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以线粒体cyt b基因为分子标记,对长江上游干流及汉江等9条支流13个地理种群的大鳞马口鱼Opsariichthys macrolepis Yang et Huang进行遗传多样性及种群历史动态分析,并探讨其谱系生物地理学过程。结果显示,414尾大鳞马口鱼样本中共检测到79个单倍型,整体的单倍型多样性(h=0.930 1)和核苷酸多样性(π=0.129 421)均较高。基于单倍型构建的最大似然树和贝叶斯树显示,所有单倍型分为2个谱系(A和B),谱系A分布于中游支流汉江、清江,谱系B分布于长江上游干支流及沅江,表现出东-西方向的空间差异。分子钟估算显示,2个谱系于早更新世(~1.34 Ma)分化。不同地理种群间的遗传分化指数为-0.016 24~0.998 27,除个别种群外,多数地理种群呈现高度分化,说明种群间存在显著的遗传隔离。空间分子方差分析显示,大鳞马口鱼种群具有一定的遗传结构,特别是老鹤河、任河、清江地理种群分化显著。贝叶斯天际线分析显示,大鳞马口鱼各地理种群的扩张和收缩时间为0.01~0.04 Ma,可能与冰期-间冰期旋回有一定关联。推测青藏高原的隆升以及更新世冰期的更迭对长江中上游大鳞马口鱼的遗传分化以及种群动态产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

基于线粒体COI基因序列对高原鼢鼠7个地理种群的遗传多样性、遗传分化和基因流进行分析,158条COI基因序列中发现了570个变异位点,界定了54个COI单倍型。总体单倍型多样性指数Hd为0.911,种群单倍型多样性在0.278—0.964之间,高原鼢鼠的种群遗传多样性较高。群体总的遗传分化系数Fst为0.611,群体间的基因流Nm在-0.020—3.700之间,部分地理种群之间的遗传分化程度高,基因流弱。AMOVA分子变异分析显示,高原鼢鼠的遗传变异主要来自种群之间(77.56%),种群内部的遗传变异较低(22.44%)。中性检验(P0.01)与错配分析显示高原鼢鼠种群经历了群体扩张事件。IBD未检测到地理距离与种群间遗传距离的显著性相关关系(R2=0.124,P=0.118)。综合分析认为,高原鼢鼠不同地理种群间遗传分化的原因除地理隔离外,还与迁移扩散方式、进化过程和其他环境因素有关。  相似文献   

应用rDNA-ITS2基因序列对云南各地理种群西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)的遗传结构和遗传分化程度进行初步研究。经过比对112条序列,共发现了59个变异位点,定义了30种单倍型。云南省西花蓟马的单倍型多态性较高(Hd=0.90219),而核酸多态性较低(Pi=0.00891)。各地理种群西花蓟马的遗传分化指数Fst为0.00810,基因流Nm为30.61,表明各地理种群间遗传分化程度非常低,种群间存在充分的基因交流。对群体进行中性检验、错配分析表明西花蓟马群体曾经历过近期的种群扩张。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,云南西花蓟马的遗传变异主要来自于种群内部,种群间的遗传变异水平还非常低。从分子生物学的角度上也证实了西花蓟马近期入侵云南的事实。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(6):1107-1116
为了解中国宽额鳢的遗传背景以更好地保护和开发利用资源,测定了云南澜沧江和海南岛南渡江、万泉河与昌化江等4个水系9个群体74尾宽额鳢线粒体控制区411 bp序列,发现52个变异位点和20个单倍型;在系统树上可分为云南、海南毛阳群体和海南其他群体等3个分支。谱系间Fst为0.786-0.672(P0.01),基因流Nm为0.153-0.244; 74.352%的变异来自谱系间,谱系间分化时间为2.070-0.350 Ma。推测海南与云南宽额鳢分化可能受云贵高原隆起和海南岛与陆地分离等地质事件影响;海南2个谱系的形成则可能是受到了五指山山脉隆起的影响。云南组群与海南组群间Fst为0.765(P0.01),基因流Nm为0.149, 70.360%的变异来自不同地理组群间,表明云南组群和海南组群间高度分化。相比同区域分布的鱼类,宽额鳢总体的单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性均较高(Hd=0.9030.016, =0.0360.003),其中海南琼中和石壁群体的核苷酸多样性()最高均为0.008;云南勐腊群体最低为0.000;但各个地理群体均比总体的遗传多样性低,可能是后者由多个谱系叠加所致。在简约性网络图中单倍型呈非典型星状分布,中性检验为非显著负值和核苷酸不配对分析呈现多峰分布,表明宽额鳢群体历史上较为稳定,没有出现显著种群扩张。    相似文献   

应用特异性引物扩增假眼小绿叶蝉(Empoasca vitis G?the)56个不同地理种群Cytb基因片段,探讨了11个地理种群间的遗传多样性、分子变异、遗传分化程度及基因流水平,测序结果表明56条序列存在236个变异位点,45个单倍型。分析得出:(1)11个地理种群群体单倍型多样度 Hd 为0.978 79,群体的Hd范围为0.933 3~1.000 0,总群体和各种群的中性检验结果均不显著,其进化模型为中性模型。(2)总群体遗传分化系数 Gst 与固定系数 Fst 分别为0.017 03与0.165 47。种群间基因流Nm为1.26,较频繁基因交流减小了遗传差异,不存在明显的地理分化效应。  相似文献   

【目的】木领针蓟马Helionothrips mube近年来成为芋头Colocasia esculenta上的一种常见害虫。本研究旨在探讨其中国西南地区地理种群间的遗传变异。【方法】通过Sanger法测定了21个地理种群132头木领针蓟马的线粒体COI基因序列,利用MEGA, DnaSP, Arlequin和Network等软件对木领针蓟马种群间的遗传多样性、遗传分化、分子变异等进行分析。【结果】获得的木领针蓟马132条线粒体COI序列(643 bp)中共发现34个变异位点、16种单倍型,其中单倍型H1出现频率最高、分布最广。木领针蓟马总群体的遗传多样性较高(Hd=0.712, Pi=0.00413, K=2.655),遗传分化程度极大(Fst=0.3443),基因交流水平不高(Nm=0.96)。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,木领针蓟马的遗传分化主要来自种群内部,Mantel检测出种群地理距离与遗传距离呈正相关。总群体中性检验Tajima’s D值显著负值,Fu’s Fs值不显著,错配分布曲线呈多峰。综合种群间遗传距离、单倍型系统发育树及中介网络图结果,表明四川成都(CHD)、云南昌宁(CHN)和贵州遵义(ZY)3个种群的遗传分化程度均高于其他种群。【结论】中国西南地区木领针蓟马总群体的遗传多样性较高,遗传分化明显,种群间的基因交流受到地理距离的影响,总群体在较近的历史时期内没有出现扩张现象。  相似文献   

【目的】大豆蚜Aphis glycines逐渐成为栽培大豆上的世界性重要害虫,为明确大豆蚜不同地理种群的遗传分化及遗传多样性,本研究探讨其在中国的种群遗传变异。【方法】测定了采自7个省共14个地理种群339头大豆蚜的线粒体COⅡ基因的673 bp序列,利用Dna SP 5.0、Arlequin、Network4.6.1.3等软件对地理种群间的大豆蚜的遗传多样性、遗传分化程度及分子变异进行分析,并建立了单倍型网络图及单倍型系统进化树。【结果】在所分析的339个COⅡ序列中,共检测出7个单倍型,其中H1为各种群所共享。种群内遗传多样性较低(Hd=0.479±0.030,Pi=0.00166±0.00018),种群内遗传分化相对较大(Fst=0.1985),基因流水平较高(Nm=2.019)。中性检验结果不显著(Tajima’s D=﹣0.931,P>0.10,Fu’s Fs=0.220,P>0.10),说明中国地区大豆蚜在较近的历史时期内没有出现种群扩张现象。分子变异分析(AMOVA)结果表明,大豆蚜遗传变异主要来自种群内部(80.15%),而种群间未发生明显的遗传分化。根据各地理种群的单倍型建立的系统发育树、单倍型网络图表明,各单倍型散布在不同的地理种群中,无明显的地理分布格局。【结论】大豆蚜不同地理种群的遗传多样性不高,各种群的遗传距离与地理距离之间没有显著线性相关性,各种群间的基因交流并未受到地理距离的影响。  相似文献   

周宁宁  王梦馨  崔林  潘铖  张新亭  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2014,34(23):6879-6889
假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis(Gthe)是我国大陆茶区分布最广、为害最重的茶树害虫,其种群世代重叠严重,数量大。从我国13个主要产茶省份各选出一个重点产茶县(市),采集假眼小绿叶蝉标本,首次扩增得到其线粒体CO I基因全长序列,并以此探讨了假眼小绿叶蝉13个地理种群间的遗传多样性、分子变异、遗传分化程度及基因流水平。在13个地理种群中共得到了176条CO I基因序列,发现了113个变异位点,形成了105个CO I单倍型。总群体单倍型多样性Hd为0.9720,种群内单倍型多样性在0.804—1.000范围内,总群体和各种群的Tajima's D检验结果均不显著,说明茶园假眼小绿叶蝉的进化符合中性模型,种群数量较为稳定。AMOVA分子变异分析结果表明,茶园假眼小绿叶蝉的遗传分化主要来自于种群内部。Mantel检验显示各地理种群的遗传距离与地理距离之间不具有显著的相关性。总群体的遗传分化系数Gst为0.03652,固定系数Fst为0.10876,基因流Nm为4.097,表明地理种群间存在较频繁的基因交流,遗传差异较小。推测,20世纪90年代以来的省际之间频繁的茶树鲜叶贩运、异地茶苗的大批量调拨等因素促进了假眼小绿叶蝉的长距离迁移,加强了不同种群间的基因交流。  相似文献   

以高原鳅(Triplophysa)属鱼类8个种群共75个个体的线粒体Cytb基因为标记,通过生物信息学分析高原鳅属种群遗传多样性和系统发育关系.结果表明,全长1 140bp的Cytb基因序列中共检测到527个多态位点,界定了61个单倍型,A+T含量(55.9%)高于G+C含量(44.2%).8个种群单倍型多样度(Hd)范围在0.667~1.000之间,核苷酸多样度(Pi)在0.001~0.089之间,其中似鲶高原鳅(T.siluroides)遗传多样性水平最高(Hd=1.000,Pi=0.089),壮体高原鳅(T.robusta)遗传多样性水平最低(Hd=0.667,Pi=0.001);叶尔羌高原鳅(T.yarkandensis)与黄河高原鳅(T.pappenheimi)间的遗传距离最远(D=0.243),达里湖高原鳅(T.dalaica)与壮体高原鳅间的遗传距离最近(D)=0.086);遗传分化系数表明:8个高原鳅种间存在着高度遗传分化(Fst>0.25),并且种群之间基因流较弱(Nm<1);分子系统发育进化树显示,细尾高原鳅与西藏高原鳅聚为一支,黄河高原鳅、似鲶高原鳅、壮体高原鳅、达里湖高原鳅四大种群聚为一支,贝氏高原鳅与叶尔羌高原鳅聚为一支.本研究为进一步对高原鳅属鱼类系统分类研究提供资料,以及对高原鳅保护措施提供了遗传学依据.  相似文献   

【目的】大豆食心虫Leguminivora glycinivorella(Matsumura)是我国大豆Glycina max最重要的蛀荚害虫。本研究旨在探讨中国大豆食心虫不同地理种群的遗传分化情况。【方法】通过测定大豆食心虫19个地理种群208头老熟幼虫的线粒体COⅡ基因序列(723 bp),利用MEGA6.0和Dna SP 5.0等软件分析大豆食心虫不同地理种群的基因序列变异和遗传分化情况。【结果】在19个大豆食心虫地理种群中共获得208条COⅡ基因序列,发现61个变异位点,包含57个单倍型。总群体单倍型多样度Hd=0.8522,各地理种群单倍型多样度范围在0.1818~0.9546间,总群体的固定系数Fst=0.4619,总遗传分化系数Gst=0.1186,总基因流Nm=0.29。总群体Tajima’s D检验结果不显著,表明大豆食心虫在较近的历史时期未出现群体扩张现象,群体大小稳定。单倍型网络图、ML单倍型系统树及采用不同地理种群间遗传距离构建的UPGMA系统发育树均显示,贵阳(GY)和都安(DA)种群与其余地理种群分化明显。AMOVA分子变异分析结果显示,东北组、西北组、黄淮组、华南组及西南组种群组间所占总变异的比例大于组内。【结论】大豆食心虫不同地理种群间基因交流较少,整体的遗传多样性和遗传分化程度较高,遗传分化主要来自地理种群组间,且地理距离是影响不同地理种群间遗传距离的重要因素。  相似文献   

The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Lepidiptera: Noctuidae), is an important agricultural pest in China, causing serious economic losses in the main welsh onion‐producing areas of North China. In order to effectively monitor and manage this pest, it is necessary to investigate its genetic variation and intraspecific phylogeographic structure in North China. In this study, we used a DNA fragment of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) consisting of 518 bps to investigate its genetic diversity. A total of 500 individuals of this species were collected from 20 geographic locations, and 8 haplotypes were identified. Low levels of genetic diversity (= 0.256 ± 0.025, π = 0.00058 ± 0.00008) for the total populations in these study regions were obtained. Phylogenetic and median‐joining network analyses indicated that there was no distinct geographic distribution pattern among haplotypes. The results also indicated that the mean pairwise sequence difference between the populations was 0.1%, ranged from zero to 0.2%. The genetic differentiation (Fst) between the populations varied from ?0.198 to 0.656, and there was a significant differentiation between the population of Kunshan (KUNS), Shenyang (SY), Lucheng (LUC), Binzhou (BZ) and the remaining populations, respectively. The analysis of molecular variance (amova ) showed that the percentage of variation within a population (69.05%) was greater than that between the populations (30.95%), and the level of population differentiation (FST = 0.310, P < 0.001) was highly significant after 1000 random permutations. Finally, unimodal mismatch distribution combined with negative, Tajima's D (= ?1.956, P < 0.05) and Fu's Fs (Fs = ?5.875, P > 0.05) indicated that S. exigua experienced recent population expansion in North China.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区山生柳遗传多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用叶绿体非编码区片段研究分布于青藏高原地区的山生柳居群遗传多样性,对未来山生柳生态环境和青藏高原地区物种丰富度的保护具有指导意义。该研究设计并筛选出cpDNA引物5'trnG2G-3'trnG(UUC)和5'rpS12-rpL20,用扩增出的片段和对应的联合片段进行后续的遗传多样性分析。结果表明:通过山生柳的联合片段检测到35种单倍型,单倍型多态性0.626,核苷酸多态性0.000 85。中性检验Tajima’s D(-2.286 70,P0.01)和Fu’s Fs(-5.298 05,P0.02)都是显著负值,推测山生柳个体数近期经历过扩张。AMOVA分析显示,居群内和居群间遗传变异分别为93.70%和6.30%,表明居群内的变异是山生柳遗传变异的主要来源。居群间遗传分化程度中等偏低(FST=0.063),基因流(N_m)为7.439,说明山生柳各居群的基因交流非常频繁,不同地理居群间存在一定的基因流动。遗传分化系数N_(ST)(0.075)大于GST(0.068)和基于遗传距离和单倍型的UPGMA聚类分析,表明山生柳12个居群分为4组且与居群的地理分布没有明显相关性。山生柳是进行有性繁殖还是无性繁殖主要受环境因素的影响,居群内变异是山生柳遗传变异性的主要来源,居群间基因交流频繁。  相似文献   

Omphalogramma souliei Franch. is an endangered perennial herb only distributed in alpine areas of SW China. ISSR markers were applied to determine the genetic variation and genetic structure of 60 individuals of three populations of O. souliei in NW Yunnan, China. The genetic diversity at the species level is low with P=42.5% (percentage of polymorphic bands) and Hsp=0.1762 (total genetic diversity). However, a high level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on different measures (Nei's genetic diversity analysis: Gst=0.6038; AMOVA analysis: Fst=0.6797). Low level of genetic diversity within populations and significant genetic differentiation among populations might be due to the mixed mating system in which xenogamy predominated and autogamy played an assistant role in O. souliei. The genetic drift due to small population size and limited current gene flow also resulted in significant genetic differentiation. The assessment of genetic variation and differentiation of the endangered species provides important information for conservation on a genetic basis. Conservation strategies for this rare endemic species are proposed.  相似文献   

There has been a rapid global expansion of Aedes albopictus , with varying biological characters and vector competence according to geographic and evolutionary origins of the invading populations. Based on mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences from both native and invasive regions, genetic characters of Ae. albopictus were examined. Phylogenetic analyses indicate lineage differentiation in the original areas, and only one of the lineages was involved in the worldwide expansion. Multiple invasions were detected in populations in Africa and the Americas, whereas no obvious genetic structure was found in European populations. Asian populations showed high genetic diversity, with 42 private haplotypes being detected in this region. In addition, other genetic divergence has occurred, as in Japan and Pakistan, where populations showed significant differences from all other Asian populations. Altogether, populations in China displayed the highest genetic diversity (Hd =0.946, π=1.609%) and significantly negative Tajima's D (?1.88475) and Fu's FS (?24.43873). This result may be attributable to the insecticide interventions used to control dengue epidemics.  相似文献   

不同种源马尾松ISSR遗传结构及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜明凤  丁贵杰 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1068-1075
应用ISSR分子标记技术,对来自广西、贵州3个种源的马尾松开展遗传多样性、遗传结构及遗传距离等研究。结果表明:从100条引物中筛选出12条引物,共扩增出92个条带,86条具有多态性。 POPGENE分析显示:马尾松群体水平上的Nei’ s基因多样性指数的变化范围为0.1824~0.2065,Shannon遗传多样性指数的变化范围为0.2818~0.3178,3个群体的多态性水平差异不大;物种水平上的多态性百分率为93.48%, Nei’ s基因多样性指数为0.2842,Shannon信息指数为0.4381;表明马尾松在物种水平上具有较高水平的遗传多样性。遗传结构分析显示:马尾松的基因分化系数( Gst)为0.3153,表明遗传变异主要来源于群体内;基因流Nm为1.0853,表明不同群体间存在一定的基因流动。 AMOVA分析显示:马尾松的遗传分化指数( Fst)为0.246( P=0.001),表明群体间已出现明显的遗传分化。 UPGMA聚类和Mantel检测结果显示:每个群体内的个体均能很好地首先聚集为一个分支,群体间的遗传距离与地理距离之间存在显著相关性( r=0.972, P=0.001)。这说明马尾松在裸子植物界中具有较高水平的遗传多样性,遗传变异主要分布于群体内,群体间已出现了明显的遗传分化,这种分化并非由遗传漂变引起,可能与地理生境的差异有关。  相似文献   

Aim To test the potential of two contrasting biogeographical hypotheses (‘Indian/Pacific Ocean Basin’ vs. ‘Wallace's Line’) to explain the distribution of genetic diversity among populations of a marine fish in Southeast Asia. Location The marine waters of Asia and Southeast Asia: from India to Japan, and east to the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and Flores. Methods We sequenced a 696 base pair fragment of cytochrome b DNA of 100 individuals of Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach 1814 (three‐spot seahorse), obtained from across its range. We tested our hypotheses using phylogenetic reconstructions and analyses of molecular variance. Results Significant genetic divergence was observed among the specimens. Two distinct lineages emerged that diverged by an average of 2.9%. The genetic split was geographically associated, but surprisingly it indicated a major east–west division similar to the terrestrial Wallace's Line (ΦST = 0.662, P < 0.001) rather than one consistent with an Indian‐Pacific ocean basin separation hypothesis (ΦST = 0.023, P = 0.153). Samples from east of Wallace's Line, when analysed separately, however, were consistent with an Indian/Pacific Ocean separation (ΦST = 0.461, P = 0.005). The degree of genetic and geographical structure within each lineage also varied. Lineage A, to the west, was evolutionarily shallow (star‐like), and the haplotypes it contained often occurred over a wide area. Lineage B to the east had greater genetic structure, and there was also some evidence of geographical localization of sublineages within B. Main conclusions Our results indicate that the genetic diversity of marine organisms in Southeast Asia may reflect a more complex history than the simple division between two major ocean basins that has been proposed by previous authors. In particular, the east–west genetic division observed here is novel among marine organisms examined to date. The high haplotype, but low nucleotide diversity to the west of Wallace's Line is consistent with post‐glacial colonization of the Sunda Shelf. Additional data are needed to test the generality of these patterns.  相似文献   

Gymnocypris dobula is a commercially important fishery species and mostly distributed in the freshwater of Tibetan plateau. In this study, genetic diversity and intraspecific population differentiation were examined by using mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences in 97 individuals sampled from three localities (Pali, Lasa and Yanghu) in the Tibetan plateau. Two hundred and fourteen polymorphic sites and 50 haplotypes were defined among the three localities. Genetic diversity analysis showed that the highest genetic diversity level was found in Pali population. Phylogenetic relationships analysis results indicated that closer phylogenetic relationships were found between the Yanghu and Lasa populations. Genetic population differentiation analysis indicated that the majority of variation (84.91%) was attributed to variations among populations and the largest differentiation was found between Pali and Lasa localities (Fst = 0.874, Nm = 0.036). Moreover, the historical demographic events were assessed by implementing the mismatch distribution analysis, Fajima's D test and Fu's Fs test. The results indicated that the Pali population had undergone a demographic expansion, possibly within the last 0.163 MYA (Million Years Ago). Our study firstly identified the population genetic structure of the G. dobula, which could be helpful for artificial breeding, fishery stock identification and resource conservation for this species.  相似文献   

The Guizhou snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi) is a primate species endemic to the Wuling Mountains in southern China. With a maximum of 800 wild animals, the species is endangered and one of the rarest Chinese primates. To assess the genetic diversity within R. brelichi and to analyze its genetic population structure, we collected fecal samples from the wild R. brelichi population and sequenced the hypervariable region I of the mitochondrial control region from 141 individuals. We compared our data with those from the two other Chinese snub‐nosed species (R. roxellana, R. bieti) and reconstructed their phylogenetic relationships and divergence times. With only five haplotypes and a maximum of 25 polymorphic sites, R. brelichi shows the lowest genetic diversity in terms of haplotype diversity (h), nucleotide diversity (π), and average number of pairwise nucleotide differences (Π). The most recent common ancestor of R. brelichi lived ~0.36 million years ago (Ma), thus more recently than those of R. roxellana (~0.91 Ma) and R. bieti (~1.33 Ma). Phylogenetic analysis and analysis of molecular variance revealed a clear and significant differentiation among the three Chinese snub‐nosed monkey species. Population genetic analyses (Tajima's D, Fu's Fs, and mismatch distribution) suggest a stable population size for R. brelichi. For the other two species, results point in the same direction, but population substructure possibly introduces some ambiguity. Because of the lower genetic variation, the smaller population size and the more restricted distribution, R. brelichi might be more vulnerable to environmental changes or climate oscillations than the other two Chinese snub‐nosed monkey species. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

陈佳琪  李潮  张雯君  李炜  高天扬  赵俊 《生态学报》2019,39(7):2591-2602
为了解海南岛宽额鳢(Channa gachua)的群体遗传分化和亲缘生物地理过程,采集了云南元江和海南岛5个水系(昌化江、陵水河、藤桥河、万泉河及南渡江)共6个种群168个宽额鳢个体,基于线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因全序列(1142 bp)对其遗传多样性和遗传分化程度进行了评估,并探讨了地质和气候等因素如何塑造了这一物种的亲缘地理结构及演化历史。基于Cyt b序列构建的系统树结果将所有个体分成两个主要谱系(A和B),谱系A包括海南岛所有种群,其中,部分昌化江个体形成独立的亚支(A2),其余个体聚为另一亚支(A1),谱系B为云南元江的全部个体,各谱系间的遗传分化指数均较高。种群历史动态分析表明,各谱系均没有发生种群扩张,但A1亚支与谱系B曾在约1万年前发生过有效种群数量减小的事件。根据研究结果推测,更新世冰期期间,北部湾因海平面下降而暴露,大陆和海南岛的水系发生接触,越南北部水系(包括元江/红河)通过一条联系雷州半岛和海南岛的古河道流入南海,因而冰期期间宽额鳢有机会从元江(红河)扩散至海南岛西南部,随后在海南岛内部,宽额鳢进一步扩散,并以五指山为种群间基因交流的重要地理障碍,各水系间种群发生基因交流和遗传分化。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) are one of the best‐studied shorebirds along the Pacific Flyway, their genetic identity and population structure is poorly known. We studied the genetic population structure of nonbreeding Western Sandpipers at Bahia Santa María in Sinaloa, northwestern Mexico. A 685‐bp fragment of the mtDNA control region was sequenced for 162 individuals, resulting in 29 variable positions that defined 41 haplotypes. The most common haplotype (WESA01) occurred in 44% of all individuals, whereas 15 were unique to single individuals. Nucleotide diversity was low (π= 0.0030 ± 0.0019 [SE]), but haplotype diversity was moderately high (h= 0.802 ± 0.033 [SE]). The main two maternal lineages exhibited a slightly different local scale distribution that appeared to be related to migratory chronology. Lineage A represented 71% of the haplotypes and was evenly distributed across the nonbreeding season and habitat types, whereas Lineage B represented only 29% of the haplotypes and was disproportionately represented in January in some habitat types. Overall, the low level of nucleotide diversity, the star‐shape of the haplotype tree, the mismatch distribution, and the significantly negative Tajima's D values suggest that Western Sandpipers underwent a recent demographic expansion. Although our results are based on a small sample size from one of several wintering sites along the Pacific Flyway, Santa María likely contains a relatively high proportion of the species genetic variability because it is the wintering ground of nearly 10% of the global population.  相似文献   

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