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张彪  谢紫霞  高吉喜 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8906-8920
植被固碳功能是城市森林的重要生态服务之一,但是定量揭示城市森林植被固碳功能空间格局及其抵消碳排放的研究较少。基于光合速率法和生物量法测算了上海城市森林植被的固定CO2功能,并结合其空间分布格局与区域CO2排放状况对比分析了抵消能源CO2排放的成效。结果表明,2017年上海城市森林植被可固定CO2 135.57万t,约合单位面积固碳17.02 t/hm2。上海城市森林植被的固定CO2功能呈现出"中间低、四周高"的空间格局,崇明区和浦东新区的城市森林植被提供了近52.8%的固定CO2效益。2017年上海市能源消费的CO2排放量高达2.73亿t,且呈现出"中间高、四周低"空间分布特征,中心城区能源CO2排放约占11.49%。整体来看,上海城市森林植被可抵消0.50%的能源CO2排放,但植被固定CO2功能与能源CO2排放的空间匹配较差,中心城区城市森林植被的CO2抵消率仅为0.08%。因此,重点提升中心城区森林植被的固碳功能并加强海洋碳吸收功能的监测与利用尤其重要。  相似文献   

城市小型景观水体CO2与CH4排放特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淡水生态系统被认为是大气温室气体排放的重要来源,尤其在人类活动影响下,其排放强度可能进一步增强。城市小型景观水体是城市生态系统的重要组成,具有面积小、数量大以及人类干扰强的特征,其温室气体排放特征及影响因素尚不清楚。选择重庆市大学城8个景观水体和周边2个自然水体为对象,于2019年1、4、7、10月,利用漂浮箱和顶空法分析了水体CO2与CH4的溶存浓度及排放通量,旨在揭示城市小型景观水体CO2与CH4排放强度、时空变异特征以及影响因素。结果表明,10个小型水体CO2、CH4的溶存浓度范围分别为10.75-116.25 μmol/L和0.09-3.61 μmol/L(均值分别为(47.6±29.3)μmol/L、(1.13±0.56)μmol/L),均为过饱和状态;漂浮箱法实测的8个景观水体CO2和CH4排放通量均值分别为(72.7±65.9)mmol m-2 d-1和(2.31±3.48)mmol m-2 d-1(顶空法估算值为(69.7±82.0)mmol m-2 d-1和(3.69±2.92)mmol m-2 d-1),是2个自然水体的3.5-6.1和2.0-4.5倍,呈较强的CO2、CH4排放源;居民区景观水体CO2和CH4排放略高于校园区,均显著高于对照的自然水体;CO2排放夏季最高,秋季次之,冬、春季最低,CH4呈夏季>秋季≈春季>冬季的季节模式,温度和水体初级生产共同影响CO2和CH4排放的季节模式;水生植物分布对景观水体CO2、CH4排放有显著影响,有植物分布的水域比无植物水域平均高1.97和2.94倍;漂浮箱法和顶空法测得气体通量线性关系较好,但顶空法测得CO2通量在春季明显偏低,而CH4则普遍偏高。相关分析表明,景观水体碳、氮浓度、pH值以及DO等对CO2排放具有较好的指示性,CH4排放通量主要与水体中碳、磷浓度有关。城市小型景观水体CO2、CH4排放通量远高于大部分已有自然水体的研究结果,呈一种较强的大气温室气体排放源,在区域淡水系统温室气体排放清单中具有重要贡献,未来研究中应给以更多关注。  相似文献   

李术艺  冯旗  董依然 《微生物学报》2021,61(6):1632-1649
地质封存将工业和能源相关领域生产活动产生的二氧化碳(CO2)进行捕集并注入到深部地下岩石构造中,以实现长期储存的目标,是降低温室气体排放、实现CO2长期封存的重要可行性手段之一。向深部地下地质构造中注入大量CO2会导致深地环境发生显著变化,进而引起原生微生物活性及群落结构发生明显改变。因此,地质封存CO2能够直接或间接影响深地微生物驱动的生物地球化学过程。同时,微生物在短期和长期的超临界CO2(scCO2)胁迫作用下,也会通过不同的适应性进化方式影响CO2在地下环境中的迁移、转化和赋存形态。本文介绍了国内外二氧化碳捕获与封存发展现状以及地质封存CO2影响条件下的scCO2-水-微生物-矿物的相互作用领域的最新科研进展,并展望了利用深地微生物强化CO2固定以及将其转化为高附加值产物的潜力。  相似文献   

为了更好理解若尔盖高原不同微生境下沼泽湿地生态系统CO2排放通量的变化特征,以若尔盖高原湿地自然保护区为研究对象,2013和2014年生长季期间,采用了静态箱和快速温室气体法原位观测了3种湿地5种微生境下沼泽湿地CO2排放通量时空变化规律。结果表明:长期淹水微地貌草丘区湿地(PHK)和洼地区湿地(PHW) CO2排放通量变化范围分别为38.99-1731.74 mg m-2 h-1和46.69-335.22 mg m-2 h-1,季节性淹水区微地貌草丘区湿地(SHK)和洼地区湿地(SHW) CO2排放通量变化范围分别为193.90-2575.60 mg m-2 h-1和49.93-1467.45 mg m-2 h-1,而两者过渡区的无淹水区沼泽湿地(Lawn) CO2排放通量变化范围194.20-898.75 mg m-2 h-1。相关性分析表明5种微地貌区沼泽湿地CO2排放通量季节性变化与不同深度土壤温度均存在显著正相关,与水位存在显著负相关(PHW、SHW、SHK、Lawn)或不相关(PHK),并且水位和温度(5 cm)共同解释了CO2排放通量季节性变化的87%。3种湿地5种微生境下沼泽湿地CO2排放通量存在空间变化规律,主要受水位影响,但植物也影响沼泽湿地CO2排放通量空间变化规律,并且表明沼泽湿地CO2排放通量与水位平均值存在显著负相关。  相似文献   

中国农业系统近40年温室气体排放核算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范紫月  齐晓波  曾麟岚  吴锋 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9470-9482
基于排放因子法构建了包含种植业和牲畜养殖业的农业系统温室气体排放核算体系,系统核算了1980-2020年我国全国尺度上的农业系统温室气体排放总量和变化趋势,并在区县级尺度下对1980、2000、2011年的中国农业系统的温室气体排放量进行核算,对比不同阶段农业系统温室气体排放变化的时空异质性规律。研究发现:1980-2020年我国农业系统温室气体排放量呈波动增长趋势,增长了近46%。CH4是农业系统排放贡献最大的温室气体,占总排放量的47.33%。我国农业系统温室气体排放与不同地区农业生产方式有关,CH4排放量高的地区主要位于我国主要水稻产区以及旱地作物产区。CO2排放量高的地区主要位于东北、西北等地区以及华东地区。N2O排放量较高地区主要位于西北的主要畜牧养殖地区,以及我国农业经济发展水平高的中南部地区。研究有助于揭示我国农业温室气体排放的动态特征,现状规律,以及空间差异性特征,从农业减排角度为实现双碳目标提供科学参考。  相似文献   

吕天宇  曾晨  刘泽瑾  杨婧 《生态学报》2020,40(24):8974-8987
全球气候变暖已成为21世纪威胁人类可持续发展的严峻挑战,减少CO2排放是抑制气候变暖的重要路径。从全球碳减排的宏观视角出发,以98个国家为研究对象,基于总商品贸易和化石能源贸易的引力模型构建两种空间互动关系,利用扩展后的S-STIRPAT模型对2000、2005、2010年和2014年人均CO2排放的驱动机制和空间溢出效应展开实证分析,并基于发展差异视角进一步探究发达和欠发达国家CO2排放驱动机制异同。研究结果表明:(1)2000、2005、2010年和2014年人均CO2排放溢出效应呈增强态势。(2)城市化水平、人均GDP、能源强度对人均CO2排放产生显著正向影响,可再生能源使用率对人均CO2排放产生显著负向影响。(3)发展差异视角下,城市化水平、人均GDP和能源强度对欠发达国家影响更大,可再生能源使用率对发达国家影响更为显著。根据研究结果建议加强发达国家和欠发达国家低碳技术交流与合作,同时积极调整能源结构以减少CO2排放。  相似文献   

黄河上游灌区稻田N2O排放特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄河上游灌区稻田高产区过量施肥现象十分突出,氮肥过量施用引起土壤氮素盈余,导致N2O排放量增大,由此引起的温室效应引起广泛关注。采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究黄河上游灌区稻田不同施肥处理下N2O排放特征。试验设置5个施肥处理,包括常规氮肥300 kg/hm2下单施尿素和有机肥配施2个处理,分别用N300和N300-OM代表;优化氮肥240 kg/hm2下单施尿素和有机肥配施2个处理,分别用N240和N240-OM代表;对照不施氮肥用N0代表。试验结果得出,灌区水稻生长季稻田土壤N2O排放主要集中在水稻分蘖前及水稻生长的中后期,稻田氮肥施用、灌水及土壤温度的变化对N2O排放通量影响较大,不同处理水稻各生育阶段N2O累积排放量与稻田土壤耕层NO-3-N含量动态变化显著相关。稻田N2O排放不是黄河上游灌区稻田氮素损失的主要途径,但灌区稻田N2O排放的增温潜势较大;稻田氮肥过量施用会显著增加N2O排放量,在相同氮素水平下,有机肥配施会显著增加稻田土壤N2O的排放量(P<0.01)。优化施氮能有效减少灌区稻田水稻生长季N2O排放量。稻田不同处理的水稻整个生长季土壤N2O排放总量为2.69-3.87 kg/hm2,肥料氮通过N2O排放损失的百分率仅为0.43%-0.64%。在灌区习惯灌水和高氮肥300 kg/hm2时,N300-OM处理的稻田N2O排放量达3.87 kg/hm2,在100 a时间尺度上的全球增温潜势(GWPs)为20.76×107 kg CO2/hm2;优化施氮240 kg/hm2水平下,N240和N240-OM处理的N2O累计排放量较N300-OM处理,分别降低了1.18 kg/hm2和0.57 kg/hm2,在100 a尺度上每年由稻田N2O排放引起的GWPs分别降低了6.33×107 kg CO2/hm2和3.06×107 kg CO2/hm2。  相似文献   

双季稻田种植不同冬季作物对甲烷和氧化亚氮排放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究双季稻收获后填闲种植不同冬季作物在其生长季节内CH4和N2O的排放特征,对合理利用冬闲稻田,发展冬季作物生产及合理评价不同种植模式具有重要意义。采用静态箱-气相色谱法对冬季免耕直播黑麦草、紫云英、油菜以及翻耕移栽油菜和冬闲的双季稻田中甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放进行了分析。结果表明:在冬季作物生长期,CH4、N2O平均排放通量和总排放量均表现为翻耕移栽油菜>免耕直播黑麦草>免耕直播油菜>免耕直播紫云英>冬闲。不同冬季作物稻田CH4和N2O总排放量与对照(冬闲)的差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01);翻耕移栽油菜的双季稻田中CH4和N2O排放量最高,分别达2.989 g/m2和0.719 g/m2。翻耕移栽油菜稻田的CH4和N2O温室效应总和也最大,为2893.92 kg CO2/hm2;免耕直播黑麦草和免耕直播油菜处理次之,而免耕直播紫云英处理最低。种植不同冬季作物促进了稻田生态系统CH4和N2O的排放。  相似文献   

赵露  王效科  姚扬  孙旭  周伟奇  张红星 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4549-4560
城市是人类居住和活动最集中地区,其CO2排放量占世界总排放量的71%,城市碳排放规律研究对全球碳减排工作具有重要意义。利用涡动相关技术观测了北京市某街区2015年至2016年的CO2通量,重点研究了不同时间尺度和气象条件下的CO2通量的日变化规律,分析了影响城市CO2通量的社会及自然因素。结果表明,CO2通量日变化特征具有(1)明显的早晚"双峰型"特征,早晚高峰分别出现在早上7:30-9:30和晚上17:30-20:30;(2)周末特征:周末早高峰时间延迟,晚于工作日约1.5h,且峰值低了约10.8%,但晚高峰时间提前,且峰值高于工作日约10.6%;(3)季节特征:冬季CO2通量均值和早高峰值明显高于其他季节,夏季中午具有明显低峰区;(4)风向特征:在不同来风方向上,CO2通量的日变化峰值差异很大;(5)天气特征:阴天双峰特征比晴天明显。研究表明CO2通量日变化主要与交通流量动态变化关系最为密切,其次要受到植被的影响。因此,交通减排和植被增汇对于控制城市碳排放具有重要意义。  相似文献   

于丽丽  牟长城  顾韩  张博文 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5180-5191
利用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究火烧干扰(轻度、重度)对小兴安岭落叶松-苔草沼泽生长季CO2、CH4、N2O排放的影响.结果表明:火烧干扰使CO2排放通量提高24.0%-45.9%, CH4提高135.1%(轻度)或下降31.3%(重度),N2O由吸收转化为排放.重度火烧改变了CO2的季节排放规律,火干扰改变了CH4与N2O的季节排放规律.火烧与未火烧样地CO2排放与水位呈显著负相关,与空气温度、土壤温度呈显著正相关;未火烧样地CH4排放与水位呈显著负相关,与地表温度呈显著正相关,轻度火烧样地CH4排放与气温和个别土壤温度呈显著正相关,而重度火烧样地CH4排放、各样地的N2O排放与水位和温度相关性均不显著.火干扰使CO2排放源强度较未火烧提高,轻度火烧样地CH4排放源强度较未火烧提高、重度样地则下降;N2O则由吸收汇转化为排放源.火烧样地温室效应贡献潜力较未火烧样地提高了1/4-1/2,且呈现出随火干扰强度增大而递增的变化规律\.  相似文献   

产业园区温室气体排放清单   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐静  陈彬 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2750-2760
温室气体排放所导致的全球气候变化是国际社会长期关注的热点问题,它严重限制了人类社会的发展并威胁着人类的生存。产业园区通常集中了一个区域主要的生产要素与生产能力,也代表着特定产业在该区域的发展水平,理应作为发展低碳经济的基础单元和减少温室气体排放的重要控制点,也可以成为解决区域资源、环境问题的突破口。明确了产业园区温室气体排放的系统边界和内部结构,梳理了产业园区全生命周期温室气体排放行为,综合考虑产业园区能源消耗、工业生产、物质材料消耗、仪器设备投入、废弃物处理处置、景观绿化等过程,建立产业园区温室气体排放核算方法,并对案例园区进行了清单分析。结果表明:案例园区整个生命周期的温室气体排放量为1872177 t CO2-eq,其中运行管理阶段占全生命周期排放的比例最高,为95.35%。建设阶段的温室气体排放总量中建筑材料消耗引起的排放占到96.95%,主要集中在建筑工程、内部装修工程和外部装饰工程3个环节。运行管理阶段电力消耗、热力消耗和污水处理过程的排放量占到总量的98.69%。根据核算及分析结果提出了案例园区在建设和运行管理阶段实现温室气体减排的建议。  相似文献   

Dairy systems in Europe contribute to the emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In this paper, the effects of improved nitrogen (N) management on GHG emissions from Dutch dairy farms are determined. The GHG emissions are calculated using the panel on climate change (IPCC) methodology for the Netherlands, an updated and refined IPCC methodology, and a full accounting approach. The changes in dairy farming over the last 20 years, and the consequences for N management are described using detailed farm‐level data, collected in 1985, 1997 and 2002. The selected years represent distinct stages in the implementation of N policies. The changes in N management have reduced the GHG emissions. A reduction of the N surplus per kilogram milk with 1 g N reduced the GHG emissions per kilogram milk with approximately 29 g CO2‐equivalents. The reduction of the N surpluses was mainly brought about by reduced fertilizer use and reduced grazing time. The use of updated and refined emission factors resulted in higher CH4 emissions and lower N2O emissions. On average, the overall emission was 36% higher with the refined method. Full accounting, including all direct and indirect emissions of CH4, N2O and CO2, increased the emission with 36% compared with the refined IPCC methodology. We conclude that the N surplus at farm level is a useful indicator of GHG emissions. A full accounting system as presented in this study may effectively enable farmers to address the issue of emissions of GHGs in their operational management decisions. Both approaches serve their own specific objectives: full accounting at the farm level to explore mitigation options, and the IPCC methods to report changes in GHG emissions at the national level.  相似文献   

我国典型城市化石能源消费CO2排放及其影响因素比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑颖  逯非  刘晶茹  王效科 《生态学报》2020,40(10):3315-3327
城市是化石能源消费和CO_2排放的主要区域。分析典型城市化石能源消费CO_2排放特征,明确不同城市CO_2排放动态及主要影响因素的差异,是开展城市减排行动的重要科学依据。采用IPCC推荐方法及中国的排放参数核算11个典型城市2006—2015年间化石能源消费产生的CO_2排放量。根据各城市经济发展和CO_2排放特征将之分为四类:经济高度发达城市(北京、上海、广州)、高碳排放城市(重庆、乌鲁木齐、唐山)、低排放低增长城市(哈尔滨、呼和浩特和大庆)和低排放高增长城市(贵阳、合肥),并运用对数平均迪氏指数法(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index,即LMDI分解法)对比分析了四类城市CO_2排放量的影响因素。结果表明:(1)研究期内大部分城市CO_2排放总量有所增加,仅北京和广州呈下降趋势,工业部门CO_2排放在城市排放总量及其变化中占据主导地位;四类城市的人均CO_2排放量表现出与排放总量相似的变化趋势;CO_2排放强度整体上表现为经济高度发达城市(均值为0.88 t CO_2/万元)低排放低增长城市(均值为2.82 t CO_2/万元)低排放高增长城市(均值为3.05 t CO_2/万元)高碳排放城市(均值为6.62 t CO_2/万元)。(2)在城市CO_2排放的影响因素中,经济发展和人口规模均是4类城市CO_2排放增长的促进因素,但经济发展效应的累积贡献值大于人口规模效应;能源强度降低是4类城市CO_2排放最主要的抑制因素,且经济高度发达和高碳排放城市的抑制作用强于其他两类城市;对第三产业GDP年平均增速高于第二产业的6个城市来说,产业结构是CO_2排放的抑制因素;能源结构的变化仅对煤炭消费比重较低且降幅较大的北京和广州的CO_2排放是抑制作用,累积贡献值分别为-21.73Mt和-0.03Mt,而对其他城市,特别是高碳排放城市的CO_2排放具有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion to produce biogas is an important decentralised renewable energy technology. Production varies extensively between different countries and within countries, as biogas production is heavily dependent on local and regional feedstocks. In Germany, distinct regional differences can be observed. Therefore, understanding the kinds of biogas systems operating within a region is crucial to determine their greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation potential and carbon neutrality. This is the first study to conduct an integrated life cycle assessment of biogas configurations in the landscape (biogas plants and their biomass catchments) for an entire region. RELCA a ‘REgional Life Cycle inventory Assessment’ approach was used to model the GHG mitigation potential of 425 biogas plants in the region of Central Germany (CG), aggregated to nine biogas clusters, based on feedstock mix (e.g. animal manures and energy crops) and installed capacity. GHG emission profiles were generated to compare and to identify the role of GHG credits and size of installed capacity on the mitigation performance of the regional biogas clusters. We found that smaller scaled slurry dominant clusters had significantly better GHG mitigation performance (?0.1 to ?0.2 kg CO2eq kWhel?1), than larger energy crop dominant (ECdom) clusters (0.04–0.16 kg CO2eq kWhel?1), due to lower cultivation emissions and larger credits for avoided slurry storage. Thus, for the CG region larger ECdom clusters should be targeted first, to support GHG mitigation improvements to the overall future electricity supplied by the regional biogas systems. With the addition of GHG credits, the CG region is producing biogas with GHG savings (?0.15 kg CO2eq kWhel?1, interquartile range: 0.095 kg CO2eq kWhel?1). This infers that biogas production, as a waste management strategy for animal manures, could have important ramifications for future policy setting and national inventory accounting.  相似文献   

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the offshore fisheries industry in the Republic of Korea (Korea) were examined in response to growing concerns about global warming and the contribution of emissions from different industrial sectors. Fuel usage and GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) were analysed using the ‘Tier 1’ method provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from the offshore fishery, which is the primary domestic seafood production sector in Korea. In 2013, fuel usage in the offshore fishery accounted for 59.7% (557,463 KL) of total fuel consumption of fishing vessels in Korea. Fuel consumption and thus GHG emissions were not stable through time in this industry, increasing by 2.4% p.a. for three consecutive years, from 2011 to 2013, despite a decrease in the number of vessels operating. GHG emissions generated in offshore fisheries also changed through time and increased from 1,442,975 tCO2e/year in 2011 to 1,477,279 tCO2e/year in 2013. Changes in both fuel use and GHG emissions per kg offshore fish production appeared to be associated with decreasing catch rates by the fleet, which in turn were a reflection of decrease in fish biomass. Another important feature of GHG emissions in this industry was the high variation in GHG emission per kg fish product among different fishing methods. The long line fishery had approximately three times the emissions of the average production while the jigging fishery was more than two times higher than the average. Lowest emissions were from the trawl sector, which is regarded as having greatest environmental impact using traditional biodiversity metrics although had lowest environmental impact in terms of fuel and GHG emission metrics used in this study. The observed deterioration in fuel efficiency of the offshore fishery each year is of concern but also demonstrates that fuel efficiency can change, which shows there is opportunity to improve efficiency with changes to fishery management and harvesting operations.  相似文献   

The industrial park of Herdersbrug (Brugge, Flanders, Belgium) comprises 92 small and medium‐sized enterprises, a waste‐to‐energy incinerator, and a power plant (not included in the study) on its site. To study the carbon dioxide (CO2) neutrality of the park, we made a park‐wide inventory for 2007 of the CO2 emissions due to energy consumption (electricity and fossil fuel) and waste incineration, as well as an inventory of the existing renewable electricity and heat generation. The definition of CO2 neutrality in Flanders only considers CO2 released as a consequence of consumption or generation of electricity, not the CO2 emitted when fossil fuel is consumed for heat generation. To further decrease or avoid CO2 emissions, we project and evaluate measures to increase renewable energy generation. The 21 kilotons (kt) of CO2 emitted due to electricity consumption are more than compensated by the 25 kt of CO2 avoided by generation of renewable electricity. Herdersbrug Industrial Park is thus CO2 neutral, according to the definition of the Flemish government. Only a small fraction (6.6%) of the CO2 emitted as a consequence of fossil fuel consumption (heat generation) and waste incineration is compensated by existing and projected measures for renewable heat generation. Of the total CO2 emission (149 kt) due to energy consumption (electricity + heat generation) and waste incineration on the Herdersbrug Industrial Park in 2007, 70.5% is compensated by existing and projected renewable energy generated in the park. Forty‐seven percent of the yearly avoided CO2 corresponds to renewable energy generated from waste incineration and biomass fermentation.  相似文献   

顾佰和  谭显春  穆泽坤  曾元 《生态学报》2015,35(19):6405-6413
电力行业低碳转型是中国低碳经济转型进程中关键行业之一,如何科学分析电力行业的碳减排潜力,确定操作性强的低碳转型路线、提出有效的政策措施是中国政府亟待解决的焦点问题之一。考虑终端电力消费、低碳能源发电占比、火力发电结构、火力发电效率、线损率等因素,构建了自底向上的电力行业CO2排放核算模型,在此基础上,利用情景分析方法探索中国电力行业2015和2020年的CO2减排潜力,进一步利用对数平均权重分解法(LMDI,Logarithmic Mean weight Divisia Index method)对电力行业CO2减排影响因素的贡献度做了归因分析。结果显示,相比基准情景,在当前政策情景和低碳政策情景下,电力行业将分别带来27.0亿t和36.9亿t的CO2减排量。低碳能源发电和火力发电效率是未来对CO2减排最重要的两个贡献因素。终端电力消费量一直是促进电力行业CO2排放增长最重要的贡献因素,因此通过电力需求侧管理等手段控制电力消费量对电力行业的低碳发展至关重要。最后结合减排贡献因素分析的结果为中国电力行业低碳发展提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

城市温室气体排放清单编制研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李晴  唐立娜  石龙宇 《生态学报》2013,33(2):367-373
温室气体排放清单是目前最常用的城市碳排放核算方法,有助于在大尺度上了解城市不同行业或部门的温室气体排放情况.然而,中国城市温室气体清单研究刚刚起步,研究成果还不多,尚缺乏系统、规范的城市温室气体研究方法和指标体系.概述了城市温室气体排放清单的主要参考编制方法,介绍了国内外城市温室气体清单的编制情况,对目前城市温室气体清单编制的特点进行了分析,总结了城市温室气体清单与国家温室气体清单在关键排放源、编制模式、方法体系等方面的差异;在此基础上结合我国城市实际,对适合中国城市的温室气体清单编制方法进行了探索,并针对清单编制过程中存在的具体问题提出了建议;最后对未来城市温室气体清单的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为中国温室气体清单编制及研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy use in the water sector in China have not received the same attention as emissions from other sectors, but interest in this area is growing. This study uses 2011 data to investigate GHG emissions from electricity use for urban water supply in China. The objective is to measure the climate cobenefit of water conservation, compare China with other areas on a number of emissions indicators, and assist in development of policy that promotes low‐emission water supply. Per capita and per unit GHG emissions for water supplied to urban areas in China in 2011 were 24.5 kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2‐eq) per capita per year and 0.213 kg CO2‐eq per cubic meter, respectively. Comparison of provinces within China revealed that GHG emissions for urban water supply as a percentage of total province‐wide emissions from electricity use correlate directly with the rate of leakage and water loss within the water distribution system. This highlights controlling leakage as a possible means of reducing the contribution of urban water supply to GHG emissions. An inverse correlation was established between GHG emissions per unit water and average per capita daily water use, which implies that water demand tends to be higher when per unit emissions are lower. China's high emission factor for electricity generation inflates emissions for urban water supply. Shifting from emissions‐intensive electricity sources is crucial to reducing emissions in the water supply sector.  相似文献   

We estimate the mitigation potential of local use of bioenergy from harvest residues for the 2.3 × 10km2 (232 Mha) of Canada's managed forests from 2017 to 2050 using three models: Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM‐CFS3), a harvested wood products (HWP) model that estimates bioenergy emissions, and a model of emission substitution benefits from the use of bioenergy. We compare the use of harvest residues for local heat and electricity production relative to a base case scenario and estimate the climate change mitigation potential at the forest management unit level. Results demonstrate large differences between and within provinces and territories across Canada. We identify regions with increasing benefits to the atmosphere for many decades into the future and regions where no net benefit would occur over the 33‐year study horizon. The cumulative mitigation potential for regions with positive mitigation was predicted to be 429 Tg CO2e in 2050, with 7.1 TgC yr ?1 of harvest residues producing bioenergy that met 3.1% of the heat demand and 2.9% of the electricity demand for 32.1 million people living within these regions. Our results show that regions with positive mitigation produced bioenergy, mainly from combined heat and power facilities, with emissions intensities that ranged from roughly 90 to 500 kg CO2e MWh?1. Roughly 40% of the total captured harvest residue was associated with regions that were predicted to have a negative cumulative mitigation potential in 2050 of ?152 Tg CO2e. We conclude that the capture of harvest residues to produce local bioenergy can reduce GHG emissions in populated regions where bioenergy, mainly from combined heat and power facilities, offsets fossil fuel sources (fuel oil, coal and petcoke, and natural gas).  相似文献   

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