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报道了中国隐织蛾属CryptolechiaZeller三十三种昆虫 ,包括十五新种 :湾隐织蛾C .deflectasp .nov .,康县隐织蛾C .kangxianensissp .nov .,小袋隐织蛾C .microbyrsasp .nov .,伪黄昏隐织蛾C .falsivespertinasp .nov .,郑氏隐织蛾C .zhengisp .nov .,新白芯隐织蛾C .neargometrasp .nov .,拟花茎隐织蛾C .paranthaedeagasp .nov .,角瓣隐织蛾C .cornutivalvatasp .nov .,断带隐织蛾C .fasciruptasp .nov .,点带隐织蛾C .stictifasciasp .nov .,鸡公山隐织蛾C .jigongshanicasp .nov .,奇异隐织蛾C .mirabilissp .nov .,花茎隐织蛾C .anthaedeagasp .nov .,葛氏隐织蛾C .geisp .nov .以及伪断带隐织蛾C .varifasciruptasp .nov .。文中提供了新种的外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

本文报道鞘蛾属宽棘鞘蛾组(Coleophorasalicorniaegroup)分布于中国的29个种,其中包括12个新种和15个中国新纪录种:小瓣连棘鞘蛾ColeophoraarmeniaebaldizzoneetPatzak新纪录于新疆(乌鲁木齐、精河、察布查尔、塔城、北屯),国外分布于乌克兰、亚美尼亚、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦;直连棘鞘蛾C.artaFalkovitsh新纪录于青海(循化),国外分布蒙古;驼绒基连棘鞘蛾C.ceratoidis(Falkovitsh)新纪录于新疆(塔城),同外分布于蒙古和俄罗斯;小蓬连棘鞘蛾C.diogenesFalkovitsh新纪录于新疆(乌鲁木齐),国外分布乌兹别克斯坦;骨茎连棘鞘蛾(新种)C.ossaedeagasp.nov.分布青海(湟源);垂瓣连棘鞘蛾(新种)C.pendulivalvulasp.nov.分布新疆(乌鲁木齐);毛角连棘鞘蛾C.pilicornisRebel新纪录于陕两(杨陵)、内蒙古(赤峰、锡林浩特)、黑龙江(黑河),国外分布匈牙利、罗马利亚、南斯拉夫、俄罗斯(乌苏里)和蒙古;韦氏连棘鞘蛾C.weymarniToll分布于内蒙古(扎兰屯、锡林浩特、东乌珠穆沁)、黑龙江(黑河、五大连池);宽瓣束棘鞘蛾(新种)C.lativalvasp.nov.分布新疆(乌鲁木齐)、内蒙古(锡林浩特、东乌珠穆沁)、黑龙江(五大连池);新散棘鞘蛾(新种)C.novisqualorell  相似文献   

The present paper reports thirty‐three species of the genus Cryptolechia in China. Fifteen species are described as new to science: C. deflecta sp. nov., C. kangxianensis sp. nov., C. microbyrsa sp. nov., C. falsivespertina sp. nov., C. zhengi sp. nov., C. neargometra sp. nov., C. paranthaedeaga sp. nov., C. cornutivalvata sp. nov., C. fascirupta sp. nov., C. stictifascia sp. nov., C. jigongshanica sp. nov., C. mirabilis sp. nov., C. anthaedeaga sp. nov., C. gei sp. nov. and C. varifascirupta sp. nov. The genital structures of the new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

A new genus, Baltoraea gen. nov., two new species of this genus, B. insignis sp. nov. and B. simillima sp. nov., and three other new species, Cybocephalus (Cybocephalus) balticus sp. nov., C. (C.) electricus sp. nov. and C. (C.) kerneggeri sp. nov. are described from the Late Eocene Baltic amber. The systematic position of the genus Baltoraea and presumable bionomics of the new sap beetles are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-four new spider species of the family Dictynidae from caves of Guangxi and Guizhou in southern China are described,accompanied by line drawings and photomicroscopy images.Fifteen of them belong to Brommella Tullgren,1948:B.baiseensis Li,sp.nov.,B.casseabri Li,sp.nov.,B.chongzuoensis Li,sp.nov.,B.dolabrata Li,sp.nov.,B.funaria Li,sp.nov.,B.josephkohi Li,sp.nov.,B.linyuchengi Li,sp.nov.,B.renguodongi Li,sp.nov.,B.resima Li,sp.nov.,B.sejuncta Li,sp.nov.,B.spirula Li,sp.nov.,B.tongyanfengi Li,sp.nov.,B.wangfengcheni Li,sp.nov.,B.xinganensis Li,sp.nov.and B.yizhouensis Li,sp.nov.;eight to Cicurina Menge,1871:C.avicularia Li,sp.nov.,C.damaoensis Li,sp.nov.,C.dong Li,sp.nov.,C.kailiensis Li,sp.nov.,C.majiangensis Li,sp.nov.,C.parallela Li,sp.nov.,C.wusanani Li,sp.nov.,and C.zhazuweii Li,sp.nov.;one to Lathys Simon,1884:L.inaffecta Li,sp.nov.Types of all new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (IZCAS).  相似文献   

Species of Cloacina Linstow, 1898 (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) are reported and/or described from the stomach of the macropodid marsupial Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest, 1804) collected in eastern Australia. Nematodes were examined from 26 hosts collected in 3 states and the number of species of Cloacina in any one host was 2--7. The following species were encountered: C. wallabiae Johnston and Mawson, 1939, C. gallardi Johnston and Mawson, 1940, C. edwardsi Mawson, 1972 and C. cornuta (Davey and Wood, 1938) the last named constituting a new host record. The following new species are described: C. mawsonae sp. nov., C. papillata sp. nov., C. annulata sp. nov., C. castor sp. nov. and C. pollux sp. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with twenty-nine species of Coleophora salicorniae group of Coleophoridae. Among them, twelve species (Coleophora lativalva sp. nov., C. ossaedeaga sp. nov., C. pendulivalvula sp. nov., C. novisqualorella sp. nov., C. capitargentella sp. nov., C. curvidentatella sp. nov., C. dorsiproducta sp. nov., C. harbinensis sp. nov., C. xinjiangensis sp. nov…C. cuprea sp. nov., C. pallidiptera sp. nov. and C. resupina sp. nov.) are described as new to science and fifteen species are newly recorded from China. Carpochena halostachyos Falkovitsh is proposed as a synonym of Coleophora plicipunctella Chrètien. Genitalia of new species are illustrated and females of Coleophora armeniae Baldizzone et Patzak, C. carchara Falkovitsh and C. sequens Falkovitsh are described for the first time. A key to Chinese species of Coleophora salicorniae group is given.  相似文献   

本文记述采自云南省的秽蝇属四新种,即:①狭叶秽蝇C.angustiifolia sp.nov.,新种外形特征近似于欧洲的C.gracilis Stein,1916,但雄各胫节基部1/5黄色,中胫前背鬃1,后胫后背鬃2;雄肛尾叶和侧尾叶细长等与后者不同。②暗腹秽蝇C.obscuriabdominis sp.nov.,新种外形特征近似于长足秽蝇C.longipeda Wu et xue,1996,但新种胫节全黄色,前胫中位后鬃1,中股后腹鬃1;第一腹板裸;肛尾叶末端较尖等不同。③离叶秽蝇C.sparagmocerca sp.nov.,新种外形主要特征近似于C.oralis Schnabl,1915,但新种雄侧颜等于触角宽的1/2,髭角位于额角之后;前侧片鬃2;中股无前腹鬃,近中位具1根长的后腹鬃,中胫前背鬃1,后股近中位具1根短小的毛状后腹鬃,后胫后背鬃1;雄肛尾叶和侧尾叶短小等不同。④束秽蝇C.sponsasp.nov.,该新种近似于冯氏秽蝇C.fengi Yang et Zhao,2002,但新种额宽为头宽的0.42,侧颜为触角宽的4/5,口上片不突出,髭间距短于髭至眼缘间距;翅内鬃0+2;中股基部具2-3根长的后腹鬃,后股无明显后腹鬃,后胫前腹鬃1,跗节长于胫节;腹部无明显斑条;肛尾叶中部较宽等不同。模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

A new tribe, two new genera, and seven new species of click beetles are described: Pollostelaterini, trib. nov., Pollostelater baissensis, gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality), five new species in the genus Cryptocoelus Dolin et Nel C. sinitshenkovae, sp. nov. (Romanovka locality), C. shcherbakovi, sp. nov., C. baissensis, sp. nov., C. lukashevichae, sp. nov., C. dolini, sp. nov. (all from Baisa locality), and Turonelater giganteus, gen. et sp. nov. from the Turonian of Southern Kazakhstan (Kzyl-Dzhar locality).  相似文献   

对丽盲蝽属 (丽盲蝽亚属 )Lygocoris (subg .Lygocoris)的中国种类作了修订。文中共包括 19个种 ,其中有 12新种 ,1个中国新纪录种 ,并包括 1项新等级的认定。即暗胝丽盲蝽L .(L .)calligersp .nov .(正模 :四川峨眉山九老洞 ) ,程氏丽盲蝽L .(L .)chengisp .nov .(正模 :四川峨眉山大乘寺 ) ,晕斑丽盲蝽L .(L .)diffusomaculatussp .nov .(正模 :甘肃榆中兴隆山 ) ,淡色丽盲蝽L .(L .)dilutussp .nov .(正模 :甘肃夏河县合作 ) ,锈褐丽盲蝽L .(L .) ferrugineussp .nov .(正模 :云南哀牢山 ) ,褐盾丽盲蝽L .(L .) fuscoscutel latus (Reuter ,190 6 )stat .nov .[由L .(L .)striicornisvar.fuscoscutellatus升为种级阶元 ],广西丽盲蝽L .(L .) guangxiensissp .nov .(正模 :广西龙胜 ) ,东亚丽盲蝽L .(L .)idoneus(Linnavuori,196 3) (中国新纪录种 ) ,完脊丽盲蝽L .(L .)integricarinatussp .nov .(甘肃榆中麻家寺 ) ,林氏丽盲蝽L .(L .)linnavuoriisp .nov .(云南哀牢山簸箕坝 ) ,长翅丽盲蝽L .(L .)longipennis (Reuter ,190 6 ) ,斑盾丽盲蝽L .(L .)maculis cutellatussp .nov .(四川理县刷经寺 ) ,原丽盲蝽L .(L .) pabulinus (Linnaeus ,176 1) ,红盾丽盲蝽L .(L .)rufiscutellatussp .nov .(甘  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper describes four new species of Coenosia Meigen, 1826, namely C. angustifolia sp.nov., C. obscuriabdominis sp. nov., C. sparagmocerca sp. nov. and C. sponsa sp. nov. Type specimens are deposited in Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, China.  相似文献   

记述湖北神农架缺脉舞虻亚属Coptophlebia 5新种,即端鬃缺脉舞虻Empis (Coptophlebia) apiciseta sp. nov.,基黄缺脉舞虻E. (C.) basiflava sp. nov.,指突缺脉舞虻E. (C.)digitata sp. nov.,白毛缺脉舞虻E. (C.) pallipilosa sp. nov.,后鬃缺脉舞虻E. (C.) posticasp. nov.。  相似文献   

Abstract Four new leaf beetle species of Chlamisus Rafinesque, all collected from Fujian Province, China, are described. They are Chlamisus rugosus Zhou et T'an, sp. nov., C. wuyiensis Zhou et T'an, sp. nov., C. flavomaculatus T' an et Zhou, sp. nov. andC. s peciosus T'an et Zhou, sp. nov. For each of the new species, illustrations of dorsal view of body, pygidium and the patterns of tubercles and ridges on elytra are given. All the type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

李后魂 《昆虫学报》2004,47(1):86-92
本文记录世界弧蛀果蛾属Commatarcha昆虫11种,其中中国有7种,包括3个新种: 窄弧蛀果蛾C. angustiptera sp. Nov.,梵净弧蛀果蛾C. fanjingshana sp. Nov.和桂弧蛀果蛾C. guangxiensis sp. Nov.。文中给出了世界弧蛀果蛾属分种检索表和新种的特征图。  相似文献   

Seven new species of Paramunnidae from the Magellan Strait are described, two of which are placed in new genera: Paramunna magellanensis sp. nov., P. menziesi sp. nov., P. parasimplex sp. nov., P. patagoniensis sp. nov., Allorostrata ovalis gen. et sp. nov., Austrosignum dentatum sp. nov., and Magellianira serrata gen. et. sp. nov. Four known paramunnid species from the same location are redescribed: Parammunna integra, P. simplex, P. subtriangulata and Munnogonium tillerae . While investigating the genus Paramunna , two species of this group, Acutomunna foliacea (Chardy, 1975) gen. nov. and Paramunna foresti Carvacho , 1977 were removed, which involved the erection of a new genus. The allocation of P. foresti remains uncertain. Some diagnostic characters of the Paramunnidae and a key to the Magellanic species of Paramunna are presented.  相似文献   

吴琦琦  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2008,51(10):1065-1076
记述中国隐毒甲属Cryphaeus Klug, 1833的4新种: 短角隐毒甲C. brevicornus sp. nov.,长角隐毒甲C. longicornus sp. nov.,短毛隐毒甲C. barbellatus sp. nov.和歪角隐毒甲C. obliquicornus sp .nov.。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。给出中国及部分周边地区已知种雄性和雌性检索表。  相似文献   

记述了中国圆龟蝽属的3新种:后角圆龟蝽Coptosoma cornutum sp.nov.,正模和副模标本采自西藏察隅红卫村;滇黔圆龟蝽C.dianqianum sp.nov.,正模标本采自贵州黔南州,副模标本采自贵州黔南州及云南六库、贡山;普圆龟蝽C.pervulgatum sp.nov.,正模标本采自福建建阳黄坑,副标本本除同正模外,还采自福建崇安三港、浙江天目山、湖北利川星斗山、四川武隆白马山、贵州雷公山。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

湖南蝗虫二新种 (直翅目:斑腿蝗科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
傅鹏  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):16-19
 记述斑腿蝗科 Catantopidae 卵翅蝗属Caryanda Stal ,1878一新种雪峰山卵翅蝗C.xuefengshanensis sp.nov. 和蹦蝗属Sinopodisma C hang,1940 一新种大围山蹦蝗S.daweishana sp.nov.。前者标本采自湖南省黄桑自然保 护区(绥宁县);后者标本采自湖南省大围山国家森林公园(浏阳市)。  相似文献   

中国多刺蚁属驼背亚属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐正会 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):522-530
记述了在云南省南部西双版纳自然保护区热带雨林区域采集到的多刺蚁属Polyrhachis Smith驼背亚属Cyrtomyrma Forel 5新种:方肩多刺蚁P. (C.) cornihumera sp. Nov.,齿肩多刺蚁P. (C.) dentihumera sp. Nov.,圆肩多刺蚁P. (C.) orbihumera sp. Nov.,圆顶多刺蚁P. (C.) rotoccipita sp. Nov.,短胸多刺蚁P. (C.) brevicorpa sp. Nov.。目前为止在中国和中南半岛记载该亚属13种,其中中国已知9种。提供了中国和中南半岛已知13种的检索表。  相似文献   

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