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刘东  唐文乔 《动物学杂志》2017,52(5):886-890
本文根据采自海南岛的标本描述了中国南海一新记录种:颈斑尖猪鱼(Leptojulis lambdastigma)。本种的主要形态特征为:体长形,体长为体高的3.7~4.0倍,为头长的3.1~3.6倍;头长为吻长的2.7~3.3倍,为胸鳍长的1.45~1.65倍;头裸露无鳞;两颌前端各具2对大犬齿,外侧1对犬齿弯向外后方;背鳍Ⅸ-12,臀鳍Ⅲ-12,胸鳍i(不分支)+11-12(分支);侧线完整,侧线鳞27;颈部具一个"V"形大黑斑,胸鳍后部的上方、侧线的下方具一小黑斑。新鲜标本头部具2条黄色纵带,沿体侧分别经眼和胸鳍基部向后达尾鳍基部;体侧背部具1条浅棕黄色条带;胸鳍基部棕红色,后部浅色;臀鳍浅蓝色;尾鳍下部淡蓝色,上部橙色。本种与尾斑尖猪鱼(L.urostigma)形态较为相似,主要差别在于颈斑尖猪鱼的颈部具有一显著的"V"形黑斑,尾鳍基部无黑斑(尾斑尖猪鱼具此黑斑)。  相似文献   

首次记述了亚洲北大陆的犁齿鱼化石。标本采自湖北松滋县黑口洋溪组。新的标本在个体较小、最大体高位于臀鳍起点处、背鳍起点靠后、背鳍具有 1 2根鳍条、尾上骨缺失、第一末端尾椎 (U1 + 2 )上只有一根神经棘等方面显著不同于犁齿鱼属的三个已知种 (P .encaustus、P .testis和P .queenslandicus) ,代表了一新种 (松滋犁齿鱼Phareodussongziensissp .nov.)。P .encaustus和P .testis幼体的体形较长 ,为纺锤形 ,但到成体后 ,体形明显加高。P .encaustus的体长可达 5 4cm ,P .testis的可达 30cm ,而松滋犁齿鱼的体长可能只有 1 2cm ,和上述两个种的幼体差不多。但是 ,松滋犁齿鱼的体形较高 ,其轮廓和北美两个种的成体很相似 ,因此 ,虽然松滋犁齿鱼的体形较小 ,但很可能代表了成年个体。松滋犁齿鱼的体形和东南亚的Musperiaradiata(可能为Phareodus的同物异名 )比较相似。Musperia的背鳍较大、背鳍鳍条为 2 3根、背鳍起点和臀鳍起点相对、背鳍第一鳍条支持骨和臀鳍第一鳍条支持骨与同一个脊椎相连、第一末端尾椎上有两个神经棘 ,这些特征说明 ,Musperia和松滋犁齿鱼不同 ,而和北美的Phareodus的关系可能更近。  相似文献   

尖嘴鱼属(Gomphosus)是一群分布于印度洋和太平洋热带珊瑚礁海域鱼类,共有2种,以往在中国海域记录有1种杂色尖嘴鱼(G.varius)。我们在分析20世纪90年代采自中国南海大陆坡的鱼类标本时,发现了该属的另一种雀尖嘴鱼(Gomphosus caeruleus Lacepède,1801),为中国新纪录种。本种的主要鉴别特征为:体呈浅黄褐色(雌)或深黑色(雄);吻部特别延长呈管状;体长为体高的4.2倍,为头长的2.6倍;背鳍Ⅷ-13,臀鳍Ⅲ-11,胸鳍i(不分支)+14(分支);脊椎骨25;鳃盖条7;体被中大圆鳞;侧线完全,在背鳍条的后部下方急剧向下弯折,侧线有孔鳞片27;头部仅鳃盖上部有9枚呈三角状排列的小鳞;背鳍起点前方有鳞8行;背鳍第一至第三鳍棘间的鳍膜具1黑斑;尾鳍截形。  相似文献   

在整理华缨鱼属标本时发现,1993年9月在广西壮族自治区天峨县红水河水系地下河采集到的一批标本为一个未经发表的新种,新种订名为大眼华缨鱼(Sinocrossocheilus megalophthalmus)。其下咽齿2行,可与下咽齿3行的7种华缨鱼相区别,而与属内同样具2行下咽齿的贵州华缨鱼(S.guizhouensis)、小口华缨鱼(S.microstomatus)和宽唇华缨鱼(S.labiatus)亲缘关系较近。但:(1)新种胸鳍中点上方无黑斑,背鳍分枝鳍条7,腹鳍分枝鳍条7,背鳍前鳞15—16,眼大,头长为眼径2·5—3·1倍,眼径为头宽44·7%—57·8%,吻须后伸至前后鼻孔之间或眼前缘,口角须后伸至眼前缘至眼中之间或眼中至眼后缘之间,体长为尾柄高8·9—10·7倍,头长为吻长2·5—3·7倍,可与贵州华缨鱼(胸鳍中点上方有一明显黑斑,背鳍分枝鳍条8,腹鳍分枝鳍条8,背鳍前鳞12—14,头长为眼径4·0—5·0倍,眼径为头宽16·6%—20·7%,吻须后伸不达后鼻孔后缘,口角须后伸至眼前缘,体长为尾柄高7·2—8·2倍,头长为吻长1·9—2·2倍)相区别;(2)新种背鳍前鳞15—16,侧线鳞39—40,侧线上鳞4·5—5·5,背鳍分枝鳍条7,鳃耙13,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,眼径为头宽44·7%—57·8%,可与宽唇华缨鱼(背鳍前鳞22,侧线鳞42—45,侧线上鳞6·5,背鳍分枝鳍条8,鳃耙10,腹鳍末端不达肛门,眼径为头宽23·3%—30·0%)相区别;(3)新种与同水系的小口华缨鱼在鳍条数、侧线鳞、体色、斑纹等方面最为相似,但新种围尾柄鳞14/16,眼大,头长为眼径2·5—3·1倍,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,口角须后伸至眼前缘至眼中之间或眼中至眼后缘之间,吻皮边缘深裂成小穗,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,背鳍长大于头长,体长为尾柄长4·8—5·9倍,头长为吻长2·5—3·7倍,尾柄长为尾柄高1·6—2·1倍,可与之(围尾柄鳞12,眼小,头为眼径4·4—4·6倍,腹鳍末端不达肛门,口角须伸达眼下方,吻皮边缘不开裂或开裂不明显,背鳍起点距吻端等于距尾鳍基,背鳍条约等于头长,体长为尾柄长6·1—6·4倍,头长为吻长2·1—2·4倍,尾柄长为尾柄高1·4—1·5倍)相区别。  相似文献   

西双版纳发现圆唇鱼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
查看云南大学生物系收藏的鱼类标本时,发现1号圆唇鱼标本,1984年4月采自云南省西双版纳州勐腊。经鉴定系短须圆唇鱼Cyclocheilichthys repasson(Bleeker),现将其主要性状简记如下:短须圆唇鱼Cyclocheilichthys repasson(Bleeker)全长86毫米,体长70毫米,体长为体高的3.2倍,为头长的3.7倍。尾柄长与其高约相等。背鳍条3,8;臀鳍条3,6;胸鳍条1,16;腹鳍条1,9。鳃耙7。侧线鳞(数至最末1枚具孔鳞片)37,侧线上鳞6.5,侧线下鳞(至腹鳍起点)4.5;背鳍前鳞12;围尾柄鳞18。口端位,上颌略突出。缺上颌须,一对口角须极微小。唇后沟在颏部相通,但较浅。头背…  相似文献   

正这里是大堡礁海洋生物学院。在这儿上学的动物宝贝们最喜欢每天上课前的"才艺5分钟"环节,那是大家轮流表演节目的时间。明天就该猪齿鱼菲比上场了。可它究竟表演什么好呢?一想到这事儿,菲比的大脑就停不下来了,真是一会儿一个主意。要不,朗诵一首诗我是一条猪齿鱼有近一米长的身体外表看起来平淡无奇但我有很特别的牙齿有人说那是猪的样子可没有它们我哪有如此个性的名字其实除了这些我还有很多其他秘密那么请做我的朋友我会慢慢告诉你  相似文献   

法老鱼科(Anotopteridae)物种是一类凶猛的肉食性鱼类,主要分布在北太平洋、北大西洋和南冰洋中高纬度的寒冷海区,共有1属3种,以往在中国海域没有记录。我们在整理20世纪80年代初采自中国南海的馆藏鱼类标本时,发现了该科1种,即尼氏法老鱼(Anotopterus nikparini Kukuev)。其主要特征为,体甚柔软而细长,近圆筒形。口裂大,上下颌延长,上颌具1行短齿;腭骨有1行镰刀状的大型齿;下颌有1行扁薄的大齿。鳃裂甚宽,鳃膜不与颊部相连;鳃耙退化。鳃盖骨扁薄而柔软。体表无鳞。背鳍缺失,脂鳍发达。各鳍无棘,臀鳍15,胸鳍14,腹鳍11。侧线完全,有侧线孔85。脊椎骨80。法老鱼科、法老鱼属(Anotopterus)和尼氏法老鱼是中国鱼类的新纪录科、新纪录属和新纪录种。标本保存于上海海洋大学鱼类标本馆。  相似文献   

“大陆漂移”学说在古生物学上的证据很多,其中已绝灭了的古代爬行动物水龙兽的例子,早已被人们所熟悉,然而,许多人对角齿鱼可能还不大了解。早在1941年,在我国四川威远红层中发现了一块奇特的化石。它那棕黑色的表面闪烁着珐琅质光泽,为数不多的几行齿稜排列成扇形,基部互相愈合在一起。原来这是角齿鱼类的齿板化石。这种牙齿,不生长在口的边缘,而着生于口腔内上腭的内翼骨和下颌的夹板骨上,上下各一对,十分坚硬。经过研究,这块化石被命名为“杨氏角齿鱼”。这个名称是为了赠献予首先发现和研究我国肺鱼类化石的古生物学家杨钟健教授。从此,这类化石在亚洲的记录除了印度地区之外,又增加了新产地。以后,在我国  相似文献   

伊洛瓦底江中国境内江段裂腹鱼属二新种描述及分类整理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对伊洛瓦底江水系的裂腹鱼属进行分类订正。发现了两种未被描记的鱼类新种,即白体裂腹鱼(Schizothorax leukussp.nov.)和奇异裂腹鱼(Schizothorax heteri sp.nov.)。白体裂腹鱼下唇完整不分叶、表面具发达乳突,下唇后缘平直呈横带形;下颌内侧角质突起甚厚,充满整个口腔,角质前缘锐利;胸鳍末端之前的峡部和腹部裸露无鳞;须长约等于眼径;背鳍末根不分枝鳍条较软,基部~1/3扩大变硬、后缘具明显锯齿;侧线鳞94~105,侧线上鳞26~34,侧线下鳞21~27;第一鳃弓外侧鳃耙16~20;体侧暗褐色,无明显黑斑。这些特征可将白体裂腹鱼与本属其他种类相区分。奇异裂腹鱼吻皮与上唇约等厚;下唇发达,分三叶,中间叶小,约与触须基部直径相当;唇后沟连续;下颌无锐利角质;胸鳍末端之前的峡部和腹部裸露无鳞;须长约等于眼径;背鳍末根不分枝鳍条扩大,为粗状的硬齿,后缘具强锯齿;背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点之后;侧线鳞89~104,侧线上鳞24~33,侧线下鳞19~29;通体浅灰色,体侧无斑纹;这些特征可将白体裂腹鱼与本属其他种类相区分。该研究否定了圆颌裂腹鱼(S.rotundimaxillaris)的有效性,澄清了墨脱裂腹鱼(S.molesworthi)、灰裂腹鱼(S.griseus)和保山裂腹鱼(S.paoshanensis)等在伊洛瓦底江水系的记录均属误订,确定该水系中国境内裂腹鱼属有效种为8种,并制定了伊洛瓦底江裂腹鱼属种检索表。  相似文献   

珠江水系鱼类一新纪录——带刺光唇鱼(鲤形目:鲤科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月及2010年8月在广东省增城市及河源市采得一批鱼类标本,其中20尾经鉴定为珠江水系鱼类新纪录——带刺光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus spinifer Yuan,WuZhang,2006)。该种主要鉴别特征包括:(1)体侧具有5~6条垂直的黑色条纹,每条约占2列鳞片宽,向下延伸至侧线以下2行鳞片,呈对称或不对称分布;(2)第2条垂直条纹位于背鳍末根不分枝鳍条的下方;(3)背鳍末根不分枝鳍条为粗壮的硬刺,后缘具细小的锯齿;(4)背鳍鳍间膜外缘2/3黑色。标本现保存于华南师范大学生命科学学院鱼类标本室。  相似文献   

The endemic lentic goby of Lake Biwa in Japan, which has hitherto been designated informally as Rhinogobius sp. BW, is formally described as Rhinogobius biwaensis sp. nov. It is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: vertebral count 26 (rarely 27); pectoral fin rays 18–22 (mostly 20–21); longitudinal scales 31–36 (mostly 31–34, mode 32); predorsal scales absent or few; D1 low with non-filamentous spines, all of almost same length except for shorter 1st and 6th (last) spines in both sexes; pelvic fin disk composed of thin membranes, its frenum undeveloped with a low, thin lamella; cheek unmarked; back and sides of body with 5–6 unclear dark saddles and 6–9 dark blotches; D1 lacking blotches but melanized to greater or lesser degree along rays; dorsal edge of pectoral base with one small, dark spot tinged with blue metallic luster; in breeding males, yellow on suboperculum and branchiostegal region and on basal part of anal fin, blue on medial part of under jaw.  相似文献   

A new species of tripterygiid fish, belonging to the recently described genusCeratobregma Holleman, 1987, is characterized by a total of 17 spines in the second dorsal fin, 8 rays in the third dorsal fin, 20 anal fin rays (spines+rays = 22), 14 + 21 lateral line scales, a total of 35–37 lateral scale series, small spiny scales on the sides of the head behind the eye and on the upper cheeks, 14 vertical dark stripes along the upper sides of the body, and 8 basal blotches on the second dorsal fin. A key to the species ofCeratobregma is presented.Norfolkia brachylepis is described and recorded from northwestern Australia.Norfolkia springen is synonymized withN. brachylepis.  相似文献   

A new species of blenny,Atrosalarias hosokawai is described on the basis of 15 specimens from the western Pacific. It is distinguished from the only known congeneric species,A. fuscus (=A. fuscus fuscus+A. fuscus holomelas), by the following: supraorbital cirrus broad and flat (vs. slender and thread-like inA. fuscus); dorsal fin broadly contacting caudal fin (vs. narrow contact); anal fin narrowly contacting caudal fin (vs. usually free or (rarely) very narrow contact); posteriormost dorsal and anal fin rays long (vs. short); first or posteriormost soft dorsal fin ray shortest (vs. posteriormost ray shortest); first soft anal fin ray shortest (vs. posteriormost ray shortest); caudal fin rays branched in specimens over 36.0 mm SL (vs. unbranched); a large dark spot on base of pectoral fin absent (vs. present or absent); a red margin on anterior dorsal fin absent (vs. present). Futhermore,A. hosokawai differs fromA. f. fuscus in having a lower number of dorsal fin spines (ten vs. eleven) and geographical distribution (western Pacific Ocean vs. Indian Ocean and Red Sea). AlthoughA. hosokawai occurs sympatrically withA. f. holomelas, it can be further distinguished from the latter in lacking a large dark spot on base of pectoral fin.  相似文献   

Chelidoperca tosaensis is described as a new species based on 84 specimens from Japan and the Philippines taken from depths of 60–302 m. The species can be distinguished from all known congeners by having the following combination of characters: scale rows between lateral line and base of spinous dorsal fin 3; pored lateral-line scales 37–42 (modally 39); scale rows in longitudinal series 39–43 (modally 40); no longitudinal dark stripe or row of dark blotches on body side. The new species is additionally characterized by having a combination of numerous, scattered, yellow spots on dorsal and anal fins with red streak or cluster of reddish spots over bases of about 4–6th dorsal-fin spines; large ocellated red spot with pinkish white border present on membrane between opercular spines; pelvic fin with middle area yellow with whitish spine, and whitish first, second and fifth soft rays; caudal fin with about three transverse rows of yellow spots centrally and posteriorly, two fan-shaped rows of red blotches on basal third, and a pair of white blotches with a pair of yellow blotches between white blotches on the base. Diagnostic characters of Chelidoperca stella, previously known only from its type locality in the Andaman Sea, are updated based on 12 specimens from Taiwan, the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam and the Philippines. These specimens represent the first records of the species from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A new goby species, Stiphodon niraikanaiensis, is described on the basis of three specimens (two females and one male) collected from a freshwater stream in Okinawa Island, Japan. This species can be distinguished from its congeners by nine soft rays in the second dorsal fin, 16 rays in the pectoral fin, a pointed first dorsal fin in male, the premaxilla with 46–50 tricuspid teeth in 27–36 mm SL; no white patch behind the pectoral-fin base in male, the nape and posterior half of the occipital region covered by cycloid scales, broad black band along the distal margin of the second dorsal fin in male, 11 or 12 dusky transverse bars laterally on the trunk and tail of female intersecting with the mid-lateral longitudinal band, several conspicuous black spots on each spine and soft ray on the first and second dorsal fins of female, the anal fin of female lacking remarkable marking, and the pectoral-fin rays with 2–5 and 1–4 black spots, respectively, for male and female. The new species is known only from the type locality.  相似文献   

A new platycephalid, Rogadius mcgroutheri, is described on the basis of the specimens collected from eastern Australia and New Caledonia. Rogadius mcgroutheri is distinguished from other congeners by 11 second dorsal fin rays usually, 4 or 6–8 unbranched lower pectoral fin rays, larger orbital diameter, usually single preocular spine lacking the accessory spines on the anterior base, short antrorse preopercular spine, tooth band on palatine narrow, with 2 irregular tooth rows, body with indistinct or somewhat distinct brown blotches, and caudal fin with dark brown spots and bands.  相似文献   

A review of the species and subspecies of Ditrema from East Asia recognized the following taxa: D. jordani Franz, 1910, D. temminckii pacificum subsp. nov., D. t. temminckii Bleeker, 1853, and D. viride Oshima, 1940. Ditrema jordani is characterized by a coppery-red body when fresh, the posterior end of the dorsal-fin base anterior to that of the anal-fin base, a dark rounded marking on the anterior suborbital area margined with white lines or a broad dark inverse trapezoid marking on the anterior part of the suborbital region, the lower half of the spinous portion of the dorsal fin often with a longitudinal black stripe, and a faint longitudinal dark line along the anal-fin base. Ditrema temminckii is characterized by a silvery body, usually bluish dorsally when fresh, a black oblique band on the anterior suborbital area, the spinous portion of the dorsal fin with a black distal margin, and no dark line along the anal-fin base. Ditrema t. pacificum, mainly distributed along the Pacific Ocean coast, differs from D. t. temminckii, mainly distributed along the coast of Sea of Japan, in lacking a dark spot on the anterior portion of the preopercle (vs. dark spot present in the latter), but having a black line along the posterior margin of the pelvic-fin spine (vs. black spot anteriorly on base of pelvic fin), fewer dorsal-fin spines (usually 9 or 10 vs. 10 or 11), more dorsal-fin soft rays (mode 21 vs. mode 20), and longer pectoral, pelvic, and caudal fins. The two nominal species (D. smitti and D. leave) are regarded as junior synonyms of D. t. temminckii. Ditrema viride is characterized by a silvery, dorsally yellowish-green body when fresh, 9–11 dorsal-fin spines (mode 10), a dark triangular marking on the anterior suborbital area, the spinous portion of the dorsal fin with a black distal margin, a longitudinal black line along the anal-fin base and the pelvic fin slightly darkish, and lacking a black spot anteriorly on the base. Neotypes are designated for D. jordani and D. viride. A key to the species and subspecies of Ditrema is provided.  相似文献   

 A new gobiid fish, Asterropteryx atripes, is described on the basis of eight specimens from Iriomote-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, and El Nido, Philippines. It differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters: 3rd spine of first dorsal fin long, filamentous, distal tip usually over end of 2nd dorsal fin base when appressed in both sexes; pelvic fins almost separated, innermost (=5th) segmented rays connected by rudimentary low membrane between bases, and no frenum; 4–7 short spines on posterior margin of preopercle (the uppermost spine usually just behind the cephalic sensory canal pore N); eye large, 32.3–35.8% of head length; enlarged haemal arches on 1st two caudal vertebrae; a distinct black band from posterior margin of eye to caudal fin base (indistinct in dark-phase individuals); black pelvic fin (vivid in dark-phase individuals); numerous minute bright blue spots on head and body in life; no distinct dark spots on head and body; iris entirely reddish-brown or dusky (bright white ventrally in pale-phase individuals) when alive or fresh, and entirely black in preservation, without white transverse bar on middorsal surface; hovering habit. The new species appears to be most closely related with the other only known hovering species, A. striata; the latter is readily distinguished from the former in having no long, filamentous dorsal spine; semitranslucent pelvic fin; and a series of small black spots along dorsal fin base and dorsal edge of caudal peduncle. Asterropteryx contains two distinct groups, and the monophyly of the genus is open to question. Received: March 19, 2000 / Revised: February 25, 2002 / Accepted: April 25, 2002  相似文献   

A new soleid flatfish,Solea stanalandi, is described from two specimens collected in 1–7 m in the Persian Gulf near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It is distinctive among species of the genus in having 57–59 dorsal rays, 46 anal rays, 104–106 pored scales in the straight portion of the lateral line to the caudal-fin base, a body depth of 2.45–2.5 in standard length, a large black spot on the outer half of the pectoral fin of the ocular side, and a similar narrower dark spot on the pectoral fin of the blind side.  相似文献   

A new anthine fish, Pseudanthias calloura, is described on the basis of three specimens from Palau. The new species differs from other congeners in having a complicated color pattern of the caudal fin and the following characters: moderately forked caudal fin; dorsal fin with 10 spines, the anterior ones being shorter than the rest, and with 16 soft rays; second anal spine shorter than the third; 19 pectoral rays; scales on lateral line 51 (holotype) to 53 (paratypes) in number; tongue without teeth; circumorbital rim with several fleshy projection on posterior part; a row of fine scales occurring asymmetrically behind alternate dorsal spines on both left and right sides; preopercle margin finely serrated; interopercle and subopercle margins smooth. Received: June 9, 1999 / Revised: September 23, 2000 / Accepted: February 23, 2001  相似文献   

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