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附生兰科植物是热带林附生植物的主要类群之一,对于维持热带林生态系统的物种多样性及生态功能具有重要的作用。以海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区内的6种热带原始林类型(热带季雨林、低地雨林、热带针叶林、山地雨林、山地常绿林及山顶矮林)中的附生兰科植物为研究对象,通过样带调查(每个森林类型设置12个10m×50m的样带,记录每个样带内胸径(DBH)≥5cm的树木及藤本上附生兰科植物的物种名称、株数及附生位置)分析了附生兰科植物的物种多样性、附生位置及其在不同森林类型中的分布规律。结果表明:1)3.6hm2森林调查样带内共记录到附生兰科植物9634株,分属于26属60种;2)除趋势对应分析(DCA)结果表明,6种森林类型中的附生兰科植物可分成5组(其中,山地常绿林与山顶矮林内的附生兰科植物归为一组);3)分布海拔范围相临近的森林类型的附生兰科植物具有较高的相似性,山地常绿林和山顶矮林附生兰科植物的相似性最高(88.9%);4)6种森林类型中,较高海拔的3种森林类型(山地雨林、山地常绿林和山顶矮林)中,附生兰科植物的丰富度和多度均显著高于其在较低海拔的3种森林类型(热带季雨林、低地雨林和热带针叶林),其中,附生兰科植物在山地常绿林内的丰富度和多度均最高;5)热带季雨林、低地雨林、热带针叶林及山地雨林内,宿主冠区附生兰科植物的多度均高于干区;山地常绿林内两者之间无显著差异;而山顶矮林干区的附生兰科植物的多度高于冠区;6)调查木上附生兰科植物的发生率在高海拔森林类型均高于其在低海拔森林类型,各森林类型内附生兰科植物的多度及物种丰富度与宿主胸径均存在显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

为了掌握海南主要陆域自然保护地内野生兰科植物的物种多样性现状以及制约其发展的关键生境因子,对该地区进行兰科植物资源调查并分析兰科植物多样性的空间分布格局,进一步采用典范对应分析(CCA)探索生境因子对兰科植物组成的影响,最后运用广义线性模型(GLM)框架下的负二项回归拟合兰科植物丰富度和多度对生境变异的响应。结果表明:(1)共发现兰科植物67属193种,为海南兰科植物分布的绝对中心。(2)水平方向上,霸王岭兰科植物丰富度高但居群相对拥挤,而五指山最大的海拔落差带来了更加多样化的小生境类型和宽阔的生存空间,孕育了种类丰富且分布均匀的兰科植物资源。(3)垂直方向上,中海拔地区兰科植物种类最为丰富且种间竞争较为激烈,高海拔地区则存在明显的优势类群。(4)海拔变化对兰科植物物种组成变异有着非常高的解释率,而喀斯特和河谷地貌的显著影响也不容忽视。(5)多因子综合作用共同影响着兰科植物的多样性,其中坡度、河谷地貌、喀斯特地貌的显著正效应和枫香林的显著负效应受其他协变量的影响较小,是驱动兰科植物丰富度和多度变化的关键生境因子。综上所述,中高海拔地区以及特殊地貌(如河谷和喀斯特地貌)应作为兰科植物多样性的优先保护区域。  相似文献   

四川蜂桶寨国家自然保护区地表甲虫物种多样性   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:25  
在四川雅安蜂桶寨国家自然保护区(102°48′~103°18′ E,30°42′~30°54′ N)及其周边地区,就森林片段化和生态恢复程度的不同,选择4个代表地点,即位于保护区核心地带、以阔叶混交林为主的蜂桶寨天然林区(海拔1680~2080 m),受到经济开发干扰但植被类型丰富的锅巴岩天然林区(海拔2 280~3 340 m)、以人工针叶林进行生态恢复的蚂蝗沟人工林区(海拔2430~2525 m),以及森林高度片段化的双石镇农耕区(海拔870~1 165 m),共设26块样地,以巴氏罐诱法为主研究地表甲虫的群落组成和多样性变化。本研究共采集甲虫标本 2.338 号,隐翅虫数量最多,占39.6%;步甲次之,占29.3%,拟步甲、象甲和叶甲的数量也各在5% 以上,它们共同构成该地区地表甲虫的优势类群。锅巴岩物种的个体数量和丰富度(S)以及多样性指数(H′)较高;蚂蝗沟均匀度指数(J)较高,丰富度较低;蜂桶寨天然林区个体数量较少;双石镇农耕区的多样性和均匀度指数较低。锅巴岩、蜂桶寨和蚂蝗沟间物种分布都有一定程度的相似性,但后两者相似性程度更高,双石镇物种分布与其他3个地点差异较大,这反映了不同地点间的生境异质性和森林植被片段化程度的差异。整个鞘翅目、隐翅虫科和步甲科的个体数量分布在针叶林内较多,在阔叶林内较少;拟步甲科的数量分布在高山灌丛内较多;叶甲科的数量分布在针叶林较多;象甲科除了竹林外,在其他植被内的数量均较多。在总体趋势上,随着海拔的升高,在蜂桶寨和锅巴岩两个邻近的天然林地点,整个鞘翅目以及优势甲虫类群的种类和个体数量也逐渐增多。比较蜂桶寨林区内的个体数量、丰富度和多样性指数,北坡均大于南坡。以上结果表明,物种多样性与海拔、坡向以及生境类型密切相关,森林片段化和生态恢复对物种多样性有显著的影响。因此,在改善森林片段化进行生态恢复时,采取合理措施,增加生境异质性,有助于提高该地区地表甲虫物种多样性。  相似文献   

于2019~2022年对广东象头山国家级自然保护区内的兰科植物进行专项调查,记录兰科植物种类、数量、生活型、海拔、生境等信息,分析保护区内兰科植物的垂直分布格局,并根据《广东高等植物红色名录》和《国家重点保护野生植物名录》对各海拔高度兰花濒危等级的物种数量进行统计。结果显示:(1) 实地记录兰科植物33属48种,多数种类种群数量较少;(2) 随着海拔上升,各海拔梯度的兰科植物总种数和不同生活型的种数均呈现“中间高度膨胀型”分布特点,峰值在中低海拔区域;(3) 濒危物种主要集中在海拔200~500 m区间;(4) 相邻海拔段的兰科植物种类相似性系数较高,垂直梯度差异越大,相似性系数越小。低海拔地区可能由于人为干扰频繁,兰科植物物种多样性较低;中海拔物种多样性最丰富;高海拔地区生长环境较苛刻,物种数量较少。  相似文献   

中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(简称“版纳植物园”)保存着上万种植物,且生境多样,具有较高的蝴蝶多样性。本研究选择三类代表性生境:片段化雨林、次生林和专类园,聚焦于环境指示物种蝴蝶这一类群,通过样线法系统调查一年内蝴蝶多样性及其变化。观测结果显示:蝴蝶在版纳植物园内全年发生,共调查到其成虫5科126属218种6 015头,其中蛱蝶科多样性最高。蝴蝶种类及数量随月动态变化,生境间有差异,7-8月种类和数量达到最高峰;1月种类最少,而5-6月数量最低;每月均出现的种类仅有12种,绝大部分种类分散发生于不同月份。影响蝴蝶群落多样性的气候因子中,月最高温显著影响蝴蝶群落的物种丰富度和数量,月最低温显著影响物种丰富度、香农多样性和辛普森多样性,月平均温仅显著影响香农多样性。在版纳的三个典型季节中蝴蝶多样性存在差异,雨季物种丰富度最高,干热季香农和辛普森指数最高;雨季和雾凉季蝴蝶群落组成差异大,仅雾凉季与干热季的蝴蝶群落呈现中等程度相似。此外,在片段化雨林、次生林和专类园这3种不同生境中,蝴蝶群落组成也存在差异,蝴蝶物种丰富度和香农指数在次生林中最高,而辛普森指数则是片段化雨林最高;仅次生林与片段化雨林的蝴蝶群落呈现出中等程度相似。本研究揭示了版纳植物园蝴蝶群落的种类组成与月动态变化规律,并明确了不同季节和生境中蝴蝶群落的多样性变化,可为区域蝴蝶多样性观测及保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

兰科是单子叶植物最大的科和被子植物中的第二大科.兰科植物物种多样性的海拔梯度格局因地域或坡向不同而呈不同趋势.南岭国家级自然保护区地处南岭山脉中段南坡,植物资源丰富.作者对南岭国家级自然保护区兰科植物进行了为期4年的调查,记录了其种类、数量、生活型、海拔、生境,分析了其区系成分,并依据IUCN(2001)濒危物种红色名录及保护区的具体情况对其濒危等级进行了评估.从海拔230-1,902m,每200 m分段,共划分为9个海拔段分析其垂直分布格局.结果显示:(1)实地记录兰科植物38属70种,大多数种类数量较少,乳阳管理处的种类最为丰富;(2)随着海拔的上升,总体兰科植物以及不同生活型的兰科植物物种数量均呈现"中间高度膨胀型"而峰值偏向低海拔的特点;(3)濒危物种主要集中在600-1,000 m人为活动稀少、环境好的小生境中;(4)800-1,000 m的区系成分最丰富,热带性质的兰花多数分布在海拔1,600 m以下;(5)相邻海拔段的兰科植物种类的相似性系数较高;海拔段相隔越远,相似性系数越小.小生境和水分条件对于兰科植物的生长非常重要,中海拔具有良好的水热条件,因此物种多样性最高;而低海拔地区的人为破坏使得该海拔段兰科植物物种的多样性显著降低.  相似文献   

附生植物是森林生态系统中的重要结构性成分,对于维持森林生态系统物种多样性及生态系统功能均具有重要意义。该研究对云南普洱市太阳河省级自然保护区内季风常绿阔叶林5种微生境(陡坡、缓坡、高谷、沟谷和山脊)的附生维管植物组成进行野外实地调查,并结合地形数据和其他环境数据,分析了附生维管植物的多样性及其与微生境的关系。结果表明:(1)研究区季风常绿阔叶林中共记录附生维管植物97种12 302株,分属16科45属;物种 多度曲线显示,隐柄尖嘴蕨(Belvisia henryi)、带状书带蕨(Vittaria doniana)、半圆盖阴石蕨(Humata platylepis)等3个物种优势明显。(2)山脊生境中附生维管植物具有更高的物种多样性和个体多度,而缓坡、沟谷生境中附生维管植物个体多度均较低。(3)在不同径级以及不同高度宿主之间的附生维管植物丰富度均具有显著差异(P<0.05),物种主要分布在中小径级宿主及林木树干中下部位。(4)影响附生维管植物物种丰富度、个体多度的主要环境变量为海拔高度、光照强度、温度;回归分析表明,附生维管植物物种丰富度与海拔高度呈线性正相关关系、与光照强度呈线性负相关关系;附生维管植物物种个体多度与光照强度呈线性负相关关系,与海拔高度和温度均呈线性正相关关系。  相似文献   

本研究采用垂直面取样法,对中国长白山北坡不同海拔及干扰程度下访花食蚜蝇群落的物种组成、多度、丰富度及多样性进行了调查研究。我们选择了不同垂直带的两个样地,分别位于800~1 100 m和1 750 ~2 150 m;每个样地选取3种生境类型,每一生境类型采样面积为20 m×20 m。252组调查数据表明,共采到访花食蚜蝇42种2 540个体。不同海拔生境访花食蚜蝇的组成、多度、丰富度及多样性的差异分析结果表明: 低海拔样地内不同生境访花食蚜蝇的群落相似性高于高海拔样地;低海拔样地访花食蚜蝇的多度高于高海拔样地,而物种丰富度低于高海拔样地;不同生境类型访花食蚜蝇多样性指数存在差异,但高海拔样地与低海拔样地多样性差异不显著;过渡林生境(岳桦林带)与次生林生境(针阔混交林带Ⅱ)中访花食蚜蝇的多样性较高。保护珍稀植物物种的人工植物花园访花食蚜蝇多样性仅次于过渡林生境(岳桦林带)与次生林生境(针阔混交林带Ⅱ),保护作用显著。  相似文献   

怒江河谷低海拔地区残存原生植被中兰科植物多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解怒江河谷低海拔地区的生物多样性,我们以兰科植物为例,对怒江河谷贡山和福贡段海拔1,600m以下的4片残留原生植被中的兰科植物多样性和受威胁状况进行了调查.通过4次野外路线法考察和相关的室内标本研究,发现这些残存的森林中兰科植物多样性非常丰富,目前已记录33个属60种兰科植物,其中附生兰为42种,地生兰为18种.在己鉴定的物种中,一种毛兰属植物(Eria sp.)为中国新记录种或新种,疣花三角兰(Trias verrucosa)为怒江河谷特有,洛氏羊耳蒜(Liparis rockii)为怒江河谷和独龙江河谷所特有,杓兰属一种(Cypripedium sp.)、盆距兰(Gastrochilus calceolaris)、羽唇兰(Ornitochilus difformis)、带叶兰(TaeniophyHum glandulosum)、匙萼卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum spathulatum),短穗竹茎兰(Tropidia curculigoides),卵叶火烧兰(Epipactisroyleana)等为本区域新记录种.这些兰科植物面临的主要威胁为生境破碎化、生境质量下降和生境丧失.我们建议尽快开展该地区生物多样性调查和濒危状况评估,并制定和实施有效的保护措施.  相似文献   

秦岭是中国野生兰科植物最为丰富和区系分化率最高的地区之一,但是有关该地区兰科植物的系统整理尚未见到,本研究为秦岭兰科植物资源保护提供基础数据支持,为今后秦岭国家公园建设和生物的重点区域进行了补充调查和标本采集,形成了秦岭地区兰科植物名录,依据中国种子植物分布区类型的划分方法以及GIS软件,分析它们的属种特征、区系成分以及空间分布格局。秦岭兰科植物有52属149种,其中中国特有种70种,占总种数的47%;生活型有地生型、附生型、半附生型和腐生型,以地生型为主;秦岭兰科植物主要分布在海拔800~3 400 m;热点地区为陇南西南山地、太白-佛坪山地、伏牛山地。同时,在区系分析的基础上,提出秦岭兰科植物的区系特征,发现:(1)种类丰富,温带性质显著;(2)起源古老,新老兼并;(3)特有成分繁多;(4)珍稀濒危保护植物聚集;(5)丰富度随生境的变化而不同。秦岭兰科植物地理区系研究为植物生物多样性的保护提供基础数据支持,在秦岭植物多样性研究方面具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

对西双纳不同面积“龙山”片断干性季节雨林和保护区连续湿性季节雨淋凋落物层土壤动物群落多样性研究表明,土壤动物群落物种丰盛度,多度和多样性的变化不顾在随雨林片断化面积减少而降低的“种-面积效应”,而雨林片断化后因先锋植物(喜阳性)侵入产生的“干暖效应”,使片断雨林凋落物增多,腐殖质,土壤有机质,N,P等元素含量增高,土壤生境条件更有利于土壤动物生存,其群落多样性指数高于连续湿性季节雨林,但2种生境土壤动物群落种-多度模型均表现为对数级模式。  相似文献   

Three fragmented rain forests and one primary forest in southern Yunnan were plotted. The microclimate and soil conditions of these forests were also studied. The following conclusions were drawn: (1) The microclimatic differences between inside and outside forest are less in the fragmented forests than in the primary forest, which indicates that the buffer effects to climatic change have been reduced in the fragmented forests. The soil has deteriorated to some extent due to forest fragmentation. (2) In species composition, especially the abundance of some species and the dominant ranks of some families have changed with fragmentation. Barringtonia macrostachya, the most dominant species in the control primary forest, disappeared from the fragmented forests, while Antiaris toxicaria, which is a characteristic but not dominant species in the primary forest, is dominant in fragmented forests. (3) The total number of species per plot was reduced in the fragmented forests and the more seriously disturbed the fragment was, the more the species richness diminished. (4) In life form spectra, the liana and microphanerophyte species increased, but epiphyte, megaphanerophyte, mesophanerophyte and chamaephyte species decreased in the fragmented forests. (5) The plant species diversity is generally lower in the fragmented forests than in the primary forest, although for some life forms it could be higher. (6) The tree species with small populations could be lost first in the process of rain forest fragmentation. (7) The heliophilous or pioneer tree species increased and the shade-tolerant species were reduced in the fragmented forests.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions play an important role in the assembly and stability of communities. All orchids depend on mycobionts for early establishment, but whether individual orchid species depend on a specific or broad spectrum of mycobionts is still a matter of debate. Tulasnellaceae (Basidiomycota) is the richest and most widespread mycobiont worldwide. We assessed Tulasnellaceae richness in epiphytic and terrestrial orchids in different habitats, and evaluated the degree of generalism in orchid-Tulasnellaceae interactions and the robustness of this mutualistic system to the extinction of mycobiont partners. We sampled 114 orchid individuals including all common and rare species in 56 plots of 1 m2 in 3 habitats: pristine forest, regenerating forest and a landslide site in a tropical montane rainforest in Southern Ecuador. We found 52 orchid and 29 Tulasnellaceae species. The composition of Tulasnellaceae OTUs was moderately to highly similar across habitats and between orchid growth forms. A significantly nested network architecture indicated the existence of a core of generalist Tulasnellaceae OTUs interacting with both rare and common orchids. Terrestrial and epiphytic orchids showed significant differences in robustness to the extinction of their Tulasnellaceae mycobionts. Thus, generalist mycobionts may be relevant for the preservation of hyperdiverse orchid communities in the tropics.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major driver of biodiversity loss. Yet, the overall effects of fragmentation on biodiversity may be obscured by differences in responses among species. These opposing responses to fragmentation may be manifest in higher variability in species richness and abundance (termed hyperdynamism), and in predictable changes in community composition. We tested whether forest fragmentation causes long-term hyperdynamism in butterfly communities, a taxon that naturally displays large variations in species richness and community composition. Using a dataset from an experimentally fragmented landscape in the central Amazon that spanned 11 years, we evaluated the effect of fragmentation on changes in species richness and community composition through time. Overall, adjusted species richness (adjusted for survey duration) did not differ between fragmented forest and intact forest. However, spatial and temporal variation of adjusted species richness was significantly higher in fragmented forests relative to intact forest. This variation was associated with changes in butterfly community composition, specifically lower proportions of understory shade species and higher proportions of edge species in fragmented forest. Analysis of rarefied species richness, estimated using indices of butterfly abundance, showed no differences between fragmented and intact forest plots in spatial or temporal variation. These results do not contradict the results from adjusted species richness, but rather suggest that higher variability in butterfly adjusted species richness may be explained by changes in butterfly abundance. Combined, these results indicate that butterfly communities in fragmented tropical forests are more variable than in intact forest, and that the natural variability of butterflies was not a buffer against the effects of fragmentation on community dynamics.  相似文献   

Associations between epiphytes and their hosts are among the main factors affecting the biodiversity and distribution of epiphytes. While several previous studies explored the association between epiphyte diversity and host characteristics, very little is known about the generality of such associations at larger spatial scales. We aim to explore the associations between diversity and distribution of epiphytic orchids and host characteristics in different localities in Nepal. Epiphytic orchids and their hosts were recorded along the transects in total of 23,539 host individuals. To describe the diversity of orchids in the different localities, a rarefaction function was used. Univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to explore the associations with locality, host characteristics, and their interactions with locality. In total, we recorded 141 species of orchids growing on 192 host species. The five localities significantly differed in orchid diversity and abundance. The number of orchid individuals per host species significantly increased with increasing number of host individuals. Species richness, abundances, occupancy of orchid species on host species and composition of orchids varied across the localities. Species richness and abundance was significantly higher on hosts in the higher strata and differed between families of host species. Abundance was higher on evergreen hosts. Composition of orchid communities are also associated with host characteristics, such as habit (shrub/tree/climber), bark texture, nature (deciduous/evergreen) and the plant families of host species. This study revealed a high diversity of epiphytic orchids in the localities studied and strong associations between the orchids and their hosts. Future studies looking at the relationships between epiphyte communities and host characteristics need to identify relationships at a wider scale in order to determine whether they are really general rather than site-specific.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests have been less studied in terms of their resident epiphyte flora compared to wet forests. We studied five species of epiphytic orchids in two dry forest fragments differing in tree composition, stature and rainfall regime. We compared the vertical distribution within the host tree, epiphyte-host associations and seasonal variation in microclimatic conditions in a tropical dry deciduous (Celestún) and a semi-deciduous forest (Kaxil-Kiuic) of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, during the wet, early dry and dry seasons. Light, vapor pressure deficit, air temperature, and dew were measured on two heights (1.5 and 3.5 m) of the host with the highest abundance of orchids. Surprisingly, orchid abundance was higher in the Celestún deciduous forest, the site with low precipitation. High epiphyte abundance in the middle canopy stratum of the hosts in both forests was arguably related to a favorable combination of micro-environmental factors. In both forests, about 90% of all orchids grew on a single host tree species. Although bark roughness and the area of the substrate were the most important host characteristics that influenced the abundance of orchids in the Celestún deciduous forest, this did not explain this preference. Climatic variation was greater among seasons than between microenvironments in the host trees. The most abundant species, Encyclia nematocaulon, had a great capacity to occupy different strata in both forests, even in tree tops with very large micro-environmental fluctuations during the year.  相似文献   

As natural forest ecosystems increasingly face pressure from deforestation, it is ever more important to understand the impacts of habitat fragmentation and degradation on biodiversity. Most studies of anthropogenic change in the tropics come from Southeast Asia and South America, and impacts of habitat modification are often taxon‐specific. Here we empirically assessed the impact of habitat fragmentation and recent (within 25 yr) and historic (>25 yr ago) selective logging on the diversity of ants in the Kakamega rain forest in western Kenya, and asked whether these forms of degradation interact as multiple stressors. We found that the severity of recent selective logging was negatively related to overall species richness and abundance as well as the richness and abundance of forest specialists, but found no detrimental effect of past selective logging or habitat fragmentation on ant diversity, although habitat fragment size was correlated with estimated species richness. There was also no effect of any form of habitat degradation on the richness or abundance of open habitat specialists, even though these species often exploit niches created in disturbed environments. Ultimately, this study reveals the detrimental impact of even moderate forms of habitat degradation on insect biodiversity in the understudied African rain forests.  相似文献   

Tropical forests harbor diverse ecological communities of plants and animals that are organized in complex interaction networks. The diversity and structure of plant–animal interaction networks may change along elevational gradients and in response to human‐induced habitat fragmentation. While previous studies have analyzed the effects of elevation and forest fragmentation on species interaction networks in isolation, to our knowledge no study has investigated whether the effects of forest fragmentation on species interactions may differ along elevational gradients. In this study, we analyzed main and interaction effects of elevation and forest fragmentation on plant–frugivore interaction networks at plant and bird species level. Over a period spanning two years, we recorded plant–frugivore interactions at three elevations (1000, 2000 and 3000 m a.s.l.) and in two habitat types (continuous and fragmented forest) in tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador. We found a consistent effect of elevation on the structure of plant–frugivore networks. We observed a decrease in the number of effective bird partners of plants and, thus, a decline in the redundancy of bird species with increasing elevation. Furthermore, bird specialization on specific plant partners increased towards high elevations. Fragmentation had a relatively weak effect on the interaction networks for both plant and bird species, but resulted in a significant increase in bird specialization in fragmented forests at high elevations. Our results indicate that forest fragmentation may have stronger effects on plant–frugivore interaction networks at high compared to low elevations because bird species richness declined more steeply towards high elevations than plant species richness. We conclude that conservation efforts should prioritize the maintenance of consumer diversity, for instance by maintaining stretches of continuous forest. This applies in particular to species‐poor communities, such as those at high elevations, as the ecological processes in these communities seem most sensitive towards forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

滇南热带雨林物种多样性的取样面积探讨   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
通过不同面积样方种数的比较、物种多样性指数等的计算和逐步扩大样地面积的调查, 本文研究了滇南热带雨林种数/面积关系、个体/种数关系、物种多样性及树种的频度分布规律, 认为滇南热带雨林群落学调查的最适取样(样方)面积是0.25 hm2, 这个面积接近该类型热带雨林理论上的群落最小表现面积。 为能体现一个具体森林(群落)类型的基本的植物区系组成, 需设置4~5个这样的样方(总面积累计1 hm2以上)。从与世界不同地区热带雨林的比较亦可见,云南热带雨林有类似的树种频度分布规律,单位面积上的物种多样性比典型的东南亚低地热带雨林稍低,但比非洲的热带雨林要高。  相似文献   

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