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高山松(Pinus densata)是油松(P. tabuliformis)和云南松(P. yunnanensis)的天然二倍体杂交种, 是为数不多的与亲本种没有严格生殖隔离的同倍体杂交种。为了检测3个种在油松生境下的苗期适应性和生长发育特点, 为高山松成种机制提供数据, 选取了代表高山松及其亲本种遗传多样性的25个种群, 在油松生境下对比分析了苗期11个适应性指标和3个生长发育指标。结果表明, 大部分适应性指标和生长发育指标在种间和种内群体间差异显著, 主要变异存在于种间及种内群体间; 出苗率、2011年11月和2012年10月的封顶率、二年生苗在2012年10月的保存率等指标的种间方差分量较大, 种内变异较小, 是体现种间苗期适应性和生长发育状况的重要指标。油松在大部分适应性指标和3个生长发育指标上均表现最好, 总体适合度高于云南松和高山松; 云南松在封顶率和保存率上都居于最低值, 大部分一年生苗木到11月底仍未出现封顶现象且黄苗比例最高, 二年生苗的存活率为0, 表明云南松在油松生境下适合度最低; 高山松除了在紫苗比例上表现出超亲优势外, 大部分性状居于亲本种之间。此外, 位于青藏高原东北部的高山松祖先种群在适应性上表现较好, 具有在油松生境下发展的潜力; 而位于青藏高原西部的高山松种群及东南部的康定种群对油松生境的适应性较差。研究揭示出生态选择在高山松的同倍性杂交物种形成中起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

秦岭山地太白红杉种群种实性状的生态可塑性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了太白红杉6个种群中13个种实性状的变异情况.结果表明,太白红杉种实性状在种群内和种群间均存在广泛的变异,除种子宽和种鳞宽的差异在种群间不显著外,其它11个性状在种群间差异均极显著;种群间种鳞长、种鳞宽、球果长宽比、种翅长和种翅宽的变异程度比种群内大,其它8个性状在种群内的变异程度比种群间大.海拔对太白红杉种实性状的影响比较明显,其中种子宽、种鳞长、种翅宽、种鳞宽、球果长、球果宽和种鳞数与海拔呈负相关,种子宽和球果宽相关性显著,种鳞长、种翅宽、种鳞宽、球果长和种鳞数相关性极显著;坡度与种鳞长宽比呈负相关;年降水与球果宽呈正相关.种子长宽比和种翅长宽比与海拔呈负相关.  相似文献   

以新疆天山山脉从西到东不同经度3个地点(昭苏、天池和奇台)的天山云杉林为对象,沿海拔梯度采集不同地点的天山云杉球果,分析其种子性状(种鳞长、种鳞宽、种鳞长宽比、种翅长、种翅宽、种翅长宽比、种子长、种子宽和种子长宽比)的变化.结果表明:随海拔的升高,天山云杉种子性状(种子宽除外)总体呈现下降的趋势;除种翅宽、种子宽和种子长宽比与海拔的相关性不显著外,种子其他性状与海拔均呈显著负相关;种鳞长、种鳞宽、种鳞长宽比与经度呈现显著正相关;种鳞长、种鳞长宽比、种翅长宽比与坡度呈显著负相关;除种翅宽外,种子其他性状与坡向相关性均不显著.海拔是影响天山云杉种子的种鳞长、种鳞长宽比和种翅长宽比的主要因子.  相似文献   

为揭示遗传改良对主要造林用材树种叶和种实性状的影响,阐明性状的变异趋势,该研究以杉木第4轮育种的精选树(改良群体)、四省五地的表型优树与古树(未改良群体)为对象,调查了218个无性系的针叶和种实性状指标,采用方差分析和多重对比方法研究遗传改良对杉木及不同类型杉木的表型差异,并通过相关性分析探究遗传改良对杉木针叶和球果部分表型性状的影响,以及利用主成分分析和聚类分析进行了分类。结果表明:(1)未改良群体的针叶长、针叶宽和出籽率分别比改良群体小13.28%、10.81%和33.90%,其他性状表现为未改良群体大于改良群体,差异在10.90%~27.03%之间。未改良群体球果长、球果宽和出籽率的变异系数,分别比改良群体大9.14%、12.73%和15.38%。(2)球果长、球果宽、苞鳞长和苞鳞宽4个性状,在未改良群体中仅有球果长和球果宽(0.931)、苞鳞长和苞鳞宽(0.622)之间呈极显著正相关,经遗传改良后,该4个性状两两之间均呈显著或极显著正相关。(3)四川雅安(SCYA)的球果长和球果宽的性状比改良群体大48.83%和53.26%,安徽黄山(AHHS)的百粒重比改良群体大16.92%。(4)遗传改良导致松张型球果的杉木比例降低,紧包型和反翘型球果的杉木比例增加。综上认为,杉木的遗传改良导致球果大小下降,改变了不同针叶和球果类型的比例,同时会改变针叶性状和种实性状的相关性,将为杉木种质资源评价和未来多目标育种提供依据。  相似文献   

高山松及其亲本种油松和云南松DHAR基因的功能分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高山松(Pinus densata)是油松(P.tabulaeformis)与云南松(P.yunnanensis)自然杂交产生的同倍性杂种,分布于青藏高原东南缘,占据了油松和云南松两个亲本种都不能正常生长的高海拔地带。为了揭示高山松、油松和云南松脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)基因的组成和功能分化,分别从高山松、油松和云南松中克隆到2类DHAR基因(DHAR1与DHAR2)。组织表达模式分析表明,这6个基因在根、韧皮部、叶和芽中均有表达;通过系统发育分析发现,高山松在物种形成过程中保留了油松的DHAR1拷贝以及云南松的DHAR2拷贝;酶学性质分析则表明,高山松与油松DHAR1蛋白对底物具有相似的催化活性、催化效率、最适pH和热力学稳定性,但其催化活性比云南松DHAR1蛋白高约300倍。高山松DHAR2蛋白对底物的催化活性和热力学稳定性均高于油松DHAR2蛋白。高山松DHAR基因在生化功能上显示出优于或类似亲本DHAR,这种优势功能的选择与杂种独特的生态适应性可能有重要的相关性。  相似文献   

油松天然群体的种实性状表型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了揭示油松天然种群在不同地理环境条件下表型变异的程度和规律,在油松整个天然分布范围内选择了12个具有代表性的居群作为研究对象,对其球果、种子、种翅等12个种实性状的变异程度及其与环境因子间关系进行了比较分析。结果显示:(1)各个性状在居群内和居群间均存在较大的变异(CV>12%)。其中千山(QS),曾家镇(ZJ)和互助(HZ)3个居群表现出了较高的变异(CV>20%),而球果干重(CDW)和种子长(CL)是所有表型性状中变异幅度最大的(CV分别为31%和21%),但种翅性状与其他性状相比具有较高的稳定性。(2)巢式设计方差分析表明,在居群内表型分化系数(Vst)变化在3.18%~89.86%之间,而群体间的Vst为38.97%;与其他针叶树种相比,油松拥有较高的表型分化系数,且居群内的变异程度远高于居群间的变异,尤其是千山(QS)、曾家镇(ZJ)和互助(HZ)3个居群,这说明油松具有较高的环境异质性适应能力或恶劣环境耐受能力。(3)相关性分析表明,该研究的各形态特征与潜在蒸发量均为负相关,且大部分形态指标间及它们与潜在蒸发量间存在显著相关性,表明潜在蒸发量是油松形态特征变化的最重要环境影响因子,预示油松最适宜生长于温暖潮湿的环境中;并表明因各形态特征间相互紧密关联,所以它们受环境条件影响而共变。  相似文献   

 研究残存居群的数量性状分化及其地方适应性有助于了解不同居群对环境的适应性并制定相应的保育策略。本研究采用同园实验,利用随机区 组设计,对中华水韭(Isoetes s inensis)3个居群的9种优势基因型的数量性状进行巢式方差分析,并采用Bayesian方法计算等位酶(FST)和 数量性状(QST)的居群分化值。结果表明,在测量的14个数量性状中,有10个性状在居群间有显著性差异,仅有3个性状在居群内有显著性差 异;多重比较表明其中5个性状的平均值均以松阳居群最高,休宁居群最低;建德居群的大孢子囊的性状和植株高度的平均值最高,休宁居群最 低;推测这可能是与奠基者效应、物种间竞争及中华水韭在自然生境下形成的营养生长和生殖生长之间的权衡有关。对居群数量性状分化的QST 值和等位酶分化的FST值分析比较发现,在假设为自交系时有8个性状的QST值均大于FST值,表明存在明显的地方适应性,居群间个体的混合存 在潜在的远交衰退的风险,所以不宜采用居群间相互移植个体的方法来进行中华水韭居群的遗传复壮。对休宁和松阳两个居群的保育应采用提 高居群内基因流和改善生境环境的方法,促进居群内的遗传复壮;对建德居群应尽量减少人为干扰,宜建立特定生境的保护小区。  相似文献   

祁连山青海云杉天然群体的种实性状表型多样性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 以系统揭示其表型变异程度和变异规律为目的,对祁连山青海云杉(Picea crassifolia )天然分布区的10个群体的8个种实性状进行了比较分析。采用方差分析、多重比较,相关分析、聚类分析等多种分析方法,对群体间和群体内的表型多样性进行了讨论。方差分析结果表明,各种实性状在群体间都存在极显著差异,除球果干质量和球果长/球果径外,其余性状在群体内都存在着极显著的差异;表型分化系数即群体间变异为27.18%,小于群体内的变异(72.82%);球果长、球果径、球果干质量、球果形状指数、种子长、种子宽、千粒重和种子形状指数的变异系数分别为:10.08%、5.80%、19.29%、9.66%、8.38%、15.34%、6.52%和13.94%;8个种实性状间多数呈极显著或显著的正相关,球果干质量、种子长、千粒重、球果长和球果径为青海云杉易测定和重要的种实性状;种实性状呈现出以经度变异为主的梯度规律性;通过表型性状的聚类分析可以将青海云杉10个群体划分为4类。  相似文献   

川西云杉天然种群表型多样性   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 为了揭示川西云杉(Picea balfouriana)天然种群表型变异程度和变异规律, 以四川甘孜藏族自治州天然分布的川西云杉为研究对象, 调查了12个种群360个单株的种实和针叶表型性状, 采用变异系数、巢式方差分析、相关分析和聚类分析等方法, 分析了种群间和种群内表型多样性。结果表明: 川西云杉表型性状在种群间和种群内存在极其丰富的多样性, 种群间表型分化系数均值为36.53%, 小于种群内变异(63.47%); 球果、针叶、种鳞和种翅的表型分化系数均值分别为47.15%、31.93%、21.89%和45.14%, 球果、针叶、种鳞和种翅4类表型性状的变异系数分别为12.56%、22.16%、12.61%和16.53%, 种鳞的变异系数和表型分化系数最小, 表明其性状最为稳定; 12个表型性状间多数呈显著或极显著正相关, 球果长、球果径、针叶长和种鳞长为川西云杉重要的表型性状。川西云杉表型变异在空间分布上呈现以经度(球果和针叶)和纬度(种鳞和种翅)并存的单向变异模式; 利用种群间欧氏距离进行聚类分析, 可以把川西云杉12个种群划分为3类。  相似文献   

秦巴山区野百合表型多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示秦巴山区野百合天然居群的表型变异,对该地区17个野百合天然居群花、叶的8个质量性状和21个数量性状进行了观测。结果表明:野百合在秦巴山区适应性强、分布范围广,而且大多生长在海拔705~1913 m 的高山;表型性状变异丰富;上部叶片长与纬度存在显著正相关,柱头宽、上部叶片长与海拔高度存在显著正相关,下部叶间距与年降水量存在显著正相关,花梗长和上部叶片长与年均温度存在显著负相关;17个野百合天然居群被系统聚类为巴山和秦岭2大组。该研究结果为进一步开展野百合遗传育种、保护生物学的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Heterologous hybridization of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) involving 30 endonucleaseprobe combinations was used to analyze cpDNA variation in multiple individuals and populations of Pinus tabulaeformis (Carr.), Pinus yunnanensis (Franchèt) and Pinus massoniana (Lamb.). Restriction fragment patterns detected by several combinations distinguished among the three species. The obtained cpDNA markers were subsequently used to examine cpDNA variation of Pinus densata (Masters), a putative tertiary hybrid between P. tabulaeformis and P. yunnanensis. The analysis demonstrated that P. densata populations harbor three different haplotypes. Two of these haplotypes are characteristic of P. tabulaeformis and P. yunnanensis. However, the third haplotype found in P. densata appears to be absent in other extant Asian Pinus species. It is suggested that the observed cpDNA composition of P. densata populations is a result of past hybridization involving P. tabulaeformis, P. yunnanensis, and a third unknown or extinct taxon. Chloroplast DNA polymorphism in P. densata was much greater than that for nuclear allozyme markers in this and the other Pinus species. Population differentiation was also substantial in P. densata and exceeded that for allozyme markers. In contrast, no cpDNA polymorphism was detected in populations of P. tabulaeformis, P. yunnanensis, and P. massoniana. The study suggests that interspecific gene exchange may lead to the creation of stable cpDNA polymorphism in conifer hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary The influences of Colorado pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) cone crop size, cone and seed weight, cone length, number of seeds per cone, number of viable seeds, and percent viable seeds on the foraging behavior of avian seed dispersal agents were examined in field and laboratory settings. In the field, there was a significant positive relationship between cone number per tree and both the absolute number of cones and the percentage of the cone crop from which seeds were harvested. Cone weight and the number of viable seeds were also significantly related to seed harvest intensity. Laboratory experiments examined the relationship between crop size and cone characters on seed harvest by 18 Clark's Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana). Nutcrackers were offered a choice of two tree types: one with 20 cones attached, and another with 10 cones attached. Significantly more birds chose to remove seeds first from the tree with 20 cones than the tree with 10 cones. In timed trials, they also harvested seeds from significantly more cones on the tree with the higher cone density. In the laboratory, cones chosen for seed removal by the nutcrackers had significantly more viable seeds, more seeds, and were longer compared to cones that were not chosen. Such discriminatory foraging behavior may increase avian foraging efficiency and result in differential reproductive success of pinyon pines. This behavior may therefore influence the evolution of pinyon pine reproductive traits.  相似文献   

Pinus densata is distributed on the Tibetan Plateau, where it forms extensive forests at high elevations. Genetic studies have provided evidence that P. densata originated through hybridization between P. yunnanensis and P. tabuliformis. To clarify the relationships among these pines, and assess their reproductive fitness in their respective habitats, we conducted a comparative analysis of eight cone and seed morphometric traits and six reproductive traits in them. Among the eight morphometric traits examined, six appeared to be intermediate in P. densata between those of P. yunnanensis and P. tabuliformis. There were significant differences among the three pines in all of the morphometric traits, and P. densata showed greater variability in these traits than the other two pines. In contrast to the morphometric traits, the reproductive traits (including the proportions of filled and empty seeds, ovule abortion rate, seed efficiency, meiotic abnormalities during microsporogenesis and pollen viability) differed little among the three pines, indicating that they have similar overall rates of effective pollination and fertilization in their respective natural environments. Despite their location on the high plateau, natural populations of P. densata appeared to have normal levels of reproductive success, comparable to those of the two parental species in their natural habitats. This study provides empirical data characterizing the reproductive success and adaptation of a stabilized homoploid hybrid in a novel habitat that is ecologically and spatially inaccessible to its parental species. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Although cone morphology has been mainly utilized for taxonomy or forestry purposes, characterization of the environmental factors that influence its variation is still insufficient. Major conifers distributed over diverse climatic conditions like the Japanese archipelago could show cone morphology variation among populations related to large differences in key influential factors such as temperature, snow, irradiance and sunshine. Geographical variation in cone characteristics (cone size, seed production, seed productivity per cone and seed size) was examined across the species distribution in 24 old planted Pinus thunbergii populations (479 trees) along two major seasides in Japan (Pacific Ocean side and Japan Sea side). Variance components of cone characteristics explained by seaside were at similar levels to those for populations nested within seasides. Populations on the Japan Sea side produced cones that had larger size (length and width), higher seed production (number of filled seeds per cone and seed mass per cone) and seed productivity per cone (seed-to-ovule ratio). Analysis of covariance showed that significant latitudinal clines observed in cone size and seed productivity per cone were mostly a result of inter-seaside differences. Linear mixed model analysis detected that geographical variation in cone size, seed production and seed productivity per cone in the populations were affected significantly by low temperature, more snow, less solar irradiance and less sunshine time. Large cone sizes and high seed productivity per cone found in the populations on the Japan Sea side could be explained by a genetic or plastic response to maintain reproductive success.  相似文献   

Variation in fruit-set, cone crop, seed viability and seedlingvigour ofAbies pinsapoBoiss. were recorded at two differentstand densities during four consecutive years (1990–1993).In this period only two cone crops were observed (1991 and 1992).Extreme differences were found in response to density. In thelow density stand trees had a greater seed-cone production andfruit-set in each of the two crop years. Also, significant differenceswere recorded in the seed crop viability: in the low densityzone average seed viability was only 21% whereas in the highdensity one it was 82%. Other important differences such ascone size, number of seeds per cone and seedling vigour wererecorded at different densities. The results suggest that bothpollen availability and pollen origin in low density standsinfluence the frequency and quality of filled seeds. The resultshave practical implications for the management ofA. pinsapoforseed production and subsequent reforestation. Abies pinsapo; inbreeding; mating system; plant density; cone crop; seed viability; seedling vigour; Mediterranean fir  相似文献   

Phenotypic correlation coefficients and heritability of the characters controlling seed yield of long-raceme forms of alfalfa was determined. It was found that seed yield per plant, which was positively correlated with 10 out of 12 analysed characters, depended upon the number of pods per raceme and the number of seeds per pod. Variability of these characters determined about 60% of the variability of seed yield. Multiple linear regression and phenotypic correlations show that simultaneous selection for increased pod number per raceme and increased seed number per pod and raceme length resulted in enhanced seed yield potential. The share of the additive genetic effects in the phenotypic variance for number of pods per raceme was low and about 21-23%, while for number of seeds per pod and per raceme amounted to about 50%. The expected genetic progress in recombination breeding for number of seeds per pod and number of seeds per raceme will be of medium magnitude, while one cannot expect any rapid and considerable progress in the number of pods per raceme. Considering the high positive correlation between raceme length and number of pods and seeds per raceme, one should conclude that raceme length can be an important criterion in selection of plants showing a high seed productivity.  相似文献   

梵净山冷杉(Abies fanjingshanensis)为国家一级保护濒危植物。为了揭示梵净山冷杉球果发育和成熟过程的性状特征,以确定成熟球果的适宜采种期。该研究对梵净山冷杉自然生长区内成年结实母树的球果进行跟踪观测和定期采集,通过物理解剖和形态学参数测定,比较分析不同采种期梵净山冷杉的球果、种鳞和种子的性状差异。结果显示:(1)梵净山冷杉的球果每年7月中旬开始形成,10月中旬开始成熟,发育早期至发育后期球果的长度和宽度显著增加,发育后期至成熟期形态和颜色均无明显变化。(2)成熟球果平均长、宽、鲜重、干重和相对含水量分别为7.18 cm、3.84 cm、36.98 g、20.33 g和45.06%。(3)成熟球果的平均种鳞层数为30.76层,种鳞总数为250.67片,平均出种量436.67粒,平均种子饱满率82.49%。(4)成熟球果基部、中部、上部的种子性状不同,且球果中部的种子性状参数最大,饱满率最高,种子平均长、宽、厚分别为9.14、2.30、2.37 mm,千粒重11.44 g。研究表明,梵净山冷杉的球果从形成至成熟过程约3个月,成熟球果的最佳采种时间为10月下旬,发育后期和成熟球果的形态和颜色差异不明显,不能以颜色和形态作为球果成熟的判定依据;种鳞与球果的发育和成熟同步,球果中部的种鳞能够完全发育,且形状参数最大,孕育的种子最饱满;梵净山冷杉成熟球果出种量大、饱满率高,但是种子小、重量轻。  相似文献   

Because wind pollination is inefficient over longer distances, plants dependent on it may suffer Allee effects (lower individual reproductive fitness with lower density). However, at higher density, individual reproductive fitness may suffer because of intraspecific competition. We investigate density-dependent effects, via stand size, on cone and seed production and seed germinability in a conifer endemic to tropical Australia. Callitris intratropica R.T. Baker & H.G. Smith is an obligate-seeding tree that often occurs in monodominant stands embedded within savannas and on the fringes of monsoon forests. We found that isolated trees (50–300 m from stands) were taller, of broader profile, and produced approximately twice the number of cones (~407 cones per tree) as those in large stands (~173 cones per tree), suggesting that monodominance generates intraspecific competition. The number of seeds per cone (27 seeds) was not related to stand size. However, a contrasting effect in which seed germinability was higher in large stands (~20 vs. <10 % in small stands) was approximately compensatory and consistent with an Allee effect of wind pollination. The net effect of an approximately even trade-off between cone production and seed germinability was that there was neither an Allee or density-dependent effect of stand size on fitness, measured as the number of germinable seeds per tree. Nevertheless, because the likelihood of cross-fertilisation declines with distance, the ability of C. intratropica to persist as very isolated individuals may be limited.  相似文献   

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