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王志坚 《生物信息学》2012,10(3):208-210
基于肌球蛋白工作循环模型,从物理学的角度出发,利用化学动力学方法,给出肌动蛋白丝的动力学方程,讨论肌球蛋白的运力学行为,发现肌动蛋白运动呈锯齿状,并得到振动周期约为3.0s,与实验结果基本吻合。结论是宏观的肌肉运动是单分子运动的集体协同行为,为肌肉的运动训练和治疗提供理论参考。  相似文献   

从肌球蛋白工作循环的机械化学偶联模型出发,利用化学动力学方法和生物化学热力学原理,结合肌球蛋白单分子实验结果,从能量转化的观点给出了肌肉收缩的Hill特性式,加深了对Hill特性式及肌肉收缩过程中能量转化的理解,在整合肌球蛋白单分子性质与肌肉收缩宏观性质的信息方面做了尝试。  相似文献   

王志坚 《生物信息学》2010,8(4):344-346
从肌球蛋白工作循环的机械化学偶联模型出发,利用化学动力学方法和生化热力学原理,结合肌球蛋白单分子实验结果,从能量转化的角度,研究了肌肉收缩过程中的力与速度关系,发现结果与Hill特性式基本一致。  相似文献   

基于14L的发酵罐分批发酵实验数据,建立了发酵过程菌体生长、产物生成及基质消耗随时间变化的数学模型。Logistic方程、Luedeking—Piret方程能够很好地分别描述产弹性蛋白酶菌体生长;发酵产酶过程和基质消耗过程。并将3个动力学模型的预测值和实验值进行了比较,所建立的分批发酵动力学模型能较好地反映弹性蛋白酶分批发酵过程。  相似文献   

PCR扩增试验的动力学数学模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
PCR技术已日趋成熟,但因为影响因素较多、反应过程比较复杂,直到目前PCR技术已创立近二十年,尚未能给出较好的描述PCR 反应的数学方法。我们根据它的基本原理提出了能够描述其反应过程的动力学方程:Wamp=[Ntarg×(1+P)n1+0.5×Cenz×U×P×Ceactiv×(n-n1)-Ntarg× (1+n×P)]×Cu×M,准确地描述了PCR反应的产物积累规律,建立了PCR反应的动力学数学模型。用动力学数学模型预测的PE 7700仪器的CT值与仪器的实际数值一致。动力学数学模型配合适当的监测设备可以构成自动化的PCR 定量仪器。PE 7700 仪器使用本动力学模型处理、分析数据,定量结果的准确性会更好。各实验室可根据各自的实验条件,由模型估算PCR产物数量,为PCR后产物继续处理提供较准确的数量信息。本模型阐明了PCR反应在多次循环后必然由指数扩增转变为线性扩增的分子基础,为定量PCR 提供了准确的计算方法。 Abstract:The PCR technique has been set up for nearly twenty years and is becoming more and more ripe.But because of the multiple influencing factors and complicated reaction procedures,no mathematical method that can describe the PCR reaction has been given.On the basis of its elementary principle,we suggested a kinetic equation to describe the reaction procedure,Wamp=[Ntarg×(1+P)n1+0.5×Cenz×U×P×Ceactive×(n-nl)-Ntarg×(1+n×P)]×Cu×M.This equation can describe correctly the accumulation rule of PCR product and thus build up the kinetic-mathematical model of PCR reaction.The predicted CT value of PE 7700 by the kinetic-mathematical model was in accordance with the real value detected by the machine.This kinetic-mathematical model accompanied by proper detecting equipment and computer could make an automatic PCR instrument,which would produce much better result.A laboratory can predict the amount of PCR product by this model and provide accurate information for further handling of PCR product according to its own condition.In this model,the molecular basis that PCR reaction is doomed to change from exponential amplification to linear amplification had been clarified.  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌蛋白酶发酵动力学模型的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对苏云金芽孢杆菌FS140蛋白酶分枇发酵的代谢特性进行了研究.首先描述了FS140分枇发酵过程中细胞生长、产物积累、糖消耗的变化规律.基于Logistic方程和Luedeking-Piret方程,建立了苏云金芽孢杆菌蛋白酶发酵过程细胞生长、产物合成及基质消耗随时间变化的数学模型.动力学模型计算值结果与实验值拟合良好,较好反映了苏云金芽孢杆菌分批发酵过程的动力学特征.  相似文献   

机械力普遍存在于活细胞的生命活动中,而细胞内力学活动必须依赖骨架结构传递,这种独特的力学形式被称为细胞结构力学.单位时间内细胞结构力学变化受多因素调控,如外力、渗透压、动力分子、张力敏感性离子通道、胞内力学感受器及骨架组装等,构成了细胞结构动力学研究的重要内容.基于荧光共振能量转移(FRET)原理开发的荧光张力探针能整合到细胞骨架内,将细胞结构力学变化转化为光学信号,可能带来细胞力学研究的革命.随着细胞结构动力学研究内容的不断深入,特别是太空时代细胞力学稳态的打破,细胞结构动力学将在生命及医学研究领域显露出越来越重要的地位.  相似文献   

低温下水稻幼苗抗冷性动力学指标的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文首次用动力学模拟方法研究抗冷性指标.根据对3个不同抗冷性品种,对存活率和叶绿素含量的抗冷动力学指标的研究结果认为用固有频率ω_n或周期T都可以正确反映不同品种之间、不同生育期之间,以及不同性状之间的抗感之间的差异.结果认为动力学模拟方法很可能是一个可靠的方法,拟进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

基于Monod模型推导出了A.f的生长动力学方程模型,采用Gauss-Newton算法确定了在不同初始条件下细菌生长的动力学参数,即最大比生长速率‰、Monod常数K及R0。通过在不同初始条件下细菌生长特性的研究,得到了相应初始生长条件下以限制性底物亚铁离子浓度为表征的生长动力学方程,理论上揭示了动力学参数变化对细菌生长的影响规律,其中生长动力学方程的数值模拟与实验数据相吻合。  相似文献   

对塔拉纤维剩余物和漂白塔拉纤维剩余物的酶动力学进行了研究,采用Lineweaver-Burk双倒数法对底物样品浓度倒数和酶促反应速度倒数作图构建米氏方程,通过计算两种底物的Km值,即塔拉纤维剩余物Km为12.73 mg·mL-1,漂白塔拉纤维剩余物Km为192 mg·mL-1,表明塔拉纤维剩余物比漂白后的塔拉纤维剩余物更适合做纤维素酶的酶解底物;红外光谱图分析表明漂白塔拉纤维剩余物中木质素成分含量明显降低。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that muscle cells take either force-generating or relaxing state in an all-or-none fashion through the so-called excitation–contraction coupling. On the other hand, the membrane-less contractile apparatus takes the third state, i.e., the auto-oscillation (SPOC) state, at the activation level that is intermediate between full activation and relaxation. Here, to explain the dynamics of all three states of muscle, we construct a novel theoretical model based on the balance of forces not only parallel but also perpendicular to the long axis of myofibrils, taking into account the experimental fact that the spacing of myofilament lattice changes with sarcomere length and upon contraction. This theory presents a phase diagram composed of several states of the contractile apparatus and explains the dynamic behavior of SPOC, e.g., periodical changes in sarcomere length with the saw-tooth waveform. The appropriate selection of the constant of the molecular friction due to the cross-bridge formation can explain the difference in the SPOC periods observed under various activating conditions and in different muscle types, i.e., skeletal and cardiac. The theory also predicts the existence of a weak oscillation state at the boundary between SPOC and relaxation regions in the phase diagram. Thus, the present theory comprehensively explains the characteristics of auto-oscillation and contraction in the contractile system of striated muscle.  相似文献   

A conventional five-step chemo-mechanical cycle of the myosin–actin ATPase reaction, which implies myosin detachment from actin upon release of hydrolysis products (ADP and phosphate, Pi) and binding of a new ATP molecule, is able to fit the [Pi] dependence of the force and number of myosin motors during isometric contraction of skeletal muscle. However, this scheme is not able to explain why the isometric ATPase rate of fast skeletal muscle is decreased by an increase in [Pi] much less than the number of motors. The question can be solved assuming the presence of a branch in the cycle: in isometric contraction, when the force generation process by the myosin motor is biased at the start of the working stroke, the motor can detach at an early stage of the ATPase cycle, with Pi still bound to its catalytic site, and then rapidly release the hydrolysis products and bind another ATP. In this way, the model predicts that in fast skeletal muscle the energetic cost of isometric contraction increases with [Pi]. The large dissociation constant of the product release in the branched pathway allows the isometric myosin–actin reaction to fit the equilibrium constant of the ATPase.  相似文献   

王仲成  朱永官 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1946-1954
迄今科学界尚无形成系统的国际科学合作理论,也鲜有就环境科学国际合作进行理论研究。首次从全球资源配置的角度来看待环境科学国际合作。通过国际合作,环境科学在内在科学动力和外在社会动力的驱动下,促使全球科学资源和社会资源向有利于环境学科自身发展的方向流动和积聚。其中,配置科学资源遵循"最优要素选择原则",配置社会资源遵循"最小省力原则",两种内在动力和两个调节手段共同构成了环境科学国际合作的理论机制。  相似文献   

We propose a muscle contraction model that is essentially a model of the motion of myosin motors as described by a Langevin equation. This model involves one-dimensional numerical calculations wherein the total force is the sum of a viscous force proportional to the myosin head velocity, a white Gaussian noise produced by random forces and other potential forces originating from the actomyosin structure and intra-molecular charges. We calculate the velocity of a single myosin on an actin filament to be 4.9–49 μm/s, depending on the viscosity between the actomyosin molecules. A myosin filament with a hundred myosin heads is used to simulate the contractions of a half-sarcomere within the skeletal muscle. The force response due to a quick release in the isometric contraction is simulated using a process wherein crossbridges are changed forcibly from one state to another. In contrast, the force response to a quick stretch is simulated using purely mechanical characteristics. We simulate the force–velocity relation and energy efficiency in the isotonic contraction and adenosine triphosphate consumption. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. We show that the Langevin equation for the actomyosin potentials can be modified statistically to become an existing muscle model that uses Maxwell elements.  相似文献   

The molecular switching mechanism governing skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction couples the binding of Ca2+ on troponin to the movement of tropomyosin on actin filaments. Despite years of investigation, this mechanism remains unclear because it has not yet been possible to directly assess the structural influence of troponin on tropomyosin that causes actin filaments, and hence myosin-crossbridge cycling and contraction, to switch on and off. A C-terminal domain of troponin I is thought to be intimately involved in inducing tropomyosin movement to an inhibitory position that blocks myosin-crossbridge interaction. Release of this regulatory, latching domain from actin after Ca2+ binding to TnC (the Ca2+ sensor of troponin that relieves inhibition) presumably allows tropomyosin movement away from the inhibitory position on actin, thus initiating contraction. However, the structural interactions of the regulatory domain of TnI (the “inhibitory” subunit of troponin) with tropomyosin and actin that cause tropomyosin movement are unknown, and thus, the regulatory process is not well defined. Here, thin filaments were labeled with an engineered construct representing C-terminal TnI, and then, 3D electron microscopy was used to resolve where troponin is anchored on actin-tropomyosin. Electron microscopy reconstruction showed how TnI binding to both actin and tropomyosin at low Ca2+ competes with tropomyosin for a common site on actin and drives tropomyosin movement to a constrained, relaxing position to inhibit myosin-crossbridge association. Thus, the observations reported reveal the structural mechanism responsible for troponin-tropomyosin-mediated steric interference of actin-myosin interaction that regulates muscle contraction.  相似文献   

A new theory on the origin and the nature of viruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothetical model presented herein concerns the origin and nature of viruses. It advances the possibility of the appearance and existence of an organism lacking a cohesive morphological structure, that is: its subsystems are not in structural continuity. An attempt to delimit the concepts of life and organism and to integrate the viruses into this framework is made. Viruses are presented as organisms which pass in their ontogenetic cycle through two distinctive phenotypic phases: (1) the vegetative phase and (2) the phase of viral particle or nucleic acid. In the vegetative phase, considered herein to be the ontogenetically mature phase of viruses, their component molecules are dispersed within the host cell. In this phase the virus shows the major physiological properties of other organisms: metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Therefore, life is an effective presence. It is shown also, that in this phase so called "DNA viruses" have both nucleic acids: RNA as well as DNA. The virions are considered to be "spores" or reproductive forms of the virus, possessing life only as a potential property.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)是全球变化研究的重要核心问题之一,选择干旱区典型绿洲新疆渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲为研究靶区,利用1989年、2001年、2006年和2010年的同期遥感影像数据,借助RS和GIS技术,对绿洲土地覆盖变化信息进行定量提取和分析。结果表明:①1989—2001年,各类地物面积呈现五增二减的趋势:耕地、林地、中度盐渍地、水体和其他均有所增加;而轻度盐渍地和重度盐渍地有所减少;2001—2006年,呈现四增三减的趋势:耕地,轻度盐渍地,中度盐渍地和重度盐渍地均有所增加;林地、水体和其他均有所减少;2006—2010年,呈现四增三减的趋势:中度盐渍地,重度盐渍地、水体和其他均有所增加;耕地、林地、轻度盐渍地均有所减少。②随着时间的推移,各类地物的重心均有所偏移。其中水体的重心于1989—2001年间向北迁移的距离最远,为23.12 km;同期重度盐渍地重心迁移距离次之,为22.04 km。林地的重心于1989—2001年间逐年向西南方向迁移,并且迁移的距离逐年增大,中度盐渍地重心总体向西北方向偏移。③21年间,Shannon多样性指数、Shannon均匀度指数均呈稳步增加的趋势,景观的异质性程度呈现上升趋势;聚集度差异不大,集中在78到85之间,说明斑块类型连接程度较高。1989—2006年,分维数增加,研究区的土地利用景观格局愈来愈复杂,人类干扰程度在不断增强;2006—2010年,分维数略有所下降,景观格局略有所改善。总之,21年间渭-库地区各类型土地利用情况变化显著,不仅各土地覆盖类型间面积转换频繁,而且土地利用景观格局发生了很大的变化。该研究确定了土地利用/土地覆被的时空变化规律,分析驱动因子,提出改良建议,研究结果对西部干旱区绿洲的环境演变和可持续发展研究具有现实意义,也是对全球变化研究的重要补充。  相似文献   

Previous in-vivo studies suggest that the ratio of total lumbar rotation over pelvic rotation (lumbo-pelvic rhythm) during trunk sagittal movement is essential to evaluate spinal loads and discriminate between low back pain and asymptomatic population. Similarly, there is also evidence that the lumbo-pelvic rhythm is key for evaluation of realistic muscle and joint reaction forces and moments predicted by various computational musculoskeletal models. This study investigated the effects of three lumbo-pelvic rhythms defined based on in-vivo measurements on the spinal response during moderate forward flexion (60°) using a combined approach of musculoskeletal modeling of the upper body and finite element model of the lumbosacral spine. The muscle forces and joint loads predicted by the musculoskeletal model, together with the gravitational forces, were applied to the finite element model to compute the disc force and moment, intradiscal pressure, annular fibers strain, and load-sharing. The results revealed that a rhythm with high pelvic rotation and low lumbar flexion involves more global muscles and increases the role of the disc in resisting spinal loads, while its counterpart, with low pelvic rotation, recruits more local muscles and engages the ligaments to lower the disc loads. On the other hand, a normal rhythm that has balanced pelvic and lumbar rotations yields almost equal disc and ligament load-sharing and results in more balanced synergy between global and local muscles. The lumbo-pelvic rhythm has less effect on the intradiscal pressure and annular fibers strain. This work demonstrated that the spinal response during forward flexion is highly dependent on the lumbo-pelvic rhythm. It is therefore, essential to adapt this parameter instead of using the default values in musculoskeletal models for accurate prediction of muscle forces and joint reaction forces and moments. The findings provided by this work are expected to improve knowledge of spinal response during forward flexion, and are clinically relevant towards low back pain treatment and disc injury prevention.  相似文献   

粟晓玲  康绍忠  佟玲 《生态学报》2006,26(6):2011-2019
Costanza等提出的单位面积生态系统服务价值没有考虑生态系统服务的空间异质性,是与生态系统结构和功能有关的生态系统本身的价值,这里称为静态价值。在实际应用于指导以社会、经济、生态综合效益最大为目标的流域水土资源优化配置决策时,不能反映资源的稀缺程度和随社会经济发展水平变化的对生态价值的支付意愿,使得静态生态价值的研究成果难以得到应用。提出了动态生态价值的概念,某一特定区域生态系统服务的动态价值是指其相应的生态服务功能在特定人群一定支付意愿下的现实价值。在Costanza等人提出的单位面积生态价值的基础上,考虑生态类型的覆盖度等特点结合专家咨询法提出了林地、草地单位面积生态价值的修正系数,估算流域生态系统服务的静态生态价值;建立了基于发展阶段系数和资源紧缺度的生态价值动态估算方法。以甘肃河西走廊石羊河流域为例,估算出2000年流域生态系统服务的静态价值为4.17亿美元,相当于当年流域GDP的0.3657倍,且在空间上呈现从上游山区向下游荒漠区递减的规律;动态生态价值为2.35亿美元,下游和上游大,中游较小。动态生态价值的研究为生态价值研究成果进一步在资源合理配置中的应用提供了途径。  相似文献   

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