(2+)与Aβ之间的配位结合可能增强其引发活性氧释放以及神经元毒性反应;Cu~(2+)-Aβ复合物引发的活性氧可能主要来自线粒体。  相似文献   

目的:通过不同摩尔浓度、摩尔比的光交联荆SANPAH和RGD接枝于经过去细胞和光氧化后的牛颈静脉(BJVC)表面的初步研究,以明确接枝RGD的效果和最佳浓度。方法:分别取4个不同浓度的SANPAH和RGD进行3个摩尔比的反应,经过紫外线照射光化学接枝后,各组血管片进行快速冰冻切片,荧光显微镜下观察,看不同浓度下和摩尔比反应、结合的荧光效果,从而初步推断出最佳的反应和结合浓度。结果:应用光交联剂后,血管内膜面有一层较强的荧光,随着RGD和SANPAH的浓度的升高,荧光整体上是越来越强,但是二者的浓度高于0.6mm时,荧光差别不是很明显;当二者的反应摩尔比为1:1时,荧光最强。结论:光交联剂SANPAH能够把RGD接枝到BJVC上,最佳的RGD和SANPAH反应及接枝的浓度是0.6raM,最佳的摩尔比是1:1。  相似文献   

讨论了以黑曲霉脂肪酶为催化剂,以抗坏血酸和棕榈酸甲酯为底物的酯交换反应及其影响因素。考察了在摇床速度为200r/min,叔丁醇为溶剂下,底物的摩尔比、温度、脂肪酶浓度、时间、含水量对转化率的影响。结果表明,底物棕榈酸甲酯与Vc的摩尔比为1.3:1.0、反应温度为36℃、反应时间为24h、脂肪酶浓度为15%、含水量为1%时,Vc的转化率为23%。合成的棕榈酸Vc酯,无需和底物分离,可以直接作为油脂食品的添加剂。  相似文献   

目的观察脱氧胆酸钠体外对致病株白色念珠菌菌丝相胞外磷脂酶的抑制作用。方法在37℃下,用蛋黄平板法培养并测量菌株产生沉淀圈的大小,用沉淀圈比值(PZ值)比较磷脂酶活力的变化。结果对照组与脱氧胆酸钠不同浓度组(依次为0.1%、0.2%、0.3%和0.4%)的PZ值分别为0.389±0.049、0.778±0.098、0.882±0.077、0.912±0.049和0.888±0.093;脱氧胆酸钠各浓度组与对照组比较差异均有非常显著性(P〈0.001)。脱氧胆酸钠不同浓度组间PZ值比较,0.1%和0.2%、0.1%和0.3%、0.1%和0.4%组间差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论脱氧胆酸钠体外对白色念珠菌菌丝相胞外磷脂酶具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

目的比较观察脱氧胆酸钠体外对自然生长条件下的新生隐球菌新生变种(CZYD7)胞外磷脂酶的抑制作用。方法在37℃下,用蛋黄平板法培养并测量菌株产生沉淀圈的大小,用沉淀圈比值(PZ值)比较磷脂酶活力的变化。结果对照组与脱氧胆酸钠不同浓度组(依次为0.1%、0.2%、0.3%和0.4%)的PZ值分别为0.390±0.050,0.782±0.038,0.875±0.074,0.914±0.048,0.885±0.091;脱氧胆酸钠各浓度组与对照组比较均有显著差异(P<0.01)。脱氧胆酸钠不同浓度组间PZ值比较,0.1%和0.2%、0.1%和0.3%、0.1%和0.4%组间有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论脱氧胆酸钠体外对新生隐球菌新生变种CZYD7株胞外磷脂酶具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

目的:利用体外浸泡法评价镍镀层、氮化钛镀层和镍-氮化钛复合镀层后的钕铁硼磁体抗胆汁腐蚀的效果,为临床磁压榨技术在胆道重建中的应用提供表面改性方案。方法:收集临床患者胆汁,采用体外恒温38℃浸泡磁体,定期称量磁体质量并更换浸泡液,检测浸泡液铁离子浓度。浸泡30天后计算各组磁体质量丢失率,扫描电镜观察磁体表面结构。结果:胆汁浸泡30天后,裸磁体、镍镀层、氮化钛镀层、镍-氮化钛复合镀层组磁体质量丢失率分别为0.57%、0.35%、0.34%、0.19%,不同时间点浸泡液铁离子浓度不同。电镜观察结果显示各组浸泡后磁体表面均出现不同程度的腐蚀斑,镀层出现脱落。结论:镍-氮化钛复合镀层表面改性处理后的钕铁硼磁体抗腐蚀能力明显优于单纯镍镀层和氮化钛镀层的磁体。  相似文献   

研究了固定化假丝酵母(Candida sp.)-1619脂肪酶合成聚乙二醇400油酸单酯与双酯的影响因素。不同摩尔比的底物反应6h都有单酯和双酯生成。酸与醇的摩尔比为O.25:1到2:1时,生成单酯与双酯的比例在3.5:1到4:1的范围内;当酸与醇的摩尔比达到3:1至8:1时,单、双酯的生成量相仿。反应达平衡时(24h),不同摩尔比底物的反应产物都是双酯。在含己烷的反应体系中,反应平衡时有单酯存在,摩尔比为2:1时,反应物中单、双酯比达到l:3.2。  相似文献   

混合培养提高菌株解磷解钾能力的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈阳农业大学的微生物实验室保藏菌种中得到互相不拮抗的根瘤菌S-2、溶磷菌P-3和硅酸盐细菌K-5,对这3株菌进行两两复合及三菌复合,分别测试其溶磷、解钾能力。结果表明:3株菌在第10天时溶磷、解钾能力最强。溶磷能力:两两复合培养的溶磷能力比各菌单独培养溶磷能力要提高25.50%、51.54%、26.99%,并且三菌复合培养具有1+1+13的溶磷效果。解钾能力:两两复合培养时S-2与P-3组合溶解钾长石的能力增强,但S-2与K-5、P-3与K-5的组合并无明显的促进作用,三菌复合虽较各菌株单独培养时高,但未表现出1+1+13解钾效果。  相似文献   

讨论了以固定化的黑曲霉脂肪酶为催化剂,以抗坏血酸和棕榈酸甲酯为底物的酯交 换反应及其影响因素.考察了反应温度、维生素C与棕榈酸的摩尔比、反应时间、溶剂的选 择、酶量等因素对催化棕榈酸抗坏血酸酯反应的影响规律.结果表明,摇床转速200r/min、 叔丁醇作溶剂、反应温度为55℃底物棕榈酸甲酯与Vc的摩尔比为2:1、反应时间为28h、脂肪酶浓度为4%,反应转化率为42.1%,产品纯度95%.  相似文献   

The effect of human bile juice and bile salts (sodium cholate, sodium taurocholate, sodium glycochenodeoxycholate and sodium chenodeoxycholate) on growth, sporulation and enterotoxin production by enterotoxin-positive and enterotoxin-negative strains of Clostridium perfringens was determined. Each bile salt inhibited growth to a different degree. A mixture of bile salts completely inhibited the growth of enterotoxin-positive strains of this organism. Human bile juice completely inhibited the growth of all the strains at a dilution of 1:320. A distinct stimulatory effect of the bile salts on sporulation was observed in the case of C. perfringens strains NCTC 8239 and NCTC 8679. The salts also increased enterotoxin concentrations in the cell extracts of the enterotoxin-positive strains tested. No effect on enterotoxin production was detected when an enterotoxin-negative strain was examined.  相似文献   

Musatov A  Robinson NC 《Biochemistry》2002,41(13):4371-4376
Bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), solubilized by either nonionic detergents or phospholipids, completely dimerizes upon the addition of bile salts, e.g., sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate, or CHAPS. Bile salt induced dimerization occurs whether dodecyl maltoside, decyl maltoside, or Triton X-100 is the primary solubilizing detergent or the enzyme is dispersed in phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, or mixtures thereof. In each case, complete CcO dimerization can be verified by sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium after correction for bound detergent and/or phospholipid. The relative concentration of the bile salt is critical for production of homogeneous, dimeric CcO. For example, enzyme solubilized by 2 mM detergent requires an equal molar concentration of sodium cholate. Similarly, enzyme dispersed in 20 mM phospholipid requires 50 mM sodium cholate, concentrations that are commonly used to reconstitute CcO into small unilamellar vesicles. Bile salts do more than just stabilize dimeric CcO and prevent detergent-induced dissociation into monomers. They are able to completely reverse detergent-induced monomerization and cause completely monomeric CcO to reassociate. Dimeric CcO so generated is no more stable than the original complex and easily dissociates into monomers if the bile salt is removed. The dimerization process is dependent upon a full complement of subunits; e.g., if subunits VIa and VIb are removed, the resulting monomeric CcO will not reassociate upon the addition of sodium cholate. These results support four important consequences: (1) dissociation of dimeric CcO into monomers is reversible; (2) stable dimers can be produced under solution conditions; (3) dimers can be stabilized even at relatively high pH and low enzyme concentration; and (4) subunits VIa and VIb are required for dimerization.  相似文献   

The effect of bile salts and other surfactants on the rate of incorporation of cholesterol into isolated brush-border membranes was tested. At constant cholesterol concentration, a stimulatory effect of taurocholate was noticed which increased as the bile salt concentration was raised to 20 mM. Taurodeoxycholate was as effective as taurocholate at concentrations of up to 5 mM and inhibited at higher concentrations. Glycocholate was only moderately stimulatory whereas cholate was nearly as effective as taurocholate at concentrations above 5 mM. Other surfactants such as sodium lauryl sulfate and Triton X-100 were very inhibitory at all concentrations tried whereas cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride was stimulatory only at a very low range of concentrations. These micellizing agents all caused some disruption of the membranes and the greater effectiveness of taurocholate in stimulating sterol uptake was partly relatable to the weaker membrane solubilizing action of this bile salt. Preincubation of membranes with 20 mM taurocholate followed by washing and exposure to cholesterol-containing lipid suspensions lacking bile salt, did not enhance the incorporation of the sterol. In the absence of bile salt the incorporation of cholesterol was unaffected by stirring of the incubation mixtures. Increasing the cholesterol concentration in the mixed micelle while keeping the concentration of bile salt constant caused an increase in rate of sterol incorporation. This increased rate was seen whether the cholesterol suspension was turbid, i.e., contained non-micellized cholesterol, or whether it was optically-clear and contained only monomers and micelles. When the concentration of taurocholate and cholesterol were increased simultaneously such that the concentration ratio of these two components was kept constant, there resulted a corresponding increase in rate of cholesterol uptake. The initial rates of cholesterol incorporation from suspensions containing micellar and monomer forms of cholesterol were much larger than from solutions containing only monomers of the same concentration. The rates of incorporation of cholesterol and phosphatidylethanolamine from mixed micelles containing these lipids in equimolar concentrations were very different. The results as a whole suggest at least for those experimental conditions specified in this study, that uptake of cholesterol by isolated brush-border membranes involves both the monomer and micellar phases of the bulk lipid and that the interaction of the micelles with membrane does not likely involve a fusion process.  相似文献   

Sodium cholate at millimolar concentration is able to induce activity in rabbit muscle phosphorylase b in the absence of AMP. The maximum activation of the enzyme in presence of 7 mM sodium cholate was 24% of that achieved by 1 mM AMP. Other bile salts tested showed a negligible activating effect. The Ka for AMP was lowered fivefold by 5 mM of the steroid detergent, while the cooperative binding of the nucleotide was abolished. Phosphorylase b', a modified form of phosphorylase in which the phosphorylation site has been removed by limited tryptic attack, presented an activation profile similar to that of phosphorylase b. In contrast, phosphorylase a was inhibited by the bile salt, while the activity of liver phosphorylase b was not significantly affected. Modification of the AMP site of the enzyme with 2,3-butanedione could not inhibit sodium-cholate-induced activity. tert-Butanol, an organic solvent activator of phosphorylase b, was found to enhance the activity induced by sodium cholate. The interaction of sodium cholate and phosphorylase b was also followed by difference spectroscopy using a fluorescein isothiocyanate--phosphorylase b conjugate. Furthermore, measurements of electron spin resonance demonstrated that the mobility of a spin-label bound at buried--NH2 groups of phosphorylase b decreases cooperatively with increasing bile salt concentration.  相似文献   

The maximal equilibrium solubility of cholesterol in mixtures of phosphatidylcholine (PC)1 and bile salts depends on the cholesterol/PC ratio (Rc) and on the effective ratio (Re) between nonmonomeric bile salts and the sum (CT) of PC and cholesterol concentrations (Carey and Small, 1978; Lichtenberg et al., 1984). By contrast, the concentration of bile salts required for solubilization of liposomes made of PC and cholesterol does not depend on Rc (Lichtenberg et al., 1984 and 1988). Thus, for Rc greater than 0.4, solubilization of the PC-cholesterol liposomes yields PC-cholesterol-bile salts mixed micellar systems which are supersaturated with cholesterol. In these metastable systems, the mixed micelles spontaneously undergo partial revesiculation followed by crystallization of cholesterol. The rate of the latter processes depends upon Rc, Re, and CT. For any given Rc and Re, the rate of revesiculation increases dramatically with increasing the lipid concentration CT, reflecting the involvement of many mixed micelles in the formation of each vesicle. The rate also increases, for any given CT and Re, upon increasing the cholesterol to PC ratio, Rc, probably due to the increasing degree of supersaturation. Increasing the cholate to lipid effective ratio, Re, by elevation of cholate concentration at constant Rc and CT has a complex effect on the rate of the revesiculation process. As expected, cholate concentration higher than that required for complete solubilization at equilibrium yields stable mixed micellar systems which do not undergo revesiculation, but for lower cholate concentrations decreasing the degree of supersaturation (by increasing [cholate]) results in faster revesiculation. We interpret these results in terms of the structure of the mixed micelles; micelles with two or more PC molecules per one molecule of cholesterol are relatively stable but increasing the bile salt concentration may cause dissociation of such 1:2 cholesterol:PC complexes, hence reducing the stability of the mixed micellar dispersions. The instability of PC-cholesterol-cholate mixed systems with intermediary range of cholate to lipids ratio may be significant to gallbladder stone formation as: (a) biliary bile contains PC-cholesterol vesicles which may be, at least partially, solubilized by bile salts during the process of bile concentration in the gallbladder, resulting in mixtures similar to our model systems; and (b) the bile composition of cholesterol gallstone patients is within an intermediary range of bile salts to lipids ratio.  相似文献   

During the decade in which the medical dissolution of gall stones has become feasible several drugs have been introduced but only the two listed in the British National Formulary have been intensively evaluated and shown to be effective--chenodeoxycholic acid and the closely allied ursodeoxycholic acid. The dissolution of gall stones was last reviewed in the "BMF" in 1976, at which stage experience with chenodeoxycholic acid was limited. Since then the indications and potential for this bile acid in treating gall stones have become better understood, and data on the newly introduced ursodeoxycholic acid are being evaluated. Cholesterol, but not pigment, gall stones are amenable to oral dissolution treatment. This review will cover firstly, chenodeoxycholic acid, secondly, ursodeoxycholic acid, then a comparison of the two drugs, an assessment of the place of medical dissolution in the management of gall stones, and, finally, the dissolution of stones in the common bile duct.  相似文献   

The influence of formulation additives, e.g. preservative, antioxidant and viscolizing agents on in vitro transcorneal permeation of ketorolac tromethamine from 0.5%(w/v) aqueous drop was studied using goat cornea. Permeation characteristics of drug, from selected formulations, through excised rabbit cornea were also evaluated. Aqueous solution of ketorolac tromethamine (0.5% w/v), pH 6.5 or 7.0 having ionic strength 0.2, was prepared. To this solution perservatives either alone or in combination with other additives were added to have drops of various composition. Permeation studies with goat cornea showed maximum permeation of ketorolac tromethamine from formulation containing benzalkonium chloride and disodium edetate. Increase in viscosity of drop resulted in decreased permeation of drug. Formulation containing benzalkonium chloride and disodium edetate also increased permeation of drug through rabbit cornea. Cumulative permeation of drug through rabbit cornea was found to be 2.3-2.4 fold higher than that observed with goat cornea.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated in vitro the efficacy of the taurine-conjugated dihydroxy bile salts deoxycholate and chenodeoxycholate in solubilizing both cholesterol and phospholipid from hamster liver bile-canalicular and contiguous membranes and from human erythrocyte membrane. On the other hand, the dihydroxy bile salt ursodeoxycholate and the trihydroxy bile salt cholate solubilize much less lipid. The lipid solubilization by the four bile salts correlated well with their hydrophobicity: glycochenodeoxycolate, which is more hydrophobic than the tauro derivative, also solubilized more lipid. All the dihydroxy bile salts have a threshold concentration above which lipid solubilization increases rapidly; this correlates approximately with the critical micellar concentration. The non-micelle-forming bile salt dehydrocholate solubilized no lipid at all up to 32 mM. All the dihydroxy bile acids are much more efficient at solubilizing phospholipid than cholesterol. Cholate does not show such a pronounced discrimination. Lipid solubilization by chenodeoxycholate was essentially complete within 1 min, whereas that by cholate was linear up to 5 min. Maximal lipid solubilization with chenodeoxycholate occurred at 8-12 mM; solubilization by cholate was linear up to 32 mM. Ursodeoxycholate was the only dihydroxy bile salt which was able to solubilize phospholipid (although not cholesterol) below the critical micellar concentration. This similarity between cholate and ursodeoxycholate may reflect their ability to form a more extensive liquid-crystal system. Membrane specificity was demonstrated only inasmuch as the lower the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio in the membrane, the greater the fractional solubilization of cholesterol by bile salts, i.e. the total amount of cholesterol solubilized depended only on the bile-salt concentration. On the other hand, the total amount of phospholipid solubilized decreased with increasing cholesterol/phospholipid ratio in the membrane.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胆管系统探查中术中超声(intraoperative ultrasound,IOUS)的应用及临床价值。方法:2007年3月至2014年8月应用术中超声对胆道系统进行探查的病例资料58例,对其术前影像学表现、手术过程、术中超声所见以及术中和术后诊断进行分析,研究术中超声对胆道探查的应用价值。结果:(1)58例应用术中超声病人中,肝内外胆管结石35例、肝门部胆管癌及胆总管癌11例,急性胆囊炎8例,胃癌1例,先天性胆总管囊肿1例,胆总管炎性狭窄1例,胰腺癌1例。术中超声确认取净结石或胆总管未见明显异常34例,定位肝内胆管残余结石6例,发现胆总管内尚有结石2例,术中超声确诊胆管癌2例;另发现胆总管先天性解剖异常2例;(2)在发现胆管结石方面,与术前MRCP无显著性差异(P=0.643);与术前CT、B超比较有显著差异(P0.05),诊断率分别为B超74.3%,MRCP 91.4%,CT 77.1%,IOUS 94.3%。结论:术中超声胆道系统的探查可以在广泛的疾病中得到应用,可以对术前影像学检查起到验证和补充的作用,且在术中引导各种介入操作中起到独特作用。  相似文献   

The effects of bile salts on Na+-coupled accumulation of D-glucose and L-alanine by brush-border-membrane vesicles isolated from hamster jejunum were investigated. The approximate percentage inhibition of Na+-coupled D-glucose accumulation produced by various bile salts at a concentration of 1 mM were: deoxycholate and chenodeoxycholate, 60%; glycine and taurine conjugates of deoxycholate and chenodeoxycholate, 40--50%; lithocholate, 45%; cholate and its glycine and taurine conjugates, less than 10%. Inhibition of Na+-coupled accumulation of D-glucose was rapid, reversible and not due to dissolution of the vesicles. Na+-coupled accumulation of L-alanine was also inhibited by deoxycholate. Deoxycholate but not cholate enhanced (1) the rate of Na+ influx, (2) the rate of influx of D-glucose and L-alanine in the absence of a Na+ gradient and (3) the rate of efflux of D-glucose and L-alanine from vesicles preloaded with this sugar or amino acid. Deoxycholate-stimulated efflux of D-glucose was not blocked by phlorizin, which completely prevented efflux in the absence of this bile salt. These results suggest that selected bile salts inhibit Na+-coupled accumulation of D-glucose and L-alanine by enhancing the rate of dissipation of the Na+ gradient required for substrate accumulation. In addition, bile salts may also decrease D-glucose and L-alanine accumulation by increasing the rate of efflux of these substrates across the brush-border plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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