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基础代谢的测定通常并不采用直接从测定热源物质经过氧化所产生的热量的方法,而是采用间接量热法,即根据热源物质氧化所消耗的氧量来推算基础代谢。因人体消耗的能量有95%以上来自氧和不同食物发生反应而产生的,故从氧的消耗能正确地推算出产热量,因而算出基础代谢率。这是本计能作基础代谢测定的依据。  相似文献   

动物耗氧量可用以了解不同动物生态习性及生理活动的特点。Pearson(1947)、You-sef等(1971)、Weigold(1980)等曾对鼩鼱科小型种类的耗氧量作了一些研究。四川短尾鼩是鼩鼱科中比较大型的种类,其耗氧量未见前人报道,耗氧量类型与前者种类是否一致?因此,我们在同一实验条件下对树鼩与四川短尾鼩的体温及不同坏境温度下的耗氧量,产热量作了测定和比较。材料与方法实验用树鼩(Tupaia glis)23只,四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)26只。实验后检查,雄性动物附睾中有成熟精子,雌性处于非动情期。用小动物代谢测定器测定耗氧量。代谢室为长圆筒…  相似文献   

鸟类能量学是近年来鸟类生态学研究中日益引人注目的一个领域,是研究鸟类能量代谢的科学。传统的研究方法是把实验鸟放进一个密闭的环境中,通过测定耗氧量来研究其能量代谢。随着对生态系统研究的日益深入,对生  相似文献   

能量生态学(五):维持生命运动能量的组分及估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本讲及下一讲将着重讨论能量在生态系统中除了热量变换之外的另一个问题,即能量作为维持与延续生命运动的必需成分。本讲的主要内容是化学能的组分及生物能量消耗的估算。主要以在动物上进行的研究结果为例。  相似文献   

人体的能量代谢   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人体所需的能量来源于食物中的糖,脂肪和蛋白质,其中以糖占的比例较大,这能源被人体利用后最终均转化为热能,因此可用间接测热法计算人体的产热量,从而估算人体的能量代谢,人体的能量代谢受肌肉活动,环境温度,精神因素及进食等因素的影响。  相似文献   

鸟类能量代谢研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李晶 《生物学通报》1993,28(3):7-8,10
鸟类能量学是研究鸟类能量代谢的科学,是一门发展迅速的学科。基础代谢和热调节代谢是其主要研究焦点,能量支出渠道是鸟类能量学研究发展中的重要课题。  相似文献   

鉴于目前国内尚无介绍用于测定小型冬眠动物与蛋的耗氧量简易法,本文报道一种简易、实用、可自行制作的微型耗氧量测定仪,比Rahn,Ar.et Paganelli(1981)的鸟蛋代谢仪更简便与灵敏,能测出鸟蛋孵育第一天的微弱的代谢率;经试测北草蜥蛋、鹌鹑蛋、鸽蛋、鸡蛋在孵育时的呼吸消耗能,以及北草蜥、中国石龙子在冬眠时期的呼吸消耗能,均感应灵敏,对于研究和揭示某种小型冬眠动物种群在冬眠时或对鸟蛋及某些爬行动物蛋中胚胎发育时期的代谢特征都有所帮助。一、微型耗氧量测定仪的结构(一)呼吸室(或称代谢室)根据实验动物个体大小或爬行动物蛋和鸟…  相似文献   

摄食对印度蜓蜥代谢率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过测定摄食后印度蜓蜥雌性成体的耗氧量变化 ,研究摄食特殊热动力作用 (SDA)。动物分为摄食黄粉虫幼虫实验组和禁食对照组 ,两组蜥蜴平均体重无显著差异。测定耗氧量前 ,将所有动物在 3 0℃恒温室内禁食 3d。用容积为 3 0 0ml的封闭式呼吸室测定两组蜥蜴在 3 0℃条件下连续 3d的耗氧量 ,测定间隔时间为 4~ 2 5h。禁食组动物实验期间的耗氧量无显著的时间变异 ,实验组动物耗氧量的时间变异显著 ,这些结果表明摄食影响印度蜓蜥的代谢率。实验组动物摄食 8h后耗氧量已显著大于禁食组 ,摄食 3 0h后两组动物的耗氧量无显著差异。印度蜓蜥达到SDA峰值的平均时间约为 1 2 7h ,SDA峰值耗氧量是禁食对照组动物耗氧量的 1 6倍。印度蜓蜥单次摄食实验中的SDA具有进食后耗氧量迅速增加 ,达到峰值后下降至摄食前水平的典型模式。  相似文献   

张珺楠  卢欣 《生物资源》2023,(4):321-327
鸟类在全球广泛分布,不同鸟类物种利用的食物类群存在很大差异,而食性研究是动物营养学和生态学领域的重要研究内容。本文对一些传统鸟类食性鉴别方式及其不足进行回顾,传统鸟类食性鉴别方式包含扎颈法、剖胃法、粪便收集法、相机记录法等。随着测序技术的高速发展,DNA宏条形码技术出现,并广泛应用于动物食性研究。近些年来,该技术也被应用于鸟类食性研究中。本文综述了DNA条形码和DNA宏条形码的操作原理和条件,对鸟类食性研究中的DNA条形码与引物的选择做了详细介绍。对比传统鉴别方法,DNA宏条形码技术降低了物种鉴定难度,减少了人为影响因素,提高了目标样本中物种的鉴定效率,能对粪便、胃容物等混合或不成型样本进行分析。另一方面,在扩增多物种混合的DNA样品中的目标片段时,可能出现偏离,造成结果的不确定性,并且难以根据结果得出较准确各食物组分的比例。未来在使用宏条形码技术对鸟类食性的分析中,可结合其他方法改善对食物的量化以及食物属性的判断。  相似文献   

鸟类能量学的学科结构及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张晓爱  赵亮  康玲 《动物学研究》2001,22(2):146-153
从学科结构,发展简史及种群能量学3个方面介绍鸟类能量学的研究进展,学科结构主要按生理学和生态学两种透视法相应的种群能量学和生态能量学来划分,发展简史包括鸟类能量学的诞生,。发展及我国鸟类能量学的研究现状,种群能量学着重介绍研究范畴,个体代谢类,不同活动的能当量,繁殖能学,每日能耗(DEE)及种群和群落能流等的研究进展。  相似文献   

The influence of natural enemies has led to the evolution of various predator avoidance strategies in herbivorous insects. Many caterpillars are exclusively active at night and rest during the day. It is widely assumed that nocturnal activity in caterpillars reduces their risk of falling prey to their natural enemies. To test this hypothesis, we compared predation pressure between day and night in tree‐fall gaps and closed‐canopy forest sites in an Amazonian primary lowland rainforest. Artificial clay caterpillars, showing camouflaged colouration (green), were exposed as potential prey to a natural predator community. Attacks were significantly more frequent during daytime and were reduced by about a quarter at night in tree‐fall gaps, and by a third in closed‐canopy forest sites. This supports the idea of time‐dependent activity in caterpillars as an antipredatory adaptation. Further, independent of the time of day, predation pressure on caterpillars was significantly higher in tree‐fall gaps compared to closed‐canopy forest habitats. Nearly all predation events were caused by arthropods, whereas birds played a negligible role. Across both habitat types and time scales, ants acted as major predator group, emphasising their important role in population control of herbivorous insects in lowland rainforest ecosystems. This is the first experimental study using artificial caterpillars to examine whether time‐scheduling of exposition might influence predation risk amongst undefended, solitary, free‐living lepidopteran larvae.  相似文献   

Light pollution is known to affect important biological functions of wild animals, including daily and annual cycles. However, knowledge about long-term effects of chronic exposure to artificial light at night is still very limited. Here we present data on reproductive physiology, molt and locomotor activity during two-year cycles of European blackbirds (Turdus merula) exposed to either dark nights or 0.3 lux at night. As expected, control birds kept under dark nights exhibited two regular testicular and testosterone cycles during the two-year experiment. Control urban birds developed testes faster than their control rural conspecifics. Conversely, while in the first year blackbirds exposed to light at night showed a normal but earlier gonadal cycle compared to control birds, during the second year the reproductive system did not develop at all: both testicular size and testosterone concentration were at baseline levels in all birds. In addition, molt sequence in light-treated birds was more irregular than in control birds in both years. Analysis of locomotor activity showed that birds were still synchronized to the underlying light-dark cycle. We suggest that the lack of reproductive activity and irregular molt progression were possibly the results of i) birds being stuck in a photorefractory state and/or ii) chronic stress. Our data show that chronic low intensities of light at night can dramatically affect the reproductive system. Future studies are needed in order to investigate if and how urban animals avoid such negative impact and to elucidate the physiological mechanisms behind these profound long-term effects of artificial light at night. Finally we call for collaboration between scientists and policy makers to limit the impact of light pollution on animals and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Summary Trans-Saharan insectivorous passerine night migrants stopping-over at a small oasis in Sinai were weighed as frequently as possible, throughout the entire length of fall and spring migration passages. Due to the small size of the oasis and the intensive trapping effort, most stopping-over birds were captured and weighed throughout a sizeable portion of their stopover period. Weights at first capture were either similar in both seasons, or greater in fall than in spring. In some species fall migrants that stayed one day were heavier than those staying longer. In other species, and for all species in spring, weights of birds that stayed one day did not differ from those staying longer. In most species the weight of birds that stayed for more than one day did not vary significantly between arrival and departure, and cases of weight gains were commoner in fall than in spring. Trends of weight changes of an individual during stopover were usually inconsistent, but the longer it stayed, more it gained (in fall), or less it lost (in spring). It is proposed that stopping-over birds do not always resume their migration only after their fat reserves have been replenished, but that their decision to take off, or the reappearance of the migration impulse, are also controlled by a time program incorporated into their endogenous migration scheme, which constantly updates the time left for sampling and refuelling. It seems that in spring less time is allotted for the whole migration program, hence the time constraint overrides then all other tactical considerations, such as the state of fat reserves, and the weather.  相似文献   

Many passerine medium distance nocturnal migrants take off from stopover sites not only at the beginning of the night, but also in the middle and at the end of the night. In this paper, we tested two explanations for this phenomenon: (1) that departure time is governed by fuel stores, and (2) that departure time is influenced by the weather. The relationship of temporal distribution of migratory nocturnal departures with body condition and weather factors was studied in juvenile European robins (Erithacus rubecula) during autumn migration. The study was done on the Courish Spit on the Baltic Sea in 1997–2003 by retrapping 74 ringed birds in high mist nets during nocturnal migratory departure. Departure time was not related to fuel stores at arrival and departure, stopover duration, fuel deposition rate or progress of the season. Nor did the local weather at departure influence departure time. A possible reason was a large variation in the behaviour of the birds. European robins which made 1-day stopovers arrived and departed during better weather conditions than birds that stopped over for longer periods. In the former cohort, a significant model with four predictors explained 55% of variation in departure time. It is assumed that weather at the night of departure and during the previous night influenced the time of take-offs in these birds. In robins which made long stopovers, departure time is probably governed by their individual endogenous circadian rhythms of activity, which are related to the environment in a complex way.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether changes in illumination modify perception of day and night conditions in a diurnal species, the Indian weaver bird. Birds were initially subjected to a 12-h light:12-h dark regime (12L:12D; L=20 lux, D =0.5 lux). After every 2 wks, the combinations of light illumination in L and D phases were changed as follows: 20:2 lux, 20:5 lux, 20:10 lux, 20:20 lux, 20:100 lux, and 20:200 lux. Finally, birds were released into dim constant light (0.5 lux) for 2 wks to determine the phase and period of the circadian activity rhythm. They were also laparotomized at periodic intervals to examine the effects of the light regimes on the seasonal testicular cycle. All individuals showed a consistently similar response. As evident by the activity pattern under these light regimes, both in total activity during contrasting light phases and during the 2?h in the beginning and end of first light phase, birds interpreted the period of higher light intensity as day, and the period of lower intensity as the night. During the period of similar light intensity, i.e., under LL, birds free-ran with a circadian period ( ~ 24 h). In bright LL (20 lux), the activity rhythm was less distinct, but periodogram analysis revealed the circadian period for the group as 24.46 (+/-) 0.41 h (mean???SE). However, in dim LL at the end of the experiment, all birds exhibited a circadian pattern with average period of 25.52 (+/-) 0.70 h. All birds also showed testicular growth and regression during the 16-wks study. It is suggested that weaver birds interpret day and night subjectively based on both the light intensity and contrast between illuminations during two phases over the 24 h.  相似文献   

2014年7月至2018年10月,利用20台红外相机监测陕西观音山国家级自然保护区一条内部道路对兽类和鸟类活动的影响.监测期间获得照片16168张,共鉴定到13种兽类和14种鸟类,包括4种国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物和7种国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物.结果 显示,距道路的距离越远,出现的物种种类越多.有2种兽类只活动于距离道路...  相似文献   

营养和能量有效的积累对候鸟能否顺利完成迁徙具有重要意义。2015年8月至10月在内蒙古图牧吉湿地,利用卫星跟踪技术对灰雁的活动特征、生境利用等方面进行了研究,以期阐明灰雁在秋季如何有效积累能量以满足迁徙前的生理需求。我们采用增强型植被指数(EVI)分析了灰雁的生境特征,运用核密度分析法(KDE)计算了日间和夜间活动区面积,以及对不同月份的平均活动距离进行了分析。结果表明,8至10月间,灰雁活动位点的EVI值逐月递减,并且逐渐向南移动,趋向于水域集中,增加了对湖泊的利用,同时减少了对草地的利用;灰雁的活动区面积逐月递增,日间活动区面积大于夜间;灰雁在日间、夜间及平均活动距离均呈递增的趋势,每天凌晨及黄昏都出现较长时间的活动。由于8至10月间气温逐渐降低,从草地中可以获取的潜在食物资源减少,灰雁通过逐渐向水域较为丰富的区域移动,活动区面积逐渐增大,增加活动距离提高食物的获取量等确保获取足够的食物和能量满足迁徙的需求。  相似文献   

1. Compared to pineal N-acetyl transferase (NAT) activity, which exhibited a dramatic drop following acute light exposure at night, nocturnal rat pineal thyroxine type II 5'-deiodinase (5'-D) activity was minimally influenced by the same light exposure. The injection of cycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis, although it did curtail the rise in NAT activity for at least 2 hr, did not elicit decreases in the activities of either 5'-D or NAT enzymes. Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic blocker, either delayed the continued nocturnal rise in 5'-D activity when injected at 0000 hr or slightly enhanced the fall in 5'-D activity when injected at 0200 hr. These results suggest that interruption of the synthesis of proteins is responsible for the slow deterioration of 5'-D activity induced by either light or propranolol. 2. The slight fall in 5'-D activity induced by light at night was prevented by isoproterenol; phenylephrine, however, did not prevent the fall and the effect of isoproterenol + phenylephrine was similar to that obtained with isoproterenol alone. On the other hand, the light-inhibited NAT activity recovered after the injection of isoproterenol; phenylephrine did not elicit any effect, but the injection of both isoproterenol and phenylephrine simultaneously caused a greater NAT response than that induced by isoproterenol alone. 3. When injected during the day, phenylephrine had no effect on either pineal 5'-D or NAT activities; however, the injection of either isoproterenol alone or isoproterenol + phenylephrine elicited 5-fold and 10-fold increases in nocturnal, light-suppressed 5'-D and NAT activities, respectively. During the day, phenylephrine did not potentiate the effects of isoproterenol on NAT activity as it did at night. When the effects of isoproterenol on the 5'-D activity were compared to rats exposed to light during the day and at night, the activity of 5'-D reached a higher level at night than during the day.  相似文献   

The daily pattern of autumn bird migration in the northern Sahara   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The temporal pattern of migration by passerine birds during the night, and their arrival during the day at the Egyptian coast and in the northern Sahara Desert was investigated. The mean direction of nocturnal migration at the coast was south-southeast, while at all desert sites it was south-southwest.
Birds arrived at the Egyptian coast only during the second half of the night which is explained by the fact that no birds could have taken off from the Mediterranean Sea. At least some of the birds landed at the coast where they spent the day before taking off shortly after sunset. These birds passed the desert sites at the expected time of day assuming a ground speed of 18 m per second. However, the origin of the birds passing the desert sites early at night is unclear. They must either have spent the day in the desert north of the study sites or they had overflown the Egyptian coast in the afternoon without landing.
The landing of birds during the day at the desert sites was bimodal. This pattern of arrival is explained either by some birds having landed at the Egyptian coast in the early morning before continuing, or by deteriorating conditions later in the day during flight or when resting in the desert, that obliged them to seek shelter at the desert sites.
A correlation between the number of migrants observed during the night and the number of resting birds in the desert on the following day suggests that an unknown proportion of birds might regularly use an intermittent migratory strategy that includes rest periods by day when crossing the desert, whereas others might adapt a non-stop migratory strategy.  相似文献   

This study investigated the functional linkage between food availability and activity behavior in the Palaearctic Indian night migratory blackheaded bunting (Emberiza melanocephala) subjected to artificial light-dark (LD) cycles. Two experiments were performed on photosensitive birds. In the first one, birds were exposed to short days (LD 10/14; Experiment 1A), long days (LD 13/11; Experiment 1B), or increasing daylengths (8 to 13?h light/d; Experiment 1C) and presented with food either for the whole or a restricted duration of the light period. In Experiments 1A and 1B, illumination of the light and dark periods or of the dark period, alone, was changed to assess the influence of the light environment on direct and circadian responses to food cycles. In the second experiment, birds were exposed to LD 12/12 or LD 8/16 with food availability overlapping with the light (light and food presence in phase) or dark period (light and food presence in antiphase). Also, birds were subjected to constant dim light (LL(dim)) to examine the phase of the activity rhythms under synchronizing influence of the food cycles. Similarly, the presentation of food ad libitum (free food; FF) during an experiment examined the effects of the food-restriction regimes on activity rhythms. A continuous measurement of the activity-rest pattern was done to examine both the circadian and direct effects of the food and LD cycles. Measurement of activity at night enabled assessment of the migratory phenotype, premigratory restlessness, or Zugunruhe. The results show that (i) light masked the food effects if they were present together; (ii) birds had a higher anticipatory activity and food intake during restricted feeding conditions; and (iii) food at night alone reduced both the duration and amount of Zugunruhe as compared to food during the day alone. This suggests that food affects both the daily activity and seasonal Zugunruhe, and food cycles act as a synchronizer of circadian rhythms in the absence of dominant natural environmental synchronizers, such as the light-dark cycle.  相似文献   

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