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泡沙参复合体(桔梗科)的物种生物学研究: I.表型的可塑性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
表型可塑性是生物变异中由环境引起的一种变异,是植物适应的一种重要方式。对沙参属这样一个形态上复杂多变,分类上很难处理的类群,研究其表型可塑性不仅为探讨性状变异、判断其系统学意义及选择可靠的分类性状提供了有益的资料,而且有助于揭示沙参属植物变异、适应和进化的机制。本文从泡沙参复合体中选择了6个居群,利用播种和移栽试验,通过对不同个体和居群在一致条件下的表现及野外和移栽后的对比,对根、茎、叶,花和果等形态性状的表型可塑性进行了初步的观测分析。结果表明,一些叶片、花部和果实性状具有较大的发育可塑性,尤其是叶形、花萼裂片不仅发育变化大,而且随发育过程定向变化。环境可塑性较大的性状主要是根、茎、花序分枝等性状,而叶片、花部、果实和种子性状的环境饰变能力都较小。最后,对泡沙参复合体形态性状的变异从发育可塑性和环境可塑性的角度进行了讨论。  相似文献   

以中国分布最广、形态变异复杂且分类上存在争议的木蓝属植物河北木蓝(Indigofera bungeana Walp.)为研究对象,运用GIS技术从较大尺度上(17省28县29个居群)进行叶表型可塑性分析,利用表型可塑性指数和变异系数对叶表型可塑性进行评价,并对叶表型性状与环境因子的相关性进行分析。结果显示:河北木蓝叶表型性状在居群间的变异大于居群内;叶长、叶柄长、最少小叶数、最多小叶数、小叶长、小叶宽6个叶表型性状均具有可塑性,其中叶长的可塑性最大,小叶数目的可塑性最小;年均降水量是对叶表型可塑性影响最大的环境因子;6个叶表型性状与海拔均呈负相关,与年均气温呈正相关。研究结果可为河北木蓝的分类、适应性进化和开发利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

脓疮草复合体的形态性状分析与分类修订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
脓疮草复合体(Panzerina lanata complex)隶属于唇形科脓疮草属,原有6个合法学名。通过从内 蒙古、陕西、甘肃、宁夏及新疆等5个省或自治区的22个居群取样,进行野外和移栽后的对比观测及性 状分析,并结合多变量统计分析,从不同水平和角度对复合体进行了研究。结果表明,此复合体的根、茎 等都是环境可塑性很高的性状,叶次之,而花部、果实和种子性状的可塑性较小。以往划分复合体类群 的叶裂程度、茎叶被毛及萼齿形态等几个鉴别性状在天然居群中连续变化,以此划分的几个“种”,不过 是连续变异的极端个体。再结合地理分布的特征,将P.alaschanica、P.kansuensis和P. albescens归并 在P.1anata中,同样可证明P.argyracea不存在。对22个居群11个形态性状的统计学和主成分分析 与性状分析结果一致。研究表明,该复合体小坚果表面具疣与否、花冠超出萼筒的多少及花干后变色与 否等是其分种性状,以此分种标准该复合体可分为2种:Panzerina lanata(L.)Sojak和Panzerina parviflora(C.Y.Wu et H.W.Li)Y.Z.Zhao.  相似文献   

狭叶沙参复合体(桔梗科)的物种生物学研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
通过对狭叶沙参复合体进行居群(共46个)采样、引种、栽培实验,生物学特性观察,染色体观察 (已发表),杂交、同工酶比较、形态性状的定性定量分析、茎解剖和花粉形态的观察,发现:(1)该 复合体主要进行异花授粉,实生苗第二年才抽茎生花;(2)32个居群的染色体计数表明,在辽宁东部、 辽宁西部(绝大部分地区)和山西霍县的居群都为二倍体(2n=34),而其它地方的居群为四倍体(2n 68);(3)叶的酯酶同工酶的变异大,和一些形态特征,尤其是叶的形态和大小的变异相似,而种子的酯 酶同工酶则相当稳定;(4)通过9个居群的杂交试验,在狭叶沙参和石沙参四倍体居群间得到了一 些F1种子,而辽宁西部二倍体与上述的四倍体居群间的杂交未产生任何F1种子;(5)性状分析(包括 聚类分析与主成份分析)和茎解剖的研究,揭示了它们在叶、果实、花和种子的形态、髓纤维组织的有无、 叶锯齿和花萼裂片齿的有无和多少等形状上的变异幅度,并据此分辨出8个宗。其中辽宁西部的二倍 体宗形态上相当独特,被提升为种的等级。 其余7个宗,根据不同的分化程度被处理为三个种和5个 亚种;(6)运用杂交指数法分析了石沙参和狭叶沙参在太行山一带杂交的可能性;(7)分析讨论了复合体内各类群的起源和进化关系。  相似文献   

为揭示四川西部川赤芍〔Paeonia anomala subsp.veitchii(Lynch)D.Y.Hong et K.Y.Pan〕表型性状的变异规律,对川赤芍6个野生居群的株高、茎基粗、叶片和花部性状等15个表型性状进行了比较;并在此基础上,对各表型性状进行了方差分析、变异系数(CV)分析、离散系数(R′)分析、Shannon-Weaver遗传多样性指数(H′)分析、主成分分析和聚类分析.结果表明:川赤芍15个表型性状在居群间均存在极显著差异;除顶小叶长宽比外,其他14个表型性状在居群内均存在极显著或显著差异.15个表型性状在居群内的F值均明显小于居群间.15个表型性状中,每枝着花量的CV平均值最大(33.68%),花瓣数的CV平均值最小(11.26%);6个居群中,阿坝州小金县两河乡(P1)和阿坝州小金县四姑娘山镇(P2)居群的CV平均值较大,阿坝州金川县万林乡(P4)和阿坝州马尔康县卓克基乡(P5)居群的CV平均值居中,阿坝州汶川县卧龙自然保护区(P3)和甘孜州炉霍县充古乡(P6)居群的CV平均值最小.15个表型性状中,株高的R′平均值最大(64.48%),萼片数和苞片数的R′平均值均最小(37.50%);6个居群中,P2居群的R′平均值最大(56.66%),P3居群的R′平均值最小(43.65%).川赤芍6个居群15个表型性状的CV值和R′值的平均值分别为18.70%和49.80%.川赤芍15个表型性状和6个居群的H′平均值均较高,分别为1.6475和1.4510.主成分分析结果显示:叶片形态和花部特征是川赤芍表型变异的主要因子.聚类分析结果显示:在欧氏距离7.12处,川赤芍6个居群被分成2支,其中,P6居群单独聚为一支,其他5个居群聚为另一支,表明生境相似的居群更早地聚在一起.研究结果显示:四川西部川赤芍表型性状在居群间变异丰富,这与其叶片形态、花部特征及生境关系密切.  相似文献   

被子植物虫媒传粉植物的物种分化通常被认为是花性状响应传粉环境(传粉者)的空间变异而发生适应性分化的结果。通过对鼠尾草属(Salvia) 3个物种(共4个居群)传粉互作系统的比较, 探索了花性状对不同传粉环境的进化响应。结果表明: 各居群的传粉者组成、主要传粉者类型及其大小各不相同, 杠杆状雄蕊及相关花部性状大小在不同居群间具有显著差异; 各居群均表现出腹部传粉和背部传粉2种传粉模式, 但背部传粉仍然是最有效的传粉方式; 居群间杠杆状雄蕊长度与传粉者体长表现出极显著的正相关, 然而花冠长与传粉者体长表现出负相关; 花冠口高度和柱头高度与传粉者胸厚也表现出一定的协同变异。鼠尾草属植物的杠杆状雄蕊及相关花部性状在传粉系统的进化过程中表现出高度的可塑性, 表明雄蕊杠杆传粉机制对传粉环境的变异非常敏感, 在该属植物的物种分化过程中具有关键作用。  相似文献   

不同地区精河沙拐枣居群果实形态差异性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用居群生态学调查方法,对分布于不同地区的精河沙拐枣居群的果实进行大量观测,结果表明:精河沙拐枣果实(瘦果)形态以及果实的刺毛长短、果肋扭转程度在株间、居群内、居群间3个层次均存在差异.精河沙拐枣果实沟槽宽窄的变异幅度为0.08~0.55mm、深浅的变化范围为0.19~0.44mm,沟槽颜色与光照呈正相关,在居群间呈现规律性变化,表明精河沙拐枣果实形态具有多样性和可塑性,产生差异性的原因可能与环境差异性及其居群分化有关,这也是该属植物较难鉴定的原因之一.对三列沙拐枣的模式标本和精河沙拐枣(艾比湖沙拐枣)模式标本进行观察,从果实形态上重新认识精河沙拐枣的植物分类特征,为研究和鉴定该属其它种植物分类提供理论依据.  相似文献   

贵州特有药用植物毕节小檗的形态变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨贵州特有药用植物毕节小檗(Berberis guizhouensis)形态多样性的变异式样及其适应机制,对其野外居群营养器官和花部形态进行研究。对毕节小檗一直空缺的花部性状进行了描述。结果表明,毕节小檗的性状在同一居群或同一性状在不同居群中都存在较丰富的变异,变异系数为0.03~0.57。从总体来看,营养器官性状的变异程度要高于花部性状。单因素方差分析表明居群间部分花部性状存在显著差异(P0.05)。聚类分析表明小白岩居群形成1个独立的分支,这种分化很可能是环境压力选择的结果。主成分分析表明花部性状与营养性状在维持形态结构的稳定性具有协调一致的生态适应。  相似文献   

浙江省野生蜡梅花部形态变异及其与环境因子的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜会聪  蒋雅婷  田敏  张莹  王彩霞 《生态学报》2018,38(16):5800-5809
以浙江省蜡梅自然分布区的5个居群为研究对象,采用巢式方差分析、主成分分析、相关分析、聚类分析等多种分析方法,探究蜡梅花部的形态变异及其与环境因子相关性以及居群间和居群内的表型多样性。结果表明:蜡梅花部性状中除雄蕊长度、雌蕊数、雌蕊长度、内被片数以外,其他12个性状在居群间均有极显著差异。胚珠数的平均变异系数最大,花冠内径的平均变异系数最小,各性状的平均变异系数为15.03%(10.81%—23.38%)。五尖山的表型多样性最丰富,碧东山居群最小,种群间平均表型分化系数为44.38%(1.57%—89.62%),种群内变异大于种群间变异,种群内变异是花部变异的主要来源。主成分分析显示花冠直径、花冠内径、花筒深度和中被片长对种群变异起主要贡献作用。花部多数性状间存在显著或极显著的相关关系,生态因子中花部性状与土壤酸度相关性最大,土壤中花部性状与大量元素相关性最大,微量元素次之,中量元素最小。通过UPGMA聚类分析可以将5个种群分成两组。浙江省野生蜡梅花部形态存在丰富的变异和多样性,花部部分性状与土壤中钙、铁、铜含量和海拔有显著或极显著相关关系。  相似文献   

木槿的发育可塑性及种下分类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
史刚荣 《植物研究》2003,23(3):340-344
对紫花单瓣木槿、紫花重瓣木槿和牡丹木槿在叶和花部性状上的发育可塑性研究表明,三个种下类群,特别是紫花单瓣木槿和牡丹木槿的叶片性状具有很大的发育可塑性,但花部性状的发育可塑性则相对很小,暗示着花部性状较叶片性状具有更大的分类价值。通过种下类群间表型性状的比较,发现牡丹木槿在叶缘、叶柄长度、花色、花冠直径、花梗长度、果实长宽比等性状上都与其它两个类群存在显著差异,从而建议将牡丹木槿确立为亚种(H. syriacus Linn. subsp. paeoniflorus (Gagnep.)G. R. Shi)  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the environmental modification of genotypic expression and an important means by which individual plants respond to environmental heterogeneity. The study of phenotypic plasticity in the genus Adenophora, which is very complicated taxo nomically because of great morphological variation, proves to be helpful in both investigating the phenotypic variation so as to evaluate potential taxonomic value of their characters and providing important sources of information on the variation, adaptation and evolution of the genus. Twenty-three populations representing all the six species in Adenophora potaninii complex were transplanted into the garden. Of them six populations were selected for study ing their performance in the field and in the garden, in addition to cultivation experiment under different treatments. The results show that there exists considerable developmental plasticity in some leaf, floral and capsule characters. In particular, the leaf shape and length of calyx lobe display significant developmental variation with the maximum being three times as great as the minimum, which is noteworthy because they were previously considered as diagnostic. The characters of root, caudex, stem and inflorescence are found to be very plastic, especially the root diameter, the number of stems, stem height and inflorescence length with great environmental plasticity. In addition, the populations from different habi tats show distinct amounts of plasticity. On the contrary, the characters of leaf, floral, cap sule and seed are less influenced by environments. It seems that the considerable variation in the characters of leaf is attributed mainly to genetic differences. Finally, the phenotypic plasticity of morphological characters of A. potaninii complex and its taxonomic significanceis discussed.  相似文献   

Vaccinium meridionale is a promising crop for the Andean region of South America and is currently available only in the wild. Spontaneous populations of this plant are found across the Colombian mountains, but very few published records on this plant morphology are available. A zonification study of V. meridionale was conducted in four principal areas of a low mountain forest of Colombia (Provinces of Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Santander and Nari?o) in 2007. A total of 20 populations and 100 plants of V. meridionale were individually characterized and surveyed, using a list of 26 characters of morphological variables (9 quantitative and 17 qualitative characters). Our results indicated that natural populations of V. meridionale might be found in the tropical forest under a highly heterogeneous climate and microclimate conditions, at different mountain regions between 2 357 and 3 168masl. The shrubs of V. meridionale exhibited a high level of intra-population variation in several quantitative (plant height, stem diameter) and qualitative (growth habit, ramification density, presence of anthocyanins in stems) morphological characters, suggesting an environmentally induced phenotypic plasticity. Plant height, stem diameter and foliar density were the most variable morphological traits, with coefficients of variation higher than 50%. However, several quantitative characters of its reproductive potential, such as berry dimensions, rachis length and number of flowers per inflorescence, resulted with low plasticity with coefficients of variation lower than 30.2%, indicating that these characters were genetically determined. The highest correlation coefficients (p < 0.05) resulted to be between fruit length and fruit width (0.90), leaf length and leaf width (0.78), plant height and stem diameter (0.60), and inflorescence length and flowers number per inflorescence (0.57). The results suggest that an important genetic resource exists for this species in the wild. Low variation in fruit size, which constitutes a target trait for plant breeders, could be useful for selection of cultivars of V. meridionale. The results of this study could also be applied in conservation programs aimed to protect these diverse populations in the mountain forests of Colombia.  相似文献   

Adenophora potaninii Korsh.complex is a morphologically variable group including six species.As shown in many species in the genus Adenophora,the variability of many morphological characters in the complex under investigation is amazingly great,which brings difficulties in the delimitation and indentification of taxa.In the present study,six populations representing five species in the complex were systematically sampled to investigate the pattern of morphological variation within population and to detect the genetic basis of the variation with progeny tests and controlled crosses.The results are as follows: Great morphological variation within population is found (Fig.1),including characters such as leaf shape,teeth number and size of leaf margins,teeth number of calyx lobes,and indumentum on the surface of stems and leaves,which were previously considered as diagnotic.Systematic sampling and statistical analysis show that the differences in the above characters exhibit continuous patterns of variation within population (Fig.1,2),though they are highly correlated (Table 2).From progeny testing and crossing between two contrast types of individuals (oblong,dentate and pubescent leaves vs.narrow,entire and glabrous leaves)it is evident that those characters show continuous variability in segregating progenies (Fig.3,4)and appear to be influenced by large numbers of loci with individually slight effects.Since most wild populations were highly heterozygous for those characters,the individuals in one extreme of variation can produce their variable offsprings including individuals similar to those in the other extreme (Fig. 3). This is also true for the indumentum density on stems and teeth number of calyx lobes. In this complex, A. biformifolia Y. Z. Zhao, A. bockiana Diels and A. polydentata P.F. Tu et G. J. Xu were described exclusively based on leaf shapes, teeth number of leaf margins and calyx lobes, teeth size of leaf margins, and indumentum on the surface of stemsand leaves. It is demonstrated, however, that the variation of those characters is of a quantitative nature and show no discontinuities. As a result, genetic analysis of diagnostic characters along with their sympatric distribution and same habitats, strongly suggest that A.biformifolia as well as A. bockiana and A. polydentata are actually the extreme individuals within A. wawreana and A. potaninii respectively and should not be recognized as taxa at any taxonomic level.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):539-551

Experimental study of Pohlia populations that regularly produce axillary bulbils in Britain has shown that there are seven species present. The distinguishing bulbil characters of field populations of each species are retained when the plants are cultivated under uniform conditions, and can be used as a valid taxonomic criterion. Variation in bulbil morphology within and between populations of P. proligera is due to a combination of genetic, environmental and developmental variation. Bulbils show considerable phenotypic plasticity in P. drummondii but in the other five species studied variation is largely or entirely developmen tal.  相似文献   

阐明性状变异的遗传基础是评估性状分类价值以及揭示类群关系和进化过程的前提。本文根据泡沙参复合体内6个天然居群的材料,利用居群样本分析、子代测定和杂交试验等手段,结合统计学方法对该复合体一些在以往类群划分中起鉴别作用的形态性状进行了遗传学分析。结果表明,叶形、叶缘锯齿数目和大小、茎叶被毛、花萼裂片齿数、花梗长短等性状都是遗传性比较强的性状,而且性状之间有很强的相关性。但是,这些性状在居群内呈现连续变异且变异幅度非常大,以致于变异的两个极端个体被分别作为不同的种处理。通过对野外居群样本的统计分析和对极端变异类型个体所进行的子代测定及其人工杂交,进一步证实上述性状是受多基因决定的数量性状,其变异幅度大,变异式样中并不存在任何程度的间断性,因而至少在本复合体内没有鉴别意义。因此,以往建立在上述性状变异基础上的3个类群(A.biformifolia Y.Z.Zhao;A.bockiana Diels和A.polydentata P.F.Tu et G.I.Xu)均不成立。最后,本文对形态性状变异的遗传基础及其与类群划分的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

How introduced plants, which may be locally adapted to specific climatic conditions in their native range, cope with the new abiotic conditions that they encounter as exotics is not well understood. In particular, it is unclear what role plasticity versus adaptive evolution plays in enabling exotics to persist under new environmental circumstances in the introduced range. We determined the extent to which native and introduced populations of St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) are genetically differentiated with respect to leaf-level morphological and physiological traits that allow plants to tolerate different climatic conditions. In common gardens in Washington and Spain, and in a greenhouse, we examined clinal variation in percent leaf nitrogen and carbon, leaf delta(13)C values (as an integrative measure of water use efficiency), specific leaf area (SLA), root and shoot biomass, root/shoot ratio, total leaf area, and leaf area ratio (LAR). As well, we determined whether native European H. perforatum experienced directional selection on leaf-level traits in the introduced range and we compared, across gardens, levels of plasticity in these traits. In field gardens in both Washington and Spain, native populations formed latitudinal clines in percent leaf N. In the greenhouse, native populations formed latitudinal clines in root and shoot biomass and total leaf area, and in the Washington garden only, native populations also exhibited latitudinal clines in percent leaf C and leaf delta(13)C. Traits that failed to show consistent latitudinal clines instead exhibited significant phenotypic plasticity. Introduced St. John's Wort populations also formed significant or marginally significant latitudinal clines in percent leaf N in Washington and Spain, percent leaf C in Washington, and in root biomass and total leaf area in the greenhouse. In the Washington common garden, there was strong directional selection among European populations for higher percent leaf N and leaf delta(13)C, but no selection on any other measured trait. The presence of convergent, genetically based latitudinal clines between native and introduced H. perforatum, together with previously published molecular data, suggest that native and exotic genotypes have independently adapted to a broad-scale variation in climate that varies with latitude.  相似文献   

Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (Vitaceae) is a genus with ca. 100 species showing great morphological diversity. Previous molecular phylogenetic studies suggested that traditional classification systems are not consistent with the molecular phylogeny, and Tetrastigma is undergoing further systematic investigation. We traced the evolutionary trends of 20 morphological characters within a robust phylogenetic framework. Our results revealed that many morphological characters show either multiple transitions or few state changes, however, some characters show distinct variation. The two subgenera in Tetrastigma (subgen. Tetrastigma and subgen. Palmicirrata) based on unbranched/bifurcate versus digitately branched tendrils are not supported because subgen. Tetrastigma is paraphyletic. However, the unbranched versus bifurcate/digitately branched tendril is of taxonomic utility to characterize some of the major clades. Inflorescences in Tetrastigma appear axillary, but are leaf‐opposed on a compressed axillary shoot. We found most of the species in Tetrastigma retained the ancestral compound dichasial inflorescence, except those of clade IV that have derived pseudo‐umbellate inflorescences. Other characters including habit, leaf organization, and berry shape provide additional morphological support for the major clades. Our morphological analysis and recent molecular study suggest each of the five major clades within Tetrastigma be treated as distinct taxonomic sections (five sections in the genus).  相似文献   

Studies on divergence of phenotypic plasticity in closely related species have suggested that character means and plasticity of these characters may evolve independently. Similar patterns of divergence between populations within a species have been reported although few plant species have been studied. Thus, in this paper, the patterns of differentiation between character means and phenotypic plasticity among eight populations of Arabis serrata are documented. Mean response and magnitude and pattern of phenotypic plasticity were measured and compared in plants growing under an environmental gradient of nutrients. Differences in means and coefficients of variation (CV as indicators of plasticity) among populations were compared using the Canberra metric and generating unrooted Wagner trees. Populations showed significant differences in character means in nine morphological traits. Magnitude and patterns of phenotypic plasticity showed a complex pattern of differentiation for each trait and population. Biomass traits were more plastic, in general, than characters associated with linear size. Comparisons between pairs of populations for nine morphological traits showed that in 28.6% of 252 possible cases, populations differed in means, magnitude and patterns of phenotypic plasticity. In almost 90% of the cases, populations differed in magnitude and/or pattern of plasticity. Considering all characters together, populations from similar habitats and with common life history features tended to respond in similar ways. The patterns of divergence, however, suggest that character means and character plasticities among populations are able to evolve independently.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):148-153

Phenotypic variation occurs in many populations of plants. When this variation occurs along an environmental gradient, the immediate question is whether the variation is attributed to phenotypic plasticity, ecotypes, or some combination of the two. The moss Syntrichia caninervis appears morphologically variable along an environmental gradient changing rapidly from low light, low temperature, and high moisture levels in the understory microhabitat to high light, high temperature, and low moisture levels in the intershrub microhabitat. We tested for the presence of physiological variation using recovery from a heat-shock event in a mimicked microhabitat light environment, and for morphological variation using a common garden with the ultimate goal of attributing observed variation to plasticity, genetic variation, or a combination. The results suggest that plasticity plays a large role in trait variation. Photosynthetic recovery depended on the current light levels of an environment and not the original microhabitat. The supposed morphological variation in the field was not reflected in the test traits (awn length, leaf area, and shoot volume) and further growth in a common garden continued to show no variation between microhabitats.  相似文献   

Phenotypic and genetic variation within and among eight populations of Arabis serrata are documented in this study. This species shows great morphological variation throughout its geographical distribution in Japan. Plants are located in habitats with different types of soils and degree of disturbance. Half-sibs progenies from eight populations were collected and cultivated in a garden experiment. Nine morphological traits representing size and shape of rosette leaves were recorded. Univariate analyses of measured traits showed that phenotypic means differed among populations for all characters. Leaves of plants from disturbed habitats had the longest petioles (lanceolate) and plants from limestone habitats showed the most roundness in leaf shape (ovate). The northernmost populations always revealed the smallest leaves. Multivariate principal component analyses also showed that leaf shape and size varied among populations. The first three principal components explained 98.5% of the variation. Coefficients of variation had a very wide range and differed from one population to another. Some traits (e.g. leaf width/leaf length ratio) were consistently less variable while others (e.g. leaf area and petiole length) were more plastic. All traits had significant genetic variance in all populations. Intra-class correlation coefficients differed for most of the traits and each population presented a different range of values. Most of the leaf traits were intercorrelated in all the populations studied, although some populations were integrated more tightly for some traits. Populations of A. serrata are differentiated in phenotypic means but they display a mosaic of traits with slight morphological differences in each locality (i.e. a quantitative genetic variation). Some traits can be correlated to the habitats that they occupy but for some of them it is difficult to assign an actual adaptive value.  相似文献   

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