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由于环境胁迫引起的鱼类应激反应常常是导致养殖鱼类对病原敏感性增高的重要原因[‘]。养殖鱼类遭受的环境胁迫主要有:水质恶化、个体间的相互竞争、水温变化以及因养殖密度过高造成的拥挤胁迫等同。有关应激反应在鱼病发生发展中的作用,国外学者已有不少研究。在国内虽也正逐步受到学者们的认识和重视,但尚未见有这方面的研究报道。据来自哺乳动物的研究认为,应激反应对机体的危害与应激因素的性质、强度、持续时间以及动物的种类等有关。由于血浆皮质醇的增高是应激反应的主要特征,而且是导致机体抵抗力下降的重要机理。本文拟从血…  相似文献   

目的应用无创遥测技术观察运输应激对Beagle犬部分生理指标的影响。方法 16只Beagle犬随机分成两组(每组8只),即对照组和运输应激组,并利用大动物无创生理信号遥测技术,分别监测清醒自由活动状态下对照组和运输应激组应激4 h后Beagle犬的心电图、活动、皮肤温度和呼吸参数的变化。结果 Beagle犬心率、RR间期、QT间期、活动、皮肤温度、呼吸均具有明显的昼夜节律变化(P〈0.01);与对照组比,运输应激后Beagle犬心率、活动度、呼吸频率、每分钟通气量和潮气量均显著增加(P〈0.01),RR间期、PR间期、皮肤温度均显著降低(P〈0.01),相关分析表明运输应激对Beagle犬心率、活动、皮肤温度和呼吸频率具有显著的相关性(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论运输应激可引起Beagle犬生理学指标的明显改变,但除皮肤温度外,运输应激(4 h)对Beagle犬昼夜节律变化破坏不明显;利用无创遥测技术平台可建立理想的Beagle犬生物模型,可用于动物福利和药理毒理学评价研究。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的生理应激反应及其生态适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应激反应是哺乳动物的基本生理现象之一。目前,与应激有关的研究主要来自生物医学和神经内分泌学。虽然Hans Selye 提出了个体对应激的普遍性适应综合症概念,但目前的研究还主要集中于应激对个体的负效应以及与应激相关的疾病研究。然而,从进化角度似乎很难理解在数亿年的进化过程中,动物应激反应仅简单地
进化为影响个体健康并导致个体患病的一种生理过程。本文从进化的角度,综述了应激反应与动物繁殖对策的关系以及个体对环境应激源的应对类型,并阐述了动物应激反应的适应和进化意义。  相似文献   

鱼类遭受低温胁迫易产生分子、细胞和组织损伤, 甚至导致个体死亡。鱼类机体细胞感受到低温刺激后, 通过多种应激通路将低温信号传递至细胞核, 启动低温应激反应, 建立新的胞内稳态, 从而增强抗寒能力。低温可激活鱼类内分泌系统释放皮质醇和甲状腺素等激素, 调控代谢、渗透压和免疫反应, 最终引起生理和行为变化。鱼类低温应激反应受表观遗传修饰、转录和翻译、前体RNA可变剪接和蛋白质翻译后修饰等多层级的复杂调控。目前, 采用多组学技术已经鉴定到大量与低温响应相关的效应基因和调控通路。研究表明, 能量代谢和抗氧化应激反应在鱼类抗寒能力的建成起着重要作用。其他环境因子(如低氧和盐度)及鱼体生理状态(如饥饿和营养)也影响鱼类对低温刺激的反应和抗寒能力。鉴定抗寒相关的分子标记并解析其关联基因的作用机制对鱼类的抗寒育种具有重要意义。  相似文献   

鱼类应激生物学研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,随着应激医学和动物应激生物学的发展,鱼类应激生物学的研究越来越为人们所关注。该文阐述了应激的概念、鱼类应激的发生及危害,主要从生理、行为方面介绍了目前国内外鱼类应激生物学最新的研究技术和方法,从苗种培育和改良、药物缓解、改善养殖环境、科学管理与规范化操作等方面介绍了相应的缓解措施。文章最后分析了鱼类应激生物学研究存在的问题,并对其发展前景进行了展望,旨在总结鱼类应激生物学的研究状况,为其在水产健康养殖及鱼类保护生物学等方面的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

实验以异育银鲫“中科3号”[Carassis gibelio var. CAS III, 平均体重(116.46±2.09) g)]为研究对象, 通过模拟汽车运输振动台模拟4h运输, 研究模拟运输对异育银鲫血液生理生化指标、体色和肉质及水质的影响。研究结果表明: 经过模拟运输后, 运鱼袋内水体氨氮显著升高(P<0.01), pH显著下降(P<0.05), 溶解氧含量升高(P<0.05)。模拟运输后异育银鲫血浆中皮质醇、葡萄糖和丙二醛浓度显著升高(P<0.01); 乳酸浓度显著降低(P<0.01); 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力显著降低(P<0.05); 超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活力降低但差异不显著(P>0.05)。在模拟运输4h后, 异育银鲫背部亮度值(L*)显著降低(P<0.01), 黄色值(b*)在背部和侧线部较模拟运输前显著降低(P<0.01), 在腹部较模拟运输前显著降低(P<0.05), 侧线部和腹部的亮度值(L*), 以及背部、侧线部和腹部的红色值(a*)下降但差异不显著(P>0.05)。在模拟运输后, 异育银鲫背肌内聚性、咀嚼性和回复性显著降低(P<0.05), 硬度、胶黏性、弹性和黏性变化但差异不显著(P>0.05)。实验结果表明, 4h模拟运输能够引起运鱼袋水体水质情况改变, 诱导异育银鲫鱼体的应激反应, 导致实验鱼体色和鱼肉品质相关指标的变化, 降低了鱼肉品质部分指标。  相似文献   

淡水鱼类功能多样性及其研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,群落功能多样性备受生态学界关注,被认为是能解决生态问题的一种重要途径。我国对于群落功能多样性主要集中在植物群落和微生物群落,而在鱼类群落方面的研究几乎是空白。我国鱼类资源正面临着严重威胁,包括水坝建设导致的鱼类通道受阻、水库形成造成鱼类产卵场功能消失、过度捕捞、水质恶化和富营养化加重、外来种入侵等因素,导致渔业资源急剧衰退,水生生态系统功能下降。以淡水鱼类群落为例,对鱼类功能多样性的数据获取及处理分析与评价、测定指标及计算方法与研究难点等进行综述,以期为鱼类资源保护提供新的理论依据和切入点。  相似文献   

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正由林浩然院士和张勇、卢丹琪、李水生完成的译著《鱼类应激生物学》(ISBN 978-7-306-06706-7)已于近日由中山大学出版社出版发行。本书为美国科学出版社2016年出版的"鱼类生理学"系列专著中的第35卷《鱼类应激生物学》(Biology of Stress in Fish)。它全面收集和总结了近三十多年来在鱼类应激生物学方面发表的科学著作和研究成果,内容包括:一、对应激的综合性论述—应激的概念,应激反应的生理特性,影响  相似文献   

目的 基于心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV)分析评估运输应激对Beagle犬自主神经功能的影响,并界定其恢复期.方法 16只Beagle犬随机分成两组(每组8只),即对照组和运输应激组,利用大动物无创生理信号遥测技术,分别监测清醒自由活动状态下对照组和运输应激组应激4 h后、恢复1、2、...  相似文献   

P. LΦVENDAHL 《动物学报》2006,52(4):681-689
本研究以泽西奶牛(Bostaurus)牛犊为对象,探讨温、热环境(30℃)下短暂暴露是否影响其体温、心跳和呼吸频率以及细胞和内分泌应激反应(皮质醇、甲状腺激素、牛生长激素及热应激蛋白72)。结果表明:热暴露导致呼吸频率和心率加快,体温显著升高,但幅度较小。在所研究的细胞和内分泌应激反应中,血浆甲状腺激素浓度略下降,肌肉热应激蛋白72的浓度稍增加。因此,尽管夏季饲养动物所经历的较高环境温度(但非极端温度)能影响泽西牛犊的生理,但是泽西牛犊能对温和的暂时性环境温度改变做出适应性反应。我们认为,直肠温度和细胞热应激蛋白72浓度是所研究参数中评价热胁迫降低动物福利的最适指标。  相似文献   

Stress-associated impacts of short-term holding on fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most sources of stress in aquaculture, fish salvage, stocking programs, and commercial and sport fisheries may be unavoidable. Collecting, handling, sorting, holding, and transporting are routine practices that can have significant effects on fish physiology and survival. Nevertheless, an understanding of the stressors affecting fish holding can lead to practices that reduce stress and its detrimental effects. The stress-related effects of short-term holding are influenced by water quality, confinement density, holding container design, and agonistic and predation-associated behaviors. Physiological demands (e.g., resulting from confinement-related stresses) exceeding a threshold level where the fish can no longer compensate may lead to debilitating effects. These effects can be manifested as suppressed immune systems; decreased growth, swimming performance, or reproductive capacity; even death. Furthermore, holding tolerance may depend upon the species, life stage, previous exposure to stress, and behavior of the held fish. Water quality is one of the most important contributors to fish health and stress level. Fish may be able to tolerate adverse water quality conditions; however, when combined with other stressors, fish may be quickly overcome by the resulting physiological challenges. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity, pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity, and hardness are the most common water quality parameters affecting physiological stress. Secondly, high fish densities in holding containers are the most common problem throughout aquaculture facilities, live-fish transfers, and fish salvage operations. Furthermore, the holding container design may also compromise the survival and immune function by affecting water quality, density and confinement, and aggressive interactions. Lastly, fishes held for relatively short durations are also influenced by negative interactions, associated with intraspecific and interspecific competition, cannibalism, predation, and determining nascent hierarchies. These interactions can be lethal (i.e., predation) or may act as a vector for pathogens to enter (i.e., bites and wounds). Predation may be a significant source of mortality for fisheries practices that do not sort by size or species while holding. Stress associated with short-term holding of fishes can have negative effects on overall health and well-being. These four aspects are major factors contributing to the physiology, behavior, and survival of fishes held for a relatively short time period.  相似文献   

Best practice approaches used in the live transport of commercial crustacean species groups are reviewed and the physiological responses to handling practices are described. Codes of practice aimed at providing technological guidelines in handling and transportation of live prawns, lobsters, crabs and freshwater crayfish are examined. While some handling and transport practices are common across species groups, for example purging and chilling, recommended practices vary with species group. The influence of stress responses on health and survival during live transport is discussed and research investigations on the effect of stressors, in particular air exposure, handling and physical disturbances and temperature fluctuations on physiological processes are reviewed for the six species groups, crabs, freshwater crayfish, clawed and spiny lobsters, freshwater prawns and marine prawns. Investigations on the assessment of immune responses to live transport stressors using haemograms, clotting times, phenoloxidase activity, phagocytic activity, bacteremia and antibacterial activity and haemolymph protein concentration are described. A combination of physiological parameters is desirable in the assessment of stress response or health status in crustacean species transported live to seafood markets.  相似文献   

Electromyogram (EMG) radio telemetry was used in conjunction with physiological biopsy to relate prior physiological condition and subsequent swimming energetics and behaviours to passage success of 13 wild adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka at a vertical-slot fishway on the Seton River, British Columbia. At the time of capture, plasma lactate, glucose and cortisol levels indicated that fish were not exhibiting unusually high levels of physiological stress. Very few differences existed between successful and unsuccessful fish in body size, initial plasma physiology and energy state and mean swim speed and energy use during passage. Generally, fish did not employ burst swimming during successful or failed attempts at passage, indicating that failure was probably not related to metabolic acidosis. Plasma Na+ concentration was significantly lower in unsuccessful fish ( P < 0·05), which is suggestive of a depressed ionic state or a possible stress component, although values in all fish were within an expected range for migrant adult O. nerka . Nevertheless, six of 13 fish failed to reascend the fishway and remained in the tailrace of the dam for more than a day on average before moving downstream and away from the dam. During this time, fish were observed actively seeking a means of passage, suggesting that there may have been other, undetermined causes of passage failure.  相似文献   

Plasma cortisol levels of fingerling rainbow trout were measured as an index of the stress resulting from various procedures used for transport of the fish for stocking. When transported under 'normal' conditions, which included water at the hatchery acclimation temperature (10–11°C), O2 saturation or supersaturation, and neutral pH, there was a marked increase in plasma cortisol levels within 0.5 h, which was maintained over the next 4 h of transport; there was a significant decrease in plasma cortisol by 8 h of transport. It was found that the plasma cortisol levels at 4 and 8 h were not appreciably altered by transport under partial O2 desaturation, O2 saturation, O2 supersaturation, or 0.5% NaCl, or by anaesthesia with tricaine methanesulfonate (MS 222) prior to capture and transport in MS 222-free water or 0.5% NaCl. A 15 min exposure to an immobilizing dose of buffered or unbuffered MS 222, or 2-phenoxyethanol, caused an increase in plasma cortisol of about 2 h duration, indicating that anaesthetics are themselves stressful. Exposure to chilled water (1° C) caused a large increase in plasma cortisol levels by 4 h after initiation of exposure; plasma cortisol had decreased at 1 day, and by 2 days a constant level was reached which was above the level in fingerling trout under 'normal' hatchery conditions. Trout acclimated to chilled water for 24 h and transported in chilled water had an increase in plasma cortisol during transport. Anaesthesia prior to transport or addition of salt did not reduce the stress of transport as judged by plasma cortisol levels. The results indicate that stress from capture and transport during stocking cannot be avoided using present methods.  相似文献   

Antarctic fish have a high polyunsaturated lipid content and their muscle cells have a high mitochondria density suggesting that Antarctic fish are under greater oxidative stress than temperate water fish. To test this hypothesis, the plasma concentrations of the antioxidant vitamins E and C were measured in two Antarctic fish species, Pagothenia borchgrevinki and Trematomus bernacchii, and compared with the plasma concentrations of these vitamins in two New Zealand temperate water fish species, blue cod (Parapercis colias) and banded wrasse (Notolabrus fucicola). Neither vitamin is known to be synthesised in fish and so must be obtained from the diet. The plasma from both Antarctic fish species had vitamin E concentrations five to six times higher than those found in the two temperate water fish species. However, significantly higher levels of vitamin C were only found in the plasma of T. bernacchii, a benthic Antarctic fish. The average level of vitamin C in the plasma of the cryopelagic P. borchgrevinki was approximately one-third that of T. bernacchii. The T. bernacchii plasma yielded a high range of vitamin C values, possibly reflecting differences in nutritional status among the animals captured. No beta-carotene was found in any of the fish plasma samples studied. The data suggest that even though Antarctic fish live at -1.5 degrees C they may be exposed to greater metabolic stress from free radical mediated oxidation than temperate water species.  相似文献   

Studies aimed to assess up to what extent farming and transport previous to slaughtering might affect physiology and meat quality in young goat kids are needed, with the ultimate purpose of promoting practices that minimize stress in these animals. In this regard the effects of on-farm management and transport duration on some physiological responses and meat quality parameters in goat kids were assessed. Two farms representing ‘high’ and ‘low’ welfare-friendly management practices were selected. In total, 32 suckling kids were withdrawn from each farm, transported by road for 2 or 6 h, and then slaughtered. Blood samples were collected both on-farm and in the slaughterhouse, and biochemistry, cell counts and haematocrit were determined. After slaughtering, carcass quality parameters were measured. Longissimus dorsi muscle was dissected and pH, colour parameters, water holding capacity and shear force were measured throughout 8-day ageing period. Results indicate that, regardless its duration, transport caused significant effects on some blood parameters suggesting stress in live animals, like glucose, cortisol or creatine kinase. Despite the marked stress status in animals, this condition was not decisively reflected on L. dorsi quality parameters, but some effects were observed regarding fat cover in carcasses and colour parameters. The results suggest that postmortem changes throughout ageing were more decisive in terms of meat quality than stressful management either on-farm or during transport.  相似文献   

Temperature influences both the physiology offish larvae and the physics of the flow conditions under which they swim. For small larvae in low Reynolds number (Re) hydrodynamic environments dominated by frictional drag, temperature‐induced changes in the physics of water flow have the greatest effect on swimming performance. For larger larvae, in higher Re environments, temperature‐induced changes in physiology become more important as larvae swim faster and changes in swimming patterns and mechanics occur. Physiological rates at different temperatures have been quantified using Q10s with the assumption that temperature only affected physiological variables. Consequently, Q10s that did not consider temperature‐induced changes in viscosity overestimated the effect of temperature on physiology by 58% and 56% in cold‐water herring and cod larvae respectively. In contrast, in warm‐water Danube bleak larvae, Q10s overestimated temperature‐induced effects on physiology by only 5–7%. This may be because in warm water, temperature‐induced changes affect viscosity to a smaller degree than in cold water. Temperature also affects muscle contractility and efficiency and at high swimming velocities, efficiency decreases more rapidly in cold‐exposed than in warm‐exposed muscle fibres. Further experiments are needed to determine whether temperature acts differently on swimming metabolism in different thermal environments. While hydrodynamic factors appear to be very important to larval fish swimming performance in cold water, they appear to lose importance in warm water where temperature effects on physiology dominate. This may suggest that major differences exist among locomotory capacities of larval fish that inhabit cold, temperate waters compared to those that live in warm tropical waters. It is possible that fish larvae may have developed strategies that affect dispersal and recruitment in different aquatic habitats in order to cope not only with temperature‐induced physiological challenges, but physical challenges as well.  相似文献   

Species differences in tolerance to environmental stressors can contribute to differences in species distribution and abundance along river gradients. Climate change and intensive agriculture are likely to have major effects on fish populations in temperate zones, yet understanding of the interactions between temperature and chemical stressors on fish physiology is limited. The objective of this study was to compare the stress responses of the Mountain Whitefish, (Prosopium williamsoni, a cold-water fish) and White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni, a cool-water fish), along a temperature and pesticide gradient in the Oldman River, Southern Alberta in spring and summer. Fish were seined, placed into an enclosure, and plasma cortisol, glucose, liver glycogen, and condition factor were measured. Plasma acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was used as an indicator of exposure to organophosphate and carbamates pesticides. Whitefish had lower plasma AChE activity and lower liver glycogen reserves compared to suckers at all sites and all sampling times but the differences in plasma cortisol were not species-specific and there were no differences in plasma glucose levels, except at one site. Plasma cortisol increased, and plasma glucose decreased along a downstream river gradient in whitefish in both spring and summer; in sucker only plasma cortisol fluctuated and only in the summer. Liver glycogen decreased along the river gradient in both species at both seasons. Our study detected important species-specific differences in AChE activities and responses of the physiological stress axis, suggesting that whitefish are more sensitive to temperature and pesticide stress than suckers.  相似文献   

There are accumulating reports showing that the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a significant effect on the population dynamics of marine fishes. However, the influence of ENSO on the physiology of fishes, as possible components of those ecological changes in fish populations, is not fully understood. This study investigated the cellular, physiological, and organismal stress responses in a wild fish population under natural thermal stress. The sea surface temperature at the subtropical ocean of Okinawa, Japan, was the highest in the last 10 years (>32°C) during the summer of 1998 with a strong ENSO. To examine the effects of those unusually warm ocean temperatures on fish, we compared tissue 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) levels and growth rates between the ENSO summer of 1998 and the normal summer of 1999 in a common fish species in Okinawa, the Indo-Pacific sergeant, Abudefduf vaigiensis. We also conducted a complementary heat shock experiment in the laboratory. The field collected Indo-Pacific sergeant had significantly higher muscle HSP70 levels in 1998 than 1999. Higher muscle HSP70 and plasma cortisol levels were observed at 32°C than at 28°C in the laboratory heat shock experiment, indicating that the highest summer ocean temperature in 1998 was sufficient for the fish to up-regulate the cellular and physiological stress responses. In support of this effect, otoliths showed slower growth rates of the fish during the summer of 1998; this may reflect the significant energetic cost of these stress responses.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the main procedures used to slaughter fowl, pigs, calves and adult cattle, sheep, and farmed fish, starting on the farm and ending with the death of the animal at the abattoir. It reviews the currently known causes of stress, indicated by behavioural and physiological measurements on the animal level, and by post-mortem muscle metabolism. During the pre-slaughter period, psychological stress is due to changes of environment, social disturbances and handling, and physical stress is due to food deprivation, climatic conditions, fatigue, and sometimes pain. The exact causes of stress depend, however, on the characteristics of each species, including the rearing system. For fowl, bird catching and crating, duration and climatic conditions of transport and of lairage and shackling are the main known pre-slaughter stress factors. For pigs, stress is caused by fighting during mixing of pens, loading and unloading conditions, and introduction in the restrainer. Handling and novelty of the situation contribute to the stress reactions. For veal calves and adult cattle, disruption of the social group, handling, loading and sometimes unloading conditions, fatigue, novelty of the situation and for calves mixing with unfamiliar animals are known stress factors. Gathering and yarding of extensively reared lambs and sheep causes stress, particularly when shepherd dogs are used. Subsequent transport may induce fatigue, especially if sheep are commercialised through auctions or markets. In farmed fish, stress is predominantly related to environmental aspects such as temperature, oxygen, cleanliness of the water and, to a certain extent, stocking density and removal of the fish from the water. If transport and lairage conditions are good and their durations not too long, they may allow pigs, calves and adult cattle, sheep, and fish to rest. For certain species, it was shown that genetic origin and earlier experience influence reactions to the slaughter procedure. Stunning techniques used depend on the species. Pigs and fowl are mostly electrically or gas-stunned, while most adult cattle are stunned with a captive bolt pistol. Calves and sheep may be electrically stunned or with a captive bolt pistol. Various stunning methods exist for the different farmed fish species. Potential causes of stress associated with the different stunning procedures are discussed. The paper addresses further consequences for meat quality and possible itineraries for future research. For all species, and most urgently for fish, more knowledge is needed on stunning and killing techniques, including gas-stunning techniques, to protect welfare.  相似文献   

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