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中药提取物FAC的抗肿瘤作用及其机制的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨中药提取物FAC对H22肝癌实体瘤的作用及其机制.方法:制备人肝癌H22荷瘤小鼠模型,观察中药提取物FAC对H22肝癌实体瘤的抑制作用及其对荷瘤小鼠免疫器官、存活期、巨噬细胞吞噬功能、淋巴细胞转化功能的影响.结果:小鼠灌服中药提取物FAC10 d后,中、大剂量组抑瘤作用显著,荷瘤小鼠存活期明显延长,反映免疫功能的胸腺指数和脾指数显著增加,巨噬细胞吞噬功能和淋巴细胞转化功能明显增强.结论:中药提取物FAC可抑制人肝癌H22实体瘤的生长,并能提高荷瘤小鼠的免疫功能.提示中药提取物FAC可能通过增强机体免疫功能而发挥抗肿瘤作用.  相似文献   

西南银莲花皂苷的抗肿瘤作用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:对西南银莲花中抑制人癌细胞生长的主要活性成分3-O-鼠李糖基(2)[葡萄糖基(4)]阿拉伯糖基-齐墩果酸(皂苷2)等进行动物体内抗癌活性试验研究。方法:用小鼠肉瘤S180实体模型观测腹腔注射和灌服两种给药途径的抑瘤率,结果:ip皂苷2为10mg/kg时抑瘤率为48.9%,po皂苷2为125,200和500mg/kg时抑瘤率分别为32.6%,39.3%和48.1%,但均不同程度地出现动物死亡,结论:不论腹腔注射[还是灌服给药,皂苷2对小鼠肉瘤S180生长均具有一定的抑制作用,但在有效剂量下已表现出一定的毒性。  相似文献   

灵芝发酵液抗肿瘤的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对灵芝发酵液抑瘤作用做初步研究。研究表明灵芝发酵液(GLF)能显著延长腹水瘤小鼠的生存期(P<0.005),对实体瘤具有显著抑制作用,抑瘤率为64.84%(P<0.01)。灵芝发酵液体外对3种瘤细胞无直接杀伤作用(P<0.05)。分析灵芝发酵液的抗瘤作用可能是通过机体免疫系统介导的。  相似文献   

我们采用4×4正交拉丁方的方法,对蛇岛蝮蛇毒12组分进行抑癌实验,从中选择抑癌较好组分,最好浓度和敏感的瘤株,其结果如下。 实验设计 一、实验用药:蛇岛采集蝮蛇毒经沈阳药学院分离获得12个组分制成注射液,每只含量0.1mg。按设计分0.03mg/kg,0.05mg/kg,0.075mg/kg,对照组用生理盐水共4个浓度。 二、实验瘤株:小鼠肉瘤180(S1880)小鼠肝肉瘤(H.S),小鼠艾氏腹水癌实体瘤(E.C),小鼠纲状细胞肉瘤(A.R.S),共4种瘤型。  相似文献   

为研究益妙保尔金米胶囊对小鼠胃癌细胞株(MFC)体内外生长的影响,本文采用改良MTT法,测定益妙保尔金米胶囊对小鼠胃癌细胞株(MFC)体外生长的抑制率,计算半数抑制浓度IC50。将加只MFC胃癌皮下接种模型小鼠随机分成4组:对照组(等体积生理盐水)、康力欣胶囊组(康力欣胶囊粉末,0.075g/20g/日)、低剂量组(益妙保尔金米胶囊粉末,0.0834g/20g/日)、高剂量组(益妙保尔金米胶囊粉末,0.2501g/20g/日)。均采用接种5d后灌胃给药法,持续给药8d,停药24h处死动物。剥离肿瘤,称重并计算抑瘤率;取出脾脏及胸腺,称重并计算脾指数及胸腺指数。结果表明:益妙保尔金米胶囊无明显的抑制小鼠胃癌细胞株(MFC)体外生长的活性,对小鼠胃癌细胞株(MFC)体内生长显示出了一定的抑制作用,与生理盐水组比较,高剂量组的抑瘤率为29.35%,低剂量组的抑瘤率为20.53%。益妙保尔金米胶囊粉末对小鼠胃癌细胞株(MFC)体内生长有一定的抑制作用,但无明显的量效关系。  相似文献   

王超儀  包海鹰 《菌物研究》2013,11(3):196-201
对6种"桑黄"的石油醚提取物进行了抗肿瘤体内试验,测定其对H22荷瘤小鼠抑瘤率、免疫器官指数、免疫因子含量和生存率的影响。试验结果表明:粗毛纤孔菌、鲍姆木层孔菌、火木层孔菌和瓦宁木层孔菌的石油醚提取物高、低剂量(100,50 mg/kg)以及黑壳目层孔菌石油醚提取物高剂量(100 mg/kg)对肿瘤均具有一定抑制作用,抑瘤率均〉40%;瓦宁木层孔菌石油醚提取物低剂量组(50 mg/kg)的抑瘤效果最佳,为76.82%,其脾指数、胸腺指数均明显高于阳性组(P〈0.01),IL 2的含量也明显高于对照组和阳性组,能延长小鼠的生存期;椭圆嗜蓝孢孔菌石油醚提取物也具有一定的抑瘤效果,高、低剂量(100,50 mg/kg)抑瘤率分别为39.30%和36.17%。  相似文献   

蛋氨酸脑啡肽(MEK)联合干扰素γ抗肿瘤作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察蛋氨酸脑啡肽(MEK)和注射用重组人干扰素γ(IFN-γ)单独和联合应用的抗肿瘤效应。应用动物移植性肿瘤的体内试验法,分别观察MEK、IFN-γ和MEK+IFN-γ对肿瘤的抑瘤作用及小鼠生命延长率情况。结果显示,MEK组、IFN-γ组和MEK+IFN-γ组的抑瘤作用分别为129.11%(P〈0.001)、78.11%(P〈0.001)、231.10%(P〈0.001),均有显著差异;生命延长率MEK组20.28%(P〈0.001)有显著差异,IFN-γ组13.50%(P〉0.001)无显著差异,MEK+IFN-γ组41.25%(P〈0.001)有显著差异。可见,MEK、IFN-γ和MEK+IFN-γ都对小鼠移植性瘤有一定的抑制作用,MEK和MEK+IFN-γ能够延长小鼠生命,而IFN-γ单独应用不能延长小鼠生命。MEK和IFN-γ联合应用时作用相加。而不良反应未相加。  相似文献   

为了考察红色诺卡氏菌细胞壁骨架(Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton,N-CWS)灌胃给药对小鼠的体内抑瘤效应及其免疫调节作用,采用小鼠肉瘤S_(180)的移植性肿瘤模型,检测N-CWS灌胃给药的抑瘤活性;同时观察N-CWS体内细胞毒作用和对正常小鼠的毒性、免疫器官重量、巨噬细胞(MΦ)吞噬功能及脾淋巴细胞转化的影响.结果显示,小鼠灌服N-CWS的LD_(50)>1.2 g/kg;N-CWS 200、400、800 mg/kg剂量灌胃小鼠对S_(180)有明显的抑制作用,其抑瘤率分别为63.33%、71.11%、64.88%;与对照组比较,N-CWS可增加免疫器官重量和提升外周血白细胞数量、能明显提高小鼠MΦ的吞噬活性及显著提高淋巴细胞转化率(P<0.05),同时N-CWS激活了的MΦ对肿瘤细胞的细胞毒效应亦明显增强(P<0.05).因此N-CWS适用于口服给药,对小鼠移植性肿瘤有明显的抑制作用,其抗肿瘤作用可能与增强机体免疫功能有关.  相似文献   

眼镜蛇毒组分C的抗瘤活性及其对肿瘤细胞存活率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植飞  赵路宁 《蛇志》1998,10(3):1-3
目的观察眼镜蛇毒组分C对BALB/C型小鼠腹水型肝癌H22的抑瘤作用及其体外对肝癌H22细胞存活率的直接影响。方法通过半体内实验,观察眼镜蛇毒组分C对小鼠腹水型肝癌H22的抑瘤率;通过细胞培养,以细胞存活率为指标观察中华眼镜蛇毒组分C对BALB/C型小鼠腹水型肝癌H22细胞在体外的直接杀伤作用。结果眼镜蛇毒组分C能明显抑制BALB/C型小鼠腹水型肝癌H22细胞的生长,其抑瘤作用随剂量增大而增强,IC50为95mg/L。在体外,眼镜蛇毒组分C的浓度对BALB/C型小鼠腹水型肝癌H22细胞存活率的影响随其作用剂量的增大而增强,IC50为9mg/L;同时,这种影响还随其作用时间的延长而增强。结论眼镜蛇毒组分C对BALB/C型小鼠腹水型肝癌H22有显著的抑瘤作用。  相似文献   

马齿苋多糖对S180荷瘤小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文探讨马齿苋多糖对S180荷瘤小鼠免疫功能的影响。马齿苋采用水提醇沉法得到马齿苋多糖,分别以50、100、200mg/kg通过腹腔给药10d,观察马齿苋多糖对S180荷瘤小鼠的抑瘤作用及对小鼠淋巴细胞转化功能、腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬能力、白介素-l(IL-1)和白介素-2(IL-2)生成量的影响。结果显示,马齿苋多糖对S180荷瘤小鼠有明显的抑瘤作用,抑瘤率分别为16.92%、51.45%和64.96%。不同剂量马齿苋多糖与对照组相比可明显促进淋巴细胞的转化、小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬能力,可有效的增加荷瘤小鼠脾淋巴细胞的转化和腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬能力以及白介素-1(IL-1)和白介素-2(IL-2)的分泌。说明马齿苋多糖对S180荷瘤小鼠具有显著的抗肿瘤作用,其作用机制与增强小鼠免疫作用有关。  相似文献   

芪红胶囊通过免疫调节治疗病毒性心肌炎小鼠   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的观察芪红胶囊是否通过调节病毒性心肌炎小鼠的免疫系统发挥抗病毒作用。方法实验选用纯系雄性BALB/c小鼠,分组为:正常对照组、假处理对照组、利巴韦林对照组、芪红胶囊高、中、低剂量组,每组均为20只小鼠,腹腔注射10-3TCID50CVB3病毒造成病毒性心肌炎模型,4 h后灌胃给予芪红胶囊进行治疗,以利巴韦林作为阳性对照药物,于第3、6、9、12、15天随机选择每组中的4只动物进行实验。应用SABA18生化分析仪检测小鼠血清中LDH和CK-MB含量;通过芪红胶囊抑制VSV病毒在L929细胞上的毒力,测定芪红胶囊刺激脾细胞产生干扰素的效价;应用固定病毒稀释血清法测定血清中中和抗体浓度,最后取出小鼠心脏,制备心肌组织悬液,检测不同分组心脏组织中CVB病毒滴度。结果芪红胶囊能够显著降低血清中CK-MB和LDH含量(P〈0.05),显示心脏受损程度减轻,并呈现量效关系;芪红胶囊具有诱生干扰素的能力,与病毒对照组间存在显著的统计学差异(P〈0.05),利巴韦林组刺激干扰素产生的能力非常明显,优于芪红胶囊。此外,芪红胶囊具有刺激机体产生中和抗体的能力。对各组小鼠心肌组织悬液进行病毒滴度测定,发现病毒对照组小鼠的血清中,从第3天开始病毒滴度逐步上升,芪红胶囊药效组能够明显降低血清中的病毒滴度,在5个不同的时期均与病毒对照组存在显著的统计学差异(P〈0.05),利巴韦林组也有明显的降低病毒滴度的作用(P〈0.05)。结论芪红胶囊能够减少CVB病毒在心肌组织中的繁殖,其机制与芪红胶囊对小鼠免疫系统的调节有关。  相似文献   

目的 建立小鼠腹腔水液体积的检测方法并评价肾阳虚模型小鼠的水负荷状况.方法选取正常小鼠12 只,根据"阿基米德原理"改进实验方法测量小鼠的腹腔水液体积,对其腹腔水液体积测量的稳定性进行评价;选取正常小鼠5 只,利用小鼠腹腔水液检测方法对其进行线性关系考察;将SPF 级昆明种雄性小鼠30 只,随机分为正常组和肾阳虚模型组,肾阳虚模型组上午按0.08 mg/10 g 腹腔注射苯甲酸雌二醇注射,正常组腹腔注射相同剂量的大豆油,下午两组均腹腔注射1 mL 的生理盐水造成水负荷,连续15 d.结果该测量方法的稳定性和线性关系考察均取得了良好的效果;与正常组相比,造模后体重显著性降低(P <0.01),肛温显著性降低(P <0.01),趾温差异无显著性(P >0.05);自主活动明显减少(P <0.05);游泳时间明显降低(P <0.01),综合评价说明肾阳虚造模成功;肾阳虚模型组的腹腔水液测量体积整体表现出下降的趋势,腹水指数显著高于正常组(P <0.05).结论该检测方法可以快速、准确的测量出小鼠腹腔水液测量体积和腹水指数的变化,可以能较客观地评价中医证候的特点,为中医证候症状描述进一步提供实验数据支持.  相似文献   

Investigations were performed to study: 1) the antitumor effect of BCG pretreatment on the development of Ehrlich ascites tumor in mice; 2) the effect of BCG administration in relation to the period of time before tumor inoculation and the dose levels used, and 3) the antitumor effect of an associated pretreatment of BCG and Polidin on the development of Ehrlich ascites tumor. BCG administered prior to Ehrlich ascites tumor inoculation have a protective effect evidenced by a delay in tumor development, a prolonged survival of the tumor host and, in some cases, even inhibition of tumor growth. The effect of BCG was highly dependent on 1) the dose and the time of administration of BCG and) 2 the combined pretreatment of BCG and Polidin.  相似文献   

Investigations were performed: a) to compare the effect of two nonspecific immunostimulants, Polidin and Corynebacterium parvum, on the development of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice; b) to determine whether the effects are dependent on the tumor cell dose inoculated into the animals. C. parvum and Polidin administered prior to Ehrlich ascites tumor inoculation have a protective effect evidenced by a delay in tumor development, a retardation in tumor growth and a prolonged survival of the tumor host. The effect of immunostimulants was highly dependent on the tumor cell dose inoculated into mice and was more marked with C. parvum.  相似文献   

Antitumor activity observed by treatment with Streptococcus thermophilus was further investigated. The mice cured from fibrosarcoma by treatment with heat-killed preparation of S. thermophilus, when challenged with fibrosarcoma failed to take up the tumor. However, these cured mice when challenged with sarcoma-180 or Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, did not show significant changes in tumor take and/or survival compared to their respective controls. Similarly, mice cured from sarcoma-180 were challenged with fibrosarcoma, sarcoma-180 or Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Though there was no change in the mean survival time (MST) of the dying mice regarding sarcoma-180 or Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, there was 50 and 30% increase in the number of mice that showed total regression respectively over controls. However, there was no difference in the growth rate of fibrosarcoma. Similar observations were made with mice cured from Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, challenged with these tumors. These findings thus suggest that the antitumor response was tumor-specific and that tumor-associated antigens may have a role in imparting this specificity. Bacterial treatment non-specifically augmented this primary response.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the growth of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice of the SHK line exposed to hypofractionated high-dose irradiation by a thin scanning proton beam has been analyzed for different irradiation volumes and different time intervals (from 4 to 24 hours) between two 30-Gy fractions. Irradiation of the gross tumor volume and the planned target volume was performed within the Bragg peak; the energy of protons at the outlet of the accelerator ranged from 85 to 100 MeV. Hypofractionated irradiation of the gross tumor volume of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma resulted in a more pronounced antitumor effect than the irradiation of the planned target volume. The effect did not depend on the interval between the irradiation episodes.  相似文献   

The roots of Pfaffia paniculata (Brazilian ginseng) have been indicated for the treatment of several diseases, among which the cancer. The purpose of this study was to investigate experimentally the possible antineoplastic effect of this root. Firstly, a toxicity study was performed in which the doses of 400 and 200 mg/Kg of the powdered root were administered by gavage for 10 days to BALB/cICB mice. The mice did not lose weight during the treatment. No increase in serum alanine-aminotransferase neither histopathological alteration (liver, kidney and spleen) was observed in mice treated with P. paniculata. The effect of this root on the ascitic Ehrlich tumor in BALB/cICB mice was then investigated. Male mice received, by gavage, once a day, 200 mg/Kg of the powdered root of P. paniculata or distilled water, as control, for 20 days. This protocol started 10 days before tumor inoculation with 5 x 10(6) cells i.p., and lasted until 10 days after. The ascitic tumor was evaluated by the quantification of the volume of the ascitic fluid, relative number of tumor cells and total number of tumor cells. A decrease in the total ascitic volume was observed in P. paniculata treated mice, that was followed by a numerical decrease in the total number of Ehrlich tumor cells. These results may indicate that P. paniculata anti-inflammatory effects were responsible by the decrease in the total ascitic fluid. In addition, the presence of tumor-cell inhibitory factors in P. paniculata roots is in agreement with other in vitro studies. The mechanisms of such tumor inhibition should be further investigated.  相似文献   

The effect of bleomycin against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma transplanted subcutaneously to mice used in combination with bestatin was investigated. Male Balb/c mice weighting approximately 20 g and bred in our laboratories were used in this study. Each mouse was injected in its left lateral abdominal region subcutaneously with 7 X 10(6) tumor cells in 0.2 ml of ascites fluid. The mice were divided into four groups: control, bestatin alone (5 mg/kg intraperitoneally on Days 9-14), bleomycin alone (10 mg/kg intraperitoneally on Days 7 and 8), and bestatin plus bleomycin. Our results show that bestatin enhances the antitumor effect of bleomycin against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma as measured by the increased survival rates. Being an agent of very low toxicity, bestatin should be considered as a part of the chemoimmunotherapy protocol.  相似文献   

张楠  包海鹰  徐璐 《菌物研究》2013,11(1):45-48
考察了几种中药对鳞柄白鹅膏中毒小鼠的解毒作用。鳞柄白鹅膏为极毒真菌,当其干燥子实体水溶液质量浓度>10mg/mL时,小鼠全部死亡,质量浓度为10mg/mL时,小鼠在9 h内全部死亡,选择这一浓度使小鼠中毒,使用所选中药对小鼠进行解毒试验。结果表明:水飞蓟(7.8 g/kg)、绿豆(3.9 g/kg)及甘草(1.3 g/kg)均能延迟小鼠的死亡时间,但与对照组相比差异不显著。灵芝(1.95 g/kg)对小鼠的死亡时间有明显的延迟作用,并与对照组相比差异显著(P<0.05)。同时使用灵芝剂量为首次解毒试验剂量的100倍水煎液(195 g/kg)和300倍水煎液(585 g/kg),以及按原料剂量为195 g/kg提取其中三萜及多糖用于对鹅膏中毒小鼠的解毒试验。结果表明:试验组小鼠的死亡时间均有延迟,其中195 g/kg剂量灵芝组和灵芝三萜试验组与对照组相比差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The study of the effect of ascitic fluid and dialysate of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (M.m. less than 15 kDa) on the growth of Ehrlich carcinoma and teratoma T-36 has shown that both the ascitic fluid and dialysate can protect tumor cells in vivo. The number of animals with tumors increased from 0% in control animals to 60 and 20%, respectively, in experimental ones after transplantation i.m. of 20 x 10(3) Ehrlich tumor cells into mice. Compared to control, ascitic fluid and dialysate of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells increased the rate of tumor growth to 195 and 153%, respectively. It is suggested that this test-system simulates the effect of tumor humoral factors in vivo.  相似文献   

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