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马铃薯晚疫病菌DK98-1和HD01-3无性后代生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已明确我国存在甲霜灵抗性菌株的基础上,通过单游动孢子分离技术获得马铃薯晚疫病菌DZO1和HZO1无性后代菌系。研究了无性单游动孢子后代菌系的生物学特性及甲霜灵抗性,主要结果如下:对无性后代菌系的菌落形态、生长量和产孢能力进行测定,发现被测的DZO1和HZO1无性后代菌系大部分菌株的生物学性状与亲本菌株相比没有发生明显的变异,个别菌株的生物学性状与亲本菌株有显著差异,说明晚疫病菌的无性繁殖未引起较大的变异;对后代菌系的甲霜灵抗性水平进行测定,结果表明DZO1和HZO1无性后代菌系的甲霜灵抗性水平与其对应的亲本菌株基本相同。  相似文献   

研究了苎麻疫霉(PhytophthoraboehmeriaeSawada)菌株JS-5自交S1代单卵孢株的菌落形态和生长速率在其单游动孢子无性系后代的遗传与变异。结果表明,亲本菌株JS-5的菌落形态和生长速率在连续4代单游动孢子无性系后代稳定遗传,而该菌株的自交S1代的约2/3单卵孢株的上述性状在其单拘无性后代中发生分离,且上述性状的分离在无性单孢后代中至少可连续保持3~4代。本研究结果提示,苎麻疫霉有性生殖导致上述性状的变异,除有性生殖过程中的基因重组外,有性生殖还诱导产生了一种新的机制参与上述性状遗传与变异的调控。本研究还观察到供试菌株及其后代所产生的游动孢子绝大多数细胞内只含有1个细胞核,表明上述机制与异核现象无关。有性生殖导致生物学性状在随后的无性后代中发生持续变异可能是苎麻疫霉生物学性状遗传多样性的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

研究了苎麻疫霉(PhytophthoraboehmeriaeSawada)菌株JS-5自交S1代单卵孢株的菌落形态和生长速率在其单游动孢子无性系后代的遗传与变异。结果表明,亲本菌株JS-5的菌落形态和生长速率在连续4代单游动孢子无性系后代稳定遗传,而该菌株的自交S1代的约2/3单卵孢株的上述性状在其单拘无性后代中发生分离,且上述性状的分离在无性单孢后代中至少可连续保持3~4代。本研究结果提示,苎麻疫霉有性生殖导致上述性状的变异,除有性生殖过程中的基因重组外,有性生殖还诱导产生了一种新的机制参与上述性状遗传与变异的调控。本研究还观察到供试菌株及其后代所产生的游动孢子绝大多数细胞内只含有1个细胞核,表明上述机制与异核现象无关。有性生殖导致生物学性状在随后的无性后代中发生持续变异可能是苎麻疫霉生物学性状遗传多样性的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

【目的】了解华南地区瓜类疫霉(Phytophthora melonis)对甲霜灵的田间抗药性。【方法】2007-2010年从广西、广东两省(区)9个市冬瓜和黄瓜产区采集疫病样品,分离纯化瓜类疫霉,分别采用菌落生长速率法和叶盘漂浮法测定瓜类疫霉对甲霜灵的敏感性,并用药剂驯化方法从敏感性菌株诱导瓜类疫霉抗甲霜灵突变体。【结果】从9个市24个样点共分离纯化获得193株瓜类疫霉,抗药性检测结果表明,敏感菌株、中等抗性菌株和抗性菌株分别占测试菌株的29.0%、18.1%和52.8%;不同地区、不同寄主分离的菌株的抗性频率和抗性水平差异较大,来源于广东的菌株抗性频率和抗性水平一般高于来源广西的菌株,分离自黄瓜的菌株高于分离自冬瓜的菌株,大部分样点抗性菌株占据优势群体,个别菌株的抗性指数高达4226.9,叶盘漂浮法测定结果和菌落生长速率法相似;在含药平板上对敏感菌株进行甲霜灵抗性诱导结果表明,从60%的敏感菌株中成功诱导出对甲霜灵抗性稳定的突变体,突变体的抗性水平为敏感性亲本的189-407倍;9株来源于未施用过甲霜灵等苯基酰胺类杀菌剂样点的菌株均为敏感性菌株,其EC50值为0.0429-0.5461μg/mL,将它们EC50的平均值0.3200±0.1617μg/mL确定为华南地区瓜类疫霉对甲霜灵的敏感性基线;对两个样点的监测结果表明,瓜类疫霉抗甲霜灵菌株的频率及抗性指数有逐年增高趋势。【结论】华南广西和广东两省(区)瓜类疫霉对甲霜灵抗性普遍发生,瓜类疫霉对甲霜灵抗药性产生与其和药剂的接触密切相关。瓜类疫霉敏感性基线的建立,可为今后瓜类疫霉抗甲霜灵的评价和进一步监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

恶疫霉致病力和对甲霜灵敏感性的遗传与变异*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建营  郑小波 《菌物学报》2001,20(3):337-341
以分离自黑龙江腐烂苹果的恶疫霉Phytophthora cactorum Schroeter野生型菌株Ap14为亲本,采用菌丝块创伤接种法测定了恶疫霉对苹果的致病力在无性繁殖和有性生殖后代的遗传。结果是连续2代单游动孢子后代在苹果上所致病斑半径分别为22.4~24.1mm和21.8~23.4mm,与亲本所致病斑半径22.5mm无显著差异;而其20个自交后代个体所致病斑半径为21.4~25.8mm,与亲本有显著差异,其中2株致病力显著强于亲本,其余与亲本相似。表明恶疫霉对苹果的致病力在无性后代可稳定遗传,而在自交有性后代发生分离。同时在含甲霜灵0.05μg/ml的LBA平板上测定了恶疫霉菌丝生长对甲霜灵的敏感性在无性和有性后代的遗传。结果是恶疫霉对甲霜灵的敏感性在无性单孢后代无显著变异,而在50个自交有性后代中,上述浓度对其菌丝生长的抑制率分布范围为67.3~97.1%,与亲本78.3%有极显著差异,其中3株高于亲本,3株低于亲本,44株与亲本相似。表明恶疫霉对甲霜灵的敏感性同样在无性后代稳定遗传而在有性后代发生变异。上述结果提示,供试恶疫霉菌株中上述性状可能由细胞核杂合基因控制。  相似文献   

恶疫霉致病力和对甲霜灵敏感性的遗传与变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王建营  郑小波 《菌物系统》2001,20(3):337-341
以分离自黑龙江腐烂苹果的恶疫霉Phytophthora cactorum Schroeter野生型菌株Ap14为亲本,采用菌丝块创伤接种法测定了恶疫霉对苹果的致病力在无性繁殖和有性生殖后代的遗传,结果是连续2代单游动孢子后代在苹果上所致病斑半径分别为22.4-24.1mm和21.8-23.4mm,与亲本所致病斑半径22.5mm无显著差异;而其20个自交后个体所致病斑半径为21.4-25.8mm,与亲本有显著差异。其中2株致病力显著强于亲本,其余与亲本相似,表明恶疫霉对苹果的致病力在无性后代可稳定遗传,而在自交有性后代发生分离,同时在含甲霜灵0.05μg/ml的LBA平板上测定了恶疫霉菌丝生长对甲霜灵的敏感性在无性和有性后代的遗传。结果是恶疫霉对甲霜灵的敏感性在无性单孢后代无显著变异,而在50个自交有性后代中,上述浓度对其菌丝生长的抑制率分布范围为67.3-97.1%,与亲本78.3%有极显著差异。其中3株高于亲本,3株低于亲本,44株与亲本相似,表明恶疫霉对甲霜灵的敏感性同样在无性后代稳定遗传而在有性后代发生变异,上述结果提示,供试恶恶疫霉菌株中上述性状可能由细胞核杂合基因控制。  相似文献   

作者研究了紫外光对苎麻疫霉的抗甲霜灵诱变效应及对苎麻疫霉生物学特性的影响。结果表明,供试6个苎麻疫霉野生型菌株经菌丝块紫外光药剂诱变和菌丝块药剂驯化3周后,均获得抗甲霜灵突变体,且紫外光药剂诱变处理角变区出现频率明显高于药剂驯化处理,说明紫外光对苎麻疫霉抗甲霜灵突变有一定促进效应。紫外光显著地抑制苎麻疫霉游动孢子的萌发和菌丝的生长,在一定范围内,处理时间愈长,抑制率愈高。苎麻疫霉耐紫外光菌株(经亚致死剂量的紫外光照射处理后存活的游动孢子所形成的菌株)与野生型亲本相比,对温度和pH的敏感性大致相同,但菌落形态有一定变异,菌丝生长速率、卵孢子产生量均显著下降,表明紫外光对苎麻疫霉的菌丝生长和卵孢子产生量有明显的抑制作用。苎麻疫霉耐紫外光菌株EC50值比野生型亲本菌株EC50值提高了23.21%-56.70%,即耐紫外光菌株对甲霜灵敏感性比野生亲本菌株显著下降,这与紫外光诱变试验结果是相一致的。  相似文献   

高智谋  郑小波 《菌物系统》1999,18(2):197-205
研究了苎麻疫霉菌株JS-5自交S1代单卵孢株的菌落形态和生长速率在其单游动孢子无性系后代的遗传与变异。结果表明,亲本菌株JS-5的菌落形态和生长速率在连续4代单游动孢子无性系后代稳定遗传,而该菌株的自交S1代的约2/3单卵孢株的上述性状在其单孢无性后代中发生分离,且上述性状的分离在无性单孢后代中至少可连续保持3 ̄4代。本研究结果提示,苎麻疫霉有性生殖导致上述性状的变异,除有性生殖过程中的基因重组外  相似文献   

研究了马铃薯晚疫病菌单游动孢子分离的方法,并对其单游动孢子分离物菌落生长直径、产孢量以及对甲霜灵的敏感性进行了初步研究。结果表明同一菌株的不同单游动孢子菌落生长直径和产孢量有显著差异,但不同游动孢子分离物对甲霜灵敏感性没有显著差异。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病菌单孢分离物生物学特性的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了马铃薯晚疫病菌单游动孢子分离的方法,并对其单游动孢子分离物菌落生长直径、产孢量以及对甲霜灵的敏感性进行了初步研究。结果表明同一菌株的不同单游动孢子菌落生长直径和产孢量有显著差异,但不同游动孢子分离物对甲霜灵敏感性没有显著差异。  相似文献   

本文利用电子显微镜技术研究了内吸性杀菌剂甲霜灵(Metalaxyl)对大豆疫霉Phytophthoras ojae野生菌株和突变菌株的形态学及超微结构的影响。结果表明:不同浓度甲霜灵处理后可导致野生菌株和突变菌株发生一系列不同的变化。低浓度(1μg/mL)处理后,野生菌株在培养基上的生长即可受到抑制,菌丝呈现不规则的肿胀、过度分枝;菌丝细胞壁不规则加厚,菌丝细胞内液泡增加,脂肪粒累积,细胞器排列紊乱,原生质最终坏死。随浓度的升高,野生菌株立即停止生长,菌丝干瘪坏死。而突变菌株只在高浓度(10μg/mL)甲霜灵处理后顶端菌丝出现少量较小的分枝,菌丝细胞壁无增厚现象,但细胞内脂肪粒大量积累,明显高于敏感性菌株;突变菌株在高浓度甲霜灵压力下仍继续生长。  相似文献   

Isolates of Phytophthora cactorum resistant to the systemic fungicide metalaxyl were obtained by exposing them to sequentially increased concentrations of metalaxyl. A linear relationship was observed between the concentrations of metalaxyl and percentage inhibition of mycelial growth of P. cactorum. The stability of metalaxyl-resistant isolates 150R and 250R was confirmed after six serial transfers on corn meal agar without fungicide. The in vitro metalaxyl-resistant isolate (Ph10) was less aggressive on apple rootstocks compared with the Ph07 isolated from metalaxyl-treated trees and the Ph03 isolated from untreated trees. Metalaxyl-resistant and sensitive isolates remained sensitive to the chemically unrelated fungicide fosetyl-Al at high concentration (600 μg/ml), to mancozeb, and to a mixture of metalaxyl + mancozeb. Significant differences in resistance to metalaxyl existed among P. cactorum field isolates.  相似文献   

Several sexual crosses involving isolates of Phytophthora infestans of diverse sensitivities to metalaxyl were studied. Metalaxyl sensitivity was determined by comparing the growth of an isolate on metalaxyl-amended agar medium (5 microg/ml) with growth on medium containing no metalaxyl. When both parents had the same phenotype for metalaxyl sensitivity (both resistant or both sensitive), all F1 progeny had the parental phenotype. In two crosses (75 and 76) each involving one sensitive and one resistant parent, however, the progeny segregated 1:1, suggesting that the common resistant parent (Bg8) was heterozygous for metalaxyl sensitivity. When an F2 progeny was constructed from resistant F1 isolates in cross 76, the progeny segregated 1:3 (sensitive:resistant), indicating that metalaxyl resistance in Bg8 is conferred by a single dominant gene. Variation in the progeny sensitivity appears to involve minor genes. A correlation study between metalaxyl resistance and fitness components did not reveal any association.  相似文献   

Phytophthora sojae Kauf. and Gerd, a host specific pathogen to soybean, causes pre and postemergence damping-off and root and stem rot on soybean. The pathogen evokes severe yield losses in most soybean growing areas worldwide. The objective of this study was to determine phenotypic and genotypic diversity among single zoospore isolates (SZIs) originating from two single zoosporangia (Ps411-1 and Ps411-2) derived from the same parental isolate of P . sojae Ps411. Results showed that colony morphology and growth rate of 32 SZIs derived from sporangium Ps411-1 and 35 SZIs released from sporangium Ps411-2 did not significantly differ from the parental isolate Ps411. Pathogenicity of the SZIs was tested on three resistant and three susceptible Chinese soybean cultivars. While the majority of SZIs derived from sporangium Ps411-1(59.4%) and sporangium Ps411-2(71.4%) retained the same virulence spectrum as the parental isolate, the other SZIs of both progenies demonstrated either a higher or a lower level of virulence compared to that of parental isolate. A low level genetic variability in the populations of both single zoospore progenies was also demonstrated using the sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) technique. Cluster analysis separated the SZIs from both zoosporangia, Ps411-1 and Ps411-2, into four and three SRAP groups, respectively. No close correlation among SRAP and virulence could be established among SZIs. The results of this study suggest that virulence variability may be regarded as part of the total genetic changes among the zoospore progenies derived from single-zoosporangia. The pathogenic variability during asexual reproduction may play a role in changing the virulence structure of P . sojae .  相似文献   

Sorghum downy mildew, caused by the obligate oomycete Peronosclerospora sorghi, has been controlled through the use of resistant cultivars and seed treatment with metalaxyl. A recent outbreak in fields planted with treated seed revealed the presence of a metalaxyl-resistant variant. Here, PCR-based methods including amplification from RAPD primers and two systems of automated AFLP analysis have been used to detect DNA-level genetic variation among 14 isolates including metalaxyl-resistant and susceptible isolates, as well as representatives of common pathotypes 1 and 3 and a new pathotype. In total, 1708 bands were detected after amplification of EcoRI/MseI fragments with 16 primer combinations. Nearly as many amplified products were observed using eight primer pairs with three-base extensions (LI-COR) as with two-base extensions (ABI-Prism genetic capillary system). Approximately 25 % of the bands were polymorphic across the 14 isolates, with the majority of differences specific to the pathotype P1 isolate. The AFLP banding patterns are consistent with metalaxyl resistance and the new pathotype having evolved from pathotype 3.  相似文献   

Resistance of soybean cultivars, depending on single dominant genes to Phytophthora sojae, may easily be overcome by emerging new virulent races. Light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) were used to study the infection process of the wild‐type isolate Ps411 and metalaxyl‐resistant mutant Ps411‐M of P. sojae in hypocotyls of soybean seedlings grown from untreated and metalaxyl‐treated seeds. The isolate Ps411‐M of P. sojae exhibited a high degree of resistance to metalaxyl compared to Ps411. The pathogenic fitness of Ps411‐M in hypocotyls of soybean seedlings was lower compared to Ps411. LM observations showed distinct differences in the infection process of both isolates in hypocotyls of treated soybean seedlings. EM studies revealed differences in the prepenetration stage between Ps411 and Ps411‐M on hypocotyls grown from seeds treated with 0.02% metalaxyl until the whole seed surface coated. The number of infection sites was markedly reduced and few hyphae continued to spread. Numerous ultrastructural alterations in hyphae were observed in treated hypocotyls infected with Ps411, including pronounced thickening of hyphal cell walls and encasement of haustorium‐like bodies; electron‐dense material was deposited in host cell walls in contact with hyphal cells. Neither the prepenetration process nor penetration or spread of hyphae in the hypocotyls of the resistant isolate was affected in treated compared to non‐treated tissue. While in treated hypocotyls infected with the wild‐type isolate, host defence reactions were induced, no such reactions were detected in treated hypocotyls infected with the resistant isolate. Hypocotyls from metalaxyl‐treated seeds infected with the wild‐type isolate resembled an incompatible interaction, whereas during infection with the metalaxyl‐resistant mutant, the compatible interaction was not changed.  相似文献   

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