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ABSTRACT Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology can be used to implement automated bird‐monitoring systems and, therefore, could be of use to field ornithologists. However, the cost of a large‐scale RFID network can be prohibitive for those with limited research budgets. We describe a simple RFID reader/data logger that can be constructed for less than $40 (excluding tools and a battery). This device can be mounted on birdfeeders, nest boxes, nests, or any location repeatedly visited by birds fitted with small RFID tags (i.e., passive integrated transponder or PIT tags). To demonstrate the potential of this low‐cost RFID reader, we monitored the use of feeders by wintering songbirds in central New York and generated a data set consisting of more than 500,000 feeder visits over 5 mo. These data revealed several interesting behaviors, including high visitation rates by some individuals (>200 visits per day), long‐distance movements between feeders (emigration and immigration), and species‐specific patterns of feeder use. Although the system performed well in relatively harsh winter conditions, occasional battery failures and water damage led to some loss of data. Nevertheless, we amassed over 8000 h of monitoring by investing approximately 6 h of labor per week. In addition to recording tag numbers and time stamps, the RFID reader can interface with sensors and actuators, permitting the collection of additional data (such as body mass) and allowing control of motors or solenoids to interact with targeted individuals. RFID technology has great potential for use in a variety of ornithological studies, and we hope our device helps make this technology more accessible.  相似文献   

Carmine bee‐eaters make attractive additions to zoo aviaries but breeding programs have had challenges and limited success. The objectives of this study were to document nesting behavior of Carmine bee‐eaters in a captive setting and compare reproductive success between a novel nest box (plastic, 17 × 30 × 22 cm) and a PVC pipe model used previously (30 cm long, 8 cm in diameter). Three bee‐eater pairs were given access to seven nest chambers (six novel boxes, one PVC model). Behavioral observations occurred during a 15‐min period in the morning or afternoon before egg production and continued until chicks fledged for a total of 87 observation periods (21.75 hr). All occurrences by an individual bird entering or exiting a nest tunnel, food provision, and the time (min) spent inside a nest cavity were documented. Additionally, daily temperature within each nest chamber was recorded. Before eggs were produced the average daily temperature (23.02°C) within the nest chambers did not differ, suggesting that nest cavity choice was not influenced by temperature. No differences were detected among pairs in percent of observed time spent inside their nest cavities or number of times a nest tunnel was entered during the incubation or fledging periods. During incubation females spent a greater percent of observed time inside the nest cavity than males (P=0.02). During the fledging period food provision did not differ between the pairs, however males entered their nest tunnels more often per hour than females (P=0.03), and males tended to provide food more often than females (P=0.053). Two pairs nested in novel nest boxes and successfully fledged one chick each. The pair that nested in the PVC model did not fledge a chick. A nest box that aids in keeping eggs intact is essential for breeding bee‐eaters in captivity, and maintaining captive populations will provide opportunities for zoo visitors to enjoy these birds and will reduce the need to remove birds from the wild. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Breeding behaviors in a captive population of parakeet auklets (Cyclorrhynchus psittacula) were observed to determine whether a third bird present at the entrances to nest tunnels was a helper or competitor. Comparisons were made between focal pairs of nesting birds, two with and two without attendants. Pairs with attendants spent more time feeding and more time bathing and had less time with intruders (other than the third bird) at their tunnels. Nest attendants also helped in nest defense and incubation (taking some of the burden off the focal pair). Relatedness is unknown; therefore, kin selection cannot be assessed. Because all nest tunnels were occupied, however, limited breeding resources in the captive environment may make helping an adaptive alternative for mature birds. Zoo Biol 20:271–277, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology allows the unique identification of individuals and automated recording of the presence of tagged birds at fixed locations. Investigators have used RFID technology to examine questions related to pair formation, feeding rates, incubation behavior, prospecting behavior by nonbreeding birds, temporal changes in body condition, postfledging movements, dispersal, homing behavior, and other areas of ornithological interest. This technology can enable researchers to explore novel areas of inquiry and gather previously unobtainable quantities of information, allowing birds to record their own behavior without repeated capture and handling. In addition, RFID technology can be linked with other instruments, such as automated weighing devices, video cameras, infrared beams to detect the direction of movement, and temperature loggers, to collect additional data. New, inexpensive RFID technology has removed cost as a major constraint to the wider implementation of RFID in ornithological research. Because the technology requires that focal individuals come near (<10 cm) a reading antenna, RFID is not appropriate for all study systems and research questions. However, integrating RFID technology with additional instrumentation platforms and external data sets will continue to revolutionize studies of avian biology and behavior.  相似文献   

We examined the feasibility of automating the collection of hummingbird mass data facilitated by low‐cost, low‐power radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. In a field study in southern Ontario, wild hummingbirds were captured, subcutaneously implanted with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags, and released over a three‐year period. Tagged hummingbirds were detected at specially designed feeder stations outfitted with low‐cost, low‐power RFID readers coupled with a perch secured to a digital balance. When tagged birds visited the feeder, transponder detection initiated the recording of the perched hummingbird's mass at regular intervals continuing as long as the bird remained. This permitted a nearly continuous record of mass during each visit. Mass data collected from tagged hummingbirds showed consistent trends at multiple temporal scales: the individual feeder visit, single days, and even whole seasons. These results further confirm that RFID technology is safe for use in the smallest birds. The effective detection range is a function of RFID reader power, antenna, and tag size. Yet, we find that careful arrangement of feeders and detectors allows for reliable detection even when detection range is low. When coupled with additional technologies, such as a precision electronic balance, this approach can yield robust serial measures of physiological parameters such as mass, an indicator of energy balance over time.  相似文献   

National bird‐nest record schemes provide a valuable data source to study large‐scale changes in basic breeding biology and effects of climate change on birds. Using nest‐record scheme data from 26 common Finnish breeding bird species from whole Finland, we estimated the laydate of the first egg for 129 063 nesting attempts. We then investigated the relationship of mean spring temperature and spring precipitation sum to changes in the onset of laying over the period 1961–2012. In addition, we examine differences in response to these climatic variables for species grouped for different life history strategies; migration, diet and habitat. Finally, we test whether body size is related to the strength of phenological response. We show that 26 common Finnish breeding bird species have advanced their laying dates over time and to an increase in the mean spring temperature over the study period. When species are grouped according life history strategies, we find that breeding phenological change is negatively associated with changes in the mean spring temperature where residents respond strongest to changes in mean spring temperature, but also short‐ and long‐distance migrants advance laydates with increasing spring temperatures. Breeding phenological change is also associated with spring precipitation, where resident species delay and short‐distance migrants advance the onset of breeding. In addition we find that omnivorous species respond stronger than insectivorous species to changes in spring temperature. In contrast to results from an earlier study, we do not find evidence that small‐sized species respond stronger to spring temperature than large‐sized species. As climate warming is predicted to continue in the future, long‐term citizen science schemes, such as the Finnish nest‐card scheme, prove to be a valuable cost‐effective way to monitor the environment and allow investigation into how species are responding to changes in their environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Assumptions that populations of cavity‐nesting birds are limited by access to nest sites have largely been based on anecdotal reports or correlative data. Nest‐box‐addition experiments or tree‐cavity‐blocking experiments are potentially rigorous ways to investigate how densities of breeding birds are affected by access to nest cavities. Experimental evidence indicates that natural tree holes are limited in human‐altered landscapes, but the possibility that cavity nests are limited in old growth (unmanaged) forests is less clear. I reviewed 31 nest‐cavity‐removal or addition experiments conducted with 20 species of cavity‐nesting birds in mature forests. Of these 31 experiments conducted with a variety of different species of birds, only 19% reported statistically significant changes in breeding densities. However, none of these studies included data about the reproductive history of individuals colonizing the boxes (i.e., whether birds using the boxes would have otherwise been floaters or that birds excluded from blocked cavities on the plots did not simply move elsewhere), so they provided no strong evidence that the number of breeding pairs was limited by availability of nest sites at the population scale. Although some studies indicate that nest sites are limited at local (plot) scales in old growth forests, there is still little empirical evidence for nest‐site limitation at the population‐ and landscape‐level in mature, unmanaged forests. I review the challenges in designing and interpreting box‐addition experiments and highlight the main gaps in knowledge that should be targeted in the future.  相似文献   

Climate‐driven increases in spring temperatures are expected to result in higher prey availability earlier in the breeding season for insectivorous birds breeding in wetland habitats. Predation during the incubation phase is a major cause of nesting failure in open‐nesting altricial birds such as the Eurasian reed warbler. The nest predation rate in this species has recently been shown to be substantially reduced under conditions of experimentally elevated invertebrate prey availability. Food availability near the nest may be an important determinant of adult incubation and nest defence behaviours during the incubation period. We used two experimental studies to compare incubation behaviour and nest defence in food‐supplemented and unsupplemented adult Eurasian reed warblers during the incubation phase. In the first study we measured nest defence behavioural responses to a taxidermic mount of a native predator (stoat Mustela erminea). In the second study we used temperature loggers installed in nests to measure breaks in incubation as a measure of nest vulnerability. Food‐supplemented birds responded aggressively to the presence of a predator more quickly than those in the unsupplemented group, suggesting they are closer to their nest and can more quickly detect a predator in the vicinity. Food‐supplemented birds also had shorter breaks in incubation (both in terms of maximum and mean off‐bout durations), presumably because they were foraging for shorter periods or over shorter distances from the nest. This study therefore identifies the behavioural mechanisms by which changes in food availability may lead to changes in nest survival and thus breeding productivity, in open‐nesting insectivorous birds.  相似文献   

The provision of wild birds with supplementary food has increased substantially over recent decades. While it is assumed that provisioning birds is beneficial, supplementary feeding can have detrimental ‘carry‐over’ effects on reproductive traits. Due to difficulties in monitoring individual feeding behaviour, assessing how individuals within a population vary in their exploitation of supplementary food resources has been limited. Quantifying individual consumption of supplementary food is necessary to understand the operation of carry‐over effects at the individual level. We used Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and automated feeders to estimate individual consumption of supplementary winter food in a large wild population of great tits Parus major and blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus. Using these data, we identified demographic factors that explained individual variation in levels of supplementary food consumption. We also tested for carry‐over effects of supplementary food consumption on recruitment, reproductive success and a measure of survival. Individual variation in consumption of supplementary food was explained by differences between species, ages, sexes and years. Individuals were consistent across time in their usage of supplementary resources. We found no strong evidence that the extent of supplementary food consumption directly influenced subsequent fitness parameters. Such effects may instead result from supplementary food influencing population demographics by enhancing the survival and subsequent breeding of less competitive individuals, which reduce average breeding parameters and increase density‐dependent competition. Carry‐over effects of supplementary feeding are not universal and may depend upon the temporal availability of the food provided. Our study demonstrates how RFID systems can be used to examine individual‐level behaviour with minimal effects on fitness.  相似文献   

While considerable variations in both the frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) and the behavioral events that produce it are recognized among species, populations, individuals, and breeding attempts, the determinants of these variations are surprisingly difficult to establish. Nest predation may be one such determinant, since it is the most important source of reproductive failure, and past studies have suggested a variety of reproductive flexibilities under nest predation risk. However, despite its potentially significant effect on mating behaviors, nest predation risk has rarely been discussed in association with variations in intraspecific EPP patterns. Here, we examined the effect of naturally occurring nest predation, which varied between sites, years, and breeding attempts, on patterns of EPP in 92 broods (132 adults and 710 nestlings) of the Japanese great tit Parus major minor. We found that the frequency of extra‐pair offspring was positively correlated with the nest predation rate, along with a correlation to breeding attempts in a season, but not with other factors such as individual quality or breeding density. Under high nest‐predation risk, it may be adaptive for males to search for additional extra‐pair copulation to spread the risk of losing all offspring and to invest less in mate‐guarding, which also enables females to seek additional extra‐mating. The results of this study suggest that nest predation risk, among other factors, may significantly influence paternity allocation in birds.  相似文献   

Nest survival is critical to breeding in birds and plays an important role in life‐history evolution and population dynamics. Studies evaluating the proximate factors involved in explaining nest survival and the resulting temporal patterns are biased in favor of temperate regions. Yet, such studies are especially pertinent to the tropics, where nest predation rates are typically high and environmental conditions often allow for year‐round breeding. To tease apart the effects of calendar month and year, population‐level breeding activity and environmental conditions, we studied nest survival over a 64‐month period in equatorial, year‐round breeding red‐capped larks Calandrella cinerea in Kenya. We show that daily nest survival rates varied with time, but not in a predictable seasonal fashion among months or consistently among years. We found negative influences of flying invertebrate biomass and rain on nest survival and higher survival of nests when nests were more abundant, which suggests that nest predation resulted from incidental predation. Although an increase in nest predation is often attributed to an increase in nest predators, we suggest that in our study, it may be caused by altered predator activity resulting from increased activity of the primary prey, invertebrates, rather than activity of the red‐capped larks. Our results emphasize the need to conduct more studies in Afro‐tropical regions because proximate mechanisms explaining nest predation can be different in the unpredictable and highly variable environments of the tropics compared with the relatively predictable seasonal changes found in temperate regions. Such studies will aid in better understanding of the environmental influences on life‐history variation and population dynamics in birds.  相似文献   

Changes in the drinking behaviour of pigs may indicate health, welfare or productivity problems. Automated monitoring and analysis of drinking behaviour could allow problems to be detected, thus improving farm productivity. A high frequency radio frequency identification (HF RFID) system was designed to register the drinking behaviour of individual pigs. HF RFID antennas were placed around four nipple drinkers and connected to a reader via a multiplexer. A total of 55 growing-finishing pigs were fitted with radio frequency identification (RFID) ear tags, one in each ear. RFID-based drinking visits were created from the RFID registrations using a bout criterion and a minimum and maximum duration criterion. The HF RFID system was successfully validated by comparing RFID-based visits with visual observations and flow meter measurements based on visit overlap. Sensitivity was at least 92%, specificity 93%, precision 90% and accuracy 93%. RFID-based drinking duration had a high correlation with observed drinking duration (R2=0.88) and water usage (R2=0.71). The number of registrations after applying the visit criteria had an even higher correlation with the same two variables (R2=0.90 and 0.75, respectively). There was also a correlation between number of RFID visits and number of observed visits (R2=0.84). The system provides good quality information about the drinking behaviour of individual pigs. As health or other problems affect the pigs’ drinking behaviour, analysis of the RFID data could allow problems to be detected and signalled to the farmer. This information can help to improve the productivity and economics of the farm as well as the health and welfare of the pigs.  相似文献   

The multi‐scale spatial match between bird and food abundances is a main driver of the structure of fruit‐eating bird assemblages. We explored how the activity of fruit‐eating birds was influenced by the abundance of fruits at the local and landscape scales in Andean mountain forests during the breeding season, when most birds forage close to their nest. We measured: (1) the spatial scale of variation in the abundance of fruits, (2) the spatial scale of variation in the activity of fruit‐eating birds, and (3) the spatial match between both variables. The sampling design consisted of eleven 1.2‐ha sites, each subdivided into 30 cells of 20 × 20 m, where we sampled fruits and fruit‐eating birds. We found that fruit consumption, and to a lesser extent bird abundance, were associated with local spatial variation in abundance of selected fruit species. However, fruit‐eating birds did not modify their spatial distribution in the landscape following changes in availability of these fruits. Our study shows that fruit‐eating birds detect local spatial variation in fruit availability in their home breeding ranges, and exploit patches with large clusters of selected fruits. However, it may be unprofitable for breeding birds to stray too far from their nests to exploit fruit‐rich patches, accounting for the absence of fruit tracking at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

Contrary to assumptions of habitat selection theory, field studies frequently detect ‘ecological traps’, where animals prefer habitats conferring lower fitness than available alternatives. Evidence for traps includes cases where birds prefer breeding habitats associated with relatively high nest predation rates despite the importance of nest survival to avian fitness. Because birds select breeding habitat at multiple spatial scales, the processes underlying traps for birds are likely scale‐dependent. We studied a potential ecological trap for a population of yellow warblers Dendroica petechia while paying specific attention to spatial scale. We quantified nest microhabitat preference by comparing nest‐ versus random‐site microhabitat structure and related preferred microhabitat features with nest survival. Over a nine‐year study period and three study sites, we found a consistently negative relationship between preferred microhabitat patches and nest survival rates. Data from experimental nests described a similar relationship, corroborating the apparent positive relationship between preferred microhabitat and nest predation. As do other songbirds, yellow warblers select breeding habitat in at least two steps at two spatial scales; (1) they select territories at a coarser spatial scale and (2) nest microhabitats at a finer scale from within individual territories. By comparing nest versus random sites within territories, we showed that maladaptive nest microhabitat preferences arose during within‐territory nest site selection (step 2). Furthermore, nest predation rates varied at a fine enough scale to provide individual yellow warblers with lower‐predation alternatives to preferred microhabitats. Given these results, tradeoffs between nest survival and other fitness components are unlikely since fitness components other than nest survival are probably more relevant to territory‐scale habitat selection. Instead, exchanges of individuals among populations facing different predation regimes, the recent proliferation of the parasitic brown‐headed cowbird Molothrus ater, and/or anthropogenic changes to riparian vegetation structure are more likely explanations.  相似文献   

SAYAKA HORIE  MASAOKI TAKAGI 《Ibis》2012,154(2):285-295
Age‐related improvement in reproductive success is widely observed in birds, and the mechanisms by which productivity is enhanced have received considerable attention. However, little is known about how parental age affects the loss of eggs or nestlings despite the fact that age effects on nesting success are often reported. We examined parental age effects on reproductive success in relation to the avoidance of nest predation in an island subspecies of the Japanese White‐eye, the Daito White‐eye Zosterops japonicus daitoensis. Clutch size and annual number of breeding attempts did not differ between parental age classes. Reproductive success was affected only by male age through an increase in nesting success. Nest failure was attributed only to predation in this species and nest concealment and nest height were important nest characteristics promoting successful fledging. Older males built their nests in more concealed and higher positions than first‐year birds, regardless of vegetation status around the nest. Analysis of individual birds suggested that by shifting the nest to a safer position, male White‐eyes achieved higher nesting success than in the previous year. Of three hypotheses of age‐related improvement in reproductive success considered, our data favoured the hypothesis that as individuals grow older, their breeding competence improves.  相似文献   

In colonial species, first‐time breeders may use the number of settled conspecifics in colony selection, but such a relationship is confused by the correlation between colony size and nest‐site availability. To distinguish conspecific attraction from neutral colony selection, we experimentally increased nest availability for first‐year Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni, allowing us to dissociate the number of vacant nest‐sites from colony size at the arrival time of first‐year birds. Under natural conditions, the number of first‐year birds settling was positively correlated with both the number of philopatric and the total number of breeding pairs (colony size) already settled. However, the probability of occupation of experimentally manipulated nests by first‐year birds was independent of colony size. In experimental colonies, the number of first‐year birds settling was positively correlated with the number of manipulated nest‐sites but not with the number of conspecifics. Overall, these results support a neutral colony selection by first‐year Lesser Kestrels based on nest‐site availability.  相似文献   

Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) compete with endangered parrots for nest boxes and can hamper conservation efforts. We tested an integrated pest management push‐pull protocol in the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, in an effort to prevent bee swarms from colonizing nest boxes (N = 30 in the forest plus five in aviaries) meant for use by Vinaceous‐breasted Amazons (Amazona vinacea). Fifteen parrot nest boxes were treated with a permethrin insecticide to “push” scout bees away and each parrot box was paired with a bee trap box containing a pheromone lure to “pull” bees. Over a 1‐yr period (March 2013 to March 2014), 29 insect colonies moved into 18 of the 35 trap boxes. Nine Africanized honey bee, three native Jatai bee (Tetragonisca sp.), and 17 wasp colonies occupied trap boxes. Only one experimental push‐pull pair untreated parrot box was invaded by bees and no parrot boxes in aviaries were colonized. Four of the parrot nest boxes were occupied by birds during our study. Although none were used by Vinaceous‐breasted Amazons, Southern House Wrens (Troglodytes musculus), Green‐winged Saltators (Saltator similis), and Plain Parakeets (Brotogeris tirica) nested in the boxes and all nests were successful. Although long‐term studies are needed before drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of trap boxes, our results suggest that a push‐pull protocol may prove useful for reducing the use of nest boxes meant for parrots and other cavity‐nesting birds by Africanized honey bees and other insects.  相似文献   

Chemical signals in birds have rarely been considered as recognition cues. Nevertheless, recent experiments showed that several petrel species are able to recognize their nest by smell, and in at least one species even their mate. But the use of smell may be different across the petrel species and olfactory nest recognition appears to be dependent on species’ breeding biology. To increase our knowledge of individual olfactory recognition in petrels and the relationships between breeding biology and use of smell, we tested Wilson’s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus in Antarctica. In previous experiments, these birds failed to home if rendered anosmic, but the method employed to obtain anosmia (potentially stressing birds) and the fact that they breed in 24‐h daylight suggest that they might use visual, rather than olfactory, cues to recognize their nest. Our birds were tested in T‐maze experiments where nest odours or partner odours were presented. Wilson’s storm petrels preferred odours of their own nest and mate. Results on olfactory nest recognition confirm and complete previous results, viz. anosmic Wilson’s storm petrels do not home. Storm petrels olfactory mate recognition suggests that this ability may be widespread in burrowing petrels and implements olfactory nest recognition.  相似文献   

Fledgling birds sometimes abandon their own nest and move to neighboring nests where they are fed by host parents. This behaviour, referred to as ‘nest‐switching’, is well known in precocial birds that are mobile soon after hatching and can easily reach foster nests. In contrast, due to the difficulty of observing nest‐switching in territorial altricial birds, the causes and consequences of moving to others’ nests are poorly known in this group of birds. Nest‐switchers can be adopted by the foster parents or they can steal food from the host parents meant for their offspring, a form of kleptoparasitism, which may result in reduced breeding success of the host nest. In Israel, 12 barn owl fledglings left their natal nests and were found in 9 host nests out of 111 monitored nests (8.1%). Nest‐switchers that fledged earlier in the breeding season flew shorter distances to reach host nests probably because the density of nests with younger nestlings is higher early in the season. The number of host nestlings fledged and the percentage of nestlings fledged was lower in host nests than in nests without switchers. The occasional nest‐switchers were always older than host nestlings (respectively 80 and 50 days of age, on average) and host parents fledged fewer young when nest‐switchers occupied host nests with younger nestlings. This suggests that nest‐switchers are kleptoparasites because the presence of the older alien fledglings is associated with a lower breeding success of the host parents.  相似文献   

Extreme temperatures impose energy costs on endotherms through thermoregulation and different adaptations help individuals to cope with these conditions. In social species, communal roosting and huddling are thought to decrease the energetic requirement of thermoregulation under low temperatures. This is likely to represent an important mechanism by which individuals save energy during the coldest parts of the year and hence to represent a non‐breeding benefit of sociality. Here, we investigate the potential thermoregulatory benefits of group living in roosting groups of sociable weavers Philetairus socius, a colonial cooperatively breeding passerine that builds communally a massive nest structure with several independent chambers wherein individuals breed and roost throughout the year. To investigate the benefits of sociality during the non‐breeding season, we studied the thermal environment during roosting in relation to group size. In addition, to understand the link between non‐breeding and breeding sociality in this species we studied group size stability between the pre‐breeding and breeding periods. As expected, we found that the nest chamber's night‐time temperature is strongly related to the number of birds roosting together, especially during cold nights. Specifically, birds in larger groups spent less time below the critical thermal minimum temperature (i.e. the temperature below which energy expenditure increases substantially). They were less exposed to external temperature variations. We also found a positive relationship between the number of birds roosting during winter and the breeding group size, indicating breeding group size predictability. In cooperative breeders such as the sociable weaver, the costs and benefits of sociality are usually studied during the breeding period. This study shows that a better understanding of non‐breeding benefits of group membership and group dynamics between the non‐breeding and breeding periods are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of sociality.  相似文献   

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