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首次报道中国蜘蛛抱蛋属一新记录种——合瓣蜘蛛抱蛋Aspidistra connata H.-J.Tillich,该种与辐花蜘蛛抱蛋A.subrotata Y.Wanet C.C.Huang相似,但叶片长椭圆形至长卵状椭圆形,花被顶端8~10裂,裂片线形,顶端联合不分开,形成一个笼状包围着雌蕊可与后者区别。凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

报道了产自云南屏边的中国蜘蛛抱蛋属一新记录种——垂花蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra nutans Aver.&Tillich)。该种是2017年发表的新种,采集于越南西北部地区,原文缺少果实描述,现补充描述该种果的形态特征。本种与辐花蜘蛛抱蛋(A.subrotata Y.Wan&C.C.Huang)在形态上相近,但其叶片中脉和侧脉明显突出,花梗近先端向下弯曲,长0.8~4.5 cm,花下垂,常贴生于地面,花被紫褐色,常平展,柱头纯白色(后者叶脉凹陷,花梗直立,长约5 mm,花斜向上开,花被暗紫色,内面具有小乳突,柱头白色带紫色斑点)而显著有别于后者。  相似文献   

报道了产自云南天门冬科蜘蛛抱蛋属(Aspidistra Ker Gawler)一新种——辐射蜘蛛抱蛋(A.radiata G.W.HuQ.F.Wang)。该种与春秀蜘蛛抱蛋(A.chunxiuensis C.R.LinY.Liu)相近,但该种因叶鞘3~4枚;总花梗较短,长5~9.5 cm,苞片5~7枚;花被裂片较多,常16(偶14或18)深裂,花被筒扁钵形,花被裂片较长,为65~76 mm,基部较宽,为13~16 mm;雄蕊16(偶14或18)枚;柱头上表面中央隆起区从中央向边缘具8(偶7或9)条呈辐射状排列的紫黑色、花瓣状隆起,每个花瓣状隆起的中央具沟槽等特征而与后者不同。辐射蜘蛛抱蛋亦与巨花蜘蛛抱蛋(A.grandiflora Tillich)近缘,但巨花蜘蛛抱蛋的叶片为狭倒卵形,(50×11)cm,基部狭楔形;花被裂片较短,为50~60 mm;柱头上表面中央具5条紫色辐射状的肋而有别于辐射蜘蛛抱蛋。  相似文献   

蜘蛛抱蛋亚族的花粉形态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究并报道了百合科蜘蛛抱蛋亚族的花粉形态,主要结论如下:1.开口箭属含两种花粉类型即:(1)单槽、椭圆形;(2)无萌发孔、球形。具单槽、椭圆形花粉的种类含单型性核型,花形较小,柱头小而花柱短,雄蕊高于柱头;无萌发孔、球形花粉的种类则为单型性核型,花形较大,柱头常高度膨大,雄蕊常着生在花被筒基部。2.万年青属花粉为椭圆形,具单槽;蜘蛛抱蛋属花粉则为球形,无萌发孔;开口箭属花粉一部分与万年青属相似,另一部分则与蜘蛛抱蛋属雷同。3.蜘蛛抱蛋亚族中最原始的花粉类型为单槽椭圆形,具孔状或网状外壁纹饰。球形,无萌发孔,外壁具皱波状、瘤状或芽孢状纹饰的花粉为派生类型。4.蜘蛛抱蛋亚族种下花粉形状、萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰基本稳定,可作为分种特征。  相似文献   

蜘蛛抱蛋属一新种   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刺果蜘蛛抱蛋新种图1 Aspidistra spinula S. Z. He, sp. nov. (sect. Luridae G. Z. Li), Fig. 1 Species A. longanensi Y. Wan affinis, quae stigmate medio faciei superae valde convexo, tetrapartito, margine 16-lobo, facie infera aciebus 16 longitudinalibus aliformibus ornato differt; et similis A. cruciformi Y. Wan et X. H. Lu, quae lobis perianthii basi intus sine projecturis calcariformibus.  相似文献   

报道了产自云南屏边的中国蜘蛛抱蛋属一新记录种——垂花蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra nutans Aver.Tillich)。该种是2017年发表的新种,采集于越南西北部地区,原文缺少果实描述,现补充描述该种果的形态特征。本种与辐花蜘蛛抱蛋(A. subrotata Y. WanC. C. Huang)在形态上相近,但其叶片中脉和侧脉明显突出,花梗近先端向下弯曲,长0. 8~4. 5 cm,花下垂,常贴生于地面,花被紫褐色,常平展,柱头纯白色(后者叶脉凹陷,花梗直立,长约5 mm,花斜向上开,花被暗紫色,内面具有小乳突,柱头白色带紫色斑点)而显著有别于后者。  相似文献   

广西蜘蛛抱蛋属三新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万煜 《植物研究》1989,9(2):97-102
本文发表了产于广西的蜘蛛抱蛋属三个新种:天峨蜘蛛抱蛋Aspidistra carinata Y.Wan et X.H.Lu,柳江蜘蛛抱蛋A.patentiloba Y.Wan et X.H.Lu及杯花蜘蛛抱蛋A.cyathiflora+Y.Wan et C.C.Huang。  相似文献   

广西蜘蛛抱蛋属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄燮才   《广西植物》1986,(4):273-274
<正> 多年生草本,根状茎平卧,近圆柱状,直径5~7毫米,具密的节和鳞片,根多数,肉质。叶鞘3(最长者长8厘米),紫褐色,抱着叶基,干枯后裂成纤维状。叶单生,相距5—10毫米,叶片卵形或椭圆形,长13—17厘米,宽5—6厘米,顶端渐尖,基部圆形或近圆形,两侧近于不相等,边全缘;叶柄纤细,长6—7厘米,直径约2毫米。总花梗极短,长3—5毫米,具5—6枚苞片,苞片卵形,长4—8毫米,宽3—5毫米,顶端急尖或钝;花单生,花被钟状,肉质,长(27)30—35毫米,外面紫红色,里面淡黄色,6深裂,裂片近等大,卵状披针7形,长(17)20—25毫米,基部宽8毫米,顶端宽2毫米,质厚,近直立,花被筒长10毫米,直径18毫米;雄蕊6枚,着生于花被简基部,几无柄,与花被裂片对  相似文献   

中国蜘蛛抱蛋属植物形态演化趋势及其新分类系统   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
李光照  郎楷永  王任翔  韦毅刚   《广西植物》2000,20(3):200-216
简述了蜘蛛抱蛋属的研究历史 ,着重探讨它的主要器官分类性状的进化趋势 ,揭示了有关它的性别、花被、花被裂片、雄蕊、雌蕊、柱头、果实、花葶、花梗、叶、根状茎等 14个方面的演化趋势。依据这些演化趋势尤其是柱头构造的差异 ,并参考了形态分类学、细胞分类学、孢粉学和解剖学研究的结果 ,提出了蜘蛛抱蛋属的新分类系统  相似文献   

万煜  黄长春   《广西植物》1987,(3):217-224
<正> 十字蜘蛛抱蛋 新种 图1 Aspidis~+ra cruciformis Y. Wan et Ⅹ. H. Lu., sp. nov. Species A. leyeensi Y. Wan et C. C. Huang affinis, sed folios ellipticis vel oblongo-ellipticis; lobis perianthii  相似文献   

报道了产于贺兰山的顶冰花属(百合科)一新种——贺兰山顶冰花Gagea alashanica Y. Z. Zhao & L. Q. Zhao。该种因柱头头状,鳞茎外皮上端向上延伸成圆筒状,抱茎,无附属小鳞茎,植物除基生叶外,茎上具有3-4枚附生叶,无明显总苞片而与新疆顶冰花G. neopopovii Goloskokov相似,但基生叶2枚,半圆筒形;鳞茎外皮向上延伸较短,长约2. 5cm,易于区别。  相似文献   

广西唇柱苣苔属(苦苣苔科)一新变种——光华唇柱苣苔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记载了广西苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae一新变种——光华唇柱苣苔Chirita tribracteata、W.T.Wang var.zhuana Z.Y.Li,Q.Xing&Y.B.Li。该变种与原变种不同在于叶大而厚,边缘具圆齿或牙齿,叶柄具宽翅,苞片宽倒卵形或倒披针形,有锯齿,花冠淡紫色,喉部具黄色纵纹。  相似文献   

Euphrasia brevilabris Y. F. Wang, Y. S. Lian & G. Z. Du, a new species of the Scrophulariaceae from Gannan grassland of Gansu belonging to the east edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China, is described and illustrated. It is related to E. regelii Wettst. by having dense tentacle on the leaves, bracts and calyces, but differs from plant shorter, 3–7 cm high, without ramification, leaves smaller, 3–5 mm long, corolla yellow, the back 3–5 mm long, and labium shorter than muffle. It is also similar to E. pectinata Ten. by bracts obviously bigger than vegetative leaves, but differs from plant shorter, leaves smaller, having dense tentacle on the leaves, bracts and calyces, corolla yellow, labium shorter than muffle.  相似文献   

Three new species in Polygonum section Polygonum (Polygonaceae) from Xinjiang, China, are described and illustrated. Polygonum urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare L. in habit, but differs by having flowers densely clustered and spicate in the upper part of branches, stamens 5–6, and two types of achenes (the longer one densely and irregularly granulate on surface). Polygonum tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare in the flowers not forming a raceme in the upper part of branches, the stamens 8, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface, but differs by the leaf blades linear-lanceolate, the midvein and lateral veins conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the upper axils of branches. This species is also similar to P. patulum M. Bieb. in the erect stem, and the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the axils of the upper part of branches, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the leaves in the upper part of branches not becoming smaller gradually, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface. Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze in the erect stem, the 3–6 flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches, the stamens 8, and the slightly smooth achenes, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme. This species is also similar to P. tachengense in habit, but differs in the leaves borne in the upper part of branches becoming smaller gradually and the smooth, slightly shiny achenes. The pollen morphology, leaf epidermal characters and achene micromorphology of the three new species and their relatives were comparatively observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM).  相似文献   

广西苦苣苔科一新属——文采苣苔属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了在广西发现的苦苣苔科一新属和一新种,即文采苣苔属Wentsaiboea D. Fang & D. H. Qin及文采苣苔W. renifolia D. Fang & D. H. Qin, 并提供墨线图。文采苣苔属的柱头外形略似长檐苣苔属Dolicholoma D. Fang & W. T. Wang, 不同在于前者叶肾形,基部心形,具掌状脉,花冠斜钟状,裂片圆形,雄蕊和退化雄蕊着生于冠筒近基部。新属在体态上还接近小花苣苔属Chiritopsis W. T. Wang, 但前者叶具掌状脉,冠筒钟状,远轴侧膨胀,柱头马蹄形;在后者叶具羽状脉,冠筒筒状,不膨胀,柱头下唇倒梯形至线形。  相似文献   

Wentsaiboea renifolia D. Fang & D. H. Qin, a new genus and species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This genus is similar to Dolicholoma D. Fang & W. T. Wang in the shape of stigma, but differs by having leaves reniform, palmately nerved and base cordate, corolla obliquely campanulate, corolla lobes rounded, and both stamens and staminodes adnate to corolla tube near base. It is also similar to Chiritopsis W. T. Wang in the habit, but differs by having leaves palmately nerved, corolla tube campanulate and abaxially swollen, and stigma hippocrepiform.  相似文献   

吴珍兰  杨永昌 《西北植物学报》2005,25(10):2088-2089
发表了黄精属一新种,即青海黄精Polygonatum qinghaiense Z.L.Wu et Y.C.Yang。本种近似独花黄精P.hookeri Baker.但叶长圆形或狭椭圆形,花淡黄色或白色,裂片具3脉,与筒部几等长.雄蕊着生于花被近喉部等是其主要区别。  相似文献   

Aspidistra punctatoides Yan Liu & C. R. Lin (Ruscaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in southwestern Guangxi, China, near the border with northern Vietnam. It resembles A. punctata Lindl. in leaf size, a campanulate perianth densely covered with purple spots, lobes adaxially with two fleshy keels, and the peltate stigma, but differs by the stigma being adaxially truncate and densely papillate, and by the margin being 3‐ or 4‐lobed with lobes emarginate at apex.  相似文献   

Aspidistra albiflora C. R. Lin, W. B. Xu & Yan Liu (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China. The new species is similar to A. cerina G. Z. Li & S. C. Tang, but differs in having the perianth white by the sides, white pistils, bracts longer than the perianth, anthers only 2 mm long, pistil obconical and stigma slightly enlarged, 4–5 mm in diameter. The new species is currently only known from the type locality in southwestern Guangxi, near the border to northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

贵州杜鹃花属(杜鹃花科)一新种——荔波杜鹃   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
描述了贵州杜鹃花属(杜鹃花科)一新种———荔波杜鹃Rhododendron liboense Z.R.Chen&K.M.Lan。该种以花序顶生,花冠粉红色,宽钟状,子房密被白色腺毛,柱头头状而近似于凉山杜鹃R.huianum Fang,但叶片狭窄,宽1.6-2.8cm,花序轴长1-3cm,花7-9朵,花冠较大,直径约8cm,花萼短小,长仅1-2mm而不同。  相似文献   

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