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Tang YB  Wang QL  Zhu BY  Huang HL  Liao DF 《生理学报》2005,57(3):373-378
观察金雀异黄酮(genistein)替代治疗对卵巢切除大鼠心肌中一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)和内皮型一氧化氮合酶(endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS)的影响.成年雌性Sprague-Dawley大鼠经双侧卵巢切除术,假手术组作为对照,术后三周将行卵巢切除术的大鼠随机分为低剂量genistein(0.5 mg/kg·d1)、高剂量genistein(5.0 mg/kg·d-1)、17-β雌二醇(0.1 mg/kg·d-1)和模型组(100μl/d芝麻油),各组均皮下注射给药并给予不含大豆的饲料喂养6周,测定大鼠尾动脉血压、心率,麻醉后放血处死大鼠称量子宫重量;放免法检测血浆中总雌二醇,亚硝酸还原酶法检测心肌匀浆中NO,Western blot检测心肌中eNOS的表达以及eNOS的调节蛋白小凹蛋白-1(caveolin-1)和钙调素(calmodulin)的表达情况.结果显示各组间大鼠血压无显著性差异,同17-β雌二醇一样,genistein能呈剂量依赖性地增加心肌组织中eNOS表达量和NO生成,同时genistein能明显降低内源性eNOS活性抑制物caveolin-1的表达,而不影响eNOS活性正性调节蛋白钙调素的表达.与溶媒对照组比较,0.5 mg/kg·d-1的genistein不增加子宫重量,5.0 mg/kg·d-1的genistein增加子宫重量3倍,但较17-β雌二醇(增加6倍)的作用小(P<0.01).上述结果提示,植物雌激素genistein剂量依赖性地上调心肌组织eNOS的活性并增加NO的生成,减少抑制eNOS活性的小凹蛋白-1表达.  相似文献   

染料木黄酮对去势大鼠骨骼矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 研究染料木黄酮对去势大鼠骨骼矿化的影响.方法: 雌性Wistar大鼠47只随机分为假手术组,去势对照组、去势 雌激素组(己烯雌酚20 μg.kg bw-1.d-1)、去势 染料木黄酮组(剂量分别为25、50、100 mg.kg bw-1.d-1).饲养三个月后处死,测定骨密度、骨矿化相关参数、骨钙、磷、锌、镁、锰、血清甲状旁腺激素、降钙素和雌激素含量.结果: 大鼠去势后,股骨骨密度降低,平均类骨质宽度增大,骨矿化延迟时间和类骨质成熟时间延长,骨中钙、磷、锌、镁和血清雌激素含量降低,与假手术组相比均有显著性差异(P<0.05);补充染料木黄酮后,股骨骨密度有改善的趋势,平均类骨质宽度变窄,骨矿化延迟时间和类骨质成熟时间缩短,骨中钙、磷、镁含量升高.结论: 染料木黄酮通过促进类骨质矿化,减少骨中钙、磷、镁丢失,预防骨质疏松的发生.  相似文献   

雌性荷尔蒙已烯雌酚(Diethylstilbestrol,DES)可以导致鸡受精卵雌性化,为了明确环境荷尔蒙疑似物邻苯二甲酸丁酯苯甲酯(Butyl benzyl phthalate,BBP)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(Dibutyl phthalate,DBP)、双酚A(Bisphenol A,BPA)、壬基酚(Nonyl Phenol,NP)是否和DES一样具有雌性荷尔蒙的作用,本研究以不同浓发的BBP、DBP、BPA、NP注射到鸡的受精卵内,观察生殖腺的发育及其受到的影响.结果 表明:BBP导致雌性雏鸡的生殖腺重量显著增加;DBP、BPA、NP对鸟类生殖腺的发育没有显著影响;BBP、DBP、BPA、NP没有出现与DES类似的雌化现象;不能引起雄性个体的雌性化.  相似文献   

雌激素和孕激素对雌性小鼠甲状腺C细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨降钙素在老年女性骨质疏松症发病中的作用 ,观察了雌、孕激素对雌性小鼠甲状腺 C细胞的影响。去卵巢小鼠 (OVX)分别肌肉注射苯甲酸雌二醇 (FB)、己烯孕酮 (HPC)和苯甲酸雌二醇加乙烯孕酮 (EB+HPC)两个月。用药剂量根据小鼠口龄和体重的不同而不同。采用免疫组织化学方法显示降钙素 (CT)阳性细胞并对其进行细胞形态计量学分析。结果显示 :(1)去卵巢小鼠与正常对照组相比 ,甲状腺 C细胞数目剧增 ,给予 EB、HPC、EB+HPC治疗的各组小鼠甲状腺C细胞数目与正常对照组水平相近。 (2 )各组小鼠甲状腺 C细胞的大小无明显改变 ,平均直径间无显著性差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。雌、孕激素缺乏可引起雌性小鼠甲状腺 C细胞增生。 C细胞增生也可能是雌激素缺乏引起的骨质疏松的后果  相似文献   

为了探讨围生期双酚A (bisphenol A,BPA) 暴露对雄性子代大鼠海马和前皮层谷氨酸N- 甲基-D- 天冬氨酸受体(N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor, NMDAR) 表达的影响,作者通过对妊娠第7 天至仔鼠出生后21 天的母鼠灌胃染毒BPA (200, 50, 5, 0.5 mg/(kg·d)),用Western-blot法分别检测出生后4、7、14、21、56 天的雄性仔鼠海马和前皮层NMDA 受体NR1、NR2A、2B 亚基的表达。结果显示,在海马区,较低剂量(0.5~50 mg/(kg·d))BPA 剂量依赖性地下调NMDA 受体各亚基表达,而高剂量(200 mg/(kg·d)) BPA 最显著下调NR1 表达,却对
NR2A、2B的影响最小;但所有BPA剂量组的NMDA受体亚基表达均显著低于对照组。在前皮层,NMDAR 亚基表达对BPA 的敏感性相对较低,只有较高剂量(50~200 mg/(kg·d)) BPA 可明显下调NR2A、2B 亚基表达。此外,BPA 明显改变NMDAR 的亚基组成,NR2A/NR1 和NR2B/NR1 比值在海马区被200 mg/(kg·d) BPA 上调,在前皮层却被0.5 mg/(kg·d) BPA 上调;其它剂量BPA 均下调两脑区的该比值。以上结果提示,母体围生期双酚A 暴露下调NMDA 受体表达和亚基组成,这可能是BPA 影响雄性子代脑发育的机制之一。  相似文献   

目的观察去势手术后雌、雄大鼠在低性激素状态下,下丘脑—垂体—肾上腺(HPA)轴功能的变化,证实性激素可对HPA轴的功能产生影响,并分析这种影响是否存在性别差异和时长效应。方法选用SPF级8周龄SD大鼠80只(雌雄各半),体重180~220 g,采用完全随机设计法,利用随机数字表将其分为雄性模型组、雄性对照组、雌性模型组、雌性对照组,每组20只大鼠,适应性饲养一周后行去势手术,于造模后第3周及第13周心脏取血,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血清中促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、皮质酮(CORT)含量并进行统计分析。结果经检测造模第3周雄性模型组大鼠血清CRH、CORT含量显著低于对照组(P0.01),血清ACTH含量低于对照组(P0.05);雌性模型组大鼠血清CRH、CORT含量均低于对照组(P0.05),血清ACTH含量有下降趋势。造模第13周,雄性模型组大鼠血清CORT含量显著低于对照组(P0.01),其他激素含量变化不明显;雌性模型组大鼠血清CORT含量低于对照组(P0.05),其他激素含量变化不明显。雌、雄模型组大鼠造模后第13周与第3周组内相比CRH、ACTH、CORT的含量均无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论无论雌、雄,去势均可造成大鼠HPA轴功能的紊乱,表现为外周血CRH、ACTH、CORT水平下降,雄激素对雄鼠HPA轴的影响要大于雌激素对雌鼠的影响。推测雄激素可能更加有利于上述三种激素的产生。当雌、雄大鼠处于稳定的低性激素状态,其HPA轴分泌功能不随着大鼠周龄的增长而发生改变。  相似文献   

目的探讨已烯雌酚对免疫性卵巢早衰小鼠卵巢颗粒细胞和卵母细胞凋亡的影响。方法以小鼠透明带3蛋白的第330~342个氨基酸的序列(NSSSSQFQIHGPR)合成透明带多肽并作免疫原,免疫SPF级BALB/c雌性小鼠。设对照、模型和已烯雌酚组。灌胃给药4周后,采用Tunel方法检测颗粒细胞与卵母细胞的细胞凋亡数并作统计学分析。结果已烯雌酚组可显著减少小鼠卵巢卵母细胞的凋亡率(P〈0.05)。结论已烯雌酚组能改善免疫性卵巢早衰小鼠体重降低症状并能诱导发情。已烯雌酚能改善免疫性卵巢早衰小鼠症状的机制可能是由于能有效地抑制卵母细胞的凋亡所引起的。  相似文献   

目的探讨雌/雄激素比例对去势大鼠前列腺体积及其脏器系数的影响。方法选用雄性SD大鼠随机分为37组,分别为:35个不同雌/雄激素比例组、正常和去势对照组。给药组分别注射不同配伍剂量的雌/雄激素、对照组均注射生理盐水各一个月。最后一次注药后24h取血、处死、取材,称取前列腺重量,测量体积,并计算脏器系数。结果当丙酸睾丸酮给药剂量分别为每只鼠0.02、0.5、2.5和12.5mg时,均未见器官增生程度与苯甲酸雌二醇注射剂量呈负相关。丙酸睾丸酮给药剂量每只鼠为0.1mg时,随着苯甲酸雌二醇注射量增加,前列腺体积及其系数均增大,而当每只鼠苯甲酸雌二醇注射量达到50μg/kg时,器官增生程度不再随苯甲酸雌二醇注射剂量增加而增加。结论雌激素发挥作用需以雄激素存在为前提,雌激素并非总是呈现对抗雄激素促进前列腺增生的作用,而是在一定范围内协同雄激素促进前列腺增生。  相似文献   

雌激素替代治疗去卵巢大鼠血清一氧化氮含量的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立雌激素替代治疗动物模型,观察其血清中一氧化氮(NO)含量的变化.方法取40只雌性大鼠切除双侧卵巢,随机分成四组A组假手术组;B组单纯去卵巢组;C组去卵巢+雌激素治疗组(隔日肌注苯甲酸雌二醇5μg);D组去卵巢+雌孕激素治疗组(隔日肌注苯甲酸雌二醇5μg,黄体酮1mg),两月后检测血清中雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)及NO2-/NO3-的含量.结果(1)卵巢切除后血清E2、P和NO2-/NO3-浓度显著降低;(2)雌激素治疗组和雌孕激素治疗组血清E2和NO2-/NO3-的含量及雌孕激素治疗组血清P的含量,略低于A组而显著高于去卵巢组.结论所建立的动物模型可以模拟绝经及绝经后的小剂量雌激素替代治疗,动物模型体内雌激素浓度与具有抗衰老作用的NO浓度呈相互平行的变化关系,雌激素可能通过NO达到延缓衰老作用.  相似文献   

利用4-溴丁酸乙酯对小分子半抗原己烯雌酚(DES)进行活化,引入羧基活性基团,应用活泼酯法将其与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)偶联,合成DES-CP-BSA完全抗原,免疫新西兰长耳白兔,制备特异性抗体.结果显示:成功制备了DES完全抗原,且由此获得了特异性的DES抗体,效价达1.28×105,与己烷雌酚、双烯雌酚的交叉反应分别...  相似文献   

The developing uterus, vagina, and cervix of mice whose age ranged from 16 days of gestation to 90 days postnatal were examined for nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs) by autoradiographic and whole cell uptake techniques. ERs were present within mesenchymal cells of these organs throughout the entire period of development and maturation. By contrast, nuclear ER first became detectable by autoradiography in the epithelium of vagina and uterus at 5 and 6 days postnatal, respectively.
As a result of administration of the synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), consecutively from 16 to 18 days of gestation, uterine and vaginal epithelial cell height was increased and epithelial secretory activity was elevated during the first 48 hr of postnatal life. Also, a single does of DES administered on the 2nd day after birth stimulated epithelial proliferation in the uterus as determined by 3H-thymidine incorporation. These typical estrogenic effects occurred in the absence of nuclear ER within the epithelium. Prenatal DES treatment accelerated the onset of ER activity within the epithelium by 2 to 3 days relative to controls. The possibility that certain effects of estrogen on epithelial differentiation may be mediated indirectly via ER positive mesenchymal cells is discussed.  相似文献   

CF-1 female mice were treated with either testosterone (T), diethylstilbestrol (DES), or methyltrienolone (R1881) on the day of birth and were subsequently tested for their responsiveness to the aggression-promoting property of androgen or estrogen during adulthood. The results showed that neonatal exposure to androgen enhanced subsequent sensitivity to androgenic stimulation but did not alter responsiveness to estrogens. Neonatal estrogen treatment established the capacity to exhibit aggression in response to estrogenic stimulation in adulthood but had little effect on responsiveness to androgens. These data indicate that the androgenic and estrogenic metabolites of T have distinct roles in masculinization of the neural substrate for aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

Perinatal exposure to a synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), causes cervicovaginal adenosis and permanent hyperplastic cornified vaginal epithelium with keratinization in mice. To investigate the mechanisms of the induction of vaginal abnormalities by DES, we have focused on activin A signaling. We have found that the βA-subunit mRNA is mainly expressed in the neonatal vaginal stroma, whereas activin A receptor type IB is localized in the neonatal vaginal epithelium. SMAD2, the intracellular signaling protein, is phosphorylated in the neonatal vagina. Cell proliferation in the vaginal epithelium grown in vitro is reduced by DES treatment or by activin signaling suppression through inhibin treatment. Thus, activin A (a homodimer of the βA-subunit) in the stroma stimulates epithelial cell proliferation in the neonatal vagina. DES treatment decreases the expression of the βA-subunit and activin receptor IIB but increases the expression of the βB-subunit and inhibin receptor. Neonatal DES treatment inhibits the phosphorylation of SMAD2 in the vaginal epithelium, indicating the inhibition of activin A signaling in the vaginal epithelium by neonatal DES treatment. Treatment with DES or inhibin, a native antagonist of activin, induces adenosis-like structures and keratinization in the vagina grown in vitro. These data suggest that the suppression of activin A signaling by DES is involved in the induction of cervicovaginal adenosis and keratinization in the neonatal mouse vaginal epithelium.  相似文献   

Exposure of female mice to estrogenic substances during the neonatal period induces developmental defects in the reproductive tract such as estrogen-independent persistent proliferation of the vaginal epithelium, which often leads to carcinogenesis in adulthood. In this study, several estrogen-regulated genes have been identified in the neonatal mouse vagina by DNA microarray hybridization analysis. Among the genes up-regulated in the developing vagina by a high dose of estrogen, trefoil factor 1 (TFF1), a mucin-associated gastrointestinal growth factor, showed a unique expression pattern in accordance with the irreversible changes induced by neonatal estrogenization in the vagina. Vaginal expression of TFF1 mRNA was markedly increased by estrogen in neonatal mice but not in adults, and pronouncedly intensified expression of the gastrointestinal gene was observed in the vagina of neonatally estrogenized mice even at adulthood. The specific localization of TFF1 protein in the epithelium of neonatally estrogenized vagina was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Moreover, without any obvious alteration in the expression of gel-forming mucin genes, the lumen of the neonatally estrogenized vagina became filled with periodic-acid-Schiff-stained mucinous gel, which was possibly caused by the overexpression of TFF1. Thus, estrogen acts directly on the developing vagina in the permanent induction of TFF1 gene expression, and the gene induction does not appear to be related to hypermethylation of the cis-promoter of the TFF1 gene. TFF1 may be a useful marker for developmental estrogenization syndrome of the mouse vagina. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture, Japan, and grants from the University of Tsukuba to M. M.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Idoxifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator similar to tamoxifen but is no longer in pharmaceutical development due to adverse genitourinary effects in the clinic. Histologic observations of the reproductive system and mammary glands are presented from female dogs treated with idoxifene for up to 12 months. METHODS: Studies were conducted as part of regulatory requirements to support clinical development. Idoxifene was given orally by capsule, once daily, for 1, 6, or 12 months to female Beagle dogs (n = 3 or 4/group) aged 11-14 months (start of dosing) at dosages 0, 0.03, 0.3, 1.5, or 3 mg/kg/day. Evaluations included the following: clinical observations, hematology, hemostasis, chemistry, toxicokinetics, and histology. RESULTS: Dose- and time-dependent findings were present in dogs given > or = 0.03 mg/kg/day and included abnormal vaginal discharge, minor increases of platelet and neutrophil counts, and microscopic observations in the ovary (atrophy and mesothelial [ovarian surface epithelium] hyperplasia), endometrium (edema, inflammation, glandular atrophy, squamous metaplasia, increased collagen), myometrium (edema, increased collagen), vagina (squamous hyperplasia, keratinization), and mammary gland (atrophy). CONCLUSION: Dogs given idoxifene exhibited estrogenic effects in ovary, uterus, and vagina but antiestrogenic effects in endometrial and mammary glands consistent with several observations in clinical trials in post-menopausal women treated with triphenylethylenes.  相似文献   

Exposure to pharmacological concentrations of potent estrogenic compounds, including 17 beta-estradiol, diethylstilbestrol, and alpha-dienestrol, increased the susceptibility of mice to Toxoplasma gondii as measured by brain cyst formation. Compounds with weak estrogenic activity or other hormonal activity, including 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, progesterone, and zearalanol, did not alter host resistance to infection. The ability of estrogens to alter susceptibility was inhibited by the estrogen antagonist, tamoxifen. The restoration of ovariectomized mice with normal physiological concentrations of estrogen had no effect on subsequent infection with T. gondii. These results indicate that pharmacological, but not physiological, levels of estrogen selectively alter host resistance to T. gondii, possibly through hormonal events.  相似文献   

Isoflavone (IF), a type of phytoestrogen, has multiple beneficial effects, but too much phytoestrogen can have adverse effects on offspring. To examine whether chronic exposure to high IF has adverse effects on reproductive development, mice offspring were exposed to IF through dietary administration to dams during pregnancy and lactation and to the offspring directly after weaning until sacrifice. In male offspring, there was no difference between the IF group and controls; however, in female offspring in the IF group, remarkably earlier puberty and induction of multioocyte follicles on postnatal day (PND) 21 were observed. Gene expression levels of estrogen receptor β decreased in the ovary and vagina on PND 21. These results suggest that chronic exposure to higher than normal levels of IF induces alterations in the reproductive development of female mice through an estrogenic effect.  相似文献   

Isoflavone (IF), a type of phytoestrogen, has multiple beneficial effects, but too much phytoestrogen can have adverse effects on offspring. To examine whether chronic exposure to high IF has adverse effects on reproductive development, mice offspring were exposed to IF through dietary administration to dams during pregnancy and lactation and to the offspring directly after weaning until sacrifice. In male offspring, there was no difference between the IF group and controls; however, in female offspring in the IF group, remarkably earlier puberty and induction of multioocyte follicles on postnatal day (PND) 21 were observed. Gene expression levels of estrogen receptor beta decreased in the ovary and vagina on PND 21. These results suggest that chronic exposure to higher than normal levels of IF induces alterations in the reproductive development of female mice through an estrogenic effect.  相似文献   

Developmental exposure to estrogenic chemicals induces morphological, functional, and behavioral anomalies associated with reproduction. Humans are routinely exposed to bisphenol-A (BPA), an estrogenic compound that leaches from dental materials and plastic food and beverage containers. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of in utero exposure to low, environmentally relevant doses of BPA on the development of female reproductive tissues in CD-1 mice. In previous publications, we have shown that this treatment alters the morphology of the mammary gland and affects estrous cyclicity. Here we report that in utero exposure to 25 and 250 ng BPA/ kg of body weight per day via osmotic pumps implanted into pregnant dams at Gestational Day 9 induces alterations in the genital tract of female offspring that are revealed during adulthood. They include decreased wet weight of the vagina, decreased volume of the endometrial lamina propria, increased incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into the DNA of endometrial gland epithelial cells, and increased expression of estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) and progesterone receptor in the luminal epithelium of the endometrium and subepithelial stroma. Because ERalpha is known to be expressed in these estrogen-target organs at the time of BPA exposure, it is plausible that BPA may directly affect the expression of ER-controlled genes involved in the morphogenesis of these organs. In addition, BPA-induced alterations that specifically affect hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis function may further contribute to the anomalies observed at 3 mo of age, long after the cessation of BPA exposure.  相似文献   

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