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李巍 《遗传》2008,30(12)
问:我的家族中,母亲、哥哥、大姨都被诊断患过精神分裂症。我父亲那边的亲属没有患过此病。大姨家的三个孩子及其子女目前都正常。二姨家的两个孩子、大舅家的三个孩子、二舅家的两个孩子也都正常。我三舅家女儿正常,但儿子因考大学时受了挫折,现在有抑郁症的倾向。请问这是否表明我母亲那边有家族遗传性基因的存在?我自己22岁,没有患病,  相似文献   

对抽样调查的身高数据进行计量分析,建立了子代对亲代身高的回归分析模型,揭示了子代身高与亲代身高的遗传率;研究结果表明,父母身高对下一代的遗传率强度不同,母亲要强于父亲;子女接受遗传的效应也不一样,女儿要强于儿子;建立了性别遗传模型,深入研究了亲代父母之间的身高差对子代性别的影响,亲代身高差越大,则生女孩的几率就越大,反之生男孩的几率就越大.  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过评估新生儿的精确磁共振成像,确定妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)、肥胖母亲的后代与正常体重女性的后代相比,新生儿脂肪沉积模式是否存在早期影响。对正常体重母亲(n=13)和肥胖母亲(GDM)(n=12)的25名新生儿进行磁共振成像测量皮下和腹部脂肪和磁共振波谱,以测量1~3岁时肝内脂质(IHCL)脂肪的含量。结果表明,与正常体重母亲所生的婴儿相比,肥胖/妊娠糖尿病母亲所生婴儿的IHCL平均增加了68%。对于所有婴儿,IHCL与孕妇体重指数相关,但与皮下脂肪无关。新生儿肝脏沉积物与母亲体重指数高度相关。这一发现可能有助于了解儿童非酒精性脂肪肝的发病起源。  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒的水平传播和围产期传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在上海、河北、黑龙江和四川四省市调查了4 500名子女及其母亲的HBsAg阳性率。结果表明,HBsAg阳性母亲的子女,受水平和围产期传播的共同作用,其HBsAg阳性危险性显著高于单纯受水平传播作用的HBsAg阴性母亲的子女。HBsAg阴性母亲的74名HBsAg阳性子女,二年后11人转阴,年龄越大,阴转率呈越高的趋势,而HBsAg阳性母亲的31名阳性子女仅1例转阴,即后者的携带率(96.77%)高于前者(85.13%)。但就人群中HBsAg阳性和携带者的构成而言,仅32.25%的HBsAg的携带者,来源于受双重传播作用的HBsAg阳性母亲。换言之,水平传播的权重明显大于围产期传播,故阻断围产期传播的同时还应预防水平传播。  相似文献   

本文报告30例HBsAg阳性乙型肝炎患者、40例患者子女、20例正常成人对照组和3例儿童对照组外周血淋巴细胞SCE频率的观察结果,表明:(1)HBsAg阳性乙型肝炎患者SCE率明显高于正常人对照组,差异高度显著(P<0.01);(2)患者发病后出生子女的SCE率明显高于发病前出生子女和正常儿童对照组,差异也非常显著(P<0.01);(3)在患者发病后出生的子女中,母亲发病后与父亲发病后出生的、母亲妊娠期与非妊娠期发病出生的,双亲一方发病后出生的双胞胎与非双胞胎,SCE平均频率均无显著性差异(P>0.05),但是都明显高于患者发病前出生子女的SCE率,差异非常显著(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

走上医学之路我于1903年诞生在上海,父亲在商务印书馆任编辑。我之所以学习医学,完全是受父亲的启发。他由于长期埋头于写作工作,感染了肺结核,经过长期休养后,仍未治愈。他充分理解医药卫生对人体健康的重要性,要求我们子女中有人能够学医。由于幼年受到薰陶,结果他的子女中,有两个女儿学体操,两个学医,一个学护理,基本实  相似文献   

王燕  李玉玲  刘燕  弓剑 《人类学学报》2017,36(3):395-404
为探讨遗传和环境因素对学龄双生子儿童身体围度及宽度等体格指标的影响,对351对6~12岁双生子儿童身高、胸围、腰围、臀围、肩宽、骨盆宽指标进行测量,计算各指标的相关指数。应用Mx软件拟合最佳结构方程模型计算各指标遗传度,分析年龄与性别的作用。结果发现,各指标拟合的最佳模型均为ACES,各测量指标的年龄方差较大(0.21~0.76),衍生指数中除腰臀比(女0.15,男0.05)外几乎均不存在年龄方差;各指标的共同环境方差变异较大(0.00~0.53);衍生指数的特殊环境因素方差(0.09~0.25)总体上高于测量指标(0.01~0.09)。校正年龄后,各指标遗传度为身高(女63%,男59%)、胸围(女84%,男88%)、身高胸围指数(女87%,男55%)、腰围(女46%,男64%)、臀围(女61%,男61%)、腰臀比(女44%,男44%)、肩宽(女78%,男78%)、骨盆宽(女62%,男62%)、身高肩宽指数(女40%,男40%)、身高骨盆宽指数(女35%,男48%)、肩宽骨盆宽指数(女24%,男24%)。结果表明学龄双生子儿童身高、胸围、身高胸围指数、臀围、肩宽、骨盆宽主要受遗传因素影响;腰臀比、身高肩宽指数、身高骨盆宽指数及肩宽骨盆宽指数受环境因素影响更大;遗传与环境因素对身高胸围指数、腰围指标的影响可能存在一定性别差异;年龄对学龄双生子儿童身体围度及宽度相关指数的影响较小。  相似文献   

随着人们文化水平的提高和电视剧作品宣传的广度,人们对血型与遗传的关系也略有所知,O型血的父亲与A型血的母亲不会生出B型的子女;或O型血的父亲与B型血的母亲不会生出A型的子女等等常识也都被大家所知晓,于是假如真的出现了上述的情况,就会认为是医院把孩子抱错了或是女人的不贞。一般来讲,情况应该是这样的。但免疫血液的遗传并非如此简单,有时O型血的父亲和A型血的母亲也确实会生出B型血的孩子,这也是符合科学规律的。  相似文献   

随着人们文化水平的提高和电视剧作品宣传的广度,人们对血型与遗传的关系也略有所知,O型血的父亲与A型血的母亲不会生出B型的子女;或O型血的父亲与B型血的母亲不会生出A型的子女等等常识也都被大家所知晓,于是假如真的出现了上述的情况,就会认为是医院把孩子抱错了或是女人的不贞.一般来讲,情况应该是这样的.但免疫血液的遗传并非如此简单,有时O型血的父亲和A型血的母亲也确实会生出B型血的孩子,这也是符合科学规律的.  相似文献   

目的:探讨跟骨强度指数与其影响因素的相关性。方法:共入选1024例体检人员。(1)通过Achilles定量超声(QUS)系统测量左跟骨强度指数;(2)使用RGC-120型体重秤测量身高、体重并计算体重指数;(3)通过问卷调查收集体检人员年龄、膳食、运动、吸烟、饮酒等影响因素的相关资料;(4)将各影响因素与跟骨强度指数进行相关分析和多元逐步回归分析。结果:(1)直线相关分析结果显示,跟骨强度指数与身高、体重、体重指数、饮用牛奶年数、运动年数呈正相关(;2)多因素逐步回归分析显示,跟骨强度指数仅与体重指数、运动年数具有显著的回归效果。结论:体重指数与运动年数是跟骨强度指数的独立影响因素,对骨质疏松的诊断与预防具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

A high rate of Borna disease virus (BDV) infection has been demonstrated in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Herein, we focused on BDV infection in two family clusters of patients with CFS: a father, mother, two sons and one daughter (family #1); and a father, mother, two daughters and one son (family #2). All members, except for the elder son in family #1 and the father and son in family #2, were diagnosed with CFS. The results supported that all the family members with CFS were infected with BDV, as evidenced by the presence of antibodies to viral p40, p24 and/or gp18 and BDV p24 RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The healthy members, except for the father of family #2 who was positive for antibody to p24, were all negative by both assays. Follow-up studies in family #1 continued to reveal BDV antibodies and BDV RNA, except in the mother, who lost the RNA upon slight recovery from the disease.  相似文献   

The expression of behavior, including parental care behavior, is influenced by complex interactions of the genes of an organism and the prevailing environmental conditions. Previously, we showed that the development of paternal, but not maternal, care in the African striped mouse, Rhabdomys pumilio, has a significant nongenetic maternal component. Here, we investigate the genetic component of parental care behavior from parents to offspring. We first measured the duration of parental care behavior of mothers and fathers every second day for 11 days postnatally. Subsequently, one son and one daughter from each of these litters were paired with unrelated mates when they were adults and their parental care behavior scored. Using regression models, we then compared parental care behavior of parents and their adult offspring. The transmission of parental care behavior from striped mouse fathers to sons and from mothers to both sons and daughters did not indicate a genetic component. Instead, we found a patrilineal genetic component for parental care in daughters. The reason for this unusual pattern of inheritance is not known, but this finding complements that of our other studies, showing that the expression of maternal care behavior in adult daughters is also not nongenetically influenced by their mothers. We suggest that, although females are constrained to provide maternal care in different social contexts, maternal care behavior may be influenced genetically by the father.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the association of eating pathology between mothers and their adolescent offspring in a population sample. Research Methods and Procedures: The participants were 481 women (mean age, 47 ± SD 5 years; BMI, 25 ± 4 kg/m2) and their 481 adolescent children 16 to 17 years old (BMI, 21 ± 3 kg/m2) of the Stockholm Weight Development Study. Assessment methods were the Three‐Factor Eating Questionnaire Revised 18 and the Eating Disorder Inventory 2. Results: A higher body weight was most related to cognitive restraint for adolescents and to emotional eating for adult women. A mother‐daughter link could be identified for eating pathology, with the strongest link found for emotional eating. No mother‐son link could be identified. Age subgroup analyses revealed a stronger mother‐daughter link for body attitudes in younger mothers and for cognitive restraint in older mothers. Discussion: Gender differences revealed that eating pathology was shared by mothers and daughters but not by mothers and sons. A psychological strategy such as eating as a response to negative emotions was most interrelated between mothers and daughters. Younger mothers shared more attitudes toward the body with their daughters, whereas older mothers shared more restrictive eating behaviors with their daughters. The mother‐daughter links found may be due to gender‐specific genetic and psychological family transmission and gender‐specific environmental influences. The sons’ eating behaviors seem to be more independent and would be formed by other factors than for the girls.  相似文献   

Common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, are usually characterized as singular cooperative breeders, with only a single, dominant female reproducing in each group. Anecdotal reports, however, have described two females breeding concurrently when an unrelated male joins their group. We tested the hypothesis that incorporation of an unrelated adult male into a family systematically leads to the onset of reproductive activity in a daughter and investigated the underlying mechanisms. We collected hormonal and behavioural data from mothers and their eldest daughters before and after the father was removed from the family and either replaced by an unrelated male (N=11) or immediately returned to the family (N=7). Variation between daughters in the occurrence of ovulatory cyclicity was not associated with the presence of an unrelated male but was closely linked to daughters' relationships with their mothers: only anovulatory daughters behaved submissively towards their mothers. Daughters never engaged in sexual behaviour with their fathers, but most did so with unrelated males. Similarly, daughters never conceived in intact natal families but did so in eight of 11 families containing an unrelated male. In six of these families, the mother and daughter bred concurrently. Thus, incorporation of an unrelated adult male into a marmoset family may frequently lead to the onset of plural breeding by activating sexual behaviour in a daughter; however, daughters ovulate only if they are not behaviourally subordinate to their mothers. Therefore, both inbreeding avoidance and rank-related reproductive suppression may constrain reproduction in marmoset daughters and contribute to maintenance of singular breeding.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1985-1993
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae typically divides asymmetrically to give a large mother cell and a smaller daughter cell. As mother cells become old, they enlarge and produce daughter cells that are larger than daughters derived from young mother cells. We found that occasional daughter cells were indistinguishable in size from their mothers, giving rise to a symmetric division. The frequency of symmetric divisions became greater as mother cells aged and reached a maximum occurrence of 30% in mothers undergoing their last cell division. Symmetric divisions occurred similarly in rad9 and ste12 mutants. Strikingly, daughters from old mothers, whether they arose from symmetric divisions or not, displayed reduced life spans relative to daughters from young mothers. Because daughters from old mothers were larger than daughters from young mothers, we investigated whether an increased size per se shortened life span and found that it did not. These findings are consistent with a model for aging that invokes a senescence substance which accumulates in old mother cells and is inherited by their daughters.  相似文献   

Four rules of judgement, each involving one child and its parents, can rule out one common mode of inheritance each, namely dominance, or recessiveness, autosomal or sex-linkage. A large pedigree usually provides three different groups of ? particular child and its parents. Each such trio may rule out one particular mode of inhe itance. When both parents show a trait but one daughter does not, the trait cannot be recessive. When no parent shows the trait but one son or daughter does, the trait cannot be dominant. Again, if a father shows a trait but his daughter and her mother do not show it, the trait cannot be sex-linked dominant. And when a mother shows a trait, but her son and his father do not, the trait cannot be sex-linked recessive. A pedigree having three of these four different sets of “parents-and-child” groups, rules out three modes of inheritance for the trait in question, and thereby confirms that the mode of inheritance for the trait is, as a rule, the single remaining mode of the four.  相似文献   

Summary We report the presence of an extra chromosomal element in a family with Wilms' tumor (WT). This family has three children, two of whom were affected. One son, the proband, had bilateral and one daughter had unilateral WT. The first child, the father, and the mother did not have WT. The son with bilateral WT had a ring chromosome (R) both in the lymphocytes as well as in the kidney tissue. The size of the ring varied considerably from cell to cell. The daughter with unilateral WT had an abnormal clone containing a small chromosomal ring (r) in phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphocytes. The mother had a karyotype similar to that of the daughter with WT. We hypothesize that the proband's ring chromosome could be the amplified form of the r inherited from the mother. Chromosome 11 was cytogenetically normal in all the cells examined of the affected children and the unaffected mother. In situ hybridization with a centromere-specific DNA cocktail indicated dispersed centromeric DNA both in r and R.  相似文献   

Graves' disease is a polygenic disease in which the HLA cluster could play a role. The purpose of our study is to identify HLA haplotypes in a family with closely related susceptibility to Graves' disease and foresee the risk of disease in the youngest daughter. The family studied had included the father (47 years), mother (46 years) and 3 daughters (18, 17 and 13 years). The mother and 2 eldest daughters were affected by Graves' disease. HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR and -DQ were performed with standard microlymphotoxicity techniques. A mother's role in passing susceptibility to Graves' disease to daughters is undisputed; it seems to be due to the B35 HLA allele. Also, the third daughter (at 15 years) has an HLA B35 allele, and actually has an incipient humoral hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

Controlling the number of its centrioles is vital for the cell, as supernumerary centrioles cause multipolar mitosis and genomic instability. Normally, one daughter centriole forms on each mature (mother) centriole; however, a mother centriole can produce multiple daughters within a single cell cycle. The mechanisms that prevent centriole 'overduplication' are poorly understood. Here we use laser microsurgery to test the hypothesis that attachment of the daughter centriole to the wall of the mother inhibits formation of additional daughters. We show that physical removal of the daughter induces reduplication of the mother in S-phase-arrested cells. Under conditions when multiple daughters form simultaneously on a single mother, all of these daughters must be removed to induce reduplication. The number of daughter centrioles that form during reduplication does not always match the number of ablated daughter centrioles. We also find that exaggeration of the pericentriolar material (PCM) by overexpression of the PCM protein pericentrin in S-phase-arrested CHO cells induces formation of numerous daughter centrioles. We propose that that the size of the PCM cloud associated with the mother centriole restricts the number of daughters that can form simultaneously.  相似文献   

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