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乌鲁木齐市水磨沟公园土壤动物群落多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究水磨沟公园土壤动物群落结构,于2006年4月15日至9月21日在水磨沟公园不同高度选择3个取样区,每个取样区设立两个不同的取样点,采集了0~5、5~10、10~15cm3个不同层次的大中型土壤动物.共获得土壤动物1153个,分别属于3门8纲18目,其中鞘翅目、中腹足目、小引类为优势类群,占全捕量的61%.蜘蛛目、伪蝎目、半翅目为稀有类群,仅占总捕获量的2.34%,其余为常见类群.分析表明,在不同高度土壤动物群落物种组成和多样性之间有明显的区别;山顶土壤动物个体数量和群落物种多样性指数明显的高于山地土壤动物个体数量和群落物种多样性指数.同时随着土壤深度的增加土壤动物物种数量逐步减少,表现出明显的垂直分布特征.  相似文献   

为了解昆明树木园枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物群落结构及特征,于2010年5月-2011年9对昆明树木园中香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、圆柏(Sabina chinensis)、玉兰(Magnolia denudata)、云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)、红枫(Acer palmatum cv.Atropuceum)共5个树种的枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物进行采样调查.共采获无脊椎动物25237头,隶属于2门5纲18目15科,其中蜱螨目和弹尾目为优势类群;缨翅目、伪蝎目、半翅目和革翅目为常见类群.采用Shannon多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson优势度指数来衡量5个树种的枯枝落叶层无脊椎动物多样性,结果表明:5个树种的枯枝落叶层中无脊椎动物群落物种组成相似,群落中时空异质性较低;5个树种的枯枝落叶层中共采集菌食性蓟马375头,隶属l科、3属、4种,其中,奇管蓟马属(Allothrips)为云南新纪录属,同时也是昆明树木园菌食性蓟马群落中的绝对优势类群.  相似文献   

上海虹桥机场土壤及草丛动物群落特征和鸟类关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
20 0 0年 4月至 2 0 0 1年 3月 ,对上海虹桥机场草地土壤动物和草丛动物群落的组成、数量和季节性变化特征进行了初步的研究。土壤动物有节肢动物门、软体动物门、环节动物门等 12个目或类。其中蜱螨目和弹尾目为常年土壤动物群落的优势类群 ,各占年总捕量的 19.75 %和 2 3.14 % ;蚯蚓、多足纲、等足目、膜翅目、鞘翅目为常见类群 ,5类全年占总捕量的 4 8.96 %。草丛动物有 15目或类。其中鞘翅目、直翅目、半翅目、同翅目、膜翅目、双翅目以及蜘蛛目为草丛动物群落的优势类群 ,占全年总捕量的89.6 3%。草丛动物类群数和个体数总体表现为 :7月 >9月 >5月 >4月 >12月 >3月。土壤动物和草丛动物的分布与生境密切相关。所捕的 2 2类草地动物中 ,可直接被鸟类捕食的有近 2 0类 ,主要为生活于草地常见类群中 ,因此 ,草地的生境以及草地动物的分布是吸引鸟类到机场栖息和摄食的主要原因。降低草高、减少结实的植物、控制土壤动物的密度是减少机场区鸟类数量的有效方法和途径。  相似文献   

以中国半翅目等29目昆虫类群(除鞘翅目、双翅目、鳞翅目、膜翅目之外的其他目)为研究对象, 基于2020年度发表的新分类单元与文献资料, 编制了物种名录, 分析了新分类单元的地理分布与模式标本存放情况等。2020年, 中国半翅目等29目昆虫共描述349个新分类单元, 包括新属35个, 新种311个, 新亚种3个; 新种发表的热点地区在我国的西南山地及其邻近地区。模式标本存放单位多达69家, 其中正模标本主要存放在国内保藏机构, 而境外机构保藏的标本较少且以副模标本为主。本年度描述的349个新分类单元由356位作者所贡献, 共发表文献182篇; ZootaxaZooKeys是发表的主要期刊。本次调查为进一步深入研究物种演化的时空格局及生物多样性保护提供了基础数据。同时, 由于人类面临生物多样性急剧下降的威胁, 应加快大数据平台的建设及其多样化信息的挖掘, 支撑生物多样性的研究和保护。  相似文献   

陈莉  宋同清  王华  曾馥平  彭晚霞  杜虎  苏樑 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3287-3296
土壤微生物在森林生态系统中起着重要作用。为了了解木论喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤细菌的多样性,明确采样数对多样性的影响,采用Illumina Hiseq高通量测序技术对木论喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤细菌多样性进行了初步研究,发现:在82个采样点内,随着采样点增加,不同分类水平的土壤细菌类群数量有增多趋势;当采样点达到82个时,检测出的土壤细菌类群达44门99纲180目356科630属和269822个OTU;82个土壤样品中所检测出的细菌类群平均有28.8门60.9纲108.1目206.8科239.6属和3290.5个OTU,其中门、纲、目分类水平上优势类群所占比例分别为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(34.51%)、α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)(18.43%)、根瘤菌目(Rhizobiales)(12.50%)。取样数量对检测出的土壤细菌类群数量有显著影响:在门、纲、目、科的分类水平上,36个、57个、72个、78个样品基本上可代表82个样品监测出来不同分类水平的细菌多样性信息;在属和OTU的分类水平上,当样品数量达到82个时检测出来的相应细菌类群数仍在不断地增加。这些初步的研究结果显示木论常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤在一定程度上有着较高的细菌多样性水平,该研究为细菌多样性与植物多样性的进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

物种多样性是群落功能复杂性和稳定性的重要量度指标,不同干扰强度下物种多样性和生态位特征不同,人为干扰对传粉群落的影响可以通过群落结构和物种多样性的变化直接表现出来。在巩义市选取24个采样点,3种景观类型(农田、灌丛、林地)进行取样,共捕获传粉昆虫18576头,分属于14目,147科,双翅目、膜翅目、鞘翅目、鳞翅目、半翅目与缨翅目6个传粉功能群。为了解研究区人为干扰对传粉昆虫类群传粉类群及其生态位的影响,本研究选取双翅目、膜翅目、鞘翅目3类主要传粉昆虫作为研究对象,在景观类型分类与实际情况的基础上,依据人为干扰指数赋值表和干扰强度计算公式,分析不同干扰强度下传粉昆虫优势种群生态位特征情况,结果表明:各传粉类群在不同的干扰条件下物种多样性不同;作为优势类群的蠓科、胡蜂科,生态位宽度和生态位重叠均均值高于其他几个类群,且中度干扰强度下值最大,但其生态宽度值与生态重叠值之间没有明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

刘童祎  姜立云  乔格侠 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):22300-11457
本文以2021年度中国半翅目等29目昆虫(除昆虫纲鞘翅目、双翅目、鳞翅目、膜翅目之外的其他昆虫类群)发表的新分类单元为研究对象, 系统编汇了新分类单元信息、模式标本名录与文献目录, 并分析了描述新种的热点地区、模式标本存放情况以及发表期刊的特点等。2021年度中国半翅目等29目昆虫描述了新属35个, 新物种386个以及1个新种下分类单元, 共计422个新分类单元; 基于对新物种在省级行政区分布的分析, 新物种发现的热点地区分布于中国西南(云南、贵州以及四川等)及其邻近地区(广西和西藏等), 而以200 km × 200 km栅格为操作单位, 新物种发现的热点地区主要集中在山地地区。395位研究者参与了本年度新分类单元命名和描述工作, 相关结果发表在28种期刊上, 共205篇文章。本研究及时更新了2021年度中国半翅目等29目昆虫的生物多样性基础数据, 对于加快建设数据共享平台、支撑生物多样性保护和管理, 以及保障国门生物安全等具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林昆虫多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
通过季节性观察,系统地研究了长白山阔叶红松林昆虫类群及其多样性.结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林已知的森林昆虫26目131科1162属1960种,其中森林害虫11目105科881种、重要森林害虫638种;森林昆虫群落中植食性昆虫类群总数所占比重最大,天敌昆虫群落中以捕食性类群总数所占比重最大.植食类群、寄生性类群和捕食类群全年的均匀度指数分别为0.884、0.830和0.806.各类群问季节变动系数的大小顺序为捕食类群>寄生性类群>植食类群.  相似文献   

武夷山茶园动物群落的组成结构和多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2005年对武夷山茶园动物群落进行系统调查.结果表明,茶园动物隶属于3门、8纲、31目、252科、1188种.其中,植食者450种(占总物种数的37.88%)、捕食者323(占27.19%)、寄生者133种(占11.20%)、腐食者230种(占19.36%)、杂食者52种(占4.38%).在茶园动物群落中,同翅目、疥螨目、柄眼目、鞘翅目为生态优势类群,而柄眼目、直翅目和鳞翅目则为资源优势类群.98.99%的动物物种为稀有种或偶见种,而90.9l%的物种为资源次要种.动物群落及植食者、捕食者、寄生者和腐食者的种一多度关系同时符合对数正态分布和对数序列分布,而杂食者的种一多度关系则符合对数序列分布.动物群落及各营养类群的多样性、丰盛度及均匀性都呈现明显的季节消长规律,且其多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数)都与物种丰富度和均匀度一致.多样性指数的大小依次为:捕食性类群>寄牛性类群>总群落>杂食性类群>植食性类群>腐食性类群;均匀度大小则依次为:寄生性类群>杂食性类群>捕食性类群>总群落>植食性类群>腐食性类群.植食者和腐食者作为空间食物种类资源均能够显著促进群落容纳较多的天敌物种,天敌对这两类群的空间数量跟随效应强,而且捕食者、植食者和腐食者的多样性相互促进.  相似文献   

农田节肢动物多样性具有病虫害控制、传粉等价值, 选择一种或多种适宜、准确且高效的取样方法和指示类群来衡量农田节肢动物多样性是一项基础性工作。本文通过地表陷阱法、挂盆陷阱法、扫网法、目测计数法和吸虫器法在有机管理和常规管理农田区的不同农业生境类型中取样, 比较不同方法对不同生物类群的捕获效率、经济成本、响应敏感性等。研究发现在捕获效率方面, 地陷法和挂盆法最高, 其次是扫网法, 而吸虫器法和目测计数法较差。挂盆法对步甲、蜘蛛、蜂类和瓢虫类群的捕获效率较佳。陷阱法主要适用于蜘蛛和步甲的取样, 扫网法也可用于蜘蛛和瓢虫的取样。在经济成本方面, 地陷法的成本最低, 扫网法的总成本最高。每种取样方法下仅有个别类群个体数量具有较好的响应敏感性, 如地陷法的蜘蛛目个体数和步甲科个体数、挂盆法的总个体数、蜂类个体数和瓢虫科个体数、扫网法的直翅目个体数和半翅目个体数等。在此基础上, 综合类群经济价值, 操作难易, 类群鉴定难度, 被动取样程度, 是否受取样人影响等比较发现: 地陷法对步甲和蜘蛛的取样的综合效果最佳, 而不同取样方法下多种类群的组合能更好地监测和评价农田节肢动物多样性的整体情况。地陷法捕获步甲或/和蜘蛛以及挂盆法调查蜂类的组合是基于本研究得出的调查农田节肢动物多样性的最佳组合。  相似文献   

Richness, rarity, endemism and complementarity of indicator taxon species are often used to select conservation areas, which are then assumed to represent most regional biodiversity. Assessments of the degree to which these indicator conservation areas coincide across different taxa have been conducted on a variety of vertebrate, invertebrate and plant groups at a national scale in Britain, Canada, USA and South Africa and at a regional scale in Cameroon, Uganda and the USA. A low degree of spatial overlap among and within these selected indicator conservation areas has been demonstrated. These results tend to suggest that indicator conservation areas display little congruence across different taxa. However, some of these studies demonstrate that many conservation areas for indicator taxa capture a high proportion of non-target species. Thus it appears that indicator conservation areas might sample overall biodiversity efficiently. These indicator conservation areas may, however, exclude species essential for effective conservation, e.g. rare, endemic or endangered species. The present study investigated the value of indicator taxa as biodiversity surrogates using spatial congruence and representativeness of different indicator priority conservation areas. The conservation status of species excluded by the indicator approaches is also assessed. Indicator priority conservation areas demonstrate high land area requirements in order to fully represent non-target species. These results suggest that efficient priority area selection techniques must reach a compromise between maximizing non-target species gains and minimizing land-use requirements. Reserve selection procedures using indicator-based complementarity appear to be approaches which best satisfy this trade-off.  相似文献   

Responses to microhabitat are often neglected when ecologists sample animal indicator groups. Microhabitats may be particularly influential in non-passive biodiversity sampling methods, such as baited traps or light traps, and for certain taxonomic groups which respond to fine scale environmental variation, such as insects. Here we test the effects of microhabitat on measures of species diversity, guild structure and biomass of dung beetles, a widely used ecological indicator taxon. We demonstrate that choice of trap placement influences dung beetle functional guild structure and species diversity. We found that locally measured environmental variables were unable to fully explain trap-based differences in species diversity metrics or microhabitat specialism of functional guilds. To compare the effects of habitat degradation on biodiversity across multiple sites, sampling protocols must be standardized and scale-relevant. Our work highlights the importance of considering microhabitat scale responses of indicator taxa and designing robust sampling protocols which account for variation in microhabitats during trap placement. We suggest that this can be achieved either through standardization of microhabitat or through better efforts to record relevant environmental variables that can be incorporated into analyses to account for microhabitat effects. This is especially important when rapidly assessing the consequences of human activity on biodiversity loss and associated ecosystem function and services.  相似文献   

The rapid decrease of biodiversity and limited resources for surveying it have forced researchers to devise short-cuts for biodiversity surveys and conservation planning. These short-cuts include environmental surrogates, higher taxon surrogates, indicator species and indicator groups. We considered indicator groups as surrogates for wholesale biodiversity and cross-taxon congruence in biodiversity patterns in littoral macroinvertebrates of boreal lakes. Despite the fact that we considered indicator groups amongst a wide variety of taxa, such as two-winged flies, mayflies, caddisflies, beetles, bugs and molluscs, none of the proposed groups possessed all of the qualities of a good indicator taxon for biodiversity surveys and conservation planning. We found generally weak, yet typically significant, relationships between the proposed indicator groups and remaining taxa in both species richness and assemblage similarity. Low congruence was paralleled by somewhat differing relationships of the taxonomic groups to various environmental features of lakes. Furthermore, the relationships of most indicator groups to the environmental features of lakes were not particularly strong. The present findings are unfortunate, because indicator groups did not perform well in predicting the wholesale biodiversity of littoral macroinvertebrates. Thus, there appears to be no short-cut for considering all groups of macroinvertebrates in biodiversity surveys, conservation planning and characterisation of environmental relationships of lake littoral assemblages.  相似文献   

1. Flood‐pulsed wetlands make vital contributions to local and global biodiversity. However, the patterns and controls of spatial and temporal variation in aquatic biodiversity in flood‐pulsed wetlands are not well understood. We analysed the relationship between variation in hydrological regime and the patterns of aquatic biodiversity in a large pristine flood‐pulsed wetland, the Okavango Delta, Botswana. 2. Surveys of water chemistry, diatoms and macroinvertebrates were conducted over the seasonal phases of the flood pulse. Hydrological variables of flood frequency and hydroperiod class were collated from 16 years of satellite images. Multivariate regression trees and generalised least squares regression were used to determine the chief controls of community composition and taxon richness. 3. Hydroperiod class, phase of the flood and conductivity explained 32% and 43% of the variation in diatom and invertebrate taxon richness, respectively. There was a negative relationship between hydroperiod class and invertebrate taxon richness on the rising, peak and receding flood, whereas at low flood there was no significant relationship. Multivariate regression tree analysis revealed hydroperiod class, phase of the flood and conductivity as the dominant forces shaping invertebrate and diatom community composition. 4. Seasonal and spatial variation in hydrological conditions are the principal drivers of variation in aquatic biodiversity in flood‐pulsed wetlands. In pristine flood‐pulsed wetlands, increased productivity caused by the arrival of the flood waters appears to override disturbance and connectivity in shaping taxon richness and community composition. Thus, these data suggest that the maintenance of a rich mosaic of habitats covering a broad range of hydroperiod is the key to preserving aquatic biodiversity and natural ecosystem function in flood‐pulsed wetlands.  相似文献   

坝上地区农田和恢复生境地表甲虫多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究采用陷阱法对河北坝上崇礼县农田、禁牧草地及再造林地3种常见生境中地表甲虫进行了取样调查,分别从鞘翅目分科、步甲分种两个分类水平比较分析了不同生境中的生物多样性状况以评估生境恢复状况及其对生物多样性的影响,并探索在以生物多样性为指标评估生境恢复状况过程中,研究结论是否受分类水平的影响。结果显示,草地和林地具有较为相似鞘翅目和步甲的结构组成,但均显著不同于农田。农田较再造林地和禁牧草地具有更多的鞘翅目科数及步甲物种数,且均显著高于林地;农田中步甲群落的Fisher's α多样性指数也显著地高于林地,但鞘翅目分科水平上的Fisher's α多样性指数在各生境中没有差异。结果说明:(1)再造林和草地禁牧的生境修复活动在当前状态下对生物多样性恢复的作用尚不明显,仅是表现出促进了景观尺度上较高的Beta和Gamma多样性,而农田则在维持当地较高的生物多样性中扮演重要角色;(2)在鞘翅目分科和步甲科分种研究数据所反映的不同生境条件下的多样性和组成状况基本相同,因此在需要快速评估生境恢复状况且物种水平鉴定存在困难的时候,可以采用鞘翅目分科的数据替代指示生境恢复的状况并反映生境恢复对生物多样性影响的趋势,从而减少分类的难度并提高工作效率。但是物种水平的多样性状况更能显著反映生境间的差异。  相似文献   

Most biodiversity conservation programs are forced to prioritise species in order to allocate their funding. This paper contains a mathematical proof that provides biological support for one common approach based on phylogenetic indices. Phylogenetic trees describe the evolutionary relationships between a group of taxa. Two indices for computing the distinctiveness of each taxon in a phylogenetic tree are considered here—the Shapley value and the Fair Proportion index. These indices provide a measure of the importance of each taxon for overall biodiversity and have been used to prioritise taxa for conservation. The Shapley value is the biodiversity contribution a taxon is expected to make if all taxa are equally likely to become extinct. This interpretation makes it appealing to use the Shapley value in biodiversity conservation applications. The Fair Proportion index lacks a convenient interpretation, however it is significantly easier to calculate and understand. It has been empirically observed that there is a high correlation between the two indices. This paper shows the mathematical basis for this correlation and proves that as the number of taxa increases, the indices become equivalent. Consequently in biodiversity prioritisation the simpler Fair Proportion index can be used whilst retaining the appealing interpretation of the Shapley value.  相似文献   

Abstract Biodiversity assessments can often be time‐ and resource‐consuming. Several alternative approaches have been proposed to reduce sampling efforts, including indicator taxa and surrogates. In this study, we examine the reliability of higher taxon surrogates to predict species richness in two experimental rice fields of Fujian Province, southeastern China during 2005 and 2009. Spider samples in transgenic and nontransgenic plots were collected using a suction sampler. Both the genus and family surrogates had significant and positive linear relationships with species richness in the transgenic and nontransgenic rice fields. The rice varieties did not significantly influence the linear relationships. Our findings suggest that higher‐taxon surrogacy could be a useful alternative to complete species inventory for risk assessments of transgenic rice.  相似文献   

Abstract Taken literally, the aim of biodiversity monitoring is to track changes in the biological integrity of ecosystems. Given the overwhelmingly dominant contribution of invertebrates to biodiversity, no biodiversity monitoring programme can be considered credible if invertebrates are not addressed effectively. Here we review the use of terrestrial invertebrates, with a particular focus on ants, as bioindicators in Australia in the context of monitoring biodiversity in Australia's rangelands. Ant monitoring systems in Australia were initially developed for assessing restoration success following mining, and have since been applied to a wide range of other land‐use situations, including grazing impacts in rangelands. The use of ants as bioindicators in Australia is supported by an extensive portfolio of studies of the responses of ant communities to disturbance, as well as by a global model of ant community dynamics based on functional groups in relation to environmental stress and disturbance. Available data from mining studies suggest that ants reflect changes in other invertebrate groups, but this remains largely undocumented in rangelands. The feasibility of using ants as indicators in land management remains a key issue, given the large numbers of taxonomically challenging specimens in samples, and a lack of invertebrate expertise within most land‐management agencies. However, recent work has shown that major efficiencies can be achieved by simplifying the ant sorting process, and such efficiencies can actually enhance rather than compromise indicator performance.  相似文献   

Most investigations of biogenic habitat provision consider the promotion of local biodiversity by single species, yet habitat-forming species are often themselves components of diverse assemblages. Increased prevalence of anthropogenic changes to assemblages of habitat-forming species prompts questions about the importance of facilitator biodiversity to associated organisms. We used observational and short-term (30 days) manipulative studies of an intertidal seaweed system to test for the implications of changes in four components of biodiversity (seaweed species richness, functional group richness, species composition, and functional group composition) on associated small mobile invertebrate epifauna. We found that invertebrate epifauna richness and abundance were not influenced by changes in seaweed biodiversity. Invertebrate assemblage structure was in most cases not influenced by changes in seaweed biodiversity; only when algal assemblages were composed of monocultures of species with ‘foliose’ morphologies did we observe a difference in invertebrate assemblage structure. Correlations between algal functional composition and invertebrate assemblage structure were observed, but there was no correlation between algal species composition and invertebrate assemblage structure. These results suggest that changes in seaweed biodiversity are likely to have implications for invertebrate epifauna only under specific scenarios of algal change.  相似文献   

It is estimated that only 10–15% of the world's insect fauna has been described and named. Efforts to inventory insect biodiversity are hampered by this taxonomic impediment, which is compounded by the logistical problems of an insufficient taxonomic workforce and their remote location in museums thousands of miles from the areas of highest biodiversity. Compared to most other invertebrate groups however, the taxonomic impediment is relatively benign in the order Orthoptera. This is a small to medium-sized order (approximately 20 000 described species) which is well known taxonomically, owing to the group's agricultural importance worldwide. Furthermore, orthopteran taxonomists are now fortunate to have a published up-to-date catalogue of all known species, which has just become accessible as a regularly updated database on the World Wide Web. Whilst new information technology, in the form of e-mail networks, World Wide Web sites and CD-ROM information archives, is already enhancing communication between specialists and helping to reduce the logistical problems of documenting orthopteran biodiversity, a major reinvestment in basic taxonomic research is needed if we are to reduce the existing taxonomic impediment significantly. There is general agreement that an internationally coordinated approach will be necessary and priorities must be set to tackle the biodiversity/systematics crisis. In the future, the Orthoptera can make an important contribution to invertebrate faunal surveys and have potential as an indicator taxon. Furthermore, the Orthoptera Species File establishes a taxonomic framework which could be readily enlarged to include geographic data and phenology of species from existing museum specimens.  相似文献   

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