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窄叶败酱PatriniaangustifoliaHemsl.为败酱科多年生草本植物。它生长于海拔 1 80 0m左右的山坡草丛、林下、路旁、沟边等地。分布于湖北、四川、湖南、江西、安徽、浙江、河南、山东。鄂东地区分布于浠水、黄冈、英山、罗田、麻城、红安等地。常用中药败酱即来源于窄叶败酱和白花败酱 (P .villosaJuss.)、黄花败酱 (P .scabiosaefoliaFisch.)等的带根全草。败酱根茎含齐墩果酸、败酱甙 (patrinoside)、败酱草甙 (scabioside)及挥发油(约 8% )、生物碱等活…  相似文献   

目的:考察满山红软胶囊祛痰止咳作用。方法:通过观察小鼠气道内酚红排泌法,考察满山红软胶囊的祛痰作用;采用浓氨水致小白鼠咳嗽模型,考察满山红软胶囊止咳的作用。结果:灌胃给予满山红软胶囊1.1g生药/kg、2.2g生药/kg、4.4g生药/kg(相当于人临床剂量的11、22、44倍)剂量可使小鼠酚红分泌量明显增加;灌胃给予满山红软胶囊1.1g生药/kg、2.2g生药/kg、4.4g生药/kg(相当于人临床剂量的11、22、44倍)剂量可明显延长小鼠咳嗽潜伏期,明显降低2min内小鼠咳嗽次数。结论:满山红软胶囊具有祛痰、止咳作用。  相似文献   

本文观察了番茄叶水提物对小鼠的急性毒性及其对脂多糖诱导急性炎症模型大鼠的影响。采用经典的急性毒性试验方法,观察小鼠口服给予番茄叶水提物的死亡率,按寇氏法计算半数致死量(LD50)。50只SD大鼠随机分为正常组、模型组、阳性药泼尼松5 mg/kg组与番茄叶水提物3.19、1.59 g/kg组,连续给药10 d,每天一次。以腹腔注射脂多糖(LPS)建立急性炎症模型,ELISA法测定血清白细胞介素1(IL-1)、白细胞介素6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)。结果显示,番茄叶水提物单次灌胃给药的LD50为46.44g/kg,95%可信限为39.52~54.60 g/kg。3.19 g/kg番茄叶水提物可明显降低LPS诱导的急性炎症小鼠血清IL-1、IL-6和TNF-α水平。番茄叶水提物抑制LPS诱导急性炎症的作用机制可能与其降低血清炎症因子水平有关。  相似文献   

目的:研究明日叶查尔酮对小鼠急性辐射氧化损伤及细胞增长与凋亡的防护作用。方法:将50只昆明种小鼠随机分五组,每组10只。低、中、高剂量组每天灌胃给予明日叶查尔酮4、20、40 mg/kg,辐射损伤组与空白对照组给予生理盐水,连续5 d,第6天给予一次性X射线全身照射4 Gy,空白对照组不照射。照射后按前述方法继续灌胃5天处死动物,检测各组小鼠肝脏总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、脂质过氧化物(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及肝细胞Bcl-2蛋白表达水平。结果:与正常对照组比较,辐射损伤组T-AOC、SOD及Bcl-2降低,MDA含量增高,高剂量组较辐射损伤组T-AOC、SOD及Bcl-2升高,MDA含量降低,上述各组的差异均有显著性意义(p0.05)。结论:明日叶查尔酮对小鼠X射线所致的氧化损伤有一定防护作用。  相似文献   

本实验以腹腔注射环磷酰胺建立免疫低下小鼠模型,灌胃给予水解南珠片高、中和低剂量(2.04 g/kg,1.02 g/kg和0.51 g/kg)30 d,观察水解南珠片对免疫低下小鼠免疫功能的影响。结果显示,水解南珠片高剂量(2.04 g/kg)能显著提高免疫低下小鼠单核巨噬细胞系统碳粒廓清指数K(p0.05);水解南珠片高、中、低剂量(2.04 g/kg,1.02 g/kg,0.51 g/kg)能显著提高免疫低下小鼠外周血T淋巴细胞相对数量(p0.01);水解南珠片高、中剂量(2.04 g/kg,1.02 g/kg)能显著提高免疫低下小鼠血清溶血素吸光度值(p0.01)。上述结果表明,水解南珠片对免疫功能低下小鼠的固有免疫、细胞免疫和体液免疫功能均有一定的增强作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究红花水提取液对系统性硬皮病(SSc)模型小鼠的防治作用及相关机制研究。方法:60只 BALB /C小鼠随机分为对照组、模型组、强的松组、红花低、中、高剂量组,每组10只。对照组背部注射生理盐水,其余5组均背部皮下注射100 μl浓度为 200 μg /ml的注射用盐酸博来霉素,每天1次,连续注射28 d,制备SSc模型;造模同时对照组和模型组给予生理盐水10 ml/kg灌胃,强的松组给予强的松溶液4.5 mg/kg (10 ml/kg)灌胃,红花低、中、高剂量组分别给予红花1.5、3、6 g/kg (10 ml/kg)灌胃,各组均连续灌胃28 d。给药28 d后,取各组小鼠背部注射博来霉素区皮肤组织切片测量真皮厚度,采用水解法检测皮肤组织羟脯氨酸(HYP)含量;采用ELISA法检测皮肤组织结缔组织生长因子(CTGF)、转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)含量及血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-17(IL-17)水平。结果:与对照组比较,模型组皮肤真皮厚度,皮肤组织CTGF、TGF-β、HYP含量及血清 IL-6、IL-17 水平明显升高(P<0.05);与模型组比较,强的松组、红花低、中、高剂量组皮肤真皮厚度,皮肤组织 CTGF、TGF-β、HYP含量及血清 IL-6、IL-17水平明显降低(P<0.05)。结论:红花水提取液可改善SSc小鼠皮肤状况(或真皮厚度),其作用机制可能与减轻免疫炎症反应有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨金银花黄酮对小鼠血清免疫酶活性与淋巴器官的抗氧化作用。方法:将50只昆明小鼠随机分为5组(n=10):正常组、模型组、低剂量组、中剂量组、高剂量组。模型组和正常组小鼠生理盐水灌胃,低、中、高剂量组分别给予金银花黄酮100 mg/kg、200 mg/kg、400 mg/kg体重灌胃。连续灌胃7周后,除正常组注射生理盐水,其他各组小鼠均采用25 mg/kg体重的地塞米松连续3 d皮下注射,造成免疫抑制后继续灌胃1周,处死全部小鼠,取血和胸腺、脾脏,称重胸腺和脾脏,计算小鼠脏器指数,测定血浆中酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、溶菌酶(LSZ)活力,以及胸腺和脾脏匀浆中单胺氧化酶(MAO)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)。结果:金银花黄酮能显著提高免疫抑制小鼠的脏器指数,增加免疫抑制小鼠血清ACP、AKP和LSZ活力,提高免疫抑制小鼠的脾脏、胸腺组织T-AOC和SOD活性,而明显降低MAO和MDA含量。结论:金银花黄酮能显著调节小鼠血清免疫酶活性,提高淋巴器官的抗氧化功能,表明具其有良好的免疫调节功能。  相似文献   

目的:考察五味子甲素对溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)小鼠血液流变性及凝血功能的影响。方法:以三硝基苯磺酸(TNBS)灌肠制备溃疡性结肠炎小鼠模型,UC小鼠随机分为模型组、阳性对照组及五味子甲素高、中、低剂量组(80,40,20mg/kg),同时设立正常对照组,每组10只。灌胃给药,正常组、模型组分别给予等体积蒸馏水,阳性对照组给予500 mg/kg柳氮磺吡啶(SASP),连续给药14 d。观察五味子甲素对UC小鼠全血黏度及凝血功能的影响。结果:与UC模型组小鼠比较,五味子甲素可显著降低UC小鼠全血黏度(P0.05),延长出血时间(bleeding time,BT)(P0.01)及凝血时间(clotting time,CT)(P0.05),其中甲素高剂量组作用最强,与SASP阳性对照组相当,并呈剂量依赖性。结论:五味子甲素可改善UC小鼠血液流变性及凝血功能,此作用有利于UC溃疡黏膜的修复与疾病的治疗。  相似文献   

目的研究5-氟尿嘧啶(5-fluorouracil,5-FU)诱导小鼠化疗性肠黏膜炎动物模型。方法采用不同剂量的5-FU单次或连续5 d腹腔注射给予小鼠,每日观察小鼠体重、腹泻情况,并分别于末次给药后72 h或24 h,观察小鼠外周血象及小肠组织病理形态学改变。结果与正常组比较,单次或连续5 d给予5-FU后,各剂量组小鼠出现不同程度的腹泻及体重降低,外周血象白细胞和血小板水平明显降低(P0.05或P0.01),其中单次给药400 mg/kg组、连续给药50,100 mg/kg组出现明显的肠黏膜炎病理特征,100 mg/kg组剂量过高,死亡率达100%。结论单次或连续5 d给予5-FU诱导小鼠肠黏膜炎的作用呈剂量相关性,其中单次给药以400 mg/kg为合适剂量,连续5 d给药以50 mg/kg为合适剂量。  相似文献   

南瓜多糖的降血脂作用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了南瓜多糖对正常小鼠和四氧嘧啶型糖尿病小鼠血脂的影响.对正常小鼠灌胃高低两个剂量(200、400mg/kg)的南瓜多糖水溶液;对建模成功的小鼠随机分为模型对照组、南瓜多糖组(400mg/kg的PP)和优降糖组(15mg/kg的优降糖),灌胃给药.对两种类型小鼠的处理均设立正常对照组,给予等体积的生理盐水,测定小鼠的TC、 TG、 LDL-C、 HDL-C的含量.结果表明高剂量的南瓜多糖对正常小鼠的降血脂效果优于低剂量;南瓜多糖使糖尿病小鼠的TC、 TG、 LDL-C显著降低,HDL-C极显著升高;并且南瓜多糖的降血脂效果与优降糖相比无显著差异.  相似文献   

Achyranthes apsera is an abundant indigenous herb in India. Extracts of the whole plant had shown an abortifacient effect in mice. Maximal activity was in the benzene extract which was tested. The drug, in olive oil, was given orally to rabbits in doses of 50 mg/kg of body weight on the 8th day postcoitum. Laparotomy was done on the 11th day. No implantation sites were found. However, ovaries contained prominent corpus luteum, indicating that the drug had prevented pregnancy. In rats, the drug was given orally as a single dose of 50 mg/kg of body weight on the 6th or 7th day after mating. No effect was observed. In mice the drug was given at a single dose of either 10, 15, 25, or 50 mg/kg of body weight. For toxicity tests in mice, a single dose of 1000 mg/kg of body weight was given. After 1 month animals were autopsied and the organs examined. The drug was nontoxic. For a chronic toxicity test 75 mg/kg of body weight was given every 21 days. After 6 months of drug treatment, blood and tissue samples were examined. No toxic effects were observed. For a teratogenic study, 15 mated female mice were fed 10 or 25 mg/kg of body weight on Day 6 of gestation. 3 generations of offspring showed no malformations. In mice, abortifacient effects were noted with a maximum activity at 50 mg/kg of body weight. The drug showed no estrogenic, antiestrogenic, or androgenic effects in mice. Progesterone or pituitary extract given along with the drug did not prevent abortions in mice. The drug was species-specific in that no abortifacient effect was found in rats.  相似文献   

The ability to prevent schistosomiasis by using an oral chemoprophylactic agent, which acts by preventing cercarial penetration, has been unexplored. We initially examined the effect of praziquantel (PZQ) as such an agent and found that it was moderately effective in blocking cercarial penetration, but that this effect was dependent on the vehicle used to administer the drug. ICR mice were given a total of 200 mg/kg PZQ per os over an 8-hr period in a divided dose of 50 mg/kg/2 hr. At time periods ranging from 0 to 92 hr after the last dose, mice were exposed to approximately 75 75Se-labeled cercariae via the tail. Twenty-four hours later, mice were sacrificed, their tails were removed and subjected to autoradiography, and the percentage of penetration was calculated. Cremophor El, 50% PEG 200, 50% propylene glycol, vegetable oil, and cod liver oil were used as PZQ vehicles. When Cremophor El (ethoxylated castor oil) was used to administer PZQ, a 93% reduction in cercarial penetration was seen at 0 hr and a 98%+ reduction rate was seen from 4 to 24 hr postexposure. However, Cremophor El alone had an essentially equivalent effect on cercarial penetration from 8 to 92 hr after administration. These unexpected results led us to investigate both castor oil and ricinoleic acid (castor oil is 87% ricinoleate as triglyceride) as oral anti-penetration agents. Mice were given the lipids orally by gavage for 7 days. On Day 8, each group of 12 mice was exposed to approximately 75 75Se-radiolabeled cercariae. Castor oil gave protection rate ranging from 90 to almost 100% at an optimal concentration of 0.3 ml/day x 3 or 7 days (approximately 9.8 g/kg/day). These observations suggest that chemoprophylaxis may be possible by dietary supplementation with lipids having anti-penetration activity or by molecules that resemble these lipids.  相似文献   

Water soluble dried powder of alcoholic extract of roots and rhizomes of A. calamus L. was used. The in vivo experiments involved strychnine convulsant activity in frogs, spontaneous motor activity and amphetamine hyperactivity in mice, pentobarbitone sleeping-time in rats and local anaesthetic activity in guinea pigs and rabbits. Frog skeletal muscle and heart preparations and rat phrenic nerve diaphragm constituted the in vitro experiments. Plant extracts at 10, 20 mg/kg ip did not afford protection to strychnine (1,5,2.5 mg/kg) induced convulsions and same effect was found on acetylcholine induced contractions of rectus muscle except that it inhibited caffeine citrate contractions in frog. At 1, 10 and 100 micrograms/ml doses, it caused negative iono- and chronotropic effects in frogs. Dosages of 10, 25, 50 mg/kg ip of herbal extract antagonize spontaneous motor activity and also amphetamine induced hyperactivity in mice. It was less potent than chloropromazine, though exerts sedative and tranquilizing action. Local anaesthetic activity was found to be absent at 0.5 and 1% dose levels.  相似文献   

Choi EJ 《Life sciences》2008,82(21-22):1059-1064
We investigated the effects of the chronic administration of hesperetin on the activation of the antioxidant defence system in mice in which oxidative stress had been induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). Mice were divided randomly into three treatment groups. Hesperetin was administered orally to two of the three groups at 10 and 50 mg/kg body weight for 5 weeks. Subsequently, each group was subdivided randomly into DMBA-treated and untreated groups. The DMBA-treated groups were intragastrically administered a dose of 34 mg/kg BW in corn oil vehicle twice a week for 2 weeks. The TBARS value showed a tendency to decrease following hesperetin treatment; these decreases were significantly greater in the DMBA-treated than the untreated groups. Hesperetin significantly decreased the carbonyl content at the high dose in both DMBA-treated and untreated mice. Catalase and SOD activity were increased by hesperetin; this increase was more pronounced in DMBA-treated than untreated mice. Catalase, Mn-SOD, and CuZn-SOD expression analyses supported these results. Although the GSH-px and GR activity were little affected, hesperetin treatment significantly increased the GSH/GSSG ratio in the DMBA-treated group in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that hesperetin shows antioxidant activity and plays a protective role against DMBA-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The aqueous extract and the essential oil of Satureja viminea (Lamiaceae) were tested. General physiologic effects were assessed through the Hippocratic screening test. Non fasted female Sprague Dawley rats were utilized and 250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg/kg doses were used. Two animals were used for each dosage level and for the vehicle alone. Exploratory behavior and curiosity were measured using a hole board apparatus and placing non-trained mice on the board and recording the number of holes explored in a 5 minute period. The Boissier chimney test was used to evaluate motor coordination. Muscle strength was assessed through a grasping test where mice were hung by their fore-limbs 40 cm above the base on a horizontal metal stainless bar. In all these tests, 3 groups of 6 albino mice, were treated with 1000 mg/kg of each the essential oil of S. viminea, the vehicle and diazepan (1 mg/kg) as a positive control. Analgesic activity was explored in Sprague-Dawley rats. The tail flick method described by D'Amour and Smith (1941) modified by CYTED was implemented on three groups (6 rats each) of animals treated with, each the essential oil of S. viminea (1000 mg/kg), the vehicle and indomethacine. The test was carried out just before and 30, 60 and 120 min after oral treatment. Peristaltic activity was measured in albino mice, three groups of 6 animals each, treated orally with each the essential oil of S. viminea (1000 mg/kg), the aqueous extract (1000 mg/kg), and the vehicle. The marker used was activated carbon. Animals were sacrificed 30 min after the marker was given and the percent of total small intestine traversed by it was calculated. Also a lethal dose 50 (LD 50) was determined with the Spearman-Karber method. A dose-related spontaneous motor activity reduction was observed. Exploratory behavior and curiosity were diminished. The grasping strength of mice was reduced. A very clear and significant analgesic effect was observed with the oral administration of the essential oil of S. viminea (1000 mg/kg). This effect is compared to that of indomethacine. Intestinal transit and gastric emptying were inhibited by the essential oil. The LD50 of the essential oil of S. viminea is 556.8 mg/kg.  相似文献   

灵芝对小鼠空间分辨学习与记忆的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用Y-型迷宫法测试小鼠空间分辨行为。实验结果表明,每日ig灵芝2.58/kg共7d,有明显促进学习的作用。每日ig灵芝2.5g/kg共7d或ig灵芝5g/kg共7d都能显著地拮坑东莨菪碱所致学习障碍的作用。此外,学习训练后立即ig灵芝2.5g/kg或ig灵芝5g/kg也有明显地改善东莨菪碱损害记忆巩固的作用。  相似文献   

The teratogenic effects of methylmercuric chloride (MMC) given orally as a single dose to pregnant ICR mice on day 10 of gestation were examined. The doses tested were 25, 20, 15 and 10 mg/kg. Controls received distilled water orally. Each group consisted of 20 females. Fetuses were taken on day 18 of gestation for teratological study. The number of resorbed or dead embryos was moderately increased in the 25 mg/kg group. Fetuses from dams given 25, 20 and 15 mg/kg MMC weighed significantly less than those in the control group. Many fetuses with malformations were observed in the treated groups; cleft palate occurred in 100, 58.6 and 28.0% of fetuses from dams given 25, 20 and 15 mg/kg MMC, respectively (statistically significant). Hydronephrosis appeared in 23.8 and 18.5% of fetuses from dams given 25 and 20 mg/kg MMC, respectively (statistically significant). Skeletal variations, incomplete ossification of sternebrae, for example, were also observed in the treated groups. These results indicate that MMC is teratogenic so far as cleft palate is concerned and embryotoxic in ICR mice.  相似文献   

Low testosterone levels are caused by alcoholism, cigarette smoking, and exposure to toxic chemicals. This work focused on investigating the activities of propolis (PE) and bee pollen (BPE) extracts in reducing the oxidative stress of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in male mice models. The 48 male Swiss Albino mice weighed 27.5 ± 2.5 g and were divided into: Group1: Control (-) received distilled water only through oral intubation; Group 2: Control (- -) received corn oil by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection once a day; Group 3: Control (+) received a sublethal dose of CCL4 intraperitoneally the end of the experiment. Group 4: Stander treated with silymarin at a daily dose of 200 mg/kg orally. Group 5: The mice were given 8.4 mg/ kg bw of (PE) orally. Group 6: The mice were given (BPE) extract (140 mg/kg bw) orally. After five consecutive days of treatment, all mice had testis injury in all groups except G1& G2, by a single i.p injection of CCL4 at a dose of 0.5 mL/kg (bw; 20% v/v in corn oil). The result showed a significant increase in luteinizing, follicle-stimulating, and testosterone hormone levels in the serum and semen parameters in the groups treated with PE and BPE. The histological results showed the greatest improvements in testis structures in the BPE group, which was confirmed using (Bcl-2; immunohistochemistry). These results suggest an important role of the antioxidative effects of PE and BPE in the attenuation of CCl4 oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Mitigation of lindane induced toxicity in testis of Swiss mice by combined treatment with vitamin C, vitamin E and alpha-lipoic acid has been evaluated. Male healthy mice (40), 8-10 weeks old were randomly selected and divided into 4 groups, control (C); lindane (L); antioxidant (A) and antioxidant plus lindane (A+L). Group C animals were administered only the vehicle (olive oil); in group L lindane was administered orally at a dose of 40 mg/kg body wt.; in group A combination of antioxidants at a dose of 125 mg/kg body wt.(vitamin C: 50 mg/kg body wt., vitamin E: 50 mg/kg body wt. and alpha-lipoic acid: 25 mg/kg body wt.) was administered orally; in group A+L both antioxidants (125 mg/kg body wt.) and lindane (40 mg/kg body wt.) were administered at their respective doses. In group A+L antioxidants were administered 1 h prior to lindane administration. All treatments were continuously given for 60 days. Histopathological changes due to lindane intoxication indicated shrunken and distorted seminiferous tubules, sparse Leydig cells and blood vessels and atrophy in the tissue. The testis weight also decreased significantly. Lindane treated group showed increased lipid peroxidation, whereas glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase and protein were significantly decreased compared to control. Lindane induced damage was minimized by administration of antioxidants. Results suggest that combined pretreatment with antioxidants can alleviate the damage caused to testis by lindane.  相似文献   

In this study the antinociceptive and the gastroprotective effects of orally administered or inhaled Lavandula hybrida Reverchon "Grosso" essential oil, and its principal constituents linalool and linalyl acetate were evaluated in rodents. Either when orally administered (100 mg/kg) or inhaled for 60 min lavender essential oil significantly reduced the acetic acid-writhing response in a naloxone-sensitive manner. In the hot plate test, analgesic activity observed after oil inhalation was inhibited by naloxone, atropine, mecamylamine pretreatment suggesting the involvement of opioidergic as well as cholinergic pathways. Regardless of the administration route and the experimental model used both linalool and linalyl acetate did not produce significant analgesic response. Oral or inhalatory treatment with analgesic doses of essential oil did not affect mice spontaneous locomotor activity. Concerning the gastric effects, lavender oil, linalool and linalyl acetate oral administration protected against acute ethanol-induced gastric ulcers but did not prevent indomethacin-induced lesions indicating no interference with arachidonic acid metabolic cascade. In conclusion, besides this gastroprotection, lavender oil reveals an interesting analgesic activity mainly relevant after inhalation, at doses devoid of sedative side effect, suggesting the interest for potential application of this oil in aromatherapy.  相似文献   

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