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作者在陕西省清涧县大仓鼠鼻腔中采得一种恙螨,经鉴定为微恙螨属Microtrombicula(Ewing,1950)一新种,描述如下。所用量度单位均为μm。 清涧微恙螨,新种Microtrombicula (Microtrombicula)qingjianensis sp. nov.(图1—7) 活体标本黄色。饱食幼虫体长604(583—619),宽458(436—508),足基节Ⅲ后有明  相似文献   

陕西宽寄螨属一新种:(蜱螨亚纲:胭螨科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述胭螨科一新种,长安宽寄螨Euryparasitus changanensis sp.nov.,标本采自陕西长安县大仓鼠的窠内。本新种与黄鼠宽寄螨Euryparasitus citelli Bai et al,1988最相近似,但有明显区别。  相似文献   

新疆革螨初记包括一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆维吾尔自治区流行病学研究所从1957—1980年间在自然疫源性疾病的调查中采到一些革螨标本,经初步整理部分标本,已定种的有20种,分隶于5科10属,其中包括赫刺螨属一新种,订名为新疆赫刺螨(Hirstionyssus xinjiangensis sp.nov.)。现报导如下: 一、血革螨科Haemogamasidae Oudemans,1926 (一)真厉螨属Eulaelaps Berlese,1903 1.厩真厉螨E.stabularis(Koch,1836) 宿主:褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)、子午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)、五趾跳鼠(Allactaga sibirica)、灰仓鼠(Cricetulus migralorius)。 采集地点、时间:吐鲁番、和田、奇台北塔山、乌鲁木齐。5—8月。 2.仓鼠真厉螨E.cricetuli Vitzthum,1930 宿主:小毛足鼠(Phodopus roborowskii)三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)。 采集地点、时间:和田。7月  相似文献   

记述美绥螨科Ameroseiidae美绥螨属Ameroseius Berlese,19031新种,青海美绥螨Ameroseius qinghaiensis sp.nov.,新种与曲美绥螨Ameroseius curvatus Gu,Wang et Bai,1989近似,但有明显区别。模式标本采自青海省湟中县总寨乡褐家鼠Rattus norvegicus和长尾仓鼠Cricetulus longicaudatus体上,保存于青海省地方病预防控制所。  相似文献   

山东部分地区小兽类寄生恙螨的群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用鼠笼捕捉活鼠,收集体外恙螨,分类计数,定量分析小兽类体外寄生恙螨的群落结构。探讨山东小兽类体外寄生恙螨群落结构及其与疾病的关系。结果表明,当地5种小兽类体外共有6种寄生恙螨。黑线姬鼠、大仓鼠体外寄生螨种较丰富,各有5种寄生螨。小盾纤恙螨宿主范围广,在4种小兽的体外均有发现。大仓鼠体外太平洋无前恙螨的带螨率和带螨指数最高(72.73%、52.00),临淮岗纤恙螨、泰山纤恙螨、须纤恙螨普遍寄生于黑线姬鼠、大仓鼠体外。黑线姬鼠与大仓鼠寄生螨群落多样性指数相对较高。黑线姬鼠寄生螨群落与大仓鼠的相似系数最大(39.2)。黑线姬鼠体外恙螨群落结构随季节变化而发生变化,恙螨群落的丰富度和多样性指数以冬季(12~2月)最低,春、秋季较高。  相似文献   

本文记述从青海省湟中长尾仓鼠Criectulus longicaudatus巢中采得的阳厉螨属一新种,即九棘阳厉螨Androlaelaps novemspinosus sp.nov。新种与三叉阳厉螨A.trifurcatus Wang et LiRUV RP  相似文献   

从采自新疆博乐县阿拉山口(海拔290 m)室内灰仓鼠伏龙芝亚种 Cricetulus migratorius caesius耳壳内的一批纤恙螨标本鉴定中发现中国新记录亚属——爱柯纤恙螨亚属 Ericotrombidium中的一个新种,定名为博乐纤恙螨 Leptotrombidium (E.) bolei sp.nov.,它与美丽纤恙螨L.(E.)pulchrum(Sosnina,1950)及索氏纤恙螨L.(E.)sokolovi Kudryshova,1984比较近似,但本新种IP及盾板量度除 AM外均较大,PW-SB≥PL,可与前者区别;IP较小,平均787,幅度763—821,DS较少,排列规则:2+,可与后者区别。  相似文献   

下盾螨属二新种(蜱螨亚纲:厉螨科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文绘图描述了下盾螨属Hypoaspis二新种,订名为拟小下盾螨Hypoaspis subminor sp.nov.与邓氏下盾螨H.tengi sp.nov.。模式标本分别采自宁夏自治区中宁县的黑线仓鼠Cricetulus barabensis Pallas与小毛足鼠Phodopus roborovskii Satunin体上,保存在宁夏自治区地方病防治所与贵阳医学院。  相似文献   

记述厉螨科Lealapidae Berlese,1892下盾螨属Hypoaspis Canestrini,18851新种,即卵形下盾螨Hypoaspis ovatus sp.nov。标本采自青海省湟中县总寨地区灰仓鼠Cricetulus migratorius体上,模式标本存放在青海省地方病预防控制所,文内测量单位均为μm。  相似文献   

1959年4月在吉林省大安县安广,从黑线仓鼠巢采得维螨科一新种,命名为楔形维螨,新种Veigaiacuneatasp.nov。同年9月在该县合力从小家鼠巢采得巨螯螨科1中国新纪录,糙裂雕盾螨Glyptholaspisasperrima(Berlese,1905)。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship existing between the electronic structures of collagen and its biochemical functions in vivo, the semiempirical CNDO/2 SCF MO calculations were carried out on several model polymers of collagen, (Gly-Pro)n, (Gly-Hyp)n, (Ala-Pro)n, (Ala-Hyp)n, (Gly-Pro-Gly)n, (Gly-Hyp-Gly)n, (Gly-Pro-Pro)n and (Gly-Pro-Hyp)n. Geometries of the skeleton of these polymers were assumed to be the same as those of poly(l-proline) I (cis) and II (trans) and the calculations were performed only on infinite polymers in a single chain. The results show that the cis form is always more stable than the trans form for all the polymers treated. This energy difference between the cis and trans forms depends, for example, on the kind of amino acid residue, Gly or Ala, but this could not be seen in the Pro or Hyp residue. The flexibility or mobility of the collagen structure was explained using the energy difference between the cis and trans forms of the polymers, i.e. the cis-trans conversion of the collagen was discussed in connection with the energy difference. The reason why the collagen has the constitution of (Gly-Pro-Hyp)n is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Gildenkov  M. Yu. 《Entomological Review》2020,100(7):1009-1019
Entomological Review - The type material of several synonyms of Coprophilus (Zonyptilus) pennifer (Motschulsky, 1845) is revised. Both Coprophilus (Zonyptilus) striatipennis (Eppelsheim, 1894) and...  相似文献   

奥地利天牛分类学家Holzschuh(1993)根据四川标本描述了C.anrotes(Carilia)glabricollis Holzschuh,1993.因该学名已被光胸金花天牛Gaurotes (Neogaurotes )glabricollis Pu,1992占用,Holzschuh(1998)为其拟定了替换学名Gaurotes (Carilia )glabratula Holzschuh,1998.后来,蒋书楠、陈力(2001)也为这个异物同名拟定了一个不必要的替换学名寡毛金花天牛Gaurotes(Carilia)oligothrix Chiang,2001.根据<国际动物命名法规>(第4版),Gaurotes (Carilia)glabratula Holzschuh,1998享有优先权,因此Gaurotes(Carilia)oligothrix Chiang,2001成为客观次异名.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The type and other extensive material of Coprophilus (Zonyptilus) pennifer (Motschulsky, 1845) and some of its synonyms was examined. Coprophilus (Zonyptilus) marginalis...  相似文献   

After examining syntypes of Onthophagus cervicornis Kirby, 1825, previously considered to be a synonym of the North American Onthophagus striatulus (Palisot de Beauvois, 1809), we confirm the true identity and new synonymy under South Asian Onthophagus dama (Fabricius, 1798).  相似文献   

ABO, rhesus and Kell blood group data on 1327 donors in Kabul are analysed by ethnic affinity and compared with existing data on Afghanistan peoples. Blood group frequencies are very similar in Pushtu and Tadjik, despite their different historical, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. Inclusion of the small sample of Hazara in the analysis shows overall heterogeneity in rhesus D, E, and e frequencies, suggesting the existence of a broader pattern of genetic variation among the peoples of Afghanistan.  相似文献   

The original article to which this erratum refers was published in Biopolymers Biopolymers (2006) 82(4) 285 .  相似文献   

Abstract. The freshwater ostracod Tonnacypris glacialis (Sars, 1890) is reported from the European Pleistocene for the first time. The historical allocation of the species is discussed, and the species composition and characteristics of Tonnacypris Diebel & Pietrzeniuk (1975) and its phylozoogeography are considered. The significance of T. glacialis is reviewed, particularly from the viewpoint of the possible implications of parthenogenesis (and occasional-male production) for the Quaternary history of the genus, and for the use of the species in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. It is suggested that the Pleistocene fossil occurrence of T. glacialis in modern temperature latitudes is a robust indicator of mean summer temperatures of 6°C.  相似文献   

The Lagomerycidae, a small family of the Cervoidea, is known in France by the genera Lagomeryx, Ligeromeryx and Stephanocemas. Lagomeryx contains three species, the other two genera one species only. This family is known from MN3 to MN5.  相似文献   

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