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该文首次报道了摩拉维采真藓(新拟)在中国的分布。研究表明:(1)摩拉维采真藓的主要识别特征为:叶常聚集在茎顶成莲座状,叶倒卵状披针形至匙形,具长毛尖,具分化边缘,中肋消失于叶尖下,叶细胞长菱形至六边形,叶腋处着生大量单列细胞构成的分枝或不分枝的丝状芽胞。(2)通过对摩拉维采真藓的命名和系统位置的讨论,确认该种是真藓属细叶真藓组的有效种。(3)摩拉维采真藓与近缘种细叶真藓和幽美真藓有诸多相似特征:莲座状的茎顶、有分化边和菱形至六边形中上部细胞的倒卵形叶,但该种以具有大量叶腋生丝状芽胞和叶中肋不及顶等特征区别于细叶真藓的无腋生芽胞、叶中肋突出叶尖成长芒状,以具有叶湿时平展、干时卷曲和叶腋有芽胞等特征区别于幽美真藓的叶湿时内凹、干时紧贴于茎和无腋生芽胞;拟三列真藓、圆叶真藓和灰黄真藓的部分种群都曾报道有与摩拉维采真藓相似的腋生丝状芽胞,但摩拉维采真藓的假根集生于植株基部、叶有狭分化边、叶缘平直、中肋消失于叶尖下而区别于拟三列真藓的茎中下部密被假根、叶有宽分化边、叶缘背卷、中肋及顶或短出,摩拉维采真藓有分化边和长毛尖的倒卵状披针形区别于圆叶真藓叶有无分化边和圆钝叶尖的卵圆形叶,区别于灰黄真藓有中肋及顶和短尖的卵状披针形叶;柔叶真藓有与摩拉维采真藓相似、中肋不及顶的叶,但无芽胞而易与新记录种区分。(4)该种在北温带有较广泛分布,形成欧洲-北亚-中亚-西亚和北美两个主要分布区;作者在四川和新疆等地的发现可以推测摩拉维采真藓在中国可能有更广泛的分布。  相似文献   

该研究首次报道了毛齿藓短蒴变种(新拟)在中国的分布和毛齿藓属在新疆的分布。研究表明:(1)毛齿藓短蒴变种的主要识别特征为:叶基部鞘状,突然狭窄成线状披针形,背仰,叶缘平展,中肋充满叶上部,背面粗糙,远轴面有厚壁细胞束分化,叶细胞长方形至短长方形;有假根生芽胞;孢蒴椭球形,稍弓形弯曲,蒴齿线状披针形,二裂至近基部。(2)毛齿藓属的3个分类单位在中国均有分布,毛齿藓短蒴变种以较短的孢蒴和蒴柄区别于原变种,以有根生芽胞、叶基部呈明显鞘状、叶缘平展区别于云南毛齿藓的无假根生芽胞、叶基部略呈鞘状、叶缘背卷。(3)在牛毛藓科中有许多类群与毛齿藓短蒴变种形态相似,但仅有毛齿藓属的叶在横切面上主细胞的远轴面有厚壁细胞束,而其他类群的叶在横切上主细胞的近轴面和远轴面均有厚壁细胞束。该变种的叶背仰不同于牛毛藓科其他属的叶直立;以具鞘部的叶、表面光滑的孢蒴、内弯的蒴齿区别于无鞘部的叶、表面有纵沟槽的孢蒴、直立的蒴齿的牛毛藓属。(4)该变种属北极 高山分布类型,表现出了明显的欧洲 亚洲 北美洲间断分布模式,可作为研究气候变化、海陆变迁的重要材料。  相似文献   

采用经典分类方法,对1989~2012年采自新疆各地的赤藓属植物360余号标本进行鉴定。结果表明:(1)共鉴定出新疆赤藓属(Syntrichia Brid.)植物11种(含1变种),其中3种为新疆新记录种。(2)新疆首次发现的3个新记录种为:北方赤藓(Syntrichia norvegica)、双齿赤藓(S.bidentata)和齿肋赤藓异叶变种(S.caninervis var.spuria),其中双齿赤藓为中国濒危物种。(3)对新疆赤藓属植物11种的形态特征及其在新疆的分布进行了描述,并编制了新疆赤藓属植物的分种检索表。  相似文献   

阿尔泰山是欧亚大陆最为宏伟的山脉之一,其中段的西南坡坐落于中国新疆境内,众多具温带性质的藓类植物分布于此。作者在对阿尔泰山进行苔藓植物区系调查过程中,发现了分布于阿尔泰山的喀纳斯自然保护区及布尔津县禾木乡的2个藓类植物中国新记录种——隶属曲尾藓科的短叶曲尾藓[Dicranum brevifolium(Lindb.)Lindb.]和卷叶小曲尾藓[Dicranella crispa(Hedw.)Schimp.]。由地理分布可知,短叶曲尾藓和卷叶小曲尾藓在中国皆为稀有种类。  相似文献   

报道了内蒙古清水河黄土丘陵地区发现的紫萼藓科1新变种——缨齿藓菱形变种[Jaffueliobryum wrightii(Sull.)Thér.var.rhombicumX.L.BaiSarula],该变种与干旱山地岩面生境中的原变种缨齿藓[Jaffueliobryum wrightii(Sull.)Thér.]相似,生境的变化导致其形态发生变化,主要表现在上部细胞菱形和细胞壁背部强烈加厚,未分化的叶上部边缘细胞、中肋横切面细胞不分化,叶片长0.7~0.8mm,毛尖长0.8~1.3mm。文中对缨齿藓及其新变种的形态学特征,分布和生境进行了描述,并提供了显微照片,另外,列出了缨齿藓属5个种的检索表。  相似文献   

通过对中国产丝瓜藓属Pohlia(缺齿藓科Mielichhoferiaceae)植物系统地分类学研究,对本属一具有假根生念珠状排列的芽胞的种——念珠丝瓜藓的形态解剖学特征和地理分布进行了修订,并讨论了念珠丝瓜藓的生境,以及与其相近种泛生丝瓜藓、明齿丝瓜藓和黄丝瓜藓等进行了比较分析。根据标本信息,确定念珠丝瓜藓在中国的分布由原来的5省区扩大到10省区,并绘制了该种在中国的分布图。  相似文献   

报道了对齿藓属中国新记录种——无疣对齿藓(Didymodon validus Limpr.)(新拟)。该种主要分布于欧洲和中亚。该种的主要特征为叶干燥时内卷或背弯,叶片较长,中肋突出叶尖呈长毛尖,叶细胞平滑无疣。该研究对无疣对齿藓的形态特征、地理分布进行了详细描述,将其与属内相似种进行了比较分析,并提供了该种的显微照片和形态线描图。  相似文献   

报道产自贵州省的中国藓类植物一新记录种———芒果树生藓( Erpodium mangiferae)。树生藓科( Erp-odiaceae)隶属于变齿藓目( Isobryales)木灵藓亚目( Orthotrichinales),该科全世界共有5属24种,主要分布在热带地区。中国报道有3属4种。该科的树生藓属( Erpodium),在我国曾经有过2种的记录,被认为是细鳞藓[Solmsiella biseriata (Austin) Steere.]和钟帽藓[Venturiella sinensis (Vent.) C. Müll.]的异名。2004年熊源新等人在贵州省罗甸县红水河谷采到1号树生藓科标本,最终鉴定为芒果树生藓( E. mangiferae C. Muell.)。此次发现也为树生藓属在中国的新分布记录。至此,我国的树生藓科共有4属5种。该文根据对标本的显微观察提供了详细的形态描述和各部分细节线条图,并对该种的分布状况进行了简要的讨论。根据资料,该种主要分布于印度南部、中部、北部和东北部,该种的发现地“贵州罗甸县红水河谷”从经纬度上看,与此前报道的最北分布地印度阿萨姆邦基本在同一纬度上,仅在经度上相差约10°,距离上相差约1400 km。该种与Erpodium glaziovii的外形相似,但根据雌苞叶与营养叶的尺寸比较,以及叶片细胞中是否存在原始小囊( primordial utri-cle)等可将两者区分开。  相似文献   

从青海省祁连山脉首次报道了奥地利真藓(Bryum austriacum Kockinger, Holyoak&Suanjak)在中国的分布。该种的主要识别特征为:植株纤弱,黄绿色至浅褐色;叶卵状披针形,强烈内凹,覆瓦状排列;叶细胞大,薄壁,疏松排列;大量深棕红色的卵状芽胞在叶腋处单个着生;叶原基小,半透明。该种可能起源于中亚,是高山草甸上腐殖质和富营养化土壤的先锋植物。编制了中国真藓属中有叶腋生球形芽胞物种的分种检索表。标本存放于华东师范大学植物标本馆(HSNU)和焦作师专植物标本馆(JZNC)。  相似文献   

弯刀藓属——中国苔藓植物一新记录属   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
弯刀藓属Dichelyma Myrin为水藓科Fontinalaceae中的一个属,主要分布在欧洲、北美洲和亚洲东北部.网齿弯刀藓Dichelyma falcatum (Hedw.) Myrin在新疆的发现,不仅为中国增加了一个苔藓植物新分布种,而且弯刀藓属亦系首次见于中国.  相似文献   

Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara was discovered attacking avocados in California, USA, in 1996. Host plant surveys in California indicated that S. perseae has a highly restricted host range with larvae being found only on avocados, while adults were collected from 11 different plant species. As part of a management program for this pest, a “classical” biological control program was initiated and foreign exploration was conducted to delineate the home range of S. perseae, to survey for associated natural enemies and inventory other species of phytophagous thrips on avocados grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Brazil. Foreign exploration efforts indicate that S. perseae occurs on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1500 m) from Uruapan in Mexico south to areas around Guatemala City in Guatemala. In Costa Rica, S. perseae is replaced by an undescribed congener as the dominant phytophagous thrips on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1300 m). No species of Scirtothrips were found on avocados in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, or Brazil. In total, 2136 phytophagous thrips were collected and identified, representing over 47 identified species from at least 19 genera. The significance of these species records is discussed. Of collected material 4% were potential thrips biological control agents. Natural enemies were dominated by six genera of predatory thrips (Aeolothrips, Aleurodothrips, Franklinothrips, Leptothrips, Scolothrips, and Karnyothrips). One genus each of parasitoid (Ceranisus) and predatory mite (Balaustium) were found. Based on the results of our sampling techniques, prospects for the importation of thrips natural enemies for use in a “classical” biological control program in California against S. perseae are not promising.  相似文献   

云雾算盘子(Glochidion nubigenum Hook. f.)于1988年被描述为中国分布新记录种,但同时所引证的凭证标本(李渤生、程树志4533;采于西藏墨脱)实际属于米什米算盘子(G. mishmiense Hook. f.),而《中国植物志》及Flora of China等分类学著作中关于云雾算盘子的形态特征描述与上述凭证标本及云雾算盘子原始形态描述均不符,因此前人关于云雾算盘子在中国的分布记录属于标本鉴定错误所致。近期在西藏日喀则市亚东县的野外考察中发现了真正的云雾算盘子野生居群,证实中国确实有该种分布,故对该种在中国的地理分布区信息予以修正,并提供了该种详细的形态特征描述与野外活体图片。  相似文献   

Golovinomyces is a strictly herb-parasitic genus in the Erysiphaceae. Host–parasite co-speciation was reported recently between the genus Golovinomyces and Asteraceae from molecular phylogenetic analyses. The Asteraceae originated in South America and latterly expanded their geographic distribution into the Northern Hemisphere. If the co-speciation between Golovinomyces and Asteraceae originated in South America, the geographic origin of Golovinomyces could be assumed to be South America. To address this question, Golovinomyces species from hosts of the tribe Mutisieae, an asteraceous tribe endemic to South America, were collected and the ITS and 28S rDNA regions sequenced. Results indicate that Oidium mutisiae and Golovinomyces leuceriae isolated from the Mutisieae do not belong at the base of the Golovinomyces tree. Instead, they are situated separately within two different clades of Golovinomyces isolates from the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, the tribe Mutisieae is not the most early host of Golovinomyces. Present results suggest that Golovinomyces originated in the Northern Hemisphere, and not in South America. The new species Oidium reginae for the previous O. mutisiae on Mutisia decurrens is proposed.  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古自治区鄂托克旗和杭锦旗苔藓植物的采集研究与标本鉴定,发现了钱苔科的2个新分布种——白边钱苔(Riccia albolimbata)和刺毛钱苔(Riccia setigera)。白边钱苔为亚洲新记录种,首次在中国内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市发现,其主要特征为植物体具有白色腹鳞片,边缘呈白色。刺毛钱苔为内蒙古新分布种,其主要特征为叶状体背面具刺毛。该研究对白边钱苔和刺毛钱苔的形态特征和地理分布进行了具体描述,将其与相似种进行了比较分析,并提供了这2个种的图版和中国钱苔属分种检索表,丰富了中国乃至亚洲钱苔属的研究资料。  相似文献   

Data from microscopic morphology, single-spore cultures, and DNA analyses of teleomorphs and anamorphs support the recognition of five species of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs on Acer: P. acerinum sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. acerinum; P. acerophilum comb. nov., formerly known as Dictyoporthe acerophila; P. galeatum comb. nov., originally described as Massaria galeata; P. opalus sp. nov.; and P. pyriforme sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. pyriforme s. str. The morphology of both type specimens and freshly collected material was investigated. The teleomorphs have brown ellipsoidal ascospores with five distosepta and often a longitudinal distoseptum. The anamorphs of all species described here belong to Stegonsporium; their connection to the Prosthecium teleomorphs was demonstrated by morphology and DNA sequences of single spore cultures derived from both ascospores and conidia. The anamorphs and teleomorphs of all five Prosthecium species are described and illustrated by LM images, and a key to these species is provided. As perceived from this work, S. pyriforme is restricted to Europe and does not occur in North America, whereas S. acerinum is restricted to North America, not found in Europe. The host associations given in the literature are revised and evidence is provided that only A. opalus, A. pseudoplatanus, and A. saccharum are confirmed hosts of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of tef1, ITS rDNA, and partial nuLSU rDNA sequences confirm that the species with Stegonsporium anamorphs are closely related to P. ellipsosporum, the generic type species. Stilbospora macrosperma is confirmed as the anamorph of P. ellipsosporum by DNA data of single spore isolates obtained from both ascospores and conidia.  相似文献   

报道了中国石竹科蝇子草属一新记录种——硬骨草叶蝇子草(Silene holosteifolia Bocquet et Chater),并根据标本首次提供了该物种完整的形态描述和线描图。硬骨草叶蝇子草先前发现于尼泊尔和不丹,现发现于中国西藏自治区日喀则市的吉隆和聂拉木两县境内。硬骨草叶蝇子草与花脉蝇子草(S.multifurcata C.L.Tang)形态上最为相近,主要区别在于硬骨草叶蝇子草的花常单生,苞片卵状披针形,花萼钟形或圆球形,且纵脉黑色,在萼齿处脉端不连合,花瓣黄绿色,多次分裂,流苏状,裂片近线形,花柱3。凭证标本存于中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆、昆明植物所标本馆和美国史密森学会。  相似文献   

该文报道了采自新疆的木灵藓属中国2个新记录种——帕米尔木灵藓(Orthotrichum pamiricum)和细齿木灵藓(O.scanicum)。帕米尔木灵藓的识别特征为:叶尖钝,气孔隐型,多着生于孢蒴下部,外齿层齿片8对,干燥时蒴齿背曲,内齿层蒴条16,上部内曲;细齿木灵藓的识别特征为:叶尖部具细齿,气孔半隐型,蒴帽具分散的透明毛,内齿层和外齿层均16片,具8条黄色细沟,干燥时中部以上具沟。对这2种藓类的形态特征、生境和地理分布及与其相似种的形态学进行了比较分析,并绘制了每种的形态结构墨线图。木灵藓属植物在中国的新分布记录进一步表明,新疆地区富含生物多样性,并与中亚植物区系存在密切关系。  相似文献   

郭守玉  魏江春 《菌物学报》1994,13(Z1):29-35
摘要:本文报道了中国横断山地区石蕊属地衣12种,其中新种1个:贡嘎石蕊(Cladonia ngganensis S.Y. Guo & Wei),中国新记录11种:类黄粉石蕊(Cl. bacilliformis),比蒙氏石(Cl. beaumontii),小棍棒石蕊(Cl. clavulifera),圆筒石蕊(Cl. cylindrica),具粉石蕊(Cl. farinacea),北海道石蕊(Cl. hokkaidensis),厚叶石蕊(Cl. incrassata),大叶石蕊(Cl. macrophylla),丛杯石蕊( Cl. mateocyatha),多孔石蕊(Cl. multiformis)和亚石蕊(Cl. subrangiformis)。对于每一种的化学成分及地理分布进行了测定和分析。  相似文献   

Two new genera encompassing three new species of lyophylloid agarics that produce conidia on the basidiomata are described. Arthromyces is a genus comprised of two very different arthrospore-producing mushroom species found in the Greater Antilles and Central America. Blastosporella is a monotypic genus with spherical balls of blastospores covering the pileus surface with age and is known from Hispaniola and Colombia. A key to the species of Arthromyces is included.  相似文献   

The biology and host range of the cerambycid beetle Aerenicopsis championi Bates, a potential biological control agent for the weed Lantana camara L., were studied. A. championi is a univoltine species associated with L. camara, L. urticifolia, and L. hirsuta in Mexico and Central America. In Mexico, adult emergence occurred in May and June at the start of the rainy season. Larvae fed within the stems over a 9- to 12-month period and caused damage to the plant. The insect was imported into Australia, where a procedure for rearing it in the laboratory was developed. Host-range tests indicated that adults oviposited and larvae commenced development in L. camara and L. montevidensis but not in any of 57 other species tested. A CLIMEX model indicated that most areas infested with lantana in Australia would have a favorable climate for A. championi. Permission to release this insect in Australia was obtained and three small releases were made in southern Queensland in February 1995.  相似文献   

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