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微藻具有固定CO2和净化有机废水的能力,在环保、食品饲(饵)料、医药和生物能源开发等领域备受关注,但规模化培养及其产业化仍是研究的难点,亟待解决。就常用于大规模培养微藻的光生物反应器的特点和结构进行了综述。其中,封闭式微藻光生物反应器能够较好地调控藻种的培养条件、不易遭受污染,藻种的纯度容易控制,但培养规模小,生产成本较高;而开放式微藻光生物反应器无法精确控制藻种生长环境,但生产规模大、产量高、生产成本低,因此应用广泛。最佳的方法是综合两者优点,即首先利用封闭式微藻光生物反应器进行中试放大,大量繁殖藻种,然后投入开放式微藻光生物反应器内进行大规模商业生产,此方法有望成为微藻光生物反应器的发展方向,以期为微藻大规模培养提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

用管式光生物反应器培养螺旋藻的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
微藻大规模培养主要有敞开式大池培养和封闭式光生物反应器培养两种主要方式。管式光生物反应器是封闭式光生物反应器的主要类型之一。与其它类型相比,管式光生物反应器放大较易,成本较低。国外关于管式光生物反应器已有不少研究[1~3]但关于管式光生物反应器产率与光强和光暗比的关系等方面的研究尚未得出明确的结论。国内管式光生物反应器的研究较少[4],尚未见有关管式光生物反应器中微藻悬浮液流变特性基础参数和产率影响因素的报道。螺旋藻是丝状体蓝藻,螺旋藻蛋白质含量高,其蛋白质所含必需氨基酸丰富,是国内外大规模商业…  相似文献   

光照对光生物反应器中微藻高密度光自养培养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光生物反应器是实现微藻高密度培养的重要装置,其设计的关键技术之一是选择合适的光照方式。根据国内外近十年来的相关研究成果,重点介绍了入射光性质(光源、光强、光质和光暗循环)和光能分布对微藻生长的影响,评述了用于微藻高密度培养的光照技术,展望了进一步的研究方向,为高效光生物反应器的设计和优化提供参考。  相似文献   

光生物反应器脱除空气中CO2的模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微藻光生物反应器具有脱除空气中CO_2能力。从光生物反应器构型、进气流速、混合传质,及微藻光合/呼吸速率等方面,探讨气升式光生物反应器脱除空气中CO_2效果,提出了时间离散化和集中参数法两种分析方法。运用集中参数法建立了气升式柱型光生物反应器脱除CO_2的数学模型,模拟了藻液中溶氧浓度(DO)、pH随时间的变化情况,及进气CO_2浓度影响,预测并验证了光照条件下出气CO_2、O_2浓度的变化趋势。模拟结果和实验数据基本吻合,所提出的模型对光生物反应器的优化设计、微藻的高密度培养,及CO_2去除能力预测具有参考意义。  相似文献   

分析了微藻培养系统内光传递过程的数学模型和光分布影响因素,重点综述了光暗循环对微藻生长影响的实验研究和CFD技术应用研究进展,展望了微藻培养系统内光现象的发展方向,以期为规模化、高效微藻培养光生物反应器的设计、优化和放大提供参考。  相似文献   

封闭式光生物反应器研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘晶璘  张嗣良   《生物工程学报》2000,16(2):119-123
国际上80~90年代,封闭式光生物反应器是微藻生物技术的重要研究热点,也是微藻生物技术产业化的关键技术之一。本文较全面地介绍了用于微藻大规模培养的封闭式光生物反应器研究现状。将封闭式光生物反应器分为柱式、管式、板式和光导纤维反应器等类型。工业放大前景的管式和板式光生物反应器采取了典型个案分析的方法,列表比较了典型反应器的主要技术参数,并对它们的技术发展趋势进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

聚球藻7002在光生物反应器中的光自养培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对聚球藻7002在光生物反应器中的培养,研究了光强在聚球藻7002培养液中的衰减规律,得到了培养过程光强随藻细胞浓度和光程距离变化的关系式,即I=I0exp[-(-0.0239+0.0777OD750)·L]。并对培养过程特性及培养温度、外加CO2浓度和光照强度对藻细胞生长的影响进行了较为详细的研究,得到了反应器中较为适宜的聚球藻7002的培养条件,藻细胞培养密度达到3.4g/L(干重),体积产率达到0.57g/(L·d)的较高水平。  相似文献   

异养细胞种子/光自养培养方法是一种可异养培养的能源微藻培养的有效方法,但已有文献尚未从工艺优化角度考察其发展潜力。为了获得较高细胞密度的用于光自养培养的种子和提高光自养培养的细胞密度与油脂产率,对异养细胞种子/光自养培养的培养基和培养条件进行了优化。结果表明,采用优化后的培养基,椭圆小球藻在摇瓶中异养培养的最高藻细胞密度可达11.04 g/L,比在初始培养基条件下提高了28.0%,在5 L发酵罐中异养培养的藻细胞密度达到73.89 g/L;在2 L柱式光生物反应器中光自养培养的藻细胞密度、油脂含量和油脂产率分别达1.62 g/L、36.34%和6.1 mg/(L·h),油脂成分主要为含C16-C18碳链的脂肪酸,是制备生物柴油的理想原料。经过优化,异养细胞种子/光自养培养这一方法能够显著地提高椭圆小球藻产油脂的能力,这进一步表明异养细胞种子/光自养培养方法有望成为可异养的能源微藻的高效培养方式。  相似文献   

光生物反应器设计中,气体分布器对微藻生长有较大的影响,尤其是在鼓泡式光生物反应器中更为显著。实验考察了采用氧化铝烧制的多孔气体分布器的5L鼓泡式光生物反应器中通气速率、CO2 浓度对小球藻LICME002生物量、叶绿素含量、油脂积累的影响。对该气体分布器下的CO2浓度和通气速率对小球藻的作用机理进行了初步的探讨。结果表明,CO2浓度为3%时,该株微藻生物量、叶绿素、油脂积累的最佳;CO2浓度超过6%时各项指标显著下降。通过对0.1vvm,0.4vvm,0.7vvm、1.0vvm的通气速条件下的各项指标的分析,确定最佳通气条件为0.4vvm。结论显示,在最佳通气速率和CO2浓度下,微藻生物量能达到1.52g/L,油脂含量达到31.5%。  相似文献   

微藻养殖的本质是光能转化,而光线的接收和传递受反应器形状和排布方式的影响非常大.实验室中的微藻养殖反应器主要有两种,锥形瓶和柱型广口瓶,前者的光程比后者短得多.室外微藻养殖实例较少,开放池和光生物反应器的大小、形状和排布方式差异大,光程的计算和比较更复杂.为了便于比较和推算不同类型反应器的光合作用参数和生物质产率,本文分别讨论了圆柱形反应器(玻璃反应瓶、平行管式和立柱式反应器)和长方形反应器(开放池和板式反应器)的容积、表面积及占地面积生物质产率的计算方法,并给出了不同产率的换算关系.本文还介绍了光程(LP)、藻液受光率(S/V)和藻液占地率( V/L)等表征反应器光合效率的参数.  相似文献   

An electronic flash unit is used to deliver, at the beginning of a 10 min dark period and within a few ms, large doses of light to Albizzia julibrissin pinnules, to ascertain their effects on the rate of pinnule closing. In a series of alternating light flashes at 710 and 550 nm, the first 710 nm light flash significantly retards closing. A following light flash at 550 nm negates the far-red induced delay. The second 710 nm light flash delays closing less effectively than the first when given within 4 s after the green flash, but is just as effective when given after 30 s. The delay brought about by the second 710 nm light flash is again abolished by a light flash at 550 nm. A light flash at 660 nm has no effect on pinnule closing by itself and is also ineffective in reversing the far-red induced delay. A series of ten 710 nm light flashes becomes most effective in delaying closure when there is a dark interval of one min between flashes. The closing delay induced by a 710 nm light flash escapes reversal by a 550 nm light flash when the dark interval between the two flashes exceeds 2–3 min. A 750 nm light flash has no retarding effect on pinnule closing, but it becomes effective when preceded by a 660 nm or 550 nm light flash. The results obtained are suggested to be due to light absorbed by phytochrome and an unknown photoreceptor with green, far-red photoreversal property.  相似文献   

真菌发育过程中的蓝光诱导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对多种真菌在发育过程中受蓝光诱导的现象进行了综述。蓝光可以诱导多种真菌的形态发生和发育,包括孢子的产生和菌丝的延伸等。此外,蓝光还可引起真菌的生理和生化改变,如细胞膜对离子的通透性的变化、类胡萝卜素的合成等。真菌也存在一个蓝光信号系统,通过蓝光受体接受蓝光信号,导致了真菌的一系列形态发生和生理生化的变化。  相似文献   

Effect of latitude on flavonoid biosynthesis in plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The growth conditions in different latitudes vary markedly with season, day length, light quality and temperature. Many plant species have adapted well to the distinct environments through different strategies, one of which is the production of additional secondary metabolites. Flavonoids are a widely spread group of plant secondary metabolites that are involved in many crucial functions of plants. Our understanding of the biosynthesis, occurrence and function of flavonoids has increased rapidly in recent decades. Numerous studies have been published on the influence of environmental factors on the biosynthesis of flavonoids. However, extensive long‐term studies that examine the effect of the characteristics of northern climates on flavonoid biosynthesis are still scarce. This review focuses on the current knowledge about the effect of light intensity, photoperiod and temperature on the gene–environment interaction related to flavonoid biosynthesis in plants.  相似文献   

Are two photoreceptors involved in the flowering of a long-day plant?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of daylength extension with narrow spectral bands on the flowering of a long-day plant, Brassica campestris L. cv. Ceres, was investigated to obtain clues to the identity of the photoreceptor involved. Extension of a 9 h photoperiod with 5 h of light pulses at various wavelengths resulted in maximal flowering occurring after irradiation at 710 nm, less at 730 nm, and none at 550, 660 and 750 nm. Flowering at 710 and 730 nm was negated by simultaneous exposures at 550 nm, but not at 660 nm. A short preirradiation at 660 nm enabled a following irradiation at 750 nm to induce flowering. This latter induction was prevented by 550 nm irradiation.
Short flashes of light at 710 nm induced flowering that was negated by a following flash at 550 nm but not at 660 nm. The negation by 550 nm radiation was prevented by subsequent flashes at 710 nm, indicating photoreversibility. A flash at 660 nm enabled subsequent light flashes at 750 nm to initiate flowering that was reversed by a following 550 nm flash.
From the results showing the necessity of red and far-red lights, it is proposed that flowering in this long-day plant is due to two photoreceptors - one is phytochrome and the other an unknown pigment with far-red, green photoreversible properties. By using fluence response data, it is deduced that the unidentified photoreceptor has weak absorption bands in the far-red, but has a strong absorption band in the green. Flowering is induced when effects of red light absorbed by phytochrome interact with effects of far-red light absorbed by the unidentified photoreceptor.  相似文献   

以普洱地区14种常见植物种子为材料,在实验室条件下研究了其在白光、黑暗、红光和蓝光条件下的萌发特性,并分析了种子大小与萌发率、萌发速率、萌发开始时间的关系。结果表明:光质对四方蒿、沙针、尖子木、藿香蓟种子萌发率和萌发速率均有显著影响(P0.05)。光质对大叶斑鸠菊、云南山枇花、臭灵丹、车桑子、光萼猪屎豆、葫芦茶、云南地桃花、西南宿苞豆、岗柃、中国宿苞豆10个物种的种子萌发率和萌发速率均没有显著影响(P0.05),以上物种中除中国宿苞豆外,其他物种种子萌发率均在20%以下,处于休眠状态。四方蒿种子在白光(89.9%)和红光(84.7%)下萌发率最高,红光下种子萌发最快(4.93),蓝光下种子萌发开始时间最晚(11.3 d);沙针种子在白光下萌发率最高(80.4%)、萌发速率最快(2.71),在黑暗和蓝光下萌发率较低(43.9%和38%)、萌发速率最慢(0.73和0.85),白光、红光下萌发开始最早(11 d),黑暗条件下萌发开始最晚(21.7 d);尖子木种子萌发率在白光、黑暗、蓝光下均在86%以上,而红光下仅32%且萌发速率最慢(1.29),在蓝光下萌发开始时间最晚(13 d);藿香蓟种子萌发率和萌发速率在红光下最高(分别为71.3%和6.46),黑暗条件下最低(分别为42.5%和2.62);大叶斑鸠菊萌发开始时间在黑暗条件下最早(6 d),其次是白光下(7 d),蓝光和红光下较晚,分别为8 d和7.7 d。14个物种种子的萌发率与种子大小间均有显著负相关关系;种子萌发速率、萌发开始时间与种子大小间也有负相关关系,但不显著;种子大小与萌发率、萌发速率和萌发开始时间的关系不会随着光质的变化而发生变化。  相似文献   

光质对水稻幼苗初级氮同化的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用滤光膜过滤蓝色或红色荧光灯,得到纯的蓝光和红光,以白光为对照,研究不同光质对水稻(Oryza sativa L.)幼苗初级氮同化的影响。结果表明:蓝光促进水稻黄化幼苗吸收NO^-3含量,并促进NR(硝酸还原酶)的诱导。在蓝光下生长5 ̄7d的幼苗的NR、NIR(亚硝酸还原酶)、GS(谷氨酰胺合成酶)和GOGAT(谷氨酸合酶)活性均高于白光下生长的,但第10天以后,白光下生长的幼苗酶活性最高。与白光  相似文献   

Photoblastic seeds (achenes) of Taraxacum vulgare coll. were treated with a water solution of SAN 9789, 4-chloro-5 (methylamino) -2- (α,α,α-trifluoro- m -tolyl) -3(2H) pyridazinone. SAN-treatment increased the germination in darkness from 0 to 12%. An irradiation for 5 min with red light, giving a germination of 12% for seeds in water only, gave together with SAN treatment a germination of 60%. In both water and SAN, the effect of red irradiation could be reversed by a short irradiation (15 min) of far-red light. If far-red light was repeatedly given (5 min per h) it had hardly any effect on germination in water (4% germination), but for seeds in SAN solution, intermittent far-red light had a stimulating effect (63% germination). If far-red light was given continuously for 96 h, the germination in water was 1% and in SAN solution 17%. The results in the present paper indicate that SAN may broaden the concentration interval of Pfr for which germination is high.  相似文献   

An action spectrum for light induced carotenogenesis in Verticillium agaricinum (Link) Corda (ATCC 24668) was obtained by exposing mycelial pads to monochromatic radiation. Action maxima occurred at 290 (main peak) and 390 nm, and there was a minor peak at 483 nm. The results also showed interaction between the blue and UV light. Blue light partly reversed the UV light induction of carotenogenesis when given after, but not when given before UV light. This implies that there are at least two photoreceptors involved in carotenogenesis in Verticillium , but phytochrome is not likely to be one of them.  相似文献   

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