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微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)作为一种新型的环境治理和能源技术,目前已得到研究者们的广泛关注。微生物燃料电池是一种利用微生物将有机物中的化学能转化成电能的装置,产电微生物作为生物催化剂,对微生物燃料电池的发展至关重要。不同种类的产电微生物,其电子转移机制与能力有所差异,直接影响MFC的产电性能,从而决定MFC在工程实践中的性能与应用。任何含有大量微生物的废水、污泥、沉积物都可以作为产电微生物的筛选来源,尝试从不同环境条件下分离筛选高效产电微生物有望促进MFC的进一步完善,从而加速其在环境中的应用。通过对微生物燃料电池的发展、产电微生物种类及其电子传递机制等进行总结分析,综述了MFC中产电微生物的最新研究进展,包括产电微生物的筛选方法、种类以及技术研究等,最后展望了今后在产电微生物方面的主要研究方向及MFC的发展前景,以期为产电微生物的的筛选和应用奠定相应的理论基础及提供思路。  相似文献   

【背景】产电微生物的种类和电化学活性机制对微生物燃料电池的产电性能有着重要的影响。【目的】从海水中分离获得一株耐盐产电微生物,研究其产电特性并鉴定种属信息。【方法】以取自南海的海水为接种液启动并运行阳极液中含有不同盐浓度的微生物燃料电池,从富集的阳极生物膜上分离得到一株纯培养的微生物菌株,命名为E-1。通过接种于阳极液中添加不同盐浓度的微生物燃料电池中对其产电特性进行分析,并利用形态学观察、Biolog分析和16SrRNA基因序列比对相结合的方法进行种属鉴定。【结果】菌株E-1在无外源添加和外源添加6.6%NaCl条件下产生的功率密度分别为51.69 m W/m2和26.56 m W/m2,这与其良好的耐盐能力相关。菌株E-1被鉴定为海藻希瓦氏菌(Shewanella algae),表现出多样的底物利用能力,生长的温度范围为25-40°C,pH范围为5.0-10.0。【结论】这是首次对Shewanella algae种内微生物产电性能及其在微生物燃料电池中应用的报道,丰富了产电微生物的多样性,菌株E-1能够在较高盐浓度条件下表现出良好的产电性能,为微生物燃料电池在海水资源化处理方面的应用提供新的实验材料。  相似文献   

目的:从常温土壤中筛选冷适应微生物,并进行初步鉴定和产低温酶分析。方法:采集吉首大学校园内土壤样品,通过低温富集培养筛选冷适应微生物;通过形态观察、生理生化特性检测和基于16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育分析,对分离的菌株进行初步鉴定;利用平板筛选法检测其产低温酶特性。结果:分离获得6株耐冷细菌JSBP-1~JSBP-6,初步鉴定其分属假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、紫色杆菌属(Janthinobacterium)和节杆菌属(Arthrobacter);在5℃和15℃培养条件下,菌株JSBP-1产蛋白酶能力较强,JSBP-2和JSBP-6产淀粉酶能力较强,JSBP-5仅在5℃条件下有较强的产脂肪酶特性。结论:常温土壤中存在一定数量的冷适应微生物,其中假单胞菌是其优势菌群之一。这类适冷微生物菌群具有潜在的生产低温酶能力。  相似文献   

【背景】微生物燃料电池(Microbial Fuel Cell,MFC)作为一种新型的燃料电池资源,在产电的同时可应用于污水处理领域,达到资源最大化的目的。【目的】从MFC中分离获得一株可培养微生物,研究其产电特性及在污水处理中的微生物絮凝、重金属耐受、苯酚降解性能,为扩展产电菌资源库提供理论基础。【方法】利用WO_3纳米探针从MFC阳极中筛选获得一株具备产电和絮凝性能的菌株,命名为EFS1。运用循环伏安分析结合扫描电镜观测阳极电极;改变外电阻测定极化曲线和功率密度曲线。测定菌株的絮凝、重金属耐受及苯酚降解性能。【结果】经16S rRNA基因序列分析,结合形态学和生理生化鉴定菌株EFS1为微嗜酸寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila)。菌株EFS1具有稳定的产电周期,周期电压最高可达300m V,功率密度可达56.25m W/m~2;扫描电镜发现菌株存在直接接触电极及分泌电子中介体传递电子的方式;MFC内阻为1 000Ω左右。有氧条件下菌株的絮凝率可达到70%,存在电子受体的无氧环境中可达到80%;该菌株还具有良好的Cd~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Mn~(2+)耐受性及苯酚降解性能,在48 h、2–4 mg/L时苯酚降解率达到了100%。【结论】研究验证了产电菌EFS1具备絮凝能力、重金属耐受、苯酚降解的可能性,为产电菌的开发及污水处理方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

李锋  宋浩 《生物工程学报》2017,33(3):516-534
电活性微生物(产电微生物和亲电微生物)通过与外界环境进行双向电子和能量传递来实现多种微生物电催化过程(包括微生物燃料电池、微生物电解电池、微生物电催化等),从而实现在环境、能源领域的广泛应用,并为开发有效且可持续性生产新能源或大宗精细化学品的工艺提供了新机会。但是,电活性微生物的胞外电子传递效率比较低,这已经成为限制微生物电催化系统在工业应用中的主要瓶颈。以下综述了近年来利用合成生物学改造电活性微生物的相关研究成果,阐明了合成生物学如何用于打破电活性微生物胞外电子传递途径低效率的瓶颈,从而实现电活性微生物与环境的高效电子传递和能量交换,推动电活性微生物电催化系统的实用化进程。  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池(MFC)是利用阳极产电微生物为催化剂降解有机废物直接将化学能转化为电能的装置。在MFC系统中,产电微生物是影响产电性能的核心要素之一。介绍了MFC中产电微生物的最新研究现状,详细讨论了产电微生物的种类、产电机理和产电能力.为产电微生物的富集、驯化、改造和多种菌种优化组合提供思路。  相似文献   

高产铁载体根际菌的筛选鉴定及硒活化特性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对高产铁载体根际菌的分离鉴定及其活化土壤硒的性能研究,揭示根际菌产铁载体与活化硒素性能的相关性。利用铬天青(chrome azural S,CAS)平板法从贵州开阳地区玉米根际土壤中筛选出产铁载体菌株,而后定量检测其产铁载体能力,采用Salkowski比色法检测其产吲哚乙酸能力,通过16S rRNA序列对其进行分析鉴定;另外,通过浸提剂提取的水溶态硒、有效硒含量高低反应菌株对土壤硒的活化能力。研究结果显示:5株菌株具有较强的铁载体分泌能力,其中菌株WD06铁载体活性单位高达73%,达到产铁载体能力较高级;各菌株均具有一定的产吲哚乙酸的能力;各菌株可对土壤中的硒起到较强的活化作用,将水溶态硒含量提高2.50~7.85倍、有效硒含量提高0.46~4.72倍;3株硒活化效果较好的菌株中,WD01经鉴定为Klebsiella michiganensis,WD06为Serratia marcescens,WD07为Enterobacter xiangfangensis。该研究结果为土壤硒微生物强化策略提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

方彦伦  陈姗姗 《微生物学报》2018,58(8):1361-1371
产电呼吸是指电活性微生物(electroactive microorganisms,EAMs)以胞外固体电极作为电子受体的一种呼吸形式,在可再生能源利用和环境修复方面具有广阔的应用前景。能否进一步提高EAMs的产电呼吸能力是相关技术能否从实验室走向实际应用的核心,而提高产电呼吸能力的关键是加强EAMs与胞外固体电极间的电子传递能力。目前总结如何促进EAMs产电呼吸能力的综述文献极少。因此,本文从投加化学试剂、施加物理作用及改造生物基因3个方面总结了现有的促进EAMs产电呼吸能力的方法,介绍了每种方法的优势与缺陷,重点阐述了每种手段的作用机理及促进效果,并从实际应用和机理研究的角度展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

[背景]海洋中蕴藏着大量未被开发利用的微生物种质资源,而且海洋微生物产的酶类因其具有耐低温、耐高压和耐高盐等明显区别于陆地微生物所产酶类的特点而备受关注.[目的]从渤海海域海泥样品中分离筛选产葡萄糖氧化酶的菌株,并研究其酶学性质.[方法]通过平板初筛和酶活复筛,确定产葡萄糖氧化酶的菌株;通过形态学鉴定和构建系统发育树分...  相似文献   

【背景】纤维素在自然界中储量丰富,但天然纤维素的难降解性成为广泛应用纤维素资源的壁垒,近年来利用微生物来降解纤维素成为热点研究。【目的】筛选分离得到一株具有降解纤维素功能的放线菌菌株Lb1,通过全基因组测序确定其产纤维素酶关键基因5676,对基因5676进行克隆转化,使其在大肠杆菌中进行表达。【方法】通过基因工程技术将产纤维素基因连接到表达质粒上并导入表达菌株,对其降解纤维素生成葡萄糖的能力进行探究。【结果】将Lb1菌株的16S rRNA基因进行比对,确定菌株Lb1属于链霉菌属,命名为Streptomyces sp. Lb1。成功构建出纤维素酶表达载体,并且导入表达菌株大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),重组菌株的产纤维素酶能力大于空载菌株。【结论】通过基因工程技术成功克隆出产纤维素酶基因,从而表达纤维素酶,为今后利用微生物降解纤维素的大规模应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Exoelectrogens are distinct from other bacteria owing to their unique extracellular electron transfer (EET) abilities that allow for anaerobic respiration with various external redox-active surfaces, including electrode and metal oxides. Although the EET process is known to trigger diverse extracellular redox reactions, the reverse impact has been long overlooked. Recent evidences show that exoelectrogens can sense the potential changes of external surfaces and alter their EET strategies accordingly, which imparts them remarkable abilities in adapting to diverse and redox-variable environment. This mini-review provides a condensed overview and critical analysis about the recent discoveries on redox-dependent EET pathways of exoelectrogens, with focus on Geobacter sulfurreducens and Shewanella oneidensis. We summarize the detailed responses of various EET components, analyze the drives and mechanisms of such responses, highlight the diversity of EET dynamics among different bacterial species and under integrated effects of redox potential and surface chemistry, and discusses the future research needs.  相似文献   

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The bioreduction capacity of Cr(VI) by Shewanella is mainly governed by its bidirectional extracellular electron transfer (EET). However, the low bidirectional EET efficiency restricts its wider applications in remediation of the environments contaminated by Cr(VI). Cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cAMP) commonly exists in Shewanella strains and cAMP–cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate receptor protein (CRP) system regulates multiple bidirectional EET-related pathways. This inspires us to strengthen the bidirectional EET through elevating the intracellular cAMP level in Shewanella strains. In this study, an exogenous gene encoding adenylate cyclase from the soil bacterium Beggiatoa sp. PS is functionally expressed in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 (the strain MR-1/pbPAC) and a MR-1 mutant lacking all endogenous adenylate cyclase encoding genes (the strain Δca/pbPAC). The engineered strains exhibit the enhanced bidirectional EET capacities in microbial electrochemical systems compared with their counterparts. Meanwhile, a three times more rapid reduction rate of Cr(VI) is achieved by the strain MR-1/pbPAC than the control in batch experiments. Furthermore, a higher Cr(VI) reduction efficiency is also achieved by the strain MR-1/pbPAC in the Cr(VI)-reducing biocathode experiments. Such a bidirectional enhancement is attributed to the improved production of cAMP–CRP complex, which upregulates the expression levels of the genes encoding the c-type cytochromes and flavins synthetic pathways. Specially, this strategy could be used as a broad-spectrum approach for the other Shewanella strains. Our results demonstrate that elevating the intracellular cAMP levels could be an efficient strategy to enhance the bidirectional EET of Shewanella strains and improve their pollutant transformation capacity.  相似文献   

Extracellular electron transfer (EET) is a microbial metabolism that enables efficient electron transfer between microbial cells and extracellular solid materials. Microorganisms harbouring EET abilities have received considerable attention for their various biotechnological applications, including bioleaching and bioelectrochemical systems. On the other hand, recent research revealed that microbial EET potentially induces corrosion of iron structures. It has been well known that corrosion of iron occurring under anoxic conditions is mostly caused by microbial activities, which is termed as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). Among diverse MIC mechanisms, microbial EET activity that enhances corrosion via direct uptake of electrons from metallic iron, specifically termed as electrical MIC (EMIC), has been regarded as one of the major causative factors. The EMIC‐inducing microorganisms initially identified were certain sulfate‐reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea isolated from marine environments. Subsequently, abilities to induce EMIC were also demonstrated in diverse anaerobic microorganisms in freshwater environments and oil fields, including acetogenic bacteria and nitrate‐reducing bacteria. Abilities of EET and EMIC are now regarded as microbial traits more widespread among diverse microbial clades than was thought previously. In this review, basic understandings of microbial EET and recent progresses in the EMIC research are introduced.  相似文献   

Redox mediator plays an important role in extracellular electron transfer (EET) in many environments wherein microbial electrocatalysis occurs actively. Because of the block of cell envelope and the low difference of redox potential between the intracellular and extracellular surroundings, the proceeding of EET depends mainly on the help of a variety of mediators that function as an electron carrier or bridge. In this Review, we will summarize a wide range of redox mediators and further discuss their functional mechanisms in EET that drives a series of microbial electrocatalytic reactions. Studying these mediators adds to our knowledge of how charge transport and electrochemical reactions occur at the microorganism-electrode interface. This understanding would promote the widespread applications of microbial electrocatalysis in microbial fuel cells, bioremediation, bioelectrosynthesis, biomining, nanomaterial productions, etc. These improved applications will greatly benefit the sustainable development of the environmental-friendly biochemical industries.  相似文献   

姜杰  冯旗  贺鹏宸  彭兆丰 《微生物学通报》2023,50(10):4694-4704
微生物胞内产生的电子转移到其他电子受体而获得能量的过程称为微生物胞外电子传递,其中,另一微生物作为电子受体时发生的电子传递称为微生物种间电子传递。根据微生物种间电子传递机制,可分间接种间电子传递和种间直接电子传递。由于种间直接电子传递不需要其他物质介导,因此较间接种间电子传递效率更高、能量利用更高。本文系统阐述了微生物进行胞外电子传递的机理及应用,重点分析了种间直接电子传递机理,并概述种间直接电子传递应用领域,为寻找更多电连接的微生物群落以及应用微生物提供参考。  相似文献   

The advances in synthetic biology bring exciting new opportunities to reprogram microorganisms with novel functionalities for environmental applications. For real-world applications, a genetic tool that enables genetic engineering in a stably genomic inherited manner is greatly desired. In this work, we design a novel genetic device for rapid and efficient genome engineering based on the i ntron-encoded homing-endonuclease empowered genome editing (iEditing). The iEditing device enables rapid and efficient genome engineering in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, the representative strain of the electroactive bacteria group. Moreover, combining with the Red or RecET recombination system, the genome-editing efficiency was greatly improved, up to approximately 100%. Significantly, the iEditing device itself is eliminated simultaneously when genome editing occurs, thereby requiring no follow-up to remove the encoding system. Then, we develop a new extracellular electron transfer (EET) engineering strategy by programming the parallel EET systems to enhance versatile EET. The engineered strains exhibit sufficiently enhanced electron output and pollutant reduction ability. Furthermore, this device has demonstrated its great potential to be extended for genome editing in other important microbes. This work provides a useful and efficient tool for the rapid generation of synthetic microorganisms for various environmental applications.  相似文献   

Microbial alkaline proteases: from a bioindustrial viewpoint   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Alkaline proteases are of considerable interest in view of their activity and stability at alkaline pH. This review describes the proteases that can resist extreme alkaline environments produced by a wide range of alkalophilic microorganisms. Different isolation methods are discussed which enable the screening and selection of promising organisms for industrial production. Further, strain improvement using mutagenesis and/or recombinant DNA technology can be applied to augment the efficiency of the producer strain to a commercial status. The various nutritional and environmental parameters affecting the production of alkaline proteases are delineated. The purification and properties of these proteases is discussed, and the use of alkaline proteases in diverse industrial applications is highlighted.  相似文献   

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