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六十年代以来,花药培养研究进展迅速,据不完全统计,已有153种植物通过花药培养获得成功。并已在少数作物的单倍体育种实践中发挥效益。然而,胡萝卜作为植物组织培养著名的模式植物,其花药培养迄今尚未见有成功的报道。两年来,我们进  相似文献   

糖类在植物组织培养中的效应   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
糖类是影响植物组织培养成功与否的关键之一。迄今为止,已用于植物组织培养的糖类有50多种。在植物体细胞组织培养中,蔗糖一直作为标准碳源,然而其他糖类物质如:葡萄糖、麦芽糖和山梨醇对植物体细胞培养也产生了一定的影响。在植物花药培养中,蔗糖较好,但应注意麦芽糖对花药培养的促进作用。  相似文献   

糖类是影响植物组织培养成功与否的关键之一。迄今为止,已用于植物组织培养的糖类有50多种。在植物体细胞组织培养中,蔗糖一直作为标准碳源,然而其他糖类物质如:葡萄糖、麦芽糖和山梨醇对植物体细胞培养也产生了一定的影响。在植物花药培养中,蔗糖较好,但应注意麦芽糖对花药培养的促进作用。  相似文献   

柑桔花粉植株的诱导   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目前在国内外已有数十种植物利用花药培养获得单倍体植株,但在果树花药培养方面的研究,至今尚未见到诱导出花粉单倍体植株的报道。我们自1974年3月开始,对柑桔类花药培养进行了一系列探索,经过多次反复试验,于1979年5月首次在四季桔(Citrus microcarpa Bunge)花药培养中获得了具有根、茎、叶的完整植株,经镜检胚状体和根尖细胞染色体为单倍体(2n=9)(图版1,7),表明是花粉发育的单倍体植株。现将试验结果报告于后。  相似文献   

关于植物遗传工程技术在植物改良和植物育种方面的应用,花药培养是一个很好的例子,但你们大家对它的了解比我多得多,今天就不讲了。我今天主要谈植物遗传工程技术在植物抗病育种方面的应用,因为在这方面我们有突变体的筛选和获得的很好的实验体系。  相似文献   

我国葫芦科植物离体培养研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
葫芦科植物包括多种瓜类蔬菜,对其进行离体培养研究具有重要的理论和实践意义.综述了国内在葫芦科植物器官培养、体细胞胚胎发生、花药培养、原生质体培养和体细胞杂交及离体遗传转化等方面取得的研究进展,并对葫芦科植物离体培养、遗传转化与育种的前景作了展望.  相似文献   

葫芦科植物包括多种瓜类蔬菜,对其进行离体培养研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。综述了国内在葫芦科植物器官培养、体细胞胚胎发生、花药培养、原生质体培养和体细胞杂交及离体遗传转化等方面取得的研究进展,并对葫芦科植物离体培养、遗传转化与育种的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

小麦花药培养力的遗传研究概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
50年代末期,胡萝卜根的悬浮细胞被诱导分化成 完整的小植株,此后,虽然各种植物的离体培养不断获 得再生植株,但是,进展比较缓慢,尤其是禾本科作物 的花药培养,其根本原因可能是基础研究薄弱。本文 就小麦花药培养力(Anther Culture Responce,记作 ACR)的研究进展作一介绍。  相似文献   

关于植物遗传工程技术在植物改良和植物育种方 面的应用,花药培养是一个很好的例子,但你们大家对 它的了解比我多得多,今天就不讲了。我今天主要谈 植物遗传工程技术在植物抗病育种方面的应用,因为 在这方面我们有突变体的筛选和获得的很好的实验体 系。  相似文献   

通过花药培养已从20多个科的一百多种植物中得到单倍体植物。未授粉子房离体培养人工诱导单倍体的研究,已从二棱大麦、小麦和烟草、水稻、玉米、普通大麦、向日葵、百合、青稞等植物的未授粉子房培养出单倍体植物。1987年我们进行了白魔芋未授粉子房的离体培养,并获得单倍体植物,现将实验初步结果报道如下。  相似文献   

Plating rice anthers on a semisolid induction medium containing 250 or 500 mg/l colchicine for 24 or 48 h-incubations followed by transfer to colchicine-free medium and standard anther culture procedures resulted in overall 1.5- to 2.5- fold increases in doubled haploid green plant productions compared to control anther cultures. The addition of colchicine had no detrimental effects on the different anther culture efficiency parameters, but in some treatments led to significant enhancement of anther callusing frequency or callus green plant regenerating ability. The most efficient treatment raised doubled haploid plant recovery from 31% to 65.5%. These results suggest that post-plating colchicine treatment of anthers, since it was found to improve both anther culture efficiency and doubled haploid plant recovery frequency, could be integrated into rice doubled haploid plant production programmes.Abbreviations DH doubled haploid - NAA naphthalenacetic acid - PAS periodic acid Schiff  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the reciprocal effects for anther culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using a set of 4 × 4 full diallel crosses. Both reciprocal and nuclear genetic effects were highly significant for anther culture response and useful for selection and breeding purposes. General combining ability (GCA) effects were predominant for all investigated anther culture traits. Also, significant differences for specific combining ability (SCA) effects were detected between reciprocal crosses. Although significant reciprocal differences for responding anther, callus number and green plant regeneration were recorded in some reciprocal crosses, there were no significant reciprocal differences for albino plant regeneration. The use of one parent as male or female could lead to change at the production of green plants from the F1 hybrids and screening of inbred lines for response to anther culture, without reciprocal effects, could decrease the utilization of breeding material.  相似文献   

在相同的培养条件下,比较了不同类型水稻花药培养力的差异,观察到糯大于粳,粳大于籼的梯度。从种子及花药淀粉总量和支链淀粉相对量的测定数据中看到:不同类型水稻花药培养力的差异与它们的支链淀粉含量差异有正相关趋势。从供试材料的支、直链淀粉空间构型的比较分析,又看出支链淀粉在水解和提供呼吸底物方面占有很大优势。这说明支链淀粉的优势,可能是通过培养初期较好的能量代谢与花粉细胞的启动和脱分化后,由配子体途径转入孢子体途径的大量细胞增殖有关。  相似文献   

Anther culture in solid and liquid medium and isolated microspore culture were compared in rye genotypes with potential agronomic characteristics. Some important factors influencing androgenic capacity were optimised. Three weeks cold pre-treatment of spikes and two days mannitol pre-treatment of anthers maximized callus and green plant yield in both culture methods. Intensity order of the culture methods in callus and green plant production was: isolated microspore culture, anther culture in liquid medium and anther culture in solid medium. Genotype ability of embryogenesis followed the same pattern in both cultivation methods. Kinetin (BA) with genotype dependent concentrations created the most effective regeneration conditions.  相似文献   

A study was set up to determine the inheritance and combining ability of the factors anther culture response and green plant regeneration. Reciprocal crosses were made between cultivar Ringo Sztar, showing high anther culture response and the cultivars Ciano 067 and Benoist H77022, showing a high level of green plant regeneration. Averaged over all genotypes, 23.0% of the anthers responded and a callus induction frequency of 77.8% was observed. Of all the embryos, 43.0% developed into plantlets, 25.6% of the regenerants being green, the result being that 3.3 green plants per 100 anthers were formed. Genotypic effects accounted for 57.7%, 86.3% and 77.5% of the total variance of anther culture response, callus induction frequency and embryo induction frequency, respectively. Additive and dominant gene action was detected for all characteristics, including green plant regeneration. No reciprocal differences were found for anther culture response, embryo induction frequency and green plant regeneration, indicating no cytoplasmic effects. A small but significant reciprocal difference was found for callus induction frequency. Embryo production was primarily correlated with anther culture response and not with the number of embryos produced per plated anther or per responding anther. Possible mechanisms for the inheritance of green plant regeneration are discussed.Abbreviations CIRA callus induction frequency per responding anther - ERA embryo induction frequency per responding anther - FHB fusarium head blight - MS-medium Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - REML residual maximum likelihood  相似文献   

Indica rice anther culture: can the impasse be surpassed?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past two decades numerous papers have been published on anther culture of rice. These studies clearly indicate that while anther culture is a technique that can be adopted for breeding japonica rice, it being a useful adjunct in indica rice breeding is still some way away. The main reasons why anther culture cannot be utilized for indica rice breeding is analyzed, and aspects that may be manipulated to achieve progress are presented in this review. The two stages of rice anther culture, callus induction and green plant regeneration, are genetically determined traits that show quantitative inheritance. Indica rice is known to have a recalcitrant genetic background that supports these traits poorly. While improvement of the genetic background through recombination or gene transfer remains possible, manipulation of culture media, particularly the nitrogen and carbon sources, has brought about substantial improvements in indica rice anther culture. Adjustments to pre- and post-culture conditions, that include application of various stresses on anthers before and after culture, also have had beneficial effects. The importance of reducing the tissue culture phase to achieve direct embryogenesis is discussed with special reference to improving green plant regeneration potential. The necessity to understand the processes involved in microspore embryogenesis is highlighted in order to support empirical knowledge and achieve a breakthrough in technology. In this regard, rice genome sequence information may be leveraged to elucidate functions of genes involved in microspore embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is an important vegetable crop that can be improved using plant tissue culture and biotechnology. However, it is difficult to develop appropriate breeding material by in vitro cultivation in this species. Haploid plant production is useful in the breeding programs to facilitate recovery of recessive mutations and unique genetic recombinations. In embryogenesis, haploid formation from pollen in anther culture is a scientifically advanced, but controversial system. Various techniques for haploid plant regeneration are used to establish an efficient double haploid production method. The purpose of this article is to summarize, through comparison, results in pepper anther culture, problems associated with work in this field, and the influence of critical factors for successful embryo formation and plantlet development.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins from a recombinant population of anther culture-derived doubled haploid lines identified 4 loci or linkage groups showing a deviation from an expected 11 segregation. It was hypothesized that these markers are linked to genes involved in the process of haploid plant production and that the deviation was due to a selection for alleles conferring higher anther culture response. To check this hypothesis, the anther culturability of 50 of the doubled haploid lines and their two inbred parents was assessed. It was found that 2 of the loci which had a distortion of segregation showed a significant effect on anther culture response, the most efficient allele being the most frequent in both loci. In addition, 2 more markers associated with anther culturability were found. One of the first mentioned 2 loci and one of the latter 2 were found to be linked to genes involved in both embryoid production and subsequent green plant regeneration. The remaining two were linked to genes involved only in green plant regeneration. Of the 4 favorable alleles 3 were inherited from one parent.  相似文献   

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