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以树麻雀Passer montanus为研究对象,采集四川盆地及周边地区558个样本的7项形态指标,控制纬度因子的偏相关分析表明,树麻雀的体质量、尾长、跗跖长与海拔极显著正相关(P0.01),体长与海拔显著正相关(P0.05);控制海拔因子的偏相关分析表明,树麻雀的体质量、翅长与纬度极显著正相关(P0.01)。按照海拔将树麻雀分为3组:四川盆地(海拔平均值:484.25 m,海拔范围:219~725 m)、华中平原(海拔平均值:250.70 m,海拔范围:46~784 m)、盆地周边山地(海拔平均值:2 260.42 m,海拔范围:807~4 472 m)。单因素方差分析表明:3个树麻雀种群的体质量、翅长、尾长、跗跖长之间的差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01),盆地周边山地树麻雀种群的体质量显著或极显著大于四川盆地及华中平原(P0.05或P0.01)。综上,树麻雀体型随海拔升高而显著增大,说明树麻雀的形态变异与海拔变化密切相关,符合贝格曼定律。同时,四川盆地与华中平原树麻雀种群在体质量、体长、尾长、翅长、跗跖长、嘴峰、嘴裂上的差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),未能体现出四川盆地的陆地岛屿效应。  相似文献   

为了探讨黑颈长尾雉Syrmaticus humiae雏鸟的生长发育规律,本研究对0~15周龄黑颈长尾雉的体重、跗跖长、嘴峰长、体长和翅长进行了测定,利用Logistic、Gompertz和von Bertalanffy三种非线性模型对黑颈长尾雉的各量度指标进行了拟合和分析。结果表明,体重、跗跖长、嘴峰长和体长的生长过程用Logistic模型拟合效果更佳(R20.97),而翅长更适合用von Bertalanffy模型拟合(R2=0.9899),其生长拐点分别为:体重(16.31 w,439.552 g)、跗跖长(7.70 w,38.519 mm)、嘴峰长(2.52 w,8.810 mm)、体长(5.01 w,180.020 mm)和翅长(1.82 w,81.055 mm)。运用三种模型对黑颈长尾雉雏鸟生长曲线的拟合是可行的,黑颈长尾雉的体重、跗跖长、嘴峰长、体长和翅长之间的相关性均极显著(P0.01),其中跗跖长与其他各指标间的相关性最好(R2均在0.94以上),跗跖长可作为衡量黑颈长尾雉雏鸟生长发育的参考指标。  相似文献   

青藏高原褐背拟地鸦表型特征的性别差异与地理变异   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
将数值分类用于鸟类分类学研究时,对于雌雄的形态特征差异没有被重视,尤其是对于雌雄同形的鸟类。本文以雌雄同形的褐背拟地鸦Pseudopodoces humilis为材料,运用SPSSl0.0FORwINDOwS统计分析软件对108号褐背拟地鸦标本(51♀♀,57♂♂)的数量性状(体长、跗跖长、翅长、尾长、嘴宽、嘴高、上喙长、下喙长、嘴裂、第3趾爪长、第1趾爪长)的原始数据进行分析,结果表明雌、雄性状在翅长(n=51,P=0.012)和嘴高(n=57,P=0.043)上有明显差异,但在体长、跗跖长、尾长、嘴宽、上喙长、下喙长、嘴裂、第3趾爪长、第1趾爪长等数值特征上却没有明显的差异。所以在以后对于褐背拟地鸦的地理种群变异和亚种分化的研究中,翅长和嘴高两特征应该根据雌雄分别讨论。通过对不同性状量度和纬度的相关回归分析,发现在测量标本所涉及的采集地范围内,即主要在青藏高原东南部地区,褐背拟地鸦体长和雄乌的翅长在地理分布上随纬度的增加而变小,而其它性状特征没有明显的地理分布纬度上的变化。  相似文献   

对2000~2002年成都动物园人工孵化及人工育雏的8只大紫胸鹦鹉的生长发育情况进行了125天的观察分析.经回归分析表明,大紫胸鹦鹉雏鸟的平均出壳重为12.4±0.4 g,人工饲育下56日龄体重达到最高值,平均体重为259.55±2.45 g;鹦鹉体重(W)与日龄(D)的关系为W=259.55/(1 45.2227e-0.1297D).出壳时,嘴峰短于嘴裂,长度分别为7.75±0.25 mm和10.0±1.0 mm;35日龄时,嘴峰长度超过嘴裂,其长度分别为19.0±1.0 mm和18.75±0.75 mm;110日龄时,嘴峰和嘴裂的长度达生长期峰值,其长度分别为29.0±1.5 mm和25.0±1.5 mm;嘴峰长和嘴裂长与日龄的关系分别为L=29/(1 4.1023e-0.0636D)和L=25/(1 1.7967e-0.0473D).出壳时,跗跖长于中趾,长度分别为8.25±0.25 mm和7.25±0.25 mm;15日龄时,中趾长度超过跗跖,其长度分别为13.5±0.5 mm和13.0±0.5 mm;100日龄时,中趾与跗跖的长度达到峰值,其长度分别为24.5±0.5 mm和30±1.0 mm;跗跖和中趾长与日龄的关系分别为L=24.5/(1 1.4536e-0.0569D)和L=30/(1 2.941733e-0.0638122D).雏鸟孵化时,翅长10.5±0.5 mm;30日龄长出飞羽羽芽,平均翅长40.5±2.5 mm,35日龄羽鞘破樱,120日龄平均翅长201.0±6.0 mm;翅长与日龄的关系为L=201/(1 30.0624e-0.0780D).30日龄生出尾羽羽芽,125日龄时尾长为190.0±8.0 mm;尾长与日龄的关系为L=190/(1 177.1306e-0.07533D).  相似文献   

刘强  雷宇  刘慧 《动物学杂志》2021,56(1):72-72
2019年9月5日,在贵州省贵阳市龙洞堡国际机场内(106°48′11″E,26°32′30″N,海拔1132 m,挂网高度1.5 m)网捕到1只鹬科(Scolopacidae)鸟类,但因挂网时间过长而死亡。其体重105 g、体长290 mm、嘴长37 mm、翅长190 mm、尾长72 mm、跗跖57 mm。依据其趾间基部具蹼、跗跖后侧具盾状鳞、嘴长且直、嘴长短于尾长和跗跖长、次级覆羽和尾上覆羽无白色,检索《中国鸟类系统检索》(郑作新2002),鉴定为流苏鹬(Calidris pugnax)。  相似文献   

选取体长、翅长、尾长、跗蹠长、嘴峰长、嘴宽、嘴高共7个量度指标,对在我国大陆地区分布的白头鹎Pycnonotus sinensis两个亚种共331号标本(指名亚种P.s.sinensis 239个,两广亚种P.s.hainanus 92个)进行了测量,运用统计软件SPSS 13.0对测量数据进行了比较分析,结果表明:指名亚种的翅长、跗蹠长、嘴宽和嘴高均大于两广亚种.指名亚种性别间的翅长、尾长、跗蹠长、嘴高和体长差异显著,而两广亚种性别间翅长、尾长、跗蹠长、嘴峰长和嘴宽差异显著,均是雄性个体大于雌性个体.将两个亚种的各量度性状与纬度进行相关分析,发现指名亚种雄性个体的体长与纬度呈弱的负相关,两广亚种的嘴高与纬度呈弱的正相关,其雄性个体的跗蹠长与纬度呈正相关.此外,对白头鹎指名亚种枕部白斑的宽窄度进行了等级划分并数量化,发现其宽度随季节而变化,在繁殖季节达到最大,支持其起饰羽作用的假说.  相似文献   

<正>2014年8月18日,云南省怒江傈僳族自然州泸水县六库镇大密扣村村民在白河村附近(25°46'09.07″N,98°57'47.68″E,海拔1790 m)看见一只大鸟飞来落在地里,不能飞行,将其抓住。8月19日泸水自然保护区管理局工作人员将其移交给云南省野生动物收容救护中心救护。该鸟体重2390 g,全长122 cm,站高126 cm,翅长53 cm,中趾长13.7 cm,跗跖长18 cm,嘴峰15.5 cm。上体灰黑色略染紫  相似文献   

身体大小的性二态是鸟类中较为普遍的现象。性二态的研究是理解性选择的关键,也能为性二态鸟类的野外快速性别判定提供依据。麻雀Passer montanus通常被认为是一种性单态鸟类,野外很难通过外在特征识别性别,有关麻雀性二态和性别判定的研究很少。2017—2018年每年的1—3月,在甘肃省庆阳市陇东学院校园内用雾网捕捉到67只麻雀成鸟,并测量了这些麻雀的10个身体量度。通过观察生殖腺鉴定了性别,确定为31只雄鸟和36只雌鸟。结果发现,总体上麻雀身体量度存在显著的两性差异(MANOVA:Pillai's Trace=0.492,F_(10,56)=5.426,P0.001),雄鸟的全长、尾长、翅长、跗跖长和中趾长显著大于雌鸟(t-test:P0.05)。利用这5个身体量度变量构建判别方程来判定麻雀性别,发现:在所有的单变量判别方程中,翅长构建的判别方程具有最高的性别判定准确率,达77.6%;由5个身体量度变量构建的典型判别方程,性别判定准确率为82.1%;而由全长和翅长构建的逐步判别方程,性别判定准确率为79.1%。麻雀存在身体大小的性二态,而这使得野外通过测量身体量度构建判别方程能较容易、准确地判定麻雀的性别。  相似文献   

为探讨短期持续限食对树麻雀(Passer monanus)体重和基础代谢率的影响,及其生理适应的调节机制。以正常饲喂树麻雀为对照组(0D组,D为饥饿天数),以进食量相同和持续限食时间不同的4组(1D、3D、5D和7D)树麻雀为研究对象进行限食驯养。结果显示,体重与个体BMR间存在极显著的线性关系(r=0.512,P=0.001);5组树麻雀单位体重的基础代谢率(BMR)差异不显著,5D和7D组树麻雀的个体BMR组间差异显著(P0.05);树麻雀的体重驯养前后变化为对照组增加而4个实验组降低,驯养后,1D和7D组与对照组相比体重降低分别为显著(P0.05)和极显著(P0.01),3D和5D组相对于1D、7D组出现小幅度的上调,1~7d持续限食树麻雀的体重出现降升降的趋势。结论是:当摄食量不足时,消耗体内的能量储备和降低个体的基础能耗对缓解短期持续限食的生存压力有利,但个体适合度随之降低。体内能量储备和个体基础能耗的相应增加是树麻雀应对饥饿环境的关键,也是其重要的生存策略之一。  相似文献   

2014年和2015年监测朱鹮保护区野生朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)15只雏鸟的生长发育,拟合其生长发育数据的生长曲线和相对生长公式,与1989年研究结果进行对比。结果显示,野生朱鹮雏鸟的生长发育不受孵化顺序的影响,雄性体长的生长速度快于雌性。目前朱鹮雏鸟体重、体长、翅长、嘴峰长、跗跖长和中趾长的生长均符合逻辑斯谛生长曲线,雏鸟体重生长率在13日龄左右达到最大。与1989年的研究结果比较发现,目前野生朱鹮幼鸟总体生长发育有所放缓。这可能与近年野生朱鹮种群的增长和扩散导致的环境压力加大以及繁殖期食物资源不足有关。  相似文献   

Measurements of five morphological components (mass, skull length, culmen, flattened wing and tarsus) and blood samples were taken from 154 fledged wild Lesser Flamingos Phoenicopterus minor captured during 2001 and 2002 at Lake Bogoria, Kenya (0°11'–20'N, 036°06'E). The sample included adults (>3 years old), immature birds (2–3 years old) and first-year juvenile birds of both sexes. The sex of each bird was determined by PCR amplification of the CHD-Z and CHD-W genes, using DNA extracted from blood samples. Within each gender, there were significant differences in mass and tarsus length amongst the three age groups, indicating that the skeletal size and mass of Lesser Flamingos continue to increase between fledging and attainment of adult plumage at three to four years of age. The different morphological components increased in size at different rates, although the same components appeared to increase at similar rates in both males and females. Skull and culmen lengths had reached adult size in juvenile birds, while juvenile wing length, tarsus length and mass were approximately 95%, 85% and 75% of adult size, respectively. The adaptive significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The sex of 59 adult Greater Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus L.) was determined by laparoscopic exam of the gonads. Concomitant body weight (kg) and linear measurements (mm) of the culmen (bill), tarsus, middle toe, and wing were taken and compared for males vs. females. Although an overlap between sexes existed in all measurements, males on average were larger than females. Student's t-test indicated significant sexual differences for all five measurements. Thus, weights and linear measurements—especially tarsus, middle toe, and wing length—appear to be a useful parameter in determining an individual's sex in lieu of laparoscopic, feather pulp, blood chromosome, or fecal steroid analysis.  相似文献   

Gender was determined by laparoscopic visualization of the gonads for 38 adult American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber L.) and 36 adult Chilean flamingos (P. chilensis L.). Concomitant body weight (kg) and linear measurements (mm) of the culmen (bill), tarsus (tarsometatarsus), middle toe, and wing were taken. Statistical comparisons of body weight and linear measurements for male vs. female were made for each species. Also, the same-sex statistical comparisons were made between these two species, and between each of these two species and with data for greater flamingos (P. r. roseas L.) from a previous publication. As previously published for greater flamingos, an overlap between sexes existed in all measurements with males on average larger than females for both American and Chilean flamingos. However, Students' t-test indicated a significant sexual difference for all measurements between males and females of each species except for culmen length in Chilean flamingos. Students' t-test also indicated a significant difference when species were compared (Chilean vs. greater, and American vs. Chilean) and subspecies (American vs. greater) were compared for most of the 5 measurements. Thus, despite limitations imposed by between-sex overlap, weights and linear measurements, especially tarsus, middle toe, and wing length, appear to be useful in determining an individual's gender when species or subspecies identification is considered.  相似文献   

During field studies in 1997–1999 in South Bohemia (Czech Republic), we found significant differences in size between the sexes in a local breeding population of red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. Males were significantly larger than females for wing length and tarsus length, but had smaller body mass than females. However, there was considerable overlap in the ranges of these parameters between the sexes. Interestingly, pairs were formed at random with respect to wing length and tarsus length, but assortative mating was significant for body mass/body condition. Among tested variables, only male wing length correlated significantly with nestling body mass at day 7. However, clutch size and the number of fledglings strongly depended on differences in tarsus length between mates, but not on body size of mates. Individual improvements in foraging skills and/or courtship feeding rates are proposed as possible explanations for these findings.  相似文献   

Bergman and converse Bergman rules, amongst others, describe latitudinal variation in size of organisms, including flying ectotherms like butterflies. However, geographic clines in morphological traits of functional significance for flight performance and thermoregulation may also exist, although they have received less attention within a biogeographical context. Variation in flight‐related morphology has often been studied relative to landscape structure. However, the extent to which landscape effects interact with latitudinal clines of phenotypic variation has rarely been tested. Here we address the effect of latitude, landscape type and the interaction effect on body size and flight‐related morphology in the speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria. Male adult butterflies were collected from two replicate populations in each agricultural and woodland landscape types along a 700 km cline in six latitudinal zones. Overall size, adult body mass and wing area increased with latitude in line with Bergmann's rule. Forewing length, however, decreased with latitude. As predicted from thermoregulatory needs in ectotherms, the basal wing part was darker to the north. Latitudinal trends for flight‐related morphological traits were opposite to predictions about flight endurance under cooler conditions that were observed in some non‐lepidopteran insects, i.e. wing loading increased and wing aspect ratio decreased with latitude. Opposite trends can, however, be explained by other aspects of butterfly flight performance (i.e. mate‐location behaviour). As predicted from differences in environmental buffering in woodland landscapes along the latitudinal gradient, significant landscape×latitude interaction effects indicated stronger latitudinal clines and stronger phenotypic variation for size and flight morphology in the agricultural landscape compared to the woodland landscape. In agreement with significant interaction effects, morphological differentiation increased with latitude and was higher between population pairs of agricultural landscape than between population pairs of woodland landscape. These results demonstrate that landscape, latitude and their interaction contribute to the understanding of the complex geographic variation in P. aegeria adult phenotypes across Europe.  相似文献   

Karan D  Dubey S  Moreteau B  Parkash R  David JR 《Genetica》2000,108(1):91-100
We analyzed natural populations of Zaprionus indianusin 10 Indian localities along a south-north transect (latitude: 10–31°3 N). Size traits (body weight, wing length and thorax length) as well as a reproductive trait (ovariole number) followed a pattern of clinal variation, that is, trait value increased with latitude. Wing/thorax ratio, which is inversely related to wing loading, also had a positive, but non-significant correlation with latitude. By contrast, bristle numbers (sternopleural and abdominal) exhibited a non-significant but negative correlation with latitude. Sex dimorphism, estimated as the female/male ratio, was very low in Z. indianus, contrasting with results already published in other species. Genetic variations among populations were also analyzed according to other geographic parameters (altitude and longitude) and to climatic conditions from each locality. A significant effect of altitude was found for size traits. For abdominal bristles, a multiple regression technique evidenced a significant effect of both latitude and altitude, but in opposite directions. Genetic variations were also correlated to climate, and mainly with average year temperature. Taking seasonal variations into account failed however to improve the predictability of morphometrical variations. The geographic differentiation of Z.indianusfor quantitative traits suggests adaptive response to local conditions, especially to temperature, but also reveals a complex situation according to traits investigated and to environmental parameters, which does not match results on other drosophilid species.  相似文献   

阮祥锋  溪波 《动物学杂志》2011,46(5):146-150
摘要:发冠卷尾(Dicrurus hottentottus)由于被认为是雌雄同态而在野外难以鉴别性别。我们研究了河南董寨国家级自然保护区79只已用分子生物学方法鉴定出性别的发冠卷尾(D.h.brevirostris)在形态量度上的性别差异,并据此构建了判别式方程,用于鉴定其性别。所考察的体征包括体重、喙长、喙粗、头喙长...  相似文献   

The range of morphometric variation among two inshore seabirds, the Kerguelen cormorant Phalacrocorax atriceps verrucosus and the gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua was investigated on the Kerguelen and Crozet archipelagos. Four measurements (weight, culmen, flipper and body length for gentoos; weight, culmen, wing and tarsus length for cormorants) were compared in the same seven localities on Kerguelen. In addition, culmen and wing length were compared in four localities on Crozet for gentoo penguins. The two species exhibited similar trends in variation within Kerguelen although the range of variation was greater in cormorants. Compared to the largest cormorants and gentoo of Kerguelen, the smallest stocks were 60 and 36% of the weights, respectively. There is little evidence elsewhere of similar broad morphometric variability in seabirds on a microgeographical scale. The variation observed did not follow a regular cline and appeared to be less related to physical factors (sea temperatures) than to the local biological factors during the breeding season.  相似文献   

In this study, assortative mating for different morphological traits was studied in a captive population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Males were larger than females. Assortative mating was found for tail length, wing length and general body size. Males with larger badge size mated with females with longer tails. The strongest assortative mating occurred for tail length (r=0.77), and this assortative mating remained significant after controlling for wing length, mass and tarsus length, suggesting that it was not an artefact of assortative mating for body size. The possibility of sexual selection for tail length in the house sparrow is discussed.  相似文献   

There have been very few reports of body size measurements of live Temminck’s Stints, but earlier studies have shown sex differences in body mass and tarsus length. Here we use molecular techniques to determine the sex of Temminck’s Stints from a Norwegian breeding population. In total, we report measurements of body weight, wing length, tarsus length, bill length, skull length and keel length from 17 males and 30 females. We found significant sex differences in all of these variables, with the exception of tarsus length. The differences in skull length disappeared after the bill lengths had been subtracted from the measurements. A discriminant function analysis based on wing length and bill length correctly classified 86% of the cases (12/16 males, 25/27 females). Female Temminck’s Stints are known to regularly lay more than one clutch of eggs per season and could therefore be expected to be physiologically deprived of bodily energy stores. Nevertheless, we found females to be in better body condition than males.  相似文献   

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