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该研究采用RT-PCR技术,从抗病的中国野生华东葡萄‘白河-35-1’和感病的欧洲葡萄‘佳丽酿’中克隆了液泡加工酶基因(γVPE),分别命名为VpγVPE和VvCγVPE。克隆的2个γVPE基因cDNA长度均为1 624bp,ORF为1 482bp,编码493个氨基酸。氨基酸多序列对比分析发现,‘白河-35-1’、‘佳丽酿’、‘无核白’和‘黑比诺’葡萄中的γVPE基因底物结合口袋域的3个关键氨基酸之一的丝氨酸(Ser395)均变为丙氨酸(Ala),与其他植物的VPE基因底物口袋结合域有所不同。实时荧光定量PCR表明,在白粉菌诱导后的不同时期内,γVPE基因在感病葡萄和抗病葡萄中的表达模式不同,抗病株系中VpγVPE基因的表达量在诱导后的前期(4h和48h)和后期(168h)均有所增加,而感病株系中VvCγVPE基因在诱导后4h表达量最高,随后降低。γVPE基因在白粉菌诱导后不同时期内表达量的变化,表明γVPE基因在一定程度上与葡萄的抗性相关。研究结果为进一步揭示γVPE基因在抗病过程中的分子机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以枯萎病菌诱导棉花基因表达谱中获得的差异表达bZIP作为探针,采用电子克隆结合RT-PCR方法从棉花抗枯萎病品种‘中棉所12’中克隆了1个TGA转录因子基因,命名为GhTGA2.2。序列分析表明,该基因的cDNA全长1 356bp,编码451个氨基酸,预测分子量为50.04kD,等电点为5.85,含有保守的bZIP结构域。系统进化树分析表明,GhTGA2.2属于bZIP亚家族的TGA转录因子,与拟南芥AtTGA2、烟草NtTGA2.2亲缘关系最近。qRT-PCR分析表明,经枯萎病菌诱导后,GhTGA2.2基因在抗病品种中呈上调表达,随处理后时间的推移,其相对表达量呈先升高后降低的趋势,并于处理后24h表达量达到最大;水杨酸诱导后1h,GhTGA2.2基因相对表达量迅速增加;茉莉酸和乙烯诱导后GhTGA2.2基因的相对表达量明显降低,呈下调表达。研究推测,GhTGA2.2基因可能通过水杨酸信号传导途径参与对枯萎病菌的防御反应。  相似文献   

以抗性品种‘左优红’组培苗为材料,克隆得到WRKY18基因,测序结果显示:VvWRKY18基因片段大小为954 bp,编码317个氨基酸序列。生物信息学分析结果显示VvWRKY18蛋白分子量约为35.2416 k Da,等电点为8.22,不稳定系数为48.61,推测为不稳定蛋白;与已知的粳稻、高粱、毛果杨及拟南芥WRKY家族蛋白高度同源;亚细胞定位预测结果显示主要存在于细胞核中,属于第二类WRKY转录因子家族成员。实时荧光定量PCR分析显示,VvWRKY18在葡萄不同组织中均有表达,在花中表达量最高;多种逆境胁迫因子如盐、干旱和低温等诱导VvWRKY18上调表达,且在低温胁迫6 h时诱导表达量最高。另外,VvWRKY18受胁迫信号分子水杨酸、脱落酸、一氧化氮和过氧化氢诱导上调表达,且VvWRKY18在一氧化氮处理下的表达模式与低温诱导的类似,推测VvWRKY18可能通过调控一氧化氮信号分子代谢途径来调节葡萄对低温胁迫应答。  相似文献   

该研究以黑粒青稞品种‘黑老鸦’籽粒为材料,克隆了青稞类黄酮3-O-葡萄糖基转移酶基因(HvtUF3GT),获得1 449 bp序列。HvtUF3GT基因包含一个1 434 bp开放阅读框,编码478个氨基酸,理论等电点为5.45,预测蛋白分子量为52 912.58 Da。蛋白质序列分析表明,HvtUF3GT为亲水性的不稳定酸性蛋白,且在C-末端具有一段典型的44个氨基酸PSPG box,在空间结构中含有β-α-β-α-βRossmann折叠结构,属于UDP糖基转移酶基因GT-B型超家族成员。进化树分析表明,HvtUF3GT与小麦族的大麦、乌拉尔图小麦、山羊草和二穗短柄草的糖基转移酶聚为一个分支,且与大麦的亲缘关系最近,与稻族的籼稻和短花稻的亲缘关系较远。半定量和定量PCR结果表明,在‘INB0N-7’蓝粒青稞和‘昆仑12号’白粒青稞的籽粒灌浆后期HvtUF3GT基因不表达,而在黑粒青稞和紫粒青稞中的表达强弱依次为‘黑老鸦’(黑粒)‘昆仑17号’(黑粒)‘达章紫’(紫粒)‘涅如姆扎’(紫粒)。研究推测,HvtUF3GT基因在青稞灌浆后期籽粒着色过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

该研究以黄毛草莓(Fragaria nilgerrensis Schltdl.)为材料,采用RT PCR技术克隆了黄毛草莓FnMYB24基因的cDNA和启动子序列。生物信息学分析表明,FnMYB24的cDNA序列长为1 033 bp(GenBank登录号为MN879283),其开放阅读框(ORF)长为609 bp,编码202个氨基酸,含有1个保守的MYB_DNA binding结构域。同源分析结果显示,黄毛草莓FnMYB24基因编码的氨基酸序列与森林草莓(Fragaria vesca)编码的氨基酸相似性较高;同时进一步克隆了该基因编码起始位点上游长度为718 bp启动子序列(GenBank登录号为MN879285),预测该序列包含激素响应元件、光调控元件等多个顺式作用元件。通过构建pFnMYB24∷GUS表达载体进行烟草瞬时转化,发现pFnMYB24启动子具有转录活性且能够驱动FnMYB24基因表达。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示:抗病品种黄毛草莓和易感病栽培品种‘妙香3号’的叶片接种胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)后MYB24基因表达量均有上调,但‘妙香3号’的MYB24表达量始终低于黄毛草莓的表达量;SA处理后2个草莓品种的MYB24表达量均高于对照组,表明MYB24基因受水杨酸(SA)的诱导表达。研究表明,草莓MYB24基因可能参与调控抗炭疽病,为进一步研究MYB24基因在草莓抗炭疽病中的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

SUN基因是控制番茄果实形状的主效基因。该研究从NCBI中查找与番茄SUN相似性最高的葡萄序列,设计特异性引物,采用RT-PCR技术从‘天山’葡萄花穗中克隆出该序列,命名为VvSUN基因。序列分析表明,VvSUN基因开放阅读框长度为1 278bp,共编码425个氨基酸;预测蛋白质分子量为48.11kD,理论等电点为10.63。VvSUN蛋白不具有信号肽,为非跨膜蛋白,可能定位于细胞核和线粒体膜上,属于亲水性蛋白;二级结构分析表明α螺旋和无规则卷曲是VvSUN蛋白中主要的结构元件。VvSUN基因编码的氨基酸具有IQ保守结构域,与NCBI中其他7种植物IQD家族成员基因序列相似性在43%~53%;系统进化树分析表明,VvSUN基因与拟南芥IQD12基因亲缘关系最近;推测葡萄VvSUN蛋白质与番茄SUN蛋白质具有相似的功能。荧光定量PCR分析表明,VvSUN基因在两个葡萄品种中均在盛花期表达量最高,花后果实中的表达量均较低;GA3处理后果实果形指数显著增大,且幼果中VvSUN基因表达量明显上升。研究推测葡萄VvSUN基因可能参与果形拉长的调控。  相似文献   

该研究根据转录组测序结果,在葡萄风信子(Muscari armeniacum) ‘亚美尼亚’中克隆到花青素合酶(ANS)基因的cDNA与DNA序列,该基因命名为MaANS。采用荧光实时定量分析MaANS时空表达模型,同时利用染色体步移法克隆到MaANS上游1 044 bp的一段序列。信息学分析表明:MaANS开放阅读框为1 065 bp,编码355个氨基酸;DNA与cDNA的一致性为89.62%,DNA序列在ATG下游515~594 bp之间插入1个79 bp内含子;启动子序列在-70 bp位置有1个TATA-box,有多个光响应元件及MYB结合位点等。荧光实时定量分析表明,MaANS基因在花中优势表达,并且在完全着色期表达量最高。该研究结果为深入研究MaANS基因功能、分析葡萄风信子着色机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

该研究以茶树基因组数据库为基础,采用RT-PCR技术,从茶树‘龙井43’中克隆得到基因CsCIGR。序列分析显示,CsCIGR基因开放阅读框长度为1 677 bp,编码588个氨基酸。进化分析表明,CsCIGR属于GRAS家族的PAT1亚家族。多序列比对显示,茶树CsCIGR蛋白与其他植物的GRAS蛋白氨基酸序列具有很高的相似性。氨基酸理化性质分析显示,CsCIGR转录因子属于亲水性蛋白。亚细胞定位预测显示,CsCIGR可能位于细胞核中。启动子预测分析发现,CsCIGR启动子区域包含胁迫响应元件(STRE)、干旱应答元件(MYC)、厌氧诱导元件(ARE)等多种与逆境响应相关的顺式作用元件。荧光定量PCR分析结果显示,CsCIGR基因在低温(4℃)、高温(38℃)、干旱(200 g·L~(-1) PEG)、高盐(200 mmol·L~(-1) NaCl)胁迫下均能诱导表达,且对高盐,低温和高温胁迫响应更为明显,推测CsCIGR基因在茶树响应逆境胁迫中发挥重要作用。该研究为茶树抗性育种筛选基因提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

武丹  吴菁华  张志忠 《西北植物学报》2017,37(10):1889-1895
以中国水仙‘金盏银台’为实验材料,采用RACE和RT-PCR技术获得1个与开花相关的转录因子(SOC1)的同源基因NtSOC1。NtSOC1的cDNA全长1 603bp,含有1个687bp开放阅读框,编码228个氨基酸。生物信息学分析表明,NtSOC1与单子叶植物的SOC1同源基因的氨基酸序列较为相似,且在C末端同样含有一个保守性很高的SOC1motif序列,说明NtSOC1是属于SOC1/TM3亚家族基因。荧光定量PCR分析显示,NtSOC1在花芽分化阶段的表达量随着花芽的分化而升高,花芽分化结束时减少,表明NtSOC1基因可能参与中国水仙的花芽分化。成功构建了NtSOC1基因表达载体pCAMBIA1302-NtSOC1,通过农杆菌转化洋葱表皮对编码蛋白进行亚细胞定位结果显示,NtSOC1基因编码蛋白定位于细胞核,符合转录因子的亚细胞定位特征。该实验结果为进一步研究NtSOC1基因的生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用同源克隆方法结合RACE技术,从日本晚樱(Prunus lannesiana)品种‘大岛樱’中克隆到花发育调控相关的PrseSHP基因(GenBank登录号为GU362645)。PrseSHP基因序列全长1 223bp,包含1个长741bp的完整开放阅读框,编码246个氨基酸和1个终止密码子。分子系统发生分析表明,PrseSHP属MADS-box转录因子的PLE/SHP进化系,并与蔷薇科植物的SHP同源蛋白聚于同一进化分支;蛋白序列比对显示,该转录因子拥有M、I、K和C共4个结构域,且其C末端结构域中包含高度保守的AGⅠ和Ⅱ基序。基因表达分析表明,PrseSHP基因主要在‘大岛樱’的花瓣、雄蕊、雌蕊和幼果等器官中表达,在花萼中仅能检测到微弱的转录信号,在幼叶中不表达,与其他植物SHP同源基因的表达模式有一定的差别。功能分析显示,转PrseSHP基因拟南芥植株明显比野生型拟南芥弱小,转基因拟南芥在6~8片莲座叶后即抽薹开花,时间较野生型拟南芥(14~17片莲座叶后抽薹开花)明显提前,证明异位表达的PrseSHP基因能促进拟南芥早花,其在花发育过程中可能参与调控植物开花。  相似文献   

Two new zincophosphites [C6H14N2]0.5[Zn(H2PO3)2] 1 and [C4H12N2]0.5[(CH3)2NH2][Zn2(HPO3)3] 2 have been solvothermally synthesized in mixed solvents of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and 1,4-dioxane (DOA), respectively. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that compound 1 exhibits a neutral inorganic chain formed by ZnO4 and HPO2(OH) units. Interestingly, the left- and right-handed hydrogen-bonded helical chains are alternately formed via the hydrogen-bonds between two adjacent chains. Compound 2 exhibits a layer structure with 4- and 12-MRs formed by ZnO4 and HPO3 units, in which two kinds of organic amine molecules both act as countercations to compensate the overall negative electrostatic charge of the anionic network.  相似文献   

The title compounds were made by reacting bis(diphenylphosphino)methane (dppm) with reduced solutions of OsCl64? and Ru2OCl104?. The crystal and molecular structures of these compounds have been determined form three-dimensional X-ray study. The cis-isomers crystallize with one CHCl3 per molecule of the complex. All three compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group P21/n with unit cell dimensions as follows: Cis-OsCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3: a = 13.415(4) Å, b = 22.859(4) Å, c = 16.693(3) Å, β = 105.77(3)°, V = 4926(3) Å3, Z = 4. cis-RuCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3: a = 13.442(3) Å, b = 22.833(7) Å, c = 16.750(4) Å, β = 105.53(2)°, V = 4953(3) Å3, Z = 4. trans-RuCl2(dppm)2: a = 11.368(7) Å, b = 10.656(6) Å, c = 18.832(12) Å; β = 103.90(6)°, V = 2213(7) Å3; Z = 2. The structures were refined to R = 0.044 (Rw = 0.055) for cis-OsCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3; R = 0.065 (Rw = 0.079) for cis-RuCl2(dppm)2·CHCl3 and R = 0.028 (Rw = 0.038) for trans-RuCl2(dppm)2. The complexes are six coordinate with stable four-membered chelate rings. The PMP angle in the chelate rings is ca. 71° in each case.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of an o-phenylenediamine unit-containing oligophenylene (1), Ph-Ph′-Ph′(2,3-NH2)-Ph′-Ph (Ph = phenyl; Ph′ = p-phenylene; Ph′(2,3-NH2) = 2,3-diamino-p-phenylene), was determined by X-ray crystallography. 1 has a twisted structure, and forms an intermolecular C-H?π interaction network. The -NH2 group of 1 was air-oxidized to an imine, NH, group in the presence of [RuCl2(bpy)2] (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridyl) and gave a ruthenium(II)-benzoquinone diimine complex [Ru(2)(bpy)2](PF6)2 (2: Ph-Ph′-Ph′(2,3-imine)-Ph′-Ph). The molecular structure of [Ru(2)(bpy)2](PF6)2 was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. [Ru(2)(bpy)2](PF6)2 underwent two-step electrochemical reduction with E1/2 = −0.889 V and −1.531 V versus Fc+/Fc. The E1/2’s were located at higher potentials by 91 mV and 117 mV, respectively, than those of reported [Ru(bqdi)(bpy)2](PF6)2 (bqdi = benzoquinone diimine). Electrochemical oxidation of [Ru(2)(bpy)2](PF6)2 occurred at a lower potential by 180 mV than that of [Ru(bqdi)(bpy)2](PF6)2. Occurrence of the easier reduction and oxidation of [Ru(2)(bpy)2](PF6)2 than those of [Ru(bqdi)(bpy)2](PF6)2 is ascribed to the presence of a large π-conjugation system in 2.  相似文献   

The reaction of α-MgCl2 with boiling ethyl acetate affords MgCI2(CH3COOC2H5)2· (CH3COOC2H5), which is obtained as crystals suitable for X-ray analysis only from the mother liquor. M=315.5, orthorhombic, space group P21221 (No. 18), a=25.077(3), b=8.616(1), c=7.345(1) Å, V=1587.0(3) Å3, Z=4, Dx=1.32 g cm−3,λ A(Mo Kα)=0.71069 Å, μ=4.17 cm−1, F(000)=664, T=298 K, observed reflections: 1667, R=0.059 and Rw=0.069. The structure is composed of polymeric chains of MgCl2(CH3COOC2H5)2 and the ethyl acetate molecules occupy a mutually trans position.  相似文献   

Reaction of [Mo2O2(μ-S)2(H2O)6]2+ with Mo(CO)6 or metallic Mo under hydrothermal conditions (140 °C, 4 M HCl) gives oxido-sulfido cluster aqua complex [Mo33-S)(μ-O)2(μ-S)(H2O)9]4+ (1). Similarly, [W33-S)(μ-O)2(μ-S)(H2O)9]4+ (2) is obtained from [W2O2(μ-S)2(H2O)6]2+ and W(CO)6. While reaction of [Mo2O2(μ-S)2(H2O)6]2+ with W(CO)6 mainly proceeds as simple reduction to give 1, [W2O2(μ-S)2(H2O)6]2+ with Mo(CO)6 produces new mixed-metal cluster [W2Mo(μ3-S)(μ-O)2(μ-S)(H2O)9]4+ (3) as main product. From solutions of 1 in HCl supramolecular adduct with cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]) {[Mo3O2S2(H2O)6Cl3]2CB[6]}Cl2⋅18H2O (4) was isolated and structurally characterized. The aqua complexes were converted into acetylacetonates [M3O2S2(acac)3(py)3]PF6 (M3 = Mo3, W3, W2Mo; 5a-c), which were characterized by X-ray single crystal analysis, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Crystal structure of (H5O2)(Me4N)4[W33-S)(μ2-S)(μ2-O)2(NCS)9] (6), obtained from 2, is also reported.  相似文献   

Several niobium and tantalum compounds were prepared that contain either the diamidoamine ligand, [(3,4,5-F3C6H2NCH2CH2)2NMe]2− ([F3N2NMe]2−), or the triamidoamine ligand, [(3,5-Cl2C6H3NCH2CH2)3N]3− ([Cl2N2NMe]3−). The former include [F3N2NMe]TaCl3, [F3N2NMe]NbCl3, [F3N2NMe]TaMe3, [F3N2NMe]NbMe3, [(F3N2NMe)TaMe2][MeB(C6F5)3], [F3N2NMe]Ta(CHSiMe3)(CH2SiMe3), [F3N2NMe]Ta(CH2-t-Bu)Cl2, [F3N2NMe]Ta(CH-t-Bu)(CH3), and [F3N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H4)(CH2CH3). The latter include [Cl2N2NMe]TaCl2, [Cl2N2NMe]TaMe2, [Cl2N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H4), and [Cl2N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H2).X-ray diffraction studies were carried out on [F3N2NMe]Ta(CHSiMe3)(CH2SiMe3), [F3N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H4)(CH2CH3), and [Cl2N2NMe]TaMe2..  相似文献   

The reaction of lead(II) nitrate with trisodium citrate Na3(C6H5O7) in a 1:22.5 ratio at pH 4.8 provides crystals of {Na(H2O)3}[Pb5(H2O)3(C6H5O7)3(C6H6O7)]·9.5H2O (1). The structure of 1 is two-dimensional and exhibits five distinct Pb(II) sites and four different modes of citrate bonding. The five lead sites all display hemidirected coordination geometries, that is, irregular distribution of neighboring oxygen atoms resulting in obvious gaps in the coordination spheres. Consequently, the lead coordination geometries exhibit proximal bonding to a number of oxygen donors, as well as distal interactions with nearest neighbors. The coordination numbers vary from 8 to 10, with ‘5+3’, ‘5+4’, ‘6+4’ and ‘7+3’ coordination modes where the first number refers to the proximal ligands and the second to the distal set. The four crystallographically distinct citrate groups include three with deprotonated carboxylate groups (C6H5O7)3− and one with a single protonated carboxyl group (C6H6O7)2. The citrate ligands bridge 3, 5, 7 and 7 lead sites. Three of the citrate groups exhibit tridentate chelation coordination to a lead site through two carboxylate oxygen donors and the hydroxyl groups. One citrate group projects an uncoordinated -OH group and a pendant protonated carboxyl group into the interlamellar domain. This latter carboxyl group coordinates to a sodium cation, which exhibits five coordinate geometry defined by three aqua ligands and the carbonyl oxygen of the -CO2H groups in the basal plane and a citrate -OH donor in the apical position.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal methods were used to prepare [Cu(O3PC10H6CO2H)] (1) and [Cu(bpy)(HO3PC10H6CO2)]·2H2O (2·2H2O), where H2O3PC10H6CO2H is 2,6-carboxynaphthalene phosphonic acid (H3cnp). The two-dimensional structure of 1 consists of layers of edge-sharing {CuO6} octahedra, producing an AlCl3- type structure of fused hexagonal rings of copper octahedra, enclosing voids of hexagonal profile. The layer composition is CuO3 or CuO6/2 as each oxygen bridges two copper sites. The Hcnp ligands project from either face of the copper “oxide” layer. Adjacent layers interact through hydrogen bonding interactions between the pendant -CO2H groups of the ligand. Coordination of the bipyridine ligand in [Cu(HO3PC10H6CO2)] (2) obstructs expansion in two-dimensions, and the material exhibits a chain structure. The chain is constructed of binuclear units of edge-sharing ‘4+1’ {CuO3N2} square pyramids linked through the dipodal {HO3PC10H6CO2}2− ligands.  相似文献   

Adding one equivalent of H2O2 to compounds of stoichiometry MoCl2(O)2(OPR3)2, OPR3 = OPMePh2 or OPPh3, leads to the formation of oxo-peroxo compounds MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPR3)2. The compound MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPMePh2)2 crystallized with an unequal disorder, 63%:37%, between the oxo and peroxo ligands, as verified by single-crystal X-ray diffractometry, and can be isolated in reasonable yields. MoCl2(O)(O2)(OPPh3)2, was not isolated in pure form, co-crystallized with MoCl2(O)2(OPPh3)2 in two ratios, 18%:82% and 12%:88%, respectively, and did not contain any disorder in the arrangement of the oxo and peroxo groups. These complexes accomplish the isomerization of various allylic alcohols. A mechanism of this reaction has been constructed based on 18O isotopic studies and involves exchange between the alcohol and metal bonded O atoms.  相似文献   

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